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The infantilism

The infantilism

The infantilism of a generation is funny. Boys with beards who only know how to take selfies are funny. A man’s Instagram with smoothies and photos from cafes is funny. Girls who can only “decorate the interior” and process photos through poor editors are funny, funny, funny!
It’s funny to create another account on the network, in which the only information and personal achievements are children and dogs/cats.
An incomprehensible belief in something that does not help a person become better and retain the experience gained is ridiculous. Fifth graders at rallies and flirts in power are funny.
All these curlicues and vignettes of modern society are nothing more than a dysfunctional misunderstanding, draining the gene pool into the trash can.
We are getting used to people who, behind the external facade of the image, can react to some serious tasks and discussions only with dripping saliva and an incomprehensible “YYYY…” The inability to work with their hands and head is funny. But for some reason I don’t want to laugh…

Infancy: What is it? (10 Signs of Infantilism)

Carolina Korableva

Infantilism is a conscious or unconscious refusal to grow up. Therefore, people who can be described as “big children” are often called infantile. But this is not always correct. There is nothing wrong with having a frivolous hobby or being able to relax and unwind.
If we consider infantilism as a sign of immaturity, then to determine the problem you need to know all the symptoms of infantilism. Only in this case can one accurately determine whether a person is infantile and whether this can be considered a serious problem.
What is infantility in simple words?
What does an infantile person mean? This is an immature, child-like adult. The term itself came to us from France and was first used in 1920. Since then, the total number of infantile people has increased many times over.
When the need to do a lot of housework, protect your home, get food, and experience difficulties went away, personalities stopped developing.
Nowadays, parents overprotect their children, give them the best, protect them at all levels of social life. This creates weak personalities. Why do anything and make adult decisions if you can escape adult life and rely on others? Infantile people live with this motto until all responsibility can be shifted to someone else: parents, spouse, friends, colleagues, children.
With the development of technologies that make our lives easier, there are more and more infantile people. The main theory behind the emergence of signs of infantility is that children do not need to work from a very young age. With growing up, according to your passport, maturity of thinking and behavior never comes.
An infantile person is an eternal child, incapable of mature thoughts and actions. His thinking is superficial, spontaneous and does not correspond to the person’s age.
Parents are often to blame for the development of infantilism. Too much care for a child and complete control of all actions gives rise to an immature personality. As a person ages, he is afraid to make decisions on his own; he is afraid of reproach and responsibility.
Over the years, this remains the case, men find powerful wives and that’s the only way they feel comfortable, because in this case the woman makes all the decisions. Women find men who will protect, groom and cherish them.
Who is an infantile person? This concept can be confused with an ordinary egoist. Infantile people are capricious, irresponsible, dreamy, love entertainment and are very attached to their parents. They can be easily identified in society. Even when they are over 30, they live with their parents, do not think about their family, and prefer computer games and other children’s entertainment. Reluctance to take responsibility and fear of independent life are the main features of infantility.
What is infantility in women?
What does an infantile woman mean? This is a woman who takes the position of a child in a relationship. The worst thing is that female infantilism is actively imposed by fashion.
A huge number of public pages, fashion magazines and television shows broadcast: “A woman should not be the leader in a couple, her task is to be beautiful and inspire a man. Only a man owes and is obliged, but a woman owes nothing to anyone…”
Reluctance to take responsibility, the desire to transfer the entire burden of responsibilities to a partner, groundless whims and demands – these are the main features of an infantile woman. The main desire of such a girl is to get married successfully and not worry about anything.
The main motto is “Behind your husband, like behind a stone wall.” In the Czech Republic there is even a separate term for them: “gold diggers”.
Infantility in women in relationships manifests itself in different ways. An infantile mother will take care of her child all her life, providing him with coziness and comfort. All her actions are aimed at ensuring that the child cannot exist separately.
As a result, there are men over 30 who cannot take a single step without their mother’s advice. Such men rarely arrange their lives life, because his mother won’t like anyone. She will not give the little blood to anyone, because everyone around is evil and selfish and is not worthy of her mother’s joy. There is a hidden intention in this – to make the child dependent, in order to subsequently shift your problems onto him and with his help provide yourself with maximum comfort.
The second option for an infantile mother is to shift responsibility onto the child. Often this is a mother-friend relationship. She puts her adult problems on the child, which is why the child cannot bear such a burden of responsibility and feels guilty.
As a result, the child also remains with her forever, because he cannot leave “poor mummy.” A painful sense of guilt forces such a child to fulfill all her whims until the mother’s death.
In marriage, infantile women rely only on their man. He owes her everything – to earn money, to help around the house, and to read her thoughts when she doesn’t like something. If you are a man, then life with an infantile woman is a continuous “You must!” She doesn’t have her own responsibilities because she’s a woman and that’s all.
What is infantility in men?
Who is an infantile man? A man-child, he rarely starts a family, preferring to sit on his parents’ necks. Such a man will not take responsibility; he lives one day at a time. In relationships, these are capricious individuals who need to be cherished and cherished.
This behavior is often passed on from parents and further by inheritance. Mother’s overprotection gives birth to an immature man-boy or prince. Having a relationship with them means taking on the role of a mother. And the care of mothers is simply inadequate.
One blogger, after a relationship with such a man, said that her hysterical and capricious young man often surprised her with his behavior. But after meeting his parents, she understood why he behaved this way when his mother combed his hair and began tying his shoelaces.
What is infantilism in psychology?
Infantilism: what is it? First of all, it is backwardness in spiritual and personal development. Regardless of age, such people remain children, with the thinking inherent in children. The term refers to the concepts of immaturity, unformed personality. This is not a mental illness, but a minor deviation not associated with mental pathologies.
Infantilism – in psychology this means lagging behind. The word itself means “childish” in French. Literally this means that a person is stuck at the previous level of development. A distinctive feature is the reluctance to take responsibility, make decisions, and solve problems.
An adult, when a problem arises, will look for solutions and will do everything to avoid finding himself in such a situation again. An infantile person will prefer to hide from the problem, blame the whole world, withdraw into himself or go on a drinking binge.
Mental infantilism is the scourge of our time, the older generation says so, and it’s hard to argue with that. If there is an infantile person in the family, this will most likely be passed on to the child. Children tend to copy their parents’ behavior patterns, for him this is the norm.
It is especially difficult for boys; they are not able to bear responsibility for the family, even if they have children of their own.
In 90% of cases, such a marriage immediately falls apart. An infantile father cannot cope with responsibility, and if the child is also born sick, such a marriage is doomed to failure.
Let us list the main signs of infantility. These include:
1. Refusal to accept responsibility. An infantile person does not want to make important decisions. Such people will never do anything outstanding; this requires courage and “maturity.”
2. Selfishness is the most common sign of infantilism. The desire to indulge only one’s whims, to live for one’s own pleasure. Infants are incapable of empathy, self-sacrifice and are concerned only with their own comfort.
3. The desire to have fun all the time is also a sign of immaturity. How this sign manifests itself is clear from human behavior. If a man or woman wants to spend all their time on the dance floor, in a bar, with friends or just playing computer games, it’s worth thinking about.
4. Reluctance to develop. Infantile people are afraid to change anything in their lives. They do not develop, they have no goals in life. Therefore, they are often content with little. Again, it’s the whole world’s fault, they would have done everything, but they heard that someone didn’t succeed and that’s it! This means they won’t succeed either.
5. Stereotyping. These are people with stereotypical thinking. They have a poor understanding of what they need from life, do not take criticism at all, and are unable to evaluate themselves. That’s why they spend their entire lives marking time in the hope that someone will lead them by the hand in the right direction.
6. Infantility in behavior is expressed in capriciousness, inflated demands and the desire to receive all the time without giving anything in return.
This behavior is most often observed in men. This is quite logical, because their mothers take care of them and control all aspects of life. Most often, such men stay to live with their mother, because there is simply no suitable replacement and a loving mother will not give her treasure to just anyone. Even if a male infant starts his own family, the mother will not give them peace and will control everything, what her son ate and how her daughter-in-law ironed her shirt. In marriage, he will demand full custody, as his mother did.
7. Infancy in clothing manifests itself in several ways. These can be bright artsy things with funny prints, polka dots, bows. Also, infantilism in clothing manifests itself when an adult does not dress the way he wants, but chooses clothes at the direction of his spouse, mother or another person.
An infant woman at any age can wear a Mickey Mouse sweater and an indecently short skirt, wear teenage makeup, tattoos or piercings. But a bright outfit is not always a sign of an infant; perhaps it’s so fashionable now and the person follows trends. In this case, infantilism in clothing is expressed in the fact that a bright, fashionable outfit simply does not suit a person or does not correspond to the dress code.
8. Infantility in relationships – zero responsibility and maximum demands on the partner. It is difficult for the infant to understand that not everyone owes him and he also has his own responsibilities. At the same time, the behavior of representatives of the stronger and weaker sex in relationships differs.
▪️Signs of infantility in women are the desire for unlimited power and zero responsibility. All men in the world (and indeed all people in general) are indebted to such ladies.
▪️Signs of infantility in men are manifested in childish behavior and the desire only to have fun. Between a serious, possibly profitable business and entertainment, he will choose the latter. After all, to sit in a bar you don’t need to make a decision or risk anything. He will never take responsibility.
9. Shifting the blame. A small child who trips over a curb will blame the curb, not his own carelessness. As a person grows older, he begins to realize that he is mainly to blame for his troubles. But this does not apply to infantile people. They always blame someone or something: parents, friends, teachers, fate.
10. Daydreaming and impressionability. Infantile people often choose creative professions because they like to have their head in the clouds. They are easy to surprise. Any little thing can delight them or, conversely, cause a storm of negative emotions. They often indulge in fantasies about how they will achieve unprecedented success. However, they do nothing to realize their dreams.
If you find similar signs in yourself, it may be worth rethinking something.
What are the causes of infantilism?
The causes of infantilism lie in childhood.
Overprotection is the main cause of infantilism according to psychologists. When a child is cared for around the clock, he gets used to having everything done for him. In adulthood, parents carefully control all aspects of the child’s life, imposing their views on him. Lack of freedom of choice and limited thinking give rise to weak and weak-willed individuals.
The opposite of overprotection is excessive cruelty. If a child is punished for every offense, be it assault or a harsh reprimand, violence suppresses the child’s will. As a result, an infantile personality appears who would rather do nothing than be punished for wrongdoing.
Mother’s friend’s son syndrome. When a child is constantly compared with someone, their endeavors are criticized, they laugh at their aspirations and they say that nothing will work out for them. This is how the child withdraws into himself, he is afraid of failure. At the same time, everything works out for the son of his mother’s friend, and this is the worst of all. This is how the individual loses the desire to strive for anything, he becomes weak-willed and simply goes with the flow.
Lack of independence. Sometimes mothers unconsciously deprive their child of independence. They strive to provide complete comfort, show their care around the clock and decide what will be best for the child, because she is a mother and she knows best. As a result, it is difficult for an adult to leave the parental nest, because it is so nice, cozy and safe here.
Eternal protest. Sometimes parents want to make their unfulfilled dreams come true in their offspring. They send the child to classes that are uninteresting to him, send him to a “good” institute, and at the same time are not at all interested in whether he needs it. Thus, infantilism manifests itself as a protest, the child simply refuses to live according to the scenario invented by the parents, they become lethargic and are not interested in anything at all.
Unhealthy relationship with mother. Often parents lose the spark in their relationship, in this case the father goes outside, and the mother splashes out all the unspent love on the child. She praises him as a deity and indulges his every whim. The child grows up with a sense of his own superiority and does not want to admit that he is an ordinary person.
Infantility can also be a consequence of experienced stress or violence. This could be parental divorce, bullying, rape, beatings.
Is infantility good or bad?
To understand how dangerous infantilism, you need to compare the pros and cons of this character trait. It is difficult to find advantages in infantility, but they still exist. This is not a disease and does not need to be treated. According to psychologists, the advantages of infants are that they easily change the rules of the game and adapt to new circumstances.
The disadvantages of infantilism are obvious:
Inability to think like an adult;
Dependence on more “adult” individuals;
Reluctance to strive for anything;
Narrow outlook, lack of development;
It is difficult to arrange your personal life.
Infantile people are not able to cope with problems; at the slightest obstacle they move away from the goal. Even if everything worked out previously, but a small problem arose, the infant gives up and decides that it is not his or someone else’s fault and does not allow it to develop.
In psychology there are two concepts: infantilism and infantilism. The first case is a mental state, a reluctance to make adult decisions. Infantilism is the desire to return to childhood, to feel carefree and have a good time fooling around. In the second case, a person can “switch” between an adult and a child.
For the powers that be, infantile personalities are good. They take out loans, take out mortgages, do what they are told and value stability. They are easy to control by instilling fears and imposing goals.
Infantility in adolescents is extremely common. This is due to the fact that we live in an era of permissiveness and comfort at all levels of life.
If previously children looked after younger children, went to stores, and helped with housework, now this is not necessary. Parents who have experienced hardships and crises try to provide for the child, to give everything that they did not have. They buy expensive phones and things, often because of this parents get into debt and loans. They explain this by saying that all the titanic efforts made are aimed at ensuring that the child does not need anything. And this is wrong.
A teenager must understand that money is not taken from a bank card just like that, but is earned through hard work.
How to get rid of immaturity?
What to do and how to get rid of immaturity as an adult? If your loved one turns out to be an infant, you need to fight it. However, it should be understood that this process is long and laborious. Sometimes it takes years to remove immaturity. You need to constantly support a person, tell him that everything will work out, believe in him and admit that things don’t always work out the way you wanted.
The second option is to show by personal example that you can develop, while making mistakes, making mistakes, but confidently moving towards your goal. This way the infant will see that there is nothing wrong with falling, everyone makes mistakes and this is the norm.
How to overcome infantilism in yourself? If you find signs of immaturity in yourself, you need to fight it. The infant will never be happy because he does not know what he needs from life.
Tips on how to deal with infantilism:
Refuse any financial support from relatives or friends;
Realize that everything that happens in life depends only on the person himself;
Gain independence from other people’s opinions;
Realize yourself as a person who can change his life at his own request;
Move out from parents;
Understand that not the whole world is against and no one is to blame;
Nobody owes you anything;
It is important to realize that there are similar people nearby, with their own weaknesses, desires and needs.
When a person is looking for how to overcome immaturity, he needs first of all to love himself and accept his weaknesses. Only an adult can realize his own “I” and accept it.
It is important to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. The only thing that brings true happiness to a person is relationships. No billions can replace a loved one. To make him happy, you need to grow up, because no one needs a whining child companion.
The fight against infantilism in oneself is a difficult and often painful process, but the result is worth it. Only a fully formed person is able to find true happiness and give it to another.
Don’t be alarmed if you discover signs of immaturity. According to statistics, only 1% of the population does not have any of them. It is important to soberly assess how serious everything is.
If you are an infantile person in life, you need to take measures for your own happiness. And if you sometimes want to buy a bunch of cotton candy and ride the carousel all day, that’s just a plus – everyone needs a reboot.

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