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NASA promises the space storm of the century in early 2024

NASA promises the space storm of the century in early 2024

NASA promises the space storm of the century in early 2024 While we’re enjoying the beauty of the northern lights, the energy from these solar storms could potentially cause what scientists call an “Internet Apocalypse.”
Professor Peter Becker and his team set out to develop a warning system that could inform us of risky solar activity that could harm important technologies.
“The Internet came of age during a time when the sun was relatively quiet, but now it is entering a more active era,” says Professor Peter Becker of George Mason University.
“For the first time in human history, increased solar activity has intersected with our global social and economic dependence on the Internet.”
The latest update from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center suggests solar cycle 25 may be more intense and peak earlier than originally thought. Initial forecasts pointed to a peak around July 2025, but the center is now hinting that the most intense phase could occur as early as early to mid-2024.
The professor explains what solar flares can do to the Earth:
 “When the sun is shining and we see radiation, it’s kind of like a muzzle flash. And the cannon shot itself is a coronal mass ejection (CME). So we might see a flare, but then a coronal mass ejection might happen in some random direction in space. Sometimes we can definitely tell that CMEs will head straight towards Earth. And that gives us about 18 hours of warning, maybe 24 hours.”
The power grid, satellites, underground copper-clad fiber optic cables, navigation and GPS systems, radio transmitters and communications are at risk.
“If we have a warning, every minute counts because you can put the satellites into safe mode. You can unplug the transformers so they don’t burn out,” says Becker. But he says most large companies currently lack the financial motivation to strengthen their systems.
Comment from the Editors of The Big The One: As you can see, the illustrious professor did not say anything particularly new – even housewives in Mexico know all this, from time to time reading a column in the tabloids under the heading “ News from the wonderful world of science.” Something else is important here. 
It is important that bright adherents ran into the newspapers and there, drooling over their beards and bending their fingers, they scared poor Mexican housewives with the Internet apocalypse.
For example, after yesterday’s green sky over Southern Europe, was dug out of the volcanic ash by Pliny the Elder (the viceroy of Emperor Vespasian, who died in the eruption of Vesuvius), dragged to the editorial office and he testified that such nights have always, always existed in Italy. Especially before the shit happened in Pompeii. 
Therefore, since the light adherents ran in, it means they are really waiting for something. As the nice professor Becker says, it could go as early as the beginning of 2024.
But this is not certain, since in Turkey on November 12 it was like this:
That same night in Colorado it was like this:
And this is sunset in Florida, November 12th. VIDEO. 
So far, there are many indications that the cosmic bada boom is approaching and could occur at any moment, even tomorrow, so we are monitoring the developments.
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