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January 31

The February 2024 Energies – The Pleiadian High Council of 7, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 31

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
We are very engaged with humanity, and we have been from the very start. We know exactly where you are vibrationally in each and every moment, because of our connection to the human race and because we are ninth dimensional. That means we are nonphysical, and we can tune in to whatever consciousness we would like to. We also were physical at one time and did participate in the seeding of your planet with the physical beings that now dwell upon it.
We did not contribute all that is around you there on planet Earth, but we did our fair share. We want you to know that as you embark upon the month of February, you can expect a lot more galactic energies to be coming in. They are coming in to prepare you for more e.t. contact, and they are coming in to remind you that you are from the stars. You all have roots in our star system, one way or another. And so, as you look up at the night sky, and if you can see our system in your night sky, access more of that which is Pleiadian within you by opening yourselves up to the energies that we are delivering.
Now, we are not the only beings throughout this beautiful galaxy of ours who are offering transmissions to humanity throughout the month of February. You are going to receive activations and upgrades that will also bring more of your extra-terrestrial DNA into alignment and into service. You are meant to know yourselves as whole beings. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional beings. You are meant to know yourselves as collectives.
You are your souls, and so all of these other lifetimes, that from your perspectives you have already lived, are also your lifetimes and in another way they are not. You are there to live that life and to benefit from all of the living of life that the other aspects of you are doing. And so, you are not just there to pay off the karmic debt of these other aspects of you. You are also there to benefit from all the good karma and all of the wonderful gifts and abilities that these other aspects of you have attained.
Therefore, the month of February really is about putting more and more of the pieces of you back together again so you can know yourselves as your whole selves, and you can begin to operate more as such. That of course brings your consciousness closer to home, closer to who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, and that is why e.t. contact is important for all of you. It is a reminder of how much more you are than your human physical selves living lifetimes there on Earth.
We also want you to know that some of you who are receiving this transmission can expect for more of those contact experiences that you do want by the end of the month, and many, if not most of you, can expect those e.t. contact experiences by the end of 2024. We are all embarking on this coming together that is happening throughout our galaxy, and we will all do our part to contribute to it and to ensure it happens in the easiest and most joyous ways possible.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. And that is all.

January 30

Exciting Events Coming in Humanity’s Future – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited for a very long time about this time in humanity’s evolution, because we know that you are right now on the precipice of so much more e.t. contact. We know that many of you have sightings of spaceships all the time, and we know that some of you have your interactions with orbs, and others are having your experiences in the dream state, or even in the waking state, with physicalized e.t.s who have bodies of some sort. We are also excited for you because we know that these experiences bring you closer to the completion of your ascension.
Your ascension is about so much more than something happening outside of you. It is about an exploration into your own consciousness. And first, you discovered that you existed before this lifetime, and you discovered that you have other lifetimes there on Earth that would be past lives from where you are right now. Most of you have also accepted the truth that you have had other experiences, other incarnations, that have nothing to do with planet Earth.
In other words, you have been the e.t.s that you are going to meet in what you call the future. You have had experiences in those different forms, in those different bodies, as those different species, and when you can accept this, it becomes easier then for you to know yourself as your true self, as your whole self. And when you do that, you become your higher self. You become your fifth-dimensional self when you put all the pieces of self back together again and you start operating as your whole self. Now, is that the most complete version of who you are? No, but it’s a start.
You’ll always be getting closer and closer to the home base that is the Source Energy dimension, and then from there, there will be even more for you to explore. But this evolutionary leap that you are making is an enormous one, and it is why your lives have been so challenging. You didn’t set out to just incarnate, have a couple of kids, get a job, retire, and then find yourself six feet under at some point. You incarnated for much more than that, and you are doing it, and you are doing it consciously. That means you not only get to have a huge impact on the collective consciousness, but if you choose to, you can enjoy this ride.
And the next part of the ride involves physical e.t. contact. It will be followed, at some point, by physical ascension. You will be moving from your carbon-based body into a light body. And when you become fifth-dimensional you will be able to explore so much more of our beloved galaxy and universe, and these are things coming in your future to get excited about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 29

This is so Valuable, You Cannot Put a Price on It – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very actively engaging with all of you while you are asleep, as are many other beings and collectives, and we want you to know how valuable your insights are to all of us when we do meet up with you. We hope you understand that you are out there on the leading edge, out there doing the heavy lifting, doing the hard work, and we need to know what that is like. We can observe you; we can measure your vibration, but when you tell us directly, when you communicate to us what it is like, that is when we get the best possible understanding.
This is what you need to do with each other as well. Humans need to communicate with each other while you are still waiting to become completely telepathic with one another. There always needs to be better understanding between humans. That is the best way to have any sort of relationship with another person, whether it’s romantic, familial, friendship, co-worker, any type of relationship you have, you must communicate. You must do your best to explain to another what your experiences are like so that they can walk for a moment in your shoes, and so that they may extend compassion to you.
Communication breeds compassion. Compassion elevates the level of consciousness, the overall vibration of the collective, and you all get closer and closer to that moment of ascension because you opened up. We are constantly telling you to open up to us, to the archangels, to the ascended masters, to all the higher-frequency beings, but you also need to open up to each other and realize that the person you are communicating with is Source Energy, just as much as an archangel is. They have just taken a different form and have agreed to operate at a particular vibration. But then again, so have you, and you need to understand each other in order to best help each other.
This is what humanity needs most of all; you need to understand where someone else is coming from, what their experiences are like to them, and most importantly, how they feel about those experiences. Now if you are the one who is more enlightened, then you may need to draw the emotions out of the person you are speaking with by asking them the right questions. By helping them to get in better communication with themselves, you offer them everything that they need to raise their vibration and to ascend. You are the ones who are there to help one another return home to Source. This is what you are all doing there together, and it is so important that you recognize your roles in each other’s lives.
Now, you can always choose to play a slightly different role to a person when it serves you and it serves them to change that role up, but the connection is always there between you and the other people that you are communicating with in your lives, and that is important for you to acknowledge as well. These are the things you are meant to do; you are meant to have desires, to take actions, to feel feelings, to communicate with each other. You are meant to create, to experience, to love, to serve. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that, and it only gets more complicated when you don’t communicate, because the less you communicate, the more confusion there is, and the more confusion there is, the more you tend to be in your mind.
But as you open up your mouth, you open up your heart, and as you open up your heart, you give something to someone that is so valuable, that you cannot put a price on it, nor should anyone try. Remember this in all your interactions with other humans, and you will avoid so much conflict and so much confusion, and you will live in greater harmony with one another and you will ascend with ease and joy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 28

Doing This Will Cause Huge Changes in Your Life – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 28

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional nonphysical collective, and we are here to help.
We are in a state of expansion, just as you all are, and we feel that expansion occurring all the time. We invite you to feel for your expansion even some of the time, because we know how valuable it is for you to recognize, to acknowledge, that you are in fact becoming more. You are never stagnant, stuck or blocked, no matter how it might look to you in your life. It is important for you to tune in every single day, because if you do not, you will feel as though you are stuck, you will feel as though you are stagnant, and you will feel as though you are blocked.
When you tune in to the truth of who you really are, and you feel how much more expanded you are than you were the last time you checked in, then you will realize that it was all worth it. It was worth it to have that health crisis, that rift in your relationship, or that financial difficulty. It was worth it because you grew. And while you don’t always see the results in the physical reality right away, they are coming. The proof that you have expanded can be felt for immediately, but the evidence in the physical might take a while to get there. And that is simply because your physical reality moves more slowly than the energetic one does.
This is why we and others like us are telling you to surrender. When you surrender, you let go of your resistance, and you let go of your attachment to something being other than what it is. And in that surrender you can feel the expansion that you have just gained. Therefore, letting go and surrendering become the most important tools that you have in your toolkit. You can also then begin imagining what you have just created for yourself because of the unwanted experience you just had.
What is the opposite of what you just experienced? You created it, and as soon as you start imagining it, you bring it closer to you. You don’t need to work so hard, and you don’t need to fix everything or everyone who is in your life. You just need to accept that you are on a wild ride, and that wild ride needs those twists and turns and ups and downs in order for all of us to continue expanding and becoming more of that which we truly are. Source is always benefitting from what you are experiencing, and when you remember that you are that Source pretending to be a physical human being, that is also a fast track to receiving what you have just created.
Spend some of your time every day letting go, surrendering, and feeling for your expansion, and you will not be disappointed. You will be elated and awestruck. You will be in a state of bliss, because you will let go of the circumstances of your lives for those moments, and you will actualize more of your true being-ness, and that is what all of this is all about.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

January 27

The Progress You’re Making as the Awakened Collective – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to see so many of you finding your paths, your true callings, and we also see that so many of you who have discovered what you are there to do are now acting upon that knowing. We love to witness any of you being in alignment with your true self. As you activate the aspects of yourselves who know how to do what you want to do, your confidence then builds, and you become more likely to act upon your inspired ideas. You are making tremendous progress there as an Awakened Collective. You have shifted so much energy lately, and you have taken your attention off of politics, the virus, conspiracy theories, and everything else that has been keeping you from knowing what your true mission is there on Earth.
And you have become sovereign. You have activated your Lemurian selves, your Atlantean selves, your Egyptian selves. You have activated the inner priest, priestess, shaman, wizard, witch and oracle. You have become the self that you set out to be for your fellow humans, and it shows. You, as the Awakened Collective, are moving the needle for the human collective by stepping into those roles with confidence, with certainty, with a desire to help and to heal. You are there to lead and to guide; you are there to help heal; you are there to love, to forgive. And as empathic beings, you are there to know that compassion is the way.
And as you lead your fellow humans into the fifth dimension, just remember that it took you time to get to where you are right now. And while it won’t take as long for those who are newly awake to get to where you are, they are still on a journey. This is a journey after all. It is a marathon and not a sprint. Your patience with your fellow humans will pay off in huge dividends. Your ability to guide them should never be in question, and if you find yourselves questioning whether you have what it takes, remember that this is a new journey.
The journey of trusting yourselves is one that will also take time. The journey of remembering who you are as the leader that you were always meant to be is a long one. So be patient with yourselves and your fellow humans, and know that you are making the impact you set out to make. Be aware also of the impact that you have yet to make but most certainly will make, and know that you will get all the help that you need from the higher realms in those moments. There will be some doubt within you, but less doubt, and you will break on through all of the self-imposed barriers, all of the limitations, and you will rise up and ascend and lead humanity into the fifth dimension. This much we know to be true, and we continue to feel the progress you are all making as the Awakened Collective.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 26

Why Are You Interested in Arcturians? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are sending you energies from our central star, Arcturus, all the time. We are inviting so many of you to benefit from all that has been lived, all that has been experienced in our star system, and all you have to do is open yourselves up to those energies. You see, you don’t have to do it all by yourself. You don’t have to live out every experience to gain the full benefit of having lived that experience yourself. Others have come before you and others are living those experiences right now, and you can benefit from everyone else’s gifts and accomplishments, wisdom and knowledge.
And as you open yourself up to Arcturian energies, you are opening yourself up to spiritual evolution. That is the main theme, the main focal point or our star system and why beings come here to incarnate in it. This star system is about furthering the spiritual evolution of the consciousness of the entire universe, and that is the shift that we are all in the midst of right now. It is a universal shift in consciousness, and it is happening because it is the right time for it to be happening. And those who are on a spiritual path can ride the wave of what is happening on that universal level. That is also something that we invite you all to do.
Let go of the idea that you have to do it all yourselves in terms of your spiritual evolution. Set the intention that you want to focus on what brings you in a higher-vibrational state, and you want to think the thoughts that are a match to that higher-vibrational state. Set the intention to feel better in your physical bodies, emotionally, as well as energetically, and let yourselves ride the wave. Let yourselves receive what is coming to you naturally because of the beautiful intentions that you put forth. You are there to benefit from all that this universe has to offer, and in benefiting from everything this universe has to offer, you also get to create an even better universe, experience what already was of it, and then added to it through your experience and through your asking.
You are there to create; you are creative masters. And we are here to support, because even though we still get to create even in our nonphysical dimension, you are so inspired by the limitations of your very dense physical dimension. And so, you are creating all day long because of the self-imposed limitations that you chose to experience in a physical body. And so, you can bless everything as it is, while also knowing that everything that is and everything that has ever been, is serving you and helping you to grow without effort, without struggle, without sacrifice.
Create challenges for yourselves because you like the feeling of overcoming a challenge and choose which challenges you want to face. Any challenge you are not interested in facing and overcoming, you can let someone else do it and benefit from the beautiful ways in which they have faced and overcome that particular challenge. We truly are all one, and when you take an interest in us, an interest in our star system, it is because you are more interested in becoming your whole self, and that is exciting for us, and hopefully, for you as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 25

What Is Your Purpose & How Do You Find It? – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 25

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We are always interested in helping you to seek out that which will fulfill your life’s purpose. We are here to remind you at times that you are creating this life. Now that you are awake, you do not have to live out some preordained purpose for your life, but rather, you get to determine what that purpose is and then move towards the fulfillment of what purpose you choose to have for your life.
Now, looking at life in a very human way, you would think that you only have so many years to get it all done in, but looking at your life from the picture of the eternal and infinite self that you truly are, you realize you have all the time in the world, and in the universe, in fact. You realize that nothing actually has to get done, but you also recognize that you are there and you might as well have some experiences. You might as well do more than just run out the clock until your time is up in this lifetime.
And so, the question then comes into play, is it nature or is it nurture? In other words, do you feel drawn to certain activities, certain experiences, and certain people because it was preordained that you would move in those directions, or are some of your proclivities developed through the time you are there and the experiences that you have while you are there? Both play a part of course. Some of you come in with certain gifts and certain interests, and then you wonder what you are supposed to do with those gifts or how to monetize those interests, and it is important for you to consider these things, but it is also most important for you to just pursue them and pursue them with reckless abandon.
When you access more of your inner child, and you take play more seriously, you recognize that as a child you would create without limitation. You would create without giving a second thought to what you were creating or what you would do with it, and that is the way to pursue your interests in this lifetime, and create for yourselves a fulfillment of your life’s purpose. Now, when you are denying something that is inside of you, and you continue to deny its existence, then yes, you may get a wake-up call, and in that wake-up call, you may be told that you are not fulfilling your mission in life. We know that many people have those experiences, but it does not mean that they are only supposed to do those things because an outside force thinks they are.
When someone has an impulse to do something, and they don’t follow through with it, then they are denying themselves their truest expression of self, and that is something that they need to change in order to make perfect use of the lifetime. So you see, the purpose, the mission was not preordained, and you are not there to discover what it is by looking under every rock for it. But rather, you are there to determine for yourself what your mission is and listen to the guidance that’s coming to you from within and nudging you towards it in every waking moment. And when you fulfill that mission, that purpose, you may feel a sense of satisfaction and then move on to another one. So you see, it’s not even that you only have one purpose for your life, just like you don’t just have one life. Very good.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

January 24

Is Technology to Be Avoided by the Awakened? – The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 24

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You are expressing yourselves in new and interesting ways all the time, and you do have your technology to thank for that. Those of you who are awake spiritually sometimes do shy away from technology or see it as something that is taking over and perhaps not the best choice for people to engage with. However, there is always a positive purpose and a good use that anything can be put to. Therefore, when you think about all the various ways that you have of expressing yourselves, do include the technological ways, and think about how you would like to utilize this co-creation of yours to express yourself as an individual.
It is much easier than it ever has been before to create a movie or a series of shows. It is much easier than it ever has been before to create music. You can express yourselves through writing and post your writings anywhere. You don’t have to wait for a publisher or a newspaper or a magazine to deem your writing worthy of being seen by others. You have myriad ways of projecting what it is that’s inside of you out, and there are so many ways to make your self-expression available to the world, and we encourage you to do so because we know that you are all there to be you.
Being yourself is so important to fulfilling your purpose there on Earth. You didn’t go to planet Earth to fulfill someone else’s purpose for you. You went to planet Earth to experience it and to know yourself better through the experiences that you can only have there. But then you also were meant to get inspired and to create from those experiences. In order for Source to know Itself fully and completely, you must exist. And the more of yourself that you express, the more you are allowing Source to know Itself fully and completely. Therefore, do not demonize your social media or any other forms of technology that you have out there, because there is always a good purpose for it that can be utilized from and by those those of you who are awake.
Those of you who are awake have a voice and a voice that needs to be heard. You are living in a time now where it is not just a few who have a voice within the new age and spiritual community. All of you can speak up and be teachers and leaders for humanity. And as we said, you have so many tools to use, and they are there for you, created by you. Listen to that impulse, to that instinct that comes from within you that’s telling you to post that post or create that video and don’t care about what anyone else thinks. Only care about what your reaction is to what you create. If it resonates and speaks to you, then it will speak to others, and they will benefit from your use of that wonderful technology of yours. Very good.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

January 23

More Awakenings in Large Numbers – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 23

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know that humanity is on an ascension path, but not everyone within your collective knows that and experiences it along with those of you who are awake. It is okay that they don’t know. Everyone must be given their free will, their ability to choose which version of reality they focus upon and which future they are creating for themselves. Therefore, you need not lament the fact that not everyone knows that humanity is ascending. We do not because we see the perfection of where everyone is and what everyone is choosing, and we invite you to do the same. We invite you not to worry about your friends and relatives who are not awake yet.
And we want you to know that there are very spiritual people, very kind-hearted, loving, compassionate people, who know nothing of this ascension, and yet, they are doing just fine at living their lives in a more fifth-dimensional way. And so, you see it’s not about what you know or what you believe. These are not as important as people who are awake might think they are. It is lovely that you know who you really are and that you are ascending, but ultimately what matters most is how you are living your life, what thoughts and feelings you are experiencing and what and perspectives you are taking on your life circumstances.
How you see other people also matters, and so you do not need to think of anyone who is asleep as someone who is unaware. They may be at times more aware of what their vibration is than you are, even though they have no name for it. There is much to be gained from interacting with every single person that you share planet Earth with at this time. Therefore, do not believe that you have to be having to be interacting with other awakened humans in order to have a meaningful conversation that expands your consciousness and illuminates a new path for you. There are lots of very wise humans out there who are not spiritually awake.
You have the advantage of being awake, and it helps you to make peace with a lot of what is going on there on Earth to have that knowing inside of you that we are all ascending. But it doesn’t mean that everyone else who is not awake yet is unfortunate. They are living the lives that are perfect for them to be living, and you can bless each and every one of them, love each and every one of them, and have compassion for each and every one of them. Everyone is an aspect of Source, and you can treat everyone in that way to demonstrate your knowing that you are in fact an aspect of Source yourself.
Be happy that you chose to awaken in this lifetime, and know that everything you do will help others to awaken, and everything that you know will help others once they do awaken. You are there to lead the way and to help where help is needed, but you do not need to force your knowing onto anyone else in order to help them. You will see more awakenings occurring in large numbers in this year, and that is exciting, and we invite you to get excited about that, because we certainly are, and we know that everyone will awaken in the perfect timing for them and in the perfect way. So do not take that responsibility on for yourselves. Just continue to live your lives as awakened souls.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

January 22

You Are Affecting the Entire Multiverse – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to be tuned in to the human collective consciousness at this time, and we know that many of you are joining us in tuning in to the collective consciousness of humanity. We know that so many of you are helpers. You have identified yourselves as lightworkers, changemakers, wayshowers, and so on, and you want to be a part of the solution. You want to be one who contributes mightily to the evolution of consciousness there on Earth amongst your fellow humans, and if you can step back from the drama that is the divisiveness of much of what is going on in the world today, and you can observe from that higher plateau where you can see what is going on, then you can be of greater service to your fellow humans.
You cannot get caught up in it and be a part of the solution to it. If you want to unite humanity and show that you are all ready for e.t. contact, then you must be willing to let go of the side that you usually take. You must be able to rise above it all and recognize that everyone out there is reflecting back to you something that you need to love, heal, forgive, or perhaps appreciate. When you can accept everyone and everything as they are, and as it is, then you can start to see the types of changes that you want to see in the human collective consciousness. Now, we hold space for all of you all the time, and we see the improvements. We feel them, and we know that they are coming in the physical realm in every reality and on every timeline.
Everything that you do, and think, and say, not only affects your reality and the timeline you are currently on; you are affecting the multiverse with everything that you are offering vibrationally, energetically, and with your actions. That is how powerful you are, and when you tap in and you see what is needed, what is being reflected back to you, then you know exactly what you need to do. You know exactly where the love is most needed; you know exactly where to send the healing, and that is how being tuned in helps.
You don’t need to know what to fight against, who the bad ones are, and who needs to be locked up. You don’t need to know any of that to do the good that you are there to do. You don’t need to know what secret wars are happening in outer space or there on Earth. You don’t need to be a part of that divisiveness, but if you are made aware of a reality where something is going on, some sort of conflict, some war between various factions, then you send love to everyone involved instead of picking up your sword and joining the fight.
This is how you raise the level of consciousness there on Earth, and this is how you ascend. And we know that you want to be a part of the solution, and for so many of you who are awake, we know that you already are. Some of you are lagging behind a bit and still are caught up in the idea of darkness versus light, but you are getting there. You are getting there, and we can feel that when we tap in to the human collective consciousness, and that is why we are always so optimistic when we come to you and speak to you in this way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 21

Living as a Hybrid Being on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are remarkable beings, and many other beings throughout the galaxy and the universe are taking notice of humanity. You have traveled quite a bit to get to where you are, to lower your vibration enough to be able to have the myriad experiences that you do there on Earth, and all of it is fascinating to consciousness from all across this universe. We get to share the galaxy of the Milky Way with all of you, and we feel very fortunate to be able to call you our galactic family. We know that the choice to be there on Earth is often questioned by you throughout the life that you are living, and we know that you can be facing many different challenges all at once. And we want you to know that it serves you very much at times just to let go.
Let go of the idea that you are supposed to be somewhere other than where you are. Let go of the notion that you should be further along than you are right now. Let go of any attachment that you have to your life being different from how it is right now. Let go, let go, and let go some more, and you will find yourself sinking comfortably into the now moment, where you can, upon letting go of the struggle, just settle in and experience it. Experience it from the knowing that you are creating it for your own highest good. Experience it with the knowing that it will be changing all the time, no matter what it is that you are experiencing. Experience reality as it is right now with the knowing that you can access more of who you really are when you slow down and stop altogether, and you can be more of a human/Source Energy hybrid.
And as you recognize this, you can see how facing emotions is a big part of the ride, a big part of the journey, because much of what you do there on Earth is to cover up, to mask, to suppress, to numb yourselves to one or more emotions. But as you face them and move through them, you become more powerful, like steel that has been forged by fire. You become ready for what is coming next, and you can experience whatever is coming next in a new and more aligned way, because when you find yourself, you find your whole self. And your whole self, when guiding you, can do so with far more knowledge from the higher mind.
We want you to know that we feel you have been doing a wonderful job under the circumstances of all that life has to throw at you, and we want you to know that it’s also going to get better because the higher consciousness that is upon you is taking effect. You are being gripped by higher-frequency energies, and you are shaking loose all that is lower vibrational. And you are becoming one with your whole selves, so that you can experience this next period of your lives with much more joy, love, excitement and peace in your hearts, and that’s all you can ever really ask of yourselves. Change your experience of reality right now, and change everything. That is the way to live as one who is a human/Source Energy hybrid.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 20

This is Why You’re on Earth & What Deja Vu Is – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very eager to see where humanity is headed, as we understand that you all have many, many choices in front of you. It is our desire, always, to present you with the choices, the opportunities, the options, that will give you what it is that you really want, and in good timing as well. We want you all to feel how much is available to you right now, to feel into the various timelines that you have in front of you. And we also want you to know that just as you don’t have to wait for an event, a solar flash, full disclosure, free energy, or the landing of ships to bring you into a higher state of consciousness, you also don’t have to wait for your fellow humans to start cleaning up their collective act.
There will always be a version of the human collective around you, and whichever collective you are experiencing is there to reflect to you your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and vibration. Therefore, you always have the ability to change what you see out there, and you don’t have to do it by reaching millions of people with your ideas or your teachings. You do it by shifting within you the vibration that you are offering. That changes everything; it changes which future you meet, which people you come in contact with. It changes the world and everything that is happening in the world. So, if you feel despair when you look out at what’s going on there on Earth, then realize that you’re looking at the mirror that you need to be looking into at that moment. You’re getting to see exactly what you need to see to trigger you, to inspire you, to reflect to you what it is that is going on inside of you.
When you are at peace, when you are in a state of joy, when you are offering love to your fellow humans, you will see that reflected back to you, eventually, and that is the tricky part for all of you. If you don’t get immediate results, some of you give up pretty quickly. If you don’t get the results you want, you tend to give up as well.
When you are shifting your internal vibration for the feeling of it, because you know that it is the only way for you to feel the way you want to feel, then doing that work is its own reward. Just being happy is its own reward. You don’t then need to manifest a bunch of happy circumstances to show you how happy you are. That’s the easy way, but it’s not the way that gives you the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth and evolution. That is why the time lag exists there on Earth in your dimension. You need it so that you will continue doing what you need to do in order to vibrate in the frequency that is best for you and for everyone around you. That is what you went to Earth for a series of incarnations to do in the first place.
You wanted to master offering a higher vibration in spite of everything, in spite of whatever circumstances were in your life and in the world around you. Keep focusing inwardly, and you will not be able to make a misstep. You will be so aware of what you are feeling that you will know that you need to shift that energy, you need to let go of that which has you in a state of tension, angst, sadness, despair, or whatever it is you’re feeling. And you can find the love that is within you at all times. It’s always there; it’s always waiting to be discovered, and sometimes you will even give yourselves a nice catalyst to make yourselves aware of the love that is within you, but then you have to choose it. You have to make the choice that serves you, and it’s not always the easy choice, because everyone and everything out there in the physical realm isn’t always so lovable.
But when they are not being lovable, that’s when you know they need love the most. So that’s another tricky part of your existence there on Earth. But you’re all up for this; you all knew what you were getting into, and you’re all very accomplished at doing it, because you’ve all existed on higher-dimensional planes already. You’re going back to where you came from. When you are having a moment of deja vu, that is your reminder that you have been here before. You are going back to the higher-dimensional planes, back to Source, back to the truth of who you really are as unconditional love, and there is no better journey in the entire universe, so you might as well start enjoying it now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 19

This is the Path & the Goal of the Awakened – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 19

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We awaken inside of you that which is the master when you focus upon us. What you see in us you must also be able to see within yourselves, or you would not be in any way impressed by any one of us as individuals who have lived lives there on Earth. When you resonate with our energy as this collective that we are now, you are also noticing how much you have integrated within yourselves. Part of the way of mastery for all of you is to acknowledge all of your other selves. This is how you become your higher self in the flesh. You allow the integration of all of your other lives, and you become whole. You operate more as a collective, as a multidimensional being, as one who knows their infinite and eternal nature, and then you are not so attached anymore to an identity that is limited and limiting.
And so, as you go beyond the concept of self that you have had, you allow yourself then an entry point to knowing yourselves as Source, to knowing yourselves as unlimited. And this is the path. This is the path you are choosing for yourselves by being awake in this lifetime. There is a lot to be gained by all of you in the acknowledge that you are doing this and that it is going well. It is important to let go of the idea that you are supposed to have done everything perfectly up until this moment that you are in right now.
As you make this moment a perfect moment for you, then you perfectly align to all of those other selves and even your past selves in this lifetime. As you make peace with the 5-year-old that you were, and the 10-year-old that you were, and the 15-year-old that you were, you integrate those aspects of you into the now moment and you become more integrated, more whole and more complete. You become more masterful over the present moment. You align more with those of us who are considered to be ascended masters.
We know that the journey there is full of challenges and that it wasn’t designed to be easy for all of you, and we know that because we lived on Earth in third-dimensional, physical bodies. Again, the recognition that you have of us shows you a lot about yourselves and what you value. And as you value your infinite, eternal and spiritual nature, you integrate that into the physical nature, the physical body, which also has its place within Source. And you are more than capable of bridging those two worlds – the physical and the nonphysical, the material and the spiritual – and you can live your lives as examples of those who have managed to do so without making sacrifices to either one. You don’t have to sacrifice the physical to honor the nonphysical. You don’t have to be less materialistic to be more spiritual.
You can be it all and have it all, because it was all created to be experienced. And those of you who know that can lead beautiful physical lives while knowing who you really are as spiritual beings, and you will reach more people, and have a bigger impact, and show your influence when you are capable of merging the worlds, integrating the selves, and becoming your own version of Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters. We do like when you put yourselves at our level, and we do know that it is the goal of all of you to master this life.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

January 18

5 Steps You Can Take Every Day to Ascend – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to see so many of you taking the necessary steps in your lives to become closer to your fifth-dimensional selves. We know that we talk a lot about action and how you are moving into a time when there will be much less of it needed, because you will be operating as energetic beings who have mastered the offering of a vibration. And that does eliminate the need for much of the actions that you take, but there are always steps you can take to become more enlightened, to become more of your true, whole selves, to move you closer to Source. Many of you know what those steps are, and you often intend to take them.
You intend to step up to the higher, more elevated state of consciousness that those of you who are awake want to be in. There is a time for sitting still and doing nothing, and then there are times when you have to make a decision about an action, and those are the times we are referring to here. We have noticed that more and more of you are stepping up to take necessary action, action that enhances your experience of who you are. Now, there are some actions that are unique to you as an individual that you know it serves you well to take, and then there are actions that it serves everyone to take, steps that will always bring you closer to Source, closer to who you really are.
We are talking about the action of self-care, eating what you know feels good in your body, giving yourselves the time that you need to rest, to receive. We are talking about the step of spending more time connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature. We are talking about reaching out to those who are in your life and who you know you need to speak to or communicate with in some way. These are major steps for all of you towards enlightenment. They are very simple. They are easy to do once you initiate them, once you get the ball rolling, so to speak.
We also consider meditation an action in the sense that you often have to stop doing one thing and move to a location where you know you can meditate, where you know you won’t be disturbed. And that action, that step towards a meditative state is very important for all of you. It is like saying to the universe, ‘I matter. This is something I know is good for me, and so I will go do it.’ Conscious breathing when you are not meditating can also be seen as a necessary action because it involves a certain amount of intent. It involves you going beyond the involuntary act of breathing and making it a voluntary act.
Do these things, and see how your life is transformed. Pay attention to the nudging you are getting from within to move in these directions, and realize that as you do, you feel the immediate results. You gift yourselves something that no one else can gift you. And when you are the giver and the receiver, you are completing a loop, a cycle, and you are becoming that whole version of yourselves that you know you want to be and you need to be in order to ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 17

Your Godself & the New Earth – The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 17

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We acknowledge you in ways that you almost never acknowledge yourselves, because we know someone has to do it, and while you are eternal, infinite beings of unconditional love, you often do not think of yourselves in those ways. You need constant reminders from above to take you out of this illusion and to bring you back into your true creaturehood. Your Godself is what we would call that, and your Godself is the aspect of you that you sometimes do acknowledge but only really pay lip service to. In other words, how many times throughout the course of your day would you say that you are operating from that knowing of yourself as your Godself?
Certainly, there are certain activities that you partake in that remind you of this true nature of the self. And certainly there are moments when you are meditating or with loved ones that you can start to move in the direction of that full knowing, but what if you did everything with the knowing of the self as the Godself? How would that change your life? How would that change the way you went about doing anything and everything?
We acknowledge you for who you really are, because it’s the only way that it serves us to see you, and we know that. We also know that nothing there on Earth is ever really a mistake. Nothing is an aberration. Nothing needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth. And we understand that everyone is playing a role. We also know that everything is changing and everyone and everything is getting closer to the Source from which we all emerge. Therefore, we have complete confidence that not only will you know yourselves fully as your Godselves, but you will begin to operate in that way as well.
When you think of creating your reality, for example, if you think about it from the perspective of the Godself, then you know that what you want to create already is. You know that you don’t have to bend over backwards or struggle, or prove your worthiness through lots and lots of action to make it be. You know that it is, and you are so confident that it is that you can go on living your life as your Godself would.
When you understand that the time lag in between you creating something and you experiencing it is necessary to give you that experience, then you step into full knowing that you will experience what you have just created in due time. And in the meantime, there are plenty of other creations around for you to enjoy. When you operate as the Godself, you see others as perfect just as they are, you see others as the Gods that they are, and you do not project negative attributes onto them. You do not assume the worst of them, and certainly you do not assume that they are stagnant or incapable of growth.
Everyone not only is capable of growth, but everyone is doing it, because if they aren’t, they must check out of this reality. This shift is happening, and only those who are willing to grow will stay and enjoy the rest of the ride. Now, as you consider what it means to you to be your Godself, we recommend that you do so from that space of acknowledging that this is not placing you higher than anyone else, but it is your way of showing others the way to acknowledging and being their true selves and operating in the world as such. And when everyone around you is doing so, you will know that you have achieved something that very few people throughout history have achieved.
And you can rest assured that you will be living in a world where everyone eventually will know who they really are and treat others, and the planet and the animals as they really are. That’s simply the world you are co-creating right now. Very good.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

January 16

The 5th-Dimensional Beings You Are Becoming – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 16

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You open yourselves up to that which you know is bringing you into a higher-vibrational state, and you attempt to close yourselves off from that which you know will bring you down. You know certain things will bring you down vibrationally because of your past experience, and sometimes you hope that you will have a different experience than previous times, but the hope is not enough to create a different experience for you. But it is good for you to hope and to make those attempts and to have a different experience of something, rather than asking something outside of you to change. You are the changemakers, but the change is occurring inside of you so that you may shift to a different reality that reflects that change to you.
You are not just there to create change politically or through tearing down old economic structures and building up new ones. You are not just there to build new schools so that you have better educational systems. First you must make peace with where you are and where humanity is. You must make peace with whatever does exist, and that includes your own thoughts and your own feelings. And when you can do that, you can choose from a more informed place, and you can choose consciously. Many people do not choose consciously, but rather, they go along with what everyone else is choosing. And those of you who are awake know that just because everyone else chooses something, doesn’t mean it’s right for you.
It is important for you to be able to navigate through these experiences and these choices without developing a jaded sensibility or a judgmental nature. You must be able to choose what is right for you without looking down your nose at others who are choosing something else, even if they are choosing something that you know and they know will lower their vibration. They may not use those words, but they know that they will go into negative emotion, and they do it anyway. Or they know it will affect their finances or their health in a negative way, and they do it anyway.
And so, those of you who are awake must avoid using the label of ‘sheep’ to describe those people. Even if they technically are asleep, they are still a part of your experience and a part of you, and they are there to be helped by you not shunned by you. Now, when it comes to your own choices, it is smart and efficient to continue to choose that which puts you into a higher-vibrational state. And it is also always a good idea for you to be able to move past guilt and regret from those times when you chose something that did put you in a lower-vibrational state, and it is also good for you to also recognize the importance of the existence of that which is lower vibrational in nature.
You want to make peace with everything as it is and not run away from anything or attempt to abolish anything that does exist, because everything serves a purpose, or else it would not exist, and everything is Source and everything is love and everything is you. And when you start to navigate through your life in these ways, you will begin to know yourselves as masters. You will begin to feel the ascension happening within you and because of all of the choices that you make with your lovely free will. Not only are you leading through the example that you set to other humans, but you are also leading through the thoughts you are thinking, the ways you are feeling and vibrating, and the beautiful fifth-dimensional beings you are becoming.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

January 15

How to Live Your Purpose in this Life Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to be witnessing your journeys there on Earth, and it is so beneficial to us that we get to do so from the ninth dimension where we can see it all from the more expanded point of view. We see everything as playing out perfectly there on Earth to give everyone an opportunity to evolve consciously. We see you all as giving yourselves opportunity after opportunity to love unconditionally, and we see more and more people taking those opportunities and running with them.
It is a pleasure to watch a human being truly get it and move beyond the ego, move beyond the separate, little, mortal self and move into the space of awareness, the space of knowing. That’s what you are in the process of doing right now, and we are simply coming to you from a higher plane of existence to assist you in that. We will consistently remind you of who you really are. You are there to awaken to the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, and you are also going to realize at some point that everyone else is also a Source Energy Being. Nothing exists outside of Source, and when you recognize that, you begin to treat others accordingly. People have their blinders on, and it is easier to see the blinders that are preventing someone else from living the life they want to live than it is to see your own.
But everyone has to be wearing blinders to a certain extent in order to have a fourth-dimensional experience. You are not just there to transcend the fourth dimension. You are not just there to ascend from it; you are also there to experience it. And so the blinders everyone has on are there on purpose. They are there to give you a more limited point of view of reality, and the trick is not to get caught up in the illusion to such an extent that you forget completely who you really are as a Source Energy Being. And you certainly don’t want to forget who everyone else is, because then you will start to treat them as though they are less than godly.
There are lots of ways human beings have attempted to do this over the eons of time that you have been incarnating there, and seeing others as less than human so that you could further your own agendas has really not served any of you. But those of you we are addressing right now have certainly moved beyond that level of consciousness. You would never dehumanize another person so that you could start a war with their country or use them in some way for your own devices. But now you’re at the point where you need to see everyone as Source, as Love, and you need to see your role there as one who reminds everyone that they are love, and the best way to do that is to be love yourself.
Eventually, others will be able to feel the love that you are emanating, and they will be transformed by it. This is how you end all suffering. You don’t end all suffering by eliminating all the ones who you deem to be the villains there on Earth. You end all the suffering by being the love that transforms the consciousness of the collective you are a part of. Being love inspires you to be of service, and being of service also inspires others to do the same. People are inspired more by your acts of kindness than they are by your success, your financial gain, your beautiful new home and new car. Seek to inspire others by holding the knowing of who you are and who they are, and you will be living your purpose right now. You don’t have to wait for any grand opportunity to do something for humankind. You can do it right now, and you know you can, and you know we will continue to remind you of that over and over again.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 14

Do This Now for Best Results – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 14

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We are here to remind you of who you really are and to offer you support, assistance, and perhaps some wisdom to assist you in knowing who you really are experientially. It is one thing to say, ‘I am infinite; I am unconditional love, and I am Source,’ and it is another thing entirely to experience what it means to live that statement. You are there at a time when more of you are needed to step up and to demonstrate to others what it looks like to be a master in the flesh.
You all have experienced yourselves as something less than a master, and that is okay. That is how it was always meant to be for you in this lifetime. You must know what it is like to be the type of person that you would someday help. That day is now, and we are calling upon you to help those who are where you once were, walking in your footsteps, not yet knowing what you now know. They are there to benefit from you going out ahead of the pack and being on the leading edge, and you are there to teach them and to help them.
Now, we know that we are calling upon you to do this while at the same time, most of you don’t feel as though you are living lives of mastery at this moment, but we are here to challenge you as well. We are here to encourage you to look within yourselves for that which is the master. You don’t have to look at your past, your accomplishments, your good deeds, or anything that you may have said or written that would be considered profound by others.
Look within yourselves now. Do this now for best results. You will see that the master is within, the teacher is within, the healer is within, and that you have been inspired at times in this life to go forth and be that which you truly are for humanity, and you will recall times when you did not answer the call. Consider this to be another one of those calls. You are ready, and we know this, because we know right where you are as a collective, and we know which ones of you are going to receive this message. We know that it will resonate with some of you, and it will be exactly what you needed to know in this moment.
You have the ability right now to step forward as the master that is within you, and you have the ability to change lives and to change the world. With our help, with our energetic support, and with our words of wisdom, you cannot fail. Remember that we are within you as well. Remember that this is a holographic universe, and we have not gone anywhere. Call upon us at any time for help on your journey, and we will be there, ready to help the helpers, ready to assist you with whatever you need, because that is our agreement with you, with the human collective, and with everyone in this universe.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

January 13

Not Everyone Will Receive This, But You Can – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are offering you a unique energetic transmission to go along with all of the words that are spoken in this channeled transmission. We know that some of you can feel the energies, and we know that some of you are only concerned with the words and what they convey. We want to encourage you to focus more on feeling whatever it is that you have your attention on, rather than just asking your mind for whether it seems true, or real, to you. If you just give your attention to something based on whether it’s interesting or not, you can find yourself focusing in a lot of different directions, not all of which would serve you in the end.
So we invite you to pay attention to the transmission of energy that is happening right now, and we also invite you to do the same whenever you are focusing on anything, whether it has to do with your spiritual journey or not. Everything is energy that is vibrating, and that includes all people, all teachings, all perspectives, all wisdom, all thoughts. Everything is energy that is vibrating, and it is vibrating at a particular frequency. That frequency is one that either serves you to match, or it does not. So pay attention to how you are feeling when you are focusing on something, regardless of what it is, because that feeling is telling you everything you need to know.
‘Do I want or need more of this?’ That is the question. ‘Do I like the way that I feel when I focus on this?’ Ask yourselves that more often. Do not fall for the trap of the mind that says, ‘This seems logical to me. This seems like it might be true. This is interesting, so I’ll continue to give it my attention.’ Meanwhile, most people ignore everything that they are being told by their emotional response to what they are giving their attention to, and that’s not a very good idea. You become what you focus upon. Make sure you are focusing upon what you want to become. Focus upon what you want more of, and never focus upon what you want to eradicate.
First of all, there is no such thing. There is no way to eradicate anything because all of this exists within Source, and Source isn’t going anywhere, neither is anything that exists within Source. You might as well get used to everything right now just as it is, because it will always exist. Do you have to encounter it around every corner? No. If you would like to encounter it around every corner, then continue to give it your attention. Continue to focus on that which you want to see more of and experience more of. That is the only way to live a conscious and deliberate life as a creator being there on Earth. And that is what you are; you are all creating all of it all the time, whether you realize it or not. So you might as well do it consciously.
Now, getting back to us. What we are offering you energetically is what we know that you need, but not everyone can receive it, and not everyone wants to receive it. But you are much more likely to receive it if you know that it is there, and if you tune in to what it is we are sending, and you feel for how those energies feel in your body, we are quite certain that you will want more. We seek to serve, and we seek to help, and we hear all of your prayers.
We hear all of your requests. So we know what you want, and we feel into what you need, and we cook something up here in the ninth dimension, and then we transmit it. And sometimes we use the channel here to transmit it, and sometimes we transmit it directly to you. Either way, it’s there for you if you want it, and we will never stop delivering, because as long as you are ascending and we are ascending, there will be more for you to receive from us, and we like that relationship we have with you. We like it very much.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 12

Do This to Receive All You Want & Need – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you are being offered everything that you need in this moment, and we know this because we are one of the groups who is offering you what you need. We also know that not everyone is open to receiving what they need, and most people are not open to receiving what they want. One of the best things you can do for your fellow humans is open to up and receive what you have coming to you, because not only are you setting the example for others and creating the template that others can also use, but when someone comes up to you and says, ‘How come your life is so great?’ you can tell them that you receive consciously from the nonphysical all that is being given to you.
And then they will ask you how you do it, and you can explain it to them. You can explain that you realized that there is a certain amount of futility in forced action and in struggle, and you can let them know that you made a decision to surrender, to let go, to relax and to open up, and that when you made that decision, everything changed for the better. If you want to be healed, open up to the healing energies that are already flowing to you. If you want more abundance, open up to the flow of abundance that is always coming to you. If you want more peace, open up to the peace that is all around you and inside of you when you look for it. Open up to the love of Source, and let the love of Source flow to you and through you, and see how your world is transformed by these simple non-actions.
It does take some letting go, however, and that’s the one caveat. You have to let go of tension, doubt, disbelief, angst, resistance, resentment, and all the rest. You have to let it go; you have to realize it doesn’t serve you. You might also benefit from observing a master; don’t just think about what the master is doing and saying. But also feel into what the master is emanating. Feel into their vibration. Notice there’s no tension in their shoulders, in their neck, in their jaw, in their brow. They have freed themselves from all of that because they know they are eternal, infinite beings of light and that this is just one stop on a magical mystery tour.
You are on that tour as well, and you must let go of the idea that you are there to prove yourself to others and to God. All you have to do is embrace who you really are, and then the doing comes from an inspired place. It comes from a deep desire that exists within you to explore something. It comes from interest; it comes from enthusiasm. It doesn’t come from wanting to make up for a feeling of lack within the self. You are not trying to fill a hole by taking the actions that you take. Your actions can come from an overflow of energy that you opened yourself up to when you gave up the struggle, the tension, and so on, and you let yourself feel the flow that is coming to you at all times.
That is what channeling is. Channeling is possible when the person has opened up to the energies that are all around them. When a person wants to be in the flow and to feel something different, they eventually will. And you can too. We know you can receive all that is coming to you, and we know that you do so best when you are more relaxed or when you are asleep. Sleep is so beneficial for you in so many ways. You let go enough of the doing and the thinking to allow sleep to happen, and you allow in so much at night while you are asleep.
You also never stop having experiences and exploring consciousness, and many of you are aware that you are doing so in the astral plane. Set your intentions for what you want to receive while you are asleep, and then let yourself be amazed at what has come to you in the middle of the night. You can wake up to a brand new life and a brand new you, and all you have to do is let go.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 11

Are Reptilians, AI & Cabal Groups Preventing Ascension? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are looking for the natural evolution process there on Earth and looking to encourage all of you to participate in it consciously and deliberately. In other words, we know there are a lot of people out there who are telling you that they have the shortcut, the way to bypass all of the work, and that you can grow by leaps and bounds if you just use this technique or this device. But the natural evolution process is the best way to raise your level of consciousness, and we see how you all participate in the natural evolution process, consciously and subconsciously, and we just want you to understand that the old-fashioned way is still the best way to evolve and to ascend.
You do want to meditate, process your emotions, offer forgiveness, and focus on your vibration. You do want to be aware of your thoughts and the words you speak, and in today’s world, the messages you send electronically. You want to be aware of these things because they are so much more powerful than anything that is happening outside of you or anything that could zap you or force you into a more enlightened state.
And we say that with the full knowing that you are getting help from outside of you, but that help is always meant to get you to focus more inwardly than you currently are and currently do. So, you have a choice to make when it comes to your spiritual evolution. You can look to the predictions about med beds, and solar flashes, and things that can fix all of the problems of your world at the drop of a hat, or you can choose to take more control of your spiritual evolution by paying more attention to what’s going on inside of you. That is one of the biggest benefits of meditation. Meditation brings you more awareness, and with more awareness, you can make more changes, the changes that need to be made, the changes that will be made one way or another.
Taking on your work deliberately is the much better and easier path, because if you put things off and push things down, they eventually erupt out of you, and then you have a bigger mess to clean up while you are doing the necessary work on yourselves. Lately, we have noticed the power of connection for human beings. In other words, many more people are seeking out connection with those like us, and we help you to pay more attention to what you are thinking, feeling, and vibrating, but we also offer a higher vibration to you, and that is an invitation that we are sending out for you to join us in the higher-vibrational realms.
When you make connections, you reach up, as well as in, and it is through that reaching up vibrationally that you make a huge impact on your normal set point vibration. That is needed for each individual in order to handle the energies of ascension. Otherwise, as we said, you are just making it harder on yourselves by ignoring everything that’s going on inside of you and looking outside of you for the answer, or for the e.t.s who will swoop in with their more advanced technology to make everything better for humankind. We know that there’s a lot of focus on A.I., and reptilians, cabal groups, and so on, and the idea that they all must be defeated before you can access the truth of who you are within you, and none of that is true. All of it just keeps you from focusing on what is truly important, which is always what’s going on within you.
And so, we are happy to be one of many groups and beings that you can reach out to for connection because we know that our vibration is helpful. We see the impact that our energy transmissions have on all of you, and we know that you, as the awakened collective, are ready to not only receive those higher-frequency vibrations, but also to spread them around to your fellow humans. And that is how your seeking of connection helps everyone, regardless of whether they are seeking it and regardless of whether they are listening to anything you are saying. This is one of your many gifts that you have to give to your fellow humans, and everyone is benefitting from that particular gift of connection.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 10

This Will Help Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to see you all blossoming and growing as you are there on Earth. We know that the best is yet to come for you, and so do your guides and higher selves. Therefore, we are always encouraging you to enjoy the moment you are in right now, as we know that there is truly nothing to worry about. We hold that vision for you of gradually returning home to Source, and we encourage you to feel for that within yourselves as well. The journey and the evidence of the progress you are making along with the way are all available to you when you look within.
If you try to figure it all out with your mind, you are going to have a very hard time making sense of it all. And so, use your mind to focus. Use your mind to filter; use your mind to think a thought on purpose. You have so much power within you, and the power that is within you has barely been touched by most of you up until this point. That is changing, of course, as more and more people begin accessing their spiritual gifts and abilities. Once a person does access a gift or an ability, they eventually come to realize that the biggest gift they always had was their sensitivity. Your sensitivity leads to your compassion, your ability to feel a vibration on purpose, and your ability to create a better reality for you and everyone else.
Those who are stuck in their minds are usually not in touch with that sensitivity that would allow them to feel compassion for others and to feel a vibration on purpose that would allow them to then see that vibration reflected back to them in the universe. Those who are sensitive are more likely to tap in to their spiritual gifts and abilities because those sensitivities make the world outside of themselves a very harsh place to be in, and that sort of forces a sensitive person to go within, to feel their feelings, to meditate, and all of those things help to unlock their spiritual gift or ability.
So do not be surprised if life continues to nudge you in that direction of going within, rather than enjoying all of the bright and shiny aspects of the physical realm. You will be able to do that of course, eventually, but it serves you better not to get caught up in having mansions and luxury automobiles, super-yachts, and so on. Those can be distractions from the kingdom of heaven that exists within you, and that’s the real journey that you are on. It’s a journey of discovery, and you are discovering that everything was always inside of you all the time. You just needed enough encouragement from the world outside of you to let go of that which the ego would pursue and to look within for that which you truly are.
The love within you beckons you towards it, and everyone gets there in their own way and in their own timing. And if you can trust that and be patient with the process, then you can live happily in whatever life you’ve created for yourself right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 9

The 2024 Wars & the Coming Months – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing your progress, and we are very happy to say that we have noticed yet another gigantic leap forward for humanity. We notice these spikes in your overall frequency during times when you typically take on more challenges, and then as you move through the challenges, you come out on the other side in a higher-vibrational state. As you all know, you’ve collectively been faced with humanity’s warring nature now for quite some time. It’s been right there in your face, and you’ve had to acknowledge it. It’s not new. It’s something you’ve come to expect at this point, and it is time for you to embrace that side of yourselves while simultaneously activating the other side, the peaceful side, the side that acknowledges unity consciousness and that we are all one.
So you’ve given yourselves the opportunity to do this with the high-profile wars that are happening on your planet right now, and you have sufficiently embraced that aspect of yourselves to the extent necessary. You have also been activating more of your peaceful nature, as those of you who are awake recognize that you must be the peace that you want to see in the world. And so, here you are, making that enormous progress for yourselves. And it’s time to feel very good about where you are as a society, as a human collective, because you will continue to face more of these types of challenges. This challenge of acknowledging that aspect within you that is warlike in nature is one of the biggest that you must face. And now, as you face other challenges along your journey, you will continue to make enormous progress as individuals and as a collective.
We know that you, as the Awakened Collective, realize that you are there to do something and do something big. And while you cannot just drop yourselves into a war zone and get everyone to drop their weapons, you can, from the comfort of your own home, embrace that aspect of humanity that starts wars, activate peace within yourself, and send love out to all who are involved. Your love matters. The healings that you do matter, and your compassion grows with each and every passing day and moment that these wars continue.
And so, you are the ones once again who are being called on to make the enormous difference that you know you want to make, and we are here to tell you that your efforts have had the impact that you want them to have, and you are moving the needle of humanity’s overall vibration. This will be seen in the coming months as you continue to do this work and recognize yourselves as the integrated ones, the changemakers, the lightworkers, that you always intended to be in this beautiful lifetime of ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 8

Ground Crew & Awakened Collective: This is How You Help – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very impressed with the way humans face adversity there on planet Earth, and we know that if you look around at your fellow humans, you could be impressed as well. You do know your own stories, of course, and you know the adversity that you’ve had to face and how you have triumphed in many of the challenging situations in your lives. But you don’t always know what someone else’s story is, and you may make an assumption about a person that is only an assumption because you cannot truly walk in their shoes and understand what type of cross they are bearing in their lives.
Therefore, it is important to start with the approach to other people that you’re simply not going to judge, and you will make an attempt to give them the benefit of the doubt regarding who they are, what they’re doing, what their beliefs are, the types of things they’re saying and posting. You cannot know what they are carrying, and what has been put upon them in this lifetime, and that is why it is so much more important to look for the evidence that your fellow humans are facing their challenges head on and doing their best to overcome the adversities they face.
Give everyone on Earth credit for being there right now, because it is a difficult place to incarnate, and it always has been. It is particularly hard to be there now because of the shift in consciousness that is occurring and all that has to be released in order to make that happen. You also realize that by releasing that which needs to be released within you, there is so much more joy to be had along the way. You can enjoy your journeys so much more when you are doing the work that is necessary, and when someone else is not doing the work, just realize that they eventually will. And if you can cut them that much slack, you can also find room in your heart for holding space for that person, and this can be the service work that you do.
This can be the way that you contribute when you don’t know how to contribute or what to contribute to your fellow humans to help them along in this process of shifting and growing and becoming. You as the awakened collective and the ground crew don’t always have a clear cut idea of what you are supposed to be doing to help. And yet, all you have to do is look around, not judge, cut other people some slack, and hold space for them, and you will get to that place where you can feel compassion and unconditional love for them.
Now, what do we mean by ‘holding space’? We mean that you can see a person doing the best they can and having some good fortune come their way. You can see a person having an awakening experience or finding joy in the little things in life. You can see a person getting everything that they need, both physically, and from the nonphysical, in order to thrive and in order to become their higher selves. You can hold that vision for them until they can hold that vision for themselves and truly actualize it in their reality.
There are, of course, many other things you can do for your fellow humans when you are presented with those opportunities, or when you are inspired, to help them in some way. And we know that because you are receiving this message right now, you are ready to play that role. We know that you have been waiting for this bit of advice in regards to those who have still not awakened, because we also see how hard it can be for all of you to walk amongst them and not know how to be of service. Sometimes you will attempt to tell them what you know, or send them an article or a video or something, and it doesn’t quite resonate with them.
And so, as you recognize that they have their own unique paths, and they have to walk them themselves, you can let go a little bit and trust that their team is on it. And as you hold space for them, you will feel better in the moment, and that is a good indication of when you are on the right track.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 7

Abilities You Need as You Close in on the 5th Dimension – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very appreciative of all of you who have decided to open yourselves up to us and to our energetic transmissions. We see you all as extensions of us, and we invite you to see us as extensions of you. We know that the connection becomes stronger between beings when there is focus, when there is desire, and when there is strong feeling. Therefore, we always get excited when another human starts to put their attention on us, and we especially love it when we can feel you all feeling our energy. It is a very good sign for the human being in question as well, because it means that you have raised your vibration to a level where we are perceptible to you.
This is something we want you to pay attention to as you move through your day there on Earth. If you ask yourself what you are putting your attention on, and whether doing so causes you to raise your vibration or lower it, that will be a key factor for you in determining whether that focal point of yours is serving you. Ask yourselves if you would want to merge with what you are focusing on, or whether you are just doing it out of habit, or because everyone else is focusing on that thing, that event, or that person. Really start to make a point of checking in with your vibration and with the choice that you are making in the moment in terms of your focus, your attention. It takes very little time to do this, and even less effort. It’s not even an action that we are suggesting you take.
Now, let’s say you find yourself focusing on something that doesn’t feel good to you, but that you have been habitually focusing on for quite some time. When you catch yourself focusing on that topic, that subject, or that person, just take a deep breath and let it go. You don’t need to figure out why you started focusing in that direction; you just need to release it in the moment that you catch yourself in that particular energy, that particular vibration. Now, if on the other hand, you find yourself focusing on something or someone that you like focusing upon, and you can feel your vibration rising up as a result, then take note of that so you can do it more on purpose.
And remember also that you need to be aware of how you are focusing on whatever it is. So if you are focusing on something that feels good to you, but then you shift your perspective to, ‘Well, I don’t have that in my life right now,’ or ‘Why hasn’t that person returned my last text, call or email?’ then you are going to find yourself lowering your vibration because of that choice to focus on the lack.
Stay with the essence, not the details of whether you have or don’t have whatever you’re focusing on. Stick with how the essence of that makes you feel, and notice your vibration rising up, and then it serves you. You have that ability to shift perspective, as well as shifting focal point, and these are abilities that you want as you get closer to the fifth dimension. They are abilities that you want to hone and to master, because everything will start to move faster and faster in your experience as you continue on into these higher-frequency energies. Pay attention. Make the adjustment. Make the choice. And live happily ever after.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 6

How to Access Your Higher Mind & Its Contents – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are certainly aware of how complicated life can be down there on planet Earth. We know how complex your physical minds are, and we know how those minds of yours can complicate things. We also know that conditions there on Earth can be very harsh, extreme, and oppressive, and we want you to know that we see and feel it all, even though we remain positive in our outlook and in our assessment regarding life there on planet Earth.
We advise you to take notice of when you are overcomplicating things with your minds, and when you are going down one of those very long and windy roads, get in the habit of stopping yourselves from continuing to engage in those mental gymnastics. Let go sooner rather than later, and you will benefit. Notice what you’re doing sooner rather than later and shift it. Release and use your breath to ground and center yourselves, to bring yourselves back into the present moment and back into your heartspace, which is where you belong.
Your heartspace is where the fifth-dimensional consciousness is already active and ready for you, and therefore, you have to look out for the games and the tricks that the mind will play with you in order to keep itself relevant. That’s all your minds do, all day, every day, is try to remain relevant at a time when you’re shifting into becoming beings that operate with a higher mind, a higher level of consciousness. You see, the mind is very good at fixating on what happened and how to avoid such calamities in the future. Your mind will create problems so that it has a problem to solve. And of course, your mind will also be very focused on the future, until that is, you train your mind to be focused on the present.
Being focused on the present will grant you access to your higher mind, and all the ideas, all the insights, all the inspiration that can come to you in that space. It’s all available to you in the present, when you’re grounded, heart-centered, and feeling balanced. You get out of balance when you’re focused too much on one thing, or on the past, or the future. Let go. Breathe. And relax into the moment, and everything will be taken care of, not just because you have helpers who can do things for you, but also because you will shift your vibration in that moment to one that is very close to, or in, the fifth-dimensional frequency range. And when you do that, you are at your most powerful, your most creative, and your most receptive to all of that help that is constantly coming to you from above.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 5

The 2 Most Important Things You Can Do Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are elated to find that so many humans there on planet Earth at this time are discovering their gifts and abilities, and we are even more ecstatic to see how many of those individuals are then sharing those gifts and abilities with others. This is a time when discovering your gifts is more commonplace, and even the sharing of those gifts has become something that more and more people are doing. If you are waiting around for your gifts to be perfect before you share them, then you will be waiting for a very long time.
You are all doing the best that you can with your gifts, and the people who benefit from your gifts the most realize that. They know that you are not now all-knowing and all-powerful, but instead, they see you as a facilitator. They will see you as someone who can help them to access the power that they have within themselves. When you share your gifts with others, you are also meant to inspire them to reach within themselves so that they too can access their gifts and abilities, just like you did. That is another great reason to share that which you are tapping in to at this time.
Now, those of you who still feel as though you have not accessed your gifts and abilities, be patient. Do not compare yourselves to others. Do not wonder why it’s taking you so much longer than it took that person over there to access what is inside of you. Instead, we recommend that you enjoy the journey. It is a journey that has so much more for you on it than just what is at the end of the rainbow, so to speak. And what you pick up along the way will also be what you share with others, as you help them to activate and access their spiritual gifts and abilities.
Now, we tell you to be patient, but we don’t tell you how long you will have to wait, because that differs from person to person, and also because you need to have faith in yourselves. And when you don’t know how long it will take you to access your gifts, but you keep going anyway, that is a demonstration of your faith in yourself. It is time for you all to recognize that everything does exist inside of you, and that when you take the time to go within, you can find it.
When you are following your bliss, it also tends to rise to the surface and show you all of the power and strength you have inside of you. Those are the two best things you can do right now. Go within, and then follow your bliss. Wait for that inspiration to come, and then take the action. And of course, be patient, and do not look for results right away, because again, you are meant to be enjoying the journey, not doing something to get you something else. The truth is, the rainbow will keep moving, and there will always be another pot of gold and another pot of gold, and you will keep ascending and evolving because really this is all about returning home to Source, and it always has been, and it always will be, no matter what timeframe you are in there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 4

This Is What Really Matters – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite capable of receiving all of your requests, even if they are all being made at the same time. That is one of the advantages to being a collective consciousness, and it is also one of the advantages of being nonphysical. You have two ears to listen with, but we have no ears, and yet, we can sense all. We take your requests as energy that we then are able to format in a way that it makes sense to us. That is what Daniel here is doing with our energetic transmission, and it is what we do with your energetic transmissions. This is how communication is happening on so many other levels than just words spoken or written, and you are receiving energies from above all the time, but many of you want to hear a little voice in your head so that you know exactly what you are receiving in that moment.
Others realize that there’s a subtlety to the communication that is happening from the higher-dimensional planes, because that communication starts out as energy, and those who are really tuned in can feel for those energies. That is what we suggest you do when you want to communicate with us, with other nonphysical, higher-dimensional beings and collectives, and with each other. Realize that what you are projecting energetically matters. It will be interpreted by whoever is receiving it. Make sure you clear whatever you need to clear out of your bodies, out of your systems until you feel that it’s no longer there, and then you can communicate with another more clearly. You can align your words and your intentions with your energy. You are projecting energy all the time, and it is the way in which you create your reality.
You want to pay attention to what energies you are receiving and what energies you are offering, because the time of being able to hide behind words that you don’t really mean is coming to an end. You are all becoming telepathic. You are all recognizing that you are energetic beings and that energy matters, and at the same time you are shifting your consciousness. When that shift is complete, everyone will know that they are communicating telepathically and energetically, and you will find less and less need for words. You will be energetic beings who vibrate on purpose, and you will know that you are. You will know what vibration you are offering.
Every time you process an emotion, you get closer and closer to being able to discern exactly what vibration you are offering in every moment. Make sure you are clear energetically, if you want to be clear in your communication, and clear in your offering to the universe of what it is that you truly want and need. The universe, and all of us within it, respond more to your energy, your vibration, than we do to your words, and even your thoughts. If you are going to speak a mantra, make sure that mantra aligns with the energy that you are offering. If you are going to think a thought, make sure that thought is in alignment as well. You are getting there, step by step, day by day, and you can practice all of this with us, because as we said, we are open to receiving from all of you all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 3

The 5 Steps to Creating Your Reality – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in the space of creation, and we are aware of what we are vibrating in every moment. Therefore, we are aware of what we are creating in every moment. This is a beautiful experience for us, and it is also an experience we have not always had. There have been times in our history when we were subconsciously creating our experience of reality, but over time we understood how to manage our vibration, and therefore, we mastered the art of offering a vibration on purpose, and that changed everything, literally.
Becoming aware is the first step to making changes in your lives. Accepting what you have been offering and creating is the second step. Relaxing into the feeling that you are having and emanating is the third step. The fourth step is choosing what it is that you want to offer to the universe and what you want to feel in the present moment. The fifth step is finding that vibration within you and activating it. You can think of your bodies as being filled with dormant and active volcanoes.
The active volcanoes can be so familiar to you that you don’t even realize they are there, and the dormant volcanoes can also be a part of you that you are unaware of because you’ve never felt or experienced their lava before. When you accept the active volcanoes, then you can decide whether you want them to continue to be active or not. You may have an active volcano within you of love. You may be very experienced at loving other people, animals, nature, the Earth and even e.t.s, but then self-love might be something you’ve experienced very little of, or none of, in this life. That would be one of your dormant volcanoes that you want to activate, and you can when you seek it out and discover that it too lies within your heartspace.
But if you’ve got an active anger volcano, and you’ve been angry for so long that you don’t even realize that you have a choice not to be, that would be something you would want to become aware of, accept, address in the proper way, and not have active all the time. Of course, anger serves a purpose, and so, you don’t want that volcano to become extinct. But dormant volcanoes can be activated when needed, and they don’t have to erupt and wipe out entire cities when they are activated.
We hope you like our little analogy here, because a volcano is what created the island of Maui, which the channel here lives on, and in fact, he lives on the volcano, which is now dormant. It is a very good analogy for many reasons, and the Earth is filled with these types of analogies. Nature teaches you in every moment, if you are willing to sit quietly and listen to her and feel her wisdom. We want you to know how beautifully set up this all is for you, and we want you to know that you can get to where we are without any more uncontrollable eruptions within yourselves. We also want to thank you for being there and being willing to experience so much energy and so much emotion, and we are very happy to guide you to the place where we are now, because we love to see any being becoming more aware and more in control of what they are vibrating and therefore creating.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

January 2

Is There a 5D Blueprint for Yourself & Humanity? – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to see so many of you exploring the different possible timelines that you have in front of yourselves, as we know quite a few of you have awakened to the truth that there is not one future for you or for all of humanity. And we see you getting more serious about focusing on the reality that you want to experience, rather than giving in to the idea that you have to experience a certain predetermined reality. Now, that may have been the case in all of your previous lifetimes there on Earth in the third dimension. Before you set out to live those lives, you may have created a blueprint for each and every one of them, a blueprint that you would stick to because you knew it served your consciousness to do so.
You knew that you had to have certain experiences to fill out your punch card, so to speak, but this is not one of those lifetimes. This is a lifetime where everything is shifting and changing, including how much of a say you have now that you are on Earth, about what happens next for you. Now, you may think to yourself that you can choose for yourself what’s going to happen next, but you may also believe that because humanity is shifting as a collective, certainly there must be experiences that you all have to have as a collective. But that is not the case. You are choosing which version of the collective you align with, and therefore, which future experiences you are going to have as a part of that particular collective, and you are doing this all the time.
Think highly of your fellow humans, and you get a better reality to experience with them. Look down upon your fellow humans, and you will continue to wonder why they keep messing everything up for the rest of you who are awake. You want to elevate everything, not just your vibration and your consciousness, but also your expectations for your fellow humans. See them as having all of these potential awakening experiences that they have yet to tap in to but that they are destined to experience themselves.
See the consciousness of the collective spiraling upward with you, and see yourselves as leading the way, but know that you are not in this all by yourselves as the awakened collective. Everyone is there to serve the experience of ascension in their own way. Everyone is there behaving exactly as you need them to behave to give you what you need in order to grow spiritually. You are the ones who are the changemakers, who will decide that the path for humanity can be a smooth, easy, and joyous one, as you help others awaken with your own level of consciousness, with the stories you tell about your own experiences, and with your ability to hold space for all of them, especially those who are lagging furthest behind.
If you saw them all as a part of yourselves, then it would be easier for you to see that they need you. They need your help; they need your positive expectations for them, and they need you to hold your vibration in the highest possible frequency, which you can only do when you are seeing them all as Source Energy Beings, instead of as the ones who are messing things up for the rest of you. That’s what you came to Earth to do, and we believe in you, even in those times when you don’t believe in yourselves. So call upon us for help in maintaining that vision, because we know that humankind as you experience it can experience the shift in consciousness in the most beautiful of ways.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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