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April 26

April 26

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Self-Awareness)
April 26, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue our conversation about the so-called “self” and this time talk about its positive – creative – side.
You and I have already talked many times about the fact that the most valuable thing that every person has is his INDIVIDUALITY.
It is she who poses the greatest danger to the Dracoreptiles and their minions in power.
Therefore, a three-dimensional matrix was created in which humanity was imprisoned and in which the current “masters” of the Earth still hold it.
But it is possible to keep a person in it only when he himself lives according to the programs of this matrix, which consist in completely depersonalizing people.
And what can be observed now on Earth suggests that the Dracoreptiles have ALMOST achieved their goal.
A striking example of this is their successful experiment related to the “pandemic”, when they managed, through a massive attack on people’s consciousness, to force them to accept the so-called “vaccines” and extremely limit their freedom of movement, locking everyone in their homes.
Inspired by their success, representatives of the deep state decided to go to the end, completely enslaving the consciousness of people through universal chipping of the population and mandatory vaccination passports for everyone.
But on their way stood the same “ALMOST” – pure and ancient souls who managed to escape with their consciousness from the “prison” of the three-dimensional matrix.
And their SELF-AWARENESS played the main role in this.
This is a “self” of a different kind, which is based not on patterns of thinking and behavior imposed from the outside, but on what comes from one’s own understanding of reality, a person who has an inner sense, or, in other words, a well-developed intuition.
Such people, whose consciousness is outside the three-dimensional matrix, have always been on Earth, but now, at the junction of two eras, especially many of them have come here.
It is they who now lead protest movements of a global nature, understanding the true reasons for what is happening and the goals that the deep state sets for itself.
And it is that same self-awareness that leads them along this path: their own views on life, and not those imposed by public opinion and the media.
In fact, for every “self” there is a very fine line between what is self-made and what is imposed.
And it is so subtle that sometimes a person is not able to determine where his own thoughts and desires are, and where are others’, which arose in him as a result of the programs of the three-dimensional world deeply rooted in his consciousness.
Some people are already so entangled in the networks of the three-dimensional matrix that they have completely lost the ability to think independently, living exclusively by stereotypical programs implanted in their consciousness.
Therefore, next time we will talk in more detail about the intricacies of “selfhood” in all its manifestations, so that you learn to unmistakably feel where is yours and where is someone else’s.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on April 26, 2024
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