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World War III will begin on May 5th

World War III will begin on May 5th

World War III will begin on May 5th. Part two

In a recent article on  May 5, the Third World War will begin or the Earth will shift, we told our readers about the bad suspicions of conspiracy theorists about May 5 – one famous Athonite elder pointed to this date, the Simpsons hinted and, it seems, Heliofant also hints.
May 5th is approaching, the topic is being widely discussed in narrow circles, and now Mr. STEVE FLETCHER 222 has also joined in , who made one very interesting discovery, which is as follows.
About the beginning of the Great Tribulation, Daniel writes this way (Chapter 12):
1 And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the children of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since people existed until now; But at that time all of your people who are found written in the book will be saved. 1 0 Many will be purified, made white, and refined in temptation; But the wicked will do wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand. 11 From the time the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, a thousand two hundred and ninety days will pass.
However, about the initiating events of the Great Tribulation in Daniel a little earlier (Chapter 10):
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me  twenty-one days ; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
Now we take the calendar and add 21 days to the date of April 13, when the Shiites did the unimaginable – they fired 100+ ballistic missiles at Israel and much more, after which the confrontation began: Israel promised that it would hit back, and in Tehran they shouted “hold me seven ” The final date is May 4:
Suppose that the confrontation between Israel and the Persian king is precisely the same confrontation that we are now witnessing. Perhaps YES, perhaps NO.
However, on April 30, information appeared online that  IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi approved the final plans for military operations in Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip. They say that Israel has given all peace lovers an ultimatum that it will begin in 72 hours with or without the approval of the progressive world community. The tanks are already in place:
72 hours from April 30th is May 3-4, and if the ultimatum is extended a little, as is usually the case, then May 5th. Therefore, the theory of Mr. STEVE FLETCHER 222 is confirmed from this side. 
Besides this, there is another very important point:
Yom Hashoah of the Jewish Year 5784 begins at sunset on Sunday, May 5, 2024, and ends at nightfall on Monday, May 6, 2024. Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laGvurah (יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה; “Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day”), known in Israel and abroad as Yom Hashoah (יום השואה), and in English as the Remembrance Day Holocaust Remembrance Day is taking place , or Holocaust Day.
Considering the love of Israel’s enemies for symbolic dates (all significant attacks on Israel took place either on national holidays or on days of national mourning) – May 5, 2024 is almost the ideal day for Shiites to bite the bit and run howling to crash their foreheads against the wall of the Israeli nuclear shield, so we are following the developments.
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