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Sunflower People

Sunflower People

Sunflower People

Author: Nina Sumire

Sometimes he gets used to living under the light of the sun. To know that it exists, it will always warm you, it will always shine. Like a sunflower, you depend on it, reach out to its rays, melt in its embrace, warm up, calm down, calm down. Everything is fine.
But what if the sun suddenly became cloudy? One day or two there is no such long-awaited light, no such familiar embrace of warmth, no landmark. And now it’s been a week, two, three. Clouds, clouds, wind, rain, dark, cloudy – whatever. And you are a sunflower, child of Light. So what remains? Hanging your head, looking down, crying dew, bending under the gusts of wind and waiting: are you about to break?
And the sun through the clouds says to each of its children: “You are not just a sunflower, you are the sun. Now it’s time to master a new art: sharing the accumulated inner light with others.”
Look around, look at the sunflower fields. There is the sun – they reach out to it, nod their heads in its direction, greedily absorb universal love.
And on cloudy, rainy, gray days, these little suns turn to each other and exchange accumulated heat and light. This is how they live, survive, come to life, because they are united. They do not take care of themselves alone, but are included in the process of mutual kindness.
So are we. Sometimes there is no sun. Not because it doesn’t like something, but because it – like a wise parent – wants us to learn about one more secret of our inner strength. We learned to live with our hearts. They turned to face each other, gave each other the light of their souls, gave each other a warm word, an encouraging smile, a heartfelt hug, support, reliable help. And they became the sun. Sunshine. We waited until it was light again on Earth. So, we learned.
Wish you happiness!
© Nina Sumire
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