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How to deal with anxiety

How to deal with anxiety

How to deal with anxiety

If years ago the term “anxiety” was something exotic, today this is not the case at all. More and more people are experiencing mild or more severe forms of mental disorders, and perhaps this is becoming a modern pandemic. Whatever the reasons, perhaps one of the main ones is a hectic lifestyle and stress. Among them we can count the COVID-19 pandemic, which imposed new rules of communication and work.
What to do when you feel anxious? In the following lines, we will offer you several steps.
Recognize the symptoms
Feelings of nervousness, helplessness, doom or fear are just a few of the symptoms that indicate you may be suffering from anxiety. To this we can add sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, obsessive thoughts, etc.
Be active
Make sure you have a regimen that includes physical activity at least a few times a week. Exercise can be a very powerful tool for dealing with stress, and in addition, it can significantly improve your mood and help you maintain a better overall physical condition, writes If you don’t know where to start, set aside at least 25-30 minutes to begin with. After some time, you can increase the load and its duration.
Make sleep a priority
In today’s lifestyle, good sleep is seen as a thing of the past, and more and more people think that they can be whole and healthy if they sleep 5-6 hours a night. However, this is not the case at all. If you want to be healthy not only physically, but also mentally, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day. Avoid using electronic devices two hours before bedtime.
Cut back on caffeinated beverages
In addition to coffee, consider whether you are overdoing it with other beverages that contain caffeine. It is preferable to withdraw their consumption by 10 o’clock in the morning. Even if they do not affect the increase in your blood pressure, they can lead to sleep disturbances and rapid pulse, palpitations.
Think about what provokes this condition
Try to think through most of the times when this condition occurs and find the possible reasons for it. If you find any pattern, consult your doctor and let him refer you to a specialist who can help you with specific guidelines.
Keep a journal
According to the popular site, keeping a journal can ease feelings of anxiety, especially when you don’t have a chance to share the thoughts that cross your mind. By keeping a journal, you can get to the bottom of the problem and explore your feelings in depth.
Start reading self-help books
If you cannot afford a consultation with specialists, you can start with something very simple – to begin with admitting to yourself that something is wrong. The next step may be to find suitable self-help reading. Why do you need to do this? This way you will know that there are thousands of people in the world who feel the same as you. As long as you are willing, you can begin the healing process the moment you decide to.
Don’t waste time
If you wait for it to “go away” on its own, you may be waiting a long time. Unfortunately, mild forms of mental disorders can quickly develop into something more serious. Therefore, if you feel anxiety for a longer period, consult a doctor. You shouldn’t let this seemingly innocent condition disrupt your rhythm and quality of life.
Bozhidara Naydenova
P.S. At the moment, a transition between two radically different eras is active, and this creates a serious energy chaos that affects the psyche. Yes, it will subside with time, but it takes at least 2-3 years for the chaos to appreciably decrease. Yosif Yorgov
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