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April 30

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 30

Dear Ones, so many of you hold onto your old stories, particularly the ones where you were treated in a way that was much less than you deserved. By clinging to the wound, you incorporate the hurt into your energy field, rather than the healing, growth and expansion you seek.
For many of you, that is what you have been working hard on releasing, and you have let go of so much! But remaining attached to the story keeps it in a loop of focus which makes it difficult to let it go once and for all.
So if you have an issue that you can’t just seem to let go of, we suggest you ask yourself what you think clinging to that victim consciousness offers you, for you would not continue to hold onto it if you did not think it served you in some way.
Is it outrage? Anger can be a healthy and appropriate response to something that was not right. It serves as a catalyst to change, but anger cannot serve you well in the long run. We are happy that you see that you deserved so much more but a healthier response now might be to love and nurture yourself back to wellness with healthy and appropriate boundaries.
Is it because you do not want to let the perpetrator off the hook because you think to forgive or to thrive after such an act makes it okay? By letting it go you are not giving the experience your approval. You are, however, releasing the energy of the event, which is an act of healing for yourself because it takes your focus and your power back. Forgiveness combined with healthy boundaries allows you to energetically detach from the abuser, which is an act of love for yourself. It is becoming your own hero, which is incredibly empowering.
Is it fear that if you drop your guard it will happen again? Keeping what is unwanted in a loop of your focus actually keeps that energy active. Shifting into awareness rather than fear, and focusing on what is wanted moving forward, and working with your guides and helpers is how you can step forward into co-creating a future you desire without fear.
Somewhere along the line, if you have an issue that you have trouble getting over, you have mistakenly thought your power exists by continuing to push against what happened. True, lasting, empowered healing is the act of recognizing you deserved better and becoming your own guide, loving parent, and best friend, and lovingly guiding yourself to the future.
The bottom line is, your soul had that experience for a reason. It may have completed a karmic thread, it may have allowed you to develop deeper compassion for others who have had similar experiences, it may have made you more energetically sensitive, but there was something there that you can take from your experience that has allowed you to turn into the tender, caring being you are now. And that is something you can take with you and feel gratitude for.
It may simply be that you couldn’t experience the joy of what empowerment feels like if you hadn’t felt disempowered before. But there is always a pearl of expansion that occurs from such events. You would not have agreed to it on that soul level if it were not so.
Dear Ones, it is time. Take one last look at the situation, take any gifts that came from it, and detach from that story and old energy once and for all. Let it go into the ethers to be healed and transformed for the greatest good of all.
You can then step forward into a bright and glorious future, with the love and protection of your guides and your own wisdom, and finally create what you DO deserve now, in an authentically powerful way, as a mindful and enlightening human being on a shifting planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 29

Your trust and faith allow you to know that absolutely everything that occurs serves you in some way. When you know that things are always playing out for your highest good, and the highest good of those around you, you can start to look for the blessings and guidance immediately. If you are unsure, you can simply ask to be shown the next steps to take until the clarity comes.
What this approach does is it keeps you fully present and puts your focus on what is wanted, which will keep you non-resistant and embracing the flow. Your faith and trust allow you to be energetically efficient, wisely placing your energy to co-create one now moment at a time, harnessing the gifts of any situation, which is where your true power is. And that, Dear Ones, is how you leave victim consciousness behind once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 26

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 26

Dear Ones, if we could have one wish for you, it would be that you give up your tendency to immediately make yourself wrong the second things become difficult or aren’t coming together as you think they should. It amounts to kicking yourself when you are down and serves absolutely no purpose at all. In fact, it only makes you more uncomfortable and resistant to what is happening behind the scenes that will always be for your highest good.
You are part of a process – a glorious process of discovering your divinity and beauty as an individuated aspect of Source energy. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing! You are also committed to your growth and mindful of your journey. You are not going to mess things up. In fact, starting to demonstrate faith and trust in yourself is an integral part of moving forward into your mastery and creating with far greater grace and ease.
If you are uncomfortable at any given time, know that it will pass. It could very well be due to the shifting energies on your planet, which you will integrate much more efficiently if you can stay in a space of acceptance. Are you practicing self care? Are you being loving and supportive to yourself? Are you surrendered to the flow? Are you recognizing and honouring your own capability and taking the time to connect with your inner knowing? Are you remembering to ask for help from your guides and helpers?
If the answer is yes to the above, there is nothing left for you to do but to ride it out and know that the moment the energies are ready to shift again you will be primed and ready to go. A wise human being knows there are times of tangible creation and movement, and also times where much must come together behind the scenes. No matter what phase you are in, your acceptance and faith and trust in yourself are key to a more comfortable enlightenment experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 25

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 25

As you are all individual, some of you will be drawn to public acts of service, while others will quietly enlighten behind the scenes. Please hear us when we say one is not better than the other! Just as many tiny bulbs of light can join together to flood a large area with light, so it is with the shift on your planet. There is a great collective power that comes from each individual shining their own light consistently.
So make no mistake about it, Dear Ones. Every single time you choose to love, to heal, to shift, to evolve, to allow your own authenticity, truth and divinity to lead the way, you are supporting the whole in more profound ways than you could ever imagine. Do you see? Your growth is your service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 24

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 24

Dear Ones, many of you have been on a consistent journey of releasing for quite some time. You have let go of impressive amounts of old wounds, fears, conditioning, and templating. So why are some of the old themes coming back up yet again? Because you are ready to release the habit of having that issue.
You see, when you have been working on the healing of a specific theme, in some cases for many lifetimes, you become accustomed to having that theme as part of your energetics. You have, in many ways, identified with that core wound, much like a student identifies with a major course of study in university.
Because you are ascending, graduating if you will, from that course of study, you can now let the theme go without the fear of missing something. You can rest assured that the work is done, and trust that through surrender and flow if there is any energetic tweaking to be done it will come into your awareness. There is no longer a need to identify with anything less than your whole, healed, divine self.
Do you see? True healing means accepting that healing has been assimilated. If you broke your ankle, eventually you would allow the cast to come off and would consider the healing complete. You would detach from the story of the broken ankle.
How do you know when you have completed a theme or a healing cycle? When there is no longer a strong emotional charge around the topic. When it comes up and you think, “really, that again?” without the despair or fear of looking at it.
It is quite simple, Dear Ones – when you reach the end of a theme of healing, or what you might call a timeline, you can simply consider it done and step onto another line of potential that no longer holds that theme, that allows you to experience the joy of the new state of wholeness you are embracing. You can simply release the habit of that story as the final act of a job well done, and look forward to new potentials that are available for you to explore. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 23

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 23

Dear Ones, going with the flow does not mean abdicating your power or denying your wants and needs in order to get along with or please others. That would be giving your power away, and the true meaning of flow would be moving in the ways that best match and empower you. So to be clear the expression “go with the flow” really is saying “go with your flow”.
When you honour your flow, you find others who naturally resonate with the unique interests and energies of that flow, and before you know it you are having a far more satisfying life experience than you ever thought possible.
We are not suggesting you become selfish or obstinate. We are encouraging you to honour your wants, needs, and preferences, as well as honouring the right of others to do the same. When you do things you do not want to do consistently for others, you start to resent them, which erodes your relationships.
When you connect with people over preferences, and encourage others to follow their true desires, you experience freedom and joyful connection, which far better serves your relationships with others, and with yourselves.
And more than anything else, following your flow is following the beckoning of your soul, which allows you to best serve others, as well. It is a system that honours everyone in shining in their truth and authenticity for the greatest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 22

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 22

Dear Ones, always remember that troubleshooting will only get you more trouble to shoot. You cannot navigate your way to happiness by focusing on what you do not want. It cannot be done. Gratitude, intention, surrender, and flow are the way out of any situation you’d like to change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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