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January 31

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 31

Procrastination and distraction are two ways the ego self will seek to keep you small. The greater the amount of procrastination you find yourself in, and the greater the lengths you need to go to distract yourself, are good indicators of the big leap your soul wishes you to take.
Do not fall for those old saboteurs, as resistance will only lead you to a disempowered, uncomfortable place. Remember, surrender and flow are the way of the empowered human being and move you forward seamlessly, at the perfect speed, with the greatest amount of ease and support possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 30

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 30

Your earth, the planets, the universe, your helpers, the angelics, the ascended ones – all are assisting you, right now, with the amazing shift of consciousness that is occurring. You participate by surrendering to the process, staying in the flow, remembering what you know and applying it, and using clear intention and gratitude to provide the universe with additional feedback on what you would like to create. It is that beautifully simple. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 29

Dear Ones, if you start each day with a commitment to flow with ease and joy, and end each day in heartfelt gratitude, you will be creating an energetic set point twice a day that will create a daily cycle of wonderful. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 26

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 26

Always forgive another when they have been unkind to you, for it shows that they’ve lost their ability to see your divine nature, and even sadder, their ability to see their own. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 25

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 25

We have spoken of the importance of balance in order to move forward in the new energies. If you are in balance, you can stay in your purpose and remember what you know in order to be the greatest service to all.
Think of a paramedic. When they are called to assist, they keep grounded and focused and apply everything they have learned in order to move through the crisis. This is the same for you. In order to anchor the energies as you continue to shift and to help others who may be struggling, this balanced service will be imperative.
Just as important as the paramedics who gather during large events to be on hand if needed, so are the wayshowers who remain calm, balanced, and are embodying all that they know. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

2024 ~ A Year of Magic and Wonder

2024 ~ A Year of Magic and Wonder

We have been calling 2024 the year of magic and wonder. That seems like a bold claim for a new year, but one of the most exciting aspects of the year 2024 is the merge of the human self and the metaphysical self.
2023 was a year of constant up movement and integration. You might think of it as a giant staircase much like you might experience going up a tall building. You would climb a flight of stairs or two, and then stop on a landing to catch your breath. Once you felt balanced again, you would climb again, and so on, until you reached the top. You stepped out onto the observation deck from a new space of attainment and the view is spectacular. From this new vantage point, you realize there is so much more potential than you could have ever imagined.
It was a year of upward movement. The process was tiring to be sure, but you are completely different beings than you were just one short year ago. Because of your tenacity and dedication, you are now poised to start to receive the fruits of your labour.
Many of you have been feeling between two dimensions. That is a fair assessment of where you are. You have left the old truly behind, and are just now starting to integrate into the new. The new is also a higher vibration than you are used to, so you may find linear skills more challenging, as the mind works in a linear fashion and is the expert of 3D operation, while the heart works through expansion and flow, which is a hallmark of 5D operation.
This is exactly why we have been teaching you the importance of the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination for so very long. It was preparation for the times you have just stepped into. The Divine Combination is the higher vibrational operating system. If you thought it was miraculous when you played with it in 3D, wait until you see what you can create with it when it is being supported in the higher vibrational energies of the new!
There are going to be key factors about 2024 moving forward. We will speak more of them as we move along, as certain time periods will have certain flavours to them, if you will. To begin with, many of you will start to experience puzzle pieces dropping in to move you forward with dreams or projects that have seemed to be stalled. Many of them weren’t stalled at all, they simply wanted to be born in the energies of the new. Some of the puzzle pieces you weren’t aligned with until you reached the top of the staircase. It will be great fun receiving these pieces, and don’t be surprised of they seem to come one after the other! This will be part of the magic and wonder that is 2024.
Many of you have come into the bodies with traits that were aspects of yourself in another lifetime where you did very well in terms of your service and making a difference. You had considered this an apex lifetime, so you wished to bring aspects of that lifetime with you into this lifetime, a lifetime that had the full potential of the making the shift. Some of you have already been using those tools, while others will have those gifts come on fully in the energies of the new. What is most important to know is it doesn’t matter when they come, what matters most is that you break the glass ceiling with them and allow them to surpass what had been done with them before. There is no end to what you can create.
Don’t be surprised if your sensitivities grow, have new abilities come in, and new guides show up. This is part of the joy and wonder of 2024. You will also start to experience more and more instant confirmations to let you know you are on the right track.
The endless shifting – the releasing, the integrating, the healing – all of it was leading you to this right now moment. There is nothing holding you back now. The karma is balanced. The wounds are healed and about to become as distant as remembering a past life. You are free from the old conditioning. Your experiences have led you to where you are now, but they no longer drive the trajectory of your incarnation.
Are you ready to step out of the endless healing into simply being healed? Are you ready to drop the old stories and conditioning? Because they cannot come forward unless you choose to bring them with you, and we cannot imagine why you would do that for it would serve no purpose.
You might think of this year as a complete system reset along with an operating system upgrade. You are now able to embody even more of your soul self now, stepping forward as the purest aspect of yourself you have ever been. From that state of beingness, you get to create through presence and preference. You get to be more you than you have ever been, and the universe will gladly respond to that in kind.
You get to explore, to love, to connect, to rejoice, or to simply be. It is all perfect and all you need to do. It is all beautifully simple yet so profound. The journey has always been about coming back to this point of your own divine nature, and now you get to lead by that in whichever ways match your interests, your joyful service, and your unique essence.
This is where your journey begins to shift out of the solitary heavy lifting into supported connection. This is where you start to see yourself as so much more capable than you ever allowed yourself to believe. You just have to be truly, gloriously you, and the next steps of the journey will fall into place. So let the old go, trust in your growth, embody what you know and get curious about what is possible. Your energetics will hold the door open for those who are ready to follow and you will inspire others by showing what can happen when you have the courage to step fully into the new.
On a global scale, there will be activations in your earth, both of crystals long hidden until humanity was ready for them to reactivate, as well as the potential for holy relics to be discovered that hold much more power than you ever realized.
The world will continue to contrast until the majority of those who prefer peace is so strong you tip the scales into moving toward that reality.
Those who are resistant to growth and evolution will find things challenging but they will find their way, just as you found your way.
The political systems will continue to reveal themselves in a desire to uplevel into fairer, more balanced and inclusive systems that serve the all.
Many of you had been focused on raising the vibration of the planet so you could move beyond the alignement of dec 21 2012. Once that milemarker was reached, you started to focus more on your own healing journey, because you wished to clear everything you could before you stepped into the new. That is why so mamy of you have been in trouble shooting mode with yourselves. You can drop that habit now. You have arrived.
When we say you have arrived, it doesn’t mean you will stop growing and evolving. It just means that you will flow there organically without the need to be looking for what is wrong with you. You will instead, be acknowledging what is so right with you that you’ll wonder how you ever doubted it! We urge you to be light, to enjoy, move with the flow and be open to receive, and allow yourselves to be more authentically you than you have ever been, for that is exactly how you, and the world, get to experience the magic and wonder of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 24

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 24

Standing in your truth, integrity, and transparency are the traits of the enlightening human being. As we move forward energetically, those traits will be more and more supported as the old energies fall away.
If you are not fully embodying those aspects, you may begin to experience certain physical symptoms. If you are not speaking your truth, for example, you may experience discomfort in your throat area. If you are not standing up for yourself, your back may not feel good. This doesn’t mean your health is falling apart, Dear Ones! As always, your body is a wonderful mechanism for giving you feedback.
As you embody your authenticity and beingness of an enlightening human being, you will experience wellness like never before. Everything, absolutely everything, is assisting you – the universe, the helpers (both seen and unseen), right down to your physical body. Why not save yourself a lot of time and discomfort and embrace who you are here to be? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 23

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 23

If you are struggling monetarily, have you examined your beliefs about money? Because, as with all things, your flow of abundance will respond very much to your beliefs about it.
Do you see money as the root of all evil and something that should be abolished? Do you see money as a wonderful tool that can help make a difference in the world? Do you feel worthy? Do you feel that money and spirituality can coexist?
Dear Ones, you are the stewards of the new earth. You deserve to be comfortable and supported. Are you using your lack of money to keep yourself small? As with all other areas of your life, please throw out your old belief systems about money? You get to choose exactly how much money will keep you comfortable and see all your needs met. Money is not good or bad. It is a tool, and how you view it and what you do with it is what defines it for you.
Most humans are uncomfortable with a lack of money, but also uncomfortable with the idea of a vast fortune. There are many, many options between the two. So choose where you feel your comfort level will be, create new supportive belief systems about money that will better match the energies of today, and start to experience the ease and flow that is your birthright. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 19

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 19

Dear Ones, we understand it is challenging when the energies are continually shifting. If you wish to shift with the energies with the most ease possible, it is imperative to consistently practice whatever activities support your highest alignment.
We highly recommend meditation, connecting with nature, and spending time in activities that bring you joy. All of these are activities that help you stay in the now and will help maintain your energetic clarity and balance. The busier you are, the more vital these practices become.
We know that it is far too easy for a human to put their own needs last. Please remember what you do for the one supports the whole. Being committed to your energetic clarity and balance not only assists you in assimilating the new energies but has a tremendously positive effect on those around you, and your beloved planet, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 18

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 18

You are an integral part of the great shift of the ages. You came into the bodily form in order to have this experience and assist it with your unique essence. Because you are so closely linked to the experience, you will be feeling it deeply on all levels.
Remember, you get to choose how comfortable and enjoyable your experience is. Are you in resistance or flow? Are you excited or fearful? Are you focusing on every little ascension symptom (growing pain) or are you openly embracing the energetic shifts you are feeling? Any discomfort you experience will be temporary, Dear Ones, unless you choose to give it more power through resistance and focus.
Surrender, flow, and joyous expectation are the elements that will allow you to enjoy this miraculous and unprecedented time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 17

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 17

Is fear of judgement and the opinion of others holding you back from the freedom of living your life exactly as you see fit? The only person who is qualified to make decisions about your life is you. Would you take medical advice from someone who did not have all the facts? Directions from someone who had never heard of the place you were travelling to? Of course not! The same is for your own sacred life path. Allow yourself to be the expert of your own life expression and allow your soul to lead the way. It is the fastest way to a joyous, empowered life experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 16

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 16

Have you ever noticed how during vacations most people feel wonderful? Holidays, by their very nature, honour self. It is the one time people become very focused on nurturing themselves and engaging in activities that bring them joy. It is also a time filled with gratitude and flow.
These wonderful feelings don’t have to occur only on certain occasions. By staying in the energies of honouring the self, following your heart, and engaging in gratitude and flow, you can bring what makes holidays so very magical into your day to day life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 15

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 15

Dear Ones, you are all, each and every one of you, the stars of your life expression. You are all, collectively, the stars of the enlightenment process that is occurring on your beloved planet right now. When will you accept this?
This is not about puffing one’s self up with ego. This is pure acknowledgement of your role and who you are. Do you not think the star of the show should have some benefits? Honour yourself! Nurture yourself! Admit the importance of your role! Shine your light and acknowledge and salute all the others who are stars in their own right.
Just as the night sky is made beautiful by all the stars shining their unique light, your beloved planet is made more beautiful by you turning on your light for all to see. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 12

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 12

When you decide to clean out your living space, you go through your things and, based on what brings you joy and still has purpose in your life, you decide whether to keep it or purge it. You have to look at each object through a new perspective and assess it over again, even though you may have passed by it daily and not really seen it until your intention changed.
The same is with your energetics, Dear Ones. In this time that is ripe with possibility and creation, look at your belief systems, your energetics, with fresh eyes. Do they serve you? Do they bring you joy? Do they still have purpose? If they do not, you can simply let them go. If they do, recharge their value to you with gratitude, knowing that by doing so you will only bring more of that valued energy to your life.
Is it time for you to do some energetic spring cleaning? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 11

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 11

We often speak of acceptance and allowing as being vital parts of the enlightenment process. We do mean it in the sense of practicing non-judgement for those you encounter on your path. But it also has a further meaning, and that is to accept and allow the gifts the universe is trying to bestow upon you. In order to allow your desires to come to fruition, you must be energetically ready to receive them, or practicing acceptance by allowing the universe to deliver to you.
Many helper souls do well with giving but struggle with receiving, which creates an imbalance. To be an open vessel for the flow of abundance, you must embrace both giving and receiving. A lovely affirmation to assist with this can be simply, “I accept. Thank you.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 10

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 10

What if you were suddenly, magically healed in all ways, right now? All your old beliefs and issues, all gone without a trace. What would that look like? How would that be different? We invite you to start living today, from this moment forward, as if it were so. Live it. BE it. Leave it all behind and shine. Many of you are holding on to all that old stuff out of habit. Unzip the heavy coating of old, musty, dusty wounds and step into the light, Dear Ones, and truly, fully LIVE. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 9

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 9

Many enlightening human beings have questions about what to do with their loved ones who aren’t on the same path as they are. Our answer? Simply love them and know that they are exactly where they need to be on their own path.
Each and every person has their own unique soul agenda and their own team of helpers to assist them on their way. Do not make your loved ones wrong for having different beliefs than yours.
By taking a higher viewpoint and practicing acceptance and allowing, you take on the role of guide on earth and can love them unconditionally while honouring their free will. You will see them as being the divinely perfect beings they truly are, which will support them in their own empowerment process. That is the way of the enlightening human being who is practicing mindfulness and celebrating the sacredness of every soul’s journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 8

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 8

You must first accept the divinity within yourself before you will truly be able to recognize the divinity in others. This is the basis for the awakening process. Once this occurs, your world will step into unity consciousness and an era of peace will begin. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 5

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 5

Most humans, by the time they are adults, have a story. People wave their stories like flags. They use them as a means of identifying themselves and they are usually based on perceived harm or injustice.
We understand that the end of a relationship, or abandonment as a child, or illness you have battled, are huge defining events for you, but please do not let them be the way you see yourselves for the rest of your incarnation! You have become so used to being those stories that they are blocking you from having the full life experience the now has to offer you.
What story are you holding onto? What if you just let it go? Why not live today as if it never happened? How different would your life experience be if you retained the gift of the experience and not the wound? The time is now to release anything that is keeping you from shining as your most glorious self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 4

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 4

A human being in crisis is often reluctant to surrender to the flow because they perceive it as careening about wildly. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Look at it this way. If you were sailing a ship and came into stormy waters and despite your best efforts could not find your way out of the storm, and there was an expert sailor with years of experience navigating through storms right there with you, would it not make sense to surrender the craft to them?
Surrender does not mean giving away your power. Surrender means aligning with your authentic power and all the assistance the universe has to provide you with. You still get to navigate, but in a much more efficient way, utilizing the expert help of your soul, your guides, and the universe by using your intention and gratitude. It is the fast track out of crisis and into a much more authentic and comfortable way of living. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 3

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 3

Combining unconditional love of self and your role of guide, in many ways, means having patience and understanding for yourself. It means seeing yourself for the wonderful being you truly are, yet also seeing your potential and encouraging yourself to follow your dreams and living in joy and passion. It means honouring your body, speaking to yourself with kindness and encouragement, and making sure all your needs are met. In many ways, it means you have become a loving, nurturing parent to yourself. How could you not heal, bloom, and thrive under such wonderful care? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

January 2

Daily Message by Shelley Young – January 2, 2024

No pain, no gain. Life is hard. You eke out an existence. Love is sacrifice. You are born a sinner and must repent. We could go on and on. Look at all the disempowering belief systems woven into your societal outlook!
Dear Ones, your life is not some cross to bear! It is your unique masterpiece of expression with limitless possibilities. Ask yourself what belief systems are still part of your subconscious due to your conditioning. By examining this you can easily pinpoint what is keeping you small and what doesn’t honour who you really are. Then let it go!
Let yourself shine and know that not only is it your divine right, it is what you are in the body to do. You do not need to suffer to earn anything. All you need to do is step into your authentic power and start creating the life expression you deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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