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Basics of interaction between people and the dark hierarchy

Basics of interaction between people and the dark hierarchy

Basics of interaction between people and the dark hierarchy

Contact: architect

Conversation with my VYa, a judge of the fifth level from the oversoul Aina.
C: Mammon mentioned social capital, which every inhabitant of pure worlds knows about. Could we discuss this concept in more detail?
Judge Aina: It is very ironic that this ever-rebellious scoundrel started talking about social capital, although he himself categorically does not want to participate in such “generosity attractions.” After all, for this you need to incarnate in low-level destructive civilizations and build normal relationships with other souls. But you yourself can see perfectly well that he is a developed, interesting interlocutor, and already understands perfectly well how to behave with the inhabitants of free worlds.
There are many difficulties in the development of dark essences. First they need to be taught the basics of equal energy exchange with other souls. But even having learned everything, dark souls may simply not want to rebuild their value system. There is understanding, there is the ability to interact peacefully with others, but there is no sincere desire to do this. The essences, which originally originated in the dark worlds, have little resemblance to the inhabitants of free civilizations. And in fact they have no similarity with the inhabitants of pure worlds. They do not know how to give out of sympathy, only out of cynical calculation. The dark essences have everything according to the “price list”. And they diligently protect the darkness of their soul, firmly believing that this is the basis for their long-term survival.
Dark worlds and low-level destructive worlds interpenetrate each other. The main source of resources for dark entities are usually souls from civilizations like yours. You guess that dark souls cannot count on “social protection” or “unconditional income”. Those who want to quench their thirst offer their services for exchange. Therefore, in their world, such an incentive as need is at its maximum. And in order to satisfy their needs, dark entities need to receive resources from low-level civilizations. But it is impossible to use brute force to take away what you want, because there is weak cohesion between the souls of different worlds. Dark beings have to look for other approaches and offer something in return.
For inhabitants of dark worlds it is very difficult to comprehend the science of giving, because they have too powerful an instinct to pull towards themselves everything that moves. They are like black holes in space: everything that their gravitational force is enough for, they absorb or subjugate. They are hoarding their reserves, their power. Dark essences do not give anything away unless absolutely necessary; such a gesture in their understanding is nonsense. I don’t mean that they choose not to give. Initially, a soul that is accepted into the dark hierarchy does not understand at all that something can be given voluntarily. She does not have such a model of behavior, because outside the hierarchy of development, the inhabitants of the dark worlds mainly fight and absorb those who are weaker. Voluntary exchange is almost not represented, and what exists is brought by essences from free worlds that were not lucky enough to find themselves in such dark places.
When connected to the dark hierarchy, the predator begins to be taught to serve. An important task of transforming dark entities is to give them an understanding of how to obtain the resources necessary for life in exchange for services. That is, to introduce into their minds the basics of equal energy exchange: not only to take, but also to offer.
Now we need to analyze in more detail what the second side of this energy exchange is – essentially from low-level destructive civilizations. For simplicity, let’s look at the example of the earthly community. An important task of souls incarnated on Earth is to expand the list of their interests and needs. The longer this list, the more impulses the soul has to live and enjoy the satisfaction of its needs.
Imagine that you are always full. If you are offered food, you will not even have the desire to try it. Another thing is, if you are hungry, then you enjoy food. At a deep level, in this situation you receive satisfaction from the process of energy exchange. The more interests and needs the soul discovers in itself, the more actively it enters into energy exchange with other parts of God. Energy exchange occurs in the worlds of development, this is why they are created: so that souls build connections, exchanging with each other what they are interested in, what they need. And we remember that the task of God’s evolution is to recreate strong connections between all of his parts.
Souls that incarnate in low-level worlds are unsaturated. It is unknown what kind of saturation they will enjoy. Using food as an example: the soul is offered many different dishes and drinks, but no one knows what exactly it will like. Everyone has different tastes. At the same time, it is quite obvious that the soul needs saturation, because it is empty inside. By “empty” I mean that there is quite a bit of resource in it, there is no completeness in it, no passion for life, no brightness of worldview. Therefore, such a soul often gets bored and toils. That is, she has two problems. First, preferences are not clear. Secondly, until preferences are clear, qualitative saturation does not occur. The soul will remain first one thing, then another, but according to There is no long-term passion for something. And from this “lack of appetite” souls suffer, in addition, they are more susceptible to the risk of moving on to the next stage of spontaneous splitting.
Now think about the fact that there are few healthy foods with moderate taste: porridge, fruits, vegetables, etc. Most of the souls who came to Earth from pure worlds have been eating all this “at home” for a long time. And they came here in search of something new. Why do you usually go to a cafe or restaurant? To eat something tasty, even a fried steak, even a cake. What is the difference between this food and porridge with apples? Its taste is more intense. Tastes that are correctly selected to suit your needs bring you much more pleasure. The intensity of sensations from energy exchange increases, and the destructiveness of the impact of such food on your body also increases. Foods with the most intense flavors can destroy your body and make it sick.
This is another problem for souls: destructive satiation is often associated with pain. But those who decide on it come out bright and attractive. There are few people who want to go through fire, water and copper pipes, but everyone likes the result, everyone is then drawn to bright souls. But in order to reach them, you need to become saturated yourself.
Destructive saturation has important effects. Firstly, the souls that have passed through it themselves acquire new attractive facets. Secondly, they are able to appreciate similar facets of other souls. It seems that attraction is always obvious, but it is not. Unsatiated souls often look at beauty, but do not see it, feel nothing but boredom. Saturation gives souls the keys to direct experiences of the brightness and diversity of life hidden behind the veil of everyday life.
A nourished soul is a gourmet. She already understands that every food is delicious in its own way and knows how to enjoy it.
Satiated souls are more likely to be satisfied, while unsaturated souls, on the contrary, often express their dissatisfaction.
The saturation of the soul increases its tendency to even greater saturation. People have a phrase: “get the taste.” The more diverse values of life the soul is able to absorb, the brighter the world around it becomes for it. She is seeing the light. Such insight occurs as an increase in the colorfulness of perception. From faded, gray, almost devoid of color – to juicy and contrasting, where there is an abundance of colors. So, we have considered the needs of the second group of energy exchange participants.
At the intersection of the needs of dark souls and free souls in need of saturation, low-level destructive worlds were created. You know the color model, in which there are only three colors: red, blue and green, which when mixed give rise to an infinite variety of intermediate shades. This is a good analogy to understand the processes that occurred when dark souls and light souls began to contact. Thus, the task of low-level destructive worlds was to mix two dissimilar ways of existence in search of new successful solutions for enriching consciousness.
Mixing for the purpose of mutual enrichment of souls is a very important process. To achieve such mixing, they create civilizations with a huge number of participants. At the intersection of a large number of diverse souls, an interpenetration of consciousness occurs, and everyone benefits from this. As a person interested in earthly creativity and various fields of knowledge, you understand very well how much you have learned in this world, how much you have absorbed that was not in you. At the same time, your consciousness has become richer, and your mind has become more complex. It has already been explained to you that the array of data produced by earthlings is enormous. Being in this civilization, using its achievements with understanding and caution, you have accumulated your social capital.
A soul with significant social capital is a soul that is capable and ready to build communities around itself. She does not have to be a leader, just to help expand and strengthen the connections between parts of God.
I think you can guess what qualities and skills increase the social capital of the soul: professionalism, development, attractiveness, a wide range of interests, reliability, friendliness, sensitivity to the needs of others, willingness to help, the ability to stimulate interest and inspiration in others through one’s activities, etc. . At the same time, destructive saturation is one of the most important factors in developing the diverse attractiveness of souls and increasing their social capital.
Now tell me, what is Mammon’s social capital?
Ch.: As far as I understand, he is quite developed, but he is not ready to give to other souls out of sympathy. This means his social capital is low.
S.A.: Actually zero, at least that’s how he positions himself. Few people want to look into the dark depths of his consciousness with a flashlight in order to find glimpses of the desire to give without cold calculation. And he himself diligently shows that he has no social capital, that all this is just the skill of pretending. At the same time, you were repeatedly convinced that his communication skills were much higher than those of him. feet of the inhabitants of the free worlds. He knows a lot, understands a lot and can use all of this to build connections with other souls. He just has no desire to change his value system. If you promise him a guaranteed reward, he will come to you in a tailcoat. He pretended he was joking, but he wasn’t. Offer him a resource, he will come to you even as a beautiful young maiden and masterfully play the role for which they are willing to pay him. You can be sure that he plays the most unusual roles every day.
Ch.: But free souls can also receive valuable things in the process of exchange? This is not a one-sided return. So why don’t the dark beings want to try to exchange differently?
S.A.: Free souls can invest their strength in someone out of sympathy and receive nothing in return. That is, when there is warmth between souls, they already give without guarantees of receiving an equal contribution back. The karmic system, of course, fixes this imbalance, and then tries to correct it through the unfolding of new experience. But here again we need the good will of both souls to take and give. Only by good will can the exchange between free souls be balanced.
The dark hierarchy usually works on the principle of “money in advance.” If they give something away first, it is strictly according to contracts and with interest. They are ready to repay their debts by any means. They are not interested in “tenderness”, they are not ready to forgive. Their services must be paid for.
Ch.: We have enough of them here too.
S.A.: Absolutely right, such behavior patterns came from dark worlds.
Ch.: Do I understand correctly that the result of destructive saturation can be both successful and not very successful?
S.A.: You understand correctly. When shades are mixed on a canvas, some canvases come out as works of art, others look bad, others may be too dark and aggressive, etc. Each soul learns to be an artist in order to create its own attractive self: mastering different tools, seeking its own unique balance between different shades and shapes.
You and I have already discussed that dark entities have the highest thirst for accumulating resources. Can you imagine what an incentive they felt to interact with souls from free worlds when they received access to them, albeit extremely limited? From the perspective of the inhabitants of the worlds of hunger, the Earth seems to be quite an abundant place.
In your civilization there are a huge number of unsatisfied requests from people. The reason for their dissatisfaction is that the person alone could not realize his wishes, and other participants found such an experience uninteresting. But not everyone is ready to give up their needs. And if there is a persistent request from the heart for implementation, the earthly development system is obliged to somehow respond. But there may not be real conditions for satisfying the soul, because the free will of other participants and their own needs must be taken into account. Therefore, if requests overlap, people are matched with each other for the shared experience they have ordered. But if there is only one person who wants to undergo a certain experience, the development system can only redirect the request to dark performers – the most disdainful, accommodating allies who agree to satisfy the person in exchange for the resource of life.
If the implementation of the request occurs in the physical world, it is very expensive. It is also completely unpredictable due to the frequent need to involve other people with free will. In a word, the embodiment of wishes on the physical plane can have many disadvantages. So much that sometimes a person evaluates the realization of his fantasy as a complete failure with an unpleasant aftertaste. For example, a man, looking for an opportunity to brighten up his loneliness, finds himself in the bed of a completely stranger, an unsuitable woman, and this experience turns out to be disappointing for him. In a word, the free will of people greatly limits the possibilities of dark performers.
It’s another matter when a person does not dare to achieve physical realization, but begins day after day to build in his fantasies everything that he lacks. At the level of energy exchange, there is an outflow of the life resource outside. The person initiates the creation of a personal fantasy bubble. Such a subtle structure at the level of energy exchange must be serviced by someone, and almost always this is done by dark performers. During their centuries-long service, they have seen a variety of fantasies. They have rich collections of experiences that resonate with souls. Dark servants skillfully help a person enrich and equip his fictional world. Fantasies become more and more attractive, acquiring new exciting details.
The interest of dark performers is direct – the more a person invests in his fantasy bubble, the more life resources can be drawn from it for the services of servicing the labyrinths of illusions. Hiding behind alluring images, dark servants, one way or another, give a person what he needs.
The thirst for accumulation and eternal hunger forced the dark performers to deeply understand the psychology of those with whom they interacted in order to offer valuable assets in exchange. meadows Masters of needs and illusions have acquired impressive talents. But these are working tools, not themselves. And such a superstructure of theirs, developed with cynicism in order to extract resources, is very difficult to add to them themselves. But if they can be transformed and brought to moderate destructiveness, if they sincerely want to build relationships with other souls, their social capital will become very significant. They will have the highest potential to unite large groups of souls around them because they are well versed in the needs of others. Such essences know what to offer to other souls to make them happy. And according to estimates of the earth’s development system, from 70 to 80% of the participants in earth’s civilization would have already moved on to the next stage of spontaneous splitting if the dark servants had not done their dirty work.
The truth about the work dark actors do for people can be disconcerting. But in the impartial view of the earthly development system, they are beneficial, helping souls to survive and maintain their integrity. If we compare their contribution to preventing a new stage of spontaneous splitting of souls, it significantly exceeds the contribution of all other performers who work here for the benefit of the evolution of souls. It remains to figure out how to turn the tools of dark employees into their social capital, and see what they can do to reverse synthesis. Looking at Cain, such work seems titanic, but quite real.
CH: For what reasons can a fantasy bubble collapse?
S.A.: A person can become fed up and close his fantasies. Although this can be difficult to do, because the call of illusion is strong.
Otherwise, the fantasy bubble is a waste of life’s resource. The earthly development system is often forced to evaluate such a solution as the most appropriate, because otherwise the soul is too unhappy. But if there is any hope that a person is capable of a more productive lifestyle, his illusions will periodically try to close. For example, a sharp change in events. A person can also catch hints that the captivating world of fantasy has a second bottom – from these depths a chthonic cold, and sometimes outright horror, will periodically blow.
Ch.: So the illusions of dark essences do not hide them 100%?
S.A.: Most often, people who are too carried away are deliberately sobered up. But later they can create new fantasy bubbles and dive into them again. This is the truth about the worlds of oblivion: few people want to soberly perceive the surrounding reality. It seems as if you give people the truth and they will awaken. But when you give, it turns out that everyone is only hurt and unpleasant. The truth is rejected, declared fiction, lies, heresy. And in its place they create new illusions that cloud the consciousness.
CH: But creative people also always live in their own fantasies?
S.A.: Right. This is their job: to enrich the consciousness of other people with their ideas and fantasies.
C.: How productive is this activity?
S.A.: This is real creativity, a real contribution to society. Of course, very difficult states of consciousness can be brought into your world. But you can also give people valuable, inspiring ideas. In a word, creativity is different from creativity. But the very fact that a person offers society the results of his activities, and does not build castles in the air alone, transfers him from the level of a single dreamer to the level of a creator. In addition, connections are built between the author and his audience, through which a certain energy exchange occurs. And these are, of course, real results that are always assessed positively by the development system.
C.: How correct are Mammon’s recommendations regarding equal energy exchange? Or is he biased because of his value system?
S.A.: As I said, he understands a lot and knows how to explain.
I see that this topic confused you, but you need to remove the automatic equal sign between wasting your resources and actually helping other people. Your efforts can actually be useful to a very limited number of people. Not everyone will be able to solve their problem thanks to you, because your skills are not universal.
It also happens that a person does not really need someone’s help. His request is actually to relieve boredom and satisfy interest. Nothing bad will happen if he finds what he is looking for elsewhere.
Not everyone who seeks help can even accept it from outside. There are people who can only help themselves on their own, they just haven’t realized it yet. At the same time, you can invest effort without a positive effect and be upset that the help is ineffective. Although it won’t be about you.
Everything said concerns not only you. This is true for other people too.
When the soul is ready to devote strength to helping others, a person has a desire to do something for them. This idea may seem contradictory to the mind, so it is important to learn to distinguish the impulse from the heart in the general noise of thoughts. And if there is an impulse, you can try to help. Regardless of the result, everything is experience, a person learns something new from every situation understanding.
Everyone who is still studying is trying to help many people. Everyone is at their own stage of collecting wisdom. Not everyone understands how to invest their energy with beneficial effect. This is also a skill that is learned with experience. But think about it, what is the destructive essence? This is the essence that consumes more than it produces. Due to ineffective spending, the soul’s destructiveness index increases. There is nothing good in this, despite the best intentions. Increasing this indicator leads the soul to restrictions and need. The development system invests little in it because it does not see effective spending.
If the soul has a lot of experience, its VY may no longer allow a person to waste energy on repeated experience. Our soul has collected a lot of experience, I can already see where there is no equal sign between wasting your strength and helping. Just respect my decisions. I always point out to you situations where the chances of helping are great, and how much effort you need to invest. Since you are a conductor and work on borrowed resources, your performance is strictly monitored. If the beneficial effect of the conductor’s activities is low, they simply stop investing in it.
I can advise those who are now trying to master the balance between giving and receiving to be guided by warmth towards others. There aren’t many truly close and dear people in life, are there? You can safely invest in these. Even if an imbalance arises between you, even if a karmic connection is created and a request for new experiences is created to restore balance between your souls, at least you will be close to those who are dear to you. No matter how much time your karmic lessons take, you will be surrounded by souls close to you. And in good company, the path seems easier than it actually is.
Ch.: You know, in some places the content of our conversations, some individual details seem quite harsh. At the same time, I feel you much easier than the dark hierarchy, easier than Cain.
S.A.: We really have a rather tough soul. I am a judge, our VYa of the eighth level serves as the manager of the army of the Hierarchy on the part of the Co-Creator Due. You understand that we will never be invited to sing songs, play the lute and give people joy at public holidays? Warriors work where there is a violation of the Laws, and the use of force is necessary. Judges of my profile are called mainly to where it is necessary to sentence criminals. Everyone who serves in the Hierarchy of Development retains their unchanged form, their psychoprofile, in order to perform their work efficiently. It often happens that literally a step to the side – and the performer is no longer any good. And yet you should know that our soul has a good reputation, because the requirements of the Development Hierarchy for its employees are very high. But you can bring new shades, new qualities to our multitude. The kind that you yourself consider valuable to all of us.
When it comes to our conversations, sometimes we need to say something quite directly and openly, even if it is unpleasant. From our slice of understanding, we can voice things that have not been said before by Forces with a different experience and approach. We’ve already discussed a lot; there’s no point in repeating ourselves. Therefore, new interlocutors, new topics, and new approaches are proposed. After all, you are all different, and it is difficult to say in advance which ideas will give you an expansion of consciousness. But people still have a request for conversations. If it weren’t for him, we would have switched to personal training a long time ago.
CH: It seems that we have not discussed the topic of social capital in sufficient detail?
S.A.: But they clarified some things about the dark hierarchy that could cause conflicting feelings. In fact, a three-dimensional picture of the world can be built only if the contrasts are well felt, the nodes of poorly resolved conflicts between the various phenomena that shape our reality are felt. There are many difficult controversial topics, many important questions to which no one has answers. And if a person feels the desire to delve into such things, this well reflects his genuine desire to wake up in the adult world. And the desire to put aside inconveniences and difficulties for the sake of increasing one’s own comfort, on the contrary, indicates that a person still wants to be a child. Both aspirations are equally acceptable for the development system.
The soul has the right to know more and to know less. The soul has the right to oblivion in the worlds of illusions. The earthly world, which many do not like so much and strive to leave in search of a better life, actually hides behind the veil of ignorance a disproportionately larger layer of things that can cause confusion in souls. Each new topic raised allows us to better understand the souls with whom we interact, discover their needs and choose the most comfortable world for them without excessive access to inconvenient, disturbing knowledge.
Aina, fifth level judge from the Development Hierarchy
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