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January 31

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Illusory Reality)
January 31, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about a different reality in which people live who follow the lead of the ruling elite.
This reality can safely be called illusory, since it is built by representatives of the deep state on the basis not of real events currently happening on Earth, but on the basis of those that they themselves have programmed for people and which are carried out by their puppets in power.
And since they are unable to stop the process of the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension – into a new era of its existence, which is the current objective reality, they are trying to create their own – subjective reality – one that slows down this process as much as possible.
They use all the levers of their influence – political, economic, financial, military, social – in order to keep the Earth in low vibrations, which are their usual breeding ground, for as long as possible.
But why do I call this reality illusory?
First of all, because it does not correspond to the current energy processes occurring on your planet, or, in other words, it does not fit into the new paradigm of its development.
The energies of high vibrations coming to the Earth are not able to resonate with the system of power and the world order on Earth that the Dracoreptiles formed and maintained for thousands of years.
Even duality itself no longer fits into the new value system that these high-vibrational energies carry.
As a result, a powerful energetic confrontation between two worlds has formed on your planet: the old outdated one, trying to stay afloat, and the upcoming new one, which is still in its infancy.
Something similar is happening now with the inhabitants of the Earth – everyone is attracted by vibrations to one of these worlds that his consciousness is capable of perceiving.
And the main problem is that people living in an illusory, outdated three-dimensional matrix are not ready to leave it due to the inertia of their thinking.
We have already talked a lot about how the consciousness of people was gradually introduced into such a spiritual “anabiosis”, how the memory of their Divine origin was drowned out in them, which led to a similar situation.
Therefore, now we will focus our main attention on how we can “disconnect” the group of hopelessly sleeping inhabitants of the Earth from the Ascension process as much as possible, so that they do not slow down this process.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 31, 2024

January 30

Father Absolute – Two realities (Single egregor of opposition to authorities)
January 30, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk in more detail about the energy processes occurring in two worlds that are increasingly moving away from each other, which have formed on Earth in recent months.
My recent messages have already spoken about the interaction of new energies with people of different vibrations.
But in fact, the same energy processes also occur with groups of people who are at approximately the same vibration level, the only difference being that new energies interact with the average vibrations of such a group, and not with the vibrations of each person individually.
We can say that now something like mini-egregors are being formed on Earth, each of which carries its own energetic and semantic load and interacts in its own way with new high-vibration energies.
To help you better understand what we are talking about, let’s look at this with specific examples.
To begin with, we will take a group of people who are fully aware of the tragedy of the current situation on Earth.
And although many of them know nothing about the Ascension of the Earth and the new energies, they understand perfectly well that the old system of power, subordinate to the deep state, is so rotten that no compromises with it are any longer possible.
These are the people who are not afraid to openly speak out against their governments on alternative news channels or even organize mass protests in their countries.
And in the name of their freedom they are ready to go to the end.
And although at first glance it may seem that some of them are defending only their material interests, most of these people still see the big picture, as well as the causes and consequences of current events on Earth.
After all, in fact, everything lies on the surface.
Dracoreptilians and their henchmen in power do not hide anything, often calling a spade a spade.
Therefore, it is not difficult for any sane person to compare their statements with what is happening in the world now.
And yet, each person involuntarily concentrates his attention on what is closest to him – what hurts him the most.
As a result, the general group of awakened people is also divided into subgroups based on interests, in which people concentrate on certain problems that modern society has to face.
The first collect evidence of the crimes of globalists related to so-called “vaccines”, the second study the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans, the third – the harm caused by genetically modified and other artificial foods, the fourth – the false and unjustified “green agenda”, the fifth – gender perversions and their influence on the child’s psyche, etc. and so on.
As a result of this, those same mini-egregors that I spoke about at the beginning are created.
They all vibrate at approximately the same frequency, which is explained by the common mental and emotional component of their energies, which is based on the search for truth and the desire to achieve justice.
And thanks to the common goal that unites all these people, a single egregor of opposition to the authorities is gradually being created.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 30, 2024

January 29

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Lines of Fate)
January 29, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic that is directly related to the events taking place on Earth.
Conventionally, it can be called “Two Realities”.
And this is what I mean by this expression.
Now on Earth there really are two realities that are increasingly moving away from each other.
One of them is the one in which the vast majority of the planet’s population lives, unaware of the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension and taking seriously everything that the official media presents to them.
In other words, this part of the inhabitants of your planet is ready to accept the reality that the representatives of the deep state offer them.
The second reality is the one that the awakened part of the Earth’s population has built for itself.
And it lies in the fact that these people will under no circumstances accept what the globalists are preparing for them.
They understand perfectly well that the existing system of relations between states, and even between people, has long outlived its usefulness and is leading to the death of human civilization.
They also see who is at the helm of power in most countries of the world and how these deep state puppets manipulate the minds of people through the media they control.
Thus, two groups of people were formed on Earth, each of which lives in its own world: the first – in the world of lies and deception, and the second – in the conscious, or real world.
And if over the past years the boundaries between these two groups have been blurred, now they have finally become clear.
And this happened because many of those who doubted, sought confirmation of their guesses, but did not fully believe that their governments could act so inhumanely towards their citizens, were now convinced of their fears thanks to numerous facts and evidence of the crimes of the ruling elite .
Thus, the “camp” of awakened people gradually replenished, having finally and irrevocably made their choice in favor of freedom from the policies of the authorities, which are becoming more and more absurd every year.
And these people will no longer turn away from their chosen path.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 29, 2024

January 28

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (In unity with the Earth)
January 28, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you another practice that will allow you to better feel your connection with the Source of Energy of Unconditional Love and at the same time feel your inextricable connection with the Earth, entering into a single vibrational rhythm with it.
Let’s call this practice “In Unity with the Earth.”
It is a kind of continuation of the previous meditation practice “Reunion with the Source of Light”.
Start with this, and at the moment when you feel the maximum expansion of your subtle bodies and your reunification with the Source, move on to the next step – the practice “In Unity with the Earth”.
Imagine yourself at the center of your planet.
Your chakra axis completely coincides with the chakra axis of the Earth.
You become one with it.
Wait for the moment when all your seven chakras begin to vibrate in a single rhythm with each other and in unison with the chakras of the Earth.
Since the Earth’s chakras are much more rarefied than yours, you will most likely feel them as a distant “echo” of your own vibrations.
But you shouldn’t concentrate too much on your feelings.
Each of you has your own level of perception of the subtle plane, so the main thing in this meditation is your intention to become one with your planet.
In this way, you ground the pure Energy of Unconditional Love, connecting both yourself and your Earth to the Source of Light.
Why is this so important?
Mainly because the physical body of the Earth is too polluted.
Despite the fact that with her subtle bodies she has already gone beyond the boundaries of the three-dimensional world, her physical body partially still remains in it.
And this body, wounded by the “fruits” of human civilization, needs your help, and you can very well provide it by grounding the pure Energy of Love through yourself.
This way you will thank your Mother Earth for the beauty and generosity that she has given people for so many millennia, and share with her the joy of the Ascension.
Unity with your planet – energetic and physical – is largely the key to your successful Transition.
Therefore, do this practice as often as possible, my dear ones, which will help you not only reunite with the Source of pure Divine Love, but also become one with your beloved planet, which, like you, is an integral part of this Source.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 28, 2024

January 27

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Merkaba from the Energy of Love)
January 27, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about how you can already constantly maintain your connection with the Source of Light.
Of course, this is much easier to do for those of you who are located away from big cities and numerous external stimuli.
Constantly being in nature, which, unlike humans, has never lost contact with the Divine Source, you only need to plunge into its energies and, merging with them, regain this lost connection.
But what should a person who does not have such an opportunity do?
How to stay on top in the energetic chaos of a big city, where the energies of the lowest vibrations reign?
And here the practice of the “Merkaba of the fourth dimension” can come to your aid, which will allow you, while physically being in the world of the third dimension, to simultaneously completely abstract from it.
It fits perfectly with the practice “Reunion with the Source of Light”, since it promotes a more harmonious connection to the Source of all your chakras and bodies, attuned to a single level of vibration.
To begin with, I advise you to practice the “Merkaba of the Fourth Dimension” practice until it becomes automatic.
Over time, “putting on” the Merkabah will only take you a few minutes.
And the second step could be the following.
Mentally connecting to the Source of Light and feeling its “flash” in your Crystal of Love, imagine that now your entire Merkabah radiates the Energy of Love on a Universal scale – pure and Unconditional.
You no longer consider the people around you individually, which means you do not make any judgments in relation to them.
Now you perceive them all as a single “landscape” or as earthly inhabitants, very different and strange, but where everyone has the right to exist, since they were created by the Creator.
Your Merkabah reliably protects you from the energies of low vibrations with which the three-dimensional world is full, which allows you, being in the epicenter of such “passions,” to radiate Love as pristine pure Divine energy.
This dual practice is not easy, my dears, but if you can master it, your life will change dramatically, and you will be able to easily stay in two dimensions at the same time, which is now becoming an urgent need for every awakened person.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 27, 2024

January 26

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Reunion with the Source of Light)
January 26, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue our conversation about the Energy of Love in its pure form, that is, Love not colored by human thoughts and emotions.
Why is it so important to feel this difference?
First of all, because it is in this energy that you will live in the Fifth Dimension, and the sooner you get to know it better, the faster your personal Ascension will occur.
And now I want to offer you a meditation practice, which we will call “Reunion with the Source of Light.”
Do it first as a meditation in a calm and relaxed state, but gradually you need to bring it to automaticity – so that you can use it on the go as needed.
So let’s start with meditation.
Surround yourself with a protective sphere, call on all your Heavenly helpers and enter a fairly deep meditative state.
And then imagine the Energy of Love as a Divine Source, emitting a dazzling Light, and yourself as its bright small particle descending to Earth.
You are connected to the Source by a clearly tangible energy channel through which the Energy of Love flows through your upper chakras and pineal gland, descends into the fifth chakra and ends its path in the fourth – in your Crystal of Love, which symbolizes that very piece of the Divine Source.
It flashes with such a bright Light that it can illuminate everything around for many hundreds and even thousands of kilometers.
You are a conductor of the Source of Light or, in other words, the Energy of Unconditional Love, which knows no judgment or comparison, since it no longer comes from you as a human person, but from the Universal Source of Light.
This is the energy of such high vibrations that it is capable of dissolving all the programs of the three-dimensional world, thereby raising you to a completely different level of reality.
Try to consolidate this state in yourself, feeling it with every cell of your body – with your whole being.
Most likely you will feel something similar to a ringing emptiness and at the same time extraordinary fullness.
“Emptiness” here serves as a protective shell from the energies of the three-dimensional world, which can manifest itself as a rather strong ringing in the ears and a feeling of the infinity of your existence.
And the filling with the Divine Light can be so strong that it will seem to you as if all your bodies, including the physical, have become so thin that they have engulfed your entire planet.
Now you are the Source of Light on Earth, pure and Unconditional Love, which knows no limits or boundaries.
From now on and forever you are reunited with this Source – eternal and inexhaustible.
Carry this Light further, share it with the whole world and with every person you meet, like the Sun that shines for everyone, without choosing those who can and who cannot withstand its dazzling Light.
And this, my dear ones, is that rare case when you do not need to leave meditation, but simply continue to live in it – in this new unearthly state of Boundless and Unconditional Love.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 26, 2024

January 25

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Immersion in the Energy of Love)
January 25, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, in continuation of my previous message, today I will tell you in more detail about what the difference is between earthly love and Universal Love as the most powerful of all existing energies.
Perhaps the closest feeling to Love as energy is the Energy of Gratitude, which vibrates in the same range as it.
Love and Gratitude always go “hand in hand”, since they cannot exist without one another.
And you can feel this especially strongly when you are in a beautiful, quiet place in nature, admiring its Divine pristine beauty.
Surely each of you can remember such a state when you were breathtaking from the amazing beauty of the landscape unfolding in front of you and the ringing silence.
Even the expression itself – “breathtaking” – says that at this moment you rise above all earthly feelings and find yourself in another dimension.
Your consciousness expands so much that it is already able to merge with the Energy of Love, which, unlike ordinary earthly love, is Unconditional and Limitless.
You admire this beauty without being distracted by the details, because you are fascinated by the ENTIRE view that opens up before you and which you can admire for hours.
And at the same time you are overcome with a feeling of gratitude for the fact that you have the good fortune to see this beauty.
This state of a person is immersion in the Energy of Love in its pure form, going far beyond the limits of his love for people, in which, to one degree or another, but still there is always convention.
But can a person also “soar in the Spirit” while being in the whirlpool of everyday affairs and among the motley crowd of a big city?
This is very difficult to do and is given only to those of you whose consciousness has reached the level of at least the Fifth Dimension.
Immersion in three-dimensional reality is always painful for an awakened person.
But if he learns to see the reality around him the way, for example, a diver sees the underwater world – in all its diversity, without judgment or criticism, perceiving any creature as God’s creation, then such a person will be able to stay in the vibrations of Unconditional Love and even envelop this crazy person with it. , an already obsolete three-dimensional world with all its inhabitants.
Only in this way, without plunging into this reality, but being ABOVE it, can you live now in the world of high dimensions, in which Love reigns as Energy, and not as an emotion characteristic of people.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 25, 2024

January 24

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Love as Energy)
January 24, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue the conversation about how you can use the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter in your daily work with dense energetic substances.
In fact, such a substance is any concentrated low-vibration energy “burst”.
So, for example, when people swear, sometimes their negative emotions form low-vibration energy clots of such strength that they themselves begin to feel them almost physically.
And a stranger entering such a room will also immediately feel it, even if these people remain silent in front of him.
This is especially felt by children who have a strong connection with the subtle plane and who suffer greatly when their parents quarrel.
They can even get sick, since their energetically pure body very painfully perceives such “blows”, which, penetrating the child’s aura, immediately descend to the physical plane, causing him this or that ailment.
And such processes are occurring especially quickly now, when the space-time parameters on Earth are changing due to the fact that new high-vibration energies are extremely rarefied.
Now let’s take another example, when people in a closed room radiate Love – Unconditional and Limitless.
And this is no longer earthly love for your loved ones, but Love-Energy – the strongest in the Universe.
Unlike dense negative energy, it is so rarefied that it turns the surrounding space into a boundless “ocean of Love”, and any person who finds himself in it is able to feel extraordinary grace, peace and tranquility.
The Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter is closest to such energy of Love.
And in order to use it for the benefit of yourself, the people around you and your planet as a whole, you need to learn to feel the difference between earthly Love and Universal Love – Unconditional and Limitless.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 24, 2024

January 22

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Low vibration energy substances)
January 22, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to talking about the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
Now that you already have an idea of how it interacts with people of different vibration levels, as discussed in my previous messages, we will look at how it affects various situations on your planet.
In fact, physical matter implies not only dense material objects, but also low-vibration energy substances, which we will talk about now in more detail.
What makes up any situation?
From energies, like everything else, or rather, from those energies with which people or any other living beings imbue it.
As a result, each situation also has its own level of vibration, consisting of the totality of vibrations of those who created it.
Therefore, in order to resolve any negative situation, first of all it is necessary to transform the negative energies into positive ones or, in other words, to raise the vibrations of this situation.
And now this has become possible not only thanks to your direct efforts, but also due to the participation in this process of the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter.
And each of you can test this in practice, starting with yourself and your environment.
As soon as you learn to change the reality around you, you will be able to use your skill on a global scale, influencing more effectively the world processes currently occurring on your planet.
So, in addition to visualization, which many of you have already mastered well, you will be able to use this energy to change the vibrational background of certain events towards the Light.
Let’s look at this example.
Let’s say the atmosphere in your work team is too heavy – the kind that they say that tension literally hangs in the air.
What is tension?
In fact, it is an almost material substance, which is formed from various types of negative energies of such strong concentration that, accumulating in a tight energy space, due to its density, it actually seems almost physically tangible.
Where did such an expression as “defuse the atmosphere” come from?
After all, it contains a deep meaning, and specifically an energetic one.
This tension hanging in the air can be discharged only by another type of energy, which carries high vibrations, which means it is DELIVERED.
And in this case, the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter is the best fit.
And if you, having called it, anchor it in this room, and even complement its action with your high-vibration thoughts and emotions, then the situation will quickly change.
Of course, the people who created it will not instantly turn into “angels,” but they will unconsciously stop generating negative energies that simply cannot withstand the Light of such a high concentration.
Thus, the processes occurring on the subtle plane will create a completely different situation, since the low-vibration energy substance formed from the total energies, almost physically felt by people, will be transformed into high-vibration energy.
And the more people with high vibrations are in such a room, the sooner the oppressive atmosphere will thin out.
Therefore, my dear ones, from now on you can call on the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter every time you feel the need to change the “heavy” energy background in any closed space.
Start with this, because this practice will allow you to see quick results, which means you will sooner believe in your abilities.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 22, 2024

January 17

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (The Origin of Telepathic Communication)
January 17, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about another manifestation of the energies of the Fifth Dimension in your life, which only a few of you can feel yet.
And we will talk about the emergence of telepathic communication, which has arisen recently due to the fact that the energy space of the Earth is becoming more and more rarefied.
As a result, people with a high level of vibrations, whose energy field is also rarefied, are able to interact with others at the level of thought forms.
Some people achieve this unconsciously, while others may already consciously use this ability as an auxiliary tool for communication.
Surely, at least once in your life, each of you has had it happen that as soon as you thought about some person, most often about one of your loved ones, he suddenly “responded” to your thoughts in one way or another: with a phone call or in some other way.
This is how the energy “channel of communication” works between people who are connected by close relationships, which is where the expression “Easy in sight” arose.
Now the situation has changed a little, and some people are beginning to read information from the Earth’s energy field.
And since at the same time the time parameters for the manifestation of the Laws of the Universe have changed on your planet, some people, sometimes even strangers, are able to interact with each other based on the similarity of vibrations.
This is exactly how unexpected and seemingly “random” meetings and acquaintances with like-minded and like-minded people happen.
Of course, not the least role in this is played by their Guardian Angels and Spiritual Guides, who send them all kinds of signs and tips.
And, as a rule, people with a high level of vibrations already pay attention to them, realizing that nothing happens by chance in life.
Thus, an energetic “lace” is woven on the subtle plane of the Earth, the “threads” of which connect kindred souls and help you find exactly those people who you need at the moment for further spiritual growth or for the implementation of your plans.
Or let’s take another example.
You are tormented by some question to which you yourself cannot find an answer.
And if your vibrations are high enough, then it is quite possible that your mental message will be “accepted” by someone from the representatives of the Forces of Light, and they will respond to it to you, sometimes in the most unexpected way.
The main thing is to be able to “hear” this answer and understand from whom it came.
And even communication with your own Soul is now reaching a completely different level thanks to the more rarefied energy space around you.
Therefore, my dear ones, be attentive to the little things: it is quite possible that they contain the answers to many of your questions that were sent to you telepathically from the subtle or physical plane.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 17, 2024

January 23

Virgin Mary – Spirituality Games
January 23, 2024

Hello my loves!
I come to you today to talk about how you can better tune in to the new energies whose vibrations no longer correspond to the three-dimensional world in which you still have to live.
You, my dear ones, have had a difficult test – to live simultaneously in different dimensions: with your consciousness in the fourth or fifth, and with your physical body still in the third.
But since the physical body and consciousness are inextricably linked with each other, such a discrepancy in vibrations often leads to energy imbalances.
Unfortunately, so far few people have managed to raise their physical body to the level of consciousness, since this requires extremely decompressing it and changing the biochemical processes occurring in it, which requires considerable effort on your part.
Therefore, most often the opposite happens – your consciousness drops in vibration to the level of your physical body.
And the main reason for this is that the human physical body loves to be pleased.
And there is nothing wrong with this, but only if you can find a middle ground, which means satisfying the reasonable needs of your body, avoiding excesses or asceticism, no matter what it concerns: food, drink, hygiene, physical activity.
Now it is very important to focus more on your consciousness, and if you manage to keep it at high vibrations, then the physical body will invariably begin to rise to its level.
I see that many of you attach excessive importance to external attributes, being carried away by one or another, at first glance spiritual, currents, systems, schools and practices, of which there are now a great many.
But all this does not replace communication with your Soul, and sometimes, on the contrary, drowns out your intuition, since it distracts your attention to all sorts of little things and paraphernalia that are imposed on you by these systems and the people who represent them.
In fact, these are the same tricks of the three-dimensional world, designed to keep you in the old reality as long as possible.
Now it is very important to organize your life in such a way that the true spiritual side of your existence prevails over everything else.
Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit for hours in meditation, renouncing everything earthly.
But still, try to recognize the tinsel imposed on you from the outside, even if it is presented to you under the guise of “purity” and “spirituality,” which happens quite often now.
Evaluate any event in your life and any person you meet from the point of view of the needs of your Soul – do they respond to it or cause doubts or even protest.
Listen carefully to the reaction of your heart chakra and always check the vibrations of the people with whom you communicate.
Pay attention first of all not to the words, which can be very beautiful and “spiritual,” but to your intuitive reaction, which often does not appear immediately, but as a kind of “aftertaste,” since during direct communication with a person the feedback from the Soul is somewhat dulls.
In short, my dears, do not succumb to the tricks of the three-dimensional world, which are sometimes very sophisticated and “adapted” to the needs of people who have taken the path of Service.
You no longer have time for these games, since events on the subtle and physical plane of the Earth are beginning to develop not just quickly, but rapidly.
Keep your vibrations high by focusing on your inner world and your true needs, which only your Soul can tell you.
I bless you and love you very much!
The Virgin Mary spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on January 23, 2024

January 16

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Legacy of Duality)
January 16, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the impact new energies have on your mental state.
Why do so many of you change your mood so often now?
And first of all, this concerns the topic of Ascension.
Joy or even euphoria is often replaced by complete apathy, faith in the imminent Transition by disappointment and annoyance because it has dragged on for years.
In fact, such changes are inevitable while you are still in the world of third density.
And even new energies are not able to so quickly dissolve the duality of your consciousness, which has been “nurtured” in it for centuries.
An even and harmonious state of soul can be found only when you finally find yourself in a unipolar world, at least with your consciousness to begin with.
And this can happen if your vibrations are already on the very threshold of the Fifth Dimension or, in other words, on the border between the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.
In the meantime, the majority of awakened human souls remain with their consciousness in the “border zone” between the third and fourth dimensions, and, depending on life circumstances, periodically “falling out” into the third.
This explains your frequent mood swings.
So what is the role of new high vibrational energies in this?
Currently, they are the “catalyst” of all your emotions, “highlighting” them to the utmost, so that it is easier for you to correct your state of mind, and therefore maintain a high level of vibrations.
And this help is invaluable, since it can be quite difficult for a person himself to track his reactions to turbulent events both in his personal life and on the world stage.
The spontaneous unconscious reactions embedded in his subconscious often set him back, despite all his efforts to keep his vibrations high.
Therefore, my dear ones, treat such swings in your mood as the last “exam” for spiritual maturity and as a test of your readiness for the final exit from the matrix of the three-dimensional world.
Learn to switch your attention from the bad to the good, of which there is always more in your life, and concentrate on it.
Thus, by lifting your spirits, you will not only raise your own vibration, but you will also anchor high vibrational energies for the entire Earth and humanity as a whole.
Now a period has come on your planet when every awakened Soul is literally worth its weight in gold.
And this is explained by the fact that thanks to the interaction of such souls with new energies, their abilities increase many times over, and therefore their influence on world processes and on the collective consciousness of humanity increases.
Realize your strength, my dears, and at the same time your responsibility to those who are still at the beginning of their spiritual path.
And may this knowledge help you more easily cope with the legacy of duality, which sometimes throws you back, lowering your vibrations.
As soon as you feel apathy approaching you, remember that this is how remnants of the past make themselves felt, to which you no longer want to return under any circumstances.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 16, 2024

January 15

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Phenomenon of Recognition)
January 15, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to draw your attention to one characteristic feature of your current reality, which few people yet notice.
And it lies in the fact that now many are beginning to intuitively sense the people around them on the energy plane.
Most often this happens at the “friend or foe” level.
In fact, this is how people sense not only energies close to them in vibration, but also belonging to a particular race or civilization.
So, even in a crowd, when they meet their gaze, pure human souls, reptilians, representatives of different civilizations, embodied in human bodies, “recognize” each other.
As a rule, they themselves cannot explain this sudden disposition towards a complete stranger.
And we are not talking here about the sexual attraction of men and women to each other, which is natural.
You can have this feeling towards anyone: a child, a young man or girl, an elderly person.
In fact, such recognition occurs at the level of souls, which see the subtle plan and unmistakably determine the “origin” of the soul of the person you meet.
And since the energy of the Earth is now changing rapidly, the subtle perception of people is also changing, as a result of which they can pick up the clues of their Soul much faster.
But usually people who are accustomed to thinking in material categories do not pay attention to this, attributing these sensations to an accident, a coincidence, an involuntary reaction – to anything, just not to the recognition of close souls.
But in fact, this is exactly how the new energies of the Fifth Dimension are manifesting themselves in your life right now.
Just as they introduce new time parameters into it, they gradually begin to remove the veil from your memory of your true origin, blocked at birth: from which civilization and from which dimension you came to Earth for your current incarnation.
For the inhabitants of the higher worlds, such recognition is quite common, since they instantly read information about every living being they meet.
But the fact that such an opportunity is now provided to people of the third dimension is a completely new and hitherto unknown experience for them.
True, so far few people have managed to take advantage of such an opportunity, and yet such people already exist on Earth.
Basically, these are those who have learned to accept information from the subtle plane and clearly hear the “voice” of their Soul.
Over time, more and more people will have such abilities, picking up the energetic “call signs” of related civilizations and souls.
But in order to quickly develop such abilities in yourself, try to listen more carefully to your feelings in relation to the people around you.
Now on your planet all the Laws of the Universe are manifested more clearly and in an “accelerated mode”, which means that close souls are attracted to each other much faster.
Thanks to this new phenomenon in your life, it will be easier for you to create Communes of Like-Minded People to build a new society on the Fifth Dimensional Earth, the foundation of which you can begin to lay now.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 15, 2024

January 19

Father Absolute – Until the cage slams shut
January 19, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about a topic that is pressing for many of you.
And we will talk about the prospect of life in the digital world, the signs of which are already surrounding you on all sides.
As you can see, many inhabitants of your planet perceive such a world as something inevitable and even progressive.
And this is explained by the fact that gradually and gradually you have been led to this model of existence for many years.
So, at first, people were accustomed to the fact that they were no longer paid wages in “real” money, transferring it to their bank accounts.
Then credit cards were introduced and popularized in every possible way, advertising the many advantages of this type of payment.
But all these innovations had far-reaching goals: weaning people off cash and transferring all types of financial transactions to a virtual world, invisible to the majority of the world’s population.
As a result, there are now very few areas of your life left on the planet where you can pay with your usual money the old fashioned way.
And what’s more: in some countries, restaurants, hotels and other service sectors are already refusing to accept cash.
Thus, the globalists have taken the first step in achieving their goals: almost all the funds of the Earth’s population are now under their control.
And now they are preparing to take the next steps in digitalization.
But this time they are encroaching on a person’s identity, trying to obtain information about his biological uniqueness, which is hidden even in the very name of this phenomenon – “biometrics”.
They measure all biological parameters of people: they take fingerprints, take photographs of faces, insert chips into people’s bodies, which allows government officials to completely control the physical state of their body.
And, as always, this is presented in a beautiful “wrapping” of concern for the safety of people and their everyday amenities.
Unfortunately, many young people who have not known another life – outside the digital space, easily fall for the bait of this cunning propaganda, obediently surrendering their bodies to the power of the ruling elite.
Many of them, not realizing the danger, rejoice, like children, in their “unlimited opportunities” to pay with their faces or hands, open locks using chips and other “toys” given to them by their “benefactors” from the authorities.
But they cannot even imagine how limited their capabilities will be when the “cage” into which the puppets of the deep state so skillfully lured them closes and they find themselves in complete and unlimited slavery.
With the help of the same “toys”, these recent “benefactors” will dispose of their consciousness and their very lives solely at their own discretion, depriving these people of the slightest opportunity to resist their power.
And now, my dear ones, you still have a chance to stop this crazy digitalization race that is gaining momentum around the world.
And this can only be done in one way – by massively refusing the “conveniences” offered to you before they become obligatory for you.
The “cage” has not yet slammed shut.
So take advantage of this, my dear ones, and express your clear intention both on the physical and energetic planes to finally break out of this “cage”.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 19, 2024

January 20

Father Absolute – Your conscience is clear
January 20, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today we will talk to you about how you can avoid the pitfalls of digitalization.
Let’s start with the fact that for now, most of you still have the opportunity to withdraw cash from your bank accounts.
But to do this, you need to make sure that they are on accounts available to you, and not on those that are blocked for a certain time, specified in special contracts.
As a rule, these are the target deposits on which you are charged interest and which are widely advertised by bankers.
In fact, there is a trap here, because in the event of extreme circumstances, your access to this money will be blocked.
In this case, it is better to sacrifice the small interest promised to you than to lose this money altogether.
In addition, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to have a certain supply of cash at home.
Now the situation in the financial sector can develop unpredictably, since all the levers of influence on people, all large banks and their branches are in the hands of representatives of the deep state, who will not give up their positions without a fight.
Your primary task at the moment is to prevent the state and bankers from transferring all your savings into digital currency, which essentially will no longer belong to you.
Monitor the situation carefully, share useful information with others, patiently explain to them what digitalization actually is.
This is very important, because the more people show their awareness of this issue and express their protest, the less chance the authorities will have of completing their planned reform.
Always remember that they are afraid of the people and act so aggressively only because people do not know the laws, and many do not even think about them.
For the ruling elite, the silence of the people is a sign of their agreement with the current changes.
But if the authorities see that people have figured out their plans and are not going to obey them, they will back down for fear of losing their warm places.
The same goes for biometrics.
As soon as the relevant services begin to receive mass refusals from it, they will understand that they will not be able to complete their program.
Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights.
Remember that there are many more of you than officials who are only executors of someone else’s will and live in eternal fear of not pleasing their superiors.
They are more vulnerable than you and are afraid of exposure, because each of them knows what he is doing in the name of personal gain and profit.
In other words, your conscience is clear, but theirs is not.
This means that your cause is just, and their actions are criminal.
Everything is in your hands, my dear ones, and as soon as you finally get rid of the fear of government officials of any rank, your life will flow differently: you will gain inner freedom and self-confidence.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 20, 2024

January 14

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Unequal battle)
January 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
To finish the conversation about the interaction of new energies with people of different vibrations, today I want to explain to you why a person who has already reached the vibration level of the fourth and even the fifth dimension often finds himself defenseless when surrounded by people with low vibrations.
And such situations arise quite often now, especially considering that the more time passes from the moment people are vaccinated, the lower their vibration level becomes.
As a result, in crowded places – in shopping centers, public transport, educational institutions, cafes and restaurants – the concentration of negative energies is such that, when entering this environment, a person, even with a very high level of vibrations, begins to feel bad.
And this is explained by the fact that his energy field, although extremely rarefied, is not able to withstand such a number of dense energy beings, which are people with a low level of vibrations.
The negative energies they emit literally “bombard” a person from all sides, and he is unable to dodge these “blows,” since all this happens on a subtle plane invisible to him.
He only feels mental discomfort, and sometimes physical malaise. And the longer he remains in such an environment, the worse he feels.
Why doesn’t his energy protection, which he usually puts on himself, work?
The fact is that, when entering an aggressive and alien energy environment, a person, even with the highest vibrations, turns out to be vulnerable due to the fact that he is alone.
This can be compared to an unequal fight, when a crowd of hooligans attacks one person and begins to beat him.
But this is exactly what happens on the subtle plane, when hordes of astral entities, seeing a stranger emitting Light that is dangerous to them, attack him “with their fists.”
In other words, they have the upper hand in the amount of low vibrational energies that fall upon a person’s pure aura.
So far, few people have been able to resist such pressure, since in such public places even the walls themselves are saturated with the energies of low vibrations, which aggravate the situation of the pure human souls who find themselves in them.
And all these energies are “impersonal”.
So, for example, if a person communicates directly with someone, he can monitor the energy situation, managing it and adjusting it if necessary.
But when he acts blindly, even if he understands that something needs to be done, the effectiveness of his work is reduced, and sometimes even reduced to zero.
Therefore, my dear ones, do not punish yourself for not being pure enough, since you are not able to withstand the low energies of the crowd.
But still try to avoid especially crowded places, which will help you keep your subtle bodies, and therefore your high vibrations, intact and safe.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 14, 2024

January 18

Father Absolute – When there is nothing to lose
January 18, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to draw your attention to some world events that will have a significant impact on your life in the coming months.
Many of you have probably noticed how arrogant and self-confident the behavior of the deep state puppets has become recently.
At first glance, it seems that they already believe so much in their victory that they do not consider it necessary to hide their true plans in relation to the population of the Earth.
In fact, their cynical and defiant behavior says the opposite: they have nothing to lose, so they went all-in.
And the calculation here is made on the average person, who is accustomed to unconditionally trust the official media, which shows people confident representatives of the ruling elite who make “beautiful” speeches.
But this time their plan will no longer work, since many people have now seen firsthand how the words of the leaders of their countries do not coincide with their deeds.
And proof of this is the sharp decline in the number of viewers of official news channels and the same sharp increase in people drawing information from alternative sources.
That is why representatives of the deep state have declared their top priority for this year to be the fight against “disinformation”, which in fact exposes their countless crimes of a political, economic, military, financial and social nature.
And if not everyone is able to understand the intricacies of the above-mentioned crimes, then the attack on universal human values is now in everyone’s sight.
Not a single person with a normal healthy psyche is capable of taking seriously gender perversions, which are not only not hidden, but are also imposed everywhere by force.
No normal parent can calmly watch how they are trying to legitimize pedophilia and cripple the psyche of their child with early sex education and forced sex change in secret from their parents.
Truly, cynicism, blasphemy and immorality towards the population of the planet have reached their peak on the part of the globalists.
All their deeds are gradually coming to the surface, including unprecedented statistics of deaths from the consequences of mass “vaccination”.
The perpetrators of these crimes see all this and understand perfectly well that there is only one way to stop the truthful information that has finally poured into society with an unbridled flow of facts and evidence of their atrocities: the most severe censorship and punishment of those “culpable” in disseminating the truth.
That’s what they are trying to do now.
And now humanity is faced with a choice: to submit to this lawlessness or to go to the end, defending its right to life and freedom.
And I believe that in this final decisive battle with the Forces of Darkness, the population of the Earth will win a convincing victory, regaining their self-respect and human dignity.
And I bless you for this!
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 18, 2024

January 14

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Unbending Core of Faith)
January 14, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Now that we have looked at how people with low and high vibrations interact with new energies, we will now talk about what energy processes occur in the subtle bodies of people whose vibrations constantly fluctuate depending on their state of mind.
These are the people who make up the largest segment of the Earth’s population.
When they feel good and joyful, their vibrations rise, but when these people fall into apathy or find themselves in a difficult life situation, their vibrations drop sharply.
But since new energies are now coming to Earth no longer in waves, as it was before, but in a fairly even flow, the interaction of people with unstable vibrations with them creates energetic chaos in the aura of the latter.
As a result, it becomes quite difficult for such people to achieve a harmonious state, since their subtle bodies do not have time to adapt to the new energies of the Earth due to constant “breakdowns” in the emotional, mental and causal bodies, which suffer most from the energies of the three-dimensional world.
By and large, in order to reach a stable level of vibrations, a person needs appropriate conditions: a quiet and calm life in nature, away from society and big cities, the energies of which have a detrimental effect on a person’s physical and mental state.
But so far few people have succeeded in becoming such “hermits,” which is why you, my dear ones, have to make enormous efforts to “stay afloat” of high vibrations and not allow the three-dimensional world to drag you “to the bottom” of low energies.
A very good auxiliary “tool” for maintaining vibrational balance in any conditions can be the “Unified Energy Center” practice, which balances the vibrations of all your subtle bodies, thereby creating a single energy field in your aura.
Do it every time you feel mental discomfort – it is precisely this that is a sign of the emergence of energetic chaos in your aura.
And, of course, carefully monitor which situations lead to your disharmonious state in order to avoid them in the future.
If it is not possible to avoid them, do everything to radically change your life: work, personal relationships, place of residence.
Don’t be afraid of new things. Now a period has come in the life of every awakened person when all the Forces of Light come to the aid of those who have expressed a clear and adamant intention to move with the Earth into the Fifth Dimension.
And the new energies filling your planet contribute to the fact that your desires, aimed at the good of your Soul and for the highest good of all, are now fulfilled almost instantly, since the Energy of Time on Earth is already vibrating at the same frequency with new high-vibration energies that carry temporary parameters of higher dimensions.
And in conclusion, I want to give you one more piece of advice.
Never despair if something doesn’t work out for you.
This applies to everything: both the physical and energetic sides of your being.
Life in the three-dimensional world is too unpredictable, complex, and sometimes cruel for pure and bright Souls who came here from higher dimensions.
But everything will change very quickly as soon as the global Disclosure and mass Awakening of humanity begins.
When this happens, all your troubles and misfortunes will dissolve in the bright “rays” of Truth and Unconditional Love.
It will seem to you that you have thrown off the heavy “garment” of old low-vibration energies and have finally put on new beautiful “clothes” of Light and Love.
But for this to happen, it is necessary to maintain within oneself a strong and unbending “core” of Faith that the Transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension is inevitable, and to do everything to speed up this Transition.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 14, 2024

January 13

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Mutual enrichment of worlds)
January 13, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, let’s now talk about how the new energies now coming to the Earth affect people whose vibration level corresponds to the fourth or even fifth dimension.
Since the subtle bodies of such people are already quite rarefied, they quite easily interact with the same rarefied energies of the Fifth Dimension.
As a result, their interpenetration and at the same time mutual enrichment occur.
What is their mutual enrichment?
The energies of the Fifth Dimension bring into the subtle bodies of people, and therefore into their consciousness, the generalized experience of life of the inhabitants of this high-vibration space.
And people who have managed to achieve such a high level of vibration, while physically still in the three-dimensional world, anchor these energies, thereby adapting them to the surrounding space.
Thus, they balance the vibrations of these worlds, which are so different from each other, allowing the people around them to more easily tolerate such a significant difference in vibrations.
At the same time, through the energies of the Fifth Dimension they receive, these people unconsciously share with the inhabitants of the higher worlds the experience of their spiritual ascent in the difficult conditions of living in the three-dimensional world.
This is explained by the fact that any energy contains not only vibrations, but also encoded information about each of its carriers, which the inhabitants of the worlds of higher dimensions are able to read – decipher.
In this way, there is an exchange of experience between the inhabitants of the Earth and their Galactic brothers and sisters from higher dimensions, and hence their spiritual mutual enrichment.
But now you can use this opportunity consciously.
Remember that representatives of such highly developed civilizations as Andromeda, Arcturus, the Pleiades, and Sirius have already suggested calling on their energies.
Anyone who has already developed a subtle sense of energy will be able to perceive the vibrational characteristics and nuances of each of these civilizations, although they will all vibrate no lower than the sixth or seventh chakra.
And the specificity of the current situation on your planet is such that the new energies that are now coming to Earth contain the vibrations of all these civilizations, since they all provide all possible assistance to humanity in the Transition.
In this way, an energy exchange occurs between them and earthlings who have managed to rise to the vibration level of at least the fourth dimension.
Therefore, when you find yourself on the Earth of the Fifth Dimension and meet your Galactic brothers and sisters, you will recognize them by vibrations that are already familiar to you, which will greatly facilitate your communication and getting used to the new reality for you.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 13, 2024

January 13

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Energetic dissonance)
January 13, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about the impact that new energies can have on you, the vibrations of which have increased noticeably in the first weeks of this year.
They can influence someone positively, while others may experience discomfort from them both physically and mentally.
It all depends on what the level of your own vibrations is at the moment and what your general physical condition is.
And now I will tell you in more detail what energy processes occur in your body and in your subtle bodies in direct contact with such energies.
For clarity, let’s consider two extremes: a person with low vibrations and a person whose vibrations have already reached the level of the fourth or even fifth dimension.
So, what happens to people who vibrate no higher than the third dimension?
Since new energies come from the Fifth Dimension, their gap in vibrations with these people is enormous.
The subtle bodies of these people are compressed so much that they almost merge with their physical bodies, so the most rarefied new energies are not able to interact with them directly and pass by these people just as the wind bends around the stones that are in its path.
And yet these people experience discomfort when they are in the energy field of high vibrations.
Why is this happening?
First of all, because a habitat alien to them is formed around them.
This can be compared to what climbers experience on the top of a high mountain, where the air is so thin that it becomes difficult for them to breathe.
As a result, people whose vibrations do not go beyond the third dimension begin to experience not only physical, but also mental discomfort, since new energies deprive them of their usual “food” in the form of negative energies in which they are accustomed to living.
And although the media and their very way of life try to supply them with such energies, they are still indirect in nature, and the new energies in which these people are physically have a direct impact on them.
As a result, people experience physical and energetic dissonance due to the huge difference in vibrations of their usual state and the unconscious new one.
This is a kind of cognitive dissonance, but on an intuitive – energetic – level.
This is why so often people with low vibration levels feel very uncomfortable in the company of high vibration people, although they cannot explain the reason for this.
Moreover, this can even affect their physical condition, since any emotional discomfort sooner or later “descends” to the physical plane of a person in the form of certain ailments.
Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that people with very low vibration levels will begin to leave the Earth quite quickly, “pushed out” by the new energies of the Fifth Dimension that will continue to fill your planet throughout this year.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 13, 2024

January 12

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Potential Participants of the Transition)
January 12, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today I want to dwell on another group of people who cannot yet be classified either as awakened or as those who have realized reality.
These are the people who, thanks to information widely disseminated on the Internet, are already well aware not only of the deep state and its proxies in power, but also of the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension.
They are even able to understand how this knowledge relates to each other: that the globalists are in such a hurry to implement their plans precisely because the vibrations of the Earth are steadily increasing.
But what they are not yet able to understand is their role in this process, because they consider themselves little people, powerless to change anything.
It is from them that you can hear such phrases as “We still can’t do anything”, “Nothing depends on us”, “Everything is decided at the top” and many others, which in fact are not at all harmless.
After all, by uttering such phrases, these people thereby express their firm intention not to interfere in the processes taking place in the world, which means, albeit unconsciously, they are “grist to the mill” of the globalists.
And the trouble is not even that they do not participate in protests on the physical plane, but that they slow down the process of the Ascension of the Earth energetically – emotionally and mentally.
The more people express their submission to the criminal plans of the Dracoreptiles in this way, the longer they keep the collective consciousness of humanity captive in the programs of the three-dimensional world, the main of which are slave psychology and admiration for authorities.
Thus, even fully aware of the monstrous future the globalists are preparing for them, who are rapidly implementing their program to enslave humanity, and condemning this program, they nevertheless give their consent to it, recognizing the strength of the ruling elite and their own powerlessness.
Why does this happen to such people?
First of all, because they do not feel like parts of the Creator – for them it is rather a metaphor rather than reality – something sublime and unattainable.
In order for such an understanding to enter the flesh and blood of a material person, he needs evidence and specific examples.
And only he himself can receive them, developing energetic feeling in himself, but, most importantly, living in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, which allow a person to practically know himself as a being of a higher order.
Only in this way can he trace, using examples from his own life, as well as the lives of the people around him and even entire countries, the cause-and-effect relationships of all successes and failures, joys and misfortunes, victories and defeats and much more that life in the three-dimensional world consists of.
It is precisely such people who have realized reality, but have not yet joined the truly awakened ones, that can be characterized as potentially ready for the Transition.
And as this group of people, believing in their strength, expresses a clear intention to live on the new Earth of the Fifth Dimension, and all their internal aspirations will be directed precisely towards this, everything on your planet will begin to change, submitting to the Free Will of the awakened part of humanity.
Keep track of such people, my dears.
Help them become spiritually stronger so that they can join your ranks as soon as possible, thereby tilting the “scales” towards the Light.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 12, 2024

January 10

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Awakened and Realized Reality)
January 10, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you a clearer definition of who an awakened person is.
This word has become so common that its original meaning has become a little lost.
In fact, an “awakened” person is a person who has fully realized his Divine origin and the entire illusory nature of the three-dimensional world in which he is still forced to reside.
Such a person begins to see the true essence of current events both in his own life and on the planet as a whole and, first of all, realizes their cause-and-effect relationship.
He truly becomes an outside observer, able to go beyond the three-dimensional world with his consciousness and evaluate everything that happens, no longer based on momentary interests, but from the point of view of Divine expediency, even if it seems cruel and illogical to an ordinary person.
But subsequently, every person who opposes the System in one or another of its manifestations began to be called “awakened.”
Of course, this is already wonderful, since the more people see the monstrous plans of the ruling elite, the sooner its crimes will be exposed.
And yet, such people cannot be called “awakened”, since they are internally tuned to struggle and tough opposition to the authorities, which are invariably based on energies such as revenge, aggression, hostility, condemnation, which carry vibrations of the same three-dimensional world.
These people can be described as “realized”, which is only the first step towards awakening.
And then everything depends on the individual qualities of the person himself: on the age and purity of his Soul, on his desire for spiritual knowledge, on his energetic sensitivity and many other – non-material – characteristics of his personality.
Therefore, my dear ones, you need to clearly understand that only those “awakened souls” whose vibrations have reached the level of at least the fourth dimension are capable of accelerating the transition of your planet to the Fifth Dimension.
These people, having “pushed” their consciousness away from the dense energies of the three-dimensional world, “surfaced” in another world and will not return back to the third dimension, the experience of which they have already successfully passed.
And now much depends on how quickly pure human souls from the category of “realized reality” can move into the group of “awakened ones”, expanding the horizons of their knowledge of the world and realizing their limitless possibilities as Divine beings.
The spiritual awakening of these people will help raise their vibrations, and therefore allow them to join the ranks of the true awakened ones.
And you can help them with this, which has already been discussed a lot in my messages.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 10, 2024

January 9

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO A NEW WORLD (Liberation of the Pineal Gland)
January 9, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you in more detail about the pineal gland and its role in your life.
Its activation requires special attention from you, since it is your main “antenna” that receives high vibration energies.
And Dracoreptiles know this very well.
That is why they did everything possible to deprive you of this most important of all your subtle senses and drown out your connection with the Creator and your own Higher Divine Aspects.
And now, to regain this ability, you should make a lot of effort.
You have to free your pineal gland from the “shell” of oblivion in which it found itself due to the influence on it not only of negative energies and programs of the three-dimensional world, but also of various “man-made” elements and chemicals with which your food and medicines are stuffed and personal hygiene products.
In recent years, you have been helped in this by new high-vibration energies coming to the Earth, which are gradually freeing the human pineal gland from the dense energies of the third dimension, in which it was captured.
But you have to complete this work yourself.
And you can do this by raising your vibrations, which will speed up the process of “unpacking” it from the inside.
To do this, I want to offer you a practice that we will call “Releasing the Pineal Gland.”
But you can start it only after you have already fully activated your upper chakras – the sixth and seventh, since it is with them that your pineal gland is most closely connected.
And that’s what this practice is all about.
Place a protective sphere on yourself, call on your Heavenly helpers and enter a fairly deep meditative state.
Try to really feel your sixth and seventh chakras.
To do this, you can use the practices to activate them, which were given to you in the two previous messages.
Then mentally connect the sixth and seventh chakras energetically, thus drawing one of the lines of your “Golden Triangle”.
Wait until both of these chakras begin to vibrate in unison.
And only after that connect them with your pineal gland, thereby completing the “geometry” of your “Golden Triangle”.
Feel how your pineal gland is filled with the combined energies that radiate from your upper chakras, and how the “shell” that binds it from the dense energies of the three-dimensional world gradually dissolves.
Try to catch the moment of her release…
This will feel like a small energy “explosion”, and most likely you will feel a warmth spreading in the back of your head.
After some time, your entire “Golden Triangle” will pulsate in single vibrations, and you will feel extraordinary lightness in your Soul and throughout your whole body.
This is how the final chord of the trinity of your subtle senses can manifest, connecting you with the Divine aspects of your being.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 9, 2024

January 8

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Channel of communication with the Creator)
January 8, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will continue the conversation about how you can “develop” your upper chakras.
Once you begin to feel the sixth chakra during your meditations or sending Unconditional Love to all life on Earth, in your Galaxy and in the Universe, you can move on to the next step: activating your seventh chakra.
It is she who connects you with the Creator.
And since you are all parts of it, at the same time it connects your Soul with its other higher aspects: the Divine Self and the Mother Soul.
In other words, the seventh chakra of a person is the highest manifestation of his Divine essence.
Therefore, its activation is available only to those of you who have already reached the level of full awareness of your Unity with everything that exists on Earth and beyond, as well as the understanding that Love rules the world, being the most powerful energy in the Universe.
But never forget that ONLY YOU YOURSELF can “unseal” your communication channel with the Higher aspects of your being – no one can do this for you at any cost.
Only by achieving a stable vibration level of at least the fourth dimension can you overcome the barrier that separates you from the three-dimensional world.
So, if you are already well aware of all your chakras up to the sixth and feel that you are ready for the next step, try the following meditation.
Having placed a protective sphere of the Fire of Universal Love on yourself and calling upon all your Heavenly helpers, ask your Higher Self to connect with your Divine Self.
Listen carefully to how you feel in your crown chakra.
If you experience them, even subtle ones, then ask your Divine Self to connect with your Mother Soul.
And if you are really ready for this, then your sensations will intensify, in one way or another letting you know that such a connection has occurred.
But be very careful not to take wishful thinking.
If you have truly connected with your Higher Aspects, these sensations will be precisely on the seventh chakra and higher, without going beyond it.
If any sensations arise around her, then it is quite possible that astral entities are manifesting themselves in this way, which quite often happens to people who strive to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible.
If you did everything correctly, then most likely you will have the feeling that you are literally being “pulled” upward through the established energy channel of communication with your Mother Soul.
In any case, these will be very strong sensations of Divine connection with the source: it is as if you will be enveloped in a “veil” of Unconditional Love of such strength that you have never experienced in your life.
If your sensations are the tricks of the astral, then you will only feel touches on your etheric body in the area of ​​the head, which the entities of the higher astral do quite well.
Be vigilant, my dear ones, and do not rush to achieve what you are not yet ready for.
Always remember that energy work is a very subtle thing, fraught with a lot of pitfalls that have already forced many pure and ancient souls to turn away from their chosen path.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 8, 2024

January 7

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (“Awakening” of the sixth chakra)
January 7, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to give you some tips on how you can “awaken” your upper chakras and pineal gland.
It would be best to start from the familiar sensations that you are already accustomed to experiencing in the area of your lower chakras.
And to do this, try to evoke such sensations consciously.
It is best to use your fourth and fifth chakras for this, as they are the most neutral and do not require negative thoughts and emotions for such verification.
So where can you start?
Think with Love about your closest and dearest people and listen carefully to how your fourth chakra responds to this.
Remember this feeling or even try to “play” with it: for example, energetically “spin” this chakra, increasing the radius of its action.
Your main goal is to feel how one of your “fine settings,” which is the heart chakra, responds to the energy of Love.
Then try to remember your favorite places in nature, and maybe one of your pets – a cat or a dog.
And again, listen to how your fourth chakra reacts to them.
Learn to consciously evoke these sensations and even control them, strengthening or dampening them with the power of your intention.
Such an exercise can be very useful for you, because thanks to it, the presence of not only physical, but also subtle sense organs will turn for you from theoretical into practical knowledge.
You can do the same with your fifth chakra, remembering something unsaid or completely unspoken once – about what remains in your Soul as something unfinished in a relationship with some person.
Feel the reaction to this state of your fifth chakra and remember it well.
And only after you have brought your interaction with the fourth and fifth chakras to automaticity, clearly capturing their reaction to your thoughts and emotions, can you move on to activating your sixth chakra.
But in order to feel it properly, it is necessary to renounce all thoughts and emotions of the three-dimensional world and express an intention of a higher order – universal or even universal.
Try to imagine Love in its pure form – Boundless and Unconditional – for everything that exists on Earth, for any living creation with all its inevitable weaknesses and shortcomings in this world.
Envelop the entire Earth and all its inhabitants with your Love.
Someone can imagine it in the form of a soft blanket or a light airy cloud – as your imagination tells you.
And try to catch what is happening with your sixth chakra at this time – how it reacts to your powerful message of Love.
You can strengthen this message by spreading it throughout your Galaxy and even throughout the Universe if you feel the need.
But the main thing is that this Love must already go beyond the framework of the three-dimensional world, beyond the framework of a specific person or other creature.
And then your sixth chakra, which is precisely the bridge connecting the third density with higher dimensions, will definitely respond to the flow of energy of Unconditional Love emitted by you.
Even if it is a barely noticeable reaction in the form of spreading heat in the area of your “third eye” or its slight pulsation, this will already mean that you have achieved your goal and “unsealed” your sixth chakra.
But try to carry out these practices calmly, without excessive enthusiasm, because you already know that any excessive emotions always carry low vibrations.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 7, 2024

January 6

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Chakras as energy resonators)
January 6, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
My message today is addressed to those of you who doubt your abilities because you cannot yet clearly sense the energies that you are calling upon.
As a rule, this applies to those people who do not yet feel their chakras.
But it is the chakras, being the subtle sense organs of a person, that are “receivers” of all types of energies.
Just as you experience the taste and smell of food through your physical senses, your chakras pick up the vibrations and specific characteristics of each of the energies with which you interact.
And the higher you climb the vibrational “ladder,” the more subtle and “refined” energies you are able to capture.
Each of your chakras represents an element of attunement to a particular energy.
So, for example, if your lower chakras easily resonate with the energies of fear, aggression, sexual desires, self-affirmation, power and many other energies characteristic of the three-dimensional world, with which over many of your incarnations you have almost become “intimate”, then the Divine energies, which are now coming to Earth are new and unusual for you.
Without realizing it, you almost physically feel the reaction of your lower chakras to the energies of the three-dimensional world.
It’s even reflected in your language.
Remember the expression “sucks in the pit of the stomach” when you are experiencing severe anxiety or nervous tension, and this is where the third chakra is located, which thus reacts to your condition.
When you feel sexually attracted to someone, your second chakra responds with butterflies in your stomach.
Many people’s “heart skips a beat” out of fear for themselves or their loved ones—this is how your fourth—heart—chakra reacts to this energy.
And others “take their breath away” from rage or indignation, which indicates that their fifth chakra is experiencing enormous stress from a surge of negative energies.
Why am I listing all these sensations that are well known to you?
Only so that you understand how your subtle senses interact with various types of energies with which your life is full.
But now the time has come for new energies that your upper chakras and pineal gland can catch and accept.
And in order to develop this ability in yourself, you need to start from the sensations that are already familiar to you, which will help you understand the interdependence and inextricable connection between the physical and subtle aspects of your being.
If you are truly in a harmonious and calm state, having gotten rid of all the thoughts and emotions of the three-dimensional world, then tuning into the energies of Love and Gratitude will no longer be difficult for you.
After all, these are the most natural energies for a person – what constitutes his true essence, and everything else is the programs of the three-dimensional world artificially introduced into his life, which have been introduced into the consciousness of a person for centuries in order to deprive him of the memory of his natural Divine essence.
Therefore, my dear ones, in order to develop a sense of high-vibrational energies, you must first learn to feel your upper chakras, to fully reveal their capabilities, which have been “sealed” for so long by low-vibrational energies and programs of the three-dimensional world.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 6, 2024

January 5

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Goals and intentions in meditation)
January 5, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to return to the conversation about the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter and talk to you about its features.
As you already know, this Energy is only available to those people who have already activated the sixth and seventh chakras, as well as the pineal gland.
But what happens when this Energy is called upon by people with a fairly low level of vibration?
If these people vibrate on the lower chakras – no higher than the third, then she simply “will not hear” them.
If a person, with his vibrations, has already steadily reached the level of the fifth chakra, and during meditation “reaches” the sixth, then this Energy begins to gradually interact with him.
But there is one very important nuance here, on which the effectiveness of working with this Energy depends.
For what purpose does a person call upon the Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter?
In fact, these can be a variety of goals, ranging from personal to universal.
And here everything depends on the level of a person’s consciousness, his perception of the world and himself.
If exclusively personal goals are put at the forefront: regaining health, youth and beauty, then the effectiveness of interaction with this Energy is significantly reduced.
But if a person first of all thinks about the transformation of the planet and humanity as a whole, about the purification and revival of nature, the animal world – in a word, about the complex process of the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension, when it throws off its physical “shackles” and acquires completely different ones – Divine – parameters, then your meditation will reach a different level of the Universal scale.
And you, as an individual person and at the same time as a particle of this integral process, will join the flow of Energy of Transformation of Physical Matter into Light Matter and, anchoring it on Earth, turn into a constant source of its distribution.
This way, you will not only get the maximum benefit from interacting with it, but at the same time you will begin to generously share it with others.
Believe me, this intelligent Energy will definitely find those who are able to interact with it, even if these people know nothing about Ascension, but whose souls are pure and Divine in nature.
You can create for yourself any formulation that is close to you, which will be based on the intention that this high-vibration Energy fills with its Light all living things on the planet that are ready to receive it.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 5, 2024

January 4

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Energy of personal hygiene)
January 4, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to tell you in more detail about the energies that you call for yourself personally: to cleanse your energy space and protect it from all types of negative energies.
Conventionally, they can be called “Energy of personal hygiene”.
Unlike global meditations, when you work, for example, with your planet as a whole or the collective consciousness of humanity, these energies are a kind of “ambulance” for you, designed to restore your chakras and subtle bodies that suffered “on the battlefields” of the three-dimensional world.
These include, first of all, the Energy of the Great Central Sun and the Fire of Universal Love.
Despite the fact that these energies are of very high vibrations, they are more capable than other Divine energies of adapting to the human vibrations of the three-dimensional world.
And this is explained by the fact that they carry within themselves the Element of Fire, which “burns through” the space separating the worlds of high and low vibrations.
But you call on these energies for help precisely when you feel that your vibrations are falling as a result of various kinds of energy attacks.
But still, there are certain limitations here.
Thus, these fiery energies are able to interact only with those people whose vibrations do not fall below the fourth chakra, but in the normal state they have already reached a stable level of the fifth and sixth chakras.
These energies can no longer “break through” to people who vibrate no higher than the third chakra, since the consciousness of these people is completely immersed in the world of the third dimension.
How does the Energy of the Great Central Sun and the Fire of Universal Love affect your energetic space, as well as your chakras and subtle bodies?
They always work precisely and very carefully so as not to violate the Laws of the Universe.
So, for example, if energy attacks on subtle bodies come from the person himself as a result of his negative thoughts and emotions, such “breakdowns” in them will have to be “patched” by the person himself as his “work on mistakes.”
If the danger comes from the outside – from astral entities, Dracoreptiles, reptilians or other low-vibration creatures – due to the Light work carried out by a person, and his vibrations in everyday life are consistently high, then both of these energies are capable of clearing the energy space of this person from alien invasion in a short time.
At the same time, it is very important, when calling on these energies, not to experience fear, aggression or even irritation towards low-vibration beings, understanding that this is their essence and they simply cannot be anything else.
Of course, the reasons for energy attacks can be very different, even magical effects, and yet, for maximum protection from Divine energies, a person needs to maintain the proper level of vibrations, which is only possible when he himself does not allow negative thoughts and emotions into his energy space .
Working with energies is always a collaborative effort, and the higher your vibration, the more high vibrational energies you can call upon.
And do not forget, my dear ones, to thank them, since the energies of Love and Gratitude are the most powerful in the Universe.
Share them generously with the world around you, including with Divine energies, who are always happy to come to your aid.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 4, 2024

January 3

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Inner state during meditation)
January 3, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to continue the conversation about practices and meditations and explain to you in more detail what happens on the subtle plane during them.
This will help you understand what exactly and how affects their effectiveness.
Whatever meditation or practice you carry out, the main criterion for its success is your harmonious inner state.
Since during meditation you call on Divine energies, the level of vibrations of which goes beyond the three-dimensional world and corresponds to the fourth or fifth dimension, then your own vibrations must be close to them, otherwise you will not be able to resonate with them.
Therefore, I often remind you that you should always begin meditation in a calm and harmonious state.
Of course, more often than not, Divine energies simply do not respond to the call of a person with a low vibration level, because they cannot “get through” to him.
But it happens that a person with a high level of vibrations, unsettled by some external circumstances, conducts meditation out of habit, not paying attention to his current state.
Divine energies also come to him “out of habit”, since a fairly strong communication channel has already been established between them, but in this case, on the subtle plane, they can no longer coincide in vibrations, as a result of which energetic “separation” occurs.
So, for example, a person who is already vibrating stably at the sixth or even seventh chakra calls on the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-Dimensional Matrix.
She comes to him, as always before, but for some reason the person himself suddenly “fell” into three-dimensionality, which means his vibrations also fell – to the fifth, and maybe even to the fourth chakra, which sometimes happens with people still living in the three-dimensional world.
What happens in this case?
A person asks for energy to dissolve the three-dimensional matrix in which he is currently completely immersed.
But as a result, no matter how long this person meditates, this time he will not be able to resonate with the Dissolution Energy of the Three-Dimensional Matrix, since his upper chakras and pineal gland are inactive at this time.
Probably, some of you have already encountered such a situation when it seems to you that you are calling for energy, but it does not come.
And it really doesn’t come, because you are not ready to accept it, which means there will be no benefit from your meditation.
But when you are “at the height” of your vibrations and in complete harmony with yourself and the world, Divine energy instantly responds to your call.
And then you create a powerful energy flow, which, being anchored by you on Earth, is then directed along the channel you have established in the direction and with the goals that you set for it.
Thus, the greatest effectiveness of your meditation can be achieved only when your own vibrations match as closely as possible with the vibrations of the energy you call upon.
That’s why I asked you in my recent message to determine your “starting point,” that is, to find the energy with which you can conduct the most effective meditations and practices.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you.
Channeled by Marta on January 3, 2024

January 2

Father Absolute – WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (Effectiveness of practices and meditations)
January 2, 2024

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to talk to you about your attitude towards practices and meditations – about how rationally you use them.
By “rational” I mean their effectiveness both for yourself and for humanity as a whole.
I see that many of you have a certain bias in this matter in one direction or another, which negatively affects the result.
Hundreds of practices and meditations have been given to you on this site, so many of you find it difficult to navigate and understand which ones you should do.
So what should you be guided by first?
First of all, listen to your intuition.
Surely, every time you receive a message from the Forces of Light with another meditation or practice, you feel how it responds in your Soul.
Each of you is unique in your perception of the world.
Some people need clear instructions and serious, deep meditations, which they perceive as a guide to action.
And others prefer simple “working” practices based on the play of imagination and childhood fantasy.
Therefore, if people with a logical mindset and a serious attitude towards life begin to do “game” practices that are unusual for them, the result will be disastrous: they will not bring the desired result, since energetically they will not coincide with the personality of this person.
And vice versa, if a person who perceives the world easily and cheerfully begins to force himself to do meditations that are too serious and long for him, his vibrations will not resonate with them, which means that these meditations will not be effective.
Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to when you start doing a new practice is how much it resonates with you: does it bring you joy or irritation, do you succeed in it the first time or do you have to make an effort to carry it out.
And the second thing I want to draw your attention to.
Always remember that it is not the quantity of your meditations that matters, but their quality.
So, you can sit for hours in meditation that does not match your vibrations without getting the desired effect.
Conversely, a practice that you spend just a few minutes on but that really resonates with you can produce great results.
As for the most recent practices aimed at working with the collective consciousness of humanity and transforming physical matter into light, they are intended for those of you whose vibrations have already steadily reached the level of the sixth and seventh chakras.
Therefore, my dear ones, do not try to force things, because your desires do not always coincide with your capabilities.
Always do only those practices and meditations that are easy for you and give you pleasure.
And one more piece of advice.
Frequently review the list of practices and meditations you have, as your vibrations rise, which means your capabilities expand.
What was previously difficult for you may now be within your power.
And don’t forget that any work should always be a joy, including energetic work.
This is where we will stop today.
The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on January 2, 2024
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