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May 17

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 17

One of the hardest things for some enlightening human beings on a service path to do is to ask for help. They simply aren’t comfortable to do so since they so clearly know their mission is to be the help. But that is continuing a martyred paradigm and not embracing the energies that are shifting toward unity consciousness and unconditional love for all.
So hear us if you have trouble accepting help – that is your next frontier to conquer. Expanding your knowingness to understand that receiving help IS being the help to others if it allows them to step into their service and experience the joy that comes offering their love and support. It is how people get to experience their highest expression of self.
Moving into greater acceptance means that you will step out of carrying the load by yourself, into a more supportive flow that serves all. That is exactly how the lightworkers and wayshowers who have been working so tirelessly will move into greater balance, health, love, and abundance – by shifting into a new paradigm that is a flow of joyful service that includes both giving and receiving for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 16

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 16

Dear Ones, do you have an attachment to an outcome that you are so invested in that you will not budge? We want you to dream and create, but we also want you to understand that creation is fluid, has flow, is malleable. Anything that you become controlling or constrained about has lost its ability to expand, and thus becomes unsupported because the universe is all about expansion, growth, and movement.
So what do you do? Have the highest vision you can imagine for yourself and then hand it off to the universe to tweak and adjust. Know that any adjustments are for your highest good and for the sustainability of your wildest dreams and perfect matches. Trust enough to allow your dreams the freedom to take on greater form and become all they can be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 15

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 15

Do you believe grace and ease are available to you? Have you adopted struggle as a way of life, or as somehow necessary before you become worthy enough to receive? Do you have an expectation of hard?
What you believe is what is available to you. You create through alignment. The old paradigm has always been if you work hard enough you will gain reward. Why this seemed to be a working model is because once you had worked to a level or standard that you believed was enough, you would then shift into a space of allowing and acceptance. You would then let yourself receive.
Do you see? It is about alignment. It is about what you believe is possible, and that usually goes right to your beliefs about your worthiness. Do you believe you are worthy to receive? If not, why? Do you not think your many lifetimes of effort, or your continued growth and expansion this lifetime is enough? If you feel the need to keep proving yourself, it is telling you you don’t feel worthy just as you are. What if we told you that you did not need to do one thing in order to be worthy?
Dear Ones, abundance is your birthright. You are divine beings, individuated aspects of Source energy. You are part of all that is. Your enlightenment process is truly about letting go of your limitations and embracing that truth, and with that comes your acknowledgment of your own divinity and innate worthiness, and from there embracing your ability to create.
Why not start to play with the energies of grace and ease and joyful creation? It is as available to you as every other option. All that is waiting is for you to believe it and start to allow it to be your truth and claim it as your new and preferred way of operating. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 14

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 14

Of all of the myriad of experiences human beings can have, the greatest is to love, deeply, fully, and completely, without expectation, and be open to receive the tide of that love in return. For that is how you know yourself as the love that you are, and you honour your purpose as an ambassador of love and support on an evolving planet. Love is the truest and most magnificent expression of self you will ever have. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 13

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 13

The practice of presence and gratitude is absolutely guaranteed to infuse magic and wonder into your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 10

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 10

Dear Ones, every single time you allow yourself to expand through experience, you are able to see further into what your future potentials and what would like to create from there. Experience gives you information, which allows you to decide what matches you, what doesn’t, and what direction you would like to try next. Your expansion is always a gift for it allows you to glimpse beyond, which is how you become open to new potentials. Experience is truly what being in the body is all about – it is how pioneers forge new trails, how you evolve, and how you will continue to drive the shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 9

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 9

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the energies that take you from simply having a dream and it becoming reality. It is the movement part of manifestation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 8

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 8

Being a co-creator means having a dream but also being open and flexible to the universe showing you other options and outcomes that you may not be aware of. It is like having the seed of a wonderful idea and presenting it to a team of experts who know all the ways it can be tweaked and customized into your perfect match with the greatest amount of ease possible. Your willingness to trust and flow and allow the unfoldment is how you manifest magical and miraculous results beyond what you could ever imagine. That is the joy of co-creating and pioneering in unprecedented energies, and that wonder is absolutely available to each and every human being on the planet to play with and utilize whenever they choose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 7

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 7

As the energies continue to encourage you to acknowledge and release what is looking to be healed, you are getting down to the deep emotions – the ones that have been tamped down and resisted for a very long time. The energetic theme a great many enlightening human beings are dealing with is unresolved grief.
For many of you over the course of your many lifetimes, grief was experienced time and again and merely stuffed down in order to soldier on, to do what was expected of you, to be brave, to be stoic, or to try to follow a martyred paradigm.
You have grief from the loss of loved ones, from being wrongfully accused, for making choices you haven’t forgiven yourselves for, for ways you have not loved or honoured yourselves, from not being honoured and accepted for who you really are, or choosing to stay in situations that you knew were not right for you because you felt afraid and disempowered.
There is much grief from the misuse of power, either from your own actions, or from being on the receiving end of the misuse of power from others. It is not an exaggeration to say many old souls have centuries of unresolved grief that is looking to be healed and released. But do not let that overwhelm you! The beauty of the shift on your planet is that it is helping you to heal and release all that old pain once and for all.
Grief is an energy, like any other, that has been a recurring theme, but it is not an unsurmountable mountain. It is just being amplified at the moment in order to get your loving attention. The sudden tears many are experiencing is simply the body starting to lovingly release that accumulation of energy.
The key to letting go of grief is to first create a safe, loving space for yourself to acknowledge it. Do not make yourself wrong, or weak, or judge yourself in any way for it. See it for what it is, a demonstration of how deeply you care, and how tender and loving you really are. But the first step is to stop resisting it, to honour the process, and to allow the emotions and the body to do what it needs to do to allow the energetic shift that is the healing of grief to begin.
It is so important to love and accept yourself through the acknowledgment and healing of grief. Acceptance and forgiveness, both for the situation and all people involved, are very important. You may need a while to get to the point of forgiveness and acceptance. But the wonderful news is the energies are assisting you, your guides and helpers want to help you, and are completely available to you through the process, and you are masterful at moving energy by this point in your enlightenment process.
The biggest step is always the acknowledgment of what is begging for your attention, what wishes to be loved, healed, and transformed to step out of resistance and begin to move forward, to shine and thrive in the ways that match the energies and potentials of the now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 6

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 6

If you are feeling particularly uncomfortable or reactive it is likely that a core wound or a fear about your safety has been activated. Instead of pushing back against the circumstances, which will only perpetuate that loop, why not stop and take an observant role?
Momentarily detaching and asking questions is an excellent way of gathering information and assuming the role of your own healer and guide. Ask, “Is this a reasonable response to the circumstances right now, or is this an indicator of an old wound crying out for my love and attention?”
Once you assess what is going on, you can step in and give yourself what is needed. Often acknowledgment and some soothing self love and nurturing is all that is required.
Dear Ones, your life is filled with opportunities to shift and show up for yourselves as the wise, capable, loving, healer, and leader of your life expression. Ascension is just that – being able to see yourself through the vantage point and wisdom of your higher self while loving and acknowledging your beautiful, tender human self at the same time. How glorious that the times you are in make it possible to play both roles so beautifully! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 3

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 3

Dear Ones, your faith and trust, together, allow you to experience the feeling of being safe, loved, and guided. When you feel safe, loved, and guided it is far easier for you to be safe, loving guides for others, as well. It is an energy that spreads out – that stabilizes, balances, and serves – beautifully and consistently, and is the core foundation that you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 2

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 2

Your enlightenment process is a process of self awareness and self responsibility. It is through turning your focus within and discovering your divine essence and capability that you are able to step out of victim consciousness into your authentic power. It is a glorious journey of coming Home to yourself, and from there, moving forward as a creator and servant to all. Might we add that the all includes you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May 1

Daily Message by Shelley Young – May 1

Dear Ones, if you attempt to make someone be wrong for something, and it is a choice that their soul needs to experience, they will ultimately need to disappoint or detach from you, even if it causes them great distress to do so, because the soul’s desires must always be honoured.
If you are against a choice someone is making, it is because it is a choice that would not work well for you on your individual path. It is an experience you do not need to have, or a theme you have already mastered. This does not mean that the experience would not have value for the other person!
Human beings learn from experience. Just as others do not know what your soul agenda is, you do not know what another soul is seeking to learn and integrate. If someone is making a choice, it is because the experience itself holds value for them. It will bring them clarity, growth, or expansion. Each individual person has their own soul to-do list, and is fully capable as the leader of their own life expression.
Being a person who holds the space of encouragement, acceptance, support, and seeing others as masterful in their own right, makes you become a safe resource in the other’s life. It preserves your connection with others and is an expression of unconditional love.
Because you have not been judgmental, the person will always feel able to seek out your wisdom or advice should they decide they need it. You give the gift of freedom of self expression rather than fear of judgment, and can be a loving constant in other’s lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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