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July 31

A reader recently asked, “Why are some of us still dealing with so many lower frequency experiences in our reality, even though we have applied everything we have learned to move beyond them? What are we not understanding? How do we move beyond these experiences?” We would like to address this today.
We understand it can be disconcerting to be so dedicated to your own growth and evolution and have challenging situations occur. In no way does this mean your work has been ineffective! There are many reasons why this can occur.
While in some instances, it can be an indicator of an aspect of you that is still looking for your love and attention, in many cases these experiences are not because you haven’t grown, but rather to show you how far you have grown. It is an opportunity to show up from your latest level of attainment and see how differently you handle it compared to how you might have handled the same situation a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago. How can you gauge your growth if you don’t have experiences to see how far you have come?
In other circumstances you may have an experience because your soul has volunteered to bring balance and stabilizing energy to others who have not yet been able to create that for themselves. Many of you hold the role of both anchor and filter. In other words, you are there to bring the love and the light using your energetics to be of service.
You are part of the whole, and that whole holds many, many layers of energy. As you continue along your enlightenment practice, your overall experience will be far more peaceful than you have experienced in your life so far. Part of knowing your mastery is learning how to bring the peace with you everywhere you go rather than having it be dependant upon certain circumstances.
We urge you to not make things wrong. Trust that if you are operating from a space of surrender, faith, flow, and trust with the intention of being of your highest service, it is all unfolding beautifully, for you to know yourself deeper either through self examination and awareness or through your service and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 30

Your underlying fears that get triggered and bubble up are much like a toddler who is overwhelmed that suddenly acts out and tantrums. If you respond by being reactive, you know you only accelerate the energy. When any portion of you is at overwhelm it needs calm, consistent love and reassurance. It is looking for your empowered self to compassionately understand what is going on, to take the lead, and create a space of safety where needs can be met. This is absolutely a role you can assume just by taking a moment of exploration and awareness, to honour all parts of yourself, to shepherd and include, with your own unique wisdom and understanding. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 29

When you are emotionally triggered by another the first thing to ask yourself is what fear has been activated in you. Is it true? Is it a real threat? Is it even yours? Is it pertinent to today or is it old energy? Explore the fear and the emotions that drive it.
Then ask yourself what empowered steps you can take now to create beyond the fear based on who you are today. Your fears stem from a feeling of powerlessness. Your ability to shift into being a conscious co-creator will allow you to put that fear to rest and to navigate beyond it. It is this practice of self exploration and self guidance that will allow you to stay in a far more centred space during periods of energetic intensity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 28

What beauty and magic can you choose to see in your life today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 27

As you move forward from the doing phase of your incarnation into the being phase, you start to step away from what you feel you should do into what you feel guided to do. (Be aware of the word should, for it often involves judgment of self and dismissing your true wants and needs. It is an indicator of operating through the mind and attempting to work against the energies, while being guided is being led by the heart which is loving, connective, and works with what the energies support).
By allowing yourself to move how you are guided to, you begin to surrender and flow into your highest good, which automatically honours the highest good of others. Because you are surrendered into what your best service is however it wishes to present itself that day, you step out of the second guessing of yourself into deep trust in the unfoldment, which allows far more presence and peace than you have ever experienced before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 26

With your awareness, we suggest you pay attention to how many times you deem yourself, or others, wrong. You might be surprised to discover it is far more often than you realize. This is a good indicator of how much resistance you are still experiencing towards life.
To shift out of this, you may wish to simply observe when you fall into that habit and then refocus. You might try an affirmation that feels good to you. You could try, “We are all beloved aspects of Source.” “God is guiding me now.” “We are all doing the best that we can.” “We are all in this together.” “Everyone is the master of their own path.” “Everyone has their own innate wisdom as well as the assistance of guides and helpers.” “I trust in the unfoldment.” “I choose to remember who I really am.”
Before you are in a state of resistance, think of an affirmation you can use that helps you feel the energy of acceptance. Even a simple, “I love you”, is a wonderful go-to statement you can apply to yourself and others, for it includes rather than separates, which is an act of acceptance. When you get out of the well entrenched habit of resistance, Dear Ones, you will find much more flow, peace, and comfort in all areas of your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 25

Your mind navigates through control and effort. Your heart navigates through freedom and flow. Which method do you think holds the most potential, comfort, and ease for you? Is it time for you to finally let go of the old systems and habits that simply cannot get you where you wish to go? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 24

Your energetic shifting will take on its own ebb and flow. There will be times when you are integrating new energy and that will take precedence over all other things. During such times, you may not feel like doing some of your typical spiritual practices. Instead, you may be drawn to activities that focus on the body and the human experience. Once you have fully integrated the latest shift into your body, if you are allowing yourself to flow with the energies, you will get back into your more spiritual interests.
Your soul knows exactly what it is doing during your enlightenment process. Allow it to take the lead. You are not just spiritual, nor are you just human. You are both and both are equally important. There will be times when it is best for one aspect to take the lead for a while. You are in a dance of release, receive, integrate, ground, and repeat. All of it serves your evolution, so trust and allow what you are feeling drawn to as the empowered expert on you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 23

We would like to present an exercise for you to try this week. We would suggest you to agree to do two things – to stop making yourself wrong for being who you are, and to stop making others wrong for being who they are.
Yes, this is an exercise in acceptance. Can you speak to yourself with love and understanding for an entire week? Can you practice forgiveness for any experiences you would choose a different approach for now and see it as growth? Can you see the entirety of your life expression as doing the best that you could at any given time? Can you see it as a series of experiences that helped you self define and expand? Can you take those exact same questions and apply them to others? Can you resist the urge to make yourself wrong if you forget and fall into your old habits and gently redirect yourself with understanding and love?
Your willingness to do so allows you to shift out of berating to encouraging, from rejection to love, from judgment to acceptance, from separation to inclusion. It creates a safe space within yourself, and between you and others. It allows you to express faith and trust in the divine capability of every person on the planet which is incredibly empowering to everyone involved. The beautiful by product of the consistent application of acceptance is patience, peace, and unconditional love, which all feel wonderful because those are the energies of Home. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 22

Most enlightening human beings have been sensitive souls their entire lives. Often you have been judged for that sensitivity, treated as through it was a less than desirable trait to have. In truth, it has been your greatest asset, and is serving you well as you continue to grow and expand.
Many of you have tried to conform in order to avoid judgment from others and protect your sensitive natures. This has been a survival tactic but one that has put you in resistance to yourselves. We would like to offer a healing exercise for this today.
We wish for you to sit quietly and think of all the times you have tamped yourself down in order to gain another’s approval. You may remember specific times, or simply have a sense of how many times it has happened. In this right now moment, we invite you to call back the power you gave away to someone who was not able to see you in your truth. You may experience it as little fragments of self. Feel the joy and excitement both you and those pieces of you feel as they are being called home to reintegrate with you.
Next we invite you to ask to be shown all the times you made yourself be wrong for who you really are. Imagine all of those little fragments of self light up with acknowledgement and healing as they joyfully accept your invitation to come back home to you.
You are in charge of your energetics. It is never too late for healing. Honour any anger or sadness you have for those old experiences then rejoice in the fact that you have created this opportunity today to step up as your own healer and guide. Allow yourself to fully feel the shift you have created for yourself through the use of the exercise. Make a sacred vow to yourself to lead yourself with love and acceptance moving forward and to always honour your truth.
You have reached a place where so much is possible as you are stepping up as your own wise and empowered leader! We are so delighted that you continue to grow and expand into so many new possibilities. Continue to explore your many capabilities through a lens of acceptance, and there will be much you will discover and do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 21

When you do not move in the direction the flow is trying to take you, you are resisting your own soul and your heartfelt dreams. Your heart and soul are always calling to you, trying to lead you to your highest matches, purpose, and experiences. To deny that is to choose profound resistance to yourself.
That is why the act of surrender always brings relief – it is moving out of resistance into the acceptance and inclusion of your highest self, which is an empowered and healing choice toward wholeness and integration. While the act of surrender certainly activates the assistance of a universe that adores you, it is the recognition and acceptance of your own divine love and guidance you are yearning for most of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 20

As you move forward in the next phase of your enlightenment process, you will start to understand more and more the importance of being rather than doing. You will learn to ride the waves of energy, harnessing the power of what each wave individually supports, whether it be inspired forward movement or simply staying in a quiet space of presence. This will create far greater comfort and ease for you because you will be continually moving with the energies, rather than trying to move against them.
This will also allow you to be far more efficient with your time and efforts than ever before, and will take the guess work out of things for you. You will, with your faith and trust and deepest knowing, know the unfoldment is always serving you in your evolution and highest service, which shifts you into the experience of peace, regardless of what phase you may find yourself in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 19

What is the most loving thing you can say to yourself today? What is the most loving action you can choose for yourself today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 18

Are you in allowance of the biggest, most beautiful plan your soul has for you and your life expression? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 17

It is common during any large shift of energy to have emotions brought up to the surface to facilitate the next layer of healing available to you. For many of you, this means old deep wounds, the kind that you have gone out of your way to avoid, may be insisting upon your attention.
These energies are like balls of fear. Fear has kept them tamped down for so long, because it felt too daunting to look at them. Many of you have had the avoidance approach, not wanting to get too near them or disturb them in any way. Fear is at the bottom of any energy that is not healed. So fear is what drives these emotions, and more fear is what makes you not want to address them.
The problem with fear is that it is paralyzing – it keeps you from the freedom of realizing your highest expression of self. And that is why these issues are insistant upon getting your love and attention, so you can move on to the next exciting phase of your life unencumbered.
Your emotions are wanting your love and acknowledgement. So we invite you to sit quietly with the intention of beginning to bring them up to the light from the depths of where they have been pushed down for so long. This may bring about discomfort as you prepare to do this. Stop and ask yourself what the fear is. Reflect on how different you are now from who you were when this original wound occurred. You have all grown so much! You have learned a great deal as you have navigated your enlightenment journey. You are well prepared to step forward now as your own loving parent, guide, and best friend.
Ask what fear is sitting underneath the emotion. Is that true now? Was it ever true? If it was true, understand it served you then but no longer serves who you have evolved into. Allow yourself to fully feel it. If it becomes too much, you can take an observant viewpoint, until you are ready to go back to feeling it. This is quite rare, for usually if you allow yourself to name and feel the emotion it dissipates quite quickly. As with so many things, you may be surprised to realize that the avoidance was far more uncomfortable than actually doing the exercise.
If you could give your fear or your wound form, what would it look like? Could you hug it and love it and reassure it now? How would your love transform it? If you feel like you can’t do that, can you give it to an angel or master to do it for you?
Now connect with the aspect of you that had the emotion and experienced the wounding. Gather up that part of you with your tender loving embrace and reassure that aspect that you will always honour it and keep it safe from now on. Tell it you are so sorry it felt so bad for so long. Feel it heal and integrate back into the wholeness of you.
What is left behind once you allow those old energies to shift up and out through your acknowledgement and self love? This is the best part! What is left is more space to embody your own glorious light and love to express your own divine nature. Allow yourself to fill up with the love that you are and know you are safe to take that step and shine. This is the gift of all of the shifts you are going through, energetically refining yourself back to your own beautiful truth and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 16

As people become more uncomfortable, it is very common for them to become reactive. You are currently in a period where many people will be feeling challenged, and will be likelier to act out due to their frustration and discomfort.
It is never fun to have another take things out on you. It is important to remember that their behaviour is simply a demonstration of how uncomfortable they are. Can you remember a time when you took things out on another because you were deeply uncomfortable? Did you appreciate it when you were forgiven? Can you give that same grace to another?
You are all walking through this together. Some of you are just learning how to deal with energetic intensity. Others have more experience with how to navigate these times. Be kind to each other. Forgive easily. Do your best and if you get reactive apologize. Always find your way back to love, Dear Ones, for that is the stabilizer you all seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 15

The more you get to know yourself, love yourself, and accept yourself, the more you will be able to discern what is your truth. This means that if someone has something negative to say to you, you will be able to stay calm and balanced and very quickly be able to know whether there is any validity to what was said and use it as an opportunity to improve, or whether it was simply a projection onto you that isn’t a match to who you are at all.
If you find negative comments stay with you and are difficult to get over, it is not an indicator that you are bad or too sensitive, it is simply letting you know you need to get more secure with your own innate worthiness and truth. From there it will be much easier for you to know what has value for you and what to leave behind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 14

Alignment, simply put, sets you back on your home base which recharges your batteries and allows you to remember what you know. Both are essential for navigating fast-moving energies and being able to show up as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 13

Self love is not about making yourself better than anyone else, or caring for yourself more than anyone else. It is about finally including yourself in the love you so easily give others. It is an act of inclusion, of fairness, of balance.
So we urge you to start to use your awareness to change your negative self talk, to replace your inner naysayer with an inner encourager, to bless yourself with your own nurturing and love. Can you be kind and gentle with yourself today?
Can you commit to doing so every day, so it becomes a new habit? For as you shift yourself into your own inclusion, you accept your place as part of the whole and this facilitates a cascade of healing that addresses low self esteem, as well as separation, worthiness, and abandonment issues. Your inner child is yearning for your love and attention, Dear Ones. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 12

Freedom is allowing yourself to decide what certain elements look like for you. What does peace look like for you? Is it meditating or sitting in stillness? Or is it the joy of allowing your body to move in nature? Is it driving in the car? Or gardening?
What does love mean to you? How do you express love? How do you feel loved? How do you love yourself?
What is healing to you? What does being healed look like to you?
What does connection look like or feel like to you? How do you express gratitude? How do you align with Source? What are your innate gifts and your preferred way of being of service?
Part of the confusion that so many face as they embark on their enlightenment journey is the many voices that tell you your practices or service should look a certain way. Your mastery comes from connecting within, from finding your preferred way of shining your divinity in the ways that match your own unique expression of Source. Give yourself permission to discover the best ways for you to embody the essential elements of enlightenment, and you will be serving both yourself and the whole to your highest ability. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 11

Dear Ones, you are entering a period of energetic intensity. We wish to offer you some tips to help you navigate this time with the greatest amount of ease possible.
If you find yourself uncomfortable, the first step is to simply stop and consciously direct love at your body and your being. Imagine wrapping yourself up in the most wonderful energetic hug. Sit and breathe and enjoying being present in the love that you are. If you need extra support, ask your angels and masters to also wrap you up in their love and simply enjoy being in that alignment.
Play “In This Right Now Moment”. Look around and see everything that is working for you. See that you are absolutely fine and absolutely safe. Don’t worry about what is coming next, simply anchor in the Now moment. As you connect with the present, look for things to be grateful for and give thanks both to the universe and to yourself for the creation of all the blessings in your life.
Breathe. If you are in discomfort you are also in resistance. Breathe out that resistance and breathe in acceptance. Ask spirit to assist you in adjusting your energy to move through the shifting energies with more comfort. Utilize the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. Know that the discomfort is temporary but the energetic transformation you are going through is permanent.
Last, have compassion for others, as well. Be the love. Understand others are uncomfortable, too, and may not have the skills to navigate the intensity with grace and ease. Don’t take things personally if people are reactive, merely see it as a declaration of their own personal discomfort.
We understand that intensity seems to be your new normal. That is true for where you are right now, but it will level out in time. Your planet and her inhabitants are going through a phase of accelerated growth. These are the exact times you couldn’t wait to experience, and you are all doing a remarkably fine job!
You are all getting better at shifting and integrating energies, as it is a skill set like any other. These are exciting and transformative times, and you get to be part of the ground crew to witness them first hand. This is a great honour for your soul, and part of your gift to humanity. As always, we love, honour, and celebrate you for your courage and service as the pioneers of an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 10

It is very common to seek control when you feel discomfort. But your discomfort is telling you that you are in resistance to something, and to seek control would be to dig in deeper to that resistance which will only perpetuate the discomfort. What you are really looking for when you are uncomfortable is acceptance, and a willingness to move with the energies with faith and trust.
Your control, while it may seem tempting to seek the reassurance controlling action seems to give, can only offer limited results because it lacks flow and the willingness to follow your soul where it is trying to lead you. Finding acceptance with each Now moment and shifting out of the head back into the heart is the only way you can realize your greatest opportunities and experiences. This will become more and more apparent and important as you move along your enlightenment journey.
We urge you to practice, to try new empowered ways of navigation that are based on co-creation and a willingness to stay in faith and trust long enough to see what gifts the unknown can bring you. This is a skill of great importance for you as the pioneers of the next great phase of your life expressions, for acceptance of your own wisdom, and the wisdom of the universe, is the foundation of forward movement with grace, ease, comfort, and peace. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 9

We understand that many of you have been conditioned to fear change and the unknown. But it is through change that you continue to evolve and expand, and move into that which you desire. You cannot heal without change. Finding a new love is change. Connecting with new people and passions is change. Moving into better energetic matches comes with change. The things you wish to manifest can only find you if you allow and accept change.
It is safe for you to move forward into the unknown, in fact, you will continue to move forward with far more comfort, ease, and joy if you can embrace the unfoldment of your highest life expression. Change is an essential tool for transformation. Isn’t it time to release that old fear of change and allow yourself to experience the joy of expansion, for that is what truly makes your soul sing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 6

We were recently asked,”How do I see us all as one when there is so much hurt and harm in the world?” We would like to address this today.
Not long ago we offered a daily message explaining the concept of vibrational layers. We asked you to imagine a building that contained a basement, a main floor, and upper floor, and an attic. The basement, or lowest layer, was a level of vibrational density. It was dark and uncomfortable. The people living there had might have a concept of other floors but haven’t yet disengaged from that energy enough to climb up the stairs. You could consider this layer to be 3D.
The people living in the middle floor have a good knowing of both the density of the basement and the existence of a floor above them, and may periodically move between the two. You might consider this to be 4D.
There are other people still who resonate with the upper floor. These are the people who are well on their enlightenment journey. They are practicing far greater awareness and are dedicated to their growth and expansion, and embodying their highest selves. They are in remembrance of their own divine nature. They also have access to the attic, which is where you might find the angelic and masters residing.
All of these different layers exist within the structure of the building, all coexisting on their own levels. They are all part of the whole. So we ask you, if the building caught fire, would you only save certain people based on a certain level of attainment or would you rush to save everyone inside? You might be surprised to realize your first priority might be to assist those in the basement first, understanding they are in the most danger because they are stuck in a place that is more difficult to get out of. Your instincts show you that you already have unconditional love in your heart and honour the worthiness of even the most challenging aspects of the whole.
This example should allow you to see how many different layers can exist within the entirety of the whole, but also how you can have love and compassion for all aspects of the whole, regardless of what level they are residing in. It allows you to simply see and support people wherever they are, as all are equally precious and valuable. As you continue to evolve and grow, you won’t need extremes to see this, but will be able to embody that knowingness more and more in your day to day lives, as you will hold your balance, your love, and your mastery with greater consistency. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 5

Are you in resistance to yourself? Love is the ultimate act of acceptance for yourself, exactly as you are. Moving out of resistance is what allows you far greater comfort and forward movement, and beginning within is the ideal place to start. This is why self love is such an integral part of the enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 4

So many of you choose not to move because you don’t know all the steps or have all the answers. But you cannot find the answers or the next steps until you get into some kind of motion! You don’t have to have it all figured out, Dear Ones. Just move in the direction that feels best to you, and know you can do so without fear, for if you are in surrender and flow you simply cannot make a mistake. Even if you were pointed in the worst possible direction, the flow will come and gather you up and sweep you into the unfoldment that naturally reveals each next step to your perfect matches. You can’t guide something that is not in movement, so surrender and trust that it is safe to figure it out as you go, one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 3

Dear Ones, when you think about serving the whole, do you see yourself as being part of that whole, or is it everyone else but you? This is a simple thing we invite you to ponder today, for it will quickly let you know if you are still unconsciously keeping yourself separate from your own love and tender care. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 2

As a continuation of our recent message on shame and guilt, we would like to address another aspect of shame – when others have shamed you, or made you feel guilty or shameful.
Shame and guilt have been aspects people have used to control others for centuries. Shame has been used as a tool to control children and get them to behave in a certain manner. It has been used to keep people small, from stepping into their own authentic power, and from shining their own light beautifully and unabashedly.
Shame and guilt that have been heaped upon children is particularly damaging, for it creates a belief system within them that they are inherently bad or not good enough, which erodes self esteem and self confidence.
To be clear, most instances of the use of guilt and shame as an aspect of control was used as a means to an end, to get an immediate change of behaviour without the full understanding of how damaging it was over the long term. People use guilt and shame thinking that will somehow mold another into a better person, without the full understanding of the long term detrimental effects they have. For many, that was how they were raised and they don’t know any better.
If you have been on the receiving end of guilt and shame from others, the first thing we wish for you to understand is that anyone who has an interest in judging you is simply not qualified to do so. If they had the vantage point to see you in your truth and offer an opinion on that, they would only encourage you and remind you of your own perfection and divinity as an individuated aspect of Source energy.
We understand that the reality of this is that guilt and shame results in deep conditioning to think that you are not good enough. But the good news is you now know better than this. You know, within your heart, that you are a beautiful and honoured part of the whole. You know as a child you were innocent and divine and perfect, exactly as you were. You know, that while it may have come from ignorance, you never deserved that treatment. You know you deserved love, acceptance, and encouragement to grow into everything you could ever be.
But here is the good news. Your wounded inner child or wounded adult self doesn’t care where the love, acceptance, and encouragement comes from, it just cares that it gets what it so desperately needed back then. And you have the wisdom and compassion to go, right now, and give that to your self.
So enter into meditation and gather that hurting you into your arms and cover him or her with kisses, and love, and reassurance, and every last thing you didn’t get. Tell him or her the people that were around you didn’t understand the truth of who you are and simply didn’t know any better (if they had known better, they would have done better). Treat that part of you like the precious being it has always been, and pledge to never let him or her go through that ever again.
Bottom line is, if you called a horse a cow its entire life, it wouldn’t make it less of a horse. It would only affect it if it started to believe it really was a cow, and even then trying to be a cow would not come easily because a part of it would always remember its true essence which was horse. All that would be required to step back into its truth would be another horse to come along and remind it of its true beingness, or the horse finally allowing itself to see its own reflection and believe that reality.
It is never too late to give yourself what you needed. You have grown into a beautiful, caring, loving soul in spite of all you have been through. If that isn’t enough to celebrate who you are and embrace your glorious truth, we don’t know what is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 1

There is so much noise in your world today. So many opinions, so many voices, such a bombardment of information. While it can seem chaotic, it is doing you a profound service, for it is making you seek out the stillness within and your inner knowing – to be heart-centred and proceed from there. It is all unfolding to bring you back to your heart, time and again, because that is your most empowered place to navigate from. And that, Dear Ones, is a great blessing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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