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November 30

Father Absolute – A WINDOW TO A NEW WORLD (Eternal Youth)
November 30, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a conversation about how you can use new high-vibration energies to work with your physical body on a point.
But this can be done only after using the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix, you remove from your subtle bodies and your physical body the programs of the three-dimensional world, which not only caused your ailments, but also started the aging process of your body.
In fact, this process is the “basic” among three-dimensional programs, since since childhood people have been taught that with age they will DEFINITELY begin to age and get sick.
At the heart of this program is the fear of death, and the harbingers of it are just old age and illness.
But, as you understand, the Laws of the universe affect a person’s life regardless of whether he knows about them or not.
Therefore, the program of inevitable old age, firmly rooted in the subconscious of a person, brings it closer.
And the more a person thinks about it, the sooner it comes for him.
Such a person literally attracts old age to himself – this is how the Universal Law of Similarity works.
As a result, a person shortens his life by his own thoughts and emotions.
And what is old age?
This is primarily a loss of clarity of thought or, in other words, a “worn out” consciousness.
From an energy point of view, this is due to the fact that negative thoughts and emotions of a person significantly lower his vibrations, which is reflected in his consciousness.
And since any human disease is based on psychosomatic causes, the organs of the body, “responding” to energetically related negative thoughts and emotions, also fall in vibrations, which ultimately causes their dysfunction.
That is why, my dear ones, I ask you to begin healing your physical body by eradicating from your consciousness and subconscious all the programs of the three-dimensional world acquired throughout your life, and above all the program of “inevitable old age”.
During your meditations using the Energy of Dissolving the Three-dimensional Matrix, you can purposefully work with this most persistent belief of people: that old age is inevitable.
At the same time, you should not use the word “old age” itself, so as not to saturate it with your energy.
Instead, you can create your own intention: like, for example:
“My consciousness and physical body remain eternally young and filled with Divine energies of the highest vibrations.”
But it is very important to feel these vibrations at the same time.
Feel how powerfully your “Golden Triangle” begins to vibrate, being saturated with the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix, and how gradually this energy spreads throughout your body.
Let this statement, supported by your physical sensations, become one of the components of the practice of “Integrating new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity.”
So, through you, this new statement will gradually be consolidated in the collective consciousness of mankind.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 30, 2023.

November 29

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (“Victims” of three-dimensional programs)
November 29, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, today we will talk about how you can use new high-vibration energies to the maximum benefit for your physical body.
After you learn how to maintain your vibrations at the level of your “Golden Triangle”, you can move on to the next step – improving your physical body.
This should happen in this order, because according to the Law of Similarity, an attempt to interact with new energies of a person with a low level of vibration will not bring him the expected results.
It is only by being on a single energy wave with the energies pouring down to Earth now that one can successfully interact with them.
And here’s where you can start.
During the first part of the practice “Integration of new energies into the collective consciousness of mankind”, as soon as you feel the energy fullness of your upper chakras and pineal gland, direct this energy, already conducted through your atmic and budhic bodies, further along the chakra axis.
Try to feel as deeply as possible how it descends through your subtle bodies: causal, mental, emotional, etheric – to the physical body.
You can feel that it is also beginning to expand, being filled with the gracious Divine energy that has already passed through all your subtle bodies.
It is better to carry out this practice in a calm meditative state in order to fully experience the energy processes that are so important for your body.
For greater effectiveness, you can use the power of your intention in your meditation, giving certain settings to the flows of this healing energy.
So, for example, you can ask the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix to heal those organs of your physical body that have become victims of three-dimensional programs contained in your consciousness and subconscious.
In fact, almost all human ailments stem from violations of the Laws of the universe, which have been artificially removed from your life and replaced with stereotypes of thinking and behavior that are alien to you.
Start with this, my dear ones, because in order for your further work with the physical body to be successful, it is necessary to remove the causes of all your ailments, which are precisely hidden in the programs of the three-dimensional matrix.
We will stop there today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 29 2023

November 28

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (We part with the aging program)
November 28, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start a conversation about how the new high-vibration energies affect your physical body.
In fact, everything happens strictly in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, one of which is the Law of Similarity.
In other words, each person attracts energies similar to his own vibrations.
Therefore, tangible changes in their physical condition can only be experienced by those people whose vibrations, if they have not yet reached the level of vibrations of new energies coming to Earth now, then at least they have come as close as possible to this.
The rest of the inhabitants of your planet, due to their low vibrations, most often do not notice any changes, because the high-vibration energies are so rarefied that they pass through their dense bodies without affecting them in any way.
If we draw a parallel with natural phenomena, then the physical bodies of people with high vibrations are like the foliage of trees, which sways at the slightest breeze.
And the dense bodies of low–vibration inhabitants of the Earth are “stones” that do not react to the movement of air in any way.
So what happens to the physical bodies of people who are able to interact with new energies?
First of all, the aging process begins to slow down, and sometimes even stops altogether.
Their physical bodies seem to freeze in the state they were in, having reached the vibrational range that allows them to absorb new energies as much as possible.
Why am I talking specifically about the range?
First of all, because in the world of the third dimension, few people manage to keep their vibrations at a consistently high level.
But there is a limit below which it is no longer possible to descend if you want to be on the same vibrational wave with your planet.
And this limit is the fifth chakra.
This means that only in extreme situations and for a short time you can afford to vibrate so low.
But most of the time you need to keep the vibration level corresponding to your upper chakras and pineal gland.
To help you, the practice of “Integrating new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity” was given, or rather, its first part.
If you learn to be energetically constantly in the area of your “Golden Triangle”, you will reach the vibration level of at least the fourth dimension, and someone has already reached the initial levels of the Fifth.
And this will be the first step to stop the aging process of your physical body.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 28 2023

November 27

Father Absolute – A WINDOW TO A NEW WORLD (To gain a foothold in the fourth dimension)
November 27, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you another piece of advice on working with new high-vibration energies.
Perhaps some of you have noticed that there have been many days this month when your sensitivity has been aggravated, and sometimes this has affected your physical condition.
This is explained by the fact that the frequent “flashes” on the Sun contributed to the wave-like flow of very high vibration energies to the Earth, to which it was not easy for you to adapt.
And now I will tell you what needs to be done to ensure that your energy, physical and mental state remains stable under any circumstances.
It is very important to learn how to track your feelings in the area of the Golden Triangle.
Take as a basis the first part of the practice “Integration of new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity”.
Get used to maintaining the state of the “receiver” of the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix not from time to time, but constantly.
This will allow you not to fall out of the energy space of the fourth dimension, in which your consciousness and all your bodies are located during this practice.
Of course, I understand how many external factors affect you during the day.
But you can always find at least a small amount of time between your daily activities to focus your attention on your upper chakras and, as if throwing firewood into a dying fire, reconnect to the flow of highly vibrational Energy of the Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix.
So, gradually you will learn to constantly stay in the flow of new energies filling your planet, which will help you not only to adapt to them more easily, but also to purify the energy space around you.
This will happen by itself, without additional effort on your part, because you will unconsciously anchor this energy to the Earth.
And the more often you do this, the more the energy around you will change, and hence the behavior of people who find themselves in your “orbit”.
Try, my dear ones, to live in such a “regime” for at least one day, and you will see a huge difference both in your own state of mind and in the state of the people around you.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 27 2023

November 25

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Integration of new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity – continued)
November 25, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we are moving on to the second part of the practice “Integration of new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity”.
Unlike the first part, it requires a deep meditative state, since working with the collective consciousness of humanity implies great responsibility.
Before proceeding to it, it is necessary to make sure that you yourself have already reached the state when your vibrations are consistently high, which means that your consciousness has reached the level of at least the fourth dimension.
To understand if this is really the case, you need to listen carefully to yourself and use a chakrometer to determine the level of your current vibrations.
And you can start meditation only if your vibrations do not fall below the sixth chakra.
So, having made sure that you have something to share with the collective consciousness of humanity, you can start meditation.
Having called all your Heavenly helpers, enter into a rather deep meditative state.
And first, do the first part of this practice.
And at the very peak of your sensations, when you feel the upper part of your head “lit up”, mentally establish an energy channel connecting your upper chakras and the collective consciousness of humanity.
You can imagine it as your intuition tells you, because in this case the main thing is not the visualization of the egregore of the collective consciousness of humanity, but your intention to connect with it energetically.
And after you feel that the energy connection with the collective consciousness of humanity has been established, direct the Energy of the Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix into it through your channel.
The sensations at the same time can be very different.
Energy can move through your channel in the form of pulsations, shocks, a smooth slow flow, and someone in the form of a rapid flow.
Having started this process, do not try to control it, allowing this intelligent Energy to flow in the rhythm that it deems most harmonious for you.
Stay in meditation until the flow of energy subsides.
The main purpose of this meditation is to conduct the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix through your energy space and send it to the collective consciousness of humanity already grounded by you.
Thanks to this, the circulation of this energy between the subtle and physical plane will be ensured already at the level of the fourth dimension, since it is in this dimension that the people vibrating on the upper chakras are located.
Thus, my dear ones, you will be able to make a significant contribution to raising the vibrations of the collective consciousness of humanity, thereby accelerating the long-awaited transition to the Fifth Dimension.
And I bless you for that!
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 25 2023

November 24

Father Absolute – Window into a new world (Integration of new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity)
November 24, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to give you another practice that will help you keep your vibrations at a level not lower than the fourth dimension.
To some extent, it is a continuation of the practice of “Double Mirrors”, since its purpose is to maintain your harmonious state so that your protective sphere is safe for yourself.
It is slightly different from those to which you are accustomed, since new energies require a different approach from the awakened part of the Earth’s population.
Your responsibility for the fate of humanity is now increasing many times, since the vaccinated inhabitants of your planet are no longer able to think independently, which means that it is up to you to actively resist the plans of the globalists.
So, we turn to the practice itself, which we will call “The integration of new energies into the collective consciousness of humanity.”
This practice consists of two parts.
The first part is the integration of new high–vibration energies into your consciousness and your subtle bodies.
And the second part is the transfer of your new energy state into the collective consciousness of humanity.
Now this is becoming especially important, because, as you have already understood from the previous series of my messages, the deep state has a large “assortment” of new “surprises” for the inhabitants of the Earth.
In order to avoid the danger that threatens you, it is necessary to increase the vibrations of the collective consciousness of humanity as much as possible.
And you can do it already.
As I have said many times, even one awakened person is worth hundreds, and sometimes thousands of unawakened ones.
Especially when you consider that there are not so many pure human souls among them, which by and large determine the fate of your planet and humanity as a whole.
So, let’s move on to the first part of our practice, which is “working” and does not require a deep meditative state.
But still, before you start it, call on all your Heavenly helpers.
You can do it anywhere when you are in a state of solitude and peace.
To begin with, you should focus your attention on your “Golden Triangle”.
Try to feel well or even see with your inner vision the bright, shining, sparkling with Divine Light energy space between your pineal gland, the sixth and seventh chakras.
Feel how the upper part of your head is literally “burning”.
It is even possible that you will feel a pulsation or rotation of the chakras there.
And only after that, summon the Energy of Dissolution of the Three-dimensional Matrix.
Ask this energy to dissolve all three-dimensional programs in your consciousness and subconsciousness and move your consciousness and all your bodies, including the physical, into the energy space of the fourth dimension.
And then listen carefully to your feelings.
Of course, they will all be different, but you will definitely feel some movement in your aura, and especially in the area of your upper chakras.
To begin with, you can do this practice as a meditation to consolidate new sensations in your energy space.
But its main goal is for you to learn how to do it on the go, in order to “correct” your condition in time, thus constantly keeping your vibrations at the level of the fourth dimension.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 24 2023

November 24

Virgin Mary – From impatience to calm expectation
November 24, 2023

Hello, my beloved!
I wanted to talk to you again, because now you are entering a very important period of your life.
Since the Earth is becoming more and more freed from the fetters of the three-dimensional world every day, it is sometimes difficult for a person to keep up with these invisible, but very important changes.
Therefore, I decided to give you some tips to save you from mistakes and help you adjust to this new reality for you faster and more painlessly.
But first let’s see what signs in your life indicate that the reality around you is really starting to change.
First of all, you should pay attention not to external factors, but to your internal state, because it is the first thing that reacts to energy transformations on your planet.
Listen carefully to yourself and try to determine which emotions are most characteristic of you lately.
Try to turn off your Mind and hear your Heart and Soul.
Probably, many of you will feel that your main emotion is impatience.
And although his energy cannot be called highly vibrational, nevertheless it well reflects the essence of what is happening both in your Soul and on the planet as a whole.
You are really tired of waiting for significant changes for you and deeply feel how alien and obsolete the three-dimensional world has become for you.
Sometimes it seems to you that you are no longer participating in what is happening in it, but only watching the unfolding actions as a spectator or a bystander.
You yourself are already living in another reality, or rather, between two realities – the present and the future.
But the present is moving away from you more and more, as if dissolving into the haze of future changes, and the future exists only in your imagination, however, becoming more and more distinct every day.
It is this feeling of yours that indicates that the three-dimensional world is really collapsing before our eyes, even if the external manifestations of this are still only being outlined.
But in order for the desired changes to come as quickly as possible, it is necessary to redirect your impatience into a creative channel, thereby pulling up your vibrations to the level of new vibrations of the Earth, which has already finally entered the space of the fourth dimension.
You can do this in different ways.
Someone will be able to calm their impatience mentally – by logical reasoning about the inevitability of the transition period, no matter how long and difficult it may be.
And someone should work energetically to calm their impatience by meditating and practicing to harmonize their state of mind.
But in any case, the driving force on the way to a new life should be creative thoughts and emotions – calm and harmonious.
Haste and fuss, both energetic and mental, are only an obstacle on the way to Ascension.
Remember more often that everything is going according to the Creator’s plan and that the Earth’s transition to the Fifth Dimension is inevitable, since it has already taken place on the subtle plane.
And all you need to fit into his orbit is wisdom, peace of mind and detachment from the passions boiling in the world.
“Melt” your impatience into a calm expectation, letting the situation go to the will of the Creator.
And this will help accelerate the long-awaited changes on Earth.
I bless you, my beloved!
The Virgin Mary spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 24 2023

November 23

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Comfortable content)
November 23, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of my previous message, I want to give you a few more explanations and recommendations regarding the practice of “Double Mirrors” today.
I know that many of you fill your protective spheres with Divine energies.
This is a very good habit.
But as for the sphere with double mirrors, its filling requires a special approach.
And here’s why.
Since it is much “stronger” than other methods of protection and is also to some extent impenetrable, it is very important that the person inside this sphere, including yourself, feels comfortable in it.
What do I mean by this expression?
First of all, the level of your vibrations should harmoniously coincide with the vibrations of the energy that you will summon.
And as you already know, the range of these vibrations is very wide: from the Energy of Light and Love to the Energy of Ascension.
Therefore, before choosing the energy with which you would like to fill your sphere, you need to “test” yourself in order to find the most optimal option for you.
And here’s how you can do it.
In a calm, relaxed state, start calling on those energies in turn that you are used to working with, and listen carefully to your feelings.
It is best to choose something in between for yourself: for example, the Energy of the Creator of the Universe, because this will give you some freedom in your thoughts and emotions.
While you live in a three–dimensional world, it is very difficult for you to constantly keep the upper scale of your vibrations – too many external factors affect you.
Therefore, if you fill your sphere with Ascension Energy, which is the energy of the Fifth Dimension, then you may experience some discomfort from a too strong vibrational difference between this energy and your own still unstable vibrations.
Don’t set the bar too high for yourself.
Start small, because you can always summon other energy if you feel the need.
As for the other person from whom you want to disconnect, then you can fill his sphere with energies as well.
But in this case, you no longer have the right to decide for him in which energies he should live.
Therefore , the following wording will be the most correct:
“I ask you to fill the sphere of such and such a person with the energy in which he will feel most comfortable, for the highest good of all.”
Thus, you will not violate the Laws of the Universe, which means that you will not cause any harm to this person.
And the last piece of advice about the practice of “Double mirrors”.
Do not get carried away with it and use it only when there is a really urgent need for it: in the event that energy attacks from someone from your environment are particularly aggressive and permanent.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 23 2023

November 22

Father Absolute – A WINDOW TO A NEW WORLD (Double Mirrors)
November 22, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
So, in continuation of my previous message, today I want to give you the practice of long-term disconnection from your energy space of those people from your immediate environment who, as you feel, have a negative impact on you.
And in this case, it does not matter whether this person is vaccinated or not, because, besides this category of people, there are many others whose low vibrations are able to “pierce” your subtle bodies.
However, there is one “BUT” here, and a very significant one.
If your emotions towards this person are negative, then these energies will return to you.
Therefore, before doing this practice, you should make sure that you are already ready for it and will not harm yourself or others.
So, let’s get down to the practice itself, which we will call “Double mirrors”.
To do this, you need to summon all your Heavenly helpers and enter into a rather deep meditative state.
Then invoke the Energy of the Great Central Sun.
After that, imagine the person from whom you want to finally disconnect, in a dense energy sphere with a mirror surface on both sides of it — internal and external.
This sphere consists entirely of the Energy of the Great Central Sun.
It is very bright, almost dazzling, because the Sun itself is reflected in its mirrors inside and outside.
Thanks to these double mirrors, the person inside this sphere is completely isolated from the surrounding energy space.
He begins to literally “boil in his own juice” — in this case, in his own energies.
At the same time, you do not violate any Universal Laws, since you do not influence him in any way.
Your goal is to protect yourself from his negative energies, which destroy your subtle bodies and lower your vibrations.
But the next stage of this practice will be the construction of the same energy sphere around yourself.
It will reliably protect you from external influences from others, but what it cannot do is protect you from YOUR OWN NEGATIVE ENERGIES, which will certainly return to you, “mirrored” from the inner surface of your sphere.
That is why I warned you that before deciding on such a practice, you should make sure that you are ready for it: that your vibrations have already reached the level of Unconditional Love, which warms you and all the people around you, regardless of how they treat you.
This is a huge responsibility, my family, so before starting this meditation, be sure to ask your Higher Self if your vibration level corresponds to it.
This practice has another positive side: thanks to it, you will be able to treat your emotions more responsibly, since they will all be immediately “boomerang” back to you.
This will teach you to constantly control yourself and instantly transform your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones, for which you have already been given a lot of practice.
And yet, do not rush to do this meditation if you are not yet completely confident in yourself.
We will stop here today.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Channeled by Marta on November 22 2023

November 21

Father Absolute – A WINDOW INTO A NEW WORLD (Keeping Up with the Earth)
November 23, 2023

Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to start a new topic, which is actually not new to you, but still now it is necessary to draw your attention to some of its nuances that have arisen recently.
And we will talk about rebuilding not only your consciousness, but also your physical body to new parameters that dictate the energies of completely different vibrations, much higher than those that were a few years ago.
Particularly noticeable energy changes have occurred in recent months.
And there are several reasons for this.
The main thing is that the Earth, having crossed the threshold of the third dimension, has already firmly established itself in the fourth.
As for people, some of them manage to keep up with the Earth, maintaining their vibrations at the same level with it.
And this means that the energy gap between these people and the three—dimensional matrix with its “captives” – unawakened souls is increasing more and more.
I see that some of you already feel it almost physically.
This is especially noticeable when you communicate with vaccinated people, whose vibrations are decreasing more and more every year.
For many of you, this becomes a real obstacle to raising your vibrations, and therefore to further spiritual growth.
Therefore, now we will talk about what steps you should take in order to overcome these obstacles that have arisen in your path.
To begin with, it is necessary to outline the “limits of what is permissible” for those people from your environment who, in your opinion, are the cause of your disharmonious state, which does not allow you to keep your vibrations at the proper height.
After you identify such people in your environment, you will have to conduct individual energy work with each of them.
And now it should no longer be a one–time option – like, for example, energy disconnection from this person or cleansing your subtle bodies of his negative energies, but the establishment of a strong and long-term “blockade” that does not allow him to influence you either energetically or physically.
And next time we’ll talk about it in more detail.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you
Adopted March 21 November 2023

November 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (In constructive vein)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages on the danger threatening humanity, with some kinds of it having already shown outwards and some others being still concealed from people’s eyes.
The main thing I would like to draw your attention to is your reaction to the things in progress, to be precise, their energy component.
It is really essential, my dear, that despite the fact that you are well aware of the tragic consequences that result from thus widely promoted “progressive” technologies, as well as pseudo-scientific theories and forecasts for future, you show no aggression or indignation in this respect.
It is your calm and wise attitude to all the current events that can guarantee your efforts on abolishment of globalists’ plans being a success.
And the reason is as follows.
As you already know, any action is based on this or that kind of energy that gives this action some potential thereby facilitating its realization at the physical level.
Well, what energy is featured by such emotions as fear, censure, indignation, anger or aggression?
By far the most negative one!
So, what should you do and how should you behave in respect of those who are trying to put to life their inhumane projects?
Before all, you should treat them with understanding.
Remember the way a cornered predator behaves: as a rule, it starts snarling and rushing to man in an attempt to save its life.
Yet, it is not to blame for it: this is what its nature implies.
The same is occurring to the Dragon reptiles, reptiloids and other low vibration creatures now who find themselves endangered in the unceasing “rain” of high vibration energies and, consequently, fatal ones to them.
That is why they are searching for any means of keeping alive catching at a straw.
Unfortunately, they have got quite enough of such “straws” since money, power and cutting-edge technologies are still under their control.
But now it is time for you to take over society management this time depriving them of the means to implement their horrible plans.
It is only possible to do this with a “cool” head not plunging into the whirlpool of the lowest passions.
Before all, it is necessary to go on with your energy work on dissolving of all the plans and negative programmes that are being introduced into your life by the Dragon reptiles.
Meanwhile, it is of great importance to formulate your intentions without aggression and with no negative or prohibitive statements either that unintentionally fill with energy just the things you would like to prohibit.
They should be made in a positive – constructive – vein so as to fill the desired with positive creative energy.
These are, for example, such statements and intentions as:
“For a complete and final victory of the Forces of Light on Earth”;
“For dissolving of all negative programmes and creation of the society of prosperity, Unity, Equality and Brotherhood on Earth”;
“For transformation of humanity’s conscience towards the Divine and their leaving the third dimension matrix”.
The same applies to your actions at the physical level, too.
The language of your petitions should contain not what you refuse or reject but what you would like to get.
It is really essential, my dear, since every word and every expression features its energy profile and then it determines further course of events.
Always remember about this.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 21, 2023.

November 20


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the greatest threat that lies in wait for you at present and the one that few are aware of so far.
And it is in that having become hopeless to submit the conscience of most people, the Dragon reptiles have taken the risk to commit a crime of the Universe scale indeed.
They are planning to isolate your planet from the main power source for every living thing on Earth – sunlight.
Such an insane idea came to them because of despair as they concluded that having limited the access of sunlight to Earth they would be able to block the arrival of new high vibration energies at the same time, too.
It will actually not happen because of the fact that the Energy of Unconditional Love, the most powerful in the Universe, knows no boundaries.
It is accounted for by the fact that high vibration energies are so rarefied that can overcome any obstacles of both energy and physical nature.
And it is physical obstacles on the way of these energies that the Dragon reptiles and their “apprentices” on Earth are going to “construct”.
Perhaps, some of you have already heard of these seemingly fantastic plans of globalists that they are promoting as part of their climate agenda.
But many people do not take them seriously because they appear too improbable to them.
Yet, as a matter of fact, globalists already possess technologies that can limit the penetration of the life-giving sun rays to Earth.
And at the threshold of Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension whose vibrations are fatal to them they will leave no stone unturned.
That is why, my dear, you should not get relaxed or think that these insane ideas will be never implemented.
You see that many of the things that people could not believe in just a few years ago and were considered made up by conspiracy theorists are being now put to life so swiftly and skillfully that are taken as a norm by a large part of Earth’s population.
You should also keep in mind the powerful impact produced on human conscience by the mainstream media and by means of chips now that the so-called “vaccines” contain.
And if the huge number of Earth’s inhabitants who got these “vaccines” to be taken into account, you cannot expect any support for their part this time.
So, it is you – the revived part of humanity – that most responsibility rests on for preventing these really horrible plans of globalists on deprivation of Earth of her main source of life – the Sun.
Carefully watch everything concerning this issue since, as you know, globalists never conceal their plans on humanity’s destiny but, unfortunately indeed, few can see or hear it.
And, certainly, by all the means available try to prevent this deep state’s project baneful to Earth and humanity from being put to life.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 20, 2023.

November 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fighting for truth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about information warfare from a little different perspective.
After we have dwelled on strategics and tactics of making such war by the deep state – both by their “generals” at the helm and “private soldiers” who act in accordance with their orders, now we will consider in more detail those who such wars are made against.
Of course, generally speaking, they are aimed at all the inhabitants of your planet but the aggrieved party turns out to be, as a rule, the purest and lightest human souls.
And the reason for this is that they, unlike low vibration creatures embodied as humans, take everything happening around with their heart and soul and, therefore, experience incredible pain and sorrow from any kind of aggression, falsity or injustice.
Such people are often referred to as thin-skinned.
And, certainly, such expression is not accidental to have risen.
It means the ability of an individual to perceive reality by their subtle sense organs – those that catch the essence of the things in progress, not their obvious aspects.
It concerns both people and events.
As a rule, such sensitive souls have a well-developed intuition and that is why it is hard to deceive them.
Even behind the nicest and most appropriate words they will by all means feel falsity since they see through people and understand what is concealed behind their sugary words.
While a thick-skinned person or rather a creature embodied as a human takes everything word for word because only external manifestations of people and their actions are accessible to them.
And it occurs because of their subtle material structure that is distinct from that of Divine creatures.
As a rule, they have only three lower chakras developed therefore they cannot see a non-material aspect of life.
Well, the conditional enemy of the deep state and their “servants” are exactly the purest souls – the best representatives of humanity who do not want to live according to the rules imposed on them, pursue for alien values and who reject everything that is being imposed on them by force.
It is this segment of humanity that has hindered globalist’ plan on depopulation and total enslavement of humanity.
These pure souls recognized the lie immediately and stood up against violence in their respect both spiritual and physical.
It is them who diligently and systematically started to search for the truth getting united with like-minded people and finding the proofs of the deep state’s crimes and their protégés at the helm.
These people have entered the unequal battle with globalists setting off their information – trustful and scientifically grounded – against their false data.
They are in minority so far but quite soon the alignment of forces at the information “battle field” will change and these brave people will take the offensive as an increasing number of people are getting revived from the dormancy of the third dimensionality thereby joining the ranks of these bold spirits.
Yet, the energy component of the two sides’ confrontation is as important.
The victory of the best part of humanity over their enslavers can be only possible if these pure souls are able to counter globalists not only with mass disclosures of the latter’s crimes but their high vibrations as well that will dissolve all the negative energies of the opposite party.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 17, 2023.

November 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Private soldiers” of information “troops”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on one more type of information warfare that originates not from the mainstream media this time but by the people around you.
The thing is that contemporary society is miscellaneous indeed.
On Earth there has arisen some kind of a conglomeration that seemingly consists of people since all these creatures are embodied as humans but all of them actually have not only different subtle material structures but also various world perceptions and world views.
Therefore, the overwhelming majority of Earth’s inhabitants live in compliance with certain programmes that are instilled in their collective consciences.
It is especially typical of the low and middle caste reptiloids that were actually created for the purpose of introduction into people’s life of the mentality and behaviour stereotypes that would allow the Dragon reptiles to control the conscience of the whole humanity.
We have already talked with you a lot of times that it is them, alongside with biorobots and clones, who are the “locomotive” that is leading society’s way to the abyss or, in other words, the trap arranged by the deep state.
And little by little these mentality stereotypes being securely embedded into the conscience of these creatures are turning into a powerful tool of this information warfare.
And many of you are likely to have experienced it yourselves by now.
Remember the response of the “people” from your environment to your attempts to tell them what is actually going on Earth now and your sincere desire to guard them against danger.
Why did many of them respond to it in an aggressive way mocking at all your arguments and facts?
It happened because information warfare with pure human souls was instilled in their conscience and subconscience long ago.
Everything that does not comply with the programme developed by the creators of reptiloids, clones and biorobots is treated by them as something hostile since their conscience, being deprived of the Divine origin and, consequently, of freethinking, too, is unable to take in anything new or unfamiliar to them.
They are just capable of obedient repeating of all the authorities’ instructions and blind following of their regulations.
Everything that lies beyond these frames is subject to mockery and attacks for their part.
Therefore, the information warfare by the mainstream media against humanity is also made by a huge army of these “private soldiers” who are dispersed all over the world.
They dutifully repeat everything that is embedded into their conscience and start fighting with those who try to disprove the truths that are unshakeable for them.
All this plays in hands of the deep state’s representatives since such mental and emotional separation of Earth’s inhabitants considerably decreases her vibrations as well.
That is why, my dear, never argue with those who are not ready to hear ANOTHER point of view and do not try to save them.
It is time for you to get united with like-minded people because everybody who could revive has already done it.
Thereby, you can reduce the degree of confrontation in society and maintain your vibrations at the appropriate height.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 16, 2023.

November 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Symptomatology” of information warfare)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued today we will talk about the major signs that show there have been unleashed another information warfare against your planet’s population.
The main of them is that it is in progress in the information field of most countries of the world at the same time.
As soon as one and the same issue is highlighted in all the news programmes and stereotyped statements begin to be pronounced, it means that globalists have moved to a new item of their programme on the depopulation of the planet.
And it is in intimidation of people with a non-existing problem as much as possible and then offering THEIR decision to the problem to them.
This was just the case with the false pandemic and all the accompanying attributes to it: quarantine, numerous tests, masking and, eventually, general vaccination.
The same is now in progress with another false threat – climate change.
And they suggest solving this problem in the most inhumane way: depriving people of their natural life style and nourishment.
Just the fact that it is being discussed so unanimously in all the media proves it to be another stage of the information warfare.
As you see, my dear, globalists and their henchmen at the helm have managed to acquire incredible unity of actions.
And the reason for this is that all the instructions are received by them from one and the same source: the deep state’s representatives who they cannot disobey even on pain of death.
Unfortunately, so far such Unity of actions is inaccessible for the revived part of Earth’s population since there are no such powerful tools for society control at their disposal as globalists possess.
Moreover, any attempts to open people’s eyes to the genuine state of affairs on Earth are suppressed by the authorities in every possible way, and several dozens of brave people have found themselves in prison, while some of them were deprived of life itself.
As you see, forces are not equal so far and the people who understand what is actually in progress on Earth take pains making their way to get through to others – still fast asleep and blindly believing the authorities.
What is more, even those who took courage to “go against the stream” of official propaganda do not always manage to interpret the gist of the existing problem since too many relevant factors and contradictory information emerge from everywhere.
So, for example, the coverage of the events connected with the present military conflicts both in Europe and the Near East features a lot of distortion and misrepresentation both in the official and alternative reporting on these events.
Even the most honest and decent journalists, bloggers and just concerned people confer to their interpretation their own understanding that cannot embrace all the profoundness of these events as their genuine causes are a sealed book to people and concealed by those who masterminded these conflicts.
This is exactly the reason, my dear, why I have drawn your attention a lot of times to the idea that you should not get plunged into the twists and turns of the things in progress but should take certain actions both physically and in terms of energy instead, so that the Forces of Light can win a full and final victory over the Forces of Dark.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 15, 2023.

November 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Information warfare)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about one more threat that lays in wait for you at every turn now.
And at issue will be misinformation that is being spread now everywhere.
Such notion as “information warfare” has come into use since long ago and sometimes it has much more disastrous consequences than military conflicts.
The reason for this is that it has a far wider scope in terms of population.
The victims to this “warfare” are conscience of millions and sometimes even billions of people, which you can now witness in many countries of the world.
One of the main “weapons” of such war is distortion of historical facts, and it is done so quickly and skillfully that there grow up generations who have no genuine knowledge even of recent historical events.
The things that are obvious for an older generation since they themselves witnessed these events are presented to schoolchildren and students in such a distorted form that black becomes white for them, enemies turn into allies and a victory appears a defeat.
It is particularly noticeable in case of the World War II that a younger generation takes in quite a distinct way now – the way it is taught at school.
So, political state of affairs plays the tune expertly manipulating people’s conscience, as a result of which, history makes an about-face, and every new generation passes false information on to their children and grandchildren this time.
The same concerns current events, too – the present-day history that is unfolding before your eyes now.
You can see how impudent the lie and boundless the hypocrisy of globalists’ protégés at the helm are.
Yet, not everyone can discern them since the human conscience manipulation methods have reached perfection by now.
And it occurs thanks to rare unanimity in actions of all the mainstream media.
It seems to a lot of people that it is impossible for ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE to be deceiving them.
This is exactly what globalists rely on – trust of people to their governments, as well as scientific “experts” who are “considerately” promoted at all the mainstream channels by those who finance these channels.
This is exactly the reason for the deep state’s success in making almost all Earth’s population “kneeled down” having forced it to take fatal preparations for the “disease” they themselves created.
And this information warfare they won has already taken and keeps on taking away lives of millions of innocent people.
Now, in the wings are next stages of this war: digital, climate and food ones.
And as you see, globalists’ protégés are winning these wars to a large extent.
And next time we will talk about the reasons why it happens and what people should do to oppose this information “plague”.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 14, 2023.

November 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Mission: to protect children)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with our talk on the present-day education system, I would like to highlight the main threat it is fraught with and the way to guard one’s children against it.
And it is in its lack of spirituality and laying emphasis only on material side of life.
This is exactly the reason for an escalated level of violence, aggression, greed, envy, indifference and many other negative features in society that cause people so much pain and sorrow.
And it happens because in childhood one did not get the moral basics imparted that could have facilitated one to arrange one’s life on quite other principles – pure, light and Divine ones.
We have already talked a lot with you about what the system of education in the Fifth dimension will be like – more than one series of my messages were dedicated to it.
Therefore now, during the most challenging transitional period of moving from one dimension into another one I just would like to remind you once again not to let your children’s education and upbringing follow their course since the trend and goals of modern education are getting really dangerous to them.
Search for alternatives to your children and grandchildren’s education if you happen to notice changes in their behaviour and conscience.
Do not let the “millstone” of soulless policy made by the present-day education system “grind” everything pure and light that your children have.
Do not let them fall one more victim to contemporary society of consumerism with its false values and goals and desires artificially imposed on people.
Do not spare time or effort to attend to your children yourselves carefully choosing games, books and films for them that feature spiritual principles.
Carefully watch their environment.
Try to involve your child’s friends into the “orbit” of your upbringing so that all of them can be at the same wavelength and not make negative influence on each other.
Do not be lazy to change your life.
Find like-minded people and search together for the schools that meet your requirements – in a word, any alternative systems of education up to home education if you have no in your area.
It will help you safeguard your children’s souls from everything alien, foreign, artificial and get them ready for the Transition to a new world that they are the ones to create actually.
Do know that most of those who have got incarnated on Earth in recent years are here just to move to the Fifth dimension with your planet and assist other, younger, souls in this.
Do help them fulfill their mission!
It is quite possible that this is what your Service is, too.
Everyone makes their contribution to the determining process of the Ascension of Earth within their ability, and upbringing of children in compliance with Divine Universe Laws is one of the most crucial and important tasks for every revived person.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 13, 2023.

November 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Service stuff” for education)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
For my previous message to be continued, today I would like to talk about one more peculiarity of the present-day education system.
And at issue will be the depreciation of a teacher’s role: their status depletion and loss of respect for the side of pupils.
Such phenomenon can be witnessed in many countries of the world and in some of them it is not simply becoming second-rate but even dangerous.
How and why has it happened?
The main reason is decrease in general cultural level of Earth’s population.
All this was occurring gradually and being “tactfully guided” by the deep state whose aim was spiritual impoverishment of people and rise of a consumerism society.
To implement this all the means were employed: television, advertisement, literature, cinema industry, fashion, music and a great deal of other things – everything that was leading people away from universe human values plunging them into unceasing consumption and pursuit for “glamorous” life.
As a result, school has become to be viewed by many pupils not as a temple of knowledge but as an intermediary stage in gaining the desired material wealth since it is impossible to acquire a certain social status without it.
Meanwhile, teachers have begun to be treated by many of them as “service stuff” for their own interests.
It results in lack of respect to teachers and exploitative attitude towards them.
To a large degree it has been facilitated by a new “modern” system of education that was spoken about in my previous messages.
Teachers had to join the process and many of them did not care about giving profound knowledge to their pupils any more but were literally cramming them for guessing answers in exams so that they can get the scores necessary for the certificate.
Just as in commerce demand gives rise to offer, so in the education sphere quite different relationships between teachers and pupils have developed.
Now teachers “cater for” new generation pupils’ needs, and the latter unintentionally have begun to treat them like service stuff – with no respect or honour.
It has become especially evident in recent years when now several generations of such pupils have grown up: such attitude to teachers is being passed on them from their parents this time.
And to turn the tide is only possible for a few teachers who possess not only a pedagogical talent but a strong personality, too.
Fortunately, such teachers are still to come across, and they manage to reveal children’s best qualities and impart spiritual values to them that will guide them further in life.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 12, 2023.

November 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Physical component of education system)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about present-day system of education and talk about its physical component this time.
The things now in progress in this sphere, in all the countries of the world, by the way, are the best to show what globalists actually are.
Education is just the sphere that allows them to manipulate people’s conscience putting into children’s heads what the deep state needs.
Of course, they do not act directly but through their “intermediaries” in the power institutions of most countries of the world.
So, to please their momentary interests the world history has been rewritten more than once, the one that often made heroes of those who were considered criminals not long ago and vice versa.
In correspondence with political state of affairs that is also “conducted” by globalists they “shuffle” political figures and history personalities like a pack of cards so as to present them to people in the perspective beneficial to them at this moment.
And their widest scope of activity is, no doubt, history and geography that are followed by political science and sociology.
The textbooks in these subjects have been rewritten so many times now that it is impossible to get to the root of the things.
Yet, for the majority of schoolchildren and students it is textbooks that are the basics that they will be keeping through all their life.
This is as far as knowledge falsification is concerned.
But the evil as large is featured by its quality, too.
In the “age of speed and technological progress” as present time is often called, children get rather superficial knowledge.
So, for example, it has become fashionable since long ago to read adapted books that are helpfully “provided” in plenty to schoolchildren by the internet.
As a result, a huge layer of literature that is a treasury of every nation and its spiritual values and traditions keeper, let alone the beauty and richness of the language, passes by the young generation that limit themselves only to the plot aspect of these works so as to be able to “guess” the correct answer in the exam.
This is where lack of speaking skills, surprising poverty of the language and inability to express one’s thoughts come from.
All these together influence people’s literacy since it mostly depends on the quality and quantity of the literature read by them, not on the memorizing of grammar or spelling rules.
The human brain features photographic memory: like a hard disc of a computer it writes down everything ever read by a person and the necessary “files” as vivid and figurative expressions, beautiful phrases and grammatically correct constructions later come to their speech – oral or written – automatically.
This is what makes a well-read person different from those who limited themselves to “notes” on classical literature and whose speech is poor and illiterate.
Unfortunately, now language is getting increasingly primitive, which is also facilitated by appearance of mobile phones.
Exchange of short messages substitutes once valid human communication both real-life and written.
Epistolary genre as such is swiftly sliding into oblivion, yet, it was the thing that revealed the depth of the human Soul, all the spectrum of people’s emotional experience and reflection.
Thereby, gradually having subjugated education system in most countries of the world, globalists have managed to create a generation of spiritually poor people that are brought up exclusively on material values and that are so easy to control.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 11, 2023.

November 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One-sided “communication”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about another kind of communication – virtual one that we will also consider from the energy point of view.
Unlike real-life communication between people, virtual one implies interaction of an individual with electronic devices from which they draw the information they need.
And for an example we will refer to education process again so as to trace the way this kind of communication influences schoolchildren and students.
It got especially acute during the “pandemic” imposed on people when everyone had to stay in and for a long time their “interlocutors” became computers and other electronic devices.
As you probably can guess, there can be no energy exchange between a human being and a soulless machine but, yet, there are some nuances and peculiarities here, too.
We have already talked with you that each hand-made object features some of human energy.
So, an individual who feels energies keenly can feel this or that inanimate object’s vibrations – be it a work of art or a common household thing.
No exceptions are electronic devices either but in this case of much more importance is the way they are treated by the person who uses them.
And the amazing thing is that they can reciprocate their feelings both in a positive and negative manner.
For example, if someone feels hostile or annoyed in respect of their computer, all of a sudden it begins to give trouble for no good reason.
And if a person loves it and enjoys working on it, their computer can be of long, reliable and faithful service to them.
This is exactly the way that energy interaction occurs between a human being and seemingly soulless “machine”.
As for information that a pupil draws from the bottomless virtual world of the internet, they have no opportunity to dispute with the authours who present this information, ask them a question or put something to doubt.
They have nothing left but to take everything for gospel, which makes their inner world incredibly impoverished and deprives them of the experience of real-life communication.
And even if one subconsciously feels the energy profile of this or that piece of information or its authour, to be exact, one cannot influence it – one can just stop reading this authour’s articles and find another one who is closer to one in terms of vibrations.
Well, many actually do just like this by intuition but it happens in a more mature age.
As for schoolchildren and students, they have to read the authours that are assigned by their curriculum, and it is impossible to dispute with them with the best will in the world.
In fact, such a teaching method is not as harmless as it may seem at first sight.
Not only it deprives pupils of a creative approach and ability to analyze and ground their opinion, it also leads to that they gradually become apathetic and indifferent to everything.
And it happens because of them being aware that nothing depends on them personally.
Well, this is exactly what slavery psychology is about, the one that is fostered by globalists by means of such an education system.
In the human conscience there take deep root the psychological patterns they need: I cannot change anything, I should do what I am told to do, others know better than me.
As a result, there grows up a generation of obedient, weak-willed and passive people that are so easy to control.
And the revival of Earth’s population is occurring so slowly mostly because people have forgotten how to think independently and lost faith in themselves.
And one of the reasons for that is defaced and curtailed education of several generations now.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 10, 2023.

November 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Experience of real-life communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the energy aspects of different kinds of communication: real-life and virtual.
And we will start with real-life communication that up till recently has been natural and the only one possible.
Let us consider the way it takes place in the education sphere that is at issue in this case.
So, imagine a lesson at school or a higher educational establishment.
And here really a lot depends on a teacher: what atmosphere or, in other words, energy they introduce to a classroom.
It can be a friendly, cheerful and kindly atmosphere or, the other way round, hostile, oppressive and intimidating.
As a rule, it is a teacher who makes the running in class but at the same time their contribution to the general atmosphere is also made by each pupil, too.
Yet, most often, especially if a teacher is a strong personality, pupils catch their energy wave, which actually determines their spiritual mood.
So, the quality of the energy emitted by a teacher directly influences each pupil.
And here one of the main Laws of the Universe comes into action – the Law of Attraction or Similars.
As a result, the positive energies emitted by a teacher get manifold reinforced by the pupils who are at the same wavelength with them.
And under the pressure of this high vibration wave the negative energies that are generated by other pupils get neutralized or even transformed into positive ones.
This way there is gradually being created the energy Unity of this group of people.
The same occurs to negative energies. If a teacher calls the tune in favour of them, pupils are being increasingly seized with the feeling of Fear and Separation.
Consequently, an oppressive atmosphere develops in class that pulls even the most cheerful, benevolent and optimistic pupils in its whirlpool.
Both the former and the latter experience is extremely useful for each of those present in class as it enables them to feel and understand what influence is produced on them by different kinds of energy.
Even if these people are unaware of this and know nothing about energies as such, in their subconscience there gets off the mechanism of automatic tuning onto the energy waves of the people around.
And when necessary, this information will by all means come to their conscience to help feel and understand how to behave in this or that situation: how to get tuned onto the wave of their interlocutor or, the other way round, neutralize the unwelcome energy profile while communicating with them.
This is exactly the way a person learns unintentionally, and growing older quite intentionally, the energy exchange with other people.
And this experience of living in the third dimension is invaluable indeed since this is what many pure human souls have come here for.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 9, 2023.

November 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (From education to spiritual destitution)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about one more phenomenon of modern society that is fraught with danger invisible at first sight.
And at issue will be principle change of education system, which leads to general spiritual destitution.
Perhaps, you have noticed the huge gap between the older generation that received classical education and young people who are deprived of it.
By the expression “classical education” I mean what is deprived of digitizing of all kinds.
So, in the absence of computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices children and the youth got information from books and their teachers.
And it was enough to teach them thinking since a person who takes a book gets completely plunged into the knowledge new to them unintentionally bringing it into a system and carrying out comparative analysis.
This is how the human brain works: it “digests” information thoroughly especially if it is presented in a literary form – in a bright and beautiful way that gets later settled in their conscience and subconscience in an interpreted way now.
Then, discussing the things read pupils exchanged opinions, impressions and conclusions in class.
As a result, a live discussion arose, which enriched its participants even more at the same time training children to listen to others’ opinions and be able to ground theirs.
Compulsory reading of literature facilitated the development of language skills, extension of word stock of people and their literacy.
Teaching stuff of those times was quite efficient because the profession of a school teacher or university professor was respected and prestigious.
Well, what is going on now when live communication is substituted for soulless electronic gadgets by means of which in one click it is possible to find any information, the answer to any question not being bothered with reading books or textbooks?
The things that are, in fact, going on are that a person does not need to make any mental efforts getting everything ready, and from a thinker and creator they turn into information consumer.
Especially ruinous became the introduction of knowledge checking system when the correct option should be chosen among several ones.
It deprives a person of the ability to think deep and thoroughly giving a considered and extended answer to the question asked.
Instead of this they limit themselves to superficial knowledge that is enough to guess, not feel the answer keenly.
As a result of such a “castrated” education system, there have already grown up several generations of people who cannot express their thoughts vividly, figuratively and correctly since they were not trained to read, who cannot approach their work in a creative way since they were not trained to think in an open-minded and free-scope way and who cannot make a full-fledged communication with other people as they had no experience of opinions and impressions exchange in respect of the knowledge received.
So, gradually, human communication both direct and indirect – by means of reading literature was substituted for one-sided application of soulless electronic devices that have become integral part of every contemporary individual’s life.
And next time we will talk about the influence produced on the human health and psyche by the substitution of live communication for virtual and about the energy it features.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 8, 2023.

November 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Cryptocurrencies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about one more hazard in financial sphere that has recently become to show widely.
Perhaps, many of you have already heard about the alternative currency offered by a lot of banks.
Unlike national currencies, they have quite another origin and its merging at the global market anticipates unified money – payment system one for all the countries.
And as it is often the case with globalists, they do not conceal their actual intentions but few people can see it.
So, for example, the word “cryptocurrency” has the Greek word “kryptos” in it that means “secret” or “concealed”.
And it means that a person who purchases such currency will not be able to trace the destiny of their savings anymore since now they are in the grip of financial magnates who will dispose of it at their discretion depending on the current state of affairs on the market.
The same happens to other virtual payment systems that are being widely advertised now and becoming fashionable.
What are the goals pursued by globalists while introducing this new payment system?
Before all, to disguise as much as possible the route such money travels so as its owner could not trace the financial operations made with it.
Moreover, a complicated system to calculate its ration to other world’s currencies provides bankers with a wide sphere of activity for financial manipulations with it speculating in currencies exchange rate.
As usual, everything looks nice just in terms of words and in practice this “trendy” money brings profit to the same small group of bankers who hold all the financial strings they pull controlling other smaller banks, different corporations and investment institutions.
Fortunately, so far not thus many people have found themselves in this financial trap and they are mostly those who possess quite large capital.
Yet, I would like you to keep vigilant and not to rise to the fly of advertisement tricks and generous promises of bank workers.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you today
Channeled by Marta on November 7, 2023.

November 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (So as not to end up with “Cinderella” status)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about digital currency that people have been made accustomed to for decades now.
As a matter of fact, even any kinds of credit cards are just the one, and a lot of people cannot imagine their life without them having forgotten when they held paper money in their hands last.
Well, this is exactly the purpose of the deep state: to train people to think that cash is inconvenient, dangerous, unnecessary…
And now imagine a situation when all of a sudden electricity goes off and not a single supermarket can accept payments by credit cards.
In this case people turn out beggars in the literally meaning of the word since they cannot buy even food for themselves from local farmers or small shops.
Or another case: when your card happens to be blocked by the bank for some reasons.
And then a person becomes absolutely helpless and unprotected especially if they are away from home or even in a foreign country.
Yet, it is such general “blocking” of all your money savings that globalists’ plans are aimed at.
As soon as they introduce digital currency, you will find yourselves in a tricky financial trap, with someone else starting to dispose of all your savings including artificial intelligence that will track all your actions – every step of yours.
Of course, no one will tell you about this until the moment you voluntarily lose your ground having abolished cash once and for all.
Until then you will be told about huge “advantages” of digital currency as a breathtaking technological breakthrough in people’s life.
And only after “the cell closes” and the “bird” cannot break free, you will feel the iron feast of the “bird catcher”.
Therefore, remember as often as possible, my dear, that under any unforeseen circumstances your credit card turns into a useless piece of plastic just as the carriage for Cinderella turned into a pumpkin after the time allowed to her ran out.
It is actually a very precise comparison in your respect: the Dragon reptiles allowed you to play a beautiful life paying for all the life’s enjoyments with your “magic wand” – a credit card and then they decided to take it away from you so as to turn you into “Cinderella” forever this time.
Recall this comparison as often as possible, my dear, so as not to lose your right to decide for yourselves what, where and when to buy, how to live and what to do.
And under no circumstances agree to the introduction of digital currency in your countries.
Do your best to prevent this law from coming into power.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 5, 2023.

November 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Digital money)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about one more threat that lies in wait for contemporary man and about the way you can minimize it.
And at issue will be gradual introduction of the so-called “digital money” everywhere.
Many of you already know that it is one of the points in globalists’ programme on total enslavement of humanity.
But a lot of people believe in the “conveniences” of this modern payment system that are widely advertised by the media.
As a matter of fact, it is but depriving people of the freedom to dispose of their decently gained means themselves.
And, as usual, the deep state and their protégés at the helm present this nicely “designed” financial “stranglehold” drawing a picture of the numerous advantages of virtual money over cash.
You can observe what such financial policy leads to having the case study of some countries where social rating has already been introduced.
The only reason why a lot of people do not take seriously such an obvious financial slavery to come is that their conscience is being constantly influenced from without by the media.
As it has already been said in my recent message, the people who excluded such media from their life long ago take reality in quite an adequate way and see rather well all the “traps” set by globalists.
And it concerns absolutely all aspects of your life: political, economic, financial, military, medical, educational, social and moral.
At present everything “has been turned upside down” to the extent it seems impossible to see it just for the blind.
Yet, nevertheless, there are still so many “blind people” on Earth who obediently follow all the commands from above.
This is why Transition has prolonged so much having taken the turn least favourable for you.
Therefore, my dear, now a special responsibility falls on you so that besides the crimes globalists have already committed there will not be added one more: total financial enslavement of humanity that digital currency is fraught with.
Explain what it actually is to the people in your environment.
Give certain examples, that are plentiful now, of what the consequences can result from deprivation of people’s right to make payments in “solid” cash at their discretion, not at gracious permission of invisible puppeteers.
Remember that as soon as you give them this right of yours, too, you will find yourselves in ultimate dependence on a group of NONhumans who seized power on your planet.
The very life of yours will be totally in their grip.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 4, 2023.

November 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intolerance to others’ opinion)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the talk about the mass media, I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of theirs.
And it is in that the people who watch the mainstream channels from time to time, and especially the news programmes, become intolerant to other people’s opinion.
If someone expresses another – non-official – point of view, these people start aggressively defending theirs, to be exact, the one that was imposed on them by multiple repetition on these channels.
Why does it happen?
As a matter of fact, besides the hazard that was mentioned in my previous messages there is one more that is likely to be the most insidious.
It has been since long ago that the protégés of the deep state started developing and putting into use human conscience influence technologies.
With the help of these technologies there occurs zombifying of your planet’s population in the direct meaning of the word.
The so-called “invisible frame” enables to influence the cerebellum of humans where subtle channels of emotion perception of reality are located.
This is something in between your conscience and subconscience and the emotions that are embedded into this part of the human brain burst out every time when one faces something that does not correspond to the “invisible frame” contents.
And its contents have the programme of obedience and clear following of the instructions that one hears in these news programmes.
It is mostly the reason for the mass craze related to vaccination.
A lot of people who got the invisible order from their TV screens obediently queued to receive these experimental preparations baneful for them.
Perhaps, you have noticed that critical attitude towards the wide scale campaign on vaccination was only shown by those who have not been watching TV for a long time and draw information from quite distinct – alternative – sources of information.
For the same reason, despite all your efforts, many of you have failed to keep your nearest and dearest from this fatal step, those who get information exclusively from the mainstream news.
Thereby, by means of an “expert” opinion of the journalists, scientists and doctors who work for globalists and the one that was “savoured” with technologies for human conscience control the deep state’s marionettes have managed to accomplish their programme on the mass vaccination of your planet’s population.
The same way they are promoting the rest points of their programme, too.
Therefore, so as to secure oneself against “zombifying” and keep one’s conscience pure, it is necessary to get totally rid of TV dependence and watching all the mainstream channels on one’s electronic devices.
Now it is gaining an unprecedented significance.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 2, 2023.

November 6


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to strike a balance of the previous month when on Earth there arose one more bed of tension that has caused so much pain and sorrow to people.
What conclusions can be made in respect of the way the world responds to this Near East conflict?
As a matter of fact, it is this conflict that has opened all the abscesses of modern society having shown how strong hatred in people is and at the same time how easily controlled they are from without.
The representatives of the deep state and their protégés at the helm are making the most of the confrontation between the Jews and the Arabs and, what is more, not only at the very zone of the conflict but all around the globe, too.
They have managed to “set at loggerheads” all the supporters of Israel and Palestine and the evidence of it are demonstrations of many thousands to support the former and the latter in many countries.
Yet, this is only the visible part of the whole picture.
In fact, such SEPARATION is running in the heads of millions of people and hot discussions of this war are flaring up in every country, every city, a lot of working teams and even families.
For a long time human minds have plunged into the whirlpool of aggression, censure and separation.
Yet, on the other hand, this conflict has made obvious all the falsity, hypocrisy and cynicism of the politicians who pronounce one sort of things, think another sort of things and do still another one.
And only a small segment of the planet’s population is showing sincere sympathy and compassion to common people who are finding themselves in the epicenter of this tragedy.
These are the ones who realize the underlying reasons for the military conflicts that have arisen and see who and how are making the criminal policy of the deep state.
While the rest are mostly lending their ear to the “expert” opinion of politicians, journalists, bloggers who most often present the point of view of their clients to the audience and uphold it in an aggressive way.
Yet, as usual, the truth is somewhere in between and so as to get at the roots of it, it is necessary to take into consideration a lot of factors of the events in progress.
And, before all, one should make a clear distinction between such notions as “peaceful inhabitants” and “war instigators”.
But for the inhabitants of these countries to get a real opportunity to live peacefully, they THEMSELVES should strip of power all those who draw their countries into military actions.
Until they do this, they will be manipulated from behind the scenes by those who benefit from breeding aggression, fear, pain and sorrow among them.
Therefore, the only way out to stop such conflicts, and it concerns absolutely any country, is revival of people’s conscience and their sincere desire to live in peace with all their neighbours.
As soon as they realize this and express such a desire at least to themselves, the energy of confrontation will quickly start transforming into the Energy of Unity.
And then for the deep state’s representatives who unleash wars it will be very hard to “make a breach” in such a high vibration energy as the Energy of Unity is.
People will not get any more desire to make war with their neighbours this time treating them not as their enemies but inhabitants as peaceful as they themselves are and who have only one desire – to live happily, quietly and peacefully.
As a matter of fact, it is a natural condition of every human being on Earth, while all the rest is an introduced from without, imposed by force and alien opinion of the conquerors of your planet and their marionettes at the helm.
That is why it is extremely important to separate the grain from the husk – one’s own from alien, and then all the wars on your planet will stop themselves being deprived of replenishment as hatred, separation and aggression.
Always remember about this, my dear.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 6, 2023.

November 5

Make wonders already now

Greetings, my beloved children!
I have come to you today to talk to you about one feature of your life that many of you pay little attention to.
And this is inertness of your existence.
Despite the fact that you are very well informed about all the twists and turns of Transition and try to do energy practices to speed it up, your everyday life hardly changes.
And it is quite easy to explain: since long ago it has already acquired a certain rhythm for you that you are used to calling routine.
At first sight, it may seem something positive which makes your existence easier: everything is running according to the “route” settled in advance and you do not have to distract to anything new or unusual.
But, as a matter of fact, such life is deprived of improvisation that always brings brightness and novelty to it.
Well, mind you, soon you are not simply to move to a new higher dimension but plunge into quite a different reality, with all the usual laws of existence, including physical ones, not working anymore.
And to get adapted in the new reality, quite a distinct perception of life is required, with imagination, fantasy and improvisation being exactly the foundation of it.
And you can start developing these qualities in yourselves already now, which will not only enrich your present life but will also help you get ready for the new one.
For this purpose you already have such magic accessory means as intelligent high vibration energies that you can interact with closely.
I see, my dear, that you use them mostly in your energy practices, séances and meditations, which is really praiseworthy, of course.
Yet, in your usual life, your everyday routine you absolutely forget about them.
And it is a pity indeed: they can enrich your existence in the third dimension world incredibly.
By means of these amazing energies you can turn your life into magic.
So, for example, you can play with the Energy of Time depending on the circumstances expanding or, on the contrary, contracting it. Now it is becoming quite real.
You can invoke some of your favourite Energies for help even in the most usual routine matters. And you will feel the difference by all means.
Do not forget about your Safeguard Angels either, the ones that are only waiting for you to talk to them, ask for some advice or support.
Now, at the junction of the two dimensions, you can communicate with them like with real beings and feel their presence by your side almost physically.
Try to emerge from routine every day thinking of at least little surprises to your family and yourselves – something nice and unexpected for everyone.
Learn to make wonders already now and then it will be much easier for you to get adjusted in the space of the Fifth dimension making the most of the opportunities you are endowed with there.
I bless you and love you so much!
God-Father spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 5, 2023.

November 3

With march-in right

Greetings, my dear Earthlings!
Today we have come to you to tell you about the way the events on Earth are taken by the members of the Intergalactic Confederation.
Since we are closely watching the things that are taking place on your planet at the final stage of her Transition to the Fifth dimension, it is essential for us to see the actual picture of all the events so as to have an opportunity to interfere with them in time in case something runs not in compliance with the Creator’s plan.
Therefore, not long ago there was convened the Special Council of the Intergalactic Confederation to discuss the probable consequences of the war unleashed by the Dragon reptiles in the Near East.
And this is the conclusion we have made.
This conflict that was planned by the enemies of humanity as another bed of tension aimed at the enrichment of military corporations and at the same time at the initiation of chaos in this region again is beginning to run out of their control.
Too many countries have found themselves involved into this conflict both politically and emotionally.
So now any thoughtless step of one country can lead to irreversible aftereffects.
That is why we have arrived to the decision to take more active part in the life of Earthlings.
Now we are changing the status of observers for the status of a controlling side with the march-in right if humanity appears endangered.
We cannot let the Dragon reptiles ruin your planet for the sake of their mercenary interests.
Why do we believe we have the right to march-in?
The main reason is that we have the objective view of the things in progress: that even the lightest and purest souls who have already revived completely cannot turn the tide under the circumstances when all the power and finances are still in the grip of the Dragon reptiles and their protégés in the power institutions in most countries of the world.
We appreciate your energy, mental and emotional work that you do to facilitate the victory of the Forces of Light over the Forces of Dark.
Yet, to avert physically the evil deeds that are being done on your planet is beyond your depth for the time being.
But your stern intention and sincere desire to break free from the third dimension matrix that has already turned into a hateful prison to you give us the right to provide you with more active support.
Therefore, already now the Galaxy Light Federation is sending its scout and military spaceships to the near-earth orbit so that they can respond immediately to any hazard provoked by your conquerors and, if necessary, neutralize different kinds of mass destruction weapons.
In other words, we cannot directly intervene in the military confrontation between the countries that is the manifestation of these countries’ nations’ free will but in case of fatal danger threatening neutral innocent countries and their nations, we will by all means take measures to prevent such a threat.
To do so the Galaxy Light Federation has everything they need and you have a lot of opportunities to see the results of their work during critical situations at nuclear power objects and during military conflicts.
We would like to assure you our dear Earthlings: nothing and nobody can impede your Transition to the Fifth dimension and any attempts of the Dragon reptiles to retard this process from now on will be stemmed by your Galaxy brothers who are on duty on the orbit of Earth.
The representatives of the Intergalactic Confederation spoke to you today
Channeled by Marta on November 3, 2023.

November 1

With gentle motherly love

Greetings, my beloved!
Today I have come to you because I would like to comfort and support you during such tough period when military conflicts on Earth result in hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ death, as well as innocent women, children and elderly people.
It hurts me to see that your long-suffering Earth has again fallen victim to bloody crimes of the Dragon reptiles – these soulless and cruel creatures.
Everything runs in circle in this system that has had its days and that was developed to control states, nations, religions by a small group of impious creatures deciding the destiny of millions of people and causing them endless suffering.
Even we, the Ascended Masters, could not imagine that in the 21st century humanity would again come back to religious wars that brought them so much pain in old times.
But I would like you to know that the hatred that is now being bred by those who rule the world from behind the scenes is caused by artificial control of large masses of people’s conscience rather than by religious beliefs.
Though now even such notion as “people” has become blurred since long ago – too many other creatures have learnt to get embodied as humans.
It hurts us so much to see how crowd conscience is being controlled so skillfully by creatures of no Soul or sympathy and how readily humans yield to their manipulations.
But the things that have been in progress in recent years and especially months are going beyond the permissible bounds and violate not only the Laws of the Universe but even the third dimension world laws one for all people.
To our huge regret, we cannot interfere actively with the events that are taking place on Earth now.
But what we can do is to facilitate the transition into another world for those who suffered from the evil deeds of your criminal governments.
At present a huge army of Angel creatures have arrived at the near-earth space to meet those who are leaving the physical level as a result of the military actions.
Do know, my dear, that all the pure and light souls who gave their lives in the name of justice on Earth, as well as innocent people who suffered in military conflicts are making transition to subtle worlds in a “simplified way” if it is to be expressed in an earthly language you understand.
It means that skipping astral layers they get immediately to the subtle level of existence where souls usually come to not earlier than forty days after their physical body death.
There has been created a special Light Portal for them that used to be opened in exceptional cases – for the souls of a very high order who gave their life for the sake of service to humanity.
It has become possible thanks to Earth’s vibrations increase and her steady motion to the energy space of the Fifth dimension.
Now the border line between the dense and subtle worlds has become noticeably thinner, therefore, the transition from one world into the other has turned easier for many.
Yet, not everyone, of course, rises to such a high level of the subtle plane.
Those who committed evil deeds get into quite different – infernal – worlds and at an accelerated speed, too.
For them there is opened another portal – in the direction opposite to the Light one.
And there is one more piece of good news that I would like to communicate to you today.
All the pure and light souls that knew about the Ascension of Earth and were striving for moving into a new life with her having left the third dimension world ahead of time have found themselves in the space of the Fifth dimension, anyway, and are getting adjusted there in the reality new to them.
As you see, my dear, enormous changes are occurring now not only on Earth but in the near-earth space, too since everything is interconnected in this by far the greatest experiment in the Universe when a whole planet is moving to a new level of existence so promptly.
Everything is going to be fine, my dear, keep patient for some more time.
And I am saying goodbye to you and cloaking each of you in my gentle motherly Love.
The Virgin Mary spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on November 1, 2023.
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