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Message from the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles

Message from the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles

Message from the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles

My dear ones, this is a representative of the Akashic Chronicles of the Earth, one of the Lords. I came to you to tell you that a new time is coming, big changes on Earth. Global changes await you.
They’re just around the corner. They’re already here!
In the near future, changes in the material plane, shifts in space, and quantum leaps await you. They will take place in the summer and have been planned for a long time. The deadline has arrived.
These shifts in space will greatly change the vibration of the Earth. She will become different, although outwardly, physically, she may seem the same.
“What will change on it?” – you ask.
The energy of all living things will change: animals and plants. They will be connected to the new energy matrix of the planet. It will be a powerful transition for them. They will make a global quantum leap.
People will also cross after them. Huge energy shifts will begin in them. Shifts in consciousness and energy. Huge changes.
They will feel Unity with all living things! Unity with the whole world! God in everything!
Someone already feels this right now, because they have made this quantum leap, a shift of consciousness into the Divine part.
For some this will happen this summer. The time has come for them!
Don’t be intimidated by this process. Everything will be great! You won’t even notice how the world around you will change, as you will change. You will become different, and this will make you look at the world in a new way.
Lords of the Akashic Chronicles of the Earth.
Transmitted by Magda Fyunia 04/28/2024
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