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November 30

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 30

Many enlightening human beings get stuck on one story from their life, usually that involves being victimized in some way. Something “bad” has happened to them, and they begin to proceed with the rest of their lives tentatively in case they get hurt again.
Dear Ones, you cannot move into your authentic power holding onto your victim consciousness! So many humans are stuck in the loop of their old stories and because of that keep victimizing themselves, over and over again, by staying in that old energy. Isn’t it time to finally, truly, let that energy go? The old stories only continue to define you if you let them. How would you feel if you never had to feel that old energy again? How much lighter would you be?
True surrender allows you to wipe the slate clean, so to speak, and to start creating the life that so better matches who you really are. You cannot surrender cautiously, Dear Ones. Surrender with all your being and consider it a leap into freedom and empowerment and allow your spirit to soar. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 29

Many enlightening human beings have led rather solitary existences up until this point. They have chosen to concentrate on their sacred roles and have put their love relationships on hold while they have focused on the greater task at hand. You will be delighted to know that phase is now passing for a great number of you. Sacred relationships will be forming in record numbers as we move forward in the new energies.
Dear Ones, you could not go through this level of evolution and not see it also reflected in your partnerships. Have you given up on love? Do you believe it exists for other people but not you? Do you accept that there are energetic matches available for you? Are you holding on to an old belief that says you cannot have a love relationship and be highly spiritual at the same time?
As with all other things, now is the time to throw out your old, outmoded belief systems about love. Love and sacred partnerships will be essential aspects of the new earth. How could it not be? So allow yourself to open up to the possibility, send out the clarion call to your divine other, and know that you are stepping into times that will have many of you experiencing love like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 28

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 28

The word appreciation not only indicates a level of thankfulness, but also an increase of value or worth. The very definition of the word tells you that what you are thankful for you get more of!
Gratitude is such a vital aspect in your lives! It is a lovely energy, one that so beautifully compliments the enlightening human being. When you practice gratitude, you are embracing your role of co-creator by giving clear feedback to the universe on what you would like more of. You are also creating an energetic set-point by grounding in the exact energy of your preferences. It is one of the most powerful tools you have and has the ability to create miracles.
Gratitude is a form of prayer and is always, always heard and responded to by the universe. Like prayer, it is something you can indulge in anytime you like, and with practice, can become a way of being. If you only remember to do one thing every day, if you practice gratitude it will be more than enough to affect profound and lasting change in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 27

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 27

If you are having a day where you cannot make a decision on how to proceed, simply stop and practice gratitude and know that, by itself is more than enough. It will fill the space beautifully until the answer comes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 24

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 24

Many of you are afraid of letting your true nature shine due to a fear of judgement. Dear Ones, if you are in fear of judgement you are still just as much in the dance of judgement as the one judging another. We find it interesting that enlightening human beings will work hard to move away from the habit of judging others, yet will still live in fear of judgement from others. It is all the same energy, and an energy that serves no purpose other than to keep you small. Let it go! Know that the time is now to let yourself stand tall in your truth and integrity and essence and feel the wonderful freedom that comes from doing so. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 22

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 22

As you dedicate yourself to staying in your highest alignment and balance, you may find it easier to stay in that space by surrounding yourself with whatever supports it. For example, if you spend a lot of time watching violence on your television, and reading about all the things you do not wish to see in the world on your internet, and visiting with old friends and environments that no longer match you energetically, it can be very difficult to stay at that highest alignment.
This doesn’t mean you become like an ostrich with your head in the sand. It simply means your highest alignment and balance becomes your top priority. If you went to a new land and wanted to integrate, the fastest way would be to completely immerse yourself in their culture. Consider this immersing yourself in the culture of enlightenment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 21

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 21

A reminder, Dear Ones, as people continue to struggle with world events. You cannot create change using the same energy that created what you do not want.
Empowered change comes from observing what is not working and choosing to create beyond it. When you witness horrific events of violence, or tragedy, it can make humans fall headlong into fear, which then activates anger and victim consciousness. You have worked so hard to evolve beyond those old energies. Do not let events knock you out of your balance, focus, and flow. You simply cannot enact change from a disempowered place. Use your anger as a powerful motivator for empowered change.
Vow to create a world where violence is never the answer. Be the masters you really are, embrace your authentic power and together find new ways of creating the world you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 20

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 20

There will be many who will have sudden, spontaneous spiritual experiences over the next weeks and months ahead. This is a testimony to the hard work of the wayshowers and path pavers, the beacons and the lightworkers. You have not only assisted in creating the conditions where this is now possible, you have blazed a trail for others to follow.
For many of you, it took years to achieve your level of spirituality yet now you will start to see people just opening up with little effort. What a wonderful gift you have given them! With your balance and wisdom, you can guide them in their experiences so they can further embrace them without fear or doubt. What a tremendous service you have done for humanity! This is why you are so very cherished and honoured in your work in the ascension process.
Do not envy others for their easier awakenings. Celebrate your success for a job well done. You have honoured your soul, the planet, humanity and yes – even the universe in your efforts, and you would do it all over again if asked because that is how much you love. You are truly remarkable. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 17

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 17

Wouldn’t you all love to have a magic wand of transformation? You do! It is called gratitude. Gratitude finds the beauty and perfection of every Now moment, which allows the universe to respond and bring you even more beauty and perfection. Gratitude can transform the density into light, sorrow into joy, stagnation into creation, lack into prosperity. Furthermore, using gratitude allows you to embrace being a conscious creator of your life expression. It is the most powerful tool you have to communicate and create with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 16

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 16

Dear Ones, you are not responsible for another person’s growth or spiritual advancement. That can be a difficult thing to accept, especially when you see a loved on struggling or stuck in behaviours that are not empowering to them.
Accepting and allowing are key moving forward in this process. Trust with all your heart that their guides are working with them, just as yours have assisted you. It may be that your beloved needs to get really uncomfortable in order to finally embrace change. From that perspective, you can trust that all movement is forward movement and there is always a greater plan for every cherished soul on the planet.
Help, if asked, and if the help is empowering to both you and the other. Other than that, send them love and know that they are playing out exactly what they need to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 15

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 15

It is time for the wounded healers to start to address their own healing, for the teachers to apply and live by their own lessons, for the givers to start receiving. That is the balance that is required to move forward in earnest into the energies of the new earth. Balance and boundaries have been major challenges for many helper souls. The time is now to honour yourselves and to share the gifts you so lovingly and willingly share with others with yourselves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 14

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 14

Many of you use self protection as a daily practice. We understand your intent as you do this, but we would like to point out that what you are really seeking is energetic clarity. The act of self protection can separate and dive, while choosing energetic clarity allows you to stand in your authentic power and allow your light to shine, which supports the whole. While the steps may be identical for both, the intention makes all the difference in the world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 13

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 13

There is an old, pervasive belief that the more light you hold, the more darkness you’ll attract. This idea leads many enlightening human beings to fear letting their light shine, and even makes people afraid to step on their paths to enlightenment. Dear Ones, when you are shining your light brightly and in your highest alignment, you exist in a place that is far away from that old duality thinking. It would be as if someone was trying to pitch a rock at you from the other side of the Grand Canyon. So, please, throw out any ideas that shining your light brightly is in any way unsafe for you! Quite the contrary! When you are embracing who you really are and letting the glory of that shine, you are safe and supported and above all, in your highest service to yourself, others, and your beloved planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 10

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 10

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
Ease is the natural outcome for all the transformational work I’ve done. It is safe to trust ease.
Have a wonderful weekend!

November 9

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 9

Surrendering into greater ease is a wonderful, broad intention that can address many issues. If you have money issues, surrendering into ease can work beyond any beliefs or blockages you have over that specific topic. If you have health issues, ease means all the systems in your body are working well and comfortably. If you have relationship issues, ease would help you find your way to the solutions available to you to bring it in to greater harmony. It is a word you likely have no resistance to, it is broad enough to bring in many new possibilities for you, and still honours your truest desires. We highly recommend you start using it and seeing it as a viable potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 8

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 8

Ease is what happens when you begin to trust yourself as a conscious creator. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 7

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 7

Do you have trouble trusting ease? Do you believe that all results must come from intense effort? It is common during times of energetic intensity to believe it will always need to be hard. There is always calm before and after the storm, the storm is not meant to be the norm.
From an energetic perspective, the storm is a clearing of the old for the new to have life. Trust in the rhythms of the universe, Dear Ones, and resist creating expectations of constant turmoil. You will always find your way to a new balance that reflects the next highest expression of you. We urge you to stay present, to move with what is supported, and to fully embrace ease when it shows up in your life as part of the entirety of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 6

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 6

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today I will be answering the question: Am I doing enough?
If you are on your spiritual journey, you are well aware that you and the planet are both going through a shift of consciousness. You are on the planet to have that experience, and to assist with it. Because you have that as a core desire for this incarnation, it is common to wonder, Am I doing enough?
I think we all do our best to be good people, to grow and evolve, and make conscious choices. As humans we are rarely, if ever, 100% perfect in that, but our intention and our desire to keep trying is the most important thing. In fact, it is far more important than we realize.
It’s not surprising that Gabriel tells me that our conscious choices support the shift. What did surprise me was his telling me that when we make what we consider a mistake, realize it, and choose differently the next time, we also assist the shift in a very powerful way. That is evolution. What a relief that even our mistakes can become powerful fuel that serves the whole!
He also tells me that our energetics have been assisting the planet since the time we took our first breath. We understood we were coming to help and experience the shift, and that is why we are so driven to get things right. I get how it can be hard sometimes to know that we are truly making a difference when how we are assisting seems intangible from our vantage point. We just have to follow our hearts and trust.
But more important than just having our unique energetics, Gabriel keeps showing me how choosing to embody the traits that support peace helps more than we realize. He shows me how we appear as columns of light that are anchor points of peace that work together to create a supportive grid of stabilization points to assist the planet and the collective as they continue to shift.
The more who awaken and start to choose love, peace, connection, and unity consciousness, the more power the wave of change will have, and it is all supported by each individual choosing to grow, enlighten, and be the change.
So never think you are not important enough or not doing enough. Your beingness is your gift, your growth is your service (even your mistakes have purpose if you allow them to redirect you), and your tender, loving, service-driven heart is adding to the momentum of the wave of change you couldn’t wait to participate in. You are doing it!

November 3

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 3

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
I lovingly hold the space for me to become the embodiment of all I truly am.
Have a wonderful weekend!

November 2

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 2

If you can see that self presence allows you to experience yourself as both your soul self and your human self, you will also start to realize its importance in your embodiment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 1

Daily Message by Shelley Young – November 1

Self presence is how you get to experience yourself as both your soul self and your human self. It is a profound act of love for all aspects of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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