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There is a limit beyond which there is complete indifference

There is a limit beyond which there is complete indifference

There is a limit beyond which there is complete indifference

You can get angry, believe, hope, love, hate, suffer from contradictions and experience a couple dozen more feelings and emotions about a special person for you.
All this as long as there is hope that you will be together.
All this as long as there is faith in this person, as long as you can trust him or her.
You care. You even really care! You analyze, you make decisions, you act. You’re trying to prove something to this person, hoping to save this relationship. You warm yourself up with a picture of a bright future.
But once there comes a limit. The limit after which you clearly understand that there is no more faith and no more hope for this person. Yes, there may still be love. It burns down with an ugly, lopsided candle, from which a black stinking smoke is coming.
Soon there will be nothing left at all. Complete indifference. That person, realizing or not realizing it, did everything possible to make this indifference come.
1) You cannot always set the criteria of the point of no return in advance
But you will definitely understand it and feel that this is the point of no return right now. That you have crossed the line, and the earth is sinking behind you, lava is boiling, so there is definitely no way back.
This point of no return is related to your psychological, and maybe even physical survival. It’s time to firmly decide for yourself that there is no turning back.
2) If you hit the same place for a long time, it will stop feeling
You have been hurt for a long time, consciously or unconsciously. You were allowed to sink to the bottom and they were in no hurry to save you from there. You have already gone through such ranges of pain, but for the sake of self-preservation, something in you turned off to this person. You just didn’t care, didn’t care, and felt bland.
3) When there has been a strong intensity of feelings for a long time, then indifference can be salvation in a sense
Maybe you are still unaccustomed to being aware of yourself in this state. But it is this condition that will help not to burn out and break down. You will keep the remaining resources in yourself. This spring of remaining strength will support you, gradually becoming more powerful. By that time, you will have spread your wings yourself.
4) The best response to the indifference and indifference of another person is your indifference and indifference
Don’t waste your energy on something that is hopelessly dead. Your indifference to such a person is fair, natural and simply reasonable.
Feel that you are already at the limit. Let indifference give you freedom.
Vera Bokareva
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