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The Vatican is preparing to enable 6G and Blue Beam

The Vatican is preparing to enable 6G and Blue Beam

The Vatican is preparing to enable 6G and Blue Beam  The Vatican is preparing to release a document providing guidelines for recognizing supernatural phenomena.
The Holy See Press Office announced that the upcoming document will be published on May 17 at a live press conference with the participation of the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez.
Fernandez previously said the dicastery was “finalizing a new text with clear guidelines and norms for recognizing ghosts and other phenomena,” according to the National Catholic Register.
“Vision” refers to the occasion when a divine entity—such as a saint, the Virgin Mary, or Christ himself—is revealed to a person on Earth. This concept is a recurring theme in the Bible, and most Christian denominations affirm the belief that similar contacts with the supernatural can still occur today in various aspects.
The Catholic Church urges “extreme caution” before attributing phenomena to supernatural power, warning that being too quick to attribute explainable phenomena to divine origins can damage faith and distort beliefs.
Alleged apparitions are usually documented and thoroughly investigated by the diocesan bishop’s office and then sent to Rome for further investigation.
Comment from the Editors of The Big The One: Catholic priests have been sitting in Rome for about 1000 years, which is quite enough to create this kind of instructions and documents. And they are there – the Vatican sent entire delegations of renowned experts to the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fatima in 1917 and in Garabandal in 1961. And what, they all worked without guiding and inspiring documents? 
Moreover, all this fuss in the papal office surprisingly coincided with similar document flow at NASA and the Pentagon. They have also been meeting there for several years, classifying, creating commissions on UFOs, and so on. All this suggests that there will soon be many miracles. 
It is not yet clear what miracles will manifest themselves in. Maybe Blue Beam will be turned on, maybe hallucinogenic sprays will begin to be sprayed from planes and helicopters. Or will it be 6G. Or guests from distant stars openly wandering the streets. 
It looks like H-time is approaching, so let’s keep an eye on developments.
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