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May 4 and 5 are powerful energy days

May 4 and 5 are powerful energy days

May 4 and 5 are powerful energy days

My dear ones, May 4 and 5, 2024 will be very powerful energy days. Energies will come to transform human consciousness.
Streams of Light will wash all the bodies of people. From this you can feel pleasant vibrations throughout your body and even hear a slight hum of energies within yourself. Can cause stuffy ears, like on an airplane. The energies can make you feel dizzy.
In order for the energy to flow well, do grounding practices so that the streams of Light do not get stuck inside, but easily pass through you and go into the ground.
Energies will come to change people’s consciousness. They awaken the Divine being within. And step by step, humanity comes out of egoism in order to feel its true essence, the Light within itself.
It is difficult for people to do this on their own and this Divine transformation may take many years. Cosmic energies accelerate the process of internal disclosure.
And best of all, these energies help everyone who is ready! Who is ready to accept the Light!
And when is a person ready to accept the Light?
When you strive for it every day. When he chooses Light in his life. When life in the Light comes first. When a person does not see himself without Light.
Light is our essence! When you understand this, feel it inside, you will no longer stray from the Divine path. You are returning to Yourself, to your Divine being!
The greater your desire to live in the Light (true desire: not in words, but in deeds), the more Divine help and support comes to you. Light is attracted to Light and opens from within.
Therefore, shine, my dear ones, shine to the whole world. Love it! And the Light inside will become more and more every day!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.
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