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January 4

January 4

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Energy of personal hygiene)
January 4, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to tell you in more detail about the energies that you call for yourself personally: to cleanse your energy space and protect it from all types of negative energies.
Conventionally, they can be called “Energy of personal hygiene”.
Unlike global meditations, when you work, for example, with your planet as a whole or the collective consciousness of humanity, these energies are a kind of “ambulance” for you, designed to restore your chakras and subtle bodies that suffered “on the battlefields” of the three-dimensional world.
These include, first of all, the Energy of the Great Central Sun and the Fire of Universal Love.
Despite the fact that these energies are of very high vibrations, they are more capable than other Divine energies of adapting to the human vibrations of the three-dimensional world.
And this is explained by the fact that they carry within themselves the Element of Fire, which “burns through” the space separating the worlds of high and low vibrations.
But you call on these energies for help precisely when you feel that your vibrations are falling as a result of various kinds of energy attacks.
But still, there are certain limitations here.
Thus, these fiery energies are able to interact only with those people whose vibrations do not fall below the fourth chakra, but in the normal state they have already reached a stable level of the fifth and sixth chakras.
These energies can no longer “break through” to people who vibrate no higher than the third chakra, since the consciousness of these people is completely immersed in the world of the third dimension.
How does the Energy of the Great Central Sun and the Fire of Universal Love affect your energetic space, as well as your chakras and subtle bodies?
They always work precisely and very carefully so as not to violate the Laws of the Universe.
So, for example, if energy attacks on subtle bodies come from the person himself as a result of his negative thoughts and emotions, such “breakdowns” in them will have to be “patched” by the person himself as his “work on mistakes.”
If the danger comes from the outside – from astral entities, Dracoreptiles, reptilians or other low-vibration creatures – due to the Light work carried out by a person, and his vibrations in everyday life are consistently high, then both of these energies are capable of clearing the energy space of this person from alien invasion in a short time.
At the same time, it is very important, when calling on these energies, not to experience fear, aggression or even irritation towards low-vibration beings, understanding that this is their essence and they simply cannot be anything else.
Of course, the reasons for energy attacks can be very different, even magical effects, and yet, for maximum protection from Divine energies, a person needs to maintain the proper level of vibrations, which is only possible when he himself does not allow negative thoughts and emotions into his energy space .
Working with energies is always a collaborative effort, and the higher your vibration, the more high vibrational energies you can call upon.
And do not forget, my dear ones, to thank them, since the energies of Love and Gratitude are the most powerful in the Universe.
Share them generously with the world around you, including with Divine energies, who are always happy to come to your aid.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 4, 2024
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