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Spiritual Enhancement 2

12 commandments of an optimist

12 commandments of an optimist

1. Don’t forget to throw garbage out: … out of the bucket… out of your head… out of life!
2. When things go wrong for you, just don’t go with them.
3. If a mistake can be corrected, it means you haven’t made a mistake yet.
4. The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
5. Thanks to those people who came into my life and made it wonderful. And thanks to those people who came out of it and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who doesn’t like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry or offended: “crush” them with your positivity.
8. You need to arrange your life until life starts to suit you.
9. I don’t want to upset you, but I’m fine!
10. I don’t step on a rake. I’m already dancing on them! And every time it becomes more masterly.
11. Recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t be nervous about every harmful person.
12. The best day is Today!!!

Transmission of light codes

Transmission of light codes

Many firefly people live in cities and visit a wide variety of public places (supermarkets, shopping centers, schools, kindergartens, public institutions…).
Their souls came to actively participate in the quantum transition and transmit light codes to people, awakening their divine being.
And such people are not attracted to living alone and in the wilderness. The soul wants to share the light, transmit it to everyone!
Now these people are actively transmitting light codes. And how do they do it?
They themselves fly into the space of firefly people when they are in harmony, peace and love!
If in public places they radiate joy and love, inner peace, then they automatically transmit Light codes, like Divine settings, to everyone around them.
These light codes come directly from their subtle bodies. Most often from the heart or third eye. Codes look like multi-colored streams of energy, sometimes like hieroglyphs, sacred signs, drawings…
Firefly people are able to transmit these light codes through their voice, written text, and even through their physical presence in space.
And everyone around unconsciously reads these codes. If a person is ready, then the light code, like a key, will reveal it. If there is no readiness for disclosure yet, then the code will enter and remain inside, like a grain that will someday sprout.
My dear ones, now a lot of people are conductors of light on Earth. Through them, a wide variety of light assistance is transmitted to the planet and everything on it. Only in Unity does global transformation and transformation of the world take place.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

Madhouse on Earth? Or is everything according to plan

Madhouse on Earth? Or is everything according to plan? The gaze of those who see. Do you want to know the truth?

Ilya Bortnikov

Only crazy esotericists say that positive changes are taking place on Earth, the planet is being cleansed, a quantum transition is taking place, and time is taking us all to a bright future.
Do you believe it? Thousands of people die every day from hunger, wars and disease, and of course we are looking for some kind of justification for this, since it is impossible to live, realizing that you are living in a prison, and something bad can happen to you at any moment. And most importantly, we cannot change anything. So all we have to do is look for excuses for our helplessness and believe in a bright future.
They will choose the right president, there will be smart and bright people in the government, or the Messiah will come and scare all the reptiles with God. Our faith in the best is like a drug, which in the form of religion or esotericism of all stripes must be taken regularly, otherwise the soul will be torn apart, like Dostoevsky’s Idiot, from all the cruelty on Earth.
Do you want to know the truth, what is happening on Earth, and what awaits us? And in general, can anyone change life on the planet for the better?
I won’t write here about reptilians and Anunnaki; there is enough of its own zoo here.
Since you read the esoteric channel, you somehow believe that we live more than one life. I wrote an article about death, but few people read it, so I haven’t written a sequel yet, about what awaits us in real life after death.
You see that a huge number of people live on the planet, and those who see see that there are very few intelligent people, and even fewer who are self-aware. You see the physical World, and if you look not with your eyes, then the World is various energy-informational forms connected together by an energy web.
A person is a bundle of energy containing a certain amount of information. Like a soap bubble, like a flash drive, onto which more and more information is recorded from incarnation to incarnation, which forms certain abilities during life.
There are very few developed such balls with rich past experience. The number of bodies on the planet has increased several times over a hundred years, but there is no software for these bodies. The development of the energy information field is a very long evolution.
People surround themselves with cats and dogs because they themselves are not so far removed from them in their development. But since you are reading this, you have the Internet and time for this, which means you are among more or less developed people. And how many billions of people are there on the planet who have no education at all, and whose purpose in life is the desire to survive?
For a person sensitive to the pain of others, with an open soul, it is simply unbearable to realize the amount of pain and suffering on Earth. My mind is torn from understanding how people can kill each other. So I want to find an excuse for everything, coming up with God’s plan for God. And he has one plan – the development of energy information forms. All. This universe has no other meaning.
You develop, or you degrade. The evolution of your being occurs, or self-destruction. And it’s like you have nothing to do with it. After all, you live with a set of programs embedded in you.
Humanly speaking, of course, I feel sorry for the people. Yes, like animals. Life is like the life of a butterfly. But a person looked with his own eyes, touched the world with his own hands, felt something, experienced something, loved, and that’s all. The end of the movie for many.
This is why people want to believe in religious or esoteric fairy tales, because realizing the truth is very unpleasant. And so you believe in something good, and that there are bright and wise people in the World who will change life on Earth for the better. And you?
People on the planet have created states with laws and armies. After all, a crowd of unreasonable people must somehow be controlled by someone who is smarter and stronger. State laws structure behavior, and religion provides a common ideological field in which the fear of breaking “commandments” makes members of society “normal.” This is what we live in.
But there are also other states. Although laws are created for their common coexistence, when guys fight over a girl, they don’t care about all the laws. Are the governments of the countries to blame? There are no people there, because they become instruments through which states assert themselves. And in this World, whoever has more energy rules the roost. Cunning, meanness, violence, murder – these are just methods that allow the state to become more powerful.
What will people say? And they will say what we tell them to think. Citizens of the state must think correctly, in the interests of the state. Look around you. There is no need to even explain here.
Now just imagine!
So you woke up and saw that you were in a madhouse. Good orderlies may notice this! Is it better to pretend to be a moron so as not to be different from others? Or start awakening everyone around from the darkness of ignorance? Like “piles of medicine, we’re in the toilet, who’s not a fool” in Vysotsky’s song.
Hopelessness for an awakened person!
That’s why we believe in the era of Aquarius, the quantum transition, and are waiting for the second coming. Better at least some sleeping pills, than without it at all.
A beautiful expensive suit does not make a person an intellectual. Likewise, the presence of a body does not turn an animal into a human being. The ability to think only makes this animal more cunning and cruel.
Jesus two thousand years ago brought the idea of love, which was supposed to transform animals into open-hearted people. Centuries have passed, and people in their nature have changed little.
Don’t think that someone will make you a person with a developed mind and heart for you. Our development is the fruit of individual efforts.
But the programs downloaded into this body cannot be changed in any way, and everyone, as it were, is not responsible for their thoughts and actions. What to take from biorobots? Everyone works out their programs without even realizing it, being in the illusion of freedom of choice.
So Buddhas, Messiahs, and various mystics periodically come and change these programs for people who have come under their influence. So now you have found yourself in my ideological field, and either it will change you, or you will brush it off and return to the “factory settings”.
After all, you like to read about the new era of Light, and that everything is going according to plan. But realize who writes this and why?
“To everyone who goes to bed,
Have a restful sleep.”
It’s just not a calm night…
“Who seeks will always find”.
Remember this!
Buddhas and Messiahs are needed to awaken you so that you can begin to search for yourself first. Your real self!
This is only the first step in the real evolution of man, but you must take it yourself.

People who bring good luck

People who bring good luck: 6 signs of “good news”

When you meet such people, you feel joy, inspiration and self-confidence. They can support you in difficult moments, share positive experiences and create an atmosphere of joy and well-being. Such people can manifest themselves in various areas of life, be it friends, relatives, colleagues or partners. Often, they are able to see the positive sides of life, even in difficult situations, and share their optimism with others…
One writer said: you need to join a strong person, and then part of his strength will be transferred to you. No, you will not take away his energy; it radiates light and warmth, that is its essence. You just need to stay close, be friends, communicate, learn, adopt – treat such a person well. Show sympathy. If such a person appears on the path of life, this is a great opportunity to become happier and achieve success, writes psychologist Anna Kiryanova.
Such a person exudes a feeling of peace and peace of mind.
No, he may not be blissful and sublime at all. But in his presence it is calmer. Somehow happier. It seems to charge you with energy and hope. As if he was saying: “everything will be fine!”
After communicating with such a person, cheerfulness and high spirits remain for a long time.
Luck begins to accompany you; Even if it’s small, it’s real luck. Negotiations are carried out successfully, issues are resolved, and it is possible to obtain permission or the necessary document.
Lost things may be found, a debt that was not repaid may be repaid…
You can win something nice, receive a gift, or sell something profitably. Financial improvement is taking place. Profit. It may be small, but it is a profit.
You are feeling better!
The headache, for example, went away. Health has improved. There was no trace left of the cold, the child or someone close to him recovered.
The advice of such a person is very useful.
They really help. Even if he speaks jokingly or talks about himself, his words have a deep meaning – just for you. It seems to convey useful information addressed to you personally.
You want to come closer to such a person – he makes you feel warm!
It radiates energy. You immediately feel sympathy, trust, and then you think about this person – he made a strong impression on you. His image is “imprinted” on your soul. Although he may look ordinary…
If you meet such a person in life, this is the beginning of a good period. Even if it’s a chance meeting, if you just talked a little, got in touch, it’s still great. By coming into contact with another strong and healthy system, we acquire its qualities and properties. This man met you for a reason. This is an example, and hope, and a good sign for the future, and support… dobryh-vestnikov/



You are alive only in proportion to how aware you are. Mindfulness is the difference between life and death. You are not alive just because you breathe, you are not alive just because your heart is beating. Physiologically, you can be kept alive in a hospital, without any consciousness.
Become more awakened and you will become more alive. And life is God – there is no other God. Therefore Buddha talks about life and awareness. Life is the goal, awareness is the methodology, the technique to achieve it.
The only thing you need to learn is observation. Watch! Watch every action you take. Observe every thought that passes through your mind. Observe every desire that comes over you. Observe even minor gestures – how you walk, talk, eat, take a bath. Continue to observe, in everything, everywhere. Let everything become an opportunity to observe.
Don’t eat mechanically, don’t just go on stuffing yourself with food – be very observant. Chew carefully and observantly… and you will be surprised at how much you have missed until now, because each bite will bring great satisfaction. If you eat mindfully, the food will taste better.
Inhale the smell, feel the touch, feel the gust of wind and the sun’s rays. Look at the moon, and become just a silent reservoir of observation, and the moon will be reflected in you in immeasurable beauty.
Move through life while remaining completely observant. Again and again you will forget. Don’t become unhappy because of this; it `s naturally…
Remember one thing: when you remember that you forgot to observe, do not regret, do not repent; otherwise you will waste your time. Don’t feel unhappy: “I missed out again.” Don’t start feeling, “I am a sinner.” Don’t start judging yourself, because this is a complete waste of time. Never repent of the past! Live in this moment.
The first step in mindfulness is to become very aware of your body. Little by little one becomes alert in every gesture, in every movement. As you become more aware, a miracle begins to happen: many things that you did before simply disappear. Your body becomes more relaxed, more in tune, deep peace reigns in your body, subtle music pulsates in your body.
Then begin to be aware of thoughts – the same must be done with thoughts. They are thinner than the body and, of course, much more dangerous. And when you become aware of thoughts, you will be surprised by what is happening inside you.
And the miracle of mindfulness is that you don’t have to do anything except become aware. The very act of seeing this changes everything. Little by little the madman disappears. Little by little thoughts begin to follow a certain pattern: their chaos is no longer there, they become more and more cosmos. And then a deeper peace reigns.
This is the thinnest layer and the most difficult, but if you can be aware of thoughts, it is just one step further. All you need is a little more intense awareness, and you will begin to reflect your moods, emotions, feelings.
Once you become aware of all these three layers, they combine into one phenomenon. And when these three layers become one, begin to act in complete harmony, vibrate together, you can feel the music of all three: they become an orchestra – and then the fourth thing happens. You cannot do this – it happens by itself, it is a gift of the whole. This is the reward for those who take these three steps. The fourth is extreme awareness, which makes a person awakened. A person becomes aware of his own awareness – this is the fourth thing. This makes one a buddha, an awakened one. And only in such awakening does a person learn what bliss is. Bliss is the goal, awareness is the path to it.
Act, speak with full awareness, and you will find a huge change in yourself. The very fact that you are aware changes all your actions. Then you cannot commit sin. It’s not that you have to control yourself, no! Control is a surrogate for awareness, a very poor substitute; he is of little help. If you are aware, you don’t need to control your anger; in mindfulness anger never arises. Anger and awareness cannot exist together; their coexistence is impossible. In mindfulness, jealousy never arises. In mindfulness many things simply disappear – all things that are negative.
Whatever you do, keep constantly doing one thing inside: be aware that you are doing it. You eat – be aware of yourself. You walk – be aware of yourself. You listen, you speak – be aware of yourself. When you are angry, be aware that you are angry. At the very time when anger comes, realize that you are angry. This constant remembering of yourself creates subtle energy in you, very subtle energy.
Awareness is what makes you the master – and when I say master, I don’t mean that you are in control. When I say be the master, I mean be present—always present. Whatever you do or don’t do, one thing should always be in your consciousness: that you are.
You have to fight anger, greed, sex because you are weak. So actually the problem is not anger, greed and sex, the problem is weakness. Once you begin to be strong within and you have a sense of inner presence – that you are – your energies begin to become concentrated, crystallized at one point, and the “I” is born. Remember, it is not the ego that is born, but the self.
Be relaxed. Don’t try hard, because it is in relaxation that you can be aware, not in trying hard. Be calm, quiet, silent.
What’s your tension? Your identification with all kinds of thoughts, fears – death, ruin, the fall of the dollar and all kinds of things. These are your tensions, and they affect the body. Your body becomes tense because the body and mind are not two separate entities. The body-mind is one system, so when the mind becomes tense, the body becomes tense.
A person of awareness and understanding acts. A person who is unconscious, unconscious, mechanical, robotic, reacts.
Someone insults you, presses a button, and you react. You feel angry, you lash out – and you call it action? This is not an action, mind you, this is a reaction. He manipulates you, and you are a puppet. He pressed the button and you turned on like a machine. Just like you press a button to turn a light on or off, that’s what people do to you. They turn you on and off.
Someone comes and praises you, inflates your ego, and you feel great. Then someone comes and stabs you, and you just deflate and fall to the ground. You are not your own boss. Anyone can insult you and make you sad, angry, irritated, nervous, violent, crazy. And anyone can praise you and make you feel on top, feel like the greatest of people, in comparison with whom Alexander the Great pales. You act according to the manipulations of others. This is not real action.
Conscience is a trick that others play on you – others tell you what is right and what is wrong. They impose their ideas on you, and have been constantly imposing them since childhood. When you are so innocent, so vulnerable, so delicate that you can leave an imprint, a trace, they condition you – from the very beginning. This conditioning is called “conscience”, and this conscience continues to rule your whole life. Conscience is a strategy of society aimed at enslaving you.
Buddhas teach consciousness. Consciousness means that you do not learn from others what is right and what is wrong. You don’t need to learn from anyone else, you just need to go within. And the inner journey is enough – the deeper you go, the more consciousness is released. When you reach the center you are so full of light that this darkness disappears.
The only sin is unawareness, and the only virtue is awareness. What cannot be done without unconsciousness is sin. What can only be done with awareness is virtue. It is impossible to kill if you are aware; no violence at all is possible if you are aware. It is impossible to rape, steal, torture – all this is impossible if there is awareness. It is only when unconsciousness reigns that in its darkness all sorts of enemies enter into you.
And remember, I say everything, no matter what you do – even your virtues will not be virtues if you are unconscious. How can you be virtuous if you are not aware? Behind your virtue there will be a huge, gigantic ego – it is inevitable.
Even your holiness, developed and instilled with great difficulty and effort, is in vain. Because it will not bring simplicity and modesty, it will not bring that great experience of divinity that only happens when the ego disappears. You will live the respectable life of a saint, but you will remain as poor as anyone else – rotten inside, you will lead a meaningless existence.
A “good person” is not necessarily conscious. He makes great efforts to be good, he fights against bad qualities – lying or theft, untruth, dishonesty, violence. They are present in a good person, but in a suppressed form, and can erupt at any moment.
A good person can turn into a bad one very easily, without any effort – because all these bad qualities are there, but they are only curtailed, suppressed by effort. If he eliminates the effort, they will immediately erupt into his life. And these good qualities are only developed, not natural. He tries with all his might to be honest, sincere, not to lie – but it is an effort, it is tiring.
A good person is always serious because he is afraid of all the bad qualities that he has suppressed. And he is serious because deep down he wants to be respected for his goodness, to be rewarded. He craves respectability.
A good man must make immense efforts to do good and avoid bad; the bad remains a constant temptation for him. This is a choice: every moment he must choose the good, not choose the bad.
A good person is in constant conflict. His whole life is not a life of joy; he cannot laugh with all his heart, he cannot sing, he cannot dance. In everything and always he makes judgments. His mind is full of judgment and judgment – and because he himself is trying so hard to be good, he judges others by the same criteria. He cannot accept you as you are; he can accept you only if you satisfy his requirements and are good. And since he cannot accept people as they are, he condemns them… These are not the qualities of a truly religious person. In a truly religious person there is no judgment, no condemnation.
There is only one way to go beyond being a “good person”: to bring more awareness into your being. Mindfulness is not something that needs to be instilled; it is already there, you just need to wake it up.
Religions have decided to remain only moral codes. These are ethical codes; they are useful for society, but not useful for you, not useful for the individual. These are amenities created by society. Naturally, if everyone starts stealing, life will become impossible; if everyone starts lying, life will become impossible; if everyone is dishonest, you will not be able to exist at all. Therefore, at the lowest level, morality is needed by society, it is social convenience, but not a religious revolution.
Go beyond the normal concept of a good person. You won’t be good, you won’t be bad. You will simply be alert, conscious, aware, and then whatever follows will be good. In other words, I can say that in total awareness you will acquire the quality of divinity, and good is just a small by-product of divinity.
Religions taught you to be good so that one day you could find God. This is impossible – no good person has ever found divinity. I teach just the opposite: find divinity and good things will come naturally. And when good things come naturally, they have beauty, grace, simplicity, modesty. It does not ask for reward either here or in the other world. It is a reward in itself.
I would like you to become able to be in the marketplace and at the same time remain meditative. I would like you to communicate with people, to love, to move into millions of relationships because they enrich you – and yet remain able to close the doors and sometimes take a break from all relationships… so that you communicate with your beings too.
Communicate with others, but also communicate with yourself. Love others, but love yourself too. Go outside! – the world is beautiful and full of adventures; It’s a challenge, it’s enriching. Don’t waste the opportunity – every time the world knocks on your door and calls you, go out. Walk fearlessly – there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. But don’t get lost. Don’t go on endlessly and get lost; sometimes come home. Sometimes forget the world – these are moments of meditation. Every day, if you want to be in balance, you must balance the external and internal. They should have the same weight so that you never become one-sided inside.
The old Tibetan scriptures say that God comes many times, but never finds you where you are. He knocks on doors, but the owner is not at home – he is always somewhere else. Are you in your house, are you at home or somewhere else? How can God find you? You don’t have to go to him, just be at home and he will find you. He is looking for you just as much as you are looking for him. Just be home so that when he comes, he can find you. He comes, he knocks a million times, he waits at the door, but you are never home.

13 things to remember when life hits you over the head

13 things to remember when life hits you over the head

1. What is, is.
The Buddha famously says, “Your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is.” Think about this for a minute. This means that suffering is only possible when we refuse to accept what is happening. If you can change something, take action. But if change is impossible, then you have two options: accept the situation and let go of the negativity, or suffer for a long time, enthusiastically and passionately.
2. A problem only becomes a problem when you call it one.
We often become our own worst enemies. Happiness truly depends on perspective. If you consider something a problem, then your emotions and thoughts will be filled with negativity. Think about what lessons you can learn from the situation, and suddenly it won’t be a problem anymore.
3. If you want to change things, start by changing yourself.
Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You probably know people whose lives are full of chaos and stress. And doesn’t this happen because they themselves are in a completely random order? We like to think that changing circumstances change us. In fact, it works in the opposite direction: we must change ourselves in order to change our circumstances.
4. There is no concept of “failure” – only an opportunity to learn something.
You should simply eliminate the word “failure” from your vocabulary. All great people failed over and over again before they succeeded. I think Thomas Edison said this: “I did not fail in inventing the light bulb. I just found 99 ways it doesn’t work.” Learn something from your so-called failures. Find out how to do it better next time.
5. If you don’t get what you want, something better is on the way.
I know it’s hard to believe sometimes. But it’s true. Usually when you look back on your life, you realize that good things happened after things didn’t work out. Perhaps the job you weren’t hired for would have alienated you from your family, unlike the one you ended up getting. Just trust that everything is happening exactly as it should be.
6. Appreciate the present moment.
It will never come again. Every moment of life has something valuable, don’t let it pass you by. Soon everything will become a memory. Perhaps one day you will miss even those moments that do not seem happy now.
7. Let go of desires.
Most people live with a “tied mind.” This means that they attach great importance to their desires, and if they do not get what they intended, then their emotions become negative. Instead, try practicing detached mind: if you want something, you will still be happy whether you get it or not. Your emotions in this state remain neutral or positive.
8. Understand your fears and be grateful for them.
Fear can be a great teacher. And overcoming fear often brings you closer to victory. For example, when I was in college, I was afraid of public speaking. So now I find it funny that not only do I speak in front of a group of people every day as a teacher, but I also teach the art of public speaking. Overcoming fear just takes practice. Fear is just an illusion.
9. Allow yourself to experience joy.
Believe it or not, I know too many people who don’t allow themselves to have fun. They don’t even know how to be happy. Some are so dependent on their problems and inner chaos that they have no idea who they are without it all. So try to allow yourself to be happy. It may be a small moment, but it is important to focus on the joys rather than the difficulties.
10. Don’t compare yourself to others.
But if you compare, then only with those who are worse off than you. Unemployed? At least be grateful that you are receiving unemployment benefits. The majority of the world’s people live in extreme poverty. Don’t look like Angelina Jolie? I think there are very few people like her. And you’re probably a lot more attractive than most. Focus on this.
11. You are not a victim.
You are only a victim of your own thoughts, words and actions. Nobody does anything specifically for you or against you. You create your own experience. Take personal responsibility and realize that you can survive difficulties. You just need to start by changing your thoughts and actions. Give up the victim mentality and become a winner.
12. Everything can and will change.
“This too shall pass” is one of my favorite sayings. When we are stuck in a bad situation, we feel like there is no way out. It seems that nothing will change. But you know what? There will be changes! Nothing lasts forever except death. So give up the habit of thinking that everything will remain this way forever. It won’t stay. But you will have to take some action to change the situation. She won’t be able to magically change on her own.
13. Anything is possible.
Miracles happen every day. This is true. It’s a pity that it’s impossible to describe in one article all the amazing things that happened to my friends – from healing of the fourth stage of cancer to a sudden meeting with my soul mate. This happens all the time. You just have to believe that it happens. Once you believe, you can already win the battle.

What kind of woman will almost any man like

What kind of woman will almost any man like?

How often do women rack their brains over how to please a man, and most importantly, how to maintain and maintain his interest in you for many, many more years, and perhaps even throughout your entire life together. Yes, it really doesn’t sound that simple. Therefore, women continue to come up with cunning plans and change themselves just to achieve their cherished goal. But in reality everything is much simpler.
In order for a man to always be crazy about you and literally carry you in his arms and not even want to think about looking at someone else, much less leaving you, only one quality is required – the ability to sincerely rejoice in him and everything he does for you. That is, be truly grateful and thereby motivate him to please you even more.
What kind of woman will appeal to almost any man with just one trait?
Please note that I’m not saying that you should almost bring him slippers between your teeth and “wag your tail” when, for example, you meet him from work. But you should really notice that he has already come home and wants your attention and warmth. Therefore, at least for a while, just put aside all your affairs and listen to him. Or just sit next to him while he rests.
It is very important to be a woman who does not just pretend that she loves and respects her man, but actually does just that. After all, if you really treat men well and respectfully, and not just pretend that you are doing this, but inside yourself continue to despise and dislike them, then you will really turn into a real magnet for the opposite sex, believe me.
Learn to trust them, ask for help, and simply sincerely admire their strength, courage, wisdom and sense of humor. But as I already said at the beginning of the article, just this one trait – the ability to rejoice and be grateful to this particular man will be enough. After all, it will already bring you positive results and make you incredibly attractive in his eyes.
Therefore, my dear women, remember one simple thing – a man is happy and with great joy ready to throw the whole world at your beautiful feet. He is really ready to try for you and make efforts, but only when he really sees that it is HE who can make you truly happy.
After all, you tell him about this and express your gratitude for all his actions and actions towards you. And in this case, he will feel like your hero, and which man wouldn’t want that..? And that is why a man simply cannot, and will not want to, leave a woman, next to whom his wings always grow, and she, next to him, always has a smile… After all, this is how it should be. Good luck to you!
Victoria Kirsta

Is it true that honey becomes toxic at high temperature

Is it true that honey becomes toxic at high temperature?

Experts have conducted a bunch of experiments and are now clear that almost all of us make a huge mistake when consuming honey. It turns out that instead of enjoying its dozens of useful properties and qualities, we block the process.
Is it harmless to heat honey and what happens to the product during this process, explained nutritionist Andrey Zolotarev.
Sugary honey is not to everyone’s liking, so many people heat it to restore its liquid form, he said.
“At this moment, the crystal lattice, the molecular structure of the honey changes. It becomes liquid again and is no longer sugary,” explains Zolotarev.
According to him, honey has hundreds of useful properties, but when heated, some of them are lost.
“After heating, honey can lose a number of useful properties. It contains a certain number of enzymes that are destroyed when heated, there are vitamins that disappear after heat treatment,” warns Zolotarev.
At the same time, the widespread opinion about the toxicity of honey that has been subjected to heating is not true, he added. The product does not become hazardous to health.
“Information often appears that if honey is heated, it will acquire toxic properties. This is far from true,” emphasized Zolotarev.
In order to avoid the “complete destruction” of the enzymes and vitamins in it, it is necessary to heat the honey properly, advises the nutritionist.
“It is necessary to pour boiling water into a container, wait until the temperature drops to 80 degrees, and only then lower a closed jar with honey into it. After half an hour, when the temperature drops, you need to drain some water and add hot water . That way, the jar of honey will return to its liquid form slowly,” Zolotarev said.
The nutritionist does not recommend heating honey in a microwave oven or in a traditional water bath with boiling water.

Everything in the world collapsed at once

Everything in the world collapsed at once! – Chernigovskaya about distrust of information and a confused person

“We found ourselves in a completely different world. It is fluid, transparent, unstable, ultra-fast, hybrid. Everything in him collapsed at once. The autonomous life of the digital world is in full swing: the Internet of things, self-organization of networks. Digital reality is already a sign of selection into society. If you imagine a country that cannot afford to enter the digital world, we can assume that it does not exist at all. She’s not a player. People can live there for themselves, knit baskets, but they are not participants in the common cause,” notes Chernigovskaya.
“Another interesting feature is the growing distrust of information. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Nowadays the attitude towards information is the same as it used to be towards gossip: “Well, you never know, who said what?” Why should I believe?’ But the trick is that this attitude is now turned towards the real sources of information,” she says. It turns out that people have not yet learned to navigate the growing flow of information and prefer not to believe anything.
According to a neurolinguist, digital reality gives birth to a “new species” of man. “I call it ‘homo confusion’ or ‘confused man’. This “homo confusion” hasn’t even realized where he is yet. I have not yet realized what danger we have already found ourselves in. But we cannot delay the decision. Because this is our life,” she says.
Instead, completely opposite processes are taking place in society. “There is such a thing as delayed life syndrome. People live as if they were in the middle of a draft. Moreover, this is how children are raised: for now, do this and that, and then, when you start to live… But he began to live at the moment when the father’s and mother’s cells connected. This is not a draft. You can’t keep a person for 20 years and then have him start something,” notes Chernigovskaya.
A civilization of idleness is coming, for which we, in general, are also not ready. “What are all those people going to do who are going to be replaced by digital systems? When they tell me: “there is more room for creativity,” it makes me smile sarcasticly. Do you really think that countless thousands, in fact, millions of people, in the time freed from hard work, will begin to write madrigals and play the lute? Are you serious? The exact opposite will happen. And we cannot pretend that this is not the case,” she emphasized.
“This is what I’m getting at. No matter how we talk about whether it is good or bad, what happens to us is already happening. We have already entered this world, and there is no turning back. There is no need to flirt here. You need to understand how to live in this world. I would put the question firmly. Do we even plan to continue to live on this planet, or are we giving up all positions? Because if we hand them over to the digital world, then there is nothing to talk about. You can go have coffee. If we have any plans for our own lives, then we need to think about how to live here,” she believes.
According to Chernigovskaya, we are who we are, along with all the achievements and failures of our civilization, thanks to our brain. “People live not only in a world of chairs, microphones and oranges, but also in worlds that they themselves have invented. We have the ability to operate with signs: human language, mathematics, music. We truly have a very complex neural network – a quadrillion connections. If we actually start counting them, we will have to write a ten and 85 zeros after it. Our language doesn’t even have a word to name this number. That’s not just more stars than there are in the universe. This is more than elementary particles in the Universe. That is, we must be aware of what is in our skull,” she notes.
Experts in the digital world say that the brain is a computer, a set of algorithms that chases zeros and ones for itself. And that sooner or later they will be able to recreate his device.
“But is the brain only algorithms? Now we know for sure that no. And if the brain is a computer, then at least more than one type. Some part of the brain, maybe algorithms, and this mechanical process really takes place there. But the other part is the analog stuff. Let’s not talk about poets and artists now. But even Einstein said: “Intuition is a sacred gift, and reason is a humble servant.” He directly writes: “Even if a conclusion, meaning a scientific conclusion, looks like the result of logical work, this is only the end of this work. The main part of it was by no means through recounts,” notes Chernigovskaya.
But the main thing to understand is that there is no object that contains information. There is always an object and someone who reads it all. “If we have an ancient papyrus lying in front of us, and there is no person who knows how to read it, then this is not information at all. It’s just a physical object. What I read from there depends on what kind of education I have, what my plans are, and why I’m reading it.
What am I getting at? We cannot take the position that people are not important. People are important because they are the ones who organize information. The information itself is hanging out there somewhere, we are neither cold nor hot from it,” she says.
How humans and computers will divide the world is not yet clear. There are generally a lot of unknowns in these matters. “For example, what is a stupid person? Can we say that the brain of an absolute fool is still the most perfect brain in the Universe? The question sounds playful, but it is actually a very serious question. If there are still quadrillions of connections there, then can we even say which brain is smart and which is stupid? In this case, what kind of artificial intelligence are we creating? Smart? What does it mean? All intelligence tests are mainly focused on counting: the smart one is the one who counts quickly. Forgive my indiscretion, but I have to say: I think it’s very bad, but somehow it doesn’t seem to me that I’m a complete fool. Therefore, you need to share these things. We know: you can be a person with very low intelligence, but with absolute memory. This is a medical fact.
Is brilliant artificial intelligence possible? And what does it mean? If we manage to create something like this, will we even know that he is a genius? Do we find out that he is a person? Do we have a way for this?
Will artificial intelligence feel pain, suffer, empathize, or will it imitate all this? After all, in the digital world there is no pain and no death, and this radically changes the whole picture. Computers operate in dimensions in which living things do not live – in nanometers and nanoseconds. And these are the systems that will make decisions. And don’t indulge yourself with the illusion that the finger on the button will still be human. This is all talk in favor of the poor. Ultimately, everything will depend on what information he receives,” she said.
And at the same time, it is now obvious that it is impossible to prepare in the old way for the new world. “This is a very difficult question. If a one-and-a-half-year-old child can say “Okay, Google,” and the system will give him everything he wants, why should he come to a class where an ill-prepared teacher is reading a textbook to him?
Obviously, the system must change. We must develop the ability to live in the digital world without losing our humanity. After all, in the end, everything depends on whether you managed to build relationships with your family, children, colleagues and society as a whole. They must teach how to verify information, resist stress, cultivate the ability to change, and teach them to constantly learn. If we are not pigs, we cannot set our children up like this without preparing them for what awaits them,” says Chernigovskaya. Therefore, the education of the future is the education of understanding, not memorization.
“Last year I was invited to a session called “New Educational Architecture”. I thought architecture was something metaphorical. But it turned out that it is not only metaphorical, but physical. The Finns, for example, are massively rebuilding school buildings. They are colored, there are no standard audiences – they all change shape. Children study first in one room, then in the other, sometimes lying down, sometimes running. They are taught by one teacher, then another. Conditions change all the time. This is a very important thing. This means that they are ready for change,” says the expert.
“The last person I would like to hire is an excellent student who can count well. I have a computer for this. He will count everything himself. I need some crazy person who does everything wrong, bothers everyone, says some nonsense. He will turn out to be some kind of Niels Bohr. More precisely, he is already Niels Bohr,” she says.
How to train your brain? “Like any muscle, it must work hard. If we lie down on the sofa and lie there for six months, we will not be able to get up. If the brain reads idiotic magazines, communicates with fools, listens to light, meaningless music and watches stupid movies, then there is nothing to complain about. My answer is: the brain has to work hard. Hard is the key word. It must be difficult for the brain. A book that may be easy for some, but difficult for you. A movie you don’t understand. This means you will think, read criticism. Or a performance where it is not clear what the director wanted to say. In this case, the brain will be busy with work. No need to look for tricks that improve your brain. There is none of them. These tricks are life itself,” Chernigovskaya emphasized.–cernigovskaa-o-nedoverii-k-informacii-i-rasteranom-celoveke

Habits of an adult woman for which a man respects her

Habits of an adult woman for which a man respects her

Women become more balanced and calm over the years. They know how to use their time so that there is enough space for both themselves and their partner. They do not take on too much, for which they receive the respect and admiration of their chosen one.
10 habits for which a man respects an adult woman:
Independence: A woman who is able to make her own decisions and cope with difficulties earns the respect of a man.
Responsibility: For your actions, words and promises. A responsible woman creates trust.
Self-Respect: Loving yourself and taking care of your physical and emotional well-being.
Determination: A woman who has clear goals and works towards achieving them is admirable.
Ability to Forgive: The ability to forgive and let go of grievances is a sign of strength and maturity.
Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as understanding the emotions of others.
Good Communication: Frankness, listening and expressing yourself clearly and respectfully.
Financial Independence: The ability to manage finances and be financially independent builds respect.
Caring for the family: Careful and caring attitude towards family members, willingness to support them.
Own opinion: The ability to express your opinion while respecting the opinions of others.

It is easier to suffer than to solve a problem

“It is easier to suffer than to solve a problem”: 15 brilliant quotes from Bert Hellinger×400.jpg
Bert Hellinger is a German psychotherapist and creator of the method of systemic family constellations, based on the idea that family systems have a certain order and dynamics, and many problems can be associated with non-compliance with this order. A central part of the method is “constellations,” in which participants introduce members of the family or other systems to clarify relationships and dynamics within the group.
After reading Bert Hellinger’s quotes, you will surely learn a lot of useful things. And you might even want to know more…
1. Some can quickly catch up on most of the lost time if they take action. But admitting guilt and complaining are only a substitute for action. They make action impossible and make a person weak.
2. After some time, all past events should truly remain in the past.
3. If in a partnership, if the husband craves to receive from his wife or the wife craves to receive from her husband the same unconditional love that a child wants from his parents, they count on the other to give them the same security that parents give to their children. As a result, a crisis occurs in the partnership, ending with the one on whom too high expectations were directed, moving away or leaving. And he does the right thing, since transferring any order from childhood to relationships in a couple means injustice towards the other.
5. A crisis is most easily resolved when its extreme point is reached.
6. The solution lies only in a person’s own actions.
7. Where the innocent prefers suffering to action, innocent victims and perpetrators for this reason soon become more numerous than before.
8. A person can become addicted to drugs in cases where his mother made it clear to him that what his father gives him is worth nothing and he should take everything only from her. Then the child takes revenge on the mother by taking so much from her that it destroys him.
9. If a person has stopped on the path and does not want to move further, it is not a matter of knowledge. He simply seeks confidence where courage is required, and freedom where what is right no longer leaves him a choice.
10. Jealousy serves as a means to shift one’s blame onto another.
11. Not focusing on a problem means continuing your journey as a new person.
12. When we give something to others, but do not accept anything in return, we seem to be letting them know: “It’s better if you feel guilty than I do.”
13. The carriers of adopted anger are simply beside themselves with anger… and at the same time they are proud and consider themselves right; but their anger and the actions resulting from it are fueled by extraneous energy and someone else’s right. Therefore, the carriers of anger remain weak, and their efforts are in vain. But the victims of adopted anger also feel strong and right, since they know that they are suffering unfairly; however, they remain weak and suffer needlessly.
14. When parents demand something from their children that exceeds their responsibilities (for example, consolation), then the children become as if they were the parents of their own parents, and the parents became the children of their own children. This distorts the relationship between parents and children. Children cannot defend themselves against such parental behavior. They find themselves drawn into a certain interweaving and forced to do something to which they have no right from a family-system point of view.
Later, they begin to punish themselves for this, for example, by not allowing themselves to be happy in their personal lives or successful in their careers. Sometimes self-punishment can even result in death. Only when a child becomes an adult and realizes that something is wrong in his life can he try to get rid of such intertwining, for example, with the help of psychotherapy.
15. It is easier to suffer than to solve a problem.

Jyotish: how to strengthen and harmonize the sixth chakra

Jyotish: how to strengthen and harmonize the sixth chakra (Ajna)?

This is the third eye, which is located just above the eyebrow and is called ajna (agya). It is blue in color and is responsible for the vision of reality, intelligence, intuition, receiving and transmitting knowledge. In men, this chakra is passive and rotates to the left in a healthy state, while in women it is active and rotates to the right.
Signs of a weak or malfunctioning sixth chakra:
Weak intelligence, stupidity, lack of wisdom;
Lack of insight and sensitivity of mind;
Inability to see causes and effects;
Misunderstanding of the laws of the universe;
Reluctance to engage in self-development;
Lack of understanding of the meaning of life;
Focus on the negative aspects of reality;
The sixth chakra is ruled by the Moon and the Sun. The zodiac signs associated with this chakra are Cancer and Leo. By the quality and position of the Moon and the Sun in the horoscope and by which planets are in the signs of Cancer and Leo, one can determine the potential and quality of the functioning of ajna. Jupiter, when located in this chakra, can reach its maximum strength.
Methods of strengthening and harmonizing Ajna:
Development of intelligence;
Gaining knowledge from realized teachers;
Study of Vedic scriptures;
Practice of self-knowledge;
Study of the laws of the universe;
Communication with wise people;
Repetition of mantras and prayers;
Meditation on benign or spiritual images;
Learn to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.
The period of special influence of this chakra is the age from 36 to 42 years. At this age, as a rule, a person finally develops a way of seeing reality. Vedic scriptures highlight many ways of seeing the world. For example, kathina is a vision of reality when what a person sees around him brings him dissatisfaction, and he projects all his dissatisfaction onto others, blaming them for his problems and treating them cruelly and insensitively. Or, Sandra – when a person sees how others achieve success through their efforts and the belief that success is the result of active activity is strengthened in him. Ushna is a vision through the prism of envy, sukshma is a vision of subtle reality, Mrida is a vision based on a feeling of love for all living beings, and so on. There are twenty main ways of seeing the world in total.
The highest degree of development of ajna is clairvoyance. Clairvoyance means seeing things as they are, without the fog of illusion. Clairvoyance is achieved exclusively through purification of consciousness. The principle of purity must be manifested in everything. Excessive sleep reduces clairvoyance, so in the morning it is important to get out of sleep correctly: get up before sunrise and take a full bath (you cannot use soap with animal fat). The sight of a person’s naked body reduces clear vision, so bathing should be done in a gamcha (a piece of cloth like a towel that covers the private areas). The house should always be clean and tidy. Every morning you need to cleanse your mind with mantras, prayer and reading scriptures. It is auspicious to light natural incense and have images of God or holy people in the house.
Ajna is the meditation center of consciousness. What we focus our attention on is what we attract into our lives. If we constantly look at the shortcomings of other people, then these shortcomings will manifest themselves in us, and if we constantly focus on the negative, then all this negativity will be attracted into our lives. Therefore, it is very important to meditate on pure objects and holy people in order to attract exclusively purity and holiness into your life.
D. Afonichev
P.S. Do you notice the fanatical dogma following – I do not recommend it to anyone. This is an indicator of low self-esteem and a desire to be right/just so as not to sin (fear), so he does not allow himself an opinion. It is these rules that open the third eye, but there is also a fifth, which is in the middle of the forehead. It develops with spiritual aspirations without special striving for clairvoyance. And there is a seventh eye – at the top of the forehead – when real, not imaginary, spiritual mastery is achieved. Yosif Yorgov

8 things to remember when things go wrong

8 things to remember when things go wrong

1. Pain is part of growth. Sometimes life closes doors because it’s time to move. And this is good, because we often do not start moving unless circumstances force us. When times get tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurts you, but never forget the lesson it teaches you. Just because you are struggling doesn’t mean you are failing. Every great success requires a worthy struggle to be present. Good things take time. Stay patient and confident. Everything will be alright; most likely not in a moment, but eventually everything will be… Remember that there are two types of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you. As you go through life, instead of resisting it, help it develop you.
2. Everything in life is temporary. Always when it rains, you know it will end. Every time you are hurt, the wound heals. After darkness there is always light – you are reminded of this every morning, but nevertheless it often seems that the night will always last. It will not happen. Nothing lasts forever. So, if everything is good right now, enjoy it. This won’t last forever. If things are bad, don’t worry because it won’t last forever either. Just because life isn’t easy at the moment doesn’t mean you can’t laugh. Just because something is bothering you doesn’t mean you can’t smile. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Every second you get a second chance. Just use it.
3. Worrying and complaining won’t change anything. Those who complain the most achieve the least. It’s always better to try to do something big and fail than to try to succeed without doing anything. Nothing is over if you lose; it’s over if you’re really just complaining. If you believe in something, keep trying. And no matter what ultimately happens, remember that true happiness only begins to arrive when you stop complaining about your problems and start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.
4. Your scars are symbols of your strength. Never be ashamed of the scars life has given you. The scar means that there is no more pain and the wound has healed. This means that you have overcome the pain, learned a lesson, become stronger and have advanced. The scar is a tattoo of triumph. Don’t let your scars hold you hostage. Don’t let them make you live in fear. Start seeing them as a sign of strength. Jalaluddin Rumi once said: “Through your wounds, light enters you.” Nothing could be closer to the truth. From suffering came the strongest souls; The most powerful people in this big world are marked with scars. Look at your scars as a slogan: “YES! I DID IT! I survived and I have the scars to prove it! And now I have a chance to become even stronger.”
5. Every little battle is a step forward. In life, patience is not the same as waiting; it is the ability to maintain a good mood while working hard towards your dreams. So if you are going to try, go all the way. Otherwise there is no point in starting. This could mean losing stability and comfort for a while, and perhaps even your sanity. You may have to not eat what you used to or sleep as much as you used to for weeks on end. This may mean changing your comfort zone. This may mean sacrificing relationships and everything you know. This may mean the appearance of ridicule. This can mean loneliness. Solitude, however, is a gift that makes many things possible. You will get the space you need. Everything else is a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to achieve your goal. And if you want it, you will do it, despite failures and disagreements. And every step you take will feel better than you can imagine. You will understand that struggle is not an obstacle on the way, it is a path.
6. Other people’s negative reactions are not your problem. Be confident when bad things surround you. Smile when others try to defeat you. This is an easy way to maintain your own enthusiasm. When other people talk bad about you, continue to be yourself. Never let someone else’s conversations change you. You can’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Don’t think that people do things for you. They do things for themselves. Above all, never change to impress someone who says you are not good enough. Change if it makes you better and leads you to a brighter future. People will talk no matter what you do or how well you do it. Worry about yourself, not about the opinions of others. If you believe in something, don’t be afraid to fight for it. Great strength comes from overcoming the impossible.
7. What needs to happen will happen. You gain strength when you stop yelling and complaining and start smiling and appreciating your life. There are blessings hidden in every struggle you face, but you must be willing to open your heart and mind to see them. You can’t make things happen. You can only try. At a certain point, you have to let go and allow what is meant to happen. Love your life, trust your intuition, take risks, lose and find happiness, learn through experience. It’s a long trip. You must stop worrying, questioning and doubting at any moment. Laugh, enjoy every moment of your life. You may not know exactly where you intended to go, but you will eventually arrive where you are supposed to be.
8. Just keep moving. Don’t be afraid to get angry. Don’t be afraid to love again. Don’t let the cracks in your heart turn into scars. Understand that strength increases every day. Understand that courage is beautiful. Find in your heart what makes others smile. Remember that you don’t need many people in your life, so don’t strive to have more “friends.” Be strong when things get tough. Remember that the universe always does what is right. Admit when you are wrong and learn from it. Always look back, see what you have achieved and be proud of yourself. Don’t change for anyone if you don’t want to. Do more. Live more simply. And never stop moving.

2024 – a turn towards the spiritual path of human development

2024 – a turn towards the spiritual path of human development

2024 is the year of a turn towards the spiritual path of development; the pendulum will swing towards spirituality. This is the year of downloading a new concept of humanity, according to new rules, with new energy fields, with a new attitude towards the world. And we will see this not at the level of consciousness, but at the level of physics. Matter will switch from flat to stereo, it will become more ethereal, liquid crystalline. Over the past 12 years, we have been moving toward this crossroads, this turning point. And in 24 we will open this stage.
In just a few days we are entering a new 12-year cycle of evolution of the Earth, its space, nature and people in the context of the Transition. We very calmly blew the last date of 2012. We could have started very quickly and sharply even then, many people had an unprecedented, unusual, enthusiastic mood, we could perfectly make an evolutionary breakthrough, people were right at the peak.
But, unfortunately, even those many people turned out to be very few. The transition in 2012 could have been specific, very abrupt, the gates would have simply been opened for us, some into 4D, and some into 5D. Then they were preparing a solar flare, that is, the supply of a strong potential that would help us make a frequency shift in space.
But after taking the indicators, the Curators noticed that the majority of the population was asleep, and there were few ready-made bodies capable of withstanding the reality shift, and the transition was curtailed almost a couple of months before the quantum leap. And they switched it to a more measured and smooth one. Postponed for 12 years. I was very upset then, I remember. This story can be read in my TG channel World of High Frequencies.
Now a new 12-year evolutionary cycle begins. We are almost on the second attempt at a quantum shift, on the second run. Over the past years, we have prepared well, a lot has changed in our minds. We have gone through several phases of Schumann frequency rise; many solar flares; the fields of the four-dimensional field became available, which affected the awakening of awareness; the cellular structure of the bodies changed, nuclei of light (cenrosomes) appeared, and for many the chemical composition of the blood changed.
We are being prepared for the completion of the shift in frequencies; a final energetic flash is expected, which will provide the last necessary potential for opening the first floors of fifth-dimensional space. Not only earthly spring is starting, but also galactic spring. Another project of earthly development will begin to unfold, highly evolutionary, unprecedented, magical. And multidimensional, with different levels of light for different people as they become aware.
Previously, we lived according to the folding of the spirit, now we will live according to the unfolding of the spirit.
Before this, everyone followed one, mixed frequency branch of reality – both people with a 3D frequency, and with a 4D frequency, and even those who dialed five-dimensional codes. The frequency was like in a soup, everything was mixed. But on a subtle level, we have now all been distributed across different windows of reality. Which are expected to begin in the spring of 2024 to very clearly diverge into 3 groups of communities:
– 3D communities, old philosophy, narrow dependent views;
– communities of 5D New Philosophy, expanded progressive cosmic views;
– and people with 4D consciousness, an intermediate consciousness between the two main branches.
People of the old 3D philosophy are dependent on everything; transferring responsibility to everyone except themselves; with collective intelligence; with the consciousness of childishness, infantility and at the same time selfishness, arrogance and selfishness.
People of the new 5D era are self-sufficient, mature, free and at the same time balanced and responsible. Each person in 5D is someone who made himself, and therefore is original and unique. And these are the individuals who constantly work on themselves every day.
Some people, after the final shift and separation of time lines, will live in a fifth-dimensional society, others in a three-dimensional society. 4D is a relatively short period, a kind of bridge of consciousness between 3D and 5D. 4D people are awakened, searching, but not yet fully aware of what is truth and what is false, what is good and what is evil. They establish connections with the 5D field, but also remain integrated into the 3D field; have not completely parted with the ego; deal with illusions, pain.
For people who will be switched to 5D, who will be able to perceive new fields of reality, there will be a lot of light, a lot of subtle planes, and this light, energy, this world will be more manifested and intense. We can say that divine reality will enter the lives of such people.
By all indications, the switch will begin in 2024. When exactly will this happen, on what day? – the Earth will decide, we are waiting for its quantum swelling, so to speak. And everything is monitored by the Highest.
What are the laws of the spiritual world? What will be new in our lives?
* The discovery of the subtle plan is expected, the increase in the share of its manifestation in the scenario plan of life.
In the previous version there was little of it, but now its share will begin to increase. This is the beginning of the long-awaited merging of two worlds, their joining in physical manifestation. Subtle matter will begin to appear, the spirits of nature, the inhabitants of the subtle world, for example, space whales, will become more visible. And we will establish contact with them.
* Access to multidimensionality will be open to everyone, but not everyone will see the subtle plan. But only those who walked towards this on their own and are energetically and consciously ready.
* The opening of subtle worlds for a person will occur on those parallels – at what frequencies a person is, and what his consciousness is ready for. Now the life fields of the 3rd and 4th dimensions are activated, and these are already different-frequency windows of reality. Even now, for the same people, life can flow either according to the laws of physics of a 3D field, or according to the laws of physics of a 4D field. And they must also open the windows of reality of the 5th dimension, the 5D field.
* 2024 is a training to be in several realities at once, switch frequencies, go back and forth, choose, try. This is a flickering world, with glimpses, like in a stereo picture, when if you turn the picture this way, there will be one image, if you tilt it a little differently, it will be another.
* Everything will begin to come to life. The spiritual center will come to life in all the elements.
“This is how the centrosomes have already begun to come to life in the cells,” it began to emit light, this has already been proven by scientists, there are pictures under a microscope.
— The water begins to come to life, light also appears in its molecules, the water in open reservoirs begins to become the so-called “Epiphany water.” It will soon be possible to type it almost every day, and not just once a year.
— The element of light, electricity has come to life. I personally, since 2020, have been hearing and feeling electrical energy within me, it hums inside me like a power line.
— Such an element as lightning manifests itself – it periodically seems to shoot you with energy, like an electric current, from head to toe, in a second.
What else will be new:
*Disclosure of superpowers more clearly. We have them all, only in a hidden version. But since there was nothing that needed to be seen and felt, there was a special dividing force field between 3D and 5D, the tools were not activated. As soon as the final shift occurs, at the same moment everything necessary for life in the new space will be turned on. Expected inclusion, the first swallows will fly – spring 2024.
Tools are programs, like apps on your phone. We will just get a very large update one day. If you are connected, for example, to one program, then at the same moment you will begin to understand the language of animals; to the other – to see subtle beings with physical vision; to the third – change gravity, cancel the weight of objects. That is, people will appear with turned on, activated superpowers. And there will be a lot of them in one day.
But only those who have gained the potential and knowledge to change the orbital will be switched. This is how electrons moving around a nucleus pick up an extra photon to make a quantum leap.
*There will be a more clear disclosure and strengthening of such superpowers as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance. There will be a wider revelation of telepathic abilities. We will be able to receive channelings much more easily, as well as communicate with each other telepathically.
* Direct contacts with alien civilizations are expected. Entering into cooperation with neighboring planets, with the founding fathers, with supervising systems. We are being integrated with the interplanetary community.
We will be able to physically hug our star family members; meet the inhabitants of the inner Earth, visit their cities of Light; visit alien ships, which are now in huge numbers in the space of the Earth. Let’s begin to accept the latest technologies, for example, sources of free energy that take electricity directly from the surrounding world, from the ether.
*Finally, we will be able to irrevocably heal and rejuvenate ourselves. Not temporarily, as we are sometimes allowed to do now when we reach exorbitant high frequencies, but now without losses and rollbacks. There will be mobile, state-of-the-art Medical Centers.
The following is expected in 2024:
* Unblocking memory, remembering where you are from, what planet.
*Time acceleration, everything will be implemented even faster than in a 4D field. Even karma will speed up.
*Placement of order. Let me clarify once again: what frequency you are on is what fate will give you. A fair division of the branches of reality.
*Since we are moving into adulthood, no one will be pulled along. 2024 is already a test; they will see who will do what themselves, according to their own choice, in order to move into multidimensionality. Or don’t go.
*To emphasize: a critical break in time lines in some places on the planet is absolutely inevitable. The New World will begin to appear right in specific locations. It will grow right in your gardens. As if from the earth.
This will not happen everywhere, but in locations, in places where the level of threshold vibrations has already been reached today. Where the most decoupling from the spatial fabric of 3D was made, and the connection to the divine 5D was made, that is, in the places of future cities of Light.
*When this starts, we can say that it will all happen before our eyes. But only at the beginning.
Further, in these places, the negative influences of 3D will begin to disappear more and more, dissolve, melt, until they completely die off, like old branches. No dark creatures will be able to pump out living energy in these places. We can say that in these locations light will finally conquer darkness and the galactic dawn will begin.
Over time, the two realities, 3D and 5D, will become increasingly divergent, and will eventually become imperceptible, invisible to each other. And it’s clear that this is good news for 5D, but not so much for 3D. But the fate of humanity has already been decided.
*Nature, the landscape of the Earth and the weather will change. New animals will appear from the subtle plane, those that once went into etheric projection. By the way, in the cities of Light we will exchange animals with other planets, I saw this in the projection. We will create interplanetary zoos in open spaces.
All this will start in 2024 very clearly, directly on matter. This is a year and a half (two-year small cycle). In 2025, the process will be fully tested, debugged, regulated and completed. Further, everything will develop according to a new algorithm, according to a different plan, with acceleration, we will fly almost like a rocket into the ascending round of Cosmic evolution, from now on being a normal, intelligent adult civilization.
Dear ones, the portal to the 5D world for the Planet was activated back in 2021. And from now on, the codes of the 4th and 5th Dimensions are gradually being activated for us, step by step.
To do this you need:
1. Maintain the perfection of inner light and sound, the sacredness of your subtle fields. You need the correct vector of existence within your aura, within your contour.
2. Cleanse your physical body and subtle fields from dark deposits and sub-settlers (astral entities and mental core programs), structure your energies, give them their original basic harmonics and thereby raise the overall level of vibrations.
Based on my Personal Transition Experience, I suggest that you include two daily practices for this:
✅Practice of the energy protection system, which we call “Purity and Astrea”.
✅The practice of stopping the mind is one of the basic techniques in the Transition, which teaches us to maintain attention on the deeper inner layers of our form.

8 rules of inner peace

8 rules of inner peace

Inner peace is a state of peace and harmony within oneself. This feeling is associated with emotional and psychological well-being and implies the absence of internal storms, tension and anxiety, as well as acceptance of oneself and the world around…
Psychologist Alesya Dyundina writes about the important rules of inner peace.
Be willing to let go.
People who fool you, manipulate, blame, are unhappy, drive you crazy, deprive you of emotional peace.
Be equal.
That equality in which everyone is responsible for their own life, and does not expect someone to make them happy or tell them how to live.
Be vigilant.
Don’t give in to complaints and manipulation. Relationships are about being present in the life of another, not about saving them. Not to be confused with a direct request for help. They ask – help as much as possible for you.
Be prepared to move away.
Don’t get drawn into squabbles and accusations. Don’t make excuses. If you are wrong, apologize. It’s enough. If you have caused great damage to a person’s feelings, ask what can be done to make amends? If there is no response, be prepared to walk away. This is no longer about your guilt, but about his accusations.
Be firm.
“They praise you – don’t be happy. If they scold you, don’t be upset.”
You can’t win or lose all the time. You can’t even divide everything into losing and winning. Find what you learned and what new things you discovered about yourself thanks to this event.
Continue on your path with a firm step.
Be passing.
Walk past other people’s conflicts, gossip, categoricalness, judgment, anger, revenge, labels, envy. Don’t get involved in all this, don’t support, don’t waste your time… Move on…
Be prepared to break up.
Don’t cling to outdated ideas, try new things all the time. Don’t stay in a relationship that brings more stress than joy, takes a lot of energy and distracts you from your life.
Just be…
Nearby, alone, in the moment…

About the power of the Spirit and self-acceptance

About the power of the Spirit and self-acceptance

Channeling: Inessa Guterman

The Power of the Spirit is that “Fire” present in a person that allows him to pass through any obstacles without destroying his psycho-emotional Balance. And the Power of the Spirit – it cannot coexist with what is called “non-acceptance of myself as I am.”
When does self-acceptance occur?
The first reason is when a person, while growing up, did not receive enough support, Love, and care from his parents. And here the Program for searching for one’s characteristics is activated, which for some reason this person already classifies as incorrect – this child, this young growing person, thinking that he constantly makes mistakes and needs to do something different in order to be praised and receive care and support .
The second reason why non-acceptance of oneself arises, here we can say it differently: opposite relationships, too much Love. And this Love grotesquely turns into allowing everything, that is, a growing child is already beginning to try everything that is allowed, both “in the plus” and “in the minus”. And there is such a misunderstanding of what there is, well, some actions, for example, a child should not be allowed to go beyond the boundaries of Morality – the child does not understand what Morality is.
And very often there are deviations in development, where the parents’ inability to build the Hierarchy includes the Program of non-acceptance of oneself in the original Divine form, that is, a man does not accept himself as a man, a woman – as a woman. And, unfortunately, development is already proceeding according to a different “scenario”, perhaps unfortunately for the Soul itself… But the Personality perceives this as its own Choice. And a imbalance in this Choice, perhaps an imbalance that the Personality does not regard as an imbalance, leads to zeroing and misunderstanding of the meaning of the Power of the Spirit.
A person who accepts himself always has some kind of Balance, some level of Balance. He can express himself qualitatively precisely outside the presence of the Ego; he does not need to prove that he is “better than everyone else.” And as soon as the situation becomes saturated with risk, he is not afraid to go into this situation. And the Goals here can be different: in order to help others, in order to protect some kind of morality, or in order to undergo a certain Experience.
Christmas Energies – the Energies of Christ Consciousness reveal in each of you Love for your neighbor – if you tune in to these Energies and understand the meaning of the Nativity of Christ.
And Love for your neighbor just illuminates your attention or opens your gaze inward with a Purpose:
– Acceptance of everything in yourself – which you previously denied. If you stop denying your qualities – any qualities – the world becomes different.
– If you have clear boundaries of Morality and do not strive to save the World, if you understand that development is proceeding according to the Creator’s Plan, then inclusion in situations that tell you that you need to react here is acceptance of yourself in this situation.
– There is also no need to change others if they are not ready for this – this is what Love for one’s neighbor is.
Today’s Information is transmitted about various options for the direction of human development. And we can also add that regardless of how a person expresses himself – accepting or not accepting, the development of Humanity will continue.
Everyone who listens to this Message accepts the Energy of Harmony that he or she needs, he or she needs. You will become calmer, more joyful in your Soul. Because you always need to know that there is, after all, a Creator who Leads the Development Process. And this again is the acceptance of the Hierarchy, which will be:
• adjust your internal Settings
• and strengthen self-acceptance in various ways of expressing both your qualities and strengthen your Morality,
• and give you an understanding of what Balance is.
We wish everyone success!

Energy of Christ Consciousness

Energy of Christ Consciousness

My dear ones, very important subtle work with our consciousness begins. Already, many have felt an unusual sleepy state. This is preparation for revealing energies.
From January 6, light streams will be actively working, helping to awaken and reveal Christ Consciousness in people. This is the Divine consciousness of the new God-People of the Earth.
And in order to accept these Divine energies, to open up to them, it is necessary to more often be in a state of complete inner peace and silence.
It is in this state that Light can best expand consciousness and remove the limiting frames of the mind. This will remove many mental programs and patterns that prevent a person from feeling his Divine being.
If a person has complete chaos in his head. There is no peace from thoughts. Lots of negative attitudes. It is difficult for Light to penetrate into such human consciousness. High-frequency energy causes headaches.
The light enters well into the vessel prepared and cleared for it. Therefore, dear ones, if you want to open up to the Divine consciousness, then create favorable conditions for it.
And now, when energies reveal Christ Consciousness in people, help these flows. To do this, through meditation and practice, calm your mind and more often enter a state of silence and inner peace.
If you feel internally ready, then express your pure intention for the revelation of Christ Consciousness. And a stream of Light will enter you, capable of expanding so much that it will free you from many limiting illusions. The energy will launch subtle invisible processes and you will feel the Divine revelation.
After such energetic work, new high awarenesses, unprecedented insights, spiritual expansions come… You will look at the world differently and begin to see it even more through your Divine being.
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

12 signs that You are a Mentally Strong Person

12 signs that You are a Mentally Strong Person

Mental strength is the ability to cope with life’s difficulties, overcome stress and solve problems.
Note that no one has all these qualities perfectly, and mental fortitude is a process of constant development. If you notice these traits in yourself, it may indicate your mental strength and readiness for the challenges of life.
Here are 12 signs that may indicate that you have mental fortitude:
1. Self-awareness
It is an awareness of one’s own thoughts, emotions and motivations. People with a high degree of self-awareness have a better understanding of their needs, values, and goals.
2. The ability to make decisions
Mentally strong people can analyze information, weigh alternatives, and make decisions, even when faced with unpredictable circumstances.
3. Flexibility
A flexible approach to life helps you adapt to changes and stresses. It is the ability to see opportunities in change and not feel threatened by the unknown.
4. Optimism
Mentally strong people are more likely to focus on the positive aspects of the situation, which helps them keep an optimistic outlook on the future.
5. The ability to self-regulate
It is the ability to control your reactions to stress and emotions while maintaining mental clarity in difficult situations.
6. The ability to forgive
Forgiveness frees you from negative emotions and allows you to move forward. Mentally strong people are able to forgive both themselves and others.
7. Goals
Mentally strong people have clear goals and plans. This gives them the direction and motivation to succeed.
8. Acceptance of refusals
They do not lose themselves in disappointments and failures, but see them as a chance for growth and improvement.
9. Empathy
Mentally strong people have the ability to put themselves in the shoes of others and show empathy.
10. The ability to build relationships
This includes effective communication, conflict resolution, and the ability to maintain healthy relationships.
11. The ability to be humble
Mentally strong people are not shy about admitting their mistakes and learning from them.
12. Striving for personal development
They are always working on themselves, striving for the best, learning from their mistakes and developing their skills.

The fragrance of the spirit and a special fluid of magic

The fragrance of the spirit and a special fluid of magic

“There is a Russian spirit there, there is a smell of Russia” – our prophet knew about the essential origin of the smell and directly connected it with the spirit. The air smelled of spring, the perspiration of a summer field after rain, autumn foliage – we are familiar not only with these smells, but also with the states and specific places where we experienced them. And, for example, myrrh and incense are not just incense, they are full-fledged attributes of the Christian mystery, so the smell is both about the components and about the highest feeling.
By expanding our consciousness, we open a treasury of smells and have the opportunity to enjoy increasingly refined aromas. Distinguishing and making unique combinations of them is a whole art; let’s just not forget to base it on love, so that our genius of smell does not go into dark service, like the hero of the film “Perfume”. On earth, different forces really fight for the human sense of smell – certain aromas expand perception, making it plastic, all-encompassing, others tempt, provoke, others awaken one thing and lull another. Each smell has its own consequences, an experienced soul remembers what is hidden behind various aromas. The words perfume and perfume are consonant for a reason: by inhaling some aromas you can come into direct contact with an egregor or spirit, but what kind of spirit is this and is this meeting desirable for us?
If the nose is the primary organ of smell, then a deeper perception of smells is associated with the chakra and hormonal centers, and very subtle receptors are the sensory fields of the soul. A healthy energy system cleanses the body vessel, the soul fills it with a unique aroma, and the spirit gives it a true fragrance. Blooming in soul and strong in spirit, he fills the surrounding space; in his field you want to breathe and inhale life. The natural smell of each person is most directly related to the amount of life in him. That’s why babies smell so sweetly of their mother’s milk; this aroma contains the quintessence of life.
A person can develop the skill of reading vibrations and energy through smell; the basis for this is in our language: “it smells bad”, “exudes a subtle aroma”, “like heavenly freshness”, “smells like purity”. A pungent odor invades the sense of smell without permission. The technogenic environment is rich in such smells; we sometimes “wrinkle our nose” at something intrusive. Refined natural scents are more ethical to humans; they are a prelude to a sensual interaction with beauty, gently wafting with their nature and reminding of the eternal. The fragrance of distant worlds is barely perceptible, as if the touch of an angel is a short-term and unforgettable touch of the miraculous. The highest pleasure is to rise into rarefied layers and breathe in the pure ether of the stars, experiencing true inspiration (i.e. inhaling something new).
And the New Year, friends, is the aroma of magic, there is more and more of it in space. Magic has a special fluid, it goes straight to the heart and has mercy on it. If suddenly you don’t feel it, allow me to share it with you – open your heart wider and take a deep breath… this quiet joy is yours.
Stanislav Karnaukhov

How do you know that you have met your man

How do you know that you have met your man — according to the zodiac sign

The very person with whom you have the same values, goals, interests, who brings joy, support and meaning to your life. Find out what the stars say to the fateful meeting…
You will know that you are dating the right person when you are not bored in a relationship. You think that monogamy is greatly overestimated, but when you find “your” person, then reconsider your beliefs. You will be happy to spend every day with him, and you will not feel that you “stayed too long” or got stuck in a routine.
You’ll find out what’s with the right person when you feel comfortable enough to open up. It is difficult for you to trust people because of the fear of the mental pain that was inflicted on you earlier, but when you meet “your” person, trust will become a part of you. You will become vulnerable to him because he will make you feel safe.
You will know that you are with the right person when you do not think about the fact that there is someone better in the world. It will absorb all your attention and will be so incredible to you that you will not want to give it to others. You will feel that you are incredibly lucky to meet him, and this is the only thing you are sure of.
You’ll know what’s with the right person when you feel like you’ve always known them. He will not try to fit into your life, but will simply enter it. He’ll get along great with your family and friends, and you’ll feel like he’s an extension of you. You will be incredibly close, so much so that you will not believe your own happiness.
You’ll find out what’s with the right person when they make you feel like you’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened in their life. He will never take your love for granted, and will allow you to feel your own worth. He will make you flutter like a butterfly with happiness, because he does not want to lose you.
You’ll find out what’s with the right person when they make you feel confident. You often doubt your abilities and “your” person will make you realize your own strength, find out what you are worth and that it is never too late to go after what you want.
You will know what is with the right person when you feel the balance. You will not see excessive expectations from your partner, and you will not feel that the relationship is tied only to him. He will put as much effort as you do, and this will give you the desired comfort and safety.
You’ll know what’s wrong with the right person when you trust them. He will show that he can be trusted and will not force you to question his loyalty and loyalty. He will allow you to relax and give him your heart.
You will know that you are dating the right person when you finally find a relationship that allows you to feel free and not connected. You need independence. You like to travel, explore and do anything alone. You like to wander, and you will know that you have found “your” person when he allows you to, without taking everything personally.
You’ll find out what’s with the right partner when you break down the walls protecting your heart. You don’t want to be harmed, but when you find “your” person, he will break through your walls effortlessly. It will happen naturally, and before you realize it, you will already be head over heels in love with him.
You will know that you are with the right person when you feel that you have found someone who understands you like no one else. You will not need to explain your feelings for him, he will already know about it. He’ll know when you’re not okay and cheer you up, even if you don’t ask for it.
You will know that you are with the right person when you feel a deep connection with them. You will both feel that you were destined to meet and that now you cannot imagine your life without each other. You connect with them physically and emotionally, and constantly think about how life would be ordinary and gray without them. You both feel an extraordinary love, and the two of you are inseparable.

Healthy aggression

Healthy aggression: how to stop suppressing it and start using it

Aggression is a concept that is interpreted unambiguously in our culture: destructive behavior that causes physical and moral damage to people. Aggressive — angry, inadequate, stupid, dangerous to others. Is it so? Is it possible to reduce aggression to only one value? From the point of view of psychology, no. And aggression is not evil. Or rather, not always evil.
Aggression as a property of the psyche has been well studied in Gestalt therapy. This is a direction in psychological counseling created by the German psychotherapist Fritz Perls in the middle of the XX century in the USA. The focus of the Gestalt therapist is on the person, his contact with himself and the world around him to meet his needs.
The task of a gestalt therapist is to help the client recognize his true desires, protective mechanisms that interfere with healthy contact with the world. Aggression is understood as a key resource for improving the client’s life. This is an impulse from within a person to the outside world, and it includes not only behavior in a conflict situation, but also sex, eating food, scientific discoveries, and so on.
An unusual look. In today’s conformist society, aggression is suppressed in most cases. This leads to passive-aggressive behavior and misunderstandings in human relationships. There is another extreme — an inadequate, unlimited expression of aggression, when a person constantly enters into conflicts and is generally unable to hear others.
Discourse talked with Evgeny Veritov, a practicing gestalt therapist, founder of the popular science publication on psychology MANGO Project, about psychological problems associated with aggression and how to learn how to use this valuable resource.
Healthy aggression: how to stop suppressing it and start using it

— What is aggression from the point of view of the Gestalt approach?
In general, aggression in gestalt refers to our energy, an impulse that is directed to the outside world so that we can satisfy our needs.
We mobilize the resources of aggression in order to defend our borders from the influences of the outside world or, conversely, to violate someone else’s. The concept of aggression is often confused with various feelings, such as anger. But do not put an equal sign between them. Anger is a particular example of the content of aggression, and far from the only one.
Imagine a mother who forcibly wraps her child in warm clothes at a very positive temperature. He’s uncomfortable, he doesn’t want to and he doesn’t need it. But mom does it anyway, being sure that she cares. Although in fact it violates someone else’s border.
Therefore, if we summarize, aggression is just an impulse to the outside, with which we defend our space or change someone else’s. There is no negative meaning in this concept initially. Moreover, there may be even more positive meaning in it. A person who does not know how to show aggression will be significantly less satisfied in life than one who does. At least because the first one does not know how to defend his interests and needs, and the second one does.
— What kind of problems in the field of aggression do people mostly come to you with? Is it an inability to express oneself, to defend boundaries, or vice versa — inappropriate behavior?
I will speak only for my practice: I meet people much more often whose problem is precisely lack of aggressiveness.
These are people who find it difficult to get into a confrontation with someone – with relatives, superiors, acquaintances. For those who find it difficult to evaluate themselves positively, for example. Adequate self-esteem also requires aggression. If I think I’m cool and I’m not shy about admitting it, then I may find myself in a conflict situation. There is always a risk that someone may try to challenge my attitude towards myself, and it will have to be defended. And this also requires the ability to show aggression.
People often come who are afraid of being uncomfortable and make some decisions to their detriment. There were significantly fewer people who were overly aggressive in my experience.
— Tell me how to help a person manage aggression? What do you help clients realize, how do you guide them through the changes?
It all depends on the specific situation. But in general, I help the client notice his own feelings: resentment, anger, annoyance, irritation. Because if a person is forbidden to have any feelings from childhood, then he will still experience them, but it will be difficult to notice it in himself, only on peaks.
My task is to help the client see and admit to himself that these feelings exist, and that they need to be managed somehow. So as not to suppress, but at the same time so that all his loved ones do not run away from him.
— Stories from practice. How has the client changed his life by learning to express aggression?
There are a lot of stories, but there are no “stories” in them, actually — everything is as everyday as possible.
Someone has finally begun to build boundaries in their relationship with their parents and stopped letting them do what they don’t like. Someone started charging more money for their work. Someone stopped constantly criticizing themselves. Someone has changed the format of their relationship with friends or even changed their social circle to one that suits them.
I repeat, there are no particularly interesting stories, they are all ordinary, vital.
Healthy aggression: how to stop suppressing it and start using it

— Which of the historical figures and fictional characters, in your opinion, possessed healthy aggression?
I’m definitely not ready to talk about the health of historical figures. Ostap Bender is one of the fictional ones, but here controversial arguments begin on the topic of his antisociality.
In general, healthy characters are boring, they are not particularly written about and nothing is filmed about them. Remember any character who said “no” to what he didn’t like, wasn’t afraid of being thought badly of, and wasn’t shy about acting in his best interests. Here’s an example of healthy aggression. Yes, the same Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story.
— How do you learn to express aggression in general? What can you do yourself, without a specialist?
You can do everything without a specialist. It just might take longer. It’s a good habit to pay attention to your own feelings. Including some small reactions: What is happening to me now? Is it discomfort? What is he like? Am I angry? For what? Am I annoyed? Etc.
You can also “audit” your own prohibitions on aggression. There are a lot of different classical formulations: “aggression is bad”, “aggressive people are bad and stupid”, “if you are aggressive, you will be like a gopnik Vasya from the next door”, “people do not like aggressive, you must always be good” and so on. It is worth working with these prohibitions.
— What about self-flagellation? This is essentially self-directed aggression. Is he learning to fight back too?
Yes, that’s right. [Founder of Gestalt therapy Frederick] Perls believed that we do things to ourselves that we don’t allow ourselves to do to others. And in many situations, this is an accurate statement.
— Sometimes it seems to me that if I treated others like myself sometimes, then everything would end in constant conflicts.
If a person does not know how to direct aggression outward, then he will direct it at himself: criticize, compare with others, set himself draconian demands… If a lot of domestic aggression was directed at a child in childhood, then he will unknowingly take the form of attitude that his parents offered him. That is, they used to criticize him, but now he is an adult and can criticize himself.
You also need to work with autoaggression, and also engage in confrontation. Just not with someone outside, but with the figure that presses. Roughly speaking, it is necessary to enter into a confrontation with the image of mom or dad, who sits in his head and says: “look at Kolya, Kolya is well done at his age, but you are not well done”
— The last question is about the skill of confrontation. Passive aggression is the inability to declare oneself, an attempt to shift responsibility to another person for their boundaries and comfort. What is the danger of such a habit and how to get rid of it?
Danger is probably a very big word. But there really is harm in this. First of all, passive aggression creates a lot of hidden tension in contact, which is difficult to resolve. This is such a cold war in which it is impossible to discuss the terms of an armistice, because formally there is no war.
Passive aggression is often either manipulation (of varying degrees of awareness), or simply the only available way to express aggression for the person who forbids himself to express it openly. And how to get rid of it is to learn to express your dissatisfaction openly. To voice out if you don’t like something, and listen to what the other person will answer you.
* * *
We are often told to manage anger, be accepting, become a conscious Buddha. But how can you accept an insult? Or violence, emotional and physical? There are things you can’t take — it’s like taking HIV and not treating it. Therefore, aggression is the “dark side of the Force”, it allows us to defend ourselves and get what we want. But learning to express aggression in a socially appropriate context is a difficult job.
Artyom Zelenov

Steps to becoming a desirable woman

Steps to becoming a desirable woman

A desirable woman is not only about external attractiveness, and not even so much… Here are several aspects that can describe a woman desired by many men:
Love yourself;
First of all, love yourself. Respect and appreciate your personality, your qualities and characteristics. When you love yourself, it radiates outward, making you even more attractive.
Take care of yourself;
Take care of your appearance and health. This doesn’t mean you have to conform to beauty stereotypes, but taking care of yourself makes you feel confident and attractive.
Be independent;
Grow your interests, achievements and career. Independence and autonomy are attractive qualities.
Develop your intellect;
Be an interesting conversationalist, follow the news, read, educate yourself. Intellectual attractiveness is a powerful quality.
Be positive;
Be optimistic about life. A positive attitude makes you pleasant to talk to and creates positive energy around you.
Know how to listen;
It is important to be able to listen and understand your partner. The ability to empathize creates deep connections.
Show respect;
Show respect not only to your partner, but also to yourself. Respect is the foundation of healthy relationships.
Be passionate;
Keep your relationship passionate. Emotional connection plays an important role.
Know how to forgive;
Past hurts and misunderstandings can get in the way of relationships. The ability to forgive is the key to harmony.
Be a little mysterious;
Don’t reveal all your cards at once. Mystery and mystery enhance the appeal.
Be open to love;
Allow yourself to love and be loved. Openness to love is a key aspect of a happy relationship.

December 31, 2023

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group – December 31, 2023

Welcome dear readers, and welcome also to a new year in which almost everyone will see and experience personal and global change as well as a few surprises, some welcomed and some not. The energy of the whole planet is shifting and changing as collective consciousness becomes increasingly more receptive to the idea of oneness which even when understood only from the three dimensional level contributes to the awakening of world consciousness.
The world is moving into a vibration that more closely represents the reality of earth and those living on her. You may ask then why the world seems to be getting worse rather than better because when judging by appearances that seems to be true. Everything born out of duality and separation consciousness must first be seen in order to be rejected, changed, and finally eliminated from the collective belief system.
Frequencies of duality, separation, and the belief in powers separate from God overshadow the three dimensional earth like a blanket of fog influencing how God’s perfect expressions are seen and understood. Incarnating into three dimensional energy from the higher vibrations of the “other side” can be a very difficult experience especially for children and teens who still resonate with the higher vibrations that they left behind often causing them to feel like an outsider.
Over time every person eventually adjusts to the denser three dimensional energies of earth where it becomes reality and they find it difficult to believe that there is anything other than what they see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Once established in human form on earth most find it very difficult to change that which is now familiar, comfortable, and somewhat controlled even if or when life becomes seriously difficult.
When an individual is ready for the next phase of their spiritual journey which may even be part of their pre-birth contract, but refuses to leave behind that which has become known and comfortable, the Higher Self will often step in with a “wake up call”, some physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual situation that serves to open (push) them to new levels of awareness.
Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God and not a piece of dirt to be used and abused while housing fragile and impotent human beings. Because earth as well as all other planets and those living on them are expressions of ONE, the sacred energy of ONEness is always a seeking alignment with all forms of ITself.
The ideas, expressions, qualities, and manifestations of this ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient reality called God can never be changed, eliminated, or even affected in any way by the plots, plans, and false beliefs of three dimensional minds. God knows NO OPPOSITE.
Divine consciousness/God is the only reality but until recognized, accepted, and integrated into personal consciousness it simply remains unavailable. It is like someone living in extreme poverty unaware that they have a bank account full of money. The three dimensional consciousness believes that everything can be controlled through force, laws, manipulation, lies, and human action, etc. but is now learning and will continue to learn that it cannot.
Human living as you have been taught and experienced is nothing more than living from and being subject to universally accepted concepts about everything. Know that good appearances are every bit as illusory as bad appearances. Both are simply the two ends of a long duality stick. Cease giving power to good appearances while at the same time attempting to eliminate the bad ones. Learn to translate all appearances into the spiritual reality that underlies them.
If you find yourself coming into some form of abundance don’t simply rejoice in the abundance itself but rather rejoice in the fact that you are experiencing your own self-sustained completeness in material form. When you see a baby, know that it not really a baby, but is a soul as old as God, Divine Consciousness individualized. When you become aware of pain, suffering, war, and violence know that you are witnessing the creations of hypnotized states of consciousness unaware that they are actually one with those they see as the enemy.
This does not mean that jails are superfluous or that you can never enjoy the beauty, love, joy, and “good” things of life on earth. Jails are needed at this time because individuals only hear and learn from that which aligns with their state of consciousness although three dimensional penal systems often misuse their power. Joy is a spiritual quality, allow it to flow to you and from you freely without guilt.
Everything is spiritual because you cannot make something out of nothing. Where would the substance to make anything come from if the only substance that exists is Divine Consciousness? The material world consists of conditioned mind interpretations of spiritual reality and human attempts to heal, fix, and correct it constitute illusion. You have reached a place in your evolutionary journey where continuing to feed and prop up three dimensional concepts in the belief that you are being loving only serves to hold you in old energy.
Because few have as of yet attained the full realization of truth and because help is available at all levels of awareness, most even those spiritually evolved at times need to utilize the tools available. Never pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained simply because you have an intellectual knowledge of it but rather live each day from your highest attained state of consciousness.
Do not feel guilty about having to call on medical or some alternative healing group but first always listen for the guidance of your intuition rather than simply following current belief and the opinions of those around you. Allow your intuition to guide you toward what is right for you be it a physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual need. Try not to get so seriously involved that you feed an issue with power and reality and always remembering that God cannot form ITself as anything other than ITself regardless of appearances.
Hold truth in your heart as you go about your ordinary tasks and gradually it will become your state of consciousness able then to manifest in, as, and through every aspect of your life which is IT’s life. You came to earth prepared to live from your evolved state of consciousness, to see through and clear any remaining old energies, and in the process help to lift and open earth’s collective consciousness making ideas of truth accessible to all.
Never doubt that there is a Divine Plan. You are at the start of what will be a powerful year. For many it will be a year of completions that may or may not involve situations of personal chaos. Allow whatever comes along without resistance but rather in the realization that your journey is being guided by your Higher Self who knows exactly what you need, are ready for, and when.
The world as you have known it is collapsing under the weight of its own illusions in order that at some point the earth of God’s creating can be seen and experienced. War, suffering, lack and limitation have no Divine law underlying them and are sustained and maintained only by the false energies that mankind continues to feed them. The three dimensional world is like a movie or play that feels completely real as you watch. The curtain is starting to come down and theater lights are turning on but only as the audience recognizes that they are watching a play.
I have never been, could never be, and will never be anything other than what I AM in this now moment unless I believe otherwise.
Let 2024 be a year of living this at all times and you will be doing what you came to do.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/31/23

Koot Hoomi: The Path of Light

Koot Hoomi: The Path of Light. The path of balance. The Pilgrim’s Path

Contact: architect

Ch.: Hello, teacher. Please introduce yourself.
Teacher: I am Koot Hoomi. I don’t really need an introduction. You can say that I am widely known in narrow circles (Smiles).
Ch.: You and I came up with an interesting topic about the fragmentation of oversouls. I would like to talk about it in more detail and publish our conversation.
KH: As you already know, God is one, and nothing is separate from God. Even if a person seems to be separated from the rest of the world, this is an illusion of separation. Even if he doesn’t want to have anything in common with someone, there is always something in common between two souls, since at the global level they are part of a single whole.
Everything came from God and will return to God. Nothing is ever truly separated from the One, since the complete separation of any living being from the community means its death. A particle of God tirelessly flows through connections from one person to another, from one world to another, from one oversoul to another. This process is similar to the mixing of water in the ocean: there are cold and warm currents, more and less salty currents. But this is all one ocean, one complex living and breathing system.
It seems to a person that he knows his boundaries well: where he himself ends and someone else begins. By revealing his multidimensional connections with higher intelligences, a person realizes his greater volume. Although he may still think: “Here is my soul, here are my highest aspects – I have learned my expanded boundaries. But beyond this line the not-me definitely begins.” This new sense of self is also conditional; it can be revised again and again. Each subsequent stage of the soul’s development brings it a new understanding of its boundaries and its versatility.
First, a person realizes himself as a separate, independent unit. But in fact, he is rather the core of the onion, which does not know that above it there are still many layers with which it represents a single essence. But in order to know the next layer of the onion, which lies above the core, it needs to exhaust its current capabilities.
The soul needs to absorb nutrients from the current layer, exhaust all available potential, and feel that it is already a bit cramped. Then they will help her open the next layer of the onion. Thus, there is an expansion of its own boundaries into multidimensionality. With each next open layer, the mind feels more spacious, it receives new knowledge to understand its role in this world.
Now imagine that the onion is half submerged under water. Half of each layer is above water and contains potentials of the constructive spectrum. The second half is underwater and contains potentials of the destructive spectrum. For some time it is possible to expand only into the construct, absorbing useful substances only from the surface layers of the onion, but this cannot be done indefinitely. Sooner or later, the soul will be asked to turn to the potentials of the destructive spectrum so that it can assimilate this part of the knowledge.
Usually, a person’s acquaintance with multidimensionality begins with communication with a bright or at least neutral teacher, and later there is interaction with an equally bright or neutral teacher. A couple of layers of the onion are revealed, related to the free worlds. This is done for a completely understandable reason: to interest and inspire the novice adept. This stage of interaction with the above-water part of the onion can last as long as the soul needs, sometimes even several incarnations. But if a person makes progress, then his attention begins to be paid to the underwater part of the onion. After all, everyone has it.
All people on Earth have access to destructive potentials. This access is called temptation in your religious culture. A person is free to draw on destructive potentials to a greater or lesser extent, or not to address them at all. But temptation is always with him. Every day you have to prove your resilience to the world – through thoughts, words and actions. There is no absolute protection from temptation, although the most convinced light adherents can achieve high stability and a serious degree of freedom from their own destructive traits.
The choice of light adepts is sacred, but their path is not easy. And here I would like to draw the attention of people striving for light that a happy life in abundance and the life of a bright adept very often have little in common. Therein lies a serious misunderstanding. People say they are walking the bright path. But in fact, they strive for prosperity, pleasure and comfort. It’s not that one completely excludes the other. But the bright path is the path of testing the strength of spirit. Often it involves serious sacrifices, and without these sacrifices there will simply be no further path. Therefore, a person’s choice to follow the bright path is declarative. And, if an adept lacks the rigor to reject temptation every day, he rather nurtures the illusion of his bright path. Your world is full of people living in such illusions.
What are these people missing? Honesty with yourself, purposefulness in your own choice. The bright path of many earthlings lacks brightness and expressiveness. I’m not saying this because I want to offend anyone. Rather, I strive to push people to greater achievements. Help them realize the magnitude and complexity of the work for self-realization on a bright path. If a person has no desire to sacrifice anything, perhaps I will be able to convey that he has not yet understood himself, and his path of light is still covered with many illusions. But everything can change when he feels ready to show the necessary zeal.
So, let’s list the obstacles in realizing the bright path:
1) Misunderstanding that the components of “earthly happiness” and “bright path” are significantly, and sometimes radically, different. Otherwise, why did Christ go to the cross? If he could just decide: “Yeah, that’s it. I’ll move to another country, start a family, find a job. I will live and live well and make good.”
2) Inexpressiveness of the inner light, usually coming from weakness of spirit or laziness.
3) Hesitation in choosing the bright path. Yesterday the man was bright, but today the reins have gotten under his tail, and now everyone tiptoes around him so as not to disturb his complex mental organization (Smiles). When an adept follows the bright path, this should not happen. Patience towards one’s neighbor and severity towards one’s own shortcomings must be absolute.
The light adept demonstrates a high degree of stability in his choice, even staticism. This is a very serious achievement, a colossal job of polishing the spirit.
4) Modest assessment of your own achievements. A realized light adept does not boast about what he has achieved, even if he feels that streams of the highest grace are already pouring on him. He is well aware of the trap of vanity and does not fall into it. Therefore, he remains modest and, no matter what success he achieves, the person invariably says the same thing: “my results are modest, I still have unplowed field of work on myself.”
This strict approach is used not only in relation to earthlings. The fact is that in the bright worlds a considerable number of destructive impulses are also concentrated. The entire light hierarchy, all constructive oversouls and distributors strictly monitor the set of their own destructive impulses. If they exceed acceptable values, bright minds are forced to make uncomfortable decisions. Or they send these parts of themselves, striving to realize destructive impulses, for transformation into the worlds of development. Or they block these parts and lose contact with them.
Blocking one’s own parts is a very unpleasant process, because after it the soul becomes smaller: it has less Awareness, less personal power, less variety of its manifestations. That is, sacrifices are made at all levels in order to remain in the light. Therefore, various self-restraints, asceticism, and monasticism have completely objective reasons. Such religious knowledge was given to people not in order to torture them without reason, but in order to strengthen them in faith in the bright path, in the path of unity in God.
A person who steadfastly cuts off temptation gradually distances the destructive parts of his own soul from himself, this allows him over time to almost completely block them at the level of energy exchange. Few people achieve this on Earth; these are already candidates for ascension, unless they themselves wish to continue their path among people.
Now let’s get back to peeling back the layers of our onion. So, a person interacts with light or neutral essences for some time. We can say that he was given the first standard proposal: to follow the bright path. Next, teachers carefully observe his aspirations, thoughts and actions. If a person really follows the bright path, is interested and asks a lot, acts according to the recommendations of his teachers, his experience of interaction with the Forces of the constructive spectrum continues. He is allowed to open several layers of the onion at once and absorb only their surface potential. This expansion continues as long as one shows sufficient zeal.
The key point of bright development: orientation towards collective thinking. There is a phrase: “there is a higher will for everything.” In this case, it is applicable in the sense that bright worlds are worlds of collective decisions. Of course, there are leaders there too, but the candidacy of this or that leader is the choice of the majority. That is, any leader is respected and loved by many, which is why he remains a leader.
Following collective decisions brings a person closer to bright worlds. To do this, you must always listen to the recommendations of bright teachers. If a person shows self-will and decides that he will do everything his own way, it means that there is an impulse of repulsion, and the bright teachers begin to move away from the adept. If in other moments he does not have the necessary zeal on the bright path, he runs into a dead end.
There is another way: the path of balance. It involves the participation of a dark teacher as part of the leadership team. In fact, the dark teacher is always assigned to a person, and he is responsible for temptation. But on the path of balance, the dark teacher emerges from the shadows and becomes a full-fledged part of the development process. If this condition is accepted by the adept, his development through balance continues. If the participation of the dark teacher is rejected, he goes back into the shadows, but the adept experiences a dead end in development, then the thickening of illusions begins.
Why is this happening? Because there are only two meaningful paths of development along which teachers lead a person. As for the dark path, a person rather does not take it, but falls or fails.
In fact, there are countless human paths – each has its own unique path. But there is such an indicator as the severity of the direction of development. A bright and balanced path provides a clear direction. All other paths, including the dark one, are more like journeys of the soul. It’s like walking, hiking or traveling: the goal is not so much to reach a specific destination, but rather to get some impressions from life.
The pilgrim’s path is not life for the sake of development, it is rather life for the sake of life, life for the sake of gaining new interesting experiences, during which the soul gradually accumulates wisdom and develops.
So, there are only two paths with a clear direction of development: light and balanced. Teachers guide a person most actively through them. While the soul rather gravitates towards wanderings, towards receiving personal impressions, the active participation of teachers is not required and is not offered. So that the soul does not live bored, illusions become thicker. We can say that she is immersed in samsaric dreams, because this is a source of new impressions. She seems to be gradually interested in development, but earthly life intensively envelops her.
If a person has a feeling of a dead end, a lull in development, he needs to choose one of two paths and adhere to it more strictly. It is likely that his choices so far are inclining him towards the path of wanderings. And when traveling, it’s not so important where you’re going, what’s important is that you just move and constantly get new experiences. This is what the worlds of samsara exist for. But if a person is still inclined to a strict path of development, and he has taken the path of a wanderer out of ignorance, he needs to speak into space which path he consciously chooses. The world will hear a person and help him realize his will.
You can ask questions.
C.: I feel a little left out :). I didn’t have my first bright teacher. At first I talked with balance teachers, then with dark ones.
K.H.: Your VYs chose such a difficult path. To address your entire soul: you yourself chose this. Not everyone follows simple paths, because trials strengthen the spirit.
As you can see, there is such an option. First, strict instructions are given from balance teachers, then tests begin, they offer to review the destructive connections of the soul. When a person copes with all this with dignity, his bright connections are revealed to him. Then you get a kind of reward effect for passed tests.
But a person can simply refuse such interactions that you went through because he will be scared. Therefore, they often offer a simpler and more verified option: first, a person’s interaction with light or neutral essences, and then a possible correction of the direction of his development depending on the choices he has made.
It was recently revealed to you that your oversoul includes the light goddess Vesta. And now you can master her qualities: beauty, femininity, the ability to multiply a particle of God. I am a great friend of Vesta. So it turns out pretty good too, right? When you have already accepted the fact that all the teachers and all the VYa of your oversoul are strict, like snow-capped Everest, but then it turns out that pleasant surprises were waiting for you on the new layer of the onion (Smiles).
CH: Yes, a little feminine to soften the atmosphere of snow-capped Everest will do me good.
What is the difference between the paths of light and balance?
KH: Both paths are paths of service. They will demand a lot from a person. All other paths are paths rather for oneself, paths of wandering. Wanderers do something for others, something for themselves. But helping others often involves a mutually beneficial exchange. Such an exchange does not always work out, but still the person expects some kind of reciprocal gifts.
To understand whether a person is offering help as part of pure service or for the sake of a mutually beneficial exchange, you need to answer the following questions:
– What do I get for my help? Or what would I like to receive?
– Do I demand something in return: reciprocal love, respect, services, concessions, money?
– Am I trying to make someone my debtor through my help?
When help is offered as a gift, even if the person receives nothing in return, this is pure service. For such service, some kind of compensation comes from the world in any case. In addition, selfless help is often supported by higher Powers. Then we get a scheme of service when not only the person himself helps those around him, but also help comes from above through him. Serving others, supported by the flows and wisdom of higher Powers, turns out to be more effective. Because the person has more energy and an intuitive understanding of how best to get the job done.
On the path of service, both bright and balanced, the main reason why the flow of help through a person dries up is his desire to show his own will, to do everything his own way. Why does this happen? Should this be considered something like punishment for disobedience? No, it’s not worth it. Man is free to express his will. And service is a purely voluntary matter. But if a person’s will does not coincide with the will of the Forces that guide him, it is quite obvious why help from above is reduced. If the goals of a person and the goals of the Forces still partially coincide, effective interaction continues at these points. But, if a person’s will completely contradicts the will of the Forces, there is no point in waiting for their help.
Pure service is like a person’s permission to allow powerful ocean currents (higher will) to flow through him. But such flows are easy to block with your egoism. A person may say, “I don’t want to be part of the ocean. I want to arrange everything my way. Heated pool, palm tree, sun lounger, drinks and snacks, entertainment.” If the will to be independent is expressed, the person is, of course, allowed to implement such a choice. But a pool is not an ocean. There is no depth, no power, no living divine spirit to be found there. Although the option with a pool can be much nicer and more comfortable. Everyone has their own priorities, you just need to honestly answer yourself what these priorities are.
So, the path of light and the path of balance are paths of service. Partial service is also possible. That is, the soul, following rather the path of the wanderer, is partially engaged in activities related to service. To recognize such activity, you need to look at where a person does something for others, because he regards it as his duty to the world, to God. Even if the activity is difficult, even if he does not always receive due gratitude and compensation for it, the person is simply not ready to stop, he will still make his contribution, because this choice corresponds to his deepest essence. Without such activity, he will feel that his soul has become shallow. That is, service is a completely voluntary obligation that continues to be carried out by a person, regardless of the benefit received.
Other assistance to people should still be regarded more as forms of mutually beneficial energy exchange. A sure sign of such help is a refusal to continue if the person’s activity does not reward or does not reward enough. This applies to family, partnership, and some kind of social activity.
For example, if you love your partner and help him, but in return you do not receive sufficient gratitude and reciprocal help, then service would be to continue the relationship. And the desire for mutual benefit will manifest itself as demands on the partner to give in return a larger volume of various benefits. If this requirement is not met, the search for a new partner begins.
I can already see your next question. “What if your partner drinks, hits, etc.?” But we are not talking about the ethical part of the issue now. The desire of souls for equal energy exchange is completely natural. I rather explain how to distinguish it from pure service. In this context: if you voluntarily end a relationship with an ungrateful partner, it means that in this situation the desire for equal energy exchange has worked.
I will also answer your unasked question: the fact that service is pure does not imply that it is necessarily effective. That is, there are also cases when maintaining a frankly dysfunctional family is pointless. And even a bright teacher will advise you to break off such relationships.
I’m now trying to help people become more honest with themselves. The better they understand themselves, the easier it will be for them to choose their path and realize why they chose it. After all, people still have a lot of misunderstanding. For example, someone may not realize that there is still a large percentage of the wanderer on their journey.
Sometimes it happens that the path of development along which a person in his understanding goes, objectively speaking, does not exist. But he doesn’t see this, and continues to go somewhere. Therefore, his path is built further into illusion. If a person has hit a wall, he can still sit under it, close his eyes and vividly imagine that he is moving on. This happens often. Illusions are bottomless, the soul can move further and further into them because it wants to. And the duty of teachers from above is to help souls return to the real path and honestly assess their prospects for further advancement. If there are simply no real prospects, this is certainly a problem. And in this case, it is already very dangerous to continue dreaming with your eyes closed. It’s time to start adjusting your way of thinking, your goals and behavior so that the real path begins to gradually take shape.
Let’s say a person says: “I served my family/people/God. But it turned out to be a thankless task, so I gave up everything.” What kind of contradiction do you see here?
Ch.: Initially there was a desire to get something in return.
K.T.: So it was not yet fully a ministry. More like an attempt to try it, but its taste turned out to be bitter and disappointing.
So, the difference between the light path and the path of balance is solely that a person works on different frequency ranges. Serving the path of balance is not half serving, half wandering. It’s not half for yourself, half for others. This is not half evil, half good.
The path of balance is the same completely voluntary duty, which assumes that a person can have an intense impact on others, without having any personal interest. The teacher of balance can inflict pain for the sake of a higher goal: measured, dispassionate, careful, but with the necessary measure of firmness. Your favorite comparisons apply here: a chiropractor setting sprains, a surgeon opening boils.
Of course, the psychological profile of a light teacher and a balance teacher are fundamentally different. Their flows of energy exchange are also different.
The bright path is built primarily on love. In any ambiguous situation, you tend to love and care. This is called maintaining (preserving) creation.
For example, after a battle between two enemy camps, a doctor takes both his own soldiers and strangers to his field hospital. Helps both. Treat everyone with the same diligence, without asking the question “who deserves what?” – this is a bright choice.
The bright path also presupposes an element of obedience. If a person’s subtle perception is closed, this is following the advice of a spiritual father/mother, an elder, a sage, in a word, someone who has achieved connection with the wisdom of the higher spheres.
If there is a direct connection with bright teachers, it is following their advice. Why is the moment of obedience so important? Because the bright path itself does not imply high isolation. This is following wise instructions. Of course, no one is immune from mistakes, but in this way a person strives to join the community and listens to the opinion of this community. If he says, “I will do everything my way,” this is an impulse of repulsion from unity. In fact, the person says: “I am not part of the one God, I am an independent God. And I wish to exercise my will.” So, the weak point on the bright path: self-will.
The path of balance presupposes developed intelligence, high professionalism, and serious specialization in certain valuable types of service. A realized balance teacher does not ask what to do. He thinks through his own help and offers it to the world.
If subtle perception is closed, a person is guided by his own experience. Of course, he could be wrong. He endures the negative consequences of his mistakes with fortitude, does not become disappointed, does not give up his work, and does not become embittered. He interacts with the world in a relatively rigid range of frequencies and accepts the fact that sometimes he himself has intense effects, and sometimes the world has intense effects on him. He is not protected from this: by owning and using certain tools, he thereby allows these tools to be used on himself. It will not be possible to emerge from a safe hole, use a destructive tool and dive back.
The negative consequences of the master of balance’s activities are returned to him. Simply put: people get hurt by his actions, and even if his intention was good and the impact was well-calibrated, they can still catch up with him and hit him back. And here a focus on service and restraint is very important so as not to become bitter. Even after getting hit back, we must strive to forgive and not take revenge. Because the master of balance always follows the path of minimizing harm to others and uses it only as a tool for development, but not as a tool for achieving personal goals.
The master of balance may lack love, so he must have very high moral and ethical standards and self-restraints. To do this, he also needs a developed mind to analyze his strategies and choose the most effective and most respectful of them in relation to the world.
If a person follows the path of balance and has an open connection with higher Powers, he also consults with them and does not show self-will. But they still expect him to be independent and make some constructive proposals. And he already coordinates these proposals with the Forces.
So, the weaknesses of the master of balance: self-will in the presence of recommendations from above, weak mind, lack of professionalism, bitterness.
The path of light will require a lot of love and patience from a person. The path of balance will require high rationality, discipline and knowledge of his business. And only the journey of a wanderer does not require much from a person. Therefore, it is not surprising that most people prefer it (Smiles).
Ch.: I would like to ask about blocking connections between different parts of one oversoul. Let’s say a person has destructive aspects or a dark VY, for what purpose can this memory be opened for him? After all, there is little pleasant in this.
K.H.: First a person must be considered ready to open such a memory. Because there really isn’t enough pleasant stuff. Removing blocks from connections leading to destructive minds occurs if the soul there has additional valuable sources of knowledge, resources, and strength. This is a kind of inheritance of the soul. Yes, it’s not easy. It can be difficult to understand exactly what benefit a person should get from such connections.
But imagine that a small child already has a ready understanding of how to run without skinning his knees, how to use fire without getting burned, how to cut food and not get hurt with a knife. His memory of what not to do was revealed to him, and with expanded knowledge he will avoid many mistakes. Although this memory is painful, with a thoughtful approach, it can accelerate human development.
If the benefit of revealing connections to dark minds is not clear, they are not revealed. There are things that a person is better off not remembering until he is strong and old enough to benefit from such difficult knowledge.
Ch.: Let’s summarize, under what conditions are new layers of his multidimensional onion revealed to a person?
K.H.: Think about what it is like for a person to grow up? Over time, he begins to need a larger volume of food, a larger volume of complex knowledge, more space for showing initiative and implementing independent activities.
Similar processes are observed in the soul. As she gets older, she needs more food for thought. She strives to master new skills, new areas of manifestation of her creative aspirations – already using the possibilities of multidimensional creation. New layers of the onion open when the soul has already exhausted everything from the available layers. There is enough of everything provided, but nothing in excess. If a person strives to gain access to new layers of the onion, but they remain closed, it means that he is not ready yet.
The first possible reason: a person doesn’t need anything else yet; he can still collect and comprehend valuable information from earthly sources of spiritual knowledge.
The second possible reason: he does not yet have an understanding of how he will use information from multidimensionality. Often people are driven rather by a childish desire to come into contact with a miracle. And sometimes amazing experiences really happen to a person. But to reveal a stable connection with a new level, a more mature request for access to new tools is needed that a person can use in his service.
The not most pleasant reason when a person fails to open the new surface layer of the onion is when he does not strive strongly enough for the light. You must always keep your desire for development sharp.
There is another reason for getting stuck in development: when a person is asked to comprehend the destructive potentials existing in the soul, to somehow work with them and sort them out, but he does not want to or is afraid. In this case, it is possible to advance on the path of development due to a more powerful aspiration towards the light. Half-measures and a wait-and-see attitude will not be able to get out of the deadlock. But such a striving towards the light is again built on strict self-restraints. Since there are destructive potentials in the soul, in order to block them, daily work with temptation is necessary so as not to succumb to it either in actions or in thoughts.
C.: What does this mean in practice: to work and deal with your destructive potentials?
K.H.: Imagine that a person has a poisonous snake in his bag, but he doesn’t know about it and invites someone to put their hand in there, for example, to take a chocolate bar. Consider the consequences of this situation. The person’s intentions are harmless. But his snake could seriously harm someone.
So, the destructive potentials of the soul that a person does not know about are like a hidden poisonous snake in his bag. If he is asked to see his snake and somehow deal with it, this is done so that the person realizes the potential danger of the properties of his soul. Knowing that he has this in him, a person will be able to choose self-restraints in order to harm others less. His ignorance, his sense of his own harmlessness, prompts him to behave carelessly and boldly where serious caution must be observed.
Ch.: Can I throw this bag away along with the snake?
K.H.: This is a radical measure. After all, we are talking about part of the properties of the soul. Theoretically, it is possible, but in reality, the controlling mind of the oversoul may not allow you to do this. A more conservative solution is that the person never opens the bag in public or leaves the snake at home in the terrarium. In practice: a person increases self-control due to the fact that he is aware of the destructive properties of his soul and already knows how to extinguish their spontaneous manifestation.
Ch.: Why does such a person initially have no knowledge of the destructive properties of his oversoul?
K.H.: If a person knows from the very beginning that he has this in him, the chances are high that he will live his life feeling that he is somehow different. He may be withdrawn and avoid human society, but he will not transform his destructive properties.
Therefore, such a person is initially allowed to feel like a completely friendly, harmless member of society. This self-identification is developed on purpose. And when it is revealed to a person that his soul has destructive properties, his positive identification can already prevail. Then he somehow deals with the raised destructive properties of the soul, carefully integrates them into himself, without losing the brightness of his former positive properties. After all, he already has serious good qualities, which he will put on the opposite side of the scale (Smiles).
C.: Thank you for the conversation.
K.H.: And I thank you!
Koot Hoomi

People are getting stupid en masse

People are getting stupid en masse

What happens to our thinking? How to regain your ability to think effectively? Why should you read books?
Excerpt from the book “The Fourth World War”)
When the authoritative St. Petersburg psychologist Lyudmila Apollonovna Yasyukova publicly announced that the gap between the smart and the stupid (and definitely not in favor of the smart ones) was rapidly increasing – that, of course, was a sealed secret! – the public reaction turned out to be, to put it mildly, ambiguous. Like, who gave you the right to judge this?! And making us look like fools?! And in general, what is the mind?..
For some reason, the respectable public easily detects the shadow of fascist eugenics in scientific facts that deprive them of restful sleep. But this is not eugenics, and there is certainly not even a hint of fascism, but idiocy has indeed become a new reality, and it is doubly stupid to turn a blind eye to it.
This process of mass stupidity is based on the same digital dependence, on the one hand, and the specifics of the work of our brain in a hyperinformation environment.
This peculiarity lies in the fact that precisely because of these functional systems of the brain, which immerse us, so to speak, in different modes of functioning, we cannot simultaneously consume information and think.
Simply put, we either consume content or we think. Since now we all, to one degree or another, do not get off the information needle, the areas of the brain responsible for thinking are not trained, and perhaps even atrophy.
Well, at least they are definitely covered with some kind of neurophysiological dust and cobwebs. It is no coincidence that studies of older people show that people who read are half as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as those who watch television.
Ask, what is the difference: there is information in a book and on TV. Yes, only TV grabs your attention and holds it, but a book does not, so up to 40 percent of your reading time is spent on mental activity, when you are so immersed in thought that you can even lose the thread of the story.
But we rarely read books now; we hang around on Facebook and Instagram more and more. Which, in the literal sense of the word, leads to the fact that we lose the skill of constructing complex intellectual objects – we think more and more superficially, automatically, and do not delve into the essence of the matter.
It is extremely difficult to notice this flattening of one’s own thinking. As I have said many times: even if we get Alzheimer’s, we will complain about anything, but not about our own stupidity.
I have already spoken in some detail about this research, conducted by Olga Litvinenko under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Nikolaevich Anokhin, in the book “Chambers of the Mind”. So now I will try to present only the essence of the issue in general terms.
I believe you have all heard the concept of “pathomorphosis”. It sounds, of course, extremely ominous, but in fact everything is extremely simple and not at all scary: the clinical picture of diseases can change over time.
Old psychiatrists will tell you that the schizophrenic of today is not the same – kind of dull, inarticulate, without clear symptoms. Boring, in a word.
Previously, it was another thing – there were patients, which is necessary! If, for example, there is paranoia, then it is vigorous – the special services are pursuing, the Martians have moved into the bodies of people and are performing monstrous experiments on them, top-secret information about an anti-government conspiracy is being transmitted through a news announcer, a special sensor is installed in the brain to communicate with God, etc., and so on. etc.
In general, they used to go crazy with a metallic, so to speak, ringing. Now what? One continuous grayness. What is the reason for this pathomorphosis? Okay, healthy people become stupid, but what happened to madness?
Modern medicines? Let’s say so. But the onset of the disease should still not change! And he is changing. Genetics? But, excuse me, what genetic changes occur in increments of one generation, and with all of humanity at once?
That is, the point is, after all, in the habitat of our brains (including crazy ones) – in the specifics of the information field.
In this study, hundreds of archival medical records of patients suffering from schizophrenia were analyzed. The structure of delirium, the characters, the structures of relationships were revealed – in general, everything was as Comrade Propp bequeathed.
Two groups were key in this study – those patients who were born and formed before the boom of computers and the Internet, as well as those who came into this world already at the end of the 80s. And this is where “two worlds – two systems” really emerged!
The very essence of paranoia lies in its amazing structure. Previously, we even talked about the moment of “crystallization of delirium,” when the patient literally suddenly “everything became clear” – that this was, for example, a conspiracy, or persecution, or some kind of fantastic influence. He “clearly” understood what had happened, why he was being hunted, what he was guilty of, what he was suspected of, etc.
Remember A Beautiful Mind, the brilliant film about the great mathematician John Nash, played by the then inimitable Russell Crowe? Yes, yes, all these scary people in black who work for the CIA, a conspiracy against the United States, secret information in open sources, newspaper clippings hanging on the walls of the garage… This is real, high-quality, so to speak, structural nonsense.
But those patients whose growing up occurred in the era of galloping information growth demonstrate a fundamentally different picture of delirium. Not only do they not really understand what happens to them when a psychotic attack begins, but they are not even very interested in what is happening.
Well, yes, they say, something strange. Well, yes, someone said something to someone, somehow they looked at him incorrectly, suspiciously…
Instead of the “Government”, “KGB”, “Martians” and all sorts of “Dark Forces” – neighbors in the stairwell, salespeople in the store, relatives, fellow students. And they, however, are barely connected with each other, and what they want from the patient and why on earth, in fact, is not at all clear. Porridge-malasha.
In other words, the representatives of “Generation X” have structural delusions, but in the delusional constructions of the “Greeks” there is no structure at all – it has disappeared.
But delirium is simply a mental product, albeit a very specific one. Morphologically and psychophysiologically, the brain is the same in both cases, and in both cases it is affected by the same disease (the genetic nature of this disease has not changed in any way). Why is the very quality of this, as psychiatrists call it, mental products so different?!
The question is not the content of the delirium, but how it is structurally organized. And structurally it is now organized very poorly, but not because of the disease as such, no. We all think like this in this mess of information consumption – unstructured, torn, unsystematic. A schizophrenic is simply not afraid, since he has lost touch with reality, to turn his thinking outside and demonstrate to us this mess that now concerns everyone.
Well, the structure… we have is so-so. And it’s time to admit this.
How does ordinary, normal, so to speak, manifest itself, and not informational mental retardation? A patient with a corresponding diagnosis is intellectually passive, acts impulsively, cannot concentrate attention for a long time, thinks very concretely and utilitarianly, does not like or understand abstract reasoning. Does this remind you of anything?.. The average user of social networks, for example?
There is only one difference between pseudo-moronicity and clinical moronity: a clinical moron cannot be forced under any circumstances to think more complexly – the very state of his “gray cells” does not imply this. Nothing works out in his head, no matter what you do to him.
On the contrary, the “gray matter” of the information pseudo-moron is intact, and, in principle, his brain can be trained. But why?..
And it’s true, why train this substance and train it in difficulty? What’s the point? What is the motivation? Tsimes in what? Will he be respected in some special way for this? Or, on the contrary, will they shame him for being a fool? Or will he not survive without it? No.
Being smart is not fashionable, not cool, and not even cool… And what to do about it?
We have long needed to understand the threat posed by this new hyperinformation environment for our brains. But we did not understand, we were not prepared, and perhaps we were even late.
Author: Andrey Kurpatov

7 no’s of really smart people

7 no’s of really smart people

Smart people have a broad outlook, are actively interested in the world around them and strive for constant self-education. They do not get hung up, find innovative solutions to problems, they are distinguished by critical thinking and the ability to logically argue their views without falling under the influence of the crowd…
Here are 7 situations to which a smart person will say no:
1. Don’t do what you don’t like
It is stupid to agree to additional obligations if you have not dealt with the old ones. You should not say “yes” to opportunities that do not arouse your enthusiasm, forcing you to break yourself, your schedule, and devalue your true desires.
Don’t turn into an errand boy whose kindness is used by everyone, know your worth! Otherwise, you risk ending up somewhere you didn’t want to be, with people you didn’t choose.
2. Don’t get infected by other people’s moods
Smart people do not allow others to spoil their mood; they separate their own emotions from those imposed by someone from the outside. Each person has his own experience, cherishes his own tragedy, projecting feelings onto everyone around him. This does not mean that you need to give in to them, becoming like the majority. On the contrary, maintain your fighting spirit, take care of your inner happiness. After all, other people’s reality is subjective and should not define your world.
4. Don’t wait for outside help
If you have people you can rely on, that’s great. But you shouldn’t shift responsibility for your life onto others. No one else can solve your problem the way you need, people often fail.
Smart people are not afraid of difficult tasks, even if they have no experience, they improve their abilities and solve the problem themselves. The fear of making a mistake, not being able to cope, or causing harm should not prevent you from moving forward. Give up crutches, stop depending on others – and you will become stronger.
5. Don’t rely on luck
An intelligent person relies on his knowledge and skills, listens to his own heart, but definitely does not expect fate to solve problems. It’s good to believe in the best, but you also need to not make mistakes yourself, do everything in your power to win the battle.
Inaction leads to inevitable disappointment. The fairy tale does not come true if the main character sits on the stove and does not even try to catch the goldfish. Work on your goals, put your soul into your business – and success will not pass you by.
6. Don’t give up investing
If there is an opportunity to invest one hundred dollars in an enterprise and get two hundred, a smart person will not miss such a chance! You must always be one step ahead and be able to manage your finances wisely, not just storing them under the bed for a rainy day, but putting them into circulation.
Money should bring money, work for promotion, open new horizons. This is not an end in itself, but a means of moving towards a dream. As long as you treat them as a tool, you will move forward.
7. Don’t live in the past
If you cling to past grievances and bitter defeats, a person loses the opportunity to replay everything. His internal energy is dissipated in the fears of the past and thereby deprives him of the future. Smart people do not allow themselves such luxury; they value their time and resources too much to waste them on regret and self-criticism.
Move on. Did you fall? Get up again. Experience will do its job. And you will find yourself in the queens if you believe in your success and draw the right conclusions.
8. Don’t accumulate negativity
Tears must be cried, anger must be expressed, grievances must be aired. It is stupid to suppress negative experiences in yourself; they need to be resolved and not returned to them again. Smart people will not accumulate stress over the years, undermining their own health and relationships.
They dot all the points at once, give themselves time to become weak, and then gather together. Because living in constant tension, accumulating “emotional waste” in yourself is not respecting yourself. Smart people choose their emotions themselves; they do not run away from pain, but face it.

The main value is not in what we have, but in who we have

The main value is not in what we have, but in who we have

As we grow older, we often realize that nothing compares to the love and support we receive from loved ones. Mother’s love and friendly support become a truly priceless gift. And we generally have a deeper appreciation for those who are there for us in difficult times and share joy in good times…
When our souls are heavy, no material values can console and calm us down. At such moments, we begin to realize the full value of a strong male shoulder nearby, which we can always cry on. Only when a person begins to understand this does he begin to grow.
A person’s spiritual growth is impossible without this step, because after it absolutely everything changes: values, outlook on life, priorities. A person begins to truly appreciate such seemingly obvious and simple things as mother’s love, the support of a loved one, the help of friends.
Over the years, people close to us become not just an important part of our life, they become an integral part of it. Without them, we cannot be happy, enjoy life and enjoy it to the fullest. No amount of money is enough to buy real, sincere relationships and feelings. There is nothing more valuable in the world than this.
People close to us are not only able to support and console us in difficult times, they inspire us. They charge us with positive energy and self-confidence every day. Thanks to them, we do not walk on the ground, but fly. We believe in ourselves and in our strengths only thanks to them. We are able to create miracles, because those we love are next to us.
If you are lucky and have such people in your life, take care of them and appreciate every minute you spend with them. Always find time to meet with them, for warm, soulful conversations over a cup of hot tea. Remember that these are not just people, these are your amulets, motivators, advisers and an invisible helping hand, because the place in which we live is turned into a home by the people who are next to us. Appreciate and take care of them!

Do we need to help people

Do we need to help people?

When a person is very involved in the mind, many questions arise in him. He’s just lost and doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t feel it!
When we live with our hearts and are tuned in to it, then there are fewer and fewer questions. We just know what and how to act, what to do, where to go… We just feel it from the inside!
Should I help people? When to help? Should people seek help? Is it always necessary to react and help? How can I help you?
A person often wants everything to be clear in his head, as if laid out on shelves. The mind wants rules and patterns on how to live. Wants specific plans, examples, templates…
But you can’t convey everything! There are as many examples and samples as there are people in the world.
And I wish everyone to learn to feel their choice with their Heart and Soul. Then you will never have any questions.
There may be a situation when a person asks you for help. He turned to you! And you feel that he doesn’t need help. He just wants to throw off some kind of work, responsibility, avoid a lesson… And sometimes he is not at all ready to accept help, although he asks for it (he wants to get something other than what you can offer). And he needs to go through it himself, understand something, realize it. This is his invaluable experience, his realization, the revelation of inner strength, overcoming laziness, fears, limitations…
Will you listen to your heart or act from your mind (since you asked, you are obligated to help)?
Sometimes a person doesn’t ask you for help. You may not be familiar with him at all. Or maybe, on the contrary, this is the dearest and closest person. He doesn’t ask for anything, but you feel with all your heart that he needs your help. And at this moment, not the person himself, but his Soul, God turns to you! You feel it with your whole being and even already know how to help (it came from within)!
You will listen to the call of your Heart, Soul or mind, which will say in a stereotyped way: if you didn’t officially ask, don’t help?
Why do some people get help, while others begin to snap back, resist, and reject it?
It depends on many things… But if you sincerely wanted to help, then it is enough for you that you listened to your Soul. It’s better to do what you feel than to regret it for the rest of your life.
And also a lot depends on what energy you are helping with. Many people pour their egoism on a person. Then they wonder why the person resists and does not accept their help.
For example:
– you are ashamed of this person and you want to change him;
– you are scared for him and you want to help him so that your own fear goes away;
-you think that a person is bad, dark, negative, and you are light, correct, good and you need to change him, clean him, enlighten him, awaken him;
– you want the person to understand you and you talk about one thing;
-you want the person to do what you want; did what you think is right; followed the path you see…
-or maybe you are so all-knowing, shining, high-vibrational that you will now change everyone around you.
All these are ego games, pride, which spoils relationships with people.
And true help is the sincerity of the Heart. You just want to help without thinking about yourself. This is simply the call of the Soul! And then there are no rules inside. You trust your Heart and act as it tells. You simply help and this is the most Divine help!
My dear ones, live with your Soul and then you will simply feel what you should do in every situation in life!
With love to everyone,
Magda Funia.

Advantages of living alone

Advantages of living alone

Better alone than in bad company, right?
If you’re single and feeling bad about it—especially if you’re in your 30s and your friends are settled and have families—it might be a good idea to remind yourself of some of the benefits of living alone.
1. It is quiet. If you are a person who loves silence, you can surely sink into your home as your fortress of silence and comfort.
2. The mess is yours. There is usually some order to the chaos when you live alone. You know the place of everything – it is exactly where you left it, because no one moved it or threw it away without asking you.
3. You don’t have to discuss other people’s problems. If you don’t feel like talking, don’t talk to anyone. If you don’t listen to other people’s problems, you don’t listen to other people’s problems.
4. Songs in the shower. No one is listening – you can sing your heart out, no matter how fake.
5. No clothes. If you like to walk around the house naked, here’s the perfect opportunity – you can dress (or undress) however you want.
6. Eating to your own taste. If you want to order a pizza, you don’t have to deal with someone who wants Chinese or whatever. You can eat whatever you want.
7. No unnecessary trinkets. You save yourself conversations and arguments about washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, etc. No one messes up after you’ve tidied up. No one gets dirty after cleaning themselves, writes the site “Objects”.
8. You do what you love. If you want to learn a language online or do something else that requires concentration, there is no one to stop you. You have full control of your time.
9. No explanations. You go out and there is no need to explain where you are going, with whom and when you will return home. One is sometimes too tired to give constant reports.
10. To your own taste. You can arrange everything in your home the way you like it to bring you a feeling of coziness, warmth and peace.
11. Freedom and Independence. You leave and come home when you want. Sleep when you want, watch what you want.
Take advantage of the time you spend alone with yourself to improve yourself, learn to manage your time and last but not least – enjoy life the way you want to, without regard for anyone another in the world.
Bozhidara Naydenova

5 habits that kill productivity and discipline

5 habits that kill productivity and discipline

1. Comparing yourself with others. Comparison is a joy killer. How can you try to concentrate if you can’t stop thinking that others are doing better and completing more tasks than you?
Others don’t care about you. And they almost never think about you. So just take it and do it. Work at your own pace and be consistent. The long-term results will not disappoint.
2. Phone distraction. The average person spends 3 hours and 5 minutes a day on their phone. That’s almost 50 days a year. Take a small portion of that time and dedicate it to something worthwhile.
3. Lack of a plan. Taking action is good. However, when you take on everything in a row, without any consistency or plan, it’s not very good.
Formulate a clear list of tasks for each day necessary to achieve the goal. And which, of course, you will honor and fulfill.
4. The habit of doing everything at once. It’s good in the moment. However, in the long run, when you try to sit on several chairs at once, the result is not happy. Instead of doing one thing completely, you spread yourself across several things at once. As a result, you spend many times more time.
5. Don’t change your approach if it doesn’t work out. Evaluate yourself constantly and ruthlessly. What are you doing and how? What gives results, what doesn’t? If you constantly repeat methods that do not produce any results, it leads to demotivation and a waste of not only time but also energy.
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