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April 24

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 24

Dear Ones, many of you have been on a consistent journey of releasing for quite some time. You have let go of impressive amounts of old wounds, fears, conditioning, and templating. So why are some of the old themes coming back up yet again? Because you are ready to release the habit of having that issue.
You see, when you have been working on the healing of a specific theme, in some cases for many lifetimes, you become accustomed to having that theme as part of your energetics. You have, in many ways, identified with that core wound, much like a student identifies with a major course of study in university.
Because you are ascending, graduating if you will, from that course of study, you can now let the theme go without the fear of missing something. You can rest assured that the work is done, and trust that through surrender and flow if there is any energetic tweaking to be done it will come into your awareness. There is no longer a need to identify with anything less than your whole, healed, divine self.
Do you see? True healing means accepting that healing has been assimilated. If you broke your ankle, eventually you would allow the cast to come off and would consider the healing complete. You would detach from the story of the broken ankle.
How do you know when you have completed a theme or a healing cycle? When there is no longer a strong emotional charge around the topic. When it comes up and you think, “really, that again?” without the despair or fear of looking at it.
It is quite simple, Dear Ones – when you reach the end of a theme of healing, or what you might call a timeline, you can simply consider it done and step onto another line of potential that no longer holds that theme, that allows you to experience the joy of the new state of wholeness you are embracing. You can simply release the habit of that story as the final act of a job well done, and look forward to new potentials that are available for you to explore. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 23

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 23

Dear Ones, going with the flow does not mean abdicating your power or denying your wants and needs in order to get along with or please others. That would be giving your power away, and the true meaning of flow would be moving in the ways that best match and empower you. So to be clear the expression “go with the flow” really is saying “go with your flow”.
When you honour your flow, you find others who naturally resonate with the unique interests and energies of that flow, and before you know it you are having a far more satisfying life experience than you ever thought possible.
We are not suggesting you become selfish or obstinate. We are encouraging you to honour your wants, needs, and preferences, as well as honouring the right of others to do the same. When you do things you do not want to do consistently for others, you start to resent them, which erodes your relationships.
When you connect with people over preferences, and encourage others to follow their true desires, you experience freedom and joyful connection, which far better serves your relationships with others, and with yourselves.
And more than anything else, following your flow is following the beckoning of your soul, which allows you to best serve others, as well. It is a system that honours everyone in shining in their truth and authenticity for the greatest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

April 22

Daily Message by Shelley Young – April 22

Dear Ones, always remember that troubleshooting will only get you more trouble to shoot. You cannot navigate your way to happiness by focusing on what you do not want. It cannot be done. Gratitude, intention, surrender, and flow are the way out of any situation you’d like to change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 29

There are two states of being that are natural states of being for your soul. One is joy and the other is unconditional love. When you fall into the density of being human, it is very difficult to remember that.
That is what your ascension process is. It is remembering who you really are as you are having your human experience, and moving back into unconditional love and joy. They expand upon each other, joy and love do. When you are in your joy you are most connected to Source and you feel the expanded now moment of unconditional love. When you have a heart opening moment of unconditional love, you feel washed with joy.
So if you want more unconditional love in your life, find the path of joy and follow it. If you ant more joy in your life, practice unconditional love and you will feel that emotion wrap you up and make your heart sing. Each one is a catalyst for the other, and completely available to you whenever you choose, taking you back into the higher energies your soul craves, and allowing you to experience heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 28

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 28

Dear Ones, the time has come to let go of anything that is holding you back from living life in its highest expression. Many of you put off living fully with your self talk. “I’ll be happy when I lose 10 lbs.” “I’ll live my life for myself once the kids are grown.” “I’ll start taking care of myself tomorrow.” “If only I could find the right partner…” Every time you procrastinate in such a way you are making a conscious decision to keep yourself small and have a ‘less than’ experience.
Hear us when we say you can start living a life that is fulfilling right now, even if the conditions are less than perfect. And the true miracle in that, is that once you do, the things that are less than your ideal will sort themselves out. Your life expression, particularly in these amazing and unprecedented times, is an incredible gift. Cherish it and live it to the fullest, every single second. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 27

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 27

What if we told you there was a magical element available to you all, for free, that creates a bridge between where you are and where you want to be?
It is through this element that you can find new love, healing, virtually anything that you would like to experience in your life that you do not already have. This element is very easy to use, you just must intend what you would like and surrender to it as it sweeps you up and takes you to brand new vistas in your life.
Dear Ones, doesn’t that sound wonderful? Doesn’t that sound like exactly what you are looking for? Ironically, it is the one thing many humans resist the most. That magical element is change, also known as the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 26

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 26

We have talked extensively about the endless releasing and clearing enlightening human beings have been experiencing as your earth and her inhabitants continue to shift. At each energetic alignment, you are locking in your energetic progress, as you become lighter and lighter, and embody more of your true essence.
But the process is not just about letting go. Dear Ones, what would you like to add to your lives? Perhaps you wish to honour your body with better food and exercise? Perhaps you wish to make meditation, prayer, or gratitude a more consistent practice in your life? Maybe you need to spend more time having fun, or simply enjoying life’s simple pleasures.
You get to choose, as you let go of the density, what you wish to replace it with! It is through this letting go and redefinition process you will be creating the life expressions you wish to have and truly deserve. Now is the time to get clear about what you want and to enjoy the fruits of your labour. You have made so much room in your vessels. Why not fill them with everything joyous and wonderful? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 25

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 25

Why not do one thing today that will make your life a little easier? It need not be a big thing, just something, perhaps that you’ve been putting off, that will create a bit more ease and flow. This small act will announce loudly that you are intending to create more ease in your life and that you are moving into action to make it so.
Many of you put off doing things because you think only huge efforts bring change. In reality, even the smallest shift speaks volumes to the universe because it is your intention that is the power behind all change.
We urge you to look at your life with new eyes and start creating changes to honour who you’ve become and support where you want to go. You are in an amazing time, right now, where your creations are incredibly supported and magical change is at your fingertips. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 22

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 22

Dear Ones, know that you are blessed in this moment, in your body, exactly as you are. You are revered for being the wonderful aspect of Source you are, and honoured for playing a role as a creator of the New Earth. For your victories, for your disappointments, and everything in between, you are loved beyond measure. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 21

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 21

We understand that while in the body and in the illusion of separation, it can be difficult to understand certain circumstances. Illness, the passing of a loved one, or disaster, just to name a few, can seem so very wrong and unfair. Dear Ones, let us reassure you that there can never be an event in your lifetime that you have not actively participated in the creation of. Your free will is always at the helm, from the planning stages of your incarnation, to this right now moment. It is a complex system of wise and intricate planning to ensure you have the exact experiences you desire. While events may be challenging, they can never, ever be wrong – not for you or for any other human on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 20

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 20

Many enlightening human beings get drawn into the world of conspiracy theories or watching out for the dark cabal. They feel like it is their job to be hyper vigilant, to be informed, so they can’t be fooled.
Dear Ones, we are not for a second saying that there are no groups with dark agendas. But you cannot change this reality with an ‘us versus them’ mentality. By falling into that kind of thinking, you would be energetically supporting separation consciousness and the 3D world, the very world you are present to assist in evolving beyond!
Trust in the shift. The old, ego-based systems are no longer being supported. Focusing on them will only result in your spinning your wheels in energies that do not reflect who you really are. Embrace your creator self. Know that to affect change is to focus on what you want more of.
Anchor the higher energies by staying calm and focused, embodying the energies you wish to support. That is the way of authentic power and that is what will create the changes you wish to see in your world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 19

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 19

Continually rescuing another will always lead to resentment. The one you think you are helping will on some level realize you are stunting their growth and resentment will grow. The rescuer will perceive a complete lack of gratitude and feel resentment and often times will feel unappreciated, misunderstood, and victimized.
What astounds us is many rescuers, although they feel this, will dust themselves off and try even harder to “fix” the situation, looking for appreciation and throwing the whole situation even further out of balance.
You are on the planet to step into your own authentic power and to encourage others to do the same, Dear Ones. Anything less is a huge disservice to yourself and others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 18

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 18

There is a quiet, peaceful joy that comes from allowing yourself to be the expert on you. It removes you from all doubt and shifts you into knowing what is best for you at all times.
It aligns you with your highest self and allows your beauty to shine. Extending that to allowing others to be the experts on themselves further adds to the peace you feel and recognizes everyone’s divine perfection and capability in each Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 15

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 15

This message was posted on the patreon on monday. I thought it had valuable information so I thought I would share it with you today. I hope you like it!
Today we will be exploring what is really happening when we experience a sudden stop in forward movement.
I think we’ve all been there. We are feeling excited about something and sure it is the direction we should be going in. Everything seems to be coming together beautifully, and all of a sudden everything screeches to a halt, and we are left wondering, what the heck?!
There are many things that could explain why that is happening. The first is that you’ve entered into some choppy energies. Every once in a while we enter into energies that are just so full of different options or lines of potential that you pick up on one and before you know it, it has completely changed. If you find yourself in that kind of flow, it is not the time for manifestation. Stay open, but realize it is just like hitting rapids in a river. It’ll be choppy for a while, but eventually you will come out of it and get back into much smoother fast forward movement.
It could be that you haven’t quite fully arrived in the energy that is required to make your creation fully sustainable. This can happen when we are on the 4D bridge between 3D and 5D. As Gabriel so beautifully puts it, you can’t build a house on a bridge. Keep focused on your own evolution. You can’t stay in the in-betweens forever, and you will have much more clarity when you land in energies that fully support what you wish to create.
It could be that you are in the midst of an energetic download that is meant to take precedence over all other things. These times are usually recognizable as times of energetic intensity. Prioritize doing whatever the energies are calling you to do, and before you know it you will be back in action again.
You could have shifted into a lull phase. This doesn’t mean you are not in movement, it means the movement you are experiencing is behind the scenes. You could also be in a rest period in preparation for another phase of very accelerated forward movement. Trust in the flow, it has divine intelligence and is preparing you well for the next phase. The key is to stay surrendered to the phase of the flow you are in to harness whatever benefits are there for you and you will be poised and ready to embrace the next phase when the timing is perfect.
Perhaps you need to cast your net wider. You might be thinking too small, or there may be another element needed before your desire can come to fruition. Stay open and curious and allow the unfoldment to take you where it wants to go without trying to force anything or make it look any particular way.
And the last option just may be that it’s you. I know, I hate when it’s me! Have you fallen into fear and doubt? Are you trying to get a 5D result through 3D thinking? Are you in your mind instead of your heart? Are you attempting to control, force, or constrain rather than allow the unfoldment? Are you selling yourself short by insisting upon what you think is possible rather than being courageous enough to see what is actually possible? Do you keep changing your mind about what you want so often that there isn’t enough time for one potential to start to take on form? Are you forgetting to apply what you know?
If you’ve gotten yourself into a big spin of the unknowns, it’s actually a blessing you can’t manifest from there. Take time to settle. If you don’t know what you really want, that’s okay, you can wait until you have more clarity. Practice what helps you remember what you know and get in touch with your inner wise one. Ask your higher self, angels, and helpers to help lead you forward into more clarity. Use broad intentions about what you would like to experience and allow the universe to fill in the blanks for you.
It’s a challenge to try to keep our balance during such transformative times, so don’t beat yourself up if you end up having moments of fear, doubt, or confusion. We are human beings, after all! It is completely normal. Love yourself where you are and use your wisdom to remind you this is all part of the process. And the beautiful thing is, every time you make your way back to the remembrance of what you know, you drive the shift of consciousness on the planet. How wonderful that even your forgetfulness can ultimately serve the whole!

March 14

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 14

Our wish for you is that every human being on the planet will realize their innate power and will begin to live life, not as something you must bear that happens to you, but as a beautiful work of creation.
The new age that humanity is entering is designed to make that more obvious, with manifestation happening in record time, as well as deep energetic shifts to release the illusion of separation and victim consciousness. As the awakening human being accepts his or her authentic power and evolves beyond individual survival into a being that works as part of a greater, supportive whole, the changes you seek will become part of your reality.
It is a glorious time, Dear Ones! Cherish every second of your shift, for you have worked hard for it and the many rewards it will bring. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 13

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 13

As enlightening human beings start putting more and more emphasis on their spiritual wellness, they are starting to understand the importance of having sacred space to allow them to stay centred and balanced. Have you created your own sacred environment to support yourself? Are you surrounding yourself with people who lift you up? Do you have a place that supports your efforts to connect with Source? Have you been able to prioritize your spiritual practices?
We do not mean you need to construct your own spiritual centre, Dear Ones! (laughter) You can connect with Source anywhere you choose. By seeking an environment to support that, wherever it may be or however it may look, so long as it feels wonderful to you, is so very important. By choosing to be in energies that are supportive, you are showing your wisdom and your commitment to what you are on the planet to do and experience.
There are many things you can do to support your spiritual journey. Creating your own energetic zone of stillness and connectedness will become more and more important as the energies continue to accelerate. The monk does not lose his mastery when he goes into the village, yet he always chooses to return to the temple. By creating your own sacred space and prioritizing your own practices, you will support your ability to be in your highest alignment more consistently. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 12

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 12

When you wake up in the morning, instead of fumbling about unconsciously, why not set your intention to surrender to the flow and experience a day filled with wonder? Why not ask your partners in spirit to assist you with whatever might be scheduled for your day? By setting your energetic intent, you set the course of your day. You might consider it getting up on the right side of the bed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 11

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 11

Single words, by themselves, hold a very distinct energy and can, in turn, be used to very simply adjust your own vibration. Just by pausing, saying a word, and feeling its unique energy, you can enjoy the properties of that particular word.
For example, if you are feeling stress, you could simply say with your inner voice, the word “calm”, repeating it as many times as you like, and feel that energy wash over you.
So what words/energy would you like to feel today? How about love, joy, acceptance, peace, harmony, ease, prosperity, magic? Just try it and you will be amazed at how quickly you can shift your own energetic state.
If you think this through one step further, you will begin to see how important your self-talk really is. Choosing your words really means choosing your energetic state, and that is where all forms of manifestation begin. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 8

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 8

We have been asking you to put your own balance, wellness, and energetic clarity first. For many of you, that is a difficult task because you do not wish to be selfish. Dear Ones, making yourself a priority is in no way selfish! It allows you to carry your highest vibration, which assists you, others, and your beloved planet.
Selfishness comes from a place that fears there is not enough, seeks to separate, and serves the one. Self care, on the other hand, understands that as you honour yourself, you honour all others, which supports unity consciousness and serves the whole. There is a vast difference between the two. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 7

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 7

Each of you, each and every one of you, has the ability to uplift yourselves, others, and the planet. You get to choose, in each moment, what you wish to emanate. You each have a voice, and you get to choose what words you use with that voice.
Do you use your vibration to assist? Do you uplift others with your words? With your actions? Do you leave people feeling better for having been in your presence? Mindfulness is a major aspect of moving forward into the new earth. That means developing awareness for your affect on others around you and choosing to embody your highest level of attainment.
Pay attention to your affect on others and intend to buoy and encourage everyone on your path, and you will fill your days with joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 6

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 6

It is the ego self that leads human beings to place great importance on being right. It is a slippery slope from right to righteous, righteousness to judgement.
Dear Ones, when you insist on being right, you are also insisting upon making someone wrong. Can you see how this would separate rather than unite? Do you know you can still hold your beliefs without attempting to make others see things your way? Each and every person’s beliefs are leading them to have the exact experience they need to have. You simply do not have the vantage point to know what it is their soul needs to experience.
It is okay to differ in opinions with others. To do so is practicing honour and respect, acceptance and allowing – the very attributes that lead to unity consciousness and encouraging each unique soul to shine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 5

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 5

Some people avoid stillness at all costs, treating it like it were the enemy. In reality, it is through stillness that every wonder of the universe can be experienced. In this age of constant distraction, remember stillness is something your soul absolutely requires. Distraction feeds the mind, stillness feeds the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


March 4

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 4

“No pain, no gain,” is an expression commonly used among human beings. Variations of that sentiment are accepted as truth, with humans believing that somehow struggle is a necessary part of growth. While people DO create crisis for themselves as catalysts for growth, it is often after the person has missed a multitude of subtle bumps and nudges and opportunities that have been presented to them to move into that same growth in an easier fashion.
If you understand that pain is frequently a result of resistance to the flow, and it is through flow that growth is achieved, you will see why that sentiment is faulty. While we agree that some souls have contracted to have traumatic experiences, please know that the great majority of your spiritual growth could be done with ease, grace, and joy!
You can choose, right now, to do a multitude of things to move you into your highest alignment and authentic power. You always get to choose! So, instead of a mantra that is filled with pain and struggle, why not try something softer? May we suggest, “No flow, no glow”? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

March 1

Daily Message by Shelley Young – March 1

While some of you are experiencing accelerated movement in your lives, others may be thinking not much is happening. This always makes us smile as we realize you can only see one part of the intricate dance that your soul is part of. If you are in movement, embrace it as being the visible part of the flow. If you are in what appears to be a holding pattern, embrace it as simply being the non-visible part of the flow. Know that movement is always, always there and the universe is always conspiring to assist you in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 29

Think of one thing you can do today that will be a luxurious expression of self love, whether it be quiet time to curl up with a book, a hot bath, meditation, a walk outside – whatever would bring you pleasure and peace. In order to keep your balance in such rapidly shifting times, it is so important to be in touch with your needs and to honour them.
Many of you aren’t comfortable with putting your needs first. In truth, it is honouring yourself and your needs first that will allow you to embody your highest expression of self, which then allows you to shine that light brightly for all those around you. In the simplest terms, a flashlight cannot shine the way through the darkness if its batteries have run down. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 28

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 28

If someone was to hold up a large black tarp over your head that blocked out the sun, you would sit in darkness knowing the sun was there but with little experience of it.
If a person came along and poked a hole through the tarp, a little ray of light would shine through, and you would have an experience of more light. If another person came along and poked another hole, another ray of light would shine through in another location, giving you a broader experience of light. And if people came, one after the other, all poking holes in the tarp until it was completely tattered, the light would be able to shine through, brightly, flooding everything below with little of the darkness left.
Dear Ones, this is what happens every time a human being lets their light shine! This is what you have all been doing, over and again, and today the light floods your beloved planet, bathing you all in brilliance. You are magnificent. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 27

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 27

Beingness/laziness, observation/judgement, self awareness/selfishness, energetic clarity/self protection…the difference between these elements can be difficult to understand. Let us make it easy for you. Once connects, the other separates.
Dear Ones, the days of separation are over. You are now moving forward, understanding that you are all part of a greater whole. By looking at things through this new filter, you will have a much greater understanding of how to proceed. You will easily see which aspects and practices support unity consciousness, and what you can finally let go of, once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 26

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 26

Dear Ones, we understand with your loving compassionate hearts you can become very invested in another soul’s well-being and growth. It can be difficult to see a beloved stuck in a situation or creating discomfort for themselves, but you must allow others to be responsible for their own growth and path.
If you are asked for help, please do, as long as the help is empowering to both of you. Other than that, love others enough to allow them to grow at their own speed, trusting that they are as wonderfully guided as you are. Rescuing others, at best, delays growth and at worst, can completely disempower another. Being a calm, balanced, loving support by honouring free will and knowing each soul is well loved and guided, and having the exact experience it needs, is embodying your new role of guide on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 23

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 23

When you are walking your talk, holding your own balanced energy and embodying what you know, others will naturally seek you out for guidance. Further, when they do, they will be more than ready to receive it. There is nothing else that needs to be done to honour your role of guide. The old roles of victim/rescuer are over. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

February 22

Daily Message by Shelley Young – February 22

While it is true that today may be the first day of the rest of your life, it is the only day that matters. Your real truth exists in the now moment, since you exist as a being beyond time and space. So what do you wish to do with this right now moment? Embody all you wish to be! Wrap yourself up in a breathtaking blanket of love. Shine your light. Be. And know by doing this, you have just shaped your future beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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