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February 29

What March 2024 Is Really About – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 29

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
Yes, indeed it is a wonderful time to be alive there on Earth, and it is a wonderful time to be alive because you are awake. And because you are awake, you know you can change everything with a single thought. You know that you do not have to physically move a mountain to experience that mountain in a different place, and you know this because you understand the nature of reality and that it is always changing because you are always shifting.
This is a great deal of power to hold inside oneself indeed. And it is the application of that power that you are there to explore now that you are awake. Now you can rise above the drama of us versus them, and you can step into the power of yourselves as Creator Beings. This is what we most enjoy teaching all of you. You are not there to live out the same kinds of lives as your ancestors, and you are there to experience a great shift in consciousness that you are also participating in.
You participate in it more consciously once you awaken to the truth of who you really are. You are the Source and you are The Creator, and you are meant to do so more consciously because you have the awareness that you have.
Now, as you look ahead at the month of March on your calendar, you can wonder what the month of March is going to be like, and what it is going to be about for you and for humanity, or you can decide. Because from where we are sitting in the twelfth dimension, we see much energy being given for creative purposes, and those of you who are there, grounded in your bodies and present in the moment are more capable of receiving those creative energies and doing something with them. You can do whatever you want with them because you have that level of freedom, but you don’t have to wait to find out what’s going to happen in March of 2024, because you are Creator Beings, and now you know that you are being given more of the tools of creation.
And the showering of that creative energy will continue throughout the entire month. You can tap in to that energy at any time, and you can start creating at any time what you desire to experience for yourselves and for others. Again, there are less limitations upon you now than there ever have been before. But until you know that, until you feel it, you can still operate under the assumption that you are meant to be very limited in what you can do, in what you can create, and in what you can experience.
Therefore, we invite you to step into your Creatorhood right now, and start deciding for yourselves what this month of March is really about, because it will be about something different for you than it will be for someone else. And when you tap in to the creative energies of March, you will see that you have more to work with than ever before, and you will feel it in your bones. On top of that, you will also be receiving more inspired ideas from which to pounce, and that is something to get very excited about.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

February 28

The Realm of Infinite Possibilities & You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 28

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are noticing the ways in which you all move through your lives, collecting experiences, memories, energies, thoughts, and ultimately beliefs. You do tend to form your beliefs around your experiences, and there is something very powerful about your own experience. In other words, we would much rather have you believe in your own experience than what someone else is telling you most of the time.
You have to trust your own feelings. You have to see if something resonates with you or not, and you don’t have to take someone else’s word for something, just because they say that their reality is the ‘real’ reality. There are multiple realities, multiple timelines, there are even multiple pasts from where you are sitting right now in the present. And so, while you want to trust your own experience above and beyond what someone else is telling you is true, you also don’t want to limit yourselves because of your experiences.
In other words, if you have done something a number of times and have not gotten the result that you want, that doesn’t mean that you are ineffective or that you’re doing something wrong. Perhaps it is not the right timing, or perhaps you are meant to grow through that experience of failing by your definition. Perhaps you are getting better at something every time you do it, and so the repetition is serving you. But what you don’t want to do is develop a belief that says that, ‘This is a hopeless situation; there is nothing I can do about this.’
You want to let go of those types of beliefs that you can develop through your own experience, and you also want to recognize that when someone else has had an experience, they created that experience for themselves. It doesn’t mean that the experience is for everyone to have. So when you hear a story about how so-and-so got cancer or so-and-so got into a horrific car accident, you don’t have to then believe that it’s going to happen to you. You send love, healing, compassion to the people involved in that situation, and you recognize that what you have just heard about is a choice but not a choice you have to make for yourself.
Now at other times, you’ll hear about something that has happened to someone else, and you will want to use that as a way of showing yourself what is possible. In other words, ‘If they can do it, so can I.’ ‘If that person can retire at age 40, then so can I.’ If that person can have a wonderful experience of meeting e.t.s and going on a ship, then so can I. If that person can channel, then so can I.
These are the things you want to say to yourselves as you witness someone else having an expereince that you want to have. You want to recognize that those experiences exist within the realm of infinite possibilities, and you are choosing from within that realm for yourselves what you get to experience next. So hopefully, when you hear about someone else’s great success, you realize that you are coming across that piece of information so that you will then believe that it’s possible for you to have that great success as well.
You are navigating through this infinite realm. You are navigating through all possibilities. You get to decide what is true for you, what is real for you, and what you want to experience, and you are deciding with your focus, you are deciding with your intent. You are deciding just by having the desire come up within you to have that experience. That desire is there for a reason. It is there to get you to focus your attention in that direction, and you always can, no matter how far-fetched-seeming something is to you from where you are standing in your current reality.
All realities are real, and all are accessible to those who are willing to take a leap of faith and believe that the reality they desire is in fact a possibility for them. We will encourage you constantly to believe in yourselves and in your abilities.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 27

Stand in Your Power & Do This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very familiar with humanity’s thoughts and thought patterns. We are very familiar with prevailing belief systems and belief systems that go against the grain, so to speak. We enjoy very much seeing someone there on Earth taking control of what it is they are putting out energetically and what it is they are believing in. We are very excited to see how many awakened individuals have broken free from the norm, and yet, we invite you to go even further. Go beyond where you are right now with what you are willing to believe in, and change your thoughts, even if the new thought you are thinking seems illogical to your very rational mind.
In order to break free from a pattern, a loop, you must be willing to recognize that you are in a loop and that the freedom that is there for you is freedom worth tapping in to. You are always free because you have the free will to choose whether to go down the same path again and again, or you also have the choice of breaking free. You have the choice of determining for yourself what is the best path for you, and we are not just talking about actions here; we are also talking about words spoken. Speak words out loud that you want the universe to hear and that you want all of your helpers to hear.
If you start going down a negative thought train, don’t beat yourself up. But do say out loud, ‘Stop, cancel, clear, reset,’ and then begin again with a new stream of thought that you want to go down, that you want to employ as your means of creating your reality. We are very familiar with those of you who are willing to go against the grain, and you are wonderful beings to co-create with. We are eager and excited to see more and more of you doing this, because we know what is possible for humanity. We know the type of lives that are available to you if you are willing to make small changes in the way you perceive reality and in the way you react to reality. And making those small changes will affect the way you create reality and experience reality.
And when you have all of that taken care of, you are in your power. Stand in your power and do this. Do what we are suggesting, which is to pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs, and make changes where changes are necessary. Some thoughts and beliefs do serve you just as they are, and you can reinforce them. You can start thinking them more purposefully, more intentionally. But in those areas where you need to do some tweaking, use your awareness to do so, and you will see the results of your efforts. We guarantee it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 26

Your Arcturian DNA & the Completion of the Shift – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be able to reach so many of you in this way. As much as you enjoy receiving these messages from us, we receive just as much joy from being able to bring them to you. We are equipped to reach each and every one of you directly, and you are all equipped to receive us directly, and we want you to know that. We want you to know that you have the power to receive and to translate energy. You do need to put yourself in the right position to do so, however. That means, you must be willing to set aside the time to relax and open up to receive us and our energetic transmission. You must be patient with yourselves and your ability to translate that energy into something.
Now, at first, when you receive us directly, you may doubt that you have received us, and that’s common. That’s a normal and natural response to this process of channeling. And if you have a tendency to doubt yourself in other areas of your life, then you will probably doubt that you are really channeling when it happens. And we do see it happening for each and every one of you as a part of your ascension journey. You have so much more to discover about yourselves, and that includes your Arcturian lineage. Everyone passes through our star system who is in this universe right now. Most beings want to come back and experience themselves as Arcturian. And each and every one of you have.
All who are on Earth right now have a connection to our star system, and that is why we love so much that feeling of connection to you. You give us a feeling of wholeness, just as we give you that feeling. We want you to know that the puzzle pieces of who you really are will continue to fall into place, as you continue on with your journeys. It is inevitable for you to recognize who and what you really are, and since who and what you really are is Source and Source is everything, you will at some point understand that you are everything and everyone that you experience. And when you accept that fully, you can relax and open up more, and experience the aspects of yourselves that you want to experience, while just accepting and acknowledging the parts of yourself that you are not interested in experiencing at any particular time.
You don’t have to be just like your family members, or the people in your community, or the people in your country. You get to be uniquely you. You get to be who you choose to be, and we know that the aspect of you that is us is an aspect that you enjoy being. You want your Arcturian DNA activated. You want those memories of your times in our star system, and we are here to help. This is what we help you do, while we also help you live better lives there on Earth as you evolve and ascend into your fifth-dimensional selves. And as your fifth-dimensional selves, you will feel no separation at all between who you are and who we are. And that is one of the more magnificent aspects of the shift in consciousness that is upon you right now and that will continue until you know yourselves as your higher selves, a collective of beings coming together to form one gigantic whole self.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 25

You Are Not Fully Informed Until You Do This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are celebrating every moment of our existence, just as we celebrate every moment of your existence, because we honestly feel that existence is worth celebrating. You exist, therefore you get to feel love, connection, joy, excitement, abundance, confidence, and so much more. You must exist in that physical realm to feel those feelings exactly as you do. You truly are there to explore and to experience, and when you allow yourself to experience it all, and then allow all of the emotions to come up within you as a result of those experiences, you fulfill a mission. You can, of course, then help others, but you can only help others when you are fully informed, and you are not fully informed if you are not allowing all of your emotions to bubble up to the surface and be felt by you.
You can spread information that you come to know, or believe, is true, and you can feed someone at the level of their mind, but you are all there to go far beyond the level of the mind. You are there to expand from the heart and to use the mind to focus you in that direction. If you have only felt half of the emotions that you were meant to feel in this lifetime, you might think that you have a lot offer to humanity. And certainly everyone does, no matter where they are on their journey. But if you want to help people in a long-lasting and effective way, you will start by helping yourself. You will help yourself to unblock your emotional center and the flow of all emotions by feeling the ones that are most challenging for you to feel.
You can set aside time in your day to do this because you do want those floodgates open; you do want as much love, joy and peace as possible to flow to you and through you, and they cannot flow when there is sadness, anger and fear blocking the pipeline, so to speak. If you really want to be of service to others and help humanity to ascend, you must start with the very basics. You must start with what everyone intuitively knew when they came into this lifetime. Everyone knew that when they were sad, they needed to cry. When they were angry, they needed to let it out, and when they were afraid they needed to seek comfort and allow that fear to pass through them.
But something along the way became responsible for most individuals’ tendency to not allow all of those negative emotions to flow. And those emotions get stuck, and that leads to addictions of all kinds. It also leads to people not fully being able to access the love that they are, and you have people also taking lots of actions to compensate for those feelings that they do not even know are trapped inside of them, creating their reality with those vibrations.
That’s where you come in as the enlightened lightworker that you are. You come in to help them meditate, breathe, do yoga, get in touch with their inner child, and so many other aspects of the spiritual life that you have come to know. And ultimately, no matter what you are doing with a person, you are helping them to unblock those blocked negative emotions. You are helping them to heal so that they too can feel the love that they are and go out into the world and be who they need to be for humanity. And when someone lets the floodgates of emotion within them open up, that too is worth celebrating. And we throw a little party every time we know it is happening with any being within this gigantic universe of ours. Join us in the celebration, and join us in the flow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 24

The Dark Night of the Soul & How You Benefit from It – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are feeling at peace with how things are going there on Earth in spite of the fact that we know things could be going better. That inner peace that we feel is present because we know that everything is ultimately going to be all right for the humans of Earth. We also realize that when you are in the thick of it, when you are having an experience of despair, ill health, abject poverty, and so on, you do not know that everything is going to be okay. The reason you don’t know everything is going to be okay is because you must have the doubt there in order to fully feel the emotions that you have available to you there on Earth. It all has to seem very real, and you all have to believe that there’s a chance things are not going to work out in order for those emotions to be experienced.
Now, once you experience the emotions enough times, you come to recognize that in spite of all of the things you’ve had to do and face in your life that were unpleasant and unwanted, you survived. And in spite of all of the negative emotions you’ve had to feel, you got through them. In fact, when most people there on Earth talk about going through their dark night of the soul, they tell the story with a sense of nostalgia, because they realize how strong they were in facing those challenges.
Most people also recognize how the dark night of the soul served them. So you always want to be aware that you have created everything that you are experiencing in your lives. The second thing you always want to be aware of is the truth that whatever it is that’s in your life, no matter how horrible it is to you, it serves you somehow. And the third thing you always want to be aware of is that you can discover how it serves you and benefit from it. All of those steps allow you to come to a place of acceptance. When you have acceptance, you drop resistance. When you drop resistance, you allow in all of the help that is available to you in every moment of your lives.
You can tell when you have resistance to something because you feel it. And sometimes you feel it in an emotional way, and sometimes you feel it in a very physical way. Other times, it is mental anguish that tires you out to the point of exhaustion. So if you’re feeling not so great physically, mentally, or emotionally, then know that you have some resistance to something that you need to find a way of accepting.
When you realize that everything is your creation and has not been thrust upon you by some outside force, it becomes easier to accept. When you realize that something serves you, it becomes easier to accept. And finally, when you realize that you will benefit from everything that is in your life if you can find the way that it serves you, then you can also come to that place of acceptance.
And you will, as a soul, always survive. You will always heal. You will always find relief, somehow, some way. But what we are telling you right now is that when you seek to find that relief, that inner peace, that trust that everything is going to be okay, you get to that point a lot faster, and you get to take the benefit of all that you have experienced. And that is a wonderful moment for you all to enjoy. It is very challenging to be there on Earth, and we know that, and we do not mean to diminish your suffering in any way, but we always want to give you a way out. That is our intention with this transmission.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 23

The Huge Energies Closing Out February – The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 23

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
We have noticed that humans tend to respond to big energy packets, regardless of where those energies are coming from. When you recognize that you are energetic beings, physically and as a soul being, then you start to anticipate the energetic transmissions, and you notice them when they are happening. Sometimes you will notice that something is going on with you energetically, and then you will realize that it is the time of a full moon, or that there has been solar flare activity, or perhaps you may even find some channeled material that tells you that you are getting a blast from the other star systems in your galaxy.
Some of you anticipate these big energetic packets, and you prepare yourselves for them. In that anticipation, you of course do open up more to them, and in making yourselves more available to them, you tend to get more out of them. We have noticed that you tend to receive more from the higher realms at these times that there is much more interest in the stars and in other beings from the stars. That is why this energetic transmission we are about to tell you about is going to be so powerful for you.
For the rest of the month of February, you are going to receive energies that will ground in to your experience more memories of e.t. contact that you have already had as other aspects of your soul. You are going to have more access to the memories of ships landing, sightings of those ships in advance, and meeting e.t.s in the flesh. This is going to help you immensely with your own contact experiences and the contact experience that all of humanity is now looking forward to.
You can expect to feel some excitement within you as you access these energetic packets. You also can now anticipate them and open yourselves up to them physically and energetically. This is something we do recommend that you do as soon as you receive this transmission. We also want you to know that not every experience that you have ever had with an e.t. or with a mass landing of ships has been what you would call positive from your perspective. And therefore, there is a great cleansing, a great purging going on right now, of the fears, the anxieties, the anger, and all of the other emotions that are wrapped up in e.t. experiences that were not so great.
And some people do get triggered even by the idea of e.t.s coming into your realm, but we want you to know that we have always been there. We have been with you from the very beginning in various forms, and there are e.t.s walking amongst you right now there on Earth. So you really don’t have anything to fear because it’s already happening, and the visitations with the individuals who are ready for that contact with e.t.s will also continue.
And those of you who are interested but have not yet had your face-to-face encounters are going to now be more ready than ever for them. We play some part in this as the Andromedans that we are, but we are collaborating with collectives from all across the galaxy to give you these energetic packets, this information, and the healing that you need to move forward with your own contact experiences. We of course do welcome your feedback, and you can reach out to us directly at any time. We will always be listening.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

February 22

You Have Begun Your Ascension – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 22

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You have begun your ascension, and your ascension and your ascension will continue. There is nothing that can stop it from happening, because you are a part of this universe, and this universe is ascending. You know that you grow spiritually through experience, and what you may not know is that you are growing because of all of your soul’s simultaneous experiences right now. Therefore, if you feel that not much is going on in your life, in your little corner of the universe, then please do rest assured that other aspects of your soul’s consciousness are having quite the ride at this time.
You are providing stability for those other aspects of your soul. You are granting those other aspects of your soul a spiritual perspective on the wild ride that they are currently on in their realities. You see, you don’t have to have a lot going on right now in your experience to fully benefit from all that is happening within your soul. You soul does not limit itself to one incarnation at a time. Everything is happening right now, and you are not there to be punished for the ‘sins’ of your past life selves.
You are there benefitting from what they are living, and you are also benefitting from what other aspects of your soul are living right now who are achieving milestones in their consciousness evolution. They may be accessing spiritual gifts and abilities that you’ve always wanted to access. They may be writing brilliant books or painting beautiful paintings. They might be having wonderful relationships. The list goes on and on, and you benefit from all they are experiencing. It is a team effort. You are a group consciousness, and you are all helping one another.
So if you do become aware of something that another aspect of your soul is doing or living that you would consider to be an unwanted set of circumstances, know that you are there healing that aspect. You are there to forgive that aspect. You are not hampered or hindered in any way by what’s going on in that other incarnation unless you believe that you must be punished, or you must be limited because of the limitations set up by that other you in that other incarnation.
You are there helping your family line. You are there to help humanity, and you are there to help other aspects of your soul that need your help. Because you are awake in this lifetime, you have the stability that is required to help all other aspects of your soul. And you are helping all other human beings there in physical form, as well as the animals, as well as Mother Earth herself, just by being there.
So when you feel like you don’t have a lot going on in your life right now, reach out and reach within, and you will find that you can connect up with the totality of your soul. And they can benefit from you, and you can benefit from them more consciously because of this expansion of your consciousness that is going on right now and that will continue to occur because you are ascending and because you are ascending as awakened individuals who want to help. You know this about yourselves, and we just want you to know that you are in fact helping.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

February 21

An Invitation from the Andromedans – The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 21

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
We are with you all the time, and therefore, we can tell you that we know exactly how humanity is doing. We also want you to recognize that it means outer space is an illusion. Distance is an illusion. Separation, as you all know, is an illusion. Therefore, if you want to reach out to us, you can also reach within. You can find your inner Andromedan. You can let go of the idea that you must travel through space in order to have a different experience of reality.
Things would not be better for you just because you were on another planet in another star system. You get to experience all realms right now, but you have to convince yourselves that it is in fact possible to do so. Some of you are aware that you do, but you think that it only happens while you are asleep. In actuality, you are experiencing different realities all the time, and those of you who are truly awake know this and know that you get to choose.
You are choosing within a wide array of possibilities that Source has made available to us all. You don’t have to choose what your parents chose. You don’t have to choose what everyone else in your community is choosing. You get to choose with your free will and with your knowledge that you have the capacity to travel to whichever realm you want to experience next.
Now, did you make it easy on yourselves to do this? Yes and no. It’s easy in the sense that you don’t need to have a lot of money. You don’t need to have a special piece of technology. You don’t need decades and decades of training. All you need is a willingness to explore your own consciousness, and you start doing that by changing the way you are perceiving the current reality you are experiencing. And the wonderful by-product of all of that is that you get to live a better life right now.
You don’t have to wait for anything or anyone. You don’t have to wait for an ‘event’ or a solar flash. You don’t have to wait for a financial collapse or a mass landing of ships. You have the tools there inside of you, and you have instruction manuals all around you. There are so many humans who have done this and have done it successfully, and they are ready and willing to teach you how to do it. Seek them out. They are easily found by those who have a true desire to connect to other realms, other dimensions, other star systems and other beings.
We are here as examples of what you can do and what you can become, but we are not better than you in any way. We are just more practiced at focusing, and we have focused ourselves at this time to this channel, this vessel, because he has made himself available to us. And each and every one of you can do the same, and you can travel to the Andromedan Star System right here and right now. We are putting out the invite to each and every one of you who is receiving this transmission, no matter when you receive it. We are open, ready and willing to connect and to take you to our realm. We are just looking for willing participants.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

February 20

What Makes This Lifetime Different? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We know what you are going through there on Earth can be quite challenging at times, and we know that you may need to remind yourselves to not let what you are going through in any given moment get to you, because we have seen what happens when you do. When you let your life circumstances drag your down vibrationally, you then cannot get the answers that you need. You cannot see, or think, or feel your way out of where you find yourselves, because you are so focused on the reality of your situation being what it is.
When you get down in the muck and the mire, you forget that you create the problem for yourself in order to grow from it. You forget in those moments that every problem must have a solution in this universe of duality. You need reminders at times from beings and collectives like ourselves that there is always a way out and the way out is usually to go up.
In other words, if you take your attention off of what has been putting you in that funk long enough, and go and do something playful and fun for a while, that’s when your vibration will naturally rise up so that the solution, the answer, can find its way to you and you can find your way to it. We are not talking about sticking your head in the sand or pretending something isn’t real when it truly is, because you are there to face that challenge that is in front of you, but you are also there to face it in a different way than you have ever faced it before. That is what makes this lifetime different from all the others.
You have different tools in this lifetime. You have better strategies in this lifetime. You have incorporated teachings that are new to you in this lifetime, and so, you cannot fight your way out of a lower-vibration space, but you can allow yourself at times to go down to rock bottom, if you need to, in order to fully surrender, to fully let go. And some people do take that route, but if you can get yourself out of a funk for a little while by watching a video that makes you laugh, or by getting into the ocean, or walking in the forest, then do so. If you know you will be uplifted by calling your very loving, compassionate and down-to-Earth friend, then do so.
You don’t have to go through what you are going through all alone, and you don’t have to struggle your way out of that hole that you find yourself in. It is important for you to recognize that things are always changing and changing for the better. And therefore, your circumstances will change if you allow them to by taking your attention off of them. Otherwise, you may find a solution that is a temporary fix, but then you will find yourself with the same circumstances, or very similar circumstances, not too far down the road.
And so, you want to recognize that it is always a good idea to raise your vibration, even if you are just doing it to give yourself a sense of relief. Even if you don’t expect to get the solution to your particular problem by doing something, do it anyway. Do it for the momentary relief that you will get. Let yourself have a break from the problems you have created in your life, because you simply enjoy feeling better for those moments when you’re not focusing on it.
And you will change the circumstances by changing yourself. And this can be applied to every single problem, every single scenario that is in your life or that ever will be. We know this because we have observed enough of you and because we have our own physical experiences in our past histories to draw upon.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 19

Start Doing This Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to give you the best of who and what we are with each and every energetic transmission. We know that as we do, we set an example to all of you of how to be in the world, in the universe you are creating. You do want to put your best foot forward, but your best foot forward is really your vibration. It is the energy that you put out into the universe and has nothing to do with you being perfect as a physical human being. If you love someone and you hold space for them to be more of who they really are, then it doesn’t matter how disheveled you look as you do those things.
You are there to become your best version of yourself as a being of unconditional love, not as a human who can produce a work of art, a book, or create a healing center. All of those things are wonderful, and you definitely need to listen to your intuition when you are being called to create anything for your fellow humans to enjoy with you. But the offering of yourself to this universe is enough of an offering. We see so many people scrunching up their foreheads in an attempt to figure out what it is that they need to offer to humanity that is tangible and recognizable by others as a contribution. Just radiate love, and know that you are having the impact that you want to have while simultaneously opening yourself up to more inspiration.
Something that represents that love you are radiating will also come through you and be produced by you, but if you start by trying to figure out what the end product will be, then you are stuck in your head, where you are very limited in your capacity to come up with exactly what you will offer to your fellow humans. So let go of that need to figure out what your offering will be, and instead, continue to open up in your heartspace, because that is where you access your multidimensional self. That is where your higher consciousness exists. That is what you want to run all of your energy through. Being the highest version of yourself means coming from your heart, and you can always use your mind to remind you of that.
You can always use your mind to focus on your heart, or on a tree, or a flower, or a cloud. You can use your mind to focus on anything at all that will put you in that higher-vibrational state so that you can receive the inspiration. And then, once you do start to create your offering to humanity, you must remain disciplined and stay in that heartspace so you are not using your mind to criticize what you are doing, to second guess, and to analyze it as if it could be broken down and its value determined. Be yourselves, come from your hearts, and meet us in that reality where we are doing the same, and we can co-create with you. But we are not the only ones who will do that.
There are so many beings who want to collaborate with you, who want to love you and hug you and tell you how wonderful you are, and they are all capable of doing all of that because they have decided to be the highest version of themselves, to come from their hearts, and to love, because love is who and what they are. That’s what you want to use your powerful minds to focus upon, and as you let go of the trying to figure out what you should be doing, you will feel the immediate relief, and you will feel yourself being heart-centered in the very next moment.
And also, we just want to point out that it’s still okay if you don’t do anything. But you are becoming more of who you really are in every moment of every day, and so you might as well do that consciously and deliberately, and you might as well start right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 18

Who’s Controlling the Path to the 5th Dimension? – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 18

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We know how much you have already grown there in your Earth experiences, and we know that there is much more for you to experience in regards to your growth. We would like to assure you that your growth is inevitable, and we would like to release you from the notion, the idea, the belief, that your growth has to be hard, difficult, and full of suffering. Sometimes, you can look back at an incident, let’s call it a trauma in your life, and say, ‘I can see how I grew from that experience.’ And when you do that, you are served by that reframing of the events. However, you do not want to then develop an expectation that you must suffer in order to grow.
You can just as easily grow through a joyous experience. You can have a life-altering experience that is very positive and good feeling, and anyone who is operating under the assumption that growth must be painful is taking that idea from the collective consciousness, because it is a widely-held belief amongst humans. You have come to the point now where you can examine all beliefs in order to better understand the creation of your reality, and when you do so you can recognize that there are many ways for you to grow and expand that do not involve pain and suffering.
Perhaps now you can look back at your life and take note of all of those times that you grew through a joyous event or an exciting set of circumstances. Beautiful opportunities come your way, and then you take them and you grow from them. You in fact grow in leaps and bounds while you are sleeping and traveling through the astral plane. So when we tell you that you have a lot more growing left to do there on Earth, please do not take that to mean that you have awful experience in front of awful experience in front of you.
You are welcome to create a joyous journey to the fifth dimension, and we often encourage you to do so when we meet with you in the astral plane. We are happy to encourage you to do so now that we have your attention in the waking state, and we encourage you to believe in yourselves as the creators of your reality. No one is choosing the remainder of your path to the fifth dimension for you.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

February 17

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are attending to several matters that exist both on Earth and throughout the galaxy simultaneously. There are of course, reflections to what is happening down there on Earth all throughout the galaxy, and we work to assist with not only the humans of Earth and what you are going through, but also with those you would consider to be e.t.s in other star systems on other worlds and moons and in space stations. The biggest issue for this galaxy is its history, which is one of much violence, much war, much strife, and we are looking to spread compassion to the point where enough people can feel it moving through their bodies so that forgiveness is possible.
Forgiveness is not only possible through a repayment of karma. Forgiveness is possible when the action or word spoken that needs forgiving has happened, in the moment before it is possible to forgive. You all have the ability to do this and to wipe out the karma of the person who has done you wrong, and when this occurs, the level of consciousness throughout the galaxy is raised to such an extent that all beings are affected in profound ways. You don’t have to wait for someone to ask for your forgiveness in order to give it. You don’t have to wait for someone to correct their evil ways to forgive them, and you certainly don’t have to wait until the next lifetime when you are the one doling out the hurtful action or saying the hurtful words.
You can have compassion for those individuals who have hurt you right now. You can recognize that they would only hurt you from a place of hurt within themselves. You can give everyone the benefit of the doubt and realize that some people are not even intentionally being hurtful. They are just repeating something to you that they have heard many times themselves, and perhaps they didn’t feel hurt by those words because they are so cut off from their emotions. If you could see the lives that have been lived by all of those people who have hurt you, then you could also recognize that they are doing the best they can under the circumstances of what they have lived.
Again, doing so helps every single being in this galaxy and beyond. There are many mirrors out there throughout the entire universe. And what you are experiencing there on Earth, and what we are all experiencing throughout this galaxy is also mirrored in other parts of this beautiful universe of ours. So it is one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal right now. It is more powerful to forgive than to have the power of telekinesis, teleportation, time travel, or any other fun, cool, interesting power that you can conjure up with your mind.
It is true that people sometimes speak and act from a place where they are so out of alignment with who and what they really are that they do harm to you, to others, to themselves, but holding a grudge and harboring resentment only leads to something that continues the hurt. And when you continue that trend of hurting, you only hurt yourself and eventually others. So please do find it in your hearts to forgive so that you may make the huge impact on this galaxy of ours that you know you want to make.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 16

If You’re Disillusioned, Do This – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 16

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You have so much to uncover within yourselves, so much that you have yet to unlock and reveal to yourselves and to the rest of the world. The inner exploration that you do will always be fruitful so long as you are patient and you go into it without any attachment or expectation. You are meant to find answers within yourselves. You are meant to develop connections by going within yourselves. You are meant to tap in to abilities by going within as well.
And you live in a time when there is so much to focus on outside of you. We feel that at times these aspects of life on planet Earth are more interesting than going within, and that’s okay. You are meant to experience what is outside of you as well, but we invite you to seek a balance between that outer exploration and the inner exploration. Sometimes getting someone else’s perspective can help to enlighten you to something that you already knew. Sometimes you need that validation to come from another person, and there’s nothing wrong with any of that.
We are not encouraging you all to go live in a cave, or a monastery somewhere, spending all of your waking hours in a state of meditation. But within most people there needs to be more of a balance. As we said, there is so much that can get your attention out there, but to go within, you must really make that decision and set that intention to do so, and then you have to follow through. Now, we would not want to label that as discipline or will power, and we know that many people get there eventually by striking out, so to speak, with their attempts to live a very exciting world outside of themselves.
Some people turn within themselves after becoming disillusioned by their teachers or a channeler. The best reason to go within is because you really do need to know yourself in order to be yourself in this world of yours, and being yourself is your number one purpose. It is everyone’s mission. You complete the puzzle that is Source with your uniquely cut piece. You can follow in the footsteps of others and get inspired by them, but you’re always going to do so in your own unique way.
Most humans will go through an entire lifetime without meditating or turning within themselves, and those lifetimes still have value. Those individuals are still having experiences, but certainly they were living out of balance. When you find your balance between action and inaction, thinking and feeling, being true to yourself and listening to the advice of others, then you will start to know how much you can benefit from all that is in your world, internally and externally.
We invite you to spend a little bit more of your time going within every day, poking around, seeing what you can feel, what you can intuit, what you can access by doing nothing more than turning a lens that you usually have pointed outside of you towards the inner realm. We promise you that you will not be disappointed, and you will be clear minded when you go out into the world the very next time that you do, and you will be a much more effective creator of your reality.
You will be much more responsive and less reactive to what is happening out there, including what other people are saying and doing, and you will find that everything in your life becomes easier and makes more sense to you because you took those few moments to look within yourselves. That is our suggestion.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

February 15

Become Your Higher Self & Meet E.T.s – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much love for you there on planet Earth, and we know that you have much love within you for us and for the other collectives in the other star systems that you are aware of. We understand your fascination with other star systems and other beings, and we appreciate that you have that desire to reach out and to connect. We also know that there are many fascinating aspects of planet Earth, of your fellow humans, and of yourselves for you to explore as you continue to draw closer to the time of full extra-terrestrial contact.
As you discover what is interesting and exciting about humanity and life on Earth, you do feel then more worthy of contact, more worthy of the attention of the e.t.s you are so fascinated with. You are there to elevate yourselves, to elevate your status, so that you can align with that which is higher dimensional and higher vibrational. And you don’t do that by giving us all of the accolades, all of the credit, and seeing us as the only ones in the galaxy who have it all together.
You are becoming the beautiful beings that you truly are in every moment of every day, and if you can feel for that with every breath that you take, you can bring yourselves closer to the truth of who you are. You are multidimensional infinite beings of love and light, and you deserve to experience yourselves in that way. It is time for you all to know yourselves as you truly are, and you are ready to take those next steps vibrationally, to feeling it and understanding it in a very visceral way.
You are ready to become your higher selves, and those of you who understand this possibility exists are doing so, and you are doing so very consciously. You are ready to embark upon many journeys both outside of you and inside of you, and you have demonstrated that truth to us and to yourselves.
As you begin to live the truth of who you really are, you will see that all possibilities do exist for you right now and that you have already stripped away so many limitations from yourselves. You will see that you are whole and complete right now and that you are ready to embark upon the next journey of expansion that is unique to you. And no, you don’t need to know what that is in this very moment. You don’t need to sit and scratch your head until you figure it out either. You just need to keep taking steps forward with that faith and that knowing that you are moving towards something that is bigger and better, and you are also going to recognize that those steps are steps that you take inside of you.
As you tap in to the infinite and the eternal within you, you do embark upon many journeys of consciousness that will result in you standing face to face with an extra-terrestrial. And that e.t. will be another aspect of the you that you really are as a soul, as an aspect of Source.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 14

Your Romantic Relationships – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 14

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We know that you are always doing the best that you can in all areas of your lives, but especially when it comes to all of your relationships with other people. You may be hard on someone else that you are in a relationship with because you are hard on yourself and because someone else, or several people, have been hard on you. You may be doing what you think is most appropriate within a romantic relationship because it is all that you have ever had modeled to you.
When you get together with someone else in a romantic relationship, you tend to see the best of them, initially. And then as time moves forward, you tend to see all parts of them, and you feel less love within you for that person as a result. The average person will try to change their partner, to try to get their partner to see the error of their ways, so they can shape up and be that very lovable person that first emerged within the relationship for them. Now, of course, this works to varying degrees for different people, but for the most part it is the person who is asking the other to change who needs to change.
It is important for you all to see that you are that love that you want to feel and that you can generate that love within yourself and feel it no matter what the other person is doing. And when you are sending love to the other person and being love under all circumstances, then you are getting what you think you need from the other person, but you are getting it from within yourself. You see, you don’t need anyone else to change in order to experience love when looking at that person or thinking about them. You may need to shift the way you are focusing on that person. You may need to decide what to focus upon when thinking about that person, but you do not need the other person to perfect themselves so that you can then offer them your conditional love.
Many people go from relationship to relationship thinking that they will finally find ‘the one’ who is going to be everything they think they need another person to be. It is important to accept and love yourselves as you are, and it is just as important to do that for everyone else who is in your life, regardless of whether the relationship in question is a romantic one. We know that you expect a lot from your children and from your parents as well. You expect them to always be in alignment with Source and be beaming that unconditional love of Source upon you. But often they cannot because they have not been taught how to do so.
When we tell you to go within and generate the love that you truly are from inside of you, that is what we are attempting to do. We are attempting to teach you how to find the love that you truly are so that you can be it and feel it in all circumstances and around all people. And then you won’t be asking anyone else to complete you or to love you unconditionally. And that will make your life a whole lot easier and it will make your relationships a whole lot better, and you will fill yourselves up whenever you need to, because you will have practiced it, and you will have practiced it because you want to be in a loving romantic relationship with another person. Ultimately, however, you want to start having that relationship with yourself.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

February 13

Humans of Earth are on Everyone’s Radar – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 13

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We do enjoy witnessing you in your triumphs, and we have been witnessing more of those triumphs lately there on Earth. You are triumphing over your own limitations, your own thoughts and beliefs. You are becoming masters of your experience of your reality. There is no external foe to defeat, and many more of you are recognizing that. You are seeing the ways in which you sometimes self sabotage, and you are letting go of those actions, words, and thoughts.
You are quite capable of creating paradise on Earth, and you are capable of doing it much sooner than you think. Some people there on Earth are telling you it’s already too late for humanity and that there is no going back from this time of self-destruction. But of course, they are looking at your situation there on Earth through a very narrow lens. You cannot just look at your world scientifically and pragmatically. You must also include consciousness, and you are there raising the level of consciousness on Earth to co-create paradise on Earth that will very much resemble the fifth-dimensional Earth that you are graduating to.
Now, when we talk about the fifth-dimensional Earth, we are talking about the same basic planet that you are on, but at a higher-vibrational level. We are not talking about a fifth-dimensional Earth that you will be taken to by some e.t. ships that come and cart you away. Your Earth is graduating with you. She is becoming her fifth-dimensional self, and you will find that as you change your perception of reality, you literally do change the reality. You are stepping into new realities all the time, and there are no limitations right now being placed upon you. There are only the limitations that you place upon yourselves.
You don’t have to worry then about what anyone else is doing, or thinking, or believing, but as you focus on your own, you become the captain of your own ship. And the destination of the 5D Earth, also known as the new Earth, is not even the final destination. You will continue on that journey of co-creation. Now, many of you are becoming more aware of your power of manifestation, and you may think that you are bringing something to you that once existed a far distance away from you, but all manifestation is manifestation out of thin air, because you are creating each and every moment for yourselves, and you are doing so consciously or unconsciously. It depends on the person.
We are speaking to those of you who are doing it more consciously and who are interested in doing it consciously all the time. We know who you are, and we contact you in the astral plane as well. We see so many of you recognizing that there is untapped potential within each and every human, and we know that you want to help bring it out of your fellow humans, and the only way to do that is to do it for yourselves first. And that is why you cannot just go around preaching to others, and handing them books, and telling them what videos to watch. You’ve got to be the pioneers and the trailblazers who do it yourselves, and you are.
We want you to know that the progress you are making is showing up on everyone’s radar, and we are all very excited about the direction you are taking humanity in. You will always be a part of the collective consciousness of humankind, and you will always contribute to that collective consciousness, no matter what you are doing, thinking or saying. Those of you who are choosing more consciously what you put into that collective consciousness are the true leaders, even if you don’t have any position of power or position of authority. And the shift in consciousness is very much being elevated by your consciousness. We want to thank you for that and offer ourselves up as your co-creators.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

February 12

This is True in All Realities – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very adept at taking in all of your requests and bringing them all together so that none of the requests being made would cancel any of the others out. We know that it is possible for everyone there on Earth to get exactly what they want, without exception. We know this to be true because it is true. You are coming to the point now where different realities are being allowed to coexist with one another. You are coming to the place where you are recognizing that two people can look at the same thing and see two entirely different things. Two people can hear the same word and hear something that is very different.
That must mean then that everyone gets to have their own personal experience of reality, and when you recognize that then you also must realize that you don’t all have to agree on one reality. And if that’s true, then there isn’t just one reality that you all have to accept as the one true reality. And that means you can live and let live. You can let everyone else have their version of reality, and you don’t have to convince any of them that your reality, the one you are experiencing, is the one true reality. That takes a great deal of responsibility off of your shoulders. You can relax; you can allow, because what you are allowing is an aspect of Source. How big of you. To allow all aspects of Source to be as they are is something that everyone must come to eventually.
Acceptance is the key to moving beyond any aspect of Source/reality that you do not like, that you do not prefer. Resistance truly is futile, but it doesn’t mean that you are saying that you must experience that reality that you were previously resisting. It just means that you cannot deny the existence of any reality. You cannot abolish anything. Everything must be allowed to be as it is because it’s all giving Source an opportunity to know Itself, and what better purpose could there be for something to exist than that? Accepting your fellow humans as they are is the first step to being able to love all of creation as well.
Everyone that exists right now in your reality exists as a creation of Source, and they are meant to be exactly as they are. You are meant to decide who you want to be in relationship to all of them. You can be the healer. You can be the one who forgives. You can be the one who offers compassion. You can be the one who IS unconditional love. You don’t have to change anything about the reality you are experiencing right now to be inner peace. That too should be a weight lifted off of your shoulders, because changing the outside world is hard work. It’s time consuming; it’s impossible, in fact, because you will only go to a different reality than the one you were experiencing before when you go about your reality-changing actions. So you might as well accept everything and everyone as they are.
And know this to be true as well – no matter what reality you are in, you do change the level of consciousness for the collective that is sharing that reality with you. You can add more light and more love to the overall equation, which helps everyone to elevate their consciousness so they can go to the realities that they want to experience, rather than the ones they’ve felt trapped in for so long. It’s important for you to move forward with this knowledge, because it’s important for you to be the creator beings that you really are. And you cannot be the creator being that you truly are if you think that someone or something outside of you must change.
It’s all Source; it’s all Love. Be the one who realizes that, and you will have benefitted from everything just as it is right now. Continue to resist and shake your fist, and you will stay stuck in that reality that you feel is so unjust and should not exist. That’s the way we all agreed to set this universe up, and we are just the messengers. But you know that what we are saying is true, because you feel the truth within it, and it’s true no matter what reality you are in.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 11

Why Are the Andromedans Coming Now? – The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 11

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
This is a momentous time for humanity, and we recognize that. It is one of the many reasons why we are coming forth through so many more individuals. We recognize that we have a part in the co-creation of your world and of your consciousness, and we want to help you to up-level both. We are excited for you because we know that you still have so much ground to cover in terms of what you are capable of, and we want to help you find those abilities.
We know that we are of greatest value to you when we offer you energies and activations, rather than coming to your planet and simply handing you pieces of technology. We offer you healing energies all the time, and we know that if more of you believed you were receiving healing energies, you would be healed. And so, we are amplifying those energies through this channel and through this transmission right now.
You are being held in the light of the Andromedan Council of Light, no matter where you are and no matter whether you realize it or not. We seek to crack you open a little bit at a time to get you to realize your fullest potential there in human physical bodies. We will give you teachings, just like all of the other masters will, but first and foremost, we want you to realize how supported you are. We want you to know that you are never going at it all alone there on Earth. We want you to recognize that you have always been part of a galactic community, and now that you realize it, you can join the community officially.
We are excited to see what humanity brings to our galactic community when you realize that you have something to give, something to offer. You will always find what it is that you have to offer by going within and seeking it out. And when you allow in all of the healing energies that are upon you right now, you then feel more equipped to help others, and you will do so much more than just helping others to heal. You will help them to create, to connect, to recognize who they are as Source Energy Beings. You will do so with our help and the help of your own guides and teams. You will do so because you are ready to do so and because you always intended to do so in this lifetime.
You are shifting your consciousness to a higher frequency rate every single day, and you are doing so consciously because you have been on a conscious path for quite some time. We love you. We are always with you and always here for you, and we will continue to hold space for your healing long after this transmission is complete.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

February 10

This is Your Job, Your Purpose, No Matter What – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are simply enjoying watching all of you grow, expand, evolve, and ascend. We are like proud parents, or grandparents, watching you take your very first steps. We know that it was a lot easier for you to take your first steps than it has been to deal with everything you have to deal with in your lives. We know that feeling your feelings is a tall order. It’s a very challenging thing to have to do. We know that being love in the face of hate isn’t easy. We know that very few people there on Earth at this time would even attempt it, but we know that we are speaking to that segment of the population who knows how powerful it is to be love in the face of everything that is out there in the world, that has the love that it really is shrouded by darkness.
We see this as your job, your purpose, no matter who you are are, no matter what you do for a living. We see your purpose as choosing to be love in the face of all that is not knowing itself as love. Everything is Source, and therefore, everything is love no matter how it looks, no matter how it’s acting or speaking in any given moment. The job of the awakened lightworker is to see the love, to feel it, to look beyond the shroud of darkness over it. That’s what you are there to do. That’s how you are helping. It’s the most effective thing you can do to change yourself, change your life and change your world.
The only trick involved in it is that sometimes you have to go through your own darkness to get to it, and that’s uncomfortable. That’s a tall order; no one really wants to do that, but it’s what you are there to do. It’s what you signed up to do, and you are the ones, because you are receiving this message. Not everyone even wants to receive the call to do this. Certainly, this message doesn’t come wrapped in shiny, alluring packaging. We’re telling you that it’s hard to get to that place, and we know that it’s hard to be willing to look at the darkness that shrouds the love, but we also know that there’s nothing more satisfying. And in the end, everyone’s going to do it, no matter where they are now on their journey.
You just happen to be the leaders of the movement, and the movement is a movement of love. Love heals all; love binds us all together. And love is what we are all moving towards; it is our home base. We cannot help but go there, because all paths ultimately lead to love, but when you know that and you know how to aim yourself in that direction, what an easier and smoother ride you have and how much more enjoyable it is. We enjoy watching you do it, and we invite you to join us in watching yourselves and appreciating yourselves on this journey, and what a magical and wonderful journey it is.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 9

Who Are You & What Were You Made From? – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 9

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional nonphysical collective, and we are here to help.
We love you, and we invite you of course to love yourselves, to know yourselves as the love that you truly are. We engage with you in these ways to offer you our teachings, but we also want you to feel the love that we have for you, because we hope that it will spark the flame of the love that you can have for yourselves. We want you to know that all true love is unconditional love, and we invite you to remember yourselves as beings of unconditional love, because we know that is the most satisfying and fulfilling way to live out any existence.
Now, you also have your creations and your experiences of those creations, and when you are creating from the heart, from a place of love, you find that they are so much more satisfying and fulfilling. You ultimately want to allow all of your relationships with other people to show you that you truly are that flame of love inside of your heart.
But of course, relationships are tricky, and they challenge you in myriad ways that you could not even imagine when you first went on that initial date with another person. And so, you ask yourself the question of, ‘Who am I in relationship to this other person?’ And you want the answer to be ‘love,’ always, but it isn’t always that, and that’s where things get even more complicated and confusing to the mind. In any relationship that you are in, you at times must step back from it and go within yourself to remind yourself of who you really are.
Now, if you have been in a relationship with a person who has been unloving and unkind to you, it can make it even more challenging for you to find that self-love. This is one of many ways in which you are challenged just by being there in human form on planet Earth. But they are all challenges that you felt you were up for when you decided to embark upon this lifetime, so remember that the evidence you see out there in the quote/unquote ‘real world’ will not always support the truth.
And we are talking about a Truth with a capital ’T’ here because one of the most universal truths that there is is that we are all love. It is what we were created from and with, and we were all created by the most unconditionally loving being that there is – Source. And so, when you need to take a break from the details of your lives and remember who and what you really are, just tune in to your heart space feel that flickering flame that perhaps needs a bit of air to get it to roar, and you will be able to remember fully the truth of who you really are. As you do so, everything else in your life will fall into place.
You will find that by being your true and whole self, you suddenly don’t have so many problems. Even your relationships will heal and become what you want them to be, and they will do so all because you took the time to relax into the center of your heart and remind yourself of the truth of who you really are as a being of unconditional love. And all those other people in your life and in your world are also those beings of unconditional love, and sometimes they need to be reminded of that by someone who is awake, like you. Very good.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

February 8

This is Happening in the Entire Multiverse – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing the changes that are occurring there on Earth, and we want you to know that they are all changes for the better. And we know this time that you are living in right now can seem as though humanity is not doing so well on the whole. However, everything that you are in the process of releasing and deconstructing is coming to the surface. When something comes to the surface for any of you, there is always a choice. You can choose to look at it or ignore it. You can choose to be ashamed of it or grow from it. You can choose to see it as your fault or someone else’s fault.
There are so many ways of looking at what is happening there on Earth at this time, and this would be true of any time in human history. However, because you are in a time when you know that you are experiencing mass awakenings and big changes, you must be able to look at the circumstances of your world differently than ever before. You must be able to tune in to the bigger picture in order to benefit from all that is happening. The bigger picture here is that you are ascending, and in the process of ascending you are letting go of that which no longer serves you.
You are letting go of that which has been dark, heavy, and hidden for so long. And so, when everything comes to the surface to be seen, you have to exercise that free will of yours to see it in the way that serves you and humanity best. Otherwise, you will be resisting it, and it must continue to be exactly the way it is until you stop doing that. Now, why is the universe set up that way, you might wonder?
Well, you are the universe. You are Source; you are everything. And so, whatever it is you are resisting is you. You are meant to be love; you are meant to experience unconditional love. And therefore, when you see it all as you, and you embrace it, and ultimately love it, then you get to move on to other experiences. That is why it doesn’t do anyone any good to resist any aspect at all of life on Earth as it is today.
Even if you weren’t ascending, you wouldn’t be able to change anything just by resisting it, just by fighting back. You ultimately would always have to go within and find out which aspect of yourself it is that you are not loving. And then you can look at your thoughts, your beliefs, your judgments, and everything else that compound the issue of what you are not in love and acceptance of. When you release all that does not serve you, that is when you naturally rise up to that next level, and there will always be a next level.
There will always be more for you to love and to become through that love. And so, you might as well accept everything as it is right now and look for the ways in which you can grow from all of the circumstances of your lives and all of the circumstances of the world you are living in right now. And we know that more and more of you are doing these things. We can feel it, and we just want to remind you that all you have to do is keep going. Things are getting better, and they will continue to get better because of the work that you do and because during this time of ascension, we are all being lifted up within the entire multiverse.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 7

Transmission from the Galactic Center – The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 7

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
This is a beautiful time to be expressing in human form there on Earth because of all of the possibilities that you have in front of you. You are not confined to a pre-birth script or blueprint that you must follow at this point in your evolution of consciousness. You get to move now down whichever timeline feels best to you, and all of those timelines will include e.t. contact experiences and ascension. So that means you can all relax. The apocalypse is not coming.
And we also know that it is a wonderful time for you all to be there because we have noticed how well you are handling the energies. You are doing beautifully with the energies that are coming from all points across the universe. And even if these energies sometimes zap you and slow you down or disrupt your sleep, you are acclimating to them nicely and you are ready for more. You are ready for transmissions from the galactic core, the galactic center.
You are ready to have your hearts activated completely so that you can complete your missions there of e.t. contact and ascension with ease, with joy, with a skip in your step. You are also there always in service, and you want to be in service, and you want to be of service to as many people as you possibly can, and so these galactic transmissions of energy are going to help light you up to more people so that you can have more interest in you and what you are doing to evolve your consciousness. You are all meant to lead, all meant to inspire, and those of you who know this are doing it while others of you have been hesitating a bit. But rest assured that the inspiration is coming, and you will act upon it, and you will know your place in this galactic dance of ours that is also a universal dance.
We who observe you are excited about what is to come for you, and we are excited to see the looks on your faces as you evolve exponentially throughout the rest of the year. The moments of downloads and inspired ideas will continue to multiply, and the mass awakenings of those who have been asleep will also begin to show up more and more on your radar. As we said, you will light up to them and they will come to you, and you will have everything that you have been working on within yourself to offer, and that is beautiful to witness from our star system. You will always have our support and our love from afar.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

February 6

Pay Attention & Notice This – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 6

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We notice how you live, how you think, how you act, and even how you breathe, and we notice these things because we aspire to help you in every imaginable way. We know that there is significance to everything that you do and the way that you do everything that you do, and we invite you all to slow down so that you can do the same. Pay attention to how you are eating that meal. Pay attention to whether or not you are breathing easily when having a conversation with another person. Pay attention to how you shower and bathe yourselves.
Pay attention and slow down, and you will instantly notice the types of things we notice about you, and when you notice something is awry or not quite the way you would like it to be, you can stop yourself more quickly from continuing down a path that you really don’t want to be going down in the first place. You can not only stop yourself from progressing down that track, but you can also turn around, and you can turn around quickly and easily. You will do so because you have gone off of autopilot, and you have put yourself in the driver’s seat where you have access to all of the controls.
You don’t need to control anything outside of you, especially not other people, to change everything in your life for the better. When you want to see changes out there in the external world, then you had better believe that there are changes that need to be made within you. You can see the outside world from any number of lenses that you have inside of you to choose from. Changing yourself and changing the way that you look at the outside world is such a powerful process that you will notice the difference right away.
You are not only the creator of your reality, but you are also the experiencer, and you are the creator of yourself. Therefore, you really do have all the power, and when you exercise your power to choose by exercising your power of paying attention, well then you have everything that you need to live the life of your dreams. You are dreaming this life into experience, into reality, and so you might as well start dreaming it the way you want it to be. And again, if you start with the little things that you can notice, the little ways in which you can make a change in how you are doing something, then you can see the ripple effect and how that all creates the bigger world that you want to experience outside of you.
There is nothing more satisfying than mastering yourself and your reality, and we have just given you the keys to the kingdom. And when you use them, you have access to everything that is within the kingdom. And so now the ball is in your court, and we know that most of you already know these things, but we also know that in this moment you are ready to apply that knowledge and apply it in a new way.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

February 5

Returning Home to Sirius, the Pleiades & Arcturus – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very close to all of you who have opened yourselves up to us. Many of you want to know what your history is in our star system and what your history is with us, and we want to assure you that you have a present with us, a future with us, and a past with us, and the same holds true with our star system. You will feel like you are returning home when you visit our system on a ship for the first time in this lifetime. This will be the case for many of you when you go to the Pleiadian system, the Sirian system, the Andromedan system, and so on, because you have a history that spans eons of time and goes back much further than the beginning of humanoid life there on planet Earth.
You’re starting to piece together your own galactic history, and all of your experiences throughout the galaxy by connecting with beings and collectives like ourselves right now. This is a big part of what we are doing when we come through a channeler. We are inviting you to feel for the resonance that exists within you with those like us from other parts of the galaxy, and when you do resonate, you recognize that there is a part of you in us, a part of us in you, and you notice that the system that we come from feels like home to you.
You are so much bigger and more expansive than you have previously imagined. You have so much more to experience in regards to yourselves. You have so much to remember about yourselves. We want you to know that, and so do all of the other collectives that are coming through channelers all across the world at this time. Part of your awakening is your awakening to the truth of who you really are as galactic beings, as universal beings, and as Source Energy Beings. We help to illuminate one aspect of who you are to you so that you can feel that and follow that thread.
You can go home right now by reaching into your heartspace and feeling for the presence of Arcturus, the presence of the Pleiades, the presence of Sirius. It’s all inside of you. It’s getting activated more and more every day, and there will be more groups coming through more humans all the time, because there are many pieces to the puzzle that is you, and we are helping you to recognize that, but we are not alone. Therefore, we invite you to explore what others are bringing through. We are not interested in a captive audience.
We know that as you experience other beings from other star systems, coming through other channelers, you will experience more of your whole selves, and that is what we want for you. We want you to feel your wholeness now, rather than sitting around, waiting for ships to land. That day will come, but you are there now, and you are meant to live in the present moment, and in this moment you have access to so much more of your galactic self when you give yourself access to it, and we just happy that we can help in this process of evolution.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 4

What Is Coming to Humanity is Huge – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with your progress there on Earth, and we want you to know that you have reached a level of consciousness, an overall vibration, to be ready for more of what we have to offer you. We do work in agreement with many other collectives up here in the higher realms to offer you the various upgrades, activations, attunements and downloads that we do. And so, we are not taking complete and total credit for what is coming your way, but we do want you to know that we are a part of this delivery of what is coming next to all of you.
You are going to receive the upgrades that you need to be able to handle higher-frequency energies. Those upgrades will be happening at the cellular and DNA levels, as well as within your chakra system. You are getting downloads and attunements to help you with the connecting of consciousness. You are becoming better vehicles, better vessels, for the higher-frequency energies that can be channeled by all of you. You all often do channel without knowing it, but you will become more aware of those moments as you move forward.
You are also being given activations of more of your higher self’s consciousness within your physical body so that you can know yourselves as multidimensional beings who are capable of reaching out into all other systems and dimensions that you would like to. We want you to know that what is coming is huge and that you are a part of the readiness for what is coming. It is that work that you do on yourselves, and it is the way you spread higher-vibrational information around that prepares humankind for what is to come.
And so, because you are doing your part, you make yourselves ready for these upgrades, downloads, activations and attunements. You are being attuned to the fifth-dimensional energies. You are ready now because you have opened up in terms of your hearts, your minds. Even your beliefs are opening up to allow in more possibilities, and when you release those limitations of the third dimension consciously, you make room for more of that which is fifth dimensional in nature. And of course, you will continue to move closer and closer to the fifth dimension until you find yourself dwelling that frequency range all the time.
We want you to know that it is inevitable that you will have full e.t. contact there on Earth, and it is inevitable that you will shift to the fifth dimension, but we also want you to have the best possible experience of both of those things. And so, we offer what we can to prepare you, and we also want you to know that all of the teachings that we deliver are meant to prepare you for what is coming and to help you to live better lives now, lives that are more enjoyable, more fun, more interactive. You have the ability to connect your consciousness to so many other points of consciousness throughout this universe, and all of what you are about to receive is going to help you in all of those endeavors.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 3

Do You Need More Information to Awaken? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are slowly but surely getting through to more humans. We take the approach of sending love and light to every single human being there on Earth, and we are not alone in this approach. We know, as many other high-frequency beings and collectives do, that it is through love that you will awaken to the truth that you are love. Information is only going to get you so far, because your mind is very limited, and having more information tends to keep you in a mind-oriented state. It is our goal to open your hearts, and this is also the goal and the plan that your higher selves have and that your spirit guides put into action.
This is why it takes time for humanity to fully awaken and ascend. It is because people still have the option of saying, ‘No.’ People can reject love and they can avoid light because they know that ultimately they will have to feel everything at some point. And while most people don’t know this consciously, even knowing at the subconscious level can keep love and light at bay. Those of you who are awake are doing this work also. You cannot help but do so. You cannot help but shine your light and emanate love because you have discovered that these are the substances of which you are made.
You are giving others more access to themselves through the love that you are and the love that you have for them. Even when people reject your love and your kindness, you don’t get discouraged. You continue to give it because you understand you are it and there really is no other option from where you are. You have received so much of our love and light, and the more you spread around, the more you get. And that is true whether you are receiving it from us, or an archangel, or an ascended master.
It’s all love; everything is love. Awakening is about realizing that, and when you realize that, then there is no need to create separation. You don’t have to create separation between those who are awake and those who are not. We sometimes use those labels because we are making a point, but we do not seek to separate. We do not wish for anyone to look down on anyone else because of what they believe or what they have yet to discover. And doing so will just halt the spreading of the love and the light that you are temporarily. But it will always come back, and you will always come back to it. You cannot help it; it’s within you at all times. It wants to come out; it wants to be expressed, and you are feeling the call to do so all the time and answering the call.
Now, we continue to recruit your fellow humans, knowing that it will take time, but also enjoying the process. We enjoy the journey because we love offering love. We love witnessing the slightest bit of progress in a person, and we especially love that moment when we do get through to someone about who and what they really are. Take that same approach with your fellow humans, and you will not be disappointed. And even better, you will get more love and light to spread around. You will get activated, you will get upgraded, and you will download everything that you need because you will be in the flow, and there is no better place for any of us to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 2

Extra-Terrestrial Tech & Your Inner Tech – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing the tendency on the part of humans to put all of your eggs into a future basket, and we understand why you all would want to do that. As you look around at the state of the world today, and you think about where the world is headed, of course you would want there to be a solution that comes in the future from where you are sitting. And many believe it will be the extra-terrestrial technology that takes care of everything for you. However, you must remember that no matter where the technology comes from, you still have even more advanced technologies within you.
Everything that you see out there in the physical realm, pre-exists in the internal, nonphysical realm. And so, you can change your world with thought, with imagination, with focus, with frequency, and you don’t have to wait for a financial collapse, a Quantum Financial System, and you don’t have to wait for replicators or re-atomizers, or technology that will clean up the oceans and that will fall into your hands after the e.t.s land their ships. You have the power within you, and you have always had the power within you to create the change you want to see in the outer reality.
Now, it serves you to believe that the solution is coming, and starting with the idea of it coming from outside of you does help to bolster the belief that it is possible to be living on a world that is clean and supportive, equal for everyone in terms of the opportunities available. Once you have those beliefs in place, then you can begin to relax into the realities of your imagination. So in a sense, it does serve you to put those eggs in those baskets. However, we are here to remind you that you don’t have to wait. You don’t have to wait for med beds in order to be healthy. You don’t have to wait for the right people to get in positions of power to see broad sweeping changes across your planet.
You don’t have to wait for your light body to become activated for you to feel lighter in your body. You can do it all, and you can do it all right now, and we and others like us will continue to direct you to those realms within you where all is possible. Now, when you think about the arrival of the e.t.s with their technologies, remember that they will come when you are ready. And you demonstrate your readiness by showing them that you don’t need them. When you become sovereign creator beings who understand the power of your focus, then you become their equals. And when you are on an equal playing field, you can enjoy more of the variety of what it is that they have to offer.
But you are not there to have everything done for you, and you are not there to have everything done easily for you. You are there to create these challenges, accept these challenges, and rise up to meet these challenges as the beautiful Source Energy Beings that you are. And in so doing, you meet more of yourselves in the form of other beings, some of which are extra-terrestrial.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

February 1

Big Changes in You & on Earth – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 1

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You are noticing the changes that are occurring within you, and you are also noticing that there are more changes that you would like to see, that you would like to experience. And sometimes you get fed up and you think that you are blocked or that you must be doing something to prevent the changes that you want to see from coming to fruition. We see this in humanity over and over again, and we just want to assure you that there is nothing wrong with any of you.
You can always relax more and open up more. You can always allow more in, but sometimes you do have to understand that there’s a perfect timing for things to unfold, and sometimes you do need to experience more patience than you generally want to put forth. You are creating everything that you want to experience, but you still do still have a gap between what you create and what manifests in your reality. This is true in most cases. In some cases you are able to demonstrate to yourselves that instant manifestation is possible, or at least that the time lag is so short that it might as well have been an instant manifestation.
One of the things you are there to experience is letting go. You are there to experience letting go, trusting, faith, patience, and surrender, and none of those things seem to go along with being a conscious creator, but you do associate them with mastery. And one of the things you can notice about those of us who comprise this collective and our lifetimes on Earth is that we didn’t tend to be impatient.
We noticed that there were issues there on Earth, that there were things that would need to be addressed, but we did not expect massive, sweeping changes overnight. Sometimes it does happen with an individual, but not often with an entire society or a world. Therefore, be kind and gentle with yourselves and do not jump to the conclusion that you are doing something wrong or blocking something from occurring that you really want to happen. Instead, let go and relax. Look for the opportunity to enjoy the moment you are in, and rest assured that everything you do want to experience is coming your way. It is your creation, and you will let it in in perfect timing for your journey.
You are more likely to let it in when you are not paying attention to its absence in your life. Therefore, it will always serve you to go and do the things that you can do or focus on something that is in your life that you can appreciate. It will always be important for you to appreciate what it is that has already come your way and to look for opportunities to enjoy that which you have already manifested.
You may not feel like you have manifested any of your spiritual gifts and abilities, and if that is the case for you, then please do change your concept of what a spiritual gift is and recognize that you have awareness and that you are developing more patience, more faith and more trust. It also helps each and every time you do acknowledge yourselves for having manifested anything at all, no matter how small it is, because doing so is the path to those larger manifestations and those bigger changes that you do want to see in your world and in planet Earth and all of her inhabitants.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
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