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In the Sun they saw a face blazing with anger

In the Sun they saw a face blazing with anger

In the Sun they saw a face blazing with anger

One of the favorite pastimes of ufologists around the world is searching for encrypted messages appearing on the Sun. And this activity cannot be called empty fun:
And now, in anticipation of the magnetic storm of all times and peoples, discovered a colossal face on the Sun, angrily looking at the Earth:
At first glance, it may seem that the strange phenomenon recorded by NASA’s solar satellite SOLO EUI HRI 174 on May 11, 2024 is an attempt at hype. However, a couple of years ago, one enlightened sensitive said the following:
When they saw the star flash, they were surprised and did not understand what the message was. When they see the sun emitting fast solar winds that shoot out into space and create holes in the magnetosphere, they say it is a natural phenomenon. As the auroras flared up like never before, with bright “pink” and many other colors, they marveled at the beautiful sight. But when the Sun starts to burn, causing fires, when the rivers and lakes all dry up, they will howl.
Nothing is new in this world and Holy Scripture tells us this:
“54 He also said to the people: When you see a cloud rising from the west, immediately say: It will rain, and it happens so; 55 And when the south wind blows, say: There will be heat, and it does happen. 56 Hypocrites! You know how to recognize the face of the earth and the sky, how can you not recognize this time?” 
When you see the Sun exploding, I see the face of a very angry God. I am not going to reveal this vision and will only say this:  failure to discern and see the unimaginable wrath of the Lord will lead you to sudden destruction. Woe, woe, woe to the Earth!
So this doesn’t look like hype anymore – the guy looked at the Sun in a dream and saw something there that he couldn’t come to his senses for weeks and was afraid to sleep. Therefore, who knows how to interpret the unusual pattern of solar magnetic lines – maybe this is really the warning that the pastor spoke about, so let’s follow the developments.
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