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February 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 29

Think of one thing you can do today that will be a luxurious expression of self love, whether it be quiet time to curl up with a book, a hot bath, meditation, a walk outside – whatever would bring you pleasure and peace. In order to keep your balance in such rapidly shifting times, it is so important to be in touch with your needs and to honour them.
Many of you aren’t comfortable with putting your needs first. In truth, it is honouring yourself and your needs first that will allow you to embody your highest expression of self, which then allows you to shine that light brightly for all those around you. In the simplest terms, a flashlight cannot shine the way through the darkness if its batteries have run down. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 28

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 28

If someone was to hold up a large black tarp over your head that blocked out the sun, you would sit in darkness knowing the sun was there but with little experience of it.
If a person came along and poked a hole through the tarp, a little ray of light would shine through, and you would have an experience of more light. If another person came along and poked another hole, another ray of light would shine through in another location, giving you a broader experience of light. And if people came, one after the other, all poking holes in the tarp until it was completely tattered, the light would be able to shine through, brightly, flooding everything below with little of the darkness left.
Dear Ones, this is what happens every time a human being lets their light shine! This is what you have all been doing, over and again, and today the light floods your beloved planet, bathing you all in brilliance. You are magnificent. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 27

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 27

Beingness/laziness, observation/judgement, self awareness/selfishness, energetic clarity/self protection…the difference between these elements can be difficult to understand. Let us make it easy for you. Once connects, the other separates.
Dear Ones, the days of separation are over. You are now moving forward, understanding that you are all part of a greater whole. By looking at things through this new filter, you will have a much greater understanding of how to proceed. You will easily see which aspects and practices support unity consciousness, and what you can finally let go of, once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 26

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 26

Dear Ones, we understand with your loving compassionate hearts you can become very invested in another soul’s well-being and growth. It can be difficult to see a beloved stuck in a situation or creating discomfort for themselves, but you must allow others to be responsible for their own growth and path.
If you are asked for help, please do, as long as the help is empowering to both of you. Other than that, love others enough to allow them to grow at their own speed, trusting that they are as wonderfully guided as you are. Rescuing others, at best, delays growth and at worst, can completely disempower another. Being a calm, balanced, loving support by honouring free will and knowing each soul is well loved and guided, and having the exact experience it needs, is embodying your new role of guide on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 23

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 23

When you are walking your talk, holding your own balanced energy and embodying what you know, others will naturally seek you out for guidance. Further, when they do, they will be more than ready to receive it. There is nothing else that needs to be done to honour your role of guide. The old roles of victim/rescuer are over. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 22

While it is true that today may be the first day of the rest of your life, it is the only day that matters. Your real truth exists in the now moment, since you exist as a being beyond time and space. So what do you wish to do with this right now moment? Embody all you wish to be! Wrap yourself up in a breathtaking blanket of love. Shine your light. Be. And know by doing this, you have just shaped your future beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 21

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 21

Your spirituality is about connecting with Source. Aligning with Source energy feels wonderful! It is empowering. It is healing. It is joyous and unconditionally loving. It doesn’t separate, it unifies. It is everything the enlightening human being wishes to create for themselves and the planet because it is the energy of endless possibilities.
Source energy is available to you every second of every day. Accept that you are worthy, that you are part of the whole, and bring joyful spirituality to your day to day life. By doing so, you will be living heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 20

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 20

Many humans have a fear of stepping into their authentic power and embracing themselves as creators. Dear Ones, there is nothing to fear! You have all had many life expressions experiencing power to define what it is, and what it is not. That was in preparation for the times you are in now.
The fact that you are treating power with such respect shows you are more than ready. Do not be afraid of the responsibility you feel. In reality, you are already creating so you may as well fully commit to using your wisdom and mindfulness to create the life and world of your dreams. You are so ready.
We would like to add that you cannot make a mistake. If you were heading in a direction that didn’t honour you, you would get uncomfortable and would naturally redirect. It is time to fully embrace what you are here to do and feel the excitement and joy of stepping into that sacred purpose you have prepared so very long for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 19

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 19

The very nature of your planet and life expression is change. Many of you have a negative association with change. That is because in the past you have been living your life from a place of fear, or your conditioning has taught you to fear change.
Dear Ones, we wish to point out that a baby being born is change. The sun rising is change. A flower blooming is change. Enlightenment is change. Healing is change. Conscious creation is change. Meeting your next great love is change.
Throw out that old belief system that says change is to be feared and avoided at all costs and embrace the idea that everything you wish to create for yourselves, and the planet, will come on the winds of change and that it will be very wonderful, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 16

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 16

In the older energies, darkness was required to help you define yourself, to create contrast so you could figure out who you really are. There is an easier way, you know. Inside of you, at your core, there is a part of you that always remembers your divine nature. If you simply commit to embracing that truth, to spending time in the now and supporting your highest alignment, you will connect with the absolute knowingness of who you are and the fact that you are an honoured and valued part of the whole. The dark night of the soul is designed to get people to change, to reach for more. It serves a wonderful purpose. But you always have the option to move into your enlightenment, willingly, gracefully, joyously. It is as simple as finally accepting your divine nature and committing to remembering and supporting that truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 15

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 15

Surrender is a wonderful manifestation technique. By surrendering into the flow with your highest intention, you are operating as your highest aligned, creator self. You can then go about your day secure in the fact that the universe is working with you to seamlessly bring you your highest result. You can further support your manifestations through gratitude, which is the steering wheel of the flow. It is a simple, beautiful system that is available to every single human being on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 14

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 14

Enlightening human beings are so very hard on themselves. They tend to criticize themselves harshly for things they would open-heartedly forgive in others.
Dear Ones, as the energies shift so wildly, there will be times where you may not react as “spiritually” as you are capable of. Do you understand that is part of the process? You will have days when you are angry, or impatient, or judgmental. You will tend to slip back into those energies when you are not in balance. That is fine. Do not berate yourself for it, simply take it as feedback that you are out of balance and readjust accordingly.
This is not Santa Claus spirituality! There is no list with a big black “x” next to your name if you slip up. (loving laughter) You are perfection in all of it, so love yourselves, forgive yourselves, and know that you are remarkable and loved and celebrated through the entire process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 13

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 13

Many people understand movement is required to get them where they wish to be, yet they hesitate to step into that movement. We understand that you hesitate because you don’t want to make a mistake, but such thinking is faulty and we will tell you why.
You cannot make a mistake! It is impossible. If you have surrendered and entered into the flow, your guides and helpers will be assisting you, instantaneously, to help you get where your soul desires to go.
It doesn’t matter which direction you take your first step towards because the flow is self-adjusting. The important thing is to take that first step, in any direction, because you cannot guide something that is not in motion!
Again we love you for your mindfulness, but now is not the time for stagnation. Using surrender and flow with intention is mastery in motion and a wondrous thing, indeed. Feel free to step into movement without fear, knowing that all movement is forward movement and will take you, without fail, to the place of highest good. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 12

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 12

We invite you to have an “as if” day. Why not, just for today, act as if you already have everything you could ever need – as if you are completely healed, as if you are living in complete harmony, as if you are a piece of the whole, as if you really are a beloved piece of God (which, of course, you are!), as if shining your light brightly is all that is required to do? How freeing would that feel to you?
If you feel relief from this very thought, it is showing you what old stories you are ready to let go of. Give yourself permission to step beyond the old and see your life as a blank canvas filled with endless possibilities. Acting “as if” will shift your energies away from what you do not want and give you the freedom to start creating the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 9

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 9

Did you know that each and every enlightening human being on the planet, right now, has come to assist with the shift? Many of you no longer required incarnating to this planet, yet you came back into the density of earth to be of service. This is how remarkable you are and this is how much you love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 8

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 8

So many having a human experience spend a lot of their time looking at what’s wrong. A lull period might be wrong, other people’s actions are wrong, society is wrong, different spirituality is wrong, even the weather is wrong! This is such an exercise in futility. You simply are not qualified to judge because from your vantage point you lack the higher perspective as to why an event may be occurring.
Moving into acceptance and allowing clearly demonstrates that you have complete trust in the process of the universe and have an understanding that all is divinely perfect. This will free up a tremendous amount of your time and energy. What will you do with all that free time? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 7

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 7

Why not make today a treasure hunt? Spend the day consciously looking for the beauty that exists all around you. As you do, you will be filled with wonder for the magic that exists everywhere, if only you have the eyes to see. At the end of the day, take a moment to feel heartfelt gratitude for all the treasures you found. If you make this a practice each day, you will be stepping into a role of active co-creator, working in partnership with the universe to bring even more beauty to your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 6

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 6

At this point many of you have a very good spiritual knowledge base. You have gathered a lot of useful information, all in preparation for the times you are in. Dear Ones, now is the time to start applying that knowledge!
Many of you understand the importance of nurturing yourselves, yet you continue to put others first and wear yourselves out. Many of you know that you stay balanced when you practice meditation, yet continue to be “too busy” to honour yourselves in such a manner. You understand that you are always creating with your thoughts and belief systems, yet continue the old disempowering chatter out of habit.
The skill base you have is designed to help you move forward with the greatest comfort and ease but it simply cannot assist you if you do not use it. Now is the time to take the reins and consistently apply what you know. It is the only way to have the empowered life expression you dream of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 5

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 5

Many wonderful souls see that change needs to occur in a certain area and decide to assist with that change. Before you know it, they are filled with judgement for those who do not support their views and are exhausted by a fight that gets nowhere. While their hearts are very much in the right place, they try to affect change using the very energies that created the imbalance in the first place.
True change, authentic change, comes from embracing who you really are and actively hold the energy of what you want more of. You cannot force your point of view on others, nor can you create change by focusing on what you do not want. It simply cannot be done. True change comes from each individual in the collective embodying their highest alignment until the energies shift to the point where the old ways are no longer supported.
Anchoring the change you wish to see is mindful activism and that is exactly how the enlightening human being will create the peace on earth you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 2

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 2

Many of you have become clear about what you would like to create in your lives. You desire change, yet you resist change due to your innate fear of it. This creates a tug of war within you that is most uncomfortable, indeed!
Dear Ones, if you wish to move into the life expression you desire, you must surrender to the flow, for the only way you can arrive in that new place is through the bridge of change.
Again we say, do not fear change. If you wish to be afraid of something, be afraid of staying the same because your soul is always seeking expansion and that is what creates far deeper satisfaction and purpose in your life than stagnation, predictability, and control ever could. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 1

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 1

With energies moving as quickly as they are, many people may be creating their perfect storms, and you may see others in crisis. While that may seem scary, it is indicating accelerated growth and great opportunities for forward movement. Remember, if the energies are moving that quickly it also means that people can move through healing and into greater levels of understanding and connectedness in record time, as well. The days of long, drawn out, slow moving growth are long gone. Harness the wonderful opportunities these energies offer and ride the wave with the complete assurance that all movement is forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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