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August 31

In the past it was easy to make choices based on what you would do for many years. The energies moved much slower and thus had greater predictability, and this enforced the idea of making a decision and sticking to it. This gave you a sense of control and security. This supported all or nothing thinking (if you were committing to something it would be for a very long time) and also the idea that you could only do one thing.
But the energies of today are much, much different. The energies are not only very fast moving, they are multi-dimensional. This means they hold many different choices and opportunities for you and they are supporting stepping forward as empowered co-creators. So expecting that you can make a decision that will have only one option and expecting it to stay the same is trying to apply old energy thinking to unprecedented creational energies.
The energies of today hold promise, potential, and possibility. They also require you to embrace the idea of unfoldment. The way to work in these types of energies is to make decisions from one Now moment to the next, to flow and continue to co-create as more information comes in. You begin to learn that unlike the old energies where result was of the utmost importance, the value is in experience which leads to your own expansion, freedom, and joyful self expression.
To try to choose only one unmovable thing expecting it to be a match to you in years to come would be to choose constraint for yourself. It would be trying to stay the same in a time of great evolution. Think of when television first came out. Most of you only had one or two channels to choose from in black and white. That is like the old energies. You now have a myriad of channels to choose from that have enhanced colour and sound. You understand that the choices add to your satisfaction and enjoyment and if you try something and don’t like it, you can choose again. The same it is with the endless potentials that are now showing up for you on your planet.
So be easy. Release the idea that you have to have it all figured out and embrace the wonderful freedom and satisfaction that comes from only needing to make decisions based on what feels right to you in any given moment. Navigating in this new way is what will allow you to start to enjoy the magic and wonder of unfoldment, and the remarkable amount of choice you have now on your planet.

August 30

Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that you are still integrating. So many of you think that because the events that resulted in such intense energetic rebooting are over, so should be their effects. We cannot express enough what a profound shift you have gone through.
It will take a while for you to fully assimilate the energetic changes and comprehend how transformative they have been. Continue to listen to your body and give it what it is asking for. Rest and grounding are particularly important. Resisting or ignoring those needs will only prolong the process.
If you allow yourself to give yourself what you intuitively know you need, even if it is different from what others report requiring, you will move through the process with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible. This is about the body at this stage, and nurturing it through these changes is top priority.
You will know you are making progress and coming out the other side of this corridor of transformation when you start to notice spontaneous pockets of greater comfort starting to occur, much like rays of light poking through the clouds after a storm. Again we tell you you have done a magnificent job navigating it all. You would be absolutely in awe of all you have accomplished if you could see it from our perspective. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 29

Dear Ones, you are either giving or receiving. Much like an in-breath and an out-breath, you cannot do both at the same time. What this means is if you decide to be a transmitter, you cannot pick up other people’s energies. Do you see? If you find yourself being affected by the energies of others, make an intention to align and shine your love and light instead. You are always in charge of your energetics and you get to choose what you lead with and what mode you are showing up in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 28

It is well accepted among enlightening human beings that your circumstances will mirror back to you what you may wish to shift, heal, or work on. But have you ever considered that the world also mirrors back to you what you excel at?
Every time you see beauty, you recognize it because that same beauty exists in you. Every time you see an act of love, of compassion, of kindness, it is because you hold that trait and can recognize it. Every time you admire wisdom in another it is because you hold wisdom within yourself. Every time you see a sign of alignment, it is because that alignment also exists in you.
Isn’t it time to celebrate the amazing aspects of you that are waiting for your acknowledgement? The more you see the beauty and magic around you, the more you know the beauty and magic within you, and vice versa. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 26

Change is such a vital part of your enlightenment journey, yet so many of you have negative feelings, fear, or resistance towards change. So we suggest, why not substitute the word change for something else that feels better to you, that you find easier to embrace?
Feel into it. Check in with your body. Try on different words. Find which one feels best to you. Is it expansion? Freedom? Metamorphosis? Transformation? Advancement? Shift? Refinement? Betterment? Unfoldment?
You could even get playful and make up a word if you like! Get creative. Have fun. Make it something that is light feeling and something you would always feel open to. This is another wonderful way to shepherd yourself as the right word will foster cooperation from your inner child and ego self.
You get to rewrite your script, Dear Ones. As your own loving parent, guide, and expert on you, you can choose new ways to present things to yourself that work best for you and support your joyful forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 25

It can take courage to step into your highest life expression. Are you afraid you’ll be judged if you step forward in your truth? Are you afraid of assuming power or having responsibility? Do you have fear of success and/or fear of failure?
Those are the most common fears that people experience as they consider stepping into their authentic power and creating the life they truly want. We would like to address each of those fears individually.
Fear of being judged: Judgment or persecution for your truth has been used to keep people from their authentic power for centuries. This has resulted in a very deep seated fear. We are here to tell you that you are in very different times. In fact, trying to be something you are not is far likelier to result in judgment than embracing your truth. When you finally allow yourself to shine in your authenticity, you allow others to truly see you, and you will attract to you those who can appreciate you for who you really are. You will find the others who match your vibration and will celebrate you for you. It is time to accept that the times have changed and it is not only safe, but a soul priority to step forward as that divine individuated aspect of Source that you truly are.
Fear of power: If you are on your enlightenment journey, you are an old soul. This means that you have had many, many experiences with power. You have had power used against you. You have also had power and misused it because you did not know any better. Please hear us when we say that you have been exploring this issue for centuries, in preparation for the times you are now in. If you have a fear of power, you have gained a healthy respect for it and you are ready to move forward and use it appropriately with your wisdom and awareness. In fact, the opportunity to do so is very much what your soul desires, as finding your way to and embracing your authentic power is one of the main themes you are on the planet to experience.
Fear of responsibility: Many of you are afraid if you change you will have more responsibility than you can bear. Some of you are already exhausted from holding the space of love and service. Let us tell you your success does not need to add to your burden. The fear of more responsibility often comes from the martyred service paradigm. We are shifting into new templates that support joyful service. What if your highest life expression made it easier to help others, and allowed you to honour yourself in new, better ways? What if it is no longer about carrying the load for yourself and others, but rather utilizing the many supports that exist both for you and others in the universe? What if, by accepting your true authentic power you encourage others to do the same so they can assume responsibility for themselves in whatever ways honour them and learn to shine and thrive as well?
Fear of success/failure: Many of you, because you are mindful and don’t wish to make any mistakes, are reluctant to fully commit to anything. You have been focused on the ideas of good or bad, success or failure, right or wrong, all of which come from dualistic times. The energies that you are now evolving into merely seeing the value in experience. You will begin to see that every choice has value and allows you to better define yourself and continually unfold into the experiences that best match you and how you wish to express yourself. This new way of seeing things will free you up to try many more things, being easy on yourself, understanding that you can make one mindful choice at a time. This will honour the continual expansion your soul is seeking.
If you are unsure if you still have fear about stepping forward into your biggest, most beautiful life expression, you can simply ask yourself, “What would I choose if I knew everyone would be happy for me?” “What would I choose if I knew for sure it would work out?” If it is different than what you are choosing for yourself right now, you are settling, and we would advise you to choose again.
Dear Ones, you are ready. You have worked hard to get where you are. Allow your soul to take the lead. Trust where your soul is trying to take you. Embrace the unfoldment and feel the joy of expansion. That is the whole point of the work you have done to arrive where you are, and how you will pioneer into new potentials like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 24

The most common blockage to manifestation, by far, is thinking too small. If you are trying to create something and it is not coming together, you may wish to explore how you might be constraining it. Are you only open to it looking one specific way? To it only showing up through a certain avenue? Are you, without even realizing it, putting restrictions on your creation by attempting to micro manage it from your limited vantage point?
The energies of fear and doubt can lead you back into the old habit of control, which stalls your flow. Let us put it to you this way. If what you desire is not part of your life experience right now, you must use your faith and trust to move into the unknown where it does exist.
So if you feel stalled, we would say think bigger. Cast your net wide. Open yourself to any and all possibilities that match your intentions that you may not know exist. Be willing to be surprised and delighted. It may very well be that what you are trying to create for yourself is too small to be a match for what your soul wishes to expand into, and there is something beyond your wildest dreams trying to find its way to you. Be open enough to let it in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 23

Gratitude is a practice that can create much more comfort in your lives. But what do you do when you are feeling so uncomfortable it can be difficult to focus on anything other than your own discomfort? We have a helpful tip for you. In any sentence, simply replace the word “have” to “get”.
So for example, if your first thought is, “I have to get up”, change it to, “I get to get up”. Rather than, “I have to mow the lawn”, change it to, “I get to mow the lawn”. Rather than, “I have to go through this energetic shift”, change it to, “I get to go through this energetic shift.” This simple substitution can immediately help you shift into a space of gratitude naturally because it changes your perspective and allows you to see the blessings that exist within the situation.
Gratitude is a powerful tool because it moves you out of resistance into acceptance, which will naturally create more comfort for you. It energetically anchors what you would like to experience more of and gives your feedback to the universe. Gratitude steers your flow. So if you are finding it difficult to find your way to gratitude from where you are, try this simple tip. You just might be surprised at how effective it is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 22

We wish to reiterate the importance of having fun as part of your enlightenment process moving forward. Getting in touch with what brings you joy is essential as you begin to navigate in the new, higher vibrational energies. Sadly, so many of you have been so serious for so long you don’t even know what that is any more.
Think back to when you were a child. What did you love to do? What were your interests and passions? Your childhood can hold many clues because as children you are least resistant to your soul preferences. What types of things did you like to do? What were you naturally good at? Where did you focus most of your free time? What elements of those activities can you bring forward now to match who you have grown into?
Do you think having fun is frivolous? Or do you think you have to forfeit fun in order to watch over everyone else? We are shifting from the old paradigm of martyred service into joyful service. What if following your joy was the way to your highest service? We can tell you that it is. Joy and presence are indicators of alignment and embodying higher vibrating energies, which only serves the whole. Honouring the importance of fun is also healing for you, as it allows your inner child to come back to the forefront and have their needs met.
It is time to release the old belief that fun is irresponsible and should be last on your to-do list. It is time to put the light back into enlightenment but honouring your soul’s interests, passions, and the activities that bring you joy as the essential elements they truly are. By finally allowing how your soul yearns to express itself, you begin to shimmer and shine in your true glory. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 21

Many of you are still integrating energetically from the recent powerful shifts you have moved through. The sun is assisting you in that process. The best way to ground in new energies is by putting your focus on your body. Eat the foods it is asking for. Allow it to move in whatever way it wishes to in your own intuitive dance. Spend time outdoors and feel your feet connect with the earth. Lie on the ground and let the earth energy wrap you up with its grounding support. Commune with the plants and animals. These are just a few things you can do.
There is no greater expert than your body on what it needs to integrate any energetic shift. Allow it to take the lead. Support it in whatever it is asking for. Know that there is a natural intelligence within that knows exactly what to do. Trust your intuition. What works for one person may not be what another requires. Experiment. This is how you will bring forth your own ancient knowledge, and step into being the empowered master of your own vehicle. What wonderful times you are in that are allowing you to make these discoveries of your own amazing abilities! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 20

On your enlightenment journey, there may be times when pain will be a precursor to expansion. Think of a chick that has outgrown the egg. The discomfort from being in a space too small is what gets it to break through the shell and emerge as a new version of self.
So what if your pain was simply an indicator that you are ready for a bigger, more expanded expression of you? What if the pain was so that you simply couldn’t stay the same and settle for for something smaller than what is your greatest potential? What if it was a wonderful sign that you are ready to birth the newest, most expanded version of you?
When you stop resisting and start to accept where your soul is trying to lead you, you move through those changes as quickly and efficiently as possible and break through to the other side where the wonder and discovery of new potentials awaits. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 19

A very simple way to adjust your energy if you find yourself in a state of discomfort is to just still yourself and breathe. Breathe in acceptance and breathe out resistance. Breathe in love and breathe out separation. Breathe in faith and breathe out doubt.
You see, everything exists as an option for you and you can choose to infuse yourself with the energy you desire by intending to breathe it in. So breathe in what you want and breathe out what you feel is blocking the experience of it. Try different combinations until you find what works best for you in that moment.
This is effective because you are identifying what you are wishing to receive, and release, from an empowered space of willingness, awareness, presence, and flow. You can very quickly shift into a much better feeling space using this easy and accessible technique, and the beautiful thing is breathing is a skill you already have. All you have to do is add intention. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 18

The energies you have been moving through, while they may seem daunting at times, are completely transformative and what you have been wanting to experience. All the work you have done has been preparing you for the times you are in right now.
We have spoken of having two distinct phases of your incarnation, the first phase, which is wrapping up for you, and the next phase which focuses on your emerging sovereignty – stepping into your authentic power and assuming the role of pioneer and empowered co-creator.
What you have been experiencing over the past several weeks has been assisting you in the review process of the first phase, so you can truly assess the growth you have attained and the discoveries you have made. The intensity of the energies is so you can leave no stone unturned, so you can heal, release, and complete the themes you had placed at the forefront of that first phase. All of this has given you great clarity on what you would like to leave behind, and what you might like to experience more of as you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation.
What we are trying to get across here is that you are all exactly where you are meant to be. You are being assisted in all of it, right from your cells all the way through to the planets and guides and helpers of the universe. Your timing is impeccable and your ability to handle the energies is becoming more masterful every day.
It will take some time to truly comprehend how changed you are as you emerge from this transformative window of time. Some of you will discover new, unknown capabilities. Some of you will find it easier to embrace being rather than doing. All of you will start to see more and more your innate ability to create and will start to play with co-creating your life expression in completely new ways. It is the dawn of a new day, Dear Ones, and we couldn’t be more pleased for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 17

Human beings have a tendency to immediately think, “What is wrong with me?” if they have an emotion come up out of the blue, a wound surface, or experience a struggle of any sort. The moment you start to ask such a question, you create division and resistance within yourself. What if instead you asked, “What is coming up that is ready to be healed?” “What is feeling safe enough or brave enough to come up and ask for my love and attention?”
Do you see? Looking at it as an opportunity shifts you beyond the knee jerk reaction of rejection, judgement, and self abuse. It allows you to explore it from a space of calm support and willingness to heal. It is you stepping up as your own loving parent and guide as required from a space of inclusion and acceptance. It is you assuming the role of your own shepherd lovingly gathering up all the pieces of yourself as honoured and important pieces of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 16

What if you decided to treat yourself with the same love and consideration you would give a beloved child? What if you consciously filled every act of self care, such as brushing your teeth, bathing, or any other form of tending to your with love? What if you made decisions as lovingly as you would for a child when it came to your diet, your health, your wellness? What if you nurtured yourself as automatically as you would that child in all ways.
What would happen is you would begin to thrive under your own care. You would put yourself first, not as a means of separation from others, but because you are equally important as everyone else. Your inner child would feel safety and heal because its needs were being met. From that space you would support yourself with love, compassion, and acceptance, being your own encourager and understanding guardian, and that would create profound change in all areas of your life.
Try it. You might be surprised to realize that it’s been your own love and acceptance you’ve been yearning for for so very long, and how whole and satisfied you feel when you finally include yourself in your own tender care. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 15

Dear Ones, when you truly accept that you are a beloved individuated aspect of Source energy, you will finally come to terms with your innate goodness. This will automatically start to release the energies of shame and any worthiness issues you may have.

You are good and you are all in the process of discovering the divine essence of goodness that has always been there at your core. Trust in your own goodness. Let it shine and lead the way. Your transformation doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 14

The more you embrace being the co-creator of your own life expression, the more you will come to realize that expansion is your friend. If you desire something it is because it is not already part of your experience and the only way you can bring it in is through expansion. Unfoldment is incremental expansion. It creates the space for everything you want to become part of your reality. If we had one wish for you today it would be that you start to understand that expansion is necessary for creation and begin to embrace it with excitement and joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 13

With each profound shift you go through, there is a releasing of density, a purification, if you will, accompanied with an integration of higher vibrational energy. Because you have lost a layer of density that can act as a buffer between you and other energies, the result can be feeling raw, naked, vulnerable, exposed, uncomfortable, and with heightened sensitivities. If you are already an empath you will feel this quite strongly. If you have not felt energies before, you may suddenly start. This is all proof positive of the transformation you are all going through.
It can take several days to get used to your new normal after a shift. Be kind and gentle with yourself through this process. Let your body take the lead and give it what it is asking for. The most effective way to make this process more comfortable is through the use of love. Think of being deeply in love with someone and remember how deliciously love can wrap you up like a warm, supportive blanket. You can give this to yourself by simply intending to surround yourself with your own love, and to ask for your favourite guides, helpers, angels, or masters to cocoon and soothe you with their love. Love is the most wonderful energy to use for such a purpose for it comforts and calms with inclusion and acceptance, supporting you in all ways possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 12

When you are going through a period of release, you may temporarily find your connection to spirit difficult to sense. This is because denser energies, as they release, make it difficult to feel the subtle energies of your guides and helpers. You may feel as though you are in a period of isolation or separation, but in no way are you ever left alone without our support!
Even if you cannot feel the presence of your guides at all, we are always here to guide you and support you. Talk to us! Tell us what you need. Surrender. Trust. There is no mediumship ability or special sensitivity required to work with us. All that is needed is simply a deep desire, a heartfelt request (which gives us permission to step in on your behalf), and a willingness to receive and be moved. Know that it is always our greatest joy to be of loving assistance to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 11

As you get more comfortable with showing up as your authentic self, you become far more consistent to people. The more consistent you are, the more safe you become to others. Everyone has a much better idea what to expect which creates a lovely flow of connection between you and others. This is why doing your own inner work is so important. It allows you to know and show up as your true self, which people can then respond to more authentically. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 10

Human beings tend to be very hard on themselves. We would love for you to adopt a new practice – celebrating your successes before you go to sleep at night.
Simply review, when you climb into your bed, the good you did throughout your day. The best you did perhaps was just getting out of bed in the morning and facing the day, but that is still a success and can be celebrated. It might be that you called a friend and offered encouragement to them. You might have shown love to your family. You could have simply held open a door for another, which is simple service in action. Perhaps you meditated with a focus on peace.
There are so many ways you shine your innate goodness that you don’t even recognize! Taking a moment to acknowledge those things is an act of love and gratitude for yourself, and creates a lovely energy of self acceptance to end your day from. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 9

Questions to ask over the next few days: What do I need to move forward with grace and ease? What is my body asking for? What blessings can I celebrate in this Now moment? How much gratitude can I feel for my personal transformation? How can I find comfort and alignment? What would bring me joy? What do I need to give myself permission to do to move forward? What mastery do I have today that I didn’t have last year at this time?
All of these questions are designed to help you navigate the energies of transformation you are now in. These are glorious times, Dear Ones! Finding the wonder in them will help you remember the wonder in you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 8

A reader recently asked, “What is the best way to deal with inner rage?” We would like to address that today.
When you carry rage, it is an indicator that something has happened to make you feel very afraid and powerless. Rage is a symptom of an underlying aspect that is looking for healing, so attempting to shift the rage without giving attention to what is lying underneath it will give you limited results.
We ask you to sit with the rage and ask it what it is attempting to protect. What is it reacting to? Don’t try to make the rage wrong, simply explore it. Rage is like a protective screen. It is like a persona that is so big and loud that it has a repellant effect and keeps anyone from seeing what is underneath. But it is what is underneath that is in the most pain and desperate need for attention.
Show up as a safe person for yourself and gently probe what is in need of your love and healing. From the space of authentic power you can show up for yourself as your own loving parent, guide, and protector. Gather up that hurt part of yourself and give it all the love and attention it has been yearning for for so very long. Reassure it that you will keep it safe now in ways that don’t involve it being separated. Integrate it into your own loving care.
After you are done that, you should feel your rage has dissipated. You might even thank the rage for assuming the role of protector for so long, but now you can take that job. You may need to do these steps many times, as rage can become a go-to emotion out of habit, but for every time you do you will feel it’s intensity diminish. Rage is exhausting over time and incredibly separating. As you integrate these aspects with your love and understanding, it is like pouring soothing, calming healing all over it and it will allow itself to finally rest.
Understand when you see others in the energy of rage that the bigger the rage, the more hurt, afraid, and fragmented they are. We are not suggesting you put yourself in harm’s way for one who is not ready to evolve beyond their rage, but you can certainly see them through a new lens of understanding, love, and compassion.
Anger can be a catalyst for change. It can wake people up and get them into movement. Rage is an accumulation of anger that didn’t create change. It is incredibly uncomfortable for the person who carries it as it is isolating, resistant, and painful. As your planet continues to evolve and move toward connection, healing what is underneath the energies that perpetuate pain and separation will come to the forefront and people will replace the false power of rage with the authentic power of healing, integration, transformation, and more empowered self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 7

It is a great blessing that you have access to so much information. This is allowing accelerated growth and expansion in many of you, as you have so much knowledge at your fingertips. This is contributing greatly to your enlightenment process and the awakening of the planet.
And yet, with so much information there will be many different voices, opinions, and perspectives. It can seem chaotic when there is much conflicting information being presented. While we understand it can seem overwhelming, this is also a great gift for you, for it makes it necessary for you to hone your discernment, to connect within to see what resonates, to take what fits for you and simply leave the rest behind, and to ultimately know the greatest path to follow is the one led by your own wisdom and heart.
So rest easy with the noise and find the stillness within. The many, many options that are being presented to you are allowing you to discover your own truth like never before and that, Dear Ones, is empowerment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 6

A major aspect of co-creating is willingly embracing whatever the energies are supporting at any given time. It is trusting enough to rest when that is a priority which allows you to be far more efficient when the time for action comes. It is moving beyond the need for control into unfoldment. It is allowing yourself the freedom to proceed intuitively and by the heart rather than through the constrained structures of the mind. It is becoming one with the flow and actively harnessing all the benefits that exist within it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 5

Dear Ones, be easy with yourselves. Know that you are loved. Do something you enjoy. Practice gratitude. Breathe. Trust. These basic principles will serve you well during times of discomfort or uncertainty until the energy shifts yet again and you have more clarity about how to proceed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 4

Your encouragement and faith in another’s divine capability to navigate their own life in whatever way is perfect for them is often all that is required for someone to have the courage to step forward into expansion and the discovery of their own highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 3

Dear Ones, the elements of faith and trust, when employed together, create acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing create peace and patience. So many of you have the desire to experience less resistance and more peace in your lives. We suggest you understand the foundational energies that are essential to those elements and focus on them first, which will open the door to what you seek. Simply put, deepen your faith and trust and peace and patience will naturally follow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 2

Dear Ones, surrender is the entry point of the flow and an activation, if you will, of your guides and helpers and the energetic support of the universe. It is showing your intention to step into forward movement. To surrender and then not be willing to move would be much like putting a destination into your gps but never putting your car in drive.
Understand that surrender is the first step. Being willing to be guided, to follow the path that then unfolds, is the action phase you must participate in. Do not be afraid of choosing a wrong direction, for the flow will sweep you up and lead you to where your soul wishes to be. You cannot get it wrong.
The final step is committing to staying in that surrendered, supported movement with your trust long enough to experience tangible results. Understand that the most progress is occurring behind the scenes when it seems nothing is happening. Use your faith and trust to discover new potentials. Give feedback through your gratitude.
This is the higher vibrational operating system that you will all be getting familiar with as you move forward on your enlightenment journey. These are the essential tools for empowered co-creation you have been seeking and they are right there for you, just waiting for you to pick them up and discover the magic they can bring you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 1

We wish to remind you that your flow has a steering wheel. It is called gratitude. When energies are particularly intense it can be easy to become focused on your discomfort and forget to use the very important tool of gratitude, which can make you feel quite out of control.
When you choose to see what is working for you, not only do you step back into co-creation by giving vital feedback to the universe, you also shift out of resistance into acceptance, which immediately creates more comfort and peace in your present moment. You might be amazed to discover how much a simple, heartfelt prayer of thanks can soothe the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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