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The “disease x” pandemic threatens vaccinated inhabitants of the earth

The “disease x” pandemic threatens vaccinated inhabitants of the earth

The “disease x” pandemic threatens vaccinated inhabitants of the earth – a virologist from Belgium

Scientists are sounding the alarm and warning of a “mass tsunami” of illnesses and deaths from coronavirus approaching the planet… among vaccinated inhabitants of the Earth. As Dr. Bossche from Belgium said, they are threatened by a pandemic of “disease X”.
The head of the Department of Environmental Sanitation at Ghent University in Belgium, virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, said that the world is facing a new global pandemic that will lead to mass deaths among vaccinated people, InfoWars reports. He stated that this would happen due to the fact that mass vaccinations have weakened the immunity of humanity.
According to Bossche, initially the spread of COVID-19 was a consequence of a natural viral pandemic, but total vaccination led to catastrophic consequences for the immune system. He added that “nature will correct this mistake” at the cost of a large number of human casualties. Moreover, this wave of deaths, in his opinion, will be of colossal proportions.
You’ll see what happens, for example, in the coming weeks. There will be more and more cases of more serious long COVID. They will begin to supplant the surge in cancer. Now we are in a chronic phase,” he says.
Already today, according to his statistics, the number of COVID infections, which are distinguished by the severity and duration of their course, is growing. And he expects the trend to continue.
According to the scientist, hospitals will not be able to cope with the new flow of patients. Accordingly, this could lead to the collapse of the medical field. Financial, social and economic crises may follow. According to Bossche, the main patients will be highly vaccinated people due to their depleted immunity.
AstraZeneca previously announced the withdrawal of its own vaccine against COVID-19 from all markets. The reason was a court decision that the use of the drug can cause a rare thrombosis with the subsequent occurrence of thrombocytopenia syndrome.
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