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   Because of the impact on human consciousness, all creativity is manipulative, but if you perceive it conscientiously / critically, you decide whether to succumb to the author’s suggestions or to make other conclusions altogether. Therefore, never forget that the problem is not in the specific text, but in your mind, which is literally between the hammer and the anvil, ie. wandering between the two extremes: “awe-inspiring confidence” and the fear of error.
Every creativity is a very complex interaction between all human bodies. Preferences are determined by experience gained in previous incarnations, i. every talent has gained experience. It does not matter in which area you are creating (artist, musician, craftsman, verbal creativity, scientific creativity, etc.), creativity is never only a derivative of the mind. A lot of countries are involved in the creative process, trying to achieve their goals through earthly artists. The most active are three types of acting beings – two are astral, and the third are mental. The first astral type is so. jokers – personally I do not understand it, how can you fuck with someone, and then say you joked. It seems like I do not have a sense of humor – at least that is how they are justifying such jokers. We call the devil jokes of the astral jokes, but I think it’s a good name for Earth.
The other astral co-authors are from the so-called a higher astral, souls that have been broken for some reason there, tired of them and trying to get out of the battle, joining the general consciousness and serving the common interests. Keep in mind that their willingness to be useful is used by higher authorities, but because of their weaknesses and shortcomings, they can often mislead. For example, due to unspoken vanity and to be more effective, they are often presented with a variety of popular and sought-after names.
The third type is ID (acting); all the gods, absolutes, angels, archangels, and ascended bishops, co-authors of the canalists, are human souls, but unlike the astral ones, they are authorized representatives; they are part of the being for which they are presented and have been given the task of contacting people, “Public Relations”. They are chosen by the higher being as best suited to represent him, his students are, and are like, a practical exam / internship. This is because of the inability of the higher to communicate with human consciousness – it is extremely rare to realize the fifth dimension, so those mediators who dictate the messages of dimensions that are realized by the people are needed. But, regardless of their credentials, they also have “feuding cracks”
Quite definitely it can be said that the blackheads are like any other work, yet remember that the ancients spoke of the muses they inspired. But the cannabis is not defined as an author, above all, to avoid liability. There are, of course, those who distinguish that the muses are different, although everything passes through the Higher Self. And the “automatic letter” is almost always an indicator of astral emplacement with very rare exceptions when it can be used as a walk-in from the higher levels. Exclusion of consciousness also excludes the critical mind (asking inconvenient questions), even though dialogue may blur and turn off the mind.
The Canalist has the complex task (like any other creator) to translate a telepathic message / information into a form that people can understand. You understand that the transmission of information depends entirely on the worldview, the vocabulary, the emotional attitude and the intentions of the intermediary. For example, there is a popular canal guy with a very limited vocabulary – imagine how he can convey complicated concepts and matter with the few words he uses (he has recently learned that he has learned a few more words). Sadly, most canalists are so happy to receive messages (they claim to be proofs of abilities and spiritual advancement) and do not consider that they are used by astral jokes. As I repeat many times, useful information can always be extracted if it is read critically. Pay attention,
The question is, how much do you believe in them – are you in the golden environment? If you believe too much, you become parrots that suffer constantly from disappointments. If you do not believe, they do not find a bright beam to give you hope. In such cases, you may only see positive or just negative, and this is an illusion, as there is no single reality – you are in the hell of contradiction yourself. And if you act actively, you can also find useful information in the darkest message because even they have a predominant real truth, otherwise no one will pay attention to them. If you are actively involved, you are invulnerable to manipulation because you assume there may be such manipulations. And believers accept everything for a clean coin – do you understand why faith is the foundation of every religion?
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