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October 31

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 31

Self presence, simply put, is holding space for you to become everything you wish to be. It is creating a stabilizing place of pure acceptance to assist both your current self and your future self in the highest unfoldment of you. When was the last time you simply sat with yourself without assessing, judging, or trying to fix anything? That may very well be exactly what you are craving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 30

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 30

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing how to navigate the transitioning phase of a loved one.
The transitioning of a loved one is always a very challenging time. A sudden passing can make you feel shock, dismay, and like the rug had been pulled from underneath you. Today’s post is about the challenges of having a loved one who is moving towards their transition due to illness.
One of the more positive aspects of knowing a loved one is terminally ill, if there is one, is the fact that you know you are moving towards their transition. While it is still incredibly difficult, the shock isn’t as great as a sudden death. You have more time to process what is happening, to tell the person how you feel about them, and hopefully come to a place of peace with them if your relationship required some healing. Of course it is up to the person if they are ready for that resolution, as they are in charge of their transition experience.
I’ve learned so much through the transition of both of my parents. My mother had a long, slow death due to Parkinson’s disease and dementia. It was difficult to watch her sink into herself. I never really knew what would bring her comfort because there was so little of her present to connect to. It seemed more than anything that she just really wanted to be left alone.
It was during that time that Gabriel explained to me that deaths due to Alzheimer’s, dementia, or comas allow the person much more time to spend out of the body connecting to the higher realms. It helps the person prepare to release the body. That made a lot of sense because my mother really liked to be in control, and I can see how that would have been a beneficial process for her to prepare her for her release.
That explains why sometimes your loved one seems completely gone when you visit them and then other times they seem fully present and you get a glimpse of them as you know them. When you see the version of them you know, they are back in the body for the moment. It is a kinder, more gradual process of transitioning for them, but difficult for the family especially if they don’t understand it.
In the case of my mother’s dementia, she regressed backwards until she was a small child. Gabriel explained to me that she was actually doing her life review while still in the body, which again would make her transition easier. The loved ones who witness this start to mourn the loss of their loved ones before they pass, doing a great deal of the processing while they are still in the body.
In the case of my father’s passing, he had a shorter illness, passing away a month after diagnosis. This allowed us enough time to wrap our brains around what was happening and to have important conversations. In his case, my presence was a comfort so I spent a lot of time with him as he was transitioning.
As I was driving up to the hospital to visit him, I realized that that day was the best it was going to be and it was only going to get harder. The thought was absolutely overwhelming. It was at that point Gabriel popped in and told me the key to moving through it all was to stay completely present. I took his words to heart, and did just that to the best of my ability. From that space I could sit in the hospital room and just appreciate that my father was still there with me and in that moment I was ok.
It seems in these energies people are doing so many interesting things with their transition points. People I know and love have very suddenly passed away and I had no idea it was going to happen. I see some people walk right up to transition points, change their minds, and suddenly get much better. And I do feel that we will see more and more people choosing not to stay in the body as we move into the new energies. They will either assist from the other side, or come back to experience the new earth at a different time.
Some people decide they have done all they have had to do in this incarnation and that it’s time to go Home. Others decide to stay, and when they do it always means that they have agreed to moving through another layer of growth. But the transition point is a deeply personal choice, much like we choose our birthdays, and is chosen by the soul and the assistance of their team. It is a beautiful and sacred time, showing they had reached a state of completion to the best of their ability and in that sense, is something to celebrate. It is equally important to honour your human emotions as you go on to mourn their physical presence in your life.
So if you are going through the illness of a loved one that is likely to end with their passing, follow your heart. Ask for the assistance of the angels for both you and your loved one. Offer whatever you feel guided might be a comfort to them and don’t be insulted if they choose not to take you up on your offer. If your loved one has decided not to see you at all in the process, it means that all was well between you and there were no loose ends to tie up.
I have done so many readings for people over the years who suffer with tremendous regret over things they think they got wrong as their loved one passed away. It is so common for people to get up to go to the washroom and, of course, it is during that small window of time that their loved one slips away leaving them wracked with guilt. Every single time I hear a similar story I am always told by spirit that their loved one simply wanted to spare them the trauma of seeing them take their last breath.
And most of all, remember staying in the now moment as much as you can is the key to getting through it as you honour them in how they wish to complete their journey here. No matter how it unfolds it is a sacred time for everyone involved that your loved one is in charge of and it is impossible to get it wrong. And you can absolutely trust that your relationship continues, just in a different way. Love and the connection you have with the people you are close to can never die because it has always been soul to soul and based in energy and feeling not form.

October 23

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 23

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be talking about the dark night of the soul.
The dark night of the soul is when your world has become incredibly painful and you find yourself just trying to hang on in survival mode. It may come from an external event that has affected you profoundly, a health crisis, the passing of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, the loss of a job, or getting lost in addiction. Whatever has brought you there, it is a time where you often can’t see your way out of it. You are exhausted, heartbroken, and don’t know where to turn or what to do.
Why do we find ourselves in such a place? Gabriel tells me that when it becomes too painful to stay the same we surrender, and that is the greatest power move we can make because it allows our angels, guides, and higher self to lead us to the solutions we can’t see from where we are. Dark nights of the soul always precede periods of profound expansion and ultimately lead you to much better matches to who you are and what your soul wishes to experience and achieve.
So if you are in a dark night of the soul, the first thing to do is to simply declare, “I surrender” with your whole heart to whoever you feel is a source you trust to guide you. You can surrender to God, to Jesus, to an angel, to your higher self, to a guide, to Source, or Creator, or any other higher being you feel an affinity for. If you don’t know what you believe, you can simply surrender to more or the universe.
From that surrender moment, if you pay close attention, you will feel a lightening of your energy. That is because spirit has already come in to lighten your load. If you don’t feel anything, simply trust that it is happening.
From there, it is your job to continue to work with spirit and within the system of surrender. Stay surrendered the best you can with your faith and trust. Watch for the signs and synchronicities that let you know the way forward and that you are on the right path. Say yes to what shows up for you as new opportunities. Use affirmations that help you stay in that space, such as “God is guiding me now”, “How does it get any better than this?”, “This too shall pass”, “It’ll be interesting to see how this all works out”, or ask spirit to show you the next steps. Trust where the flow is trying to take you.
When you are in survival mode, no one expects you to be able to practice zen-like presence and gratitude. Your job is to get yourself to a more healthy, supportive, and comfortable place through any opportunity that presents itself. You are going to need to baby step your way out of crisis one day at a time.
When things show up that do bring some relief, that is when you give your gratitude because that is your feedback tool to the universe and how you steer your flow. No one expects you to be grateful for situations or circumstances that are incredibly painful. But showing gratitude for the littlest bit of lighter energy that shows up for you will start to redirect your path and give you a new focus that can grow and bloom over time.
The reason why I thought today would be a good day to write about this topic is because sometimes people email me to let me know they are in absolute crisis and the daily message just didn’t apply to where they are in their lives. Please know when you are in crisis mode, your job is to seek to have your basic needs met and find your way to safety and comfort. It is not time for you to try to embody spiritual mastery.
There will be a time and a place for that, and your soul is going to do everything it can to get you to that place in the future. Activate your team of guides to help you find your way, keep your focus on however you can improve your life, try not to look at the whole big picture because you will overwhelm yourself, and just take things one step at a time.
I know it can be hard to believe when you are in it but there is always, always light after the darkness. The dark night of the soul is the springboard to something new and so much better, so don’t give up when the light is about to break through. Your soul has a plan and surrendering to its wisdom while working with both your spiritual supports and whatever earthy supports are available to you is how you find your way though it. I’m sending you so much love and compassion as you navigate these difficult times.

October 20

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 20

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
It is safe to be present. It is safe to be in my body. It is safe to be fully me!
Have a wonderful weekend!

October 19

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 19

Being in the body is an essential part of anchoring energies and of far more profound service than you realize. You can’t reject your bodies and embody at the same time, Dear Ones. It is time to make friends with your bodies and honour them as an integral part of all you came to do. When you accept all aspects of you your full presence becomes much easier, benefitting all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 18

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 18

The further you get from your presence the more uncomfortable you will get. The discomfort is not punishment, it is simply a reminder to redirect back into presence.
Pay attention to your energetics when you start finding yourself worrying about the future. You will notice you are feeling discomfort. Now redirect into the Now moment, look around, and acknowledge how much is working for you in the present. You will start to feel much more comfortable. That is because you have shifted back into your power centre.
By placing yourself back into your most authentically powerful position, you will start to make decisions, one now moment at a time that honour where you truly wish to go. You will enter an unfoldment that will bring you to a far more satisfactory place than your worry and projections ever could. It is the way of the empowered human and what is fully available to you right now. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young

October 17

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 17

Dear Ones, there are far more people on your planet who want peace rather than war. So how do you help shift into a reality where war is no longer an option?
Stay the course. Actively start to heal the divisions on your planet with acceptance and love. Stay out of war and separation consciousness with yourselves, as well, by starting to love and accept yourselves unconditionally as the ever-evolving change makers you are.
Learn from the misuse of power that is playing out on your planet and strive to stay in your authentic power. Use your discernment. Choose leaders who are conscious, embody the traits of 5D rather than 3D, and wish to heal the wounds of separation on your planet. If they are still attempting to pit one group against another, playing us against them, or feeding judgement, division, and fear, they cannot get you where you want to go.
From your presence and beingness, continue to stay focused and anchor the energy of peace, both internally and outwardly, and in all of your choices and interactions, not just for today but as a new standard for your planet. As enlightening human beings continue to shift into their own empowerment, the foundation of authoritarian power erodes until it is no longer sustainable and will crumble. You are far more powerful as a collective than you realize. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 16

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 16

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s post is about being in the in-betweens.
One very common theme that is occurring in so many people’s lives right now is knowing that the past is done, that things have changed profoundly, but not knowing what that means or what to do next. This is a case of the in-betweens.
What I hear almost all the time from clients, and to be honest, what I also sometimes wonder myself is, am I doing something wrong? The longer the phase lasts the more we start to doubt ourselves and before we know it we are in a complete spin of fear wondering if you are missing out on something important and doubt about what you should be doing next.
Do I have all the answers about this? I do not. But I can tell you a few things:
Way too many people are experiencing this for us all to be wrong or missing something important.
If you don’t know what to do next, doing nothing major until you have more clarity is wise.
Lulls always serve us in one way or another and precede a period of forward movement.
Curiosity and questions always bring expansion. What is supported? What else might be possible that you haven’t considered? Where is your soul trying to lead you? What would bring you joy? What is your body asking for right now?
Is not knowing what to do an opportunity for you to get comfortable with the idea that your beingness is more than enough? (Spoiler alert – YES!)
Simply making your highest choice one now moment at a time is all that is ever required.
I realize that these phases are uncomfortable. We are used to living in a linear way where things are laid out in an easy to follow way. But linearity, planning, and taking action for the sake of having something to do are 3D constructs and we are shifting into 5D.
5D is about flow, natural unfoldment, and soul inspired action. We are making the monumental shift from doing, doing, doing, hoping it will lead to being (second spoiler alert – it won’t because you will never stop finding something else to do), to simply being and then doing when it is supported and divine inspiration comes from that space of alignment. So it makes sense that we would create a phase to get more used to allowing our beingness to lead the way. We are skill building.
I know we are diligent and want to do everything right, and that is a great intention. But honestly, considering the fact that it seems we feel every single ripple in the universe these days, it would be LOUD if we were missing something important about our own path or purpose.
We can’t get it wrong. We have evolved to the point where we can navigate a stage of not knowing to ultimately discover where our souls have been excited to go all along. That is what we came for. So trust the process and your own innate sensitivities and knowing. Our mind wants the answers but the heart leads the way.
And remember, as Gabriel often reminds me, you don’t build a house on a bridge. The in-betweens are a time of reflection, inner expansion, and connecting to your truth and preferences based on your latest level of attainment. There will be plenty of time for tangible, satisfying creations once we fully ground into the new.

October 13

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 13

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
Presence is my true power centre and from there all things are possible.
Have a wonderful weekend!

October 12

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 12

Presence is an in-body practice. Many on their enlightenment journey have seen being in the body as less important as connecting up and out of the body. Learning to connect and align was a very important phase of your journey, but now it is time to step into the next phase which is honouring the importance of being fully present in your body as an essential part of the embodiment process. It is not just allowing more of your soul self to be in the body, it is the tool you use to anchor the energies of heaven on earth. What a remarkable process of coming Home to yourself for the service of all! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 11

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 11

When you are fully present you don’t miss the many blessings that abound around you. You suddenly realize the wonder and magic that has always been there, you simply haven’t spent enough time in the space that allows you to see it. From there you can’t help but feel gratitude. Presence is your power centre, gratitude is your feedback to the universe and the steering wheel of you flow. Together they can shift your path in entirely new directions that are filled with so much more of what you prefer and wish to experience more of. How truly remarkable they are both fully available to you whenever you choose! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 10

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 10

We wholeheartedly recommend that you start to navigate your path from a space of alignment and presence. Imagine all the peace that would come if you stopped focusing on the past or the unknown of the future and stayed focused in the Now moment and choosing what would be your highest choice from there! You would be moving with the energies and supporting your own evolvement in a way that would be far more full of ease, and because you would know you are always consciously making your highest choice there would be no second guessing yourself. It would be incredibly soothing to your mind, your heart, and your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 9

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 9

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing the importance and power of stepping stones.
Over the years, I have come to appreciate the vital role stepping stones play on our journey. In fact, they are just as important as the final result of our dream because with out them our desired manifestations could not happen in a full and sustainable way.
When I first began my awakening process I experienced how powerful not knowing where you are going can be, and how essential it is to take advantage of what shows up for you as a supported next step. If someone had told me I was meant to be a channel of Archangel Gabriel, I would have said no to becoming a hypnotherapist, and that would have denied me the very tool I continue to use to this day to connect with Gabriel.
Becoming a hypnotherapist also provided me a reason to open my business right away, a certification that gave me some legitimacy, a career that gave me more time to myself and some income coming in so I could explore more of what I was truly passionate about – spirituality and all things metaphysical.
Stepping stones not only create bridges between where you are and where you want to go, they also can help you bridge an energetic divide until you are in alignment with your true goal. Let me explain.
It might be too big of an energetic leap for you to go from utter confusion to clarity, from poverty to great wealth, from despair to joy, from illness to vibrant health. However the stepping stones will lead the way from one to the other. It might look like this:
Confusion –> curiosity –> clarity
Poverty –> starting to make ends meet –> having extra –> having even greater ease –> wealth
Despair –> neutrality –> things are ok –> things are good –> happiness –> joy
Illness –> moving out of crisis –> continued healing –> back to where you were –> thriving
It is the acceptance of the in-betweens that makes great things possible. Stepping stones also keep you out of getting overwhelmed by trying to figure it all out at once. Most of us will feel like our end result isn’t realistic or attainable if we are trying to do it all in one leap. The key is to hold true to the dream because you wouldn’t have it if it wasn’t a true potential for you, and to simply find the next highest step that DOES feel within the realm of possibility and keep moving from there.
From that next step you will be choosing action towards your truest desire in a way that feels authentic and doable, and working with the natural unfoldment of your journey. That step allows you to see what is possible with the next step, and so on, and before you know it you have incrementally increased your vibration until clarity, wealth, joy, thriving, or any other dream you have doesn’t feel out of reach at all.
And the most wonderful thing is by taking it one step at a time you give yourself time to discover the fullness of your dream in a way you simply couldn’t have imagined when you first began. It gives you and your dream everything you need to be fully sustainable and the perfect match for each other.

October 6

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 6

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
I embrace the stillness as an opportunity for greater clarity to be found.
Have a wonderful weekend!

October 5

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 5

A period of non-action and seclusion is the modern version of retreating into the desert or wilderness and returning with renewed clarity and purpose. It is a powerful time of spiritual breakthroughs and transformation. Surrender into the personal discovery of why you entered such a time, and that period will serve you, and ultimately others, in ways you could not have imagined. That is the gift of the experience. The fact that so many of you are going through this speaks to the power of the shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 4

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 4

Dear Ones, when you don’t know what to do next, you naturally shift out of your mind into your heart. When you connect with your heart, you will find more clarity about what truly reflects who you are and what brings you soul satisfaction and joy. It is a sure sign you are ready to live far more authentically when you are redirected to start navigating your life through your heart. From there the changes you have been seeking become possible and that is exactly what you have been yearning for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 3

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 3

Dear Ones, there is great benefit to being in a phase of not knowing what is next. When you lose your bearings, you start operating from the Now moment. You slow down. You become more aware. You start to notice the signs and synchronicities as your new guidance system. You get curious. You settle into your beingness and you expand inwardly. It is an opportunity that is ripe with discovery and is always met with up-levelling when you emerge. It is a powerful and sacred time to connect with your truest essence, your authenticity, and your knowingness, and that will direct your path and be reflected back to you in the next phase. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October 2

Daily Message by Shelley Young – October 2

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing, Is It Me or Divine Timing?
In the early days of my awakening journey I used to get so frustrated. I always wanted to know when something was going to happen. I’d spend countless hours consulting my divination tools to see if I could find the answer to exactly when something would happen, only to be very upset if I couldn’t get the answer I wanted or if it turned out I was wrong.
I shared this frustration with a wonderful pastor, Pastor Jeremy, who I consulted when my conversation with Gabriel first began. He was such an integral part of my moving forward into my service because he reassured me that what was happening to me was authentic, and I will forever be grateful to him for that. Anyways, I was bemoaning how long things were taking for my life to get better and he said, “Shelley, God’s timing is perfect timing.” That phrase has stuck with me and created an instant shift.
But I would still, at times, end up wondering, am I blocked somehow or is it just divine timing? Am I missing something or is everything just coming together behind the scenes? How would I know if I am blocked?
These are all common questions and this is what I’ve learned along the way:
It is the ego that is impatient and rash. The soul is patient and wise. Your ego self isn’t bad, it’s a necessary part of the human experience. It just isn’t the part of you that can get you where you want to go because it likes everything the same. I think of it like a toddler that will tantrum if it doesn’t get its own way. So if you are judging things or being impatient and frustrated, it likely isn’t the most empowered part of you that is assessing things. Get into alignment and see how you feel. It will help you recenter into the Now moment, which will feel much more comfortable.
The ego self wants to control everything and be in charge. It can only create within what is known. Your soul is trying to lead you to the discovery of the next great opportunity or experience. In order to discover that, you must allow the wiser part of yourself to guide yourself into the unknown.
If something isn’t coming together for you quickly, it serves you to be where you are. Perhaps there is another discovery that must be made first before you can move forward. Perhaps there is an element that needs to be in place. Perhaps you need to hand over the reins to your soul or guides because you are trying to micromanage. Perhaps there is a soul contract with a person or with the land you are on that needs to wrap up before you are off to your next great adventure.
Are you willing to receive? Are you willing to expand? Are you willing to be patient with the process? Can you deepen your faith and trust? What are the opportunities where you are right now? Do you need internal expansion before you can shift into external expansion? What stepping stones are coming into your orbit right now that are trying to serve you that you are saying no to?
For example, if someone would have told me I was meant to be a channel of Archangel Gabriel I would have said no to becoming a hypnotherapist when that opportunity fell in my lap. I would have missed out on the tool that allowed me to connect with him. My human didn’t know but my soul sure did!
If you feel blocked, it is natural to begin to focus on that. But that will only cause discomfort because you will fall into resistance. You are far better off to redirect into exploring what you can do. What is supported right now? There are always opportunities. Take advantage of them, even if they only offer more time to meditate or be still. There is something there for you, and it could just be the element that needs to fall into place in order for movement to occur. Allow the gifts of where you are now to make themselves known to you organically.
It is difficult to navigate from this side of the veil when we are not privy to all the ins and outs and complexities of our earthly experience. It can be easy to get frustrated or even angry if you feel you are not in charge. But here is the biggest piece. You are always in charge because you have consciously chosen everything from a soul level. You chose all of it when you were planning your lifetime and had all the information you needed.
So how do you know if you are stuck? Are you surrendered into the flow with your faith and trust? Are you will to take inspired action? Do you follow the signs and synchronicities? Do you take advantage of whatever is being energetically supported? Are you willing to be guided, open, curious, and willing to receive? Are you practicing acceptance, presence, and gratitude? Is your intention to always be expanding in your highest life expression? Are you willing to be authentically you and allowing your beingness to lead the way?
If you can say yes to all of those points, it would be impossible to be stuck. If there is something you need to be aware of that is holding you back, it would come into your awareness right away. If you are tending the soul and watering the seed, you are doing your part. The rest comes down to divine intelligence.
Your soul is guiding you, as is a universe that adores you. You can stop pushing and doubting yourself. Be easy. Ride the waves. Trust the process. Know your next great discovery or creation is going to show up for you when it is fully ready to be sustainable and be all it can be. After all, as Gabriel frequently points out to me, half baked cake isn’t much of a treat.
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