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March 31

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Star Family Help)
March 31, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, in continuation of my previous message, today I will tell you how you can get help from your Star Family right now.
As you already know, not a single awakened Soul is left without the “supervision” of the Forces of Light, since it is truly invaluable and is capable of starting a chain of awakening among its surroundings.
And the main helpers of such souls are precisely the representatives of their Star families, who have chosen as their Service to help humanity in the Transition.
You have already been given many practices for energetic reunification with your Galactic brothers and sisters, which in itself is a powerful factor in the unification of humanity with highly developed alien civilizations.
And what happens on the subtle plane when a person calls upon his Star Family during his meditations and practices?
Firstly, she always hears him, since one of her representatives constantly keeps his ward in sight.
Secondly, almost immediately there is an energetic contact between this person and the civilization from which his Soul came to Earth.
Some may feel this clearly, and some may not, but in any case, your intention works, especially if it is sent with Love, from the whole Soul and for the highest good of all.
Thirdly, depending on what your intention or request is, those representatives of your Star Family who specialize in areas of knowledge that correspond to your request will respond to it.
So, for example, if you ask to cleanse your energy space of all alien energies and programs, then the priests of your civilizations begin to work with you, capable of removing magical programs and removing them from the subtle bodies of a person.
If you ask for a cessation of hostilities or the prevention of military conflicts, then military specialists will come to your aid.
But they will not act blindly, but in accordance with Divine expediency, which does not always coincide with the vision of a person’s situation in the three-dimensional world.
Therefore, their help may not appear immediately and sometimes not at all in the way you expect, but it will definitely be provided to humanity.
However, at the most critical moments, when it comes to the survival of millions of people, such help is provided instantly and even without your request, which you could observe more than once, especially recently.
The principle of Divine expediency is observed by your Star family in relation to your requests of a personal nature.
Knowing well your karmic “pedigree” and the tasks with which your Soul came to Earth, they will help you only if it is for your benefit and brings you closer to your ultimate goal – the transition to the Fifth Dimension together with the Earth.
Such selective help from your Star Family deprives many people of faith that it hears them.
And only a few are able to appreciate such a wise approach of the Heavenly Helpers to their fate and understand that most often only through difficulties and suffering a person is able to reach the path destined for him, leading to the Light.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 31, 2024

March 30

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Reins of Government)
March 30, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to summarize a little the theme of the unification of humanity.
You and I have already talked a lot about the fact that now it is not simple souls who have come to Earth, but that same “star seed” that is destined to help humanity in the Transition and who is destined to create a society of the Fifth Dimension.
And now it is very important to unite just such souls, since first of all they are able to reach that level of spiritual development, which will allow us to begin building a new society on completely different principles.
And first of all, the consciousness of these people must be completely free from all stereotypes of the three-dimensional world and, most importantly, from its inherent duality in all its manifestations.
There are still few such people on Earth, but they already exist, although they still remain in the shadows.
Some of them are ready now to take responsibility and leadership in certain areas of people’s lives.
But, unfortunately, the current power structures are too far from the needs of the people and are too absorbed in their own interests, trying by all means to stay in their places.
In addition, they are not free in their actions, which we have already talked about a lot.
Therefore, at present, even if pure and brave souls make their way to leadership positions, they look like white crows or Don Quixotes fighting the “windmills” of a completely rotten government.
Realizing this state of affairs, few bright souls dare to “dive” into this “stagnant swamp”, fearing that it will swallow him up.
This is where their lack of confidence in their abilities comes from.
But everything will miraculously change when your Galactic brothers come to your aid.
In their high energies, everything will begin to change so quickly that every awakened person will feel the desire to fully reveal their natural abilities and will no longer be afraid to take an active part in public life.
But even now, unification with your Star families is quite possible, since many of you have already reached the level of vibrations that allows you to begin telepathic communication with them.
And the only obstacle to this is your lack of faith in your own strength and the well-established belief that such communication is available only to a select few.
And next time I will tell you how you can overcome this obstacle.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 30, 2024

March 29

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Natural Unity)
March 29, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to remind you of one very important component of your existence, which, to one degree or another, is also a prerequisite for the unification of humanity.
And we will talk about your love for Nature.
A person who has a pure Divine Soul intuitively feels his inextricable connection with it.
He not only enjoys her beauty, but also draws inspiration, calmness, physical and spiritual strength from her.
In other words, he somehow interacts with Nature – with all its elements.
Some do this consciously, others unconsciously, but people always feel the results of such interaction.
Thus, Nature itself unites all pure human souls, regardless of their age, nationality, religion, or level of consciousness.
Only beings who do not have a Divine Soul remain indifferent to nature.
They tend to have a consumerist attitude towards everything they encounter on Earth: natural resources, people, animals.
Not being able to see and feel beauty, they even treat Nature only as a fashionable attribute – as an opportunity to demonstrate their superiority over other less successful people.
Therefore, often Dracoreptiles, reptilians and other low-vibration creatures embodied in human bodies choose to live in the most beautiful places on your planet, and therefore they surround themselves with luxury items of natural origin.
Having low vibrations, no matter how much they want, they cannot interact with Nature, which has retained its pristine Divine energy.
They, unlike pure human souls, are not able to resonate with this energy, and therefore feel its beneficial influence.
This is where their barbaric attitude towards Nature stems, which causes unbearable pain to people who cannot calmly look at how forests are mercilessly destroyed, how rivers and lakes, seas and oceans are polluted, the bowels of the Earth are devastated, its soil is poisoned, animals and birds are exterminated .
And this desire to save your native Earth, to preserve its unique beauty and purity can unite many people on your planet.
But even this pure and selfless Love of people for their Earth, the Dracoreptiles managed to turn into a farce, organizing everywhere the movement of the so-called “greens” or “eco-activists” – their paid puppets with their absurd and blasphemous “protests”.
In this way they are trying to discredit the true movement for the purity of the planet of people who sincerely love their Earth and feel their inextricable connection with it.
And now there are more and more such people, and their association is becoming more organized and large-scale.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 29, 2024

March 28

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Incomprehensible War)
March 28, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our conversation about the prerequisites for the unification of humanity.
And one of them is the protest movement of people against the participation of their countries in the military conflict in Ukraine.
The fact that globalists prefer to fight with someone else’s hands is already well known to everyone.
But this time they have gone even further and are providing military assistance to their puppets who are waging military operations at the expense of citizens of other countries not participating in this conflict, which has already led to an economic crisis in many countries.
European countries have especially suffered from this, since the leadership of the European Parliament, completely controlled by the globalists, is directing all its efforts to supply Ukraine with money and weapons, thereby turning a once peaceful economic organization into a military one.
And many people are already beginning to understand this.
Gradually, the protest movement against the absurd and destructive policy for the member countries of the European Union will become so widespread that the heads of some states that are members of this union will decide to leave it.
But in order for this to happen as quickly as possible, it is necessary to conduct a thorough and objective investigation into the corrupt actions of European officials involved in political, economic and war crimes.
And such investigations have already begun.
But a real breakthrough in this direction will occur only when this topic begins to be raised in the official media, which is trusted by the bulk of the world’s population.
Fortunately, recently there are more and more journalists, political scientists, economists, and military analysts who are aware of the consequences of criminal actions by heads of state that run counter to the interests of their citizens.
Many people are already wondering who the leaders of their countries and members of their governments serve, why, for example, the interests of Ukraine become a priority for their governments and are funded at a much higher rate than the most pressing needs of their own citizens.
And many come to the conclusion that they all receive instructions from a single center – their actions are too uniform and coordinated.
As a result, in many countries a growing wave of protests is rising against the maintenance of the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia to the detriment of the interests of the peoples of these countries, becoming another factor in uniting people.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 28, 2024

March 27

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Traditional Human Values)
March 27, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our conversation about the prerequisites for the unification of humanity.
In fact, there are many more of them than it seems.
And one of them is the traditional attitude towards family and marriage.
As you can see, despite the aggressive transgender propaganda, which is even reflected in the legislative acts of some countries, people are actively resisting it.
Particularly monstrous is the abuse of children, who from a young age are taught the idea that at any moment, at the slightest whim, they have the right to change the gender assigned to them from birth.
And hundreds of thousands of children have already suffered from similar government policies in some countries.
Fortunately, most people are still not inclined to such disgusting experiments and condemn the actions of their governments.
And the more such people there are, the sooner they will achieve the abolition of these absurd and unnatural laws for humans, which, despite the beautiful words about freedom of expression, actually condone perversions of all kinds, and ultimately lead to the degeneration of humanity.
Much here depends on the leaders of individual countries: on their own worldview and value system, but most of them are completely dependent on the globalists, and they are not independent in their actions.
As you already know, the Draco-Reptiles managed to place their puppets in almost all the key positions in the largest developed countries, as well as in the European Parliament, which is the legislative body of a united Europe.
As a result, they not only actively promote gender policies in dozens of European countries, but also present them as one of the criteria for observing democratic principles in these countries.
Just a few years ago, people could not even imagine that democracy would be capable of taking such perverted forms that ran counter to traditional and natural human values.
And this new “normality” could only be invented and brought to life by creatures devoid of the Divine Soul, who hate and despise everything that is pure, bright, and beautiful – that which originally lay in the relationship between a man and a woman.
These are precisely the creatures that the Dracoreptilians are, as well as their puppets in power, most of whom are reptilians and clones.
The fact that they are able to advance their agenda so successfully is largely due to the fact that all media are still in the hands of the deep state.
Everything that influences people’s consciousness in one way or another has long been purchased by them, and first of all this is television, newspapers and magazines, advertising, show business and the film industry.
It is they who are used to promote all types of perversions, as a result of which society in many countries of the world has already reached such a degree of blasphemy and moral degradation that people began to awaken en masse in order to stop this terrible “flywheel” of the destruction of humanity.
And this protest movement of people defending traditional human values is capable of uniting many countries and peoples, which will begin to happen in the near future.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 27, 2024

March 26

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Under the Mask of Man)
March 26, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you about another prerequisite for the unification of humanity.
And this time we will talk about the Dracoreptilians who seized power on your planet and the artificial race they created: the reptilians.
In fact, few of the ordinary inhabitants of the Earth know that behind the scenes of world politics there are NON-HUMANS.
Often, those who try to talk about this in alternative sources of information are ridiculed and called “conspiracy theories.”
But soon the vibrations of the Earth will reach a level where these creatures will no longer be able to hide behind the human shell.
This still happens from time to time: under certain lighting and angles, some people can already discern the true “face” of these creatures behind the human appearance.
But when this phenomenon begins to take on a mass character, the Dracoreptiles will no longer be able to hold the reins of power even through their human puppets, who will be hostage to this revelation.
Truly, the final act of the “performance” played out on Earth by the Dracoreptiles and their minions will be very shocking for its spectators.
But at the same time, it will give a powerful impetus to the awakening of people who will finally realize who and how they were controlled for so many centuries and what goals these creatures pursued.
Not everyone will be able to survive such a shock – the truth will be too monstrous for them.
But those who were already ready for this and knew about the existence of low-vibration beings embodied in human bodies will perceive what is happening calmly as the inevitable outcome of this stage of human development.
And there are already many such people on Earth.
Many intuitively feel the “bestial essence” of the powers that be, whose appearance no longer resembles a human being, although these creatures themselves prefer to remain behind the scenes and rarely appear in public.
Perhaps this test will be the most difficult for humanity – even greater than the pain and suffering that wars and the death of millions of people bring to it.
The truth about who brought them this suffering and how long it lasted will be too humiliating and shocking for pure human souls.
But without this truth, people will not be able to move on – only the complete cleansing of the Earth from these bloodthirsty creatures and all their puppets in power will allow humanity to enter a new stage of its development and begin to build a new world on the renewed Earth of the fourth, and then the fifth dimension.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 26, 2024

March 25

Father Absolute – Two Realities (European Crisis)
March 25, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, we will now talk to you about the prerequisites that have developed on Earth in recent months for the unification of people from different countries.
The first and most important of them is the understanding that the heads of the leading countries of the world are leading humanity into the abyss.
At the helm of power there were absolutely unprofessional and faceless people, capable only of obediently carrying out the orders of their masters, who are the shadow world government.
Their actions are so absurd and illogical from the point of view of common sense that people can no longer remain silent and express their protest by all means available to them.
This is especially noticeable in European countries that have a single center of government – the European Parliament.
It was created with the good purpose of developing a unified pan-European policy for the successful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and well-being of its member countries and peoples.
But gradually, as happened with the rest of the authorities in most countries of the world, key positions in this organization were occupied by proteges of globalists who are promoting completely different goals and programs that have nothing to do with the prosperity of Europe.
As a result, the European Union is no longer protecting the interests of its member countries, but the interests of a secret world government and the military-industrial complex, which is no longer possible to hide.
And people, even those far from politics and economics, are beginning not only to understand this, but also to feel the results of such activities in their daily lives.
In fact, now there is a systematic destruction of not only Ukraine, with talk of help from which the heads of European countries cover up their crimes, but also of all of Europe.
Why is this happening?
First of all, because it is Europe that is the main obstacle to the globalists in implementing their plans to depersonalize and completely subjugate the Earth’s population.
European countries that are proud of their history and culture are still trying to preserve their national dignity and prevent the destruction of their customs and traditions as a result of the monstrous migration policy pursued by the same European Parliament.
All this has led to the fact that residents of European countries are beginning to awaken en masse and unite in their desire to preserve national identity and self-respect.
This is the starting point from which waves of protests against the anti-people policies of the European Parliament, which lead to the political, economic and national decline of the EU member states, will begin to spread, like ripples on the water.
This will begin the unification of Europe against the globalist clique that has seized power in once rich and prosperous countries, each of which has its own distinctive history and culture.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 25, 2024

March 25

Father Absolute – Two realities (Terror as a way of survival)
March 25, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will again talk about the different perceptions of situations arising in the world by people with different levels of consciousness.
Why am I paying so much attention to this?
First of all, because every human thought and emotion carries a certain type of energy.
And now it is very important that people do not fall even deeper into three-dimensionality, but rise higher together with the Earth – into the high-vibrational space of the fourth dimension.
When a mass awakening began among the inhabitants of your planet, the Dracoreptiles, reptilians and all low-vibration creatures embodied in human bodies were seized by real panic.
They realized that there is only one way to stop this process: to make people fear for their lives now not only in the zone of military conflicts, which has been happening for many years in various parts of the world, but also in everyday peaceful life.
And one of the ways to carry out their sinister plan is the terrorist attacks that they are going to organize in major cities of the leading countries of the world.
One such act of intimidation is the recent tragedy in Russia, which claimed the lives of hundreds of people.
According to the globalists, this tragedy should become a kind of “detonator” that triggers a chain reaction of similar terrorist acts that will force millions of people to obediently hide in their homes, fearing for their lives and the lives of their loved ones, forgetting about their demands on governments and their own rights to freedom.
From an energetic point of view, such a situation will be salutary for the secret world government, since, as you already well know, the lowest vibrational of all existing energies is the fear of death.
It is this energy that is the breeding ground for the Dracoreptiles that have captured your planet, and it is this energy that conceals the power of their power, which from time immemorial has been based on satanic rituals of sacrifice.
And they especially need such sacrifices now, when new high-vibration energies are literally squeezing them out of planet Earth.
How can you resist their bloody plans?
Since it is practically impossible for the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Earth in a three-dimensional world to overcome the fear of death, which has settled deep in the subconscious of people, the only way to stop the bloody terror organized by the puppets of the deep state is to remove the current leaders.
But this is only possible if the people of all countries unite in their struggle against the idea of globalism and finally realize that the current civilization is indeed already on the verge of extinction.
And this happened for the simple reason that people unknowingly gave all the rights to control their lives and destinies to the puppets of the deep state, who are at the helm of power in the vast majority of developed countries.
You already have all the prerequisites for such a unification.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 25, 2024

March 24

Father Absolute – Two realities (Two types of perception of the situation)
March 24, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to the conversation about energy processes that occur in various situations, depending on their perception by people with different levels of consciousness.
As already mentioned in my recent message, any situation carries within itself the energies with which the people involved in it imbue it.
And if the two realities that have now formed on Earth can be conditionally called dual and unipolar, then the perception of the same events by people belonging to these realities carry the same different energies.
Let’s go back to the example from my previous message.
In the first – dual – reality, the entire situation related to the recent terrorist attack in Russia is developing according to the usual scenario.
People mourn the victims and express their condolences to all those affected in this tragedy.
Local authorities are investigating and looking for those responsible for the incident.
The head of state calls on the people of Russia to unite in the face of the terrorist threat.
Western leaders are routinely sending words of condolences, although some of them are directly linked to the organizers of this terrorist attack.
At the same time, a full-scale “debriefing” is underway in all media, both official and unofficial: various versions of what happened are put forward, a detailed analysis of the events is carried out, and speculation of all kinds arises.
More and more eyewitness accounts, stories of victims and people who lost their relatives and friends in this tragedy are appearing.
In other words, the country is immersed for a long time in an atmosphere of pain and suffering, aggression and condemnation.
The thoughts of millions of people are occupied with this event, which has become the main topic of all conversations and ongoing disputes.
And what is happening at this time in another – unipolar – reality, into which a still small part of the inhabitants of your planet have moved?
Of course, these people did not remain indifferent to the general grief, but their reaction is radically different from the reaction of the first category of people.
Fully aware of the fact that nothing ever happens by chance, they see the pattern of the event that happened and the entire cause-and-effect chain that led to it.
They try not to support idle talk and speculation, but do everything possible to alleviate people’s suffering and reduce the degree of energy tension.
If they are able to physically help the victims, they will definitely do so.
But their energetic work to neutralize the consequences of this monstrous act of violence is no less important.
Many of them help the dead – souls who have left the physical plane – to find peace by opening Portals of Light, thereby facilitating and accelerating their transition to the higher worlds.
They also cleanse the energetic space of the scene itself, to which, like crows on carrion, hordes of astral entities flocked, feeding on the energies of pain and suffering.
In other words, this category of people immediately got involved in creative work, without wasting energy on talking about the current situation, which does not help resolve it, but only further imbues it with negative energies.
And this work is very effective, despite the fact that in quantitative terms there are much fewer such people than those who belong to the first category of inhabitants of your planet.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 24, 2024

March 23

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Sacred sacrifices of the awakening of humanity)
March 23, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to explain to you in more detail why the two realities currently existing on Earth do not touch each other.
First of all, this happens in accordance with the Laws of Attraction and Similarity.
These two realities are no longer able to attract each other due to too large a gap in vibrations.
What does this mean in practice?
First of all, the mental and emotional components of the people who belong to them are too different.
Let’s look at this with a specific example, especially relevant now.
What is the reaction of people belonging to two existing realities on Earth to the latest tragic events in Russia associated with the death of innocent people in a concert hall?
The first group of people, who are completely in the grip of the three-dimensional world, react to what happened quite as expected – with fear, pain, condemnation, thereby heating up the intensity of this tragedy, and therefore radiating outward even more negative energy of all kinds.
This is especially true for those who are directly involved in these events and those who have lost loved ones.
This is a completely natural reaction of any person in the three-dimensional world, and it is difficult to blame him for it.
How do people, whose consciousness is already at the level of the fourth dimension, react to the tragedy that has occurred, and who can look at it on a larger scale?
Most likely, they perceive this event as a kind of symbol designed to awaken millions of people who have not yet realized the full power of the ongoing shifts of a truly epic nature and the impossibility of returning to their previous life, since the confrontation between the Forces of Light and Darkness on Earth has entered its final and decisive stage.
“Darkness gathers before the dawn” is no longer a metaphor, but an emerging reality on your planet.
The struggle for their existence between the Dracoreptilians and their puppets in power has now reached its climax.
And such acts of intimidation of those who oppose them will become more frequent until people realize this common – global – tragedy on a universal scale for them and see in the true light those who are behind it.
Unfortunately, this mass awakening cannot happen without sacred sacrifices in the form of innocent people.
But these sacrifices will not be in vain if, thanks to them, hundreds of thousands of other inhabitants of your planet will wake up.
It is in the Unity and Awakening of as many people as possible that salvation can be found from further crimes of the deep state, which holds its puppets hostage, who are still in power in most countries of the world.
And such a perception of events carries in itself a completely different energy – wise and creative, which brings to a new level of spiritual development not only the people of the new reality formed on Earth, but also the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 23, 2024

March 22

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Energy of Situations)
March 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to tell you about the subtleties of perceiving not people, but situations that develop around you.
Of course, any situation is somehow connected with people who imbue it with their energies, and yet it has its own specifics.
And it lies in the fact that the energy of a situation is always a very flexible substance that a person can control mentally, emotionally and energetically.
For example, any dispute, even the most heated one, can be stopped instantly if one of its participants wishes this and goes along with the arguments of his interlocutor.
And sometimes, on the contrary, a completely friendly conversation can develop into a violent confrontation because of one carelessly spoken word.
But if many participants are involved in a situation at once, then the situation becomes more complicated, since each of them perceives what is happening in their own way: from their own level of consciousness, education, and culture.
And in this case, to change the situation for the better, the desires and efforts of many people are needed.
So what happens then?
People intuitively begin to look for like-minded people: those who see and feel a given situation the same way as they do.
And according to the Law of Attraction, groups of people with similar energy, level of culture and education, worldview and value system begin to form.
As a result, the initial situation is transformed into a confrontation between different groups.
This often happens in work groups, in social conflicts within a country or in relations between different states.
All this is the clearest manifestation of the duality that rules the three-dimensional world.
And, as a rule, such a situation is resolved in favor of the group of people that turns out to be stronger.
And it doesn’t matter what this power is, in any case, the will and interests of some people are suppressed by others.
This has been the case on your planet for thousands of years.
And even now, when you are already standing on the very threshold of Ascension, two realities have formed on Earth.
But they no longer oppose each other, but exist in parallel: the gap in the vibrations of people belonging to these two realities is so great.
This is exactly how the fourth dimension manifests itself on your planet, which is a bridge to the Fifth, in which only one reality will remain.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 22, 2024

March 21

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Hints of Soul and Body)
March 21, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to return to the topic of false teachers and charlatans posing as masters of communication with a subtle plan, of whom hundreds have now appeared on the Internet.
I see that many of you have not yet learned to use your chakrometer to determine the vibrations of a particular person.
This is really not easy to do, because in order to get the correct answer, it is necessary to be guided not by the external perception of this person, as is customary in the three-dimensional world and what duality carries with it.
To perceive a person on the subtle plane, you need to completely turn off your Mind, which judges, compares, analyzes, condemns or praises.
But even if you don’t yet feel your chakras and don’t know how to tune into the energies of another person, try using the following techniques.
For example, the very first impression of a person is most often correct.
But this should be precisely the first – literally second – perception of it, since your Mind with its value judgments very quickly connects to it.
And if you are able to catch this first moment, then you will be able to hear the prompt of your Soul, which ALWAYS tries to protect a person from unnecessary or even dangerous people.
You should also not forget about the cues from your body.
Being a Divine vessel for your Soul, it also takes an active part in your life, trying to protect you from unwanted connections that lead you away from the true path – both everyday and spiritual.
Surely each of you can remember your feelings from communicating with a variety of people.
When you meet some, “everything inside you shrinks.” This is how your body reacts to the energies of such people that are foreign to you.
And when you meet others, you “bloom,” because every cell of your body rejoices at the bright energies of these people and gladly accepts them.
Why is this happening?
Because in the first case, your subtle bodies are extremely compressed, protecting themselves from negative energies, and your physical body seems to become heavier.
And in the second, the subtle bodies expand, trying to absorb energies that are beneficial to them, and sometimes it seems to you that your physical body is becoming light.
And if you learn to hear such prompts from your Soul and your body, then this will already help you avoid many mistakes in your life, even without using the more subtle energy “instruments”, which are your chakras.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 21, 2024

March 20

Father Absolute – Two realities (Self-sufficient person)
March 20, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today we will talk about what the expression “become a self-sufficient person” means, and of course, first of all, in a spiritual sense.
First of all, this is the ability not to depend on the opinions of others.
This is very important, because this is precisely what faith in yourself consists of: in your intuition and in your own abilities, no matter what it concerns – the material or spiritual side of your life.
In fact, a person makes most of the mistakes in his life only because he follows other people’s advice, thus allowing other people to interfere in his life, and therefore in his destiny, the true goals and objectives of which only his own Soul knows.
So how can you learn to hear your Soul?
This expression has become so hackneyed that many people perceive it as something metaphorical and inaccessible to the average person.
But that’s not true. Often, even purely material people intuitively make the right fateful decisions.
As a rule, this happens at the moment when their Mind takes a break, and the Soul manages to “insert a word” in the resulting “gap” in the never-ending thought process of this person.
Most often, she comes up with very unexpected and non-standard solutions that baffle a person.
But if he nevertheless decides to follow such advice, which came to him as a kind of insight, then the results exceed all his expectations.
It is customary to say about such people that they have well-developed intuition, which in fact is the voice of the Soul.
And every person is capable of developing such intuition, even regardless of the level of his vibrations.
To do this, he needs to learn to give respite to his restless Mind, which constantly produces such a swarm of thoughts that the main thing is drowned in trifles, just as a beautiful flower dies, smothered by weeds.
Something similar happens when a person lets go of a situation, ceasing to invest all his thoughts and emotions into his desire.
As a result, if what he tried to attract into his life really corresponds to the “script” of his Soul, this event will definitely happen and, quite possibly, in a much better way.
And this will happen not because the person made incredible efforts to this, but because it will be for his good, since his Soul decided so.
If you can feel this difference, then consider that you have already taken the first step towards developing your intuition.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 20, 2024

March 19

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Relevant Help)
March 19, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about what kind of outside help will really be for your benefit.
In fact, only the one that does not allow the energies of another person into your energy space.
Even if this is a very good person and his intentions are pure, his vibrational range can be very different from yours, which will lead to an imbalance in your subtle bodies and, as a result, in your physical body.
The only healer who can benefit you in emergency situations is the one who knows how to “transit” Divine energies through himself, without introducing into this flow any thoughts and emotions that carry his own energies.
Sometimes even a sincere desire to help and achieve a good result does not allow many healers to remain completely neutral, without interfering in the Divine healing process.
As for high-vibration energies, as has been said more than once in my messages, they have consciousness and therefore cannot harm a person.
They always act in accordance with the Laws of the Universe and “feel” the permissible degree of their interference.
So, for example, if a person has already completely exhausted his reserve of safety on Earth – physical and spiritual, then it is quite possible that he will simply be helped to leave for another world with the least suffering.
But if these Divine energies, coupled with the Higher aspects of the Soul of the person himself, see his still unspent energetic, spiritual and physical potential, then they will certainly help him overcome the difficulties of any nature that arise along his way.
But this process of human interaction with the subtle plane is so fragile and sacred that any foreign interference can have a detrimental effect on it and set the healing process – physical or spiritual – in a completely different direction: not what was foreseen by the Soul of a person and the “scenario” of his current life. incarnations.
It is especially dangerous if such interference comes from a person with dark energy, and therefore with the participation of astral entities.
Therefore, in order to protect yourself from undesirable consequences, it is very important to strive to become a self-sufficient person, capable of directly communicating with the subtle plane and high-vibrational energies – without risky mediation from the outside.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 19, 2024

March 18

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Help or “disservice”)
March 18, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to dwell in more detail on why it is so important not to allow foreign energies into your energetic space.
Let’s look at what happens on the subtle plane when another person works with you energetically – and it doesn’t matter what goals he pursues: it is quite possible that the best ones.
Let’s start with the fact that any negative situation that arises in a person – be it any illness or difficulties in his personal life – always has its own reason.
Therefore, without identifying this cause and eliminating it, any intervention of other people in the life of this person will not bring him any benefit.
But even if you find an experienced healer or professional psychologist who can help you find the true causes of your problems, he will not be able to solve them for you.
In any case, only you yourself can change something in your consciousness, worldview, and lifestyle.
And if you manage to do this, then you will no longer need any outside help.
Based on this, it is very easy to distinguish a real Teacher from a charlatan or a businessman.
A real Teacher will give you a “tool” with the help of which you can resolve all your life difficulties on your own, and an esoteric businessman will “put you on a hook” – mental, emotional and financial, drawing fabulous prospects for you and, of course, for a certain fee.
The same goes for healing. If you do not give a person the “key” to solving his health problems and do not teach him self-healing, then any other person’s energetic intervention can only give a short-term effect.
In fact, every person has everything they need to restore their health and remove all obstacles in their life path.
To do this, you only need faith in yourself and persistence in realizing your desire.
The “tool” or “key” to a happy existence and good health are the Laws of the Universe, following which in itself harmonizes your physical condition and all areas of your life, and, accordingly, any deviation from them introduces an imbalance into your being and leads to various negative consequences.
As for self-confidence, it can only be gained when you learn to love yourself truly – as a unique and unique Divine being.
When this happens, you will feel your inextricable connection with the subtle plane – and first of all with your Soul, which will respond to all your spiritual impulses with warmth in the heart chakra and intuitive insights that your upper chakras will give you.
It is these sensations that are a sign that you have established a connection with the subtle plane – with your highest Divine aspects.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 18, 2024

March 17

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Paid Spirituality)
March 17, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about why many of you underestimate your own abilities and most often try to find help on the outside.
It is this quality of yours that has contributed to the fact that there are so many charlatans in the world posing as clairvoyants, gurus, teachers, fortune tellers, healers, magicians, who most often bring people more harm than good, while emptying their wallets.
And the fact that this phenomenon has become especially fashionable in recent years is, of course, no coincidence.
In fact, this is one of the components of a consumer society.
People have long been taught that by paying money they can receive any service, and now such services have become the norm even in the spiritual sphere of your life.
This is akin to the indulgence once established by the Catholic Church, when a person could pay off his sins.
But now, for money, a person is offered a spiritual rise, and without any effort on his part.
Thus, lack of faith in one’s own strengths and the habit of buying various types of services have resulted in the fact that many people, who do not want to delve into the intricacies of esoteric knowledge and engage in spiritual self-improvement, rely on someone else’s help.
For some, this is a spiritual need, while others follow fashion, but more often than not, both of them fall into the trap of unscrupulous businessmen who want to earn extra money on the trust of these people.
You and I have already talked more than once about how to distinguish charlatans and scammers from true Teachers.
Therefore, now we will concentrate on something else: how you can gain faith in your own strengths, so as not to depend on anyone and receive support from the most reliable source: from the Higher aspects of your Soul and your Spiritual guides from the subtle plane.
Only their Unconditional Love and selfless help can take you to a new level of spiritual development, protecting you from the unwanted participation of strangers in your life, and therefore the penetration of alien and most often negative energies into your energy space.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 17, 2024

March 16

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Return of the Divine Strands of DNA)
March 16, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to offer you a practice that will help you consolidate not only in your energy space, but also in your physical body, additionally activated DNA helixes.
Let’s call this practice “Return of Divine DNA Threads.”
It requires a fairly deep meditative state and the help of all your Heavenly helpers.
So, put on yourself energy protection from the Fire of Universal Love with mirrored outer walls, breathe deeply and call on the Energy of Ascension.
Feel how it fills all your chakras and subtle bodies, which expand as much as possible under its influence.
And then imagine that your entire energetic space, the outer boundary of which is your atmic body, is filled with myriads of DNA spirals.
After this, call on your Divine Self and ask it to work on activating those additional DNA spirals manifested on the subtle plane that your consciousness and your body are already ready to accept.
At the same time, try not to turn on your Mind, which can destroy this subtle sacred process with uncontrolled emotions, so characteristic of a person in the three-dimensional world.
Your Divine Self perfectly senses your energetic potential – the level and stability of your current vibrations and will be able to accurately determine how many additional DNA strands can be activated without harming your mental and physical state.
In this meditation, it is very important to remain completely neutral – mentally and emotionally – in relation to the manipulations being performed with your body, since your passionate desire to get the maximum possible can play a cruel joke on you.
Remember how often this happens in your life: an excessive desire to get something often leads to the opposite result, but when you completely let go of the situation, then everything happens in the best way for you.
So it is here: by releasing the situation to the will of the Divine aspects of your own Soul, you will receive the result that corresponds to your current capabilities and your further development towards the Light.
And don’t try, my dear ones, to artificially evoke any sensations in your body.
Just relax extremely and, in a state of complete thoughtlessness, trust this Divine flow.
Leave meditation when you feel that the flow of energy has completely dried up.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 16, 2024

March 15

Father Absolute – Two realities (Ask the body)
March 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about what signs you can use to feel that you have already activated additional DNA strands.
Of course, first of all, this manifests itself on the subtle plane, as a result of which your consciousness begins to change, your intuition sharpens, you begin to feel your chakras and pineal gland better.
And this happens because with each new activated DNA helix, the fine-material structure of a person begins to be restored, into which the once lost component, which is very important for him, finally returns.
But at the same time, you can feel changes even on the physical plane, since everything that happens in your energy space sooner or later manifests itself in your physical body.
And this especially applies to human DNA, which is present in every cell of his body.
But to feel it, you need to make some effort.
And the best way to start doing this is in a meditative state.
During any meditation, take some time to “talk” to your body.
Ask him to “tell” you about how the activation of additional DNA helices occurs in him: let your body give you some sign in the form of physical sensations.
And then listen carefully to it.
It is likely that you will feel slight vibrations, tingling or slight expansion – as if your body has increased slightly in volume.
And this is quite natural, since the inhabitants of the higher worlds no longer have dense, but more rarefied light crystalline bodies.
And the more DNA strands you already have activated, the more voluminous you will feel your body.
Now a spiritually awakened person, who is already able to constantly maintain his vibrations at the level of the fourth dimension, has at least three DNA helices activated.
And even if additionally activated DNA spirals cannot yet be seen using special equipment, they are already manifested on the subtle plane, which means that, like your chakras and subtle bodies, they actively interact with your consciousness and your physical body.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta March 15, 2024

March 14

Father Absolute – Two Realities (High Vibrational Presence)
March 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you in more detail about why Heavenly helpers try so hard to guide every human soul on the true path.
We have already talked more than once about the fact that many civilizations took part in the experiment of immersing pure human souls in the dual world of the third dimension, and first of all Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius and the Pleiades, whose genes are present to one degree or another in every person .
Therefore, now, when humanity is on the verge of death due to the criminal actions of the Dracoreptiles and their puppets, these civilizations, feeling responsible for what they have done, are trying to save the maximum number of those who can still be helped.
And first of all, representatives of his Star Family interact with each person, who have chosen as their mission to help humanity in the Transition.
So far this is happening only on the subtle plane, but the hour is not far off when there will be enough people on Earth whose vibrations will allow your alien brothers and sisters to come into physical contact with you.
In other words, a “critical mass” of conscious people should accumulate on your planet, whom such contact will not frighten, but, on the contrary, will give them the strength to move on.
As soon as this happens, everything on Earth will begin to change very quickly for the better.
And this will happen not only because you will be provided with the most advanced technologies, which in fact already exist on Earth, but are hidden from you by the ruling elite, but because the physical presence in your energy space of beings of such high vibrations will begin to very quickly transform the fourth dimension in the Fifth.
It is the energy aspect that is always decisive in the development of any society.
And I know that many of you already feel this.
Therefore, my dear ones, it is now very important to intensify energy work to cleanse people’s consciousness from programs of the three-dimensional world, which carry very low vibrations and contribute to the depersonalization of people, turning them into an obedient gray mass that is so easy to control.
And if such work is carried out by you together with your assistants from the subtle plane, then, anchored by you on Earth, it will bring very quick results.
Always call to your meditations, along with representatives of the Forces of Light, your Galactic brothers and sisters, who are really looking forward to this and dream of reuniting with you as soon as possible.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 14, 2024

March 13

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Delicate Mission)
March 13, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to explain to you how the activation of additional DNA helices of a person occurs, whose vibrations are still at the level of the third dimension.
This mainly concerns those very mentally awakened people mentioned in my previous message.
Since the vibrations of these people do not yet resonate with the vibrations of the new energies now coming to Earth, the main help in activating their DNA comes from their Star Families and their Spirit Guides, although many of those for whom such help is intended are not even aware of their existence .
Why is this happening?
First of all, because their assistants on the subtle plane see their spiritual and energetic potential, which has not yet been revealed for a variety of reasons.
And if there is at least a small chance to help them with this, then the Forces of Light do everything possible to lead them onto the path of Ascension, knowing full well that these people will not have a second chance.
So, on the subtle plane there is now a struggle for every soul whose awakening is at least hypothetically possible.
Of course, here we are talking about spiritual awakening, which helps to raise the vibrations of a person, since mental awakening alone is not enough in this case.
Work with this category of people occurs mainly at night during their sleep, when the Forces of Light have the opportunity to influence the chakras and subtle bodies of a person, saturating them with the high vibrational energies that are so necessary for him now.
While awake, it is almost impossible to get through to such people, since their active thought process blocks the channel of communication with the subtle plane, and they have not yet learned to meditate.
The results of such work of the Forces of Light do not appear immediately, and they are expressed in the fact that a person suddenly begins to be interested in knowledge of the spiritual plane that was previously unusual for him.
And since such work also includes the Guardian Angels of these people, whose ability to help their “wards” on the physical plane is much wider, they do everything possible so that they come across the information necessary for their spiritual development, as well as so that they meet people , capable of leading them onto the path of Ascension.
Of course, luck does not always accompany Heavenly Helpers in such a delicate mission, since much depends on the person himself.
And yet, the process of activating additional DNA spirals of such a person gradually adjusts his chakras and subtle bodies to higher vibrational frequencies, and he no longer rejects unfamiliar and unusual information from the threshold, which is the first step for him on the path to Ascension.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 13, 2024

March 12

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Mentally Awakened)
March 12, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic, which in many ways is a continuation of our conversation about human DNA activation.
Probably many of you have noticed that everyone has their own path to Ascension.
For some, it runs through a series of suffering and tragic events in their personal lives, for others – through logical reasoning and the understanding that modern society has reached a dead end, and for others through an intuitive feeling of inevitable changes and transformation of all social foundations that are already literally are in the air.
All this is determined by the individual characteristics of each person, both mental and spiritual.
But everyone has only one way to achieve the final goal – the Transition with the Earth into the Fifth Dimension: increasing their own vibrations.
There is no other way, since even the most profound analysis of the events taking place on Earth and an understanding of all their absurdity in themselves do not contribute to raising a person’s vibrations, if at the same time he is not engaged in spiritual self-improvement.
And there are many such people on your planet now.
Basically, these are good and decent people with a logical mindset, very smart and erudite.
They are used to analyzing, comparing, searching for the deep causes of current events, but what they do not think about is their Divine origin and their natural abilities to change the surrounding reality not through criticism and resistance to authorities, but by the power of their thoughts and intentions.
Such people can also be called awakened, but in the practical – material – meaning of this word, just as a person opens his eyes in the morning, awakening from sleep.
They have awakened from the illusions of the three-dimensional world, which is already wonderful.
But in order to get into the reality in which spiritually awakened people already reside, whose vibrations allowed them to move into the energy space of the fourth or even fifth dimension, this category of people lacks the very push that DNA reactivation can give them.
And the fact that an active process of such activation has now begun thanks to the new energies coming to the Earth and the help of the Forces of Light will largely contribute to the fact that these people will be able to quite quickly move into a reality in which those already awakened not only mentally, but and spiritually.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 12, 2024

March 14

Intergalactic Confederation – The Fall of Cabal
March 14, 2024

Hello, dear Earthlings!
Today we come to you because a turning point is coming in the confrontation between the Forces of Light and Darkness on Earth.
Now, when the minions of the Dracoreptiles felt that the ground was going out from under their feet, since they were unable to quickly and easily – which they really hoped for – implement their program to completely subjugate the consciousness of people, they are ready for anything, even unleashing a nuclear war on your planet.
And to prevent this from happening, the Intergalactic Confederation decided to directly intervene in the development of events on Earth.
Such drastic steps are taken on our part only in the most extreme cases, when there are no other levers of influence on representatives of the Forces of Darkness.
Why did we decide to do this?
First of all, because in recent months the number of awakened souls on Earth has increased significantly.
This was facilitated by the actions of the puppets of the deep state that went beyond the limits of reason and affected the vital interests of millions of people.
And although the negative energy of aggression and confrontation still prevails on your planet, the accumulated critical mass of spiritually awakened people and their firm intention to make the transition together with the Earth into the Fifth Dimension allow us, without violating the free will of humanity, to make adjustments to the events taking place on your planet.
And this is what they will consist of.
First. The Galactic Federation of Light, which oversees planet Earth, will not allow the outbreak of a nuclear war, which the Dracoreptilians plan to provoke through their proxies in power.
And the flotilla of the Galactic Federation located in near-Earth space has all the technologies necessary for this.
Second. Representatives of the State Fiscal Service will do everything to energetically destroy the pyramid of power, which was built and strengthened by Dracoreptiles over thousands of years.
Thanks to a stable and multi-level system of strict and unquestioning hierarchical subordination within the framework of Masonic lodges, organized by representatives of the Higher Masonic hierarchy – the Cabal throughout the world, the political and financial power of the Dracoreptiles on Earth was maintained.
And now this unlimited power has brought humanity to the brink of physical and spiritual destruction.
Therefore, the Intergalactic Confederation decided to neutralize the satanic power structure established on Earth with the help of high-vibrational energies of directed action.
This will lead to even greater chaos in the ranks of the Cabal, since their consciousness and their physical bodies are not able to withstand the energies of such high vibrations due to the fact that most of them are not people, but reptilians and representatives of other low vibration civilizations, embodied in human bodies.
And third. The Intergalactic Confederation has decided to increase the intensity of energy flows coming to your planet in order to speed up the awakening of people who are potentially ready for this.
At the same time, this will speed up the process of activation of additional helices of your DNA, which is one of the main conditions of the Transition.
We believe that our joint efforts will bear fruit in the very near future.
Representatives of the Intergalactic Confederation spoke with you
Channeled by Marta on March 14, 2024

March 11

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Human DNA)
March 11, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to summarize our conversation about DNA and remind you of its most important points.
So, DNA is nothing more than the totality of a person’s genetic characteristics, inherent in him from birth.
It is one of the components of the subtle material structure of a person, along with his chakras and subtle bodies.
Each of the DNA helices carries a certain vibrational and semantic load.
The more DNA helices are activated in a person, the higher the level of his consciousness, and therefore the level of vibrations.
DNA is a “bridge” connecting a person with the Highest aspects of his Soul, as well as with the Forces of Light that live on the subtle plane of the Universe.
In order to deprive a person of his Divine abilities and communication with the subtle plane, his DNA was modified.
As a result, he was left with only that part of her that was responsible for survival in the material world.
The shape of DNA in the form of a spiral represents the union of the male and female principles, resulting in the conception of a person and the incarnation of his soul in the physical body.
Twelve pairs of DNA strands carry a deep meaning and correlate with the twelve-level subtle material structure of the Earth, as well as the twelve chakras and subtle bodies of high-vibration inhabitants of the higher worlds.
The return of lost DNA helices occurs in stages as the vibrations of the Earth and the vibrations of the person himself increase.
Its lost spirals are formed first on the subtle plane and then gradually manifest themselves in the human physical body.
DNA restoration is facilitated by new high-vibration energies coming to the Earth, as well as the help of representatives of the Forces of Light and Star families of people.
But this happens only if a person’s vibrations are at a level that allows him to resonate with their energies.
And one last thing.
Reactivated DNA helixes contribute to the rapid awakening of a person and the return of his lost Divine abilities.
And this process is now in full swing.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 11, 2024

March 10

Father Absolute – Two realities (Union of masculine and feminine principles)
March 10, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to draw your attention to another feature of DNA and explain to you why it consists of two strands that form a helix.
This interweaving of threads indicates that the Soul can incarnate in a physical body only by combining the male and female principles.
This is exactly what the Yin-Yang symbol, so widespread on Earth, reflects, but few people associate it with the structure of your DNA.
That is why, at the dawn of human existence, the union between a man and a woman was considered sacred, because thanks to its chastity and purity, Divine Souls came to Earth from a high plane of existence.
And that’s why now the agonizing race of Dracoreptiles, through their henchmen in power, is trying to pervert everything connected with the masculine and feminine principles.
They managed not only to “devalue” the spiritual relationship between a man and a woman and the sacrament of physical intimacy, reducing them to the level of animal promiscuous copulation and even an object of sale, but also to create truly ugly and sexless creatures.
And what is happening in many so-called “developed” countries in recent years is no longer just “Sodom and Gomorrah”, but a real satanic coven, which your planet has never seen before.
So what does all this have to do with human DNA?
The most direct thing is, since any manipulations associated with gender reassignment, artificial insemination, cloning and other newfangled technologies that are now becoming widespread in your society prevent the activation of additional DNA helices.
And since a person is a multi-level being and everything that happens to him on the physical plane is formed first in his subtle bodies, then taking such perversions for granted, even without physical participation in them, also blocks the activation of the DNA of such a person.
And those who impose such gender experiments on humanity are well aware of this, elevating them not only to fashion, but even legitimizing them at the state level.
This is largely due to the creation of such a large number of biorobots and clones on Earth, since basically it is they who can accept such godless “rules of the game.”
Pure human souls will never agree to this.
It is they who are now resisting the satanic clique, which is trying to stay afloat by depriving man of his Divine nature.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 10, 2024

March 9

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Formation of the Missing DNA Helixes)
March 9, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk in more detail about the process of activating your DNA.
Now that you know how your chakras and subtle bodies relate to the subtle material structure of your planet, or rather, to different levels of its densities, it will be easier for you to understand how interconnected everything is.
And yet, the process of activating your DNA falls a little out of this general scheme, since the return of the missing spirals in it is possible only when a person’s consciousness reaches the level of the fourth or even fifth dimension.
Only this level of vibrations opens up the possibility for a person to return to his original full-fledged Divine DNA.
The missing DNA helices are formed first on the subtle plane, and are not yet visible on the physical plane.
What do these additional activated DNA strands give you?
First of all, they redistribute the fine-material “grid” of your entire being, harmonizing it and returning it to its original Divine state.
For thousands of years, man was deprived of one of the main parts of his subtle material structure, which was necessary for him to fully interact with the subtle plane, which is an integral part of the life of any living creature.
Or, in other words, the truncated DNA of a person involuntarily blocked the feeling of the Higher aspects of his being and the feeling of support from the subtle plane of his Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides, his Star Family.
As a result, finding himself in a three-dimensional world without such support, a person felt lonely, pathetic, powerless, driven.
In addition, limited in contact with the subtle plane, his chakras could not open to their full potential, and the subtle bodies became extremely dense, which significantly lowered a person’s vibrations and allowed the three-dimensional matrix to enslave his body and consciousness.
And only now, when the vibrations of the Earth began to rapidly increase, did people have the opportunity to set off on the return journey – Home, to the Light, where their souls once came from to gain a unique, but so difficult experience of living in the three-dimensional world.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta March 9, 2024

March 8

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Twelve Strands of DNA)
March 8, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue the topic of human DNA activation.
Probably, many of you have already heard that the inhabitants of higher dimensions have not seven chakras, like a person in the three-dimensional world, but twelve.
In addition, all twelve strands of DNA are activated.
Why exactly twelve? What is the mystery of this number?
First of all, this is due to the twelve-level system of the subtle plane around each of the planets of your Galaxy.
And the Earth is no exception.
In one of my messages, I already told you about the Divine gradation of the subtle plane of the Earth and about those creatures that live on each of its levels.
And there are twelve such levels – densities – there too.
But let’s return to the inhabitants of the Earth and their subtle material structure.
In fact, if you have the sixth and seventh chakras fully activated, then this is already a lot, since it allows you to potentially reach with your consciousness the levels of the sixth and seventh densities of the subtle plane of your planet and interact with the creatures that live there.
This is the level of the Enlightened Ones and those whom you are accustomed to calling Saints.
And they can hear you, because the level of your vibrations can already resonate with their vibrations, despite the fact that you are still in the third-dimensional world with your physical bodies.
This is precisely why the prayers, or rather requests, of some people are heard, while others remain unanswered.
What should the fine-material structure of a high-vibration being ideally look like?
He must have twelve chakras, twelve subtle bodies, as well as a fully activated pineal gland and all twelve strands of DNA.
Of course, this does not mean that such a being is already an inhabitant of twelfth density.
This density is the highest goal of evolutionary development, to which every Divine Soul strives and where it is capable of creating new worlds itself.
This is the level of the Creator in the truest sense of the word.
As a rule, twelve chakras and twelve subtle bodies are activated in stages as the Soul “matures” and are for it a kind of internal “reserve” – development potential.
As for the twelve strands of DNA, their activation is precisely the means for such souls to achieve this goal.
And with each new activated strand of your DNA, you get closer to it.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on Martha March 8, 2024

March 4

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Energy channel of communication with your star family)
March 4, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue our conversation about the help of your Galactic brothers in activating human DNA.
How does this happen, and do they have the right to interfere in this sacred process?
In fact, your Star Family has been present in your life for a long time, as has been mentioned more than once in my messages.
But their intervention is minimal, since they only share their energies with people, which carry not only high vibrations, but also the distinctive features of their civilizations.
However, this already helps to “awaken” those strands of your DNA in which their genetic characteristics were once embedded.
In other words, thanks to them, the process of cleansing the internal qualities originally inherent in a person from centuries-old layers of the three-dimensional world takes place.
This can be compared to how a young and strong sprout suddenly found itself under a block of earth, which became more and more compacted every year, depriving it of the last opportunity to grow through this thickness and make its way to the light.
And now your Galactic brothers are clearing away these “ruins” of the three-dimensional world in order to help your Soul finally break free.
And their work is bearing fruit: more and more people are beginning to awaken, freeing themselves from the “grip” of three-dimensionality and paying more and more attention to the spiritual side of their lives.
At the same time, a person reveals the abilities inherent in the civilization whose genes once prevailed in him.
It is still very difficult for you to grasp these nuances, so I offer you a practice that is quite universal and will suit each of you.
Let’s call it “Energetic channel of communication with your Star Family.”
For the first time, it will require from you a rather deep meditative state and the protection of the Forces of Light.
And this is what it is.
Relax, breathe deeply and then call upon your Star Family.
As soon as you feel its vibrations, ask your Galactic brothers and sisters to establish a constant energy communication channel with you, through which their energies will flow to you, carrying the vibrations and unique features of this civilization.
Most likely, you will feel the presence of your Star Family in the area of the seventh chakra and the pineal gland.
Try to remember these sensations – get used to them, so that you can easily recognize the presence of the native energies of your Star Family in your energy space.
This conscious reconnection with your Star Family will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your DNA work with your Galactic brothers and sisters.
Gradually turn this meditation into a practice to constantly be in contact with them.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 4, 2024

March 7

Father Absolute – Small spool, but expensive
March 7, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Summing up my two previous messages, I want to dwell on one more feature of the modern world.
And it lies in the fact that now there are practically no people left who are neutral to one degree or another to what is happening around them.
Or, in other words, each person either unconsciously or consciously chose for himself the reality in which he now exists.
This can also be classified as duality, but in its highest manifestation.
As the vibrations of the Earth increase, these two realities will begin to move further and further away from each other, until each of them is completely in the energy space to which it will be attracted.
As a result, the one that goes along with your planet into the world of the Fifth Dimension will acquire unipolarity, and the other will gradually cease to exist.
What is the main difference between the duality of the two current realities on Earth and the duality of the three-dimensional world?
First of all, they are vibrationally incomparable.
These are no longer the emotional and mental opposites to which you are accustomed, but ideological opposites of a spiritual order.
And these opposites are not in opposition to each other, which usually results in the words, thoughts and actions of people, and each of them lives its own life.
Thus, three-dimensional reality continues to “simmer in its own juice” with all its inherent components.
While the second – the one in which people live who have reached with their consciousness at least the level of the fourth dimension, and therefore have a completely different mentality – is located in a different energy space that is not in contact with the three-dimensional world.
Thus, at present, two worlds with their inhabitants exist simultaneously on your planet, who are attracted to each of them in accordance with the level of their vibrations.
And the fact that the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the Earth belong to the first is quite predictable, given the fact how few pure human souls remain on your planet and how skillfully the consciousness of people has been manipulated by the Dracoreptilians and their henchmen on Earth over the centuries.
But despite such a striking gap in the number of inhabitants of these two realities, energetically these realities are incomparable.
And this is explained by the fact that the Divine potential of people who find themselves in the reality of the fourth dimension is so great that it is able to influence the realities of the three-dimensional world with all its inhabitants much more effectively.
This is what many of you could be convinced of by observing the results of your energy work both on the subtle and on the physical plane.
Therefore, my dear ones, do not be saddened by the fact that you find yourself in the minority.
Remember the expression “Small is the spool, but dear.” It perfectly reflects the current situation on Earth.
And one last thing.
Never forget that you are not alone: all the Forces of Light and your Galactic brothers are always with you and every moment protect you from troubles and misfortunes on your way to the Fifth Dimension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Accepted by Martha March 7, 2024

March 6

Father Absolute – A View from Another Reality
March 6, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue the conversation about the international situation that has been developing on Earth lately.
And now we will look at it from the point of view of the two realities that have now formed on your planet.
So, let’s start with the one in which there are representatives of the deep state, their puppets in power and those who support the policies they pursue.
In other words, this is an agonizing three-dimensional world, including its creators and their offspring – a gray mass of ordinary people who do not have their own opinions and draw information exclusively from official news sources, completely controlled by globalists.
And this “coupling” is so strong that it made it possible to bring the situation on Earth almost to a critical point: the world really found itself on the verge of a third world war.
This could never have happened if in recent decades there had not been a deliberate policy of rewriting history and destroying the traditional education system in most countries of the world.
As a result, the consciousness of the vast majority of the inhabitants of your planet has turned into a “blank sheet” on which you can write anything you want, which is what the globalists are doing now, not disdaining the most disgusting lies and manipulations in relation to both historical and current events on Earth.
And only the most ancient and pure souls, who have accumulated the wisdom of previous incarnations, try to get to the bottom of the truth, moving with difficulty towards the Light through the thick “fog” of lies and deception that has enveloped modern society.
And these people look at the world from a completely different reality, seeing without embellishment everything that is really happening, and not as the representatives of the authorities and the media, bought by globalists, present it.
And these people have a huge advantage over those who remained in the reality of the three-dimensional world, since they, unlike the low-vibration inhabitants of your planet, are able to energetically influence the events taking place on Earth and those who participate in them.
But the only condition for successful energy work is their high vibrations.
As soon as the vibrations of these people fall, they again move into the reality of the three-dimensional world, becoming unwitting accomplices of the globalists.
And this, unfortunately, happens to many of you as soon as you become mentally and emotionally involved in an active discussion of current events.
I understand, my dear ones, that it is almost impossible for many of you to avoid this, especially if these tragic events directly affect you and your loved ones, and there is no need to blame yourself for this.
But still, learn to “emerge” from the “funnel” of emotional intensity in time, until it drags you to the bottom from which you managed to get out with such difficulty.
To do this, try to protect yourself as much as possible from external influences, both virtual – informational and direct – communication with people who are accustomed to passionately discussing current events.
Believe me, my dear ones, this will not give you anything either for your mind or for your Soul, because in reality everything is much more complicated than it seems.
Now on Earth there is a denouement of events that have been taking shape for centuries and even millennia, both on the subtle and physical planes.
Only when you find yourself in the world of the Fifth Dimension will you be able to see the whole picture with all its cause-and-effect implications.
And now your main priority should be energy work, which is the only thing that can help you, the Earth and humanity as a whole.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 6, 2024

March 3

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Energy “infusions”)
March 3, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to tell you about the contribution your Galactic brothers are making to the awakening of humanity.
In fact, their presence on Earth was constantly observed, since they monitor everything that happens here, both from the subtle plane and by incarnating on your planet in physical bodies.
Some of them even tried to influence the course of events at turning points in your history, but, unfortunately, the power of the Dracoreptilians is too firmly rooted on Earth.
And now, when your planet is steadily moving into the space of the Fifth Dimension, your Galactic brothers consider it their duty to correct the mistake they once made, because the experience of immersing pure human souls in the low-vibration world of the third dimension turned out to be too cruel and unpredictable.
They especially admire people who managed to overcome the barrier of misunderstanding and condemnation from others and feel with their Heart and Soul the inevitability of the Ascension of the Earth and their involvement in this process.
They are the living example of the fact that the Divine principle in man is indestructible.
And such people are provided with all kinds of help on their part.
It lies in the fact that in addition to the natural process of DNA activation due to new energies coming to the Earth, these people also receive energy “infusions” from highly developed civilizations.
As a rule, such work is carried out at night, since the subtle bodies of a sleeping person, deprived of mental and emotional nourishment, are much more rarefied and susceptible to influence from the subtle plane.
Thus, at night, people whose vibrations already allow them to interact with representatives of highly developed civilizations activate “sleeping” DNA strands, which contributes to their closer contact with the subtle plane.
This is why many of you are beginning to feel your upper chakras and pineal gland more and more clearly.
While this is happening to you unconsciously, you can also consciously connect to this process, which will increase its effectiveness and at the same time establish an energetic connection between you and your assistants from other worlds.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on March 3, 2024
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