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January 15

January 15

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Phenomenon of Recognition)
January 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to draw your attention to one characteristic feature of your current reality, which few people yet notice.
And it lies in the fact that now many are beginning to intuitively sense the people around them on the energy plane.
Most often this happens at the “friend or foe” level.
In fact, this is how people sense not only energies close to them in vibration, but also belonging to a particular race or civilization.
So, even in a crowd, when they meet their gaze, pure human souls, reptilians, representatives of different civilizations, embodied in human bodies, “recognize” each other.
As a rule, they themselves cannot explain this sudden disposition towards a complete stranger.
And we are not talking here about the sexual attraction of men and women to each other, which is natural.
You can have this feeling towards anyone: a child, a young man or girl, an elderly person.
In fact, such recognition occurs at the level of souls, which see the subtle plan and unmistakably determine the “origin” of the soul of the person you meet.
And since the energy of the Earth is now changing rapidly, the subtle perception of people is also changing, as a result of which they can pick up the clues of their Soul much faster.
But usually people who are accustomed to thinking in material categories do not pay attention to this, attributing these sensations to an accident, a coincidence, an involuntary reaction – to anything, just not to the recognition of close souls.
But in fact, this is exactly how the new energies of the Fifth Dimension are manifesting themselves in your life right now.
Just as they introduce new time parameters into it, they gradually begin to remove the veil from your memory of your true origin, blocked at birth: from which civilization and from which dimension you came to Earth for your current incarnation.
For the inhabitants of the higher worlds, such recognition is quite common, since they instantly read information about every living being they meet.
But the fact that such an opportunity is now provided to people of the third dimension is a completely new and hitherto unknown experience for them.
True, so far few people have managed to take advantage of such an opportunity, and yet such people already exist on Earth.
Basically, these are those who have learned to accept information from the subtle plane and clearly hear the “voice” of their Soul.
Over time, more and more people will have such abilities, picking up the energetic “call signs” of related civilizations and souls.
But in order to quickly develop such abilities in yourself, try to listen more carefully to your feelings in relation to the people around you.
Now on your planet all the Laws of the Universe are manifested more clearly and in an “accelerated mode”, which means that close souls are attracted to each other much faster.
Thanks to this new phenomenon in your life, it will be easier for you to create Communes of Like-Minded People to build a new society on the Fifth Dimensional Earth, the foundation of which you can begin to lay now.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 15, 2024
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