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If someone has moved away from you don’t be sad

If someone has moved away from you, don’t be sad

If someone has moved away from you, don’t be sad. It was God who heard your prayer “Deliver us from the evil one”

Unfortunately, other people can cause you a lot of pain. In some cases, this is deliberate sabotage, in some cases you allow it yourself, clinging to the illusion.
And often this pain is associated with the fact that a person begins to move away, ignore you, or completely leaves, or even viciously disappears from your life. You can try to find out the circumstances and reasons. You can attribute to yourself non-existent guilt for the fact that you could offend or upset a person. You can suffer in silence and wait for the return.
But the most reasonable thing in such a situation is not to dwell on it, not to idealize this character and not to allow thoughts related to him or her to take up too much time in your mind.
Time will pass, and you will realize that that departure or disappearance was for the best. This is not such a significant person for you, you are not so much in his person or have lost him. Moreover, if a person had stayed by your side, you would have suffered much more.
If a person moves away or leaves, and you understand that there is no objective fault on your part, then take it simply as an important sign. It was God who heard your prayer, “Deliver us from the evil one.”
1) If a person commits a low, unworthy act, then this shows his essence
It’s painful to face such a part of reality. But it is better to understand this essence now than to expose yourself even more, to trust and suffer irreparable damage from contact with such a character.
2) Maybe you only saw the mask of the Evil One?
You are sure that you understood what kind of person he was. Maybe it was all a game, a deception, a fiction. Maybe up to some point you believed in what you wanted to believe.
Uncertainty, limbo, prevarication – this is the most rotten thing that a loved one can do to you, it’s on the verge of betrayal. Here he is, the true Evil One.
3) Do not dig into the reasons for such actions for a long time, it is better to accept it as a fact
Many people carefully look for excuses for such actions. They are trying to dig up at least some facts or just hints that will allow them to draw a bright story in their head.
But adults so know and understand that there are healthier and more environmentally friendly scenarios of behavior than disappearance, ignoring, deception, betrayal and eternal uncertainty.
4) If God, the Universe, Fate, Life remove some person from you, then it is for your own protection
It will take a little time, you will get involved in your life, you will rely more on your own meanings and be close to those people who really love you. And then you will understand that the disappearance, the flight of the Evil One was definitely for the best. The universe, God, and Life are more visible and understandable. Accept the inevitable and continue to build your reality based on what exactly is within your control.
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