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Purple skies over Europe on December 7

Purple skies over Europe on December 7

Purple skies over Europe on December 7

On the afternoon of December 7, 2023, as the sun sank deep into early winter sunset, residents of Great Britain became greatly alarmed by the color of the sky over their cities:
As far as one can judge from the geography of the tweets, the phenomenon affected the southern counties of the country and, slightly, the other side of the English Channel. And everyone, of course, immediately became concerned about what was happening.
When they see this in Indonesia, bright adherents talk about the tropics and all that, but Essex is not Africa, and King Arthur is not the leader of freedom-loving tribes living on palm trees. 
In fact, there are many such tricks in the atmosphere now. For example, in early December it was like this over Texas:
And even further from England, even on Jupiter, there was this:
For enlightened nibirologists living in the UK and knowing nothing about the situation in Texas and Jupiter, the pink sky is not something phenomenal, since the horizon in Britain has been glowing constantly and pink in particular lately. 
But other people are worried and don’t understand what will happen next.
The first thing that will happen next and what is hardly worth fearing is the appearance of the comet planet itself. In  a video for November 30, an astronomer from Croatia shared the latest pictures and even gives the astronomical coordinates of the Nibiru system:
It is difficult to check how honest the gentleman is in his observations without a telescope, however, based on indirect facts, one can think that somehow this is actually the case. 
The most impressive video of Nibiru to date was taken in March 2022 in Hadera, Israel:
Copypasta writes that this is a UFO, but this is not a UFO – when you enlarge the frames, you can clearly see that this is a planetary complex:
Astropathic telepaths began to warn about its approach back in 2003, when Nibiru was just entering the Solar System. According to their forecasts, the object should have been visible to everyone around 2020, which would entail some kind of force majeure actions by global bosses. What kind of actions these would be – in 2003, astropaths-telepaths did not know. 
After twenty years, it cannot be said that everything has become clear as day, but the situation is gradually becoming clearer, the only question is how it will all look in the end. That is, what new crisis will they come up with when everyone sees Nibiru? 
Unlike Nibiru, the crisis can be scary; nibiruologists are waiting for it with great anxiety. But even astropaths and telepaths do not yet know what the scenario will be and when it will be turned on, so all that remains is to follow the development of events.
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