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The most popular coffee drinks in the world

The most popular coffee drinks in the world

The most popular coffee drinks in the world

Coffee is more than just a drink, it’s a culture. People around the world include coffee drinks in their daily lives when resting, socializing, or just to start the day. Because coffee holds such a sentimental place in people’s hearts, coffee preferences vary around the world.

Some coffee drinks, such as Turkish coffee , are associated with specific regions, while others such as espresso, cappuccino and latte are now considered global coffee trends. Many people like their coffee black , while others prefer a creamier and frothier taste in their drink.

A new study looks at the world’s most preferred coffee drinks. It’s based on Google search volumes for different types of coffee in multiple languages, explain the study’s organizers at Coffeeness.

The most popular coffee drinks in the world: What coffee do we like to drink in Bulgaria? - 2

Cappuccino is the biggest favourite

Cappuccino is the most popular coffee drink in the world, topping lists in 24 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas.

Espresso is the second most popular coffee drink in the world and is number one in 14 countries.

12 countries love black coffee best for its rich, unadulterated coffee taste.

Turkish coffee is the least preferred coffee drink in our analysis, as it is only popular in Turkey.

According to the findings, cappuccino is the world’s favorite coffee drink. It is milder and creamier than straight espresso and comes in a larger cup. Still, espresso is a close second because it’s instant and quick to kick in for a quick boost of energy.

It’s common to find a country with multiple coffee preferences because sometimes it’s not that easy to choose between your favorite options.

The five most popular coffee drinks in the world are cappuccino, espresso, black coffee, Americano and mocha . They are popular in multiple regions including Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Asia and the Caribbean. Let’s take a closer look at each of them and why they are so popular.


The most popular coffee drinks in the world: What coffee do we like to drink in Bulgaria? - 3

Cappuccino is the most popular coffee drink in the world. It is preferred by 24 countries, including Albania, Austria, France, Kenya, Spain, Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands. It’s an espresso shot mixed with warm milk and foam. Foam is created by frothing milk using pressurized steam.

People love cappuccino because it offers a balanced amount of each component in each sip – the coffee, the warm milk and the foam. Although many believe it should not be stirred, cappuccino is usually served with a spoon.

The word cappuccino is an Italian term derived from the word cappuccio, meaning “hood”. The monks and nuns of the Capuchin order wore hoods of a similar color, hence the name “cappuccino” which means “little hood”.


The second most popular coffee drink is espresso , which is a strong, concentrated drink made by heating water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. We found it preferred in 14 countries around the world, including Canada, Pakistan, Germany, Iceland, Greece, Egypt and the United States.

Espresso has a high caffeine content and is ideal if you need a quick energy boost. It also has more complex flavors than cappuccino and regular coffee. The name is derived from the Italian word expresire, meaning “to squeeze out” . The name derives from the fact that the drink is prepared quickly on site at the customer’s request.

Espresso is served in a small cup called a demitasse, which is placed on a saucer. The cup is heated to maintain the temperature of the drink after serving. A small spoon is placed on the saucer, allowing the drinker to stir sugar or other sweeteners into their coffee.

black coffee

The most popular coffee drinks in the world: What coffee do we like to drink in Bulgaria? - 4

Black coffee comes in third and is made with coffee grounds, water and nothing else. This means no added cream, milk or sweetener. It is the most popular coffee drink in 12 countries, including Bulgaria, Israel, Jordan, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.

People love black coffee because it gives them all the benefits of coffee without the added calories and fat that come with milk and sugar. It is also believed to help with weight loss when combined with a little cinnamon.

Black coffee is mostly served hot. It is the basis for several coffee drinks around the world. You can also steep ground coffee beans, let them cool, and add ice to make an iced coffee drink.


Americano is most popular in 10 countries, including Argentina, Costa Rica, Italy, South Korea and Uruguay. Widely popular in South America, an Americano is made by mixing a shot of espresso with a little hot water for a smoother, lighter coffee.

Americano is a good choice for those who find espresso too strong. The drink is thought to have become popular during World War II, when American soldiers stationed in Italy mixed Italian espresso with water. They do this to get the coffee similar to what they are used to.

Americano is served in a standard warmed cup to prevent the coffee from cooling down too quickly. The glass should have enough room to add water, and the Americano can be consumed with or without cream and sugar.


Mocha is the most popular choice in six countries: Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Japan, Mauritius, New Zealand and Vietnam. Mocha is a delicious treat for those who love chocolate and coffee. This milk-based espresso drink is flavored with chocolate powder or syrup and is usually topped with whipped cream and some chocolate chips.

People drink mocha at any time of the day and it appeals to those who want a good balance between sweetness and richness of taste. Mocha combines two flavors that go well together and is known to boost energy and metabolism.

A mocha is similar to a cappuccino in that it contains both espresso and milk foam. Other names for mocha include mocha latte, mochaccino, chocolate latte, and cafe mocha.

The most popular coffee drinks in the world: What coffee do we like to drink in Bulgaria? - 5

Latte, Irish coffee, flat white, macchiato and iced coffee follow in the ranking. All of them are popular in countries spanning Asia, Europe, South America and the United States.

Latte is popular in Brazil, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Vietnam. It is made in much the same way as a cappuccino; one or two shots of espresso mixed with steamed milk and a thin layer of foam added on top. The difference between the two is that the latte has more milk and a milder taste than the cappuccino.

Irish coffee is popular in Finland, Ireland (of course), Norway and Sweden. It’s a curious variation on coffee because it’s flavored with whiskey, sweetened with a little sugar, and has a layer of whipped cream added on top. Irish coffee is served in a stemmed glass and is served hot. It is usually taken during the winter season to help warm the body.

Flat white coffee is made by mixing two cups of espresso with steamed milk, without adding foam. It is popular in the Czech Republic, Qatar, Poland and Denmark. It originates from Australia and New Zealand, but is rapidly spreading across Europe and the Middle East.

An espresso macchiato is served in an espresso shot glass and is the smallest of the espresso-based milk drinks. It is known in Honduras, Australia, Albania and the United Kingdom. It has a 1:2 coffee-to-milk ratio and is considered the perfect combination between espresso and cappuccino. It’s great for people who find cappuccino too weak but espresso too bitter.

Iced coffee is the drink of choice in Nicaragua, Chile, Norway and the Philippines. It’s just your favorite coffee drink served over ice and can be mixed with sweeteners and milk. Iced coffee is great in hotter climates or during the summer months. It differs from cold brewed coffee (cold brew) in that cold brew coffee has a stronger flavor and takes longer to brew.

The most popular coffee drinks in the world: What coffee do we like to drink in Bulgaria? - 6

Cortado, Frappuccino and Turkish coffee are at the bottom of the list, each popular in less than three countries. This is simply because they are mainly associated with certain destinations and are not yet widely adopted by the rest of the world.

A total of 21 types of coffee were examined in the analysis , which include popular options such as cappuccino, affogato, espresso, latte, macchiato, iced coffee and Irish coffee, among others typical of certain cultures, but known worldwide.

Sabina Andreeva

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