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COVID-19 causes dementia

COVID-19 causes dementia

COVID-19 causes dementia. The world is waiting for a new 19th century

A few days ago, tabloid readers were faced with surprising news about the dangers of shmurdyak, which, it turns out, causes blood clots and famous liquor companies even admitted this a little. But the situation seems to be evolving. 
On April 30, published a digest of research from several doctors who studied the connection of vaccines with Alzheimer’s disease. There are quite a lot of scientific works: 
“A paper published by J. Bart Klassen (2021) suggested that the spike protein in mRNA vaccines may cause prion-like diseases, in part due to its ability to bind to many known proteins and induce them to misfold into potential prions. Idris and Kumar (2021) proposed that the S1 component of the spike protein is prone to act as a functional amyloid and form toxic aggregates… and may ultimately lead to neurodegeneration.”
The next stage of the research was no longer theory, but practice, which was taken up by a certain Dr. Mercola, who created a special website with which it was possible to test the audience remotely. According to his calculations, 1 out of 66 respondents becomes a complete fool after injections, despite the fact that those who are not complete fools need to be more seriously examined in order to accurately calculate the percentage of drop in IQ.
In his summary, Mercola writes: “Based on data from around the world, it is clear that COVID vaccines are the most dangerous drugs ever used. From now on, you need to stop attacking your body. Even if you don’t experience any obvious side effects, your health may still be affected in the long term, so don’t get any more vaccinations.” 
As experience and practice have shown, about 90% of fighters against evil are biased people who are simply making money on the topic and in fact only idiots with childish faith in medicine for some reason think that some dick broadcasting on YouTube their health is somehow worrying. Therefore and as a consequence, while concentrating on the curses of the shmurdyak producers, fighters against evil, 99.99% of whom cannot distinguish systole from diastole, did not notice the main thing. And the main thing is the following. 
1. Any vaccine is not some kind of thing in itself that was made in a laboratory, but it is like a fragment of the normal biochemistry of the body, which was made in a laboratory and stuck into the body. Therefore, whether you were injected with something or not, when your body encountered SARS-CoV-2, it began to produce antibodies. And the problem is precisely these antibodies, since they cross-destroy not only the virus, but also the membranes of nerve cells. Naturally, the injection increases the production of antibodies many times over, but degeneration of nervous tissue occurs in EVERYONE. Even those who only sneezed from Covid. Dr. Mercola doesn’t notice this. Why doesn’t he notice? Just look at his cunning face, where everything is written:
2. As the pandemic progressed and long before vaccination, the Internet was flooded with messages about people’s behavior disorders. Some ran naked through the streets, others drove cars like a heavily drunk Schumacher, others took water procedures in public aquariums, like an amphibian man. 
3. After the end of the pandemic, a new wave swept the Internet – a wave of all kinds of man-made incidents. So container ships began to park in bridges and port cranes, airplanes began to drop landing gear and suitcases on cities, passengers on public transport and visitors to department stores began to behave inappropriately, and so on.
4. Since the onset of COVID-19, you have undoubtedly encountered problems with concentration and memory lapses, disturbances in the functioning of the sense of smell, taste and other receptors. No doubt you’ve heard other people complain about this too. 
One of the explanations for all this was proposed by conspiracy theorists to be the widespread neurodegradation caused by COVID-19. After the injections, naturally, she developed a particularly acute form, but no one escaped this.
Those who had an IQ of 200 became 180, and therefore no one particularly noticed the decline. But if a person had an IQ of 100 and could barely cope with the duties of an aviation technician, after the pandemic his IQ became 80. And this is almost a moron. At the same time, IQ 100 is the most widespread intelligence coefficient:
Residents of Africa have an average IQ of about 80, Asians have 110, Jews have 120, and Moksha Mordvins have about 60. 
Therefore, where there was some supply of more than a hundred units, everything works fine there. And where the average IQ of the staff was not very high, the system went into disarray. 
The consequences of this will be global and it will end with very small populations being able to support the current technological cycle. Today is not the 19th century and a modern mechanic is an order of magnitude more educated than an engineer of 1850. Therefore, in the end, the global decline in IQ will return to the world in 1850, so let’s keep an eye on the developments.
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