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April 15

April 15

Father Absolute – Two realities (Protest against the implementation of criminal laws)
April 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about interaction with the authorities standing at the bottom rung of the hierarchical ladder.
And this time we will talk about forcing people to comply with those laws that contradict their beliefs.
And there are quite a few of them now appearing, in various areas of your life.
And in this case we are talking about your disagreement with the laws adopted by your governments, which petty officials are trying to put into practice on the ground.
What can you do in this case?
It is no longer possible to deal with such problems alone, since, as a rule, such a law itself has already been adopted, which means that local officials act in accordance with this law.
Therefore, it is possible to resist its introduction into life only through the joint efforts of as many people as possible.
And here it is very important to find someone who can lead this popular movement.
This must be a professional of the highest class in the area of your life whose interests you are going to defend, since your general petition reaches another level of consideration – at least ministerial.
Now the most relevant innovations for people are medical innovations, as well as upbringing and education, which have come under the greatest attacks from the secret world government.
Universal compulsory vaccination of children and the introduction of gender permissiveness into educational programs, starting from a young age, ultimately lead to the complete degeneration of humanity.
And all your efforts should now be aimed at repealing these criminal laws.
This is especially true for the so-called “developed” countries, into which the minions of the globalists have sent their tentacles deepest.
Fortunately, many lawyers, doctors and scientists have already begun to sound the alarm about this, since in recent years quite terrible statistics have accumulated regarding the physical and moral condition of children and adolescents who have become victims of government laws that are literally murderous for them.
But we need to act in this direction in parallel: without obeying the demands of local authorities, at the same time collecting signatures for mass protests drawn up by professionals of the highest level.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on April 15, 2024
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