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The main thing that distinguishes a smart woman from a stupid one

The main thing that distinguishes a smart woman from a stupid one

The main thing that distinguishes a smart woman from a stupid one

Men are sure: women are either smart or beautiful. And since it is assumed that the man will earn money and solve all important problems in the family, the choice is made in the direction of external attractiveness.
But, attention-appearance tends to deteriorate with age!
And then the lack of intelligence of the woman is keenly felt. It manifests itself in conflicts with relatives and a complete lack of money. No matter how much a man earns, his family is still ruined.
Over time, another truth is revealed: a beautiful but foolish woman can take her children to the best teachers, but she can’t pass on to them either intellectual genes or worldly wisdom.
Of course, this does not mean that with a woman who is smart, but physically unattractive, life will flow beautifully. Maybe the man will be happy that his financial affairs are going up. But inside it will gnaw: why does someone’s wife look like a panther and his wife looks like a crocodile?
What does that mean? You have to look for the middle ground.
Let’s now summarize the factors that men should pay attention to when deciding to connect their life with a woman.
Mom and grandma
The Apple never falls further than the perimeter of the apple tree. If you want to have an idea of your wife, see how mother and grandmother lived and lived. Yes, we all have different destinies. But education plays a huge role in the formation of personality. Were her mother and grandmother educated? Did they have a decent life, a good moral code?
Attitude to money, way of life
If your lady demands gifts, flowers and is ready to party with you until dawn, visiting restaurant after restaurant, draw your conclusions. Smart women tend to be careful with money. In addition, they are self-sufficient, so external impressions do not impress them very much.
Smart women would rather talk to you tete – a-tete than go to noisy parties. They don’t need you to spend your salary on them, because they consider it not a proof of love, but an ordinary waste.
A smart woman will not waste money (neither yours nor hers) on fashionable outfits.
He will not wear huge false nails and eyelashes, obscene mini skirts or neon lipstick, because he is aware that this way some women simply compensate for their inner emptiness.
Free time
The smart one can spend her weekend as she wishes: swimming in the sea, doing yoga or baking sweets. And she reads a lot. In adulthood, the thirst for new information remains. It is vital for her to feed her brain with new food for thought.
If the object of your love does not read books, but prefers to look at photos on the internet, do not be surprised that sooner or later you will get bored.
Sense of humor
A smart girl can subtly irony, joke and, most importantly, laugh at herself. The fool laughs at everyone, and loudly, with his head thrown back. This is an extreme degree of impropriety and lack of culture.
Personal opinion
A woman who has no bugs in her head always has her own opinion. This will be very useful in your life together. As the popular wisdom says: one head thinks well, but two – even better.
And if the woman argues with you to the froth of the Mouth, Think about it. She may be clever, but this reveals in her the habits of a domestic tyrant and a stubborn, intolerant, inflexible man. You should run away from such women.
Author: Laura Kostova,
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