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Habits of angry people

Habits of angry people

Habits of angry people

We all have some idea of what an embittered person is. And we all think, “I hope I never meet such a person”. But do you know how to recognize him and avoid communicating with him?
Cruelty and bitterness towards everything that surrounds you can have serious consequences for your life as well. A person with such a perception of the world rejects others and puts a barrier around your heart, making you forget about the feeling of love. And this creates an extremely negative outlook for you that makes you think that everyone around you is out to hurt you.
It is very important to avoid relationships with people who are not capable of changing their worldview and type of behavior. Rude, grumbling, unhappy and angry personalities can bring you trouble and ruin your whole life.
Below we describe 5 habits of angry people that you should avoid.
A habit is a behavior that you follow regularly and without realizing it. You are so used to acting this way that you do it automatically without thinking about what is happening. And therein lies the problem. Habits that we are not aware of are usually negative. We suppress our feelings about certain actions because we shut off our perception at a certain level.
We know it’s not normal to be mean to others, but we can allow ourselves to complain a little about our past. We can remember certain things from the past that hurt us, but dwelling on them is something completely different, writes “Objects”, citing Cluber.
A personality assessment instrument called the Recall Function Scale was developed to analyze how people remember and perceive their past experiences. One of the factors identified is called “Resurgence of Bitterness”. This is the factor that identifies when people spend their time thinking about bitter memories, about bad times, constantly repeating in their heads lost opportunities.
You might think that this is more typical of adults, but in fact, research shows that young people are more likely to spend time thinking about bitter memories. Women also tend to place more importance on bitterness than men.
1. Exhaustion and indifference
Exhaustion essentially already implies indifference. When you don’t care about others, that makes you a sociopath. The interesting thing in this case is that embittered and grieving people know how to show concern! But only to themselves, not to others around them.
Unfortunately, the embittered person tends to generalize their anger and take it out on others. Even those who never hurt him. Such people think that everyone around them wants to hurt them. For example, a man who has experienced two divorces may have a negative attitude towards women.
This distorted, clouded worldview can cause him to misjudge others. Such people may also suddenly lash out at the person they are talking to just because they thought they might have hurt them.
When you shine, you annoy those who live in darkness
Remember: what you see is a reflection of you in one form or another. To remain a balanced person, you need to work on yourself. You will change inside and out, but you have to take care and get it right. And disappointments and bitterness are an integral part of every human being.
2. Envy
The jealousy, the envy, the desire to have what you don’t have. It’s basically like saying, “I hate the fact that you have it because I want it too.” Envy is childish. It is a habit of angry people that you should avoid.
If you want something that someone else has, you can only be happy because you want more, that you have an incentive to do so, or at least you can be happy with what you have. In order not to become the same angry person, you just need to go to your goal, and not just sit and envy everyone around you.
3. Buried insult
Forgive and forget obviously doesn’t apply to bitter people. They hold all the things you’ve ever done wrong. Such people will always remember all the bad things you did to use them as a valid argument in a future conversation.
Don’t play this childish game. When someone does something you don’t like, try to tell them right away. Make a remark or just step aside and don’t interact with them. Otherwise, you run the risk of having the same problem that bitter people live with.
4. Craving for attention
The embittered person always puts on a show in front of people to draw attention to himself and elicit sympathy. He also believes that this makes him important in the eyes of others. But nobody needs that drama. Please avoid this habit.
If you feel the need for attention, work silently on yourself and let your results “speak” for you. Either way, if you do it right, you will be noticed and heard.
5. Fixating on the negative
Be honest with yourself: if someone you love, you suggested going on a date to the opera, would you be excited and open to a new experience? Or maybe you wouldn’t like the idea and would try to find a reason not to go to that place?
Focusing on the negative limits you to a small set of experiences. And without this habit, you could experience much more vivid and varied emotions.
If you are open to positive thinking, your life can be more fulfilling. You will experience a variety of experiences that can bring you happiness as well as temporary setbacks. Don’t allow yourself to become a bitter person in order not to limit yourself.
Bitterness is born from your attitude to the words and actions you take on a daily basis. They shape you as a person. So control yourself or risk losing control of your life.
Tsvetelina Kirilova
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