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If you have a dog you will be the first to know about the pole shift

If you have a dog, you will be the first to know about the pole shift

If you have a dog, you will be the first to know about the pole shift

 About a year ago, that is, in November-December of last year, not only conspiracy theorists at their sites, but also the general public discussed the strange behavior of animals of almost all species that caught the eye. For some reason, sheep, dogs, fish, birds and other representatives of the fauna began to wind in circles, running around them for hours and even days. 
In 2022, no one really answered what was happening, however, unlike the general public, conspiracy theorists turned out to be persistent guys and began to investigate the problem. It is impossible to say that a completely accurate answer has already been received, however, there is progress. At the same time, there are indications of the prospects of species in the event of a change in the Earth’s magnetic poles.
The supposed answer was found in the scientific journal Frontiers in Zoology back in 2013 , where a team of Czech researchers shared with the world their observations of the behavior of dogs doing their big and small things on the street. 
Participants in the experiment included 70 dogs of both sexes, 37 breeds. The observation was carried out for two years, during which 1893 dogs were born in the big one and 5582 in the small one. And, as it turned out, when the dogs need to put the projectile to the cardinal points, it sits down something like this:
As the picture shows, the dog is positioned strictly along the north-south axis, avoiding the east-west direction at all costs. The dogs were observed in a free environment, that is, the leashes were removed, and the area was a park – without roads, without people and without other dogs that could distract and somehow influence the process. 
Light adherents have no idea why the dogs are positioned in this particular way, so the conclusions of the article suggest using dogs as a compass for now, for example on cargo ships, and asking for money for further research so that there is something to feed the dogs to produce the desired product.
Judging by the fact that there were no more publications on this topic, no one gave money to scientists; grants, as we all know, in 90% of cases are given for all sorts of meaningless garbage. However, even this small study is quite enough to draw big conclusions. 
Firstly, we can say with absolute certainty that dogs sense a magnetic field no worse than birds. Why dogs need this is not very clear; there are no dogs with wings, but if dogs see the magnetic field, then all other species see it too. This skill is like some kind of useful enzyme: if it is in bird cells and dog cells, then with a 99% probability it is also in human cells.  
Secondly, the magnetic field somehow controls the behavior of the animal world. Why this control is needed is unknown, but experiments have established that the memory of any biological brain is connected to this field.
If rats are trained to run through a maze in an artificial magnetic field, then when the polarity changes, the skill is erased. Other skills are also erased; the rat does not even realize that it is time for him to eat. 
Naturally, things are somehow the same for people; when the poles change, many, if not all, will have problems, which is perhaps what we are seeing now. Anti-vaxxers think about the consequences of treatment, but everything, as we see, is ambiguous. 
Therefore, disturbances in the behavior of others may well be a sign that NOAA is not saying something about the true position of the poles. That’s why animals run in circles. The sheep need, excuse the expression, to go, but they don’t know where. So they run, anyone in their place would run.  
And most importantly, all dog owners need to be more careful when walking. Then we will be the first to know about the beginning of the pole shift. Quickly, quickly run home, put an iron helmet on your head, climb into a reinforced closet, surround yourself with magnets – and watch the development of events from there.
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