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Spiritual improvement 3

12 reasons to love your loneliness

One day you will realize that you are left alone: 12 reasons to love your loneliness

Not everything in our lives is easy or generally possible to accept. But that’s life. Sometimes it’s enough just to look at it from a different angle…
Don’t be dramatic – you’re still alone. A person is born alone, lives alone and also dies alone. We are all alone in this world. This is the main truth, which is difficult, but very important to accept. How?
1. One day you will realize that you are alone.
In fact, you have always been alone, but this understanding is usually delayed. Parents die, husbands change, lovers cheat, children grow up. Or you yourself leave them because they are now strangers.
What worked yesterday breaks down. No matter what exactly happens, remember: loneliness is always behind you, like winter. Maturity is the ability to be alone without being dramatic. It’s better to prepare in advance.
2. Everyone except close relatives can be replaced.
No one and nothing comes in one copy. Let new people into your life, even if you don’t yet understand whether you have anything in common. One day you will realize that you are alone, and this will save you.
3. Always try new things.
Food, clothes, routes, gadgets, activities, films, books, theories and explanations of the universe.
The brain is made of lazy gum. The further it goes, the more it wants to bend in the same places, the rest of its convolutions tend to disappear. Don’t let him cling to the same things, pleasures, ways, methods and tricks.
Always try new things, especially when you are lazy, scared or don’t feel like it.
4. Forgive everyone you can, forget the rest.
Oblivion is the best punishment and the best medicine. And never argue with anyone.
5. There is no hurry.
Everything that happens quickly does not last long. If you really want something, do it. If you didn’t want to, then it wasn’t necessary.
Put off risky desires and actions, letting them rest. Do something that you are not sure about only if the desire has been persistently pursuing you for a long time.
6. If you really want something and you think it’s right, do it.
Desires are life. Let the desire live inside and follow it. If it doesn’t disappear, follow it.
7. Don’t give up until you want something.
Luck is experience, that is, the number of repetitions. Any failure is a lack of experience and is compensated by experience. Courage and risk are experiences.
What sometimes looks like utter impudence is experience. Fortitude, tolerance, forgiveness, resilience and independence are all experiences. The main thing is not to give up until you want something.
8. Nothing is the end, not even the end: everything is just a flow.
Remember this in despair, in grief, at the grave of a friend, reading a letter from a loved one who left you. There will certainly be a day when you say: “And for the better!” (especially for your loved one:)
9. Nothing is over, but the end is near.
And it’s more useful to think that he is tomorrow. Then it is easier to follow all these points.
10. Do what you want, but take care of your body, otherwise it will unexpectedly take revenge on you.
Get into the habit of asking what it wants and doing it. If you have never listened to your body and don’t know how it talks, start with simple things like forest walks, swimming or yoga.
Then everything will happen on its own: the body is waiting to be heard.
11. Romance, love and passion are wonderful. But if you confuse them with sex, you can be left without it for a long time.
And this is stupid and harmful. Make sure you have sex. May romance and love come and find you in bed with a new lover.
12. The last thing you should worry about is what people will think of you.
People think mainly about themselves, and also about you, measuring it by themselves. That is, they don’t think about you or each other. Do what you want and see point 7.
P.S. This is the only point about which there is no need to doubt: take care of your friends.
Friends are the only thing worth accumulating. One day you will realize that you are left alone, and your friends will immediately come and say: you are completely stunned, you have us. And it is true.

20 phrases that will explain the essence of the events happening to you

20 phrases that will explain the essence of the events happening to you

Man and woman. Feelings and money… The whole essence of relationships is in short and succinct quotes from psychologist Mark Ifraimov…
1. Mom is family and relationships with loved ones and society. Dad is strength, protection, money and prosperity. If you lack something, then you need to free yourself from all claims against mom and dad, then the chances of getting what you want will increase significantly.
2. Pride stands on pride, pride stands on insignificance, and insignificance stands on self-pity.
3. Cold look – resentment towards the mother. Disappointment in her leads to disappointment in oneself, followed by loneliness.
4. He who cannot ask… does everything himself.
5. A man shows a woman her importance simply by his silent presence next to her.
6. Man and woman serve each other. A man’s service to a woman consists of showing a woman what she does not yet want to know about herself. Women’s ministry is to reflect back to him what he has already achieved.
7. A woman always expects from a man what her father could not give her.
8. Anyone who wants to be accepted for who they are simply wants security.
9. To become desirable and necessary, a woman must refuse to be needed. Then it will become a luxury, like a diamond that is absolutely useless, but no one ever wants to part with it.
10. A woman is feelings. Feelings cannot be convinced, they can only be calmed.
11. A man needs a woman’s feelings, no matter whether they are positive or negative. A woman’s feelings for a man are fuel that propels him towards his goal. The main thing is that the feelings are alive, sincere and come from the heart.
12. A woman for whom money is more important than love is disappointed in her father. She subconsciously seeks his love. Unable to accept the loss of his love, she replaces this loss with money.
13. To hunt game well, you need to become a tasty bait yourself.
14. Faith is the main criterion for distinguishing love from pity. If you believe in a person’s success, then you love him, if not, then you feel sorry for him.
15. To become rich, you need to have the desire to prove to your father that you are no worse than him. To keep the money, you need to come out of protest to your father and accept him as he is in your heart.
16. Your own importance prevents you from recognizing someone else’s importance, and your own importance gives rise to self-pity.
17. To move to the next level, you need to be grateful for your previous experience.
18. Girls are initially masculine, and boys are feminine. A woman’s masculinity is manifested in motherhood, and a man’s femininity is manifested in doubts on the way to his goals.
19. A woman who, for the sake of a man’s approval and the desire to please him, suppresses her negative feelings, is doomed to become unnecessary to him.
20. A woman needs to accomplish a feat in order to give up motherhood in relation to a man and begin to trust him completely. A man needs a feat to turn on his masculinity and take responsibility for others.

Spiritual development, evolution and imitation of development

Spiritual development, evolution and imitation of development – what is the difference

What do you think is the difference between the concepts of spiritual development and evolution?
It seems that these two terms are about one thing – about moving forward, about broadening one’s horizons, about personal progress. But still there is a significant difference between them.
There are people who think that they are developing by reading books, but in reality it is an imitation. Others, on the contrary, have no time to waste time studying books; they learn life in practice.
In this article we will talk about different aspects of the development and evolution of consciousness. You will learn how to develop harmoniously so that it brings you the results you need in life.
I want to move, but I don’t know where
Such reasoning is a trap of the mind. Knowing with your mind is impossible and unnecessary. You have to feel it.
When you doubt, are busy looking for confirmation, asking questions, at this time you are in the mind.
When you are in the mind, your heart center is turned off, which means the channel that leads you is blocked.
You are in your mind more often, which is understandable.
Record in your diaries of achievements (realizations) everything that can serve as proof to your mind that you are moving in the right direction.
Use simple everyday situations to train yourself to “turn off your mind” and turn on your intuition and heart center, as well as follow the body’s cues.
Tune in to your feelings, play with them.
Over time, you will begin to notice that your primary subtle signals (from the body, heart, intuition) give you the most truthful information. This way you will develop your ability to feel.
I want to move, but I don’t know where
Imitation of development and expansion of horizons
Many people get carried away with mechanical “practice” (imitation) of development, while their consciousness remains at the same level and there are no serious changes in life.
Often this category includes people who know a lot, read a lot, but do not apply this knowledge in practice.
Such people consider themselves very well-read, intelligent, they are well aware of their traumas and limiting beliefs, but at the same time remain satisfied with their own status as a “knowledgeable” and nothing more.
“Imitators” of development do not strive to obtain practical results of transformations.
Development, or rather evolution, is a practical process for changing life for the better, and not just “listening to it.”
Spiritual development, evolution and imitation of development – what is the difference – [answers to questions]
About the need to read books to expand your picture of the world
At the same time, there is another category of developing people who, on the contrary, lack erudition, that is, a knowledge base that expands their picture of the world.
Often these are people who are actively involved in the matrix, live in the “work-home-family” mode, and have a conservative environment.
Such people benefit from information that will allow them to expand their thinking paradigm and expand their understanding of the world beyond their usual boundaries.
It is very important to have a person or people around you who can serve as an example to follow and inspire.
Nowadays, the search for such examples is greatly facilitated thanks to the Internet.
However, the Internet does not replace reading books for general development.
Recommendations for reading – books by Barbara Marciniak “The Path of Power. Wisdom of the Pleiades for a world in chaos” and Greg Braden’s “Codes of Consciousness. Change your beliefs.”
Greg Braden “Codes of Consciousness. Change your beliefs.”
Direct experience and knowledge is the catalyst that breaks the shackles of previous perceptions that tied you to the old belief system.
Spiritual development, evolution presupposes a way out of the current environment, from current conditions.
Otherwise, when a person sits in “his swamp,” he does not understand the world and cannot gain direct experience, which is a prerequisite for development.
About the need to read books to expand your picture of the world
How to read books correctly
Take from books what resonates.
It happens that the mind becomes dependent on some perceived information. “Freezing” indicates that the processing of something important has begun, which over time will manifest itself in the form of new awareness.
It happens that the perceived information causes complete rejection.
Listen to yourself – put this information aside.
This reaction does not mean that you have encountered a bad book. It’s just that each person takes what he needs today.
Perhaps over time, when you are ready to perceive this information, it will resonate.
In each case, focus on the feeling of resonance.
How to read books correctly
At the crossroads of life: “Where to go?” Crystals on the path of life
When a person is at the beginning of the path of development and gains strength, he is led.
A person is guided by his own Higher, non-physical essence.
According to Steve Rother’s metaphor, it is the Higher Beginning of a person before his birth that places “crystals on the path.”
Crystals on the path of life are unique hints regarding the optimal choices that a person can make when he finds himself at the crossroads of life.
Seeing this crystal, a person remembers (rather than learns or studies) what it islay it down for myself before birth.
Having seen such a crystal, a person makes a choice and simply follows this route, paying attention to his feelings.
Practice for choosing the best option:
write down on paper a variety of choices;
ask another person to lay out these options on the “invisible side”;
closing your eyes, describe each option, guided by your feelings and bodily sensations;
Choose from all the options the one that feels most pleasant to the body.
This way the body reads the optimal option.
If you tend to doubt or are at a crossroads, use this practice to choose the best option.
Take a step and listen to how your feelings respond – whether you feel comfortable or not. If not, choose a different direction.
The trap of the state of stupor is that a person stands still, does not move anywhere, and doors (opportunities) begin to close.
Therefore, it is important to take a step: if you don’t know where to go, just go and you will see further.
It’s like walking in the woods when you’ve gotten off the path: when you keep your destination in mind (where you want to end up) and just keep going, the route begins to emerge.
Spiritual development, evolution and imitation of development – what is the difference
About development and gaining experience through deception
There are people whose development path includes the experience of development through deception. Simply put, there are people who need to be deceived.
Various kinds of magicians, charlatans and similar specialists “serve” this category of people, creating the necessary “rakes and bumps” for them. Through such (self-)deception and disappointment in it, people regain their Power.
Each person always measures by himself.
For one person, for example, interaction with magic is of no interest; he understands that his true power lies in a different plane. For another, interaction with magic can be the first step towards returning to oneself.
Each information, practice, tool has its time and place. Symbolically, some need to start in the first grade, some come to the second grade, and some go straight to the fifth.
We can say that in each direction (approach, school, methodology) of development, some component is missing to be complete. It is quite natural that in search of the missing component, a person explores and discovers new and new sources of information.
All classes are respected equally in the school.

Powerful wave of solar energies

Powerful wave of solar energies

My dear ones, very powerful streams of Light are approaching our planet. This is a huge wave of solar energies.
The currents will awaken humanity and actively act on our bodies until March 11, 2024. And many people will feel these energies.
Of course, everyone will react differently to these light waves. For some, this will be an energy boost, as they are ready for these powerful transformative streams of the sun. And for some it will be a powerful energy cleansing and powerful internal transformation.
Streams of Light can cause poor physical well-being. Exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible, since these are darkened places in the body through which energy does not pass well.
Headaches are possible, as the energy actively clears the consciousness of numerous illusions of the material plane, mental templates and attitudes, a wide variety of programs and actions of egregors.
Emotional outbursts and outbursts may appear. Energy actively acts on people’s astral bodies, as if squeezing out what is hidden or accumulated inside.
My dear ones, do not be afraid of these powerful solar streams. Try to live Consciously and not get involved in low energies.
Spend more time in nature, as it evens out and helps you live in harmony. In nature, as in the bosom of Mother Earth, it is easier to accept any light streams!
Love your physical body. Drink more clean water, do not overload it with heavy food, do physical exercises (yoga, tai chi, qigong…) for better energy flow, so that there are fewer blocks.
And also give love to your body. Directly pour the energy of your Heart into him. Fill your organs and systems, the cells of your body with love, so that in response they “smile and rejoice” at this Light. Love can help the body and dissolve a wide variety of obscurations, and this makes it easier to accept even the most powerful flows of energy and undergo any internal transformation.
Love the world and everything around you! This will help you greet solar energies with gratitude and go through the transmutation process more easily.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

Future on Earth

Future on Earth. Real scenario, fantastic, and magical

Ilya Bortnikov

“We were born to make a fairy tale come true.”
But apparently people of recent generations only read scary fairy tales in childhood.
So they made them come true.
Children don’t read books now. What kind of films and cartoons do they watch?
Do you want this kind of future for your children?
Ideas rule the world. An idea that has captured people in its networks gives meaning to their lives, and they do not doubt the correctness of this idea.
In a previous article, I described how seers perceive what is happening on the planet. People ask what awaits us? Our country, and the World as a whole.
Hype theme! The Internet is full of prophecies, and people read one after another to find confirmation of their fears and hopes. Of course, you like those authors who say what you yourself thought. And then someone great said the same thing. Wow! Feeling of self-satisfaction.
I encourage everyone to learn to think for themselves, and see when the media begins to control your consciousness.
And now my real and fantastic prophecies of the future. Prophecy, by definition, must be unambiguous. But the World is much more complex than we can imagine.
My vision and my feelings about life since childhood have made me a determinist. For me, it’s as if our lives are going according to a written script, in which all the main events are written down. The same scenario applies to the entire performance on the planet. But if so, then the prophecy of the future must be unambiguous, because it already exists.
That’s how it is, but the script of the great director is unknown to people. This is the main rule of the Game in which we live. Otherwise, no one will give their best in their life. Get this idea.
The smartest analysts write about what awaits us in the future. The collapse of capitalism, its last shocks in the form of wars and controlled Chaos. The advent of a new era of post-capitalism with a digital concentration camp. You’ve probably all read this.
Great analysts of a huge anthill calculated the trajectories of movement of each ant, the number of newly born and dead ones, and issued accurate forecasts for the near and distant future. Time passed, everything happened according to plan. Once a man walked nearby and kicked an anthill. That’s it, the Apocalypse, which none of the smartest could have predicted.
From the logic of what is happening, nothing good lies ahead for us, and chaos with wars and the redistribution of the World will last until all resources are completely depleted.
But since you are reading an esoteric channel, it means you live in the ideological field of mysticism, and clearly believe in Miracles. The Internet is full of articles about awakening, the new era, high vibrations, and the quantum transition.
Realize for yourself the fact that you just really want to believe in it. What’s wrong with that? After all, by believing in a large mass in something, we ourselves, as it were, form it.
Yes, yes, not so. Just waiting and not doing anything about it is being in soothing fantasies. Nothing happens by itself. Everything on this planet is done by people themselves. Awakening consciousness, self-knowledge and self-development are only individual efforts. How many people on the planet have dedicated their lives to spiritual practice? And the majority, like, expects them to do everything for them. They will wake you up, enlighten you, and open up some other abilities. No one can make a person intelligent without his own efforts.
But I also promised a fantastic, optimistic future scenario.
Imagine that we live in a computer game. For each hero, the fate, his thoughts, desires, and actions are spelled out. This is written about in the ancient Vedic scriptures. The world is Leela, the play of God, or Gods. At some point in time, the Gods change the rules of the Game through the players they personally control.
Prophets, mystics, or in large numbers come, such as Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, who change the ideological field and give new meaning to human life. Who are they, people, or incarnate Gods? Feel the correct answer yourself.
Let’s look at the present. Religions control only the dark, uneducated masses, of which there are many on the planet. In this sense, the old crowd control tools still work. But the majority of humanity, which now rules politics, creates its own religions, which are more based on practical magic. The authorities always use all available crowd control tools. And invisible force is a very powerful tool for influencing events.
Project “Messiah”.
Whether anyone believes or not, subconsciously the majority is confident in the coming of the Messiah, the second coming. Watch the Hollywood movie “Messiah”. American version of the second coming. In the film it’s still wow. But in reality this is impossible now. Unless you create a new sect.
I have periodically thought about this topic for 30 years. Because, to be honest, I felt the power of energy from Above behind me, and considered myself a messiah. I described this in my story “Messiah the Cat”. And all possible scenarios are there.
But I saw a more probable scenario like Zarathustra’s. 20 years of unsuccessful preaching, no followers except my brother. But God is not in vain I played through it. Fate brings him together with the king, he is imbued with his ideas, and it works. Huge Persia begins to live in a new ideological field.
So now God could play through a person who found himself next to an influential president, or someone else. Like heal him, gain his trust, and capture his consciousness with your ideas.
We see trial options. Sadhguru next to Graf. Result? Graf uses Sadhguru.
And now about the future from the point of view of seeing magicians.
I will continue the theme of the playground. This is difficult for ordinary people who are not into spiritual practices to understand. A person, his personality, is a phantom with a set of programs. If you don’t believe in this, come to meditation and see for yourself. But the Matrix, or the Game, is built in such a way that everyone is confident in their existence and their freedom of choice.
What does a person choose? If he is in a garbage dump, and the choice lies between two types of garbage, and he really wants to eat, then he will choose something more edible.
And now we look at the World through the eyes of those who see. The collective unconscious as a certain set of programs that controls the behavior of the human mass. Once it is stirred up, all the crap comes to light through the actions of people who are skillfully controlled by dark forces, organizing wars on the planet. And it looks like a dark dregs.
And people killing each other have nothing to do with it. What to take from biorobots? They are working on their programs.
These programs can be changed, which is what the Gods did through their players, or Messengers and Messiahs. Now the Mental field is controlled by dark forces, and no bright idea is capable of capturing the consciousness of a large mass of people.
But you can do it with magic. Again you will think that I am luring you to me. No. Here I voiced my ideas into space. If you want, make it happen. But the trick is that only God can do this. Here I call the main player and screenwriter of this performance on the planet God.
If this God creates a network of interested people, then through his player he can create such a powerful stream of light that all the crap will simply dissolve. This is similar to how millions of light bulbs connected to one energy source will light up at once.
I feel like such a source myself, but there are no light bulbs. Maybe I myself am in some kind of illusion. Time is pointing me more towards the latter. Because this idea is already approximately 25 years old. And since there are ten to twenty people meditating with me, it is still impossible to change anything on the planet.
When Covid started, I got the idea to destroy it in the information space. A friend and I created a magical cartoon and encouraged people to spend 5 minutes of their time on general meditation. In reality, several times we managed to gather a hundred people. Funny.
If God comes now in the form of the Messiah, he will not be able to change anything if people do not support him.
But a crystal begins to grow from one molecule. This is how my idea can grow.
There was Sri Aurobindo’s experience. Even several hundred disciples who believed in him could not change the settings of the programs on the planet.
I wrote some crazy ideas.
But I still implement them somehow. This is my role in this life. You have a chance to become a participant in this grand show.
Anything is better than sitting and shaking for your future.
The future exists.
But now we do it ourselves.

51-year-old grandmother from Italy

51-year-old grandmother from Italy proves that you can look beautiful at any age

Wow! Jacqueline Berrido Pisano is the most beautiful grandmother in the world according to the English publication The Sun. It’s surprising that this woman doesn’t look more than 25 years old…
Now the fashionable grandmother lives in Italy, although she has Slavic roots (she is originally from Serbia). Jacqueline has 466 thousand followers on Instagram and even despite her recent 51st birthday, the woman is considered one of the sexiest bloggers on the Internet.
“I have never tried to follow stereotypes about female beauty. You can look beautiful at any age. In any case, our body is just a shell for our soul,” said a grandmother from Italy.
The woman knows a lot about fashion! She dresses very stylishly and looks simply stunning. Grandma is a supporter of proper nutrition and loves to play sports.
Would you believe that she is a grandmother? And she has a 30-year-old daughter and two granddaughters!
Jacqueline herself believes that age and beauty are two independent things. The only important thing is how much you know how to take care of yourself.
Moreover, the key points in the beauty of every woman are her posture and sense of style.
The sexiest granny in the world is always happy to share secrets with her subscribers and constantly pleases them with new photos!

Scary Signs the Universe

Scary Signs the Universe Sends You When Your Life Is About to Change

Life has taught me more than once that everything happens for a reason.
Even tragedies.
The universe doesn’t play dice. – Although sometimes it may seem so.
In the words of Ovid, “Ludit in humanis divina potentia rebus.” (Divine omnipotence plays in man).
Everything in the Universe is thought out and well thought out.
But sometimes her signals make our hair stand on end. And it seems to us that everything is going down the drain when we are about to receive wonderful things.
Here are eight signs to help you learn to look on the bright side when they appear: your life will change (and, in most cases, for the better).
Lucky case. Thanks to a happy accident, you get what you have long wanted. But you find that this does not make you happy. You feel disappointed and apathetic, but when this happens, there is no need to perceive it as a tragedy. Usually this is a message from the Universe, which wants you to save time and energy and stop obsessing over goals that you think you need but will not make you happy.
People have forgotten about you. Your friends stop calling you. All sorts of misunderstandings and failures begin, and you slowly but gradually move away from your surroundings. Don’t be sad. In fact, the Universe is making room to fill your life with new wonderful people who will help you reach the next level. Don’t be afraid of silence; as Euripides said, “Silence is the first step to wisdom.” “
You have x-ray vision. You can see the intentions people hide behind their words and actions. This grace is a sign from the Universe that wants to convince you that you are in the wrong place and with the wrong people.
A meteorite destroys everything. The universe turns your whole life upside down. It does this immediately and without mercy, in one event that I call a “meteor”: you get fired from your job, your partner leaves you for someone else, you lose your savings, etc. The Universe burns your bridges and you have to wake up. It’s painful, but remember that no one died because they had to start life from scratch. And, believe me, as time passes, you will understand that the meteorite was the best thing that could happen to you.
You feel out of place. This sign is haunting: no one wants to feel lonely and rejected. But sometimes being lost helps you find yourself. Losing yourself is a powerful signal. At the same time, the Universe sends people and situations to seek you, find you and guide you to the life you deserve.
What you fear most is coming true. You find yourself in the worst possible scenario. At first you think of it as a season in hell, but it’s not. Hitting rock bottom is good for only one thing: to push you up. (I hit rock bottom and God was there. I don’t expect you to believe me, but rock bottom saved my life.)
Your life becomes very hectic. It’s a little unsettling at first. It’s like riding a roller coaster at 300 km/h without wearing a seat belt. But over time, you realize that you cannot achieve extraordinary goals by living an ordinary life. Therefore, stop hoping for an ordinary life and accept uncertainty as it is – this is a sign from the Universe that you are on the right path.
Things don’t happen. You try and try, but the door you want to open won’t open. You keep trying and the door disappears. You try to find a window to slip through, but you can’t find one. You feel desperate. And then one day you give up and knock on another door, and it opens the first time. Now you realize that the door you were obsessed with was not yours. And that it shouldn’t have opened. And you thank the Universe.
Author – Alberto García izmenitsya/

Children, beware, because we adults obviously can’t

We’re disappearing: Children, beware, because we adults obviously can’t

Children, forgive us. Forgive us for not knowing how to raise you, how to educate you, and sometimes how to love you. You rebel – we don’t hear you, you suffer – we don’t notice you, you “drool”, you disappear – we are looking for you. In fact, even if you don’t forgive us, there is nothing, the more important thing is to take care of yourself, no matter how hard it is to try everything in life and stay sane. If possible without straining yourself.
Take care, both yourself and each other. Be sensible in this reality full of adults who haven’t learned how to take care of themselves, let alone you. Sometimes they are your teachers, educators. The ones you meet at the beginning of your maturity and leave traumas in some of you. They leave traumas in the “different” children – those who differ in appearance, views on the world, temperament, soul, origin, problems of any nature. Remember – no one can be in your shoes, although they should at least try, because you are like a blank sheet of paper to write on. Your story, your values. You don’t feel it now, but over the years this will be your ready-made, formed worldview and you will approach everything in life based on your experiences in kindergarten and school. And of course, based on the environment at home, which one day, consciously or not, you will most likely aspire to.
And you, respected adults who interact with children every day, I’ll just remind you that you are the ones who really need to forgive. Because you were also children, you made mistakes, you had enough time to “fix” yourself, to get on the rails of life. But they were not yet adults and had not seen what you have accomplished. And if a child needs a hand to lift him up, give him one. Even if it means sometimes skipping a school rule for the sake of completing your mission. To make this growing living being a real, dignified, educated person with a chance in life.
Author Kristina Kirova

7 secrets of the woman you want to pursue

7 secrets of the woman you want to pursue

There is no universal standard for what a woman should be like for a man to want to pursue her. Men’s tastes and preferences vary, and every man looks for something unique in a partner. However, there are certain features that arouse interest among the vast majority…
Self-Acceptance: A confident woman is aware of her worth and has a clear understanding of herself and her strengths.
Independence: Men are often attracted to women who are able to make decisions and take responsibility for their lives.
Interests: Men value a woman who is educated and has interests and is capable of maintaining intelligent and deep conversations.
Active pursuit of knowledge: A woman who strives for constant self-development and enrichment of her intellect can be exciting for a man.
Sense of humor
Lightness and cheerfulness: A woman who can bring lightness and cheerfulness to communication can create a positive atmosphere and make a man smile.
Self-irony: The ability to make fun of yourself and not take yourself too seriously can also be an attractive quality.
Obscurity: A mysterious woman who doesn’t reveal everything about herself right away can maintain interest and create intrigue.
Subtlety: The ability to leave a little room for mystery and subtlety in expressing one’s thoughts is a very attractive trait.
Emotional openness
Sincerity: A woman who is willing to open up emotionally and share her feelings can create a deep emotional connection.
Ability to understand yourself and others: Emotional intelligence can be an attractive quality.
Care and support
Attention to Detail: A caring woman notices details and pays attention to a man’s needs.
Supportive: A woman who is willing to support her partner in difficult times and encourage him to achieve his goals is a highly desirable companion.
Own goals and hobbies
Ambition: A woman with clear goals and ambitions can inspire a man and create mutual attraction with him.
Self-development: A passionate and constantly developing woman may be interesting for a man who is looking for a life partner.

Human physical body

Human physical body

The body is the treasury of the Spirit!
What is visible to the eye is only a small part… Only what appears on the surface.
It is necessary not to belittle the body with materiality, but to spiritualize, explore and discover new abilities and possibilities!
The body is the key to the doors to many, many worlds and spaces!
How will you get to the Temple of the Spirit if you don’t have the key?
How will something manifest that cannot be manifested without this key?
How can you sense and feel if you don’t have a perfect multidimensional tool for this?
Not eyes, hands, feet – but That which appears in front of all this is the true body!
Why meditate on the invisible when the visible has appeared?
Why think when the Lord has given a perfect multidimensional instrument for the manifestation and knowledge of Existence?
It is not the body that is to blame for the blindness of the eyes….
The body is not the cause of stiffness and limitation…
The body is not the reason for imprisonment…
Not the body, but the false perception of the body!
There is nothing superfluous or false in the Spirit!
Freedom is to see the integrity and truth of Existence… and admire with gratitude!
Lyudmila Orishchenko

Signs that you are making yourself grow old

Signs that you are making yourself grow old

Sometimes people grow old of their own accord, albeit unconsciously…
Sometimes we age faster in our souls than in our bodies. And we don’t even notice…
…If in society there is an unspoken rule about the age of old age – for example, after 50 years a person is considered an old man – if in a family people were considered old after their grandchildren were born, if someone who retired or lost the ability to give birth to children was considered old, the person adopts this installation. Without even thinking about it. And he begins to age rapidly.
Moreover, the person takes actions to turn into an old man. You know how young actors portray old people in movies? They are hunched over. They give up helplessly. They walk with a shuffling gait, right? They speak in a weak, rattling voice. They give the face an old look. And they dress in old clothes.
They themselves transform in appearance. And they play the role of old men and women perfectly. And in society it was customary to dress up. Taking off bright dresses and embroidered shirts, women put on a dark scarf, an apron with sleeves that covered the dress, clothes were chosen in gray and dark colors, so that it was immediately clear that this was an old woman. Or an old man. They no longer need anything from life. They are living out their life.
And these attitudes are alive in our subconscious. There are signs that indicate: you have begun to turn yourself into an old man or an old woman.
The philosopher Seneca defined old age as “fatigue.” Old age is not decrepitude; decrepitude comes much later. Fatigue from life, the desire to stop vigorous activity, complaints about fatigue, that “everything is tired” – this calls for old age. And the aging program is activated. Complaints of fatigue – descent into old age.
A person stops buying new beautiful clothes, doesn’t follow fashion, and doesn’t care what to wear. He is inclined to wear out the old, and so it was among the people. Why spend money on beautiful new things, look how many old ones there are. They need to be conveyed.
The person is not concerned about his attractiveness. He stops taking care of himself. Why does an old woman need a figure and fresh skin? This doesn’t fit the role. Why manicures, massages, diets, exercises? It makes no difference whether someone likes you or not.
On the contrary, no one needs to please an old person. Unless with his moral qualities. And the appearance must be hidden or slightly disfigured, as in “The Legend of Narayama” a young woman knocked out her teeth. She needed to turn into an old woman.
A person denies himself entertainment and pleasure. Why go somewhere, walk, jump, admire new things, organize holidays? It’s too much. It’s better to sit on a bench, gossip, stay at home in front of the TV, and save money.
Mindless hoarding is also a call to old age. A person stops spending money on himself, only on what is necessary. And he saves every penny – the money depreciates. Sometimes he himself cannot explain what a person saves for. And then he realizes that he is saving for a funeral. And he tries to leave something for his heirs, without thinking about himself.
And in speech a person often uses the words: “I’m already old!” At first he even says this flirtatiously. But words trigger the aging program. The attitude: “I’m already old. Dear organism, start aging quickly, it’s time!” And those around him see the man as old – he said so himself. Although they may ardently dissuade you, this is common politeness…
Saying “I’m old” is the same as saying “I’m sick.” An attitude is formed for the body, which obediently obeys the command.
A person stops living his life. He is more interested in the lives of others, sometimes complete strangers. He heatedly discusses other people’s personal relationships, rummages through other people’s underwear with morbid curiosity, condemns, savors, begins to continuously read the “yellow press” and watch various “talk shows” with frank and unnecessary details.
I want to peek and look. Discuss and condemn. To gossip. And the more you look at someone else’s personal life, the less you look at your own. And then there is nothing left…
The person stops following the voice. He speaks either pitifully, in a whining voice, or in a croaking, irritated, angry voice. The melody of speech is lost, smoothness and beauty disappear. Whining, whimpering, moaning intonations, irritated hoarse speech – they also indicate the beginning of aging. To activate the old age program.
And all these things are in our will and in our hands! You need to understand, realize that you are forming an attitude, have fallen under the power of the “old age program”, and have begun to play the role of an old man. We need to stop. And track your actions and thoughts, your words and attitude towards money.
Because decrepitude is still a long way off! And there are no two real causes of aging: illness and terrible deprivation.
And the rest largely depends on us and our environment. If they persistently try to instill in you the idea that you are old, look at why they are doing it. And who is saying this? They are deliberately trying to deprive you of your strength. Or plunge into slavery and hopelessness.
But no one can do this better than ourselves. We are aging ourselves. Therefore, let us increase our attention and vigilance. And we will change internal installation.
Author: Anna Kiryanova

Structured distraction

Structured distraction: how to make the most of your breaks at work

Anne-Laure Le Cunff

If you went to a traditional school, chances are you were told to avoid distractions at all cost: keep your eyes on the teacher, take copious notes, don’t fidget on your chair, and don’t let your mind wander.
As adults, we have internalised this mantra and seek to be hyperfocused on our work. But our brains were not designed to sustain attention for long periods of time. We need to alternate between focus and distractions. Instead of forcing ourselves to work through fatigue and demotivation, we may as well take productive breaks.
Taking productive breaks may sound antithetic. Many people consider breaks as the opposite of work. However, we need breaks to be our most productive and creative. And, instead of waiting until our energy levels are too low, we can schedule these breaks to refuel our body and our mind: that’s the power of structured distraction.
Designed for distraction
Researchers from Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley conducted a study of spatial attention in primates. While you may imagine attention as a state that is sustained for a long time, and which may be interrupted by distraction, their findings show a different mechanism.
The scientists found that we constantly alternate between short bursts of attention and periods of distraction, during which we unconsciously pause and scan the environment to see whether there is something outside our primary focus of attention that may be more important.
For instance, you may have the feeling of continuously focusing on reading this article. But in reality, your attention is constantly zooming in and out, up to four times per second. While they may not be as crucial in our modern world, these attentional pulses have been key to our survival as a species.
“Think about when life was more dangerous. You would have to constantly be on the lookout, you would want to always be aware if there was something around you with bigger teeth,” explains Ian Fiebelkorn, one of the authors of the research paper.
The problem is that today’s environment is actually full of stimuli which may grab our attention during those periods of scanning our immediate surroundings. Next time you blame yourself for letting your mind wander or clicking on a notification while trying to do focused work, remember that it’s just your brain doing what it is supposed to do: be on the lookout for potential danger.
Knowing that being distracted is a natural state for our brain, how can we bring some structure to this natural rhythm?
The importance of taking breaks
When we are trying to get work done, it’s easy to convince ourselves that there is no time for breaks. Pushing through and staying in front of our laptop may in fact give us the illusion of productivity.
But research shows that taking breaks helps maintain performance during the day, and reduces the need for a long recovery at the end of the day. That’s because detaching from work helps maintain our energy levels and decreases the risk for exhaustion.
There are many additional benefits to taking breaks at work:
Restore motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated when working on a time-consuming task. Research suggests that even brief diversions from a task can dramatically improve our ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods. “We propose that deactivating and reactivating your goals allows you to stay focused,” he said. “From a practical standpoint, our research suggests that, when faced with long tasks (…), it is best to impose brief breaks on yourself. Brief mental breaks will actually help you stay focused on your task,” explains Professor Alejandro Lleras.
Prevent decision fatigue. A famous study found that Israeli judges were more likely to grant parole to prisoners after a break than after they had been working for a long time. Decision fatigue may lead to simplistic reasoning and failing to consider the second-order consequences of our choices
Consolidate memories. As our brain uses breaks to ingrain what we previously learned, taking breaks can help us learn better. Research on structured distraction shows that mental downtime—not only sleep—helps consolidate memories.
Increase creativity. Have you ever noticed how we often have “Eureka” moments when doing something unrelated to a specific task? That’s why we call these “shower thoughts.” A research study from Stanford University showed that taking a break and going for a walk led to more creative thinking than sitting when people tried to tackle mental tasks that required imagination.
Improve well-being. Finally, taking breaks is good for your mental and physical health. Constant sitting is unhealthy; our bodies need to move. According to a study, standing up and walking around for five minutes every hour during the workday could lift your mood, reduce hunger pangs, and combat lethargy.
So what exactly can you do during your break, beyond the usual tea or coffee break? Good news: there are many options depending on how long of a break you need to take.
Activities for micro-breaks to longer breaks
Most people have one scheduled break every day: their lunch break. And many even skip that one, eating a sandwich at their desk. As a result, they feel tired during the afternoon. Instead of structured distraction, they fall prey to disruptive interferences. It doesn’t have to be this way.
How many breaks do we need a day?
There are lots of contradictory findings out there. In general, it seems that we need to take short breaks (5 to 10 minutes) every hour or so, and longer breaks (at least 30 minutes) every two to four hours. Which shows a lot of variance.
Structured distraction does not mean you should have a fixed schedule. Ultimately, you will have to experiment and track your energy levels to figure out what schedule works for you.
Whether you take a micro-break or a longer break, there are many activities you can do that will help refuel your energy stores.
Structured Distraction – The 5 types of breaks
Movement breaks. Get up and move your body. If you have time, go for a walk. You could even go for a run, or use your break for a gym session. If you don’t have a lot of time, getting up and stretching your body or doing some jumping jacks. Short, intense exercise has been proven to have a very positive impact on both attention and short-term memory formation.
Mental breaks. Do a short meditation or deep breathing session. Or just let your mind wander: scientists have found that daydreaming has a positive impact on cognition.
Social breaks. We are social animals. Social breaks, such as chatting with your peers, show a positive association with feeling recovered after the break. Schedule some social breaks with a colleague or a friend.
Nature breaks. Go outside to get some sunlight. If there’s a park nearby, even better. Studies show that nature has a positive impact on our mental health. You could also pet a dog if you have one handy. Research has shown that our oxytocin levels increase when gazing in a pet’s eyes. Oxytocin is often called the “cuddle drug” because it is released when two people are bonding emotionally. It’s an easy way to feel happy.
Creative breaks. Draw, doodle, listen to some music. Listening to classical music in particular has been shown to help with relaxation. If you can’t leave your desk, creative breaks are an easy way to take your mind off work for a little while.
Whatever breaks you find most beneficial for your productivity, creativity, and mental health, the most important part is to schedule them: structured distraction is about not waiting until you are too tired to take a productive break.
Choose a couple of breaks—for instance, a micro-break every hour, and two larger breaks during the day—and put them in your calendar. For some of them, invite a colleague or a friend so you can use the time to catch up, brainstorm, and support each other.

Patience in relationships leads to nothing but emptiness

Elena Borovik – Patience in relationships leads to nothing but emptiness

Many women are mistaken in thinking that long-term tolerance of discomfort or mistreatment, after many years of “serving the family” contrary to their desires and needs, will be followed by gratitude and recognition of their heroism.
In reality, this almost never happens. The way you behave is accepted by the people around you as the norm. They think it’s okay, that you tolerate something because you enjoy it. And, if we’re being completely honest, most of the time no one notices that you’re suffering.
We have been taught for a long time that there is some kind of romance, beauty, heroism and duty in patience, that then, someday, someone will definitely appreciate our suffering and our efforts, and we will be rewarded. Not really.
In fact, by neglecting our desires, needs and our comfort, we simply show people that we can be treated this way. That we can do this and that, even if we really don’t want to or even if it seems like we can’t. That our opinion should not be taken into account, because we can always give in and be patient if something doesn’t suit us.
Tolerating is a bad strategy. You can give up everything you have planned, all your aspirations and ideas about your own life, your principles and ideals, and, ultimately, yourself, and be patient. But it is important to remember that this will not have any effect other than fatigue, disappointment and regret about wasted time. ne-privodit-ni-k-chemu-krome-opustoshennosti/

The Power of Music

The Power of Music

New neuroscience studies reveal how sound can heal the mind and transform the soul.
Throughout history, music has been revered for its ability to soothe the soul and uplift the spirit. Today, we are starting to understand the power of music.
Neuroscience is revealing that music has a profound effect on the brain. Music triggers a cascade of chemical reactions that can lead to healing, reduced anxiety, and increased feelings of wellbeing.
In this post, we’ll explore some of the latest scientific findings on the power of music and how it can be used to enhance your health and wellbeing.
How The Power of Music Heals the Brain
One of the most well-known effects of music is its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. When we listen to calming music, our body responds by releasing neurochemical substances that have a calming effect on the nervous system.
These substances include dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. Dopamine is known as the “feel-good” hormone; it helps to reduce pain and increase feelings of pleasure.
Oxytocin is sometimes referred to as the “cuddle hormone” or the “love hormone.” Subsequently, this amazing hormone promotes bonding and attachment. Endorphins are our body’s natural painkillers; they help to diminish pain signals and produce feelings of euphoria.
In addition to reducing stress, music has also been shown to help with chronic pain, autism, depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and even cancer.
One study found that cancer patients who listened to relaxing music during chemotherapy had less anxiety and improved immune function. Another study found that the power of music was more effective than medication in reducing pain in patients with fibromyalgia.
Chronic Pain
For people suffering from chronic pain, music can be a powerful tool. In one study, participants listened to 30 minutes of either white noise or relaxing music every day for three weeks.
The results showed that those who had listened to music experienced significantly less pain than those who had listened to white noise. The power of music has also been shown to be effective in treating migraines and tension headaches.
Autism and Depression
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition. It affects a person’s social interaction, communication, interests and behavior. Depression is a serious mental illness that causes feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, fatigue and more.
Studies have shown that music therapy can help improve social interactions. In addition, this can benefit people with ASD and decrease depressive symptoms in people with depression.
“The engaging nature and accessibility of music often elicits positive responses of individuals with ASD (Kern, 2014).”
Fact Sheet: Music Therapy & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that damages cognitive abilities and disrupts memory, language and thinking skills. Another is Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative neurological disorder that affects movement. It often causes tremors, rigidity and slowness of movement.
However, studies have found the power of music can improve cognitive function in people with Alzheimer’s disease and reduce anxiety, depression and apathy in people with Parkinson’s disease.

The influence of sound and words on a person

The influence of sound and words on a person

Everything in the Universe sounds: galaxies, stars and planets. Since matter initially carries awareness, and any wave is sound, it is an instrument of consciousness.
Sound can greatly influence a person, destroy him, or inspire him.
Listen to the symphonies of nature and try to understand the power of sound over your being.
Respond to nature with your sound, your own melody, or current of intention, notifying the ether of your needs, and your vision for the future.
Imagine music that makes people brighter, containing sounds and songs that are easy to remember and convey: healing songs, unifying songs, songs of extreme surprise, vitality and sexuality, containing semantic codes.
True power lies in understanding the singing of birds, the sound of insects, the sound of water, raindrops – the sounds of nature that synchronize and harmonize a person.
A word is also a sound. Our ancestors were good at sound. With its help they changed gravity, subjugated animals, created works of art, and fought.
The word army, war have the root “voy-“, soldier – “solo give”.
They still use spells, whispers, read prayers, mantras, affirmations to better obtain the desired result.
Water changes its structure under the influence of sound, and a person is 80% water. But, unfortunately, so much negativity has accumulated around us and in the Noosphere that many efforts remain unanswered.
We are increasingly losing our power over nature. Words, no matter how carefully they are chosen, always hide the truth.
Words are only springboards to true knowledge, keys to enter the real world of perception.
If you already realize that you don’t need to give words their true meaning, because… when used correctly, they can lead you to the knowledge that is hidden.
It is necessary to assimilate the words that should be delved into, or give them sound. This process is called working with sound.
It involves recognizing and trusting that strange sensation that is best described as listening to something that sounds right.
After any spoken word, the Universe will never be the same; with every spoken word, the human view of the world becomes more and more harsh.
By the time a person completes his narration of an event, what happened occupies a strong and secure place in his view of the world – this is the power and trap of words.
You can avoid this by talking less, choosing your words carefully, and engaging in non-doing. The world is not exactly as words describe it.
Words simply imply, and do not contain, the absolute meaning that they carry by definition.
Silence, internal and external, is the door to true knowledge, and masterly mastery of words, the ability to both speak and listen, is the gate to freedom.
The word is a double-edged sword!
If you are a profane person, then rest assured that you are vibrating at low frequencies.
Scientists have proven that fighting (also a battlefield) causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation with a power of 1000 roentgen.
Our DNA hears sound and understands the meaning of speech. Pyotr Garyaev, a Russian geneticist, proved experimentally that a person, like a sculptor, sculpts his genetic apparatus.
That is, heredity depends on what the child hears from prenatal development.
As a result, negative, self-destructive processes inherent in the human genome are increasing from generation to generation.
Great harm is caused to the psyche of people by rudeness and obscenities. Our spirit and body lose health.
Think before you speak. The sound reverberates throughout the entire space. Take care of the Universe and yourself!
With respect and love, Tatyana Ryazanova! “Kwantsin” 02/24/2024

You are sacrificing too much for your partner’s approval

A marriage counselor has listed the signs that you are sacrificing too much for your partner’s approval

Compromise and sacrifice in a relationship are very different things. It is important to understand that for the sake of obtaining the approval of the partner, we must not lose our own worth and dignity. “Take a moment to recognize how many signs of self-sacrifice apply to you. Let’s not completely deny ourselves in the name of peace and balance in a relationship. That will destroy us. We end up becoming so disconnected from ourselves that we we feel insulted, directionless, lost, and no longer know who we are,” writes therapist Clara Kernig.
Here are five signs we’re sacrificing too much for our partner’s approval:
We often hide our needs, thoughts and opinions because we think we will be judged or misunderstood for it.
Especially when we feel offended or uncomfortable by our partner, we hide our emotions because we think it is not worth expressing them.
We often surrender our values and innermost beliefs in order to do things that will make our partner happy and gain their approval.
We are afraid that our partner will make fun of us, so we hide our interests and passions and do not talk about them.
When others mistreat us, we still find excuses to explain the behavior of the person next to us instead of standing up for ourselves.
Maria Atanasova

7 unusual thinking patterns

7 unusual thinking patterns that can change your life

Thinking is a tool that shapes our reality. It determines how we perceive the world around us, make choices and solve our problems. Here are some unusual thinking patterns that can help you transform your life.
1. Reverse thinking
Backward thinking is a process where you start with an end goal and work backwards to figure out how to achieve it. This helps you create a clear plan of action and stay focused on your goals.
2. Thinking “outside the box”
Thinking “outside the box” means rejecting conventional norms and stereotypes in favor of innovative and creative ideas. This requires an openness to new experiments and a willingness to make unusual decisions.
3. Systems thinking
Systems thinking involves looking at things in the context of larger systems rather than individual parts. This helps you see the relationships between different elements and better understand how changes in one part of the system can affect another.
4. Thinking through opposites
This approach involves applying reverse logic to solve a problem. For example, instead of asking yourself “how can I succeed?”, ask “what do I need to do to ensure I fail?” The answers to this question will help you better understand what actions to avoid.
5. Thinking based on the Pareto principle
The Pareto principle, or 80/20 rule, states that 80% of results usually come from 20% of efforts. By applying this principle to thinking, it becomes possible to focus on the most important tasks that will produce the greatest results.
6. Meta-thinking
Meta-thinking is the ability to reflect on one’s own thinking process. This makes you aware of your biases, mistakes, and attitudes, which in turn helps you improve the quality of your decisions.
7. Thinking through play
Thinking through play involves approaching life and problem solving from a playful perspective. It helps reduce stress, improve creativity and improve mood, making learning and working more enjoyable and effective.
These unusual thinking patterns can be powerful tools for changing your life. They help you see problems from a new angle, make smarter decisions, and move purposefully towards your goals. Apply these moves and see how they can transform your life and improve your ability to think critically and creatively.
How to become unhappy?
We usually want to be happy and look for ways to increase our well-being and satisfaction in life. But if we ask ourselves the question: how to become unhappy? – we can discover what prevents us from being happy and what we should avoid.
Here are some possible answers to this question:
– You can become unhappy if you compare yourself with others and always feel worse, unsuccessful, or unworthy.
– You can become unhappy if you live in the past or future, rather than the present, and constantly regret your mistakes or worry about your problems.
– We can become unhappy if we do not appreciate what we have, but focus on what we don’t have or what we want.
– You can become unhappy if you do not take care of your health, nutrition, sleep, and physical activity, but expose yourself to stress, fatigue, and illness.
– You can become unhappy if you isolate yourself from other people, and do not communicate, make friends, love, and help.
Now that we know what makes us unhappy, we can do the opposite and become happy by being grateful, living in the present, appreciating what we have, taking care of ourselves, and surrounding ourselves with good people.

Different effects of powerful energies

Different effects of powerful energies

Powerful energy days come in different forms. And these are not always light streams of light that inspire and give a sea of inspiration and creative ideas. It’s not always a huge surge of vitality that you can do a bunch of things at once. There is not always a feeling of unearthly grace, as if you were expanded or thrown very high.
Energy flows also cleanse, free from numerous blocks, illusions of the mind, limiting programs, distortions in the body…
When there are strong darkenings in a person, it is generally difficult to throw him up (to expand, to take him beyond the limits of limitations) so that he feels his Soul, God. First you have to cleanse it so that the Light can better enter, fill, and pass through all bodies. It is the Light that inspires us and lifts us to Heaven.
The more a person is open to the Divine Light, the more often he feels boundless inspiration, inner uplift, inspiration, happiness in life, joy of being…
Powerful energy days can be very difficult, as the transmutation of all bodies begins. A person cannot let go of his fears, limitations, mental programs, put things in order in his head, level out his emotions, live positively… And energy begins to help him! This can be painful. Settings change in cells, organs and systems, in all subtle bodies and chakras, consciousness expands, work is carried out at a wide variety of levels.
Always thank the energy for its help and support! Try to help her! And this means learning to live joyfully and easily, to see the beautiful, to treat everything with acceptance. Get out of your fears and believe in yourself more. Do energy practices and meditation to help.
Remember that you are a great Divine being with limitless, literally immeasurable, spiritual potential. Everyone has a wide variety of abilities, talents, and Divine gifts.
Tune in for the best, for the Light! And then the Light will enter you and your life!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

5 Behaviors of Manipulative People Who Pretend to Be Nice

5 Behaviors of Manipulative People Who Pretend to Be Nice

Many of us have met people who at first glance seem kind-hearted and sincere, but under the mask they hide selfish intentions.
By understanding these behaviors, you can protect yourself and maintain authentic relationships.
1. Excessive flattery
Manipulative individuals often use excessive flattery to win people over. It is quite natural for friends and family to compliment each other, but the manipulator is clearly going too far, especially when he wants something in return.
2. Guilt
These people have a way of making you feel guilty even if you haven’t done anything wrong. They may play the victim or subtly imply that you owe them for all the “kind” things they have done for you in the past.
3. Withholding information or affection
Manipulative people may sometimes withhold information to gain leverage. They also use affection as a tool, giving or taking it depending on what they want to achieve.
4. Playing dumb
Some manipulators pretend that they do not understand the situation in order to avoid responsibility. By acting as if they are confused or unaware of the consequences of their actions, they can avoid consequences.
5. Constantly changing the rules of the game
Just when you think you’ve met their needs or requirements, they change them. It is almost impossible to please them. This tactic forces you to constantly look for ways to win their approval.

External strategies in isolation from internal ones

Possible mistake: External strategies in isolation from internal ones

Author: Nina Sumire

(Excerpt from a new book, still in the process of writing)
Has this ever happened to you? We watch a film, listen to someone’s life story, how a person solved this or that issue, and we have a desire: I want this too, he was depressed, he went on a trip and everything was resolved, which means (why?), this will help me too. We want to imitate someone else’s external strategy, without taking into account our own circumstances, actual needs, and possible losses.
External strategies, divorced from the inner voice of the heart, can even be destructive.
Let me give you an example. More than once I wanted to offer the film “Eat. Pray. Love.” But I doubted it. Because when surveying subscribers, there were practically no indifferent people: either they felt obvious disgust for this film, or they were unconditionally in love with it.
So why did I doubt?
Because this film definitely needs to be commented on, without taking the heroine’s life experience out of context and applying it to your own life.
Is this film therapeutic? Yes and no.
Yes, because the main character honestly talks about herself, about her experiences, which are close to many women. She definitely gets into the pain of the spectators, into the description of their inner feelings. This is the first thing.
And secondly, the film is therapeutic, because it is after understanding herself and her needs, after diagnosing her life, that a woman makes the most correct decisions FOR HERSELF. It is after the internal that the external comes, and not vice versa.
You know what they say before performing difficult tricks: repeating something like this at home is life-threatening.
This film ceases to be therapeutic if a woman, without thinking or feeling herself, her situation, begins to repeat the external strategies of the heroine: divorce her husband, go to Italy, learn to “eat” there, get a taste for life, then go to India to pray, then go to Bali and fall in love.
Unfortunately, as it turned out, after the screening of this film, some viewers decided to take such steps, having lost their family, finances, and never having met the new “prince.”
Because their situations were different.
The lessons in relationships with yourself and (or) with a loved one were different.
Maybe it was not necessary to get a divorce, but to heal the relationship. And unmarried people didn’t have to go to exotic countries to “find themselves and love,” everything they loved was nearby, you just had to notice it. Maybe there was no need to go to Italy to learn how to eat and feel alive there.
Maybe we should start with the question: what makes me happy? Who makes me happy? Why do I feel in love with life? And all this could be found right here and right now. And if you wanted to go on a trip, then maybe your soul would call you to Japan or Scotland, or to your parents’ house or to visit a friend, to the sea, or on a hike in the mountains.
So no matter what kind of therapeutic film it is, it is important to watch it wisely.
And the task for this topic could be this: find examples of correct and erroneous external strategies from your (and not only your) life experience. What conclusions can be drawn?
True external strategies come from internal healing changes, from listening to the heart, and not from subconscious scenarios and blind imitation of someone’s life, even if it is magnificent, bright, alive, and has evoked a powerful response in us.
Wish you happiness!
© Nina Sumire

Yuga periods

Yuga periods

Once upon a time, a long time ago, during the time of Satya Yuga, Sages (brahmins) lived on Earth.⠀
They were distinguished from most people by their lively mind, depth of perception, ability for abstract thinking and a “huge heart.”

They did not belong to any religions or movements, they were on their own, they learned by teaching others, and people turned to them, for the most part, for advice or support.

A classic example of such characters is perfectly depicted in fairy tales, where travelers, in the process of communicating with a sage, caught insight, thanked from the Soul and went on their way.

Later, the period of Kali Yuga began. A time of spiritual degradation and loss of moral values.

The sages were replaced by gurus, teachers, mentors and similar representatives.
Each of them became the origins of a particular religion, philosophy or teaching.

All this introduced a division into “us” and “strangers”, caused competition, and placed spiritual knowledge itself at the service of those who elevated themselves to the category of “chosen ones”.

Now, at the junction of times, a different action began to unfold.

The sages, long forgotten, but no less significant for a civilized society, are returning to space.
They walk in confidently, calmly, without shouts, squeals and applause, to which the modern clergy is so accustomed.

They come in and just watch for now.
The last time such guys were seen was a long time ago, and therefore it is not always possible to identify them immediately.

But they have weight in space, and therefore they attract attention, and arouse curiosity, and the question “who are you?” At times I want to ask.

“Spiritual businessmen” feel uncomfortable in their presence. The light hurts your eyes)
And they begin to hiss, growl, bite, but do not engage in outright hacking. Too different weight categories. They are afraid.

But for ordinary people, such guys feel like meeting an old friend. I want to hug you and not let go. You miss yours)
At the same time, they do not position themselves in any way.

Where have you seen a sage consider himself a sage?)))

Now look at what the conceptual difference is between modern teachers and those guys who have now returned.
The sage aims for you to believe in YOURSELF, not in him.
Alexey Belikh

Male and female. Striving for Unity

Male and female. Striving for Unity

Channeling: Oilite

Message from El Morya.
You have all heard many times that you live in a dual world. And everything in this world has two poles, two sides of the same coin. Understanding/taking into account these points, many of you are already going through high-quality lessons in this incarnation. And today I want to dwell on this aspect: masculine and feminine.
You know very well that you have had many incarnations. And, of course, not only on this planet. But now let’s talk about earthly incarnations. Since it was in these incarnations that there was an opportunity to fully experience separation and duality. And also, through understanding and striving for Unity, to reach the next level of one’s own spiritual evolution.
So, there were incarnations in both male and female bodies. This means that with each new “entry” into incarnation, it was necessary to work out one or another facet of this dual pair. Yes, the memory of past incarnations is closed, but now it is already possible to obtain information about what “then” could not be worked out. Find out about the reasons for the obstacles that prevent you from completing a quality lesson. And that means living this incarnation more consciously.
Many of you are working on themselves, mastering new techniques, practices and techniques. But for many, the undeveloped aspect of opposite energies (male or female) remains open and affects living in the present.
Each of you has masculine and feminine energies. And you can observe them both in yourself and in other people. There are women with great potential of masculine energies and men with feminine potential. And that is great. Since, precisely by changing roles in each subsequent incarnation, it is possible to collect these energy aspects into unity, into a full spectrum.
So how do you understand what remains undeveloped at this moment?
Try to track whether you have arrogance towards the opposite sex. For example, a man considers himself, by default, taller, smarter, better than any woman.
Do you have a desire to reproach a person of the opposite sex with a thought or word, revealing in him not entirely manifested aspects characteristic of him in this incarnation? For example, can you tell a man that he is a weakling or not masculine enough?
All this suggests that the aspects of opposite energies have not yet been worked out in you.
That is, a man who despises women (misogynist), no matter to what extent, even condescendingly dismissive, has not worked through the feminine aspect in himself in the first place.
Or a woman who considers a man weak or, conversely, a dork, has not worked through the masculine aspects in herself.
This means that it is not yet possible to gather unity and achieve integrity.
Very often, those who are engaged in spiritual development also consider their gender to be more spiritual. And this is just a signal indicating a moment that requires special attention.
It is important to monitor any thoughts that arise regarding the opposite sex.
The soul is “single energy,” so to speak. And she always has the desire to cognize, absorb, and work through all aspects of dual manifestation. That is why today I wanted to draw attention to this topic.
I thank everyone who does not stop in the quest for knowledge – for the expansion and Unity of everything in everything!
Accepted 02/24/2024 Lyudmila Dolgaya (Oilit)

You can recognize a stupid person by six signs

You can recognize a stupid person by six signs

Proverbs embody wisdom based on life experience. They are often the result of accumulated knowledge and lessons passed down from generation to generation.
Many proverbs are universal and can be applied to different situations and cultures. Due to their brevity and often metaphorical nature, proverbs are easy to remember, making them effective means of conveying information and values…
Here are 8 Arabic proverbs that convey deep truths about life:
“The truly smart person is not the one who distinguishes good from evil. And the one who can choose the lesser of all evils.”
True wisdom is not simply about recognizing the difference between good and evil, but rather about navigating situations where all decisions and options will have negative consequences. Intelligence is not about simply knowing right from wrong, but about making the best possible choice when faced with difficult decisions, even if all the options are less than ideal.
“A truly great man is one who is independent of people.”
True greatness is not measured by a person’s reliance on the approval or support of others, but by their ability to be strong and independent in their beliefs, actions and achievements. A great man can go his own way, even if no one supports him and convinces him to give up his goals and desires. A great man is one who says what he thinks and never gives up his values and principles.
“A lion’s bite heals faster than envy.”
Physical injuries can heal much more quickly than the destructive effects of envy on relationships and our personal well-being. Envy eats away from the inside, darkens life and affects our relationships with loved ones.
“You can only pour out of a vessel what is in it.”
We cannot achieve success if we do not have the necessary skills and knowledge. We cannot be happy if we do not have good relationships with other people. And we cannot live a full life if we do not have health and well-being.
This proverb is wise advice that can help us avoid many problems and failures. She reminds us to be realistic and consider our options before making decisions.
“A stupid person is forgiven a hundred mistakes, but a smart person is forgiven not a single one.”
Stupid people are often treated more leniently than smart people; not much is expected of them. This may be unfair, but it is a fact that must be reckoned with.
“Don’t open a door you can’t close.”
This proverb advises caution and prudence in your actions. She suggests refraining from starting something or getting involved in a situation that a person cannot control or manage the consequences of.
“When you lend money, you are a friend, and when you demand it back, you are an enemy.”
They say if you don’t want to lose a friend, don’t lend him money. Someone has probably already lost friends, acquaintances in this way, or interrupted communication with relatives because of money. And here, rather, the question is not about the relationships that exist between people, but about our expectations.
“A foolish person can be recognized by six things: anger without cause, speech without benefit, change without progress, exploration without purpose, trust in a stranger, and mistaking enemies for friends.”

Forced care

Forced care: abuse disguised as good intentions

By “doing good,” people strive for power over us, albeit unconsciously. They invade other people’s lives, and then get offended, calling the defense of personal boundaries black ingratitude…
Surely every person has at least once encountered a manifestation of care from which they wanted to run away.
When you simultaneously feel anger (I don’t want this and didn’t ask for it!), guilt (she’s trying so hard!) and powerlessness from not understanding what’s happening – as if you’ve been driven into a corner.
When you are faced with a choice – to refuse care and “offend” a person, or to accept it and betray yourself (put on a hat when you are not cold; eat another piece of pie because you “baked it yourself”; silently take with you a jar of lecho, which don’t like).
Under the guise of caring, the other obsessively offers to “do good”, does not hear you, is not interested in your desires, stubbornly pushing through and getting your way.
As in the joke:
“The family came to the restaurant, the waitress addressed the child:
– What is it for you, young man?
“Hamburger and ice cream,” the boy answers.
Here mom intervenes:
– He’ll have a salad and a chicken cutlet, please.
The waitress, continuing to look at the boy:
— Ice cream with chocolate or caramel?
– Mom mom! – the child shouts, “Aunt thinks I’m real!”
Under the veil of “care”, it’s true that you feel unreal (my desires are not important, I am not important).
However, the caring person may even be interested in your desires: “How many potatoes should I put in?”, but in response to “Thank you, I don’t want it,” he immediately generously puts it on the plate, saying, “Eat, eat, it’s healthy (you’re so thin , hungry, etc.).”
Which can just drive you crazy with its “double message” (I’m interested in you, but I don’t care what you want). When you can’t help but wonder, “Hey, am I okay? Do I even exist?
Love, care, tenderness, passion – everything can be violence if it is not based on the response of another person. For some reason, people often, in the rush of their bright feelings, forget about this. And they put an equal sign: I love, which means I have the right to show love in any forms and in any quantity. As best I can. Kissing without asking whether it’s pleasant for the other person or if that’s enough. Demand to speak words of love when the other does not want to do so. Carefully add the supplement when your loved one is already full.
Such “care” is much more subtle and cunning, penetrates and hurts much deeper than direct aggression. After all, it’s easier to protect yourself from rage, anger and devaluation. And here it’s scary to destroy relationships – with parents, loved ones, friends. Scary – because we were all undernourished with love in childhood and are afraid of losing it. Because the other will not understand, will be offended, will leave, will reject, because he is absolutely sure that he is causing good and causing irreparable benefit. And this confidence increases his strength to incredible proportions and removes the patina of shame that accompanies an act of violence in healthy people.
By showing such “care”, a person actually takes care of himself (when he is afraid that he will be abandoned and tries to become indispensable, when he wants to get something in return, when he considers another stupider, more helpless, etc., and therefore imposes his own vision of happiness).
Such gentle violence is the result of his insecurities or other internal problems. He always expects gratitude and obedience, gets offended if he is ignored, panics if care is not accepted. Not even allowing the thought that the other has the right to choose (including the right to treat themselves poorly).
When faced with such concern, it is important to remember that you are not responsible for other people’s feelings. They have the right to feel whatever they want about you, but only they are responsible for how they manage their feelings.
It is important to allow yourself to have boundaries and the right to protect them as you see fit at the moment: to separate yours from others, set barriers, be attentive to what is happening in relationships, forgive yourself if you did not immediately manage to take care of your comfort, etc. .
It is important to remember that real care is always focused on the other and takes into account his interests – when a person cares about another and his well-being, he hears him, is attentive to his needs and will not demand anything in return. Showing sincere care, a person finds and gives to another not what he thinks “he needs,” but what corresponds to his nature.
Author: Oksana Shulga

One of the secrets to accepting abundance

One of the secrets to accepting abundance

The theme of abundance is very popular. There are many books, films and courses that teach people how to achieve financial prosperity. Nowadays, almost everyone has heard about drawing up a wish map, tried to use positive affirmations, the visualization method, or work with limiting beliefs on the topic of money. Despite this, financial difficulties are still present in the lives of many.
The fact is that one of the main secrets of attracting abundance into your life is the correct emotional state. Yes, in order to attract something good into your life in a financial sense, it is very important to imagine, visualize what you want, and it is very important to believe that it is possible. But this is not enough. The most important thing in this case is to maintain a mood of acceptance, i.e. your emotional mood should be on the level of happiness that you will have when you get what you need.
If you are struggling financially, you need to cultivate a sense of complete security and trust in life. Cultivate a sense of well-being without understanding the outcome.
This is how I myself came out of the poverty zone. Even when I was in poverty and didn’t have what I needed for tomorrow, I went outside, breathed the air, looked at the willows, at the pond and felt how abundant this world was, how good it was to live in it, and that everything would definitely be fine with me, simply because that I have the right to this life.
We must feel this in order to attract what we want to ourselves. Because no matter how well you create a thought form, no matter how many affirmations you hammer out, no matter how correctly you compose them, no matter what right steps you take when building your energy exchange with the Universe, but if you still have a feeling of lack , then you will always be short of money.
Max Higer (a millionaire, one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the Runet) once said a very simple and true phrase: “In tension, you cannot attract financial flow.” People often forget about this. If you are tense, then you are afraid that you will not get enough. And if you are afraid that you will not be given enough, you close this flowing door of abundance inside yourself, inside your heart, and what, perhaps, was ready to come to you cannot do this.
Not long ago I realized that we are getting out of line with well-being, faith in the good and purity of acceptance through judgment. As soon as we begin to think, compare, evaluate (no matter ourselves or others), there is a sharp drop in our emotional harmony.
Judgment is a cheap way to be good. If people are worse than us in some way, then we, accordingly, feel better than them.
And we will not be able to get rid of the need to judge and compare until we admire ourselves. Admiration is pointless, just like that, because at the mental level you can never be perfect – no matter what you do, there will always be someone who does it better.
The salvation from the desire to compare and evaluate is to be in devushka-shatenka-pole-radost moments of fun in your body as often and as much as possible. When you just sit happily on the balcony, or when you successfully cut the fabric when cutting out a skirt, or massaged your heels… I talk about this in all my articles and in all my courses. You need to feel – yes, I feel good, yes, I am precious. Cultivate this affirmation – I am precious, I am precious! If this statement registers in you, you will not need to compare and judge. And then there will be no problem, how not to fall out of a good mood in order to attract positive events and financial abundance.
Even with the most modest financial capabilities, it is important to feel your self-sufficiency, your value in life. After all, the treasure lies not in what boots you wear, what coat you wear, or whether you can afford a car… Your treasure lies in something completely different, in what you value in yourself – fortitude, the ability to love your loved ones , your wisdom, your smile, the ability to enjoy the sun, your body, the ability to maintain a harmonious state. Don’t think that packaging brings happiness. For many years I worked with top managers who, from the point of view of others, were very successful in life, but in fact, from the inside, they were deeply unhappy people. Therefore, limited financial opportunities are only a tool that allows you to experience your preciousness more vividly.
In relationships with finances, as in relationships with men, a woman should feel not a desire to receive, but a readiness to accept. It’s a big difference. If you want to get something, then in the absence of what you want you feel disappointed, and when you are ready to accept, you feel – how nice and good it would be to have this thing, I allow it to come to me through any opportunities.
If in such a mood you ask a man for something, you are actually gifting him with your request, giving the man the opportunity to show nobility and kindness. You make a man happy with an opportunity, and he may turn out to be that tool of destiny, which will make you happy, and to whom you will express your joy, gratitude and rapture. Through this man you interact with the entire Universe. And your task is to simply feel the joy of owning what you want, gratitude and trust.

The secret of enlightenment

The secret of enlightenment. The Straight Path is to feel yourself there!

It seems to many that enlightenment is the culmination of the spiritual Path, and the pinnacle of human realization. This is true and not true at the same time.
Judging by the number of articles that appear on the Internet, in our time there are a lot of awakened, and even enlightened ones. Humanity did not even notice how a large number of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appeared in the world. Everyone will notice and understand that they will go into 5D space if they have time. And if not, then let’s go there with the whole friendly human family. Joke.
There are many “awakened” people, and each of them tries to awaken everyone around them by posting their ideas on the Internet, which make people more and more confused.
What’s the catch here?
1 Enlightenment is a special state of consciousness.
Any state is a process. Enlightenment is beyond time and space. This is awareness of oneself outside of this manifested World. Or as it is fashionable to say now – exit from the matrix to freedom.
2 Enlightenment is living in the present moment.
But many people think that this is a complete living in the here and now in the process of their life.
No. This is being in the Present, which is beyond time and space.
3 Enlightenment can be achieved by observing your mind.
At least worry about it. This will be mental speculation as one part of the mind watches the other.
4 Enlightenment is to always be an observer of your life.
Trick! The mind will observe life, which will interfere with normal functioning in the process of daily affairs.
Try to watch yourself when you are driving a car constantly changing lanes in traffic.
5 Enlightenment is the pinnacle of human spiritual aspirations.
The summit refers to the expansion of the consciousness of the individual.
In enlightenment there are no peaks, there is no one there.
These are just a few common statements about enlightenment.
What’s wrong here?
What then is enlightenment?
The light of a person’s consciousness is scattered throughout his entire energy-information field. Everyone’s consciousness is controlled by space. What most captures your consciousness at the moment is you. Thoughts, desires, active participation in external actions, strong feelings, and more.
Who you are? First one thing, then another, connected by continuous memory, and tied to a specific body. No center! Only the periphery.
But! You are what you feel like! This is the Truth!
Your body is an objective reality, and there is no doubt that it is yours. Thoughts and feelings are a process in which there can be no permanence. And the body is a process, only extended throughout your life.
To be a witness observing the body, emotions, feelings and mind – this is the Path to enlightenment that they talk about.
But how? Your mind will still become a witness, since man is a mental being.
So how do you get into this real enlightenment?
Feel yourself there!
Each of you has rare moments there. You just woke up, your mind has not yet turned on, and you don’t know who you are or where you are. But you know that you exist!
The direct path to enlightenment is to experience yourself simply as existence. Presence beyond time and space.
The words here are only pointers in the direction of the Path, which is possible only through meditation.
Each of my meditations leads to the source of consciousness. The presence of yourself in meditation will begin to manifest itself in life.
At some point in your life, you will suddenly really feel like you are present in your life. You will feel it! This will remain forever. This will be Enlightenment, the second birth into eternal life.
Otherwise, your life will pass, and you will never be in it.
I’m not scaring anyone. This is normal for all people. What is abnormal is the desire for enlightenment. There is no such desire in a person. How can a person want to lose everything?
The desire for enlightenment is an irrational desire, it is not clear where and for what! It cannot be defined by its own definition.
Now, if you are drawn there, you don’t know where, then you are going there, into the Abyss.
Or they felt it in another person, and without looking back they followed him.
Look at the picture accompanying the article.
This is what the energy of an enlightened person looks like. The bright Sun behind you, like a White Hole.
Ilya Bortnikov

Energy to overcome internal blocks

Energy to overcome internal blocks

My dear ones, energies are now flowing that help us overcome fears, like blocks on the path to revealing our limitless Divine potential.
Life itself, various life situations, people around… can show us our fears. They come out so that a person sees his own limitations and overcomes them.
The energy that is now pouring onto the Earth helps us do this, as it gives us additional internal strength. You just need to be willing to look your fears in the face and boldly go straight towards them. And they will dissolve like a mirage. Fears are illusions. They will disappear, opening up new opportunities and prospects for you.
Working on fears as internal blocks is very important and necessary! Fears prevent us from doing what our Soul wants, from expressing ourselves and opening up, from creating and actively expressing ourselves in this world!
Overcoming fears is a preparatory stage for a new Divine revelation!
In the spring, very powerful revealing energies will flow. They can take you to a higher stage of spiritual development. Many bright ideas and spiritual aspirations will begin to come, and you need to be ready to boldly go and open up with your Soul, show your Light on Earth.
Spring is a powerful Divine manifestation, like an awakening from hibernation. This is an active disclosure by the Soul. Energy will come that awakens your Divine being even more.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

How to attract a man with the power of your intellect

How to attract a man with the power of your intellect

While some ladies attract the men they like with the help of their external data, others, on the contrary, work on the inner world and surpass the stronger sex with their intellect. But how to attract and not scare the man? Psychologists give us the answer.
Most ladies think that men first of all pay attention to the appearance: how a woman is dressed, what is her face and hair, etc. Fortunately, this is not entirely true: appearance is far from the only and certainly not the main “ingredient” of a happy relationship. You can also attract a man you like with the help of personal qualities. In this sense, to attract someone, you do not need to look like a supermodel at all.
But you need to be very careful with intellectual power: even if you manage to attract the man with it, there is a danger that he will get scared and end the relationship with you. To prevent this from happening, follow these simple recommendations.
“Hunt” in the right places
The first thing to remember if you are determined to “catch” through your intellect is to “hunt” in the right places. You should not look for the man in the wrong places, for example in a night club or at a party.
But at a special event or intellectual game, you will have much more chances. In the “right” environment, you will definitely get noticed.
If you try to impress with your mind a man who is having a lot of fun at a party, you will surely fail. Even if he is not stupid, in a party mood he will definitely not notice your mind.
In no case do not humiliate a man with your intellect
If you managed to conquer a man with the power of your own intellect, do not rush to rejoice: you can easily spoil everything. The most popular mistake that ladies often make is to belittle and even insult a man in every possible way.
You should be aware that such a technique, although it will allow you to feel triumph for a short moment, in the long run will simply push the man away from you. No one wants to hang out for a long time with someone who only knows how to make fun of others, looking for all sorts of intellectual flaws and gaps in their knowledge. An additional portion of negative emotions, of which there are already a lot anyway, is definitely not needed by anyone.
Captivating a man with the power of your own intellect is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance: not all representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to painted beauties in scanty clothing. You will surely find a partner who will appreciate you not for your external attractiveness, but for your rich inner world and sharp mind. One, of course, does not interfere with the other at all.
Author: Laura Kostova,

How to move to a better parallel reality

How to move to a better parallel reality

Imagine life like a movie. You see life as one continuous image, just like when you watch a movie. but when you look at the individual frames on the film, you realize that it is not a continuous image, but a collection of many images that quickly succeed each other. And even if some parts of the film seem the same to you, they are actually two completely different shots. It looks like your life. The only reality you experience is the present. This is the current picture you are looking at. This image is unique and will never be repeated.
Even if it seems to you that you are living a stereotypical life, not a single current moment will ever happen again. Every time and every moment you look at a new photo.
Quantum physics states that there are an infinite number of parallel realities. They all exist in the present moment. Once you understand how it works, you will be able to move as you wish. Move to the parallel reality you want.
If you desire something, realize that it already exists in another paranormal reality. All you have to do to experience this reality is to change into this new reality. It’s like turning on the radio.
The way to move into the reality you want is to change your frequency.
Every person constantly moves between parallel realities. It happens so quickly and so naturally that we don’t even realize we’re doing it. We never change a parallel reality as such, but we move to another based on a change in our resonance. By tuning ourselves to resonate with another reality, we enter it.
If you feel like you are stuck in one reality and see it over and over again, it is because you are creating it over and over again. The way to change this is to change your consciousness and begin to act differently in order to move to a more optimal time plane.
For example: last night you were thinking about what would change in your life if you made a different decision about something, if you started learning some new skill. These ideas of yours open the door to parallel realities where you are the person who made these decisions, mastered these abilities and lives a different life.
The next morning you have a choice: either do things the same way and stay where you are, or you can tune in to the person you want to be and start making different life decisions. This will take you to another parallel reality and leave the old one, which you think does not suit you.
It’s about making a different decision about who you are as a person. Because nothing has been fixed. It is generally difficult to afford such a change. Let go of your idea of who you are and what shapes your identity. If you want to live in a different reality, you need to be able to let go of your ideas about who you are, what you can do, what you can’t do, and what limits you.
If you want a job, it’s not enough to just want it. This won’t change anything at all, because, for example, if your dream job requires you to know two foreign languages, and you don’t know them or will never learn them, it’s impossible for you to get that job. It is not decided by a higher power, but by your own decision to do or not do something. Even the decision not to do something, or to refuse it, or to remain passive, is an act of free will. Staying where you are is your decision. The main thing is to become a person who actually does his job and gives his one thousand percent. Dedicate yourself to this every day. Find out what you need to know for this job. Then there will be a transfer to another reality.
Every person lives in a bubble that is shaped by his own belief system and his own point of view. For example, if you think that finding the love of your life is really difficult, or you don’t believe that you can do it, you will find yourself in a reality where only people with zero potential for a healthy, long-term relationship will be interested in you. Because you’re so determined, you may also blow up the person who could be your dream partner, simply because you don’t believe in it, or you’re genuinely afraid of it, or you have an overly specific (or even unrealistic) idea of how everything has to happen.
If you want to go to another parallel reality, you need to change your beliefs about who you are and allow yourself to be a different person. And make the most of it. Then, once you take that step, never go back to your old beliefs because that will sabotage the transition and change.
Instead of simply reacting emotionally and instinctively to situations, consciously choose your response and your subsequent actions. Think about how your ideal, strongest, mature self would react, and then act accordingly. This is how you truly take the reins of power and stop being a helpless figure.
Visualize the ideal, perfect, best version of yourself and be that person actively and consciously. This way you will change your resonance and be transported to another reality. Allow yourself to become better.
© Alue K. Loskotova

Do you want to live 100 years

Do you want to live 100 years? How about infinitely?

Author: Ilya Bortnikov

What’s the point? The length of your desired life depends on the “level of play” of your life.
Many people periodically think about the meaning of their lives. But most people on the planet are in a continuous process of survival, and thoughts on such topics do not arise for them.
When everything is good in a person’s life, a normal family, children, work, and everything in abundance, then naturally you want this to continue “forever.” But what period of time seems like eternity to us?
Close your eyes and look inside yourself, at your life. How many years into your future can you look, or at least imagine? How many years do you need to realize your dreams and life plans? What will happen beyond the horizon of these events? Imagine that you will live another 100 years.
When will the moment come when you feel that life has happened and now it’s time to leave? Where to go? This is where it seems to anyone. Simply cease to exist, or go to a reboot, and start all over again in a new incarnation.
For many people, these are destructive thoughts, and they, like viruses in the mind, can disrupt the entire meaningful orientation of life. Therefore, bots, as it is now fashionable to call most people, are immune to thinking about the meaning of their existence. The majority of people are immersed in semantic realities imposed by space, and are not able to have the desire to realize this.
But everyone’s “expiration date” eventually ends. Either the package of desires has been exhausted, or the vitality to realize them has run out. There comes a moment of internal burnout, and after that you don’t so much want to live, but simply don’t want to die.
Look inside yourself and understand what level of consciousness evolution you are at. Look at your life through the prism of the levels of energy information flows in which we live. The main flow of information and energy on which you live corresponds to a certain center of consciousness in our energy structure. Many people are more familiar with the name “chakra”. Walk through these chakras from bottom to top.
1 Muladhara.
The rigid matrix of this World. The struggle for survival is the main meaning of life. Natural disasters, poverty, hunger, war – life scenarios in which it is only important to survive and preserve your offspring. In such a life scenario, space thinks for you, your task, like in an adventure film, is to survive in every episode.
The lifespan of such people does not imply eternal life. I would like to raise my children here, it would be good if I also have grandchildren, and die calmly with a clear conscience.
2 Svadhisthana.
The level of a prosperous average person who lives in a normal society and realizes all his desires. Space is interested in ensuring that these desires do not stop. Movies, advertising, new affordable entertainment. Just work and you will get all the pleasures available to your social status.
Life in a pleasant dream in which you want to stay for as long as possible.
But the eternal blows of fate create problems, and they must be solved. But if you have dealt with them, then you gain access to your pleasures.
Caring for your life partner, children, parents is natural, because you want to maintain your safe world.
But even here, at some point, fatigue from monotony sets in. And it just “runs out of gas.”
3 Manipura.
Will, power, even if you don’t become the best, then surpass yourself.
If the meaning of your life is a career in “sports,” then someday this competition will end. Sports here can be anything in the world of competition.
But if the meaning of life is to manage others, in politics or business, then life spans should be longer. So we see politicians and oligarchs on Olympus of power who want to live forever.
4 Anahata.
Love, and at the highest level compassion for all people, immerse us in the meaningful reality of serving humanity. There is a tendency to save friends and loved ones from an unhealthy lifestyle. And people with high potential energy and capabilities strive to save all of humanity.
In these games, you also want to live forever, since the unhappy, offended, and oppressed will always be in this world.
But such people often come to the conclusion that they have outlived their time, and they need to make room on the planet for the young. Self-sacrifice as a program in the minds of such people, so that there is not an overabundance of saviors of humanity.
5 Vishuddha.
For people living in creative streams of creation, life already seems eternal.
As long as there is a creative flow through you, and you are able to express it, you will live.
The higher a person’s creative potential, the longer he wants to live in order to realize everything he can give to this world.
But in reality, we see that the lives of many geniuses are cut short much earlier than they were able to give this world what they brought into it. Such people really need a long life.
6 Ajna.
For people living in mental space there is no limit to development.
Imagine for yourself what scientists and philosophers could give to this world if they lived for hundreds of years.
For yourself, you can realize how much thirst you have for new knowledge, you can An urge to comprehend something new, a desire to learn how this world works. For some, these desires disappear even at school.
7 Sahasrara.
The ideological field of mystics striving for God, unity with the World, Nirvana. The name of these games may vary.
But more ambitiously it sounds like “tradition”, although this is the same game as the others. Only of a higher order. The highest level available to humanity.
You can sit in meditation forever, since at this level consciousness lives in the energy-informational space.
Mystics and magicians of this level are no longer people, in the sense that people do not understand where and how they live. At this level, it is desirable for the body to live as long as possible, so as not to disrupt the process of development of the energy-information field.
Think about the topic: Do you want to live, or do you just not want to die? “I don’t want to” is also a form of desire. In fact, everyone wants to live, even if it seems to them that they have no desires. But something can be done about this too. More precisely, everyone should do this, even if you don’t feel like doing anything. You can go on a drinking binge, but this is tantamount to suicide. This is what many, even very smart people, did when they suddenly realized that no one needed them anymore. What about yourself? Think about it.
What should a person do when he sees no meaning in life? My grandmother used to say about such people: “It makes me crazy.”
Take an example from the Chinese. I mean how their traditions are presented to us.
A person devotes himself to some kind of art all his life. Improves himself in it. And in fact he identifies himself with him. And since there is no limit to perfection, the process of development is endless. Therefore, such people think in timeless categories. And give them the opportunity to live forever, they would always have something to do.
So what does that matter to us? Each of us has something, some ability to express ourselves, which is the basis of our individuality. So you need to realize your vector of development, in the sense in which area you want to develop. Cling to it with your desires and consciously cultivate it. Yes, like letting a seed sprout and gain strength until it becomes a large stem.
Look for the real you.
And for those who have completed all seven levels of this game, there is a way out of it. Now it is fashionable to talk and write about leaving the Matrix. But who writes? The people who sit in it with their heads. All ideas of getting out of the Matrix are illusions, since it is impossible to provide anything outside the framework of our ideas.
But it is possible to realize oneself as consciousness. And this is enough to see this World as a big game in which heroes go through its various levels.
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