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September 29

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 29

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
There is divine intelligence within me that will always guide my evolution.
Have a wonderful weekend!

September 28

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 28

Transformation is always leading you somewhere, and where you are going is better than where you’ve been. It can feel destructive when you are in it, but you are not being destroyed. The elements that are no longer truly representative of who you are is what is leaving. You, at your core, are always the same, always true, always seeking to evolve into the latest version of expression of your divine essence.
In the throes of change you can forget why you wanted what you wanted. That is where nature takes over. You get to the point where you can’t change your mind and there is nothing left to do but surrender to the process and let divine intelligence take over. We wish to remind you, that divine intelligence is not external. It is a part of you.
So in times of intensity, surrender, and trust. Know you are well prepared for where you are, and you have worked hard to get there. True transformation is not just destruction. It is the undoing before the becoming, and that is the glory of the times you are in right now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 27

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 27

Dear Ones, if you find judgement one of the hardest energies to experience, why do you continue to do it to yourselves?
Many of you feel that you can judge yourself into being a better person, but if you pay close attention you will realize that judgement only makes you shrink into yourself. It doesn’t help you grow or expand. Quite the opposite. It makes you fearful and hesitant and robs you of your natural enthusiasm and curiosity.
Many of you feel like God will judge you so you think if you judge yourselves now you can avoid that later. We have never had an interest in judging you. We are here to let you know you are accepted and loved unconditionally. There is not one thing you need to change to gain our favour.
So if no one in the universe is interested in judging you, why continue that habit? If you wish to model yourselves and habits based on the ways of the other side, it is time for you to love and accept yourselves unconditionally while celebrating your growth and encouraging yourself forward every step of the way.
There is nothing more wondrous than seeing you shift into loving and accepting yourselves as you continue to embrace your embodiment journey, for that is exactly what allows you to bloom into your fullest expression of self, and that is a glorious thing to behold, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 26

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 26

Many of you have been in the process of becoming clear about what you don’t want but haven’t quite connected to what it is you would like. As you have been up-levelling and shifting so profoundly it can take time to get to know yourself in your latest level of attainment. It is normal for some interests to change, and for others to want to be carried forward in new ways.
A very helpful way of getting clarity on what your interests are is to visit a bookstore when you have some free time. Make a point of going up and down every aisle and pay attention to where you linger. That will help you recognize what interests you now without having to invest a lot of time and money trying many different things trying to figure it out.
Another activity to help you get clear about what you might like to try or experience is to make a vision board. It isn’t just a manifestation tool, but also a tool designed to get clarity.
You have done so much changing that you can feel unsure of who you are and what lights you up. That is the gift of the times you are in now. When you have done so much releasing the fun part is deciding what you would like to embrace. If you can see it as a wonderful opportunity rather than a challenge, you will be able to approach it with openness and curiosity. Your journey is ripe to contain so much more joy now and it is time to give yourself permission to identify and experience it.
If you were creating a life you never needed to take a break from, what would it be like? You might consider that to be your sacred quest of discovery moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 25

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 25

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing fear mantras.
Gabriel recently used the term fear mantra in a session, and I thought it was an interesting concept. So what is a fear mantra? It is a like a negative affirmation that you have said so often or have adopted as true. It has become such a normal part of your thought processes that you don’t even realize it has become so ingrained and is actively blocking your progress or limiting you in some way.
Examples of fear mantras could be:
There are no good single people left.
The system is set up for me to fail.
I can never get ahead.
If I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all.
People always let me down.
I’m not worthy.
What’s the point?
It’s my cross to bear.
Just to name a few. We hear these expressions from our families, the people around us, or from societal beliefs. We have heard them so often we don’t even question their truth. One that I grew up with was, always expect the worst and if something better happens you’ll be pleasantly surprised. If you understand you create from your focus you realize that’s really bad advice! I know my parents were trying to keep me from being disappointed but unfortunately with that belief system you never really get pleasantly surprised.
So what do we do about this? Start to listen to the sayings you use and ask yourself if they are really true. Do they lead you where you want to go? Pay attention to the energy behind them. Are the expansive or contracting? Are they empowering or disempowering? Do they leave room for something better?
Pay attention to statements that start, I always or I never. Absolutes don’t leave much room for other potentials to show up. Are they created from a space of fear, lack, and disconnection or a space of love, abundance, and inclusion?
If you realize you have been using fear mantras, that is a great realization! Now you can begin to change that habit. If you catch yourself using one stop and ask yourself, Is that really true? What else might be possible? What could I redirect into that I would much prefer? What could I open up to that is a much better match to who I am and what I would like to experience? It can be very helpful to jot down notes as you explore the fear mantra you’ve been using.
Next think of a new statement you could use instead. Here are some based on the examples above:
There are no good single people left. –> There are thousands if not millions of wonderful, available people in the world. I call on my perfect match to find me.
The system is set up for me to fail. —> My success reflects my energetics and I am set up to thrive.
I can never get ahead. —-> The flow leads me to my success.
If I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all. —> I embrace my role as the conscious creator of the life of my dreams.
People always let me down. —> I am surrounded by loving, supportive, trustworthy people.
I’m not worthy. —-> I am a piece of God and as such am inherently worthy, beloved, and important.
What’s the point? —> I embrace the unfoldment of my own evolution.
It’s my cross to bear. —> I am free to thrive and live a full and beautiful life.
You get the idea. Sit with your mantras or affirmations. Feel into the energy of them. Do they feel yummy and heart expansive? When they do you know your soul is telling you they are true and a viable option for you.
So what do you do if you catch yourself saying the old fear mantra out of habit? You can simply say “clear” to dissipate that energy before it has a chance to go anywhere, and see the timeline that held that old fear based mantra ghosted out much like you see things on a computer menu that were once an option that you can’t choose any longer. Then say the new delicious feeling mantra you’ve created and you’ll be on your way!

September 20

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 20

We advocate for the use of the Divine Combination, the elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, because they are essential for navigating the energies you are in. Not only do they help you move forward into your highest matches the most direct and supported way possible, when used as your new operating system they will ultimately lead you to a space of peace and beingness. It is through accepting and trusting your beingness and knowing it is the ideal place to lead from, your path forward becomes a wonderful and satisfying adventure that always honours and matches you, your energy, and your truth. It is the knowingness that you have always been enough, exactly as you are, that allows you to contribute to the mosaic of the whole in your own unique and much needed way. And that, Dear Ones, is both embodiment and purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 19

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 19

Dear Ones, it is time to trust your own rhythms. When you honour your own flow, you start working with a very balanced system that will meet all your needs naturally. The in, the out, the masculine, the feminine, the action, the rest, internal expansion, external expansion – all of it supports you in both your wellness and your progress. It makes room for your highest potentials to be discovered because you will always be poised and ready to go due to the fact you honoured the phase before it. Again we say it is safe to be the expert on you. In fact, you are in times that make it a necessity for it is the key to whether you ride the waves or tumble in them. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 18

Daily Message by Shelley Young – September 18

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be exploring Trauma and the Spiritual Journey.
So many of us have found our way to the spiritual journey through some kind of trauma, be it abuse, a major health issue, an accident, the loss of a loved one, or any other hardship we have felt powerless over. Wanting to make sense of what has happened and wanting to heal is what drives us to asking the bigger questions and to begin our journey into new, more empowering potentials.
Gabriel tells me that for many of us, bottoming out is the fastest way to catapult ourselves forward. When it becomes too uncomfortable to stay the same is when we finally surrender and want to expand beyond where we are.
Often people start their journey just seeking some kind of relief, and that is perfectly understandable. If you are in a delicate state, it is human nature to want to feel better. Meditation, healing sessions, affirmations, seeking spiritual guidance and reassurance, exploring the law of attraction and our ability to create better for ourselves through positive focus, are all wonderful starting points and can bring comfort that allows us to stabilize.
We will become devoted to creating a better feeling space for ourselves that feels better balanced and stable, which will take as long as it takes as it is different for each person. It is not uncommon for it to take weeks, months, or even years, depending on the extent of the trauma and the speed that soul wishes to work at that is best for them.
This phase is designed to create a foundation for you to then be able to do some deeper work. While some might call this spiritual bypassing, it is a necessary phase. You can’t do heavy lifting if you haven’t found your balance first! If you are coming from a dark place, a phase of positivity is exactly what you need, and is appropriate for where you are on your journey.
Once you are well established in a lighter, better feeling place, it is time for some of the deeper healing work. This can include trauma therapy, learning somatic healing or other tools such as EMDR, shadow work, pastlife or journeying work, and tiptoeing into learning how to fully feel emotions. This may become a major focus for quite a while, again as long as your soul feels is necessary.
Eventually, you will come out of that deeper healing phase, into a much better balance of accepting yourself and your story from a place of wisdom. Your trauma will be part of what you have experienced but it will no longer be driving your bus because you will have given it the attention it needed to heal and come to a deeper place of peace.
The phase so many of us are in right now, especially with the multiple retrograding planets this month, is having many old memories of traumas come up. This in no way means your healing isn’t working! Memories come up for you to fine tune your healing and release no longer serves you. This can lead to a sense of mourning. Mourning for what has happened to you, and mourning for what could have been. This is completely normal. It is an opportunity for you to give that old aspect of you the love, protection, and care it always deserved and reintegrate it into the whole that is you. It is also releasing what you are no longer a match to so you can reach your fullest potentials.
Gabriel tells me that all great growth and transitions come with the five stages of mourning – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. All are natural and necessary emotions to move through any massive shift. Denial and anger might be the first stages of trauma. The bargaining is the focusing on the light stage of the spiritual journey. The depression phase might come from the dark night of the soul, finally acknowledging what has happened to you, and moving through the deeper healing phases. Acceptance is that place that allows you to move forward in your flow, in the embodiment of faith and trust that everything you have gone through has had some kind of purpose in your life.
So what purpose does trauma have for us? It helps us keep our sensitivities honed. If we lived a completely comfy cozy life we would never develop how to read different energies or want to move into any kind of growth. Trauma teaches us compassion for others who are struggling. Those energetic sensitivities, compassion, and empathy are often what we needed to have in order to be able to find our purpose and share our unique gifts with the world. And ultimately healing beyond our trauma empowers us to redirect and move forward in a much more self accepting, self loving, authentic and embodied way. It also allows us to be teachers by example. If we can heal and thrive beyond the past, so can others.
I envision trauma healing as being much like having a memory of an old particularly difficult past life. It may explain why you are the way you are and give you an idea of a theme that is in need of healing or beliefs or habits that are holding you back but you can also see it as not being who you are anymore. And if there is one thing I know for sure, it is that we never take on what we don’t also have the full potential of healing.
So to all my conscious healers, friends, and readers that are healing beyond trauma. I see you. I love you. I walk with you. And I celebrate all of us for our tender but courageous hearts. This is our time and we’ve got this!

September 15

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
I am always exactly where I need to be in order to serve the unfoldment of me.
Have a wonderful weekend!

September 14

Dear Ones, you cannot resist your way into becoming. Nor can you force your way into becoming. Becoming is a beautiful unfoldment that takes on a pace of its own to ensure the most wondrous result. It is perfect, as are you, wherever you are in that process, for the seed is just as important as the bud and the bloom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 13

Early in your journey it is common for you to look for wisdom outside of yourself. You may accept everything as truth and consult many different sources.
Over time, you become more discerning and will sit with things seeing if they really feel true or perhaps getting a second opinion (or third or fourth!) until you can decide what feels like the right truth for you.
Over more time you will begin to trust your own wisdom and easily identify your own truth on most topics. On more important matters you may consult another trusted source, not for advice but rather for confirmation.
And finally, in your embodiment phase you are secure in your own wisdom and navigate your life confidently from there. What a glorious process of becoming! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 12

There is an evolution that occurs between you and your guides as you grow. Your guides help you develop confidence and to experience how loved and supported you are. This has never been to develop dependency on them but rather to prepare you for your own embodiment.
Just as a parent helps a lot as a child is learning to walk, your guides are very active with you when you first begin your journey, but as is appropriate, once you get your balance they step back and watch you develop your own skills until you are ready to run. They honour your free will but are still ever-present to guide and encourage you and ensure your safety.
Then, much like a parent to well raised adult children, they assume the role of trusted advisor should you require it. Their greatest joy is assisting in your empowerment process and watching you navigate through your own core of inner wisdom. That is why, for many of you, the time is now to connect within rather than outside of yourselves, as you step into the next wondrous phase of your incarnation. After all, you have worked hard to get where you are and you are the truest expert on you. It is safe to trust in your own divine capability and the process of your own becoming. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 11

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be answering the question, “Is being true to yourself really that important?”
It is SO important.
Most of us have been conditioned to ignore what we really want in order to please others. The message has been, what you really want isn’t nearly as important as meeting societal or family expectations. So we come into the body with very specific desires and plans, in many cases, to only be told they are wrong, to ignore them, and completely shut them down.
How on earth can we have a satisfying life expression if we are ignoring what we are here to do? Some of us are here to be change makers. How can we honour that role if we are being conditioned to be the same as things have always been?
The whole point of the spiritual journey is coming Home to the truth of who we really are. The passions and dreams we have are designed to help us direct our paths. They are what we are on the planet, in the body, to explore, experience, and offer as our unique gift to the world.
Can you imagine if we were all raised to follow our dreams and trust where our hearts want to lead us? If we were taught to be true to ourselves? If we were reassured that our dreams have value and if we try them and we don’t like them it’s okay we can try something else until we find what lights us up? My gosh, how much more satisfied would we all be! The whole world would be so much more peaceful.
Being true to yourself is not selfish. Following the calling of your soul leads you to your highest life expression. Your highest life expression will serve everyone, not just you.
Gabriel gives me this analogy. Imagine a train station. Being true to yourself is the ticket to your most satisfying life expression. It dictates which train you catch, and the beautiful thing is, when you’ve been really true to yourself, all the other people on that train are like-energied and going to similar places as you are! What started off as a journey of uncertainty becomes a ride of excitement, connection, and joyful anticipation.
If you’ve been taught to ignore your own needs and desires, it can take courage to start to listen to your own heart. If the people who suppressed your dreams fully understood what it did to you they would never have done it! This doesn’t mean that you have to fight your family and the entire world in order to do this. You can be kind and mindful and still be true to you.
It is time to love yourself enough to follow your heart. You are on the planet to do just that, to follow your unique interests because that is exactly how you add to the mosaic of the whole. In fact, is not just time, it is your truest calling and what your soul has wanted you to do all along.
So get to know yourself again and honour your truest desires. You don’t have to change your whole life if you’ve denied yourself for a long time. Just starting to incorporate what you truly love into your life in small increments can be all it takes to set your life off in a completely different direction. It will become an unfoldment that contains things that bring you joy and satisfaction, which will expand from there. I hope you give yourself permission to start today!

September 8

It’s Affirmation Friday! I loved the last line of yesterday’s daily message so much I decided to make it an affirmation.
I let my life become just as I am becoming.
I just love the visual I get from this affirmation. I see it you taking a leap forward, and then your life responding to it, all without any resistance, in a beautiful synchronistic dance. Forward movement without resistance or stress? Yes please!
Have a wonderful weekend!

September 7

You don’t have to wait before taking a step forward because you are afraid of making a mistake. All you have to do is make your highest choice in that now moment.
Here is the beautiful thing. Your path is self correcting. That is what the flow does. So even if you tried to move in the entirely wrong directly the flow would sweep in and redirect you. All you must do is hold your highest intention and be willing to move.
So rest easy. Dream. Move. Be willing to expand. Get curious. Stay in surrender and flow and let your life become just as you are becoming. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 6

So many of you are concerned that you are getting your journey wrong. We honour you for wanting to be so diligent! It is good to question because by questioning you are trying to operate from a space of conscious awareness. It becomes a problem when you only become worried about what is “wrong” with you or your choices without also acknowledging all the things you are doing so beautifully.
So to become fair with your questioning, we suggest you look at it from both sides of the coin. If you are worried something is wrong and think, “What if I am messing this up?” we also highly advise you to ask, “What if I am doing this perfectly and this is all serving a purpose?”
If you are worried about failing, also explore what would happen if you didn’t fail, and also what having the experience itself would offer you. If you recognize the experience itself is what gives you much more feedback and clarity about what direction is a true match to you, you would recognize you can never fail.
In both of the above examples, it is also important to recognize your intention. If your intention is clear, broad, and pure, you will always guide yourself to what leads you to the realization of that goal in whatever way is perfect for you.
To be your own empowered guide and parent, you must be fair and look at all aspects. Then run it through your wisdom and ask yourself what creates expansion and what supports stagnation. Being careful is a wonderful trait, but when it crosses the line into immobilization it no longer serves you and will ultimately lead to your discomfort.
So connect with your wisdom and fairness, trust it, and love and encourage yourself forward. The fact that you care so much shows you are more than ready to assume your role as the empowered leader of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 5

Dear Ones, there are many ways of finding your way back to who you truly are. You can do it from finding out who you aren’t first. You can do it by trying many different things and having many experiences.
You can do it by trying many different religions or belief systems or by forging your way forward in your own personal relationship with the divine.
It is an ever-unfolding journey all designed and personalized by you, for you, to come Home to yourself. From that perspective, can you see how you can never, ever get it wrong? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

September 4

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s post will be on navigating the loss of a loved one while on your spiritual journey.
I find it ironic that I wrote a Metaphysical Monday post on grief two weeks ago, only to find myself going through the loss of one of my closest friends only a week later. Since the original post was not about the loss of a loved one, I decided now would be the right time to address that topic.
One of the most important things I’ve learned as we continue along our evolutionary journey is to develop the skill of honouring both your spiritual self and your human self, as both are equally important during our time on the planet. This can become quite a balancing act, but one that is more and more necessary as we continue through our embodiment process. This is evolving beyond the old idea that the ego self must be completely eradicated into understanding that all parts of ourselves must be loved and honoured for their necessary and important roles in this phase of our evolution.
When my father passed away in 2011, because I knew with all my heart that the soul carries on and I would be able to continue my relationship with him, albeit in a different form, I tried to bypass my human grief that was very real and very raw. How could I grieve when I’d already felt him when he passed and he was so free and joyful to be released from a body that just wasn’t working anymore? By grieving wouldn’t I be incongruent to my spiritual beliefs and knowingness?
I soldiered on in a way that could have made me the poster child for spiritual bypassing, continuing to see clients, settling the estate, clearing out and selling his house, all while taking care of my daughter who was also mourning her loss, and doing it all on my own as a single mother.
I’m not trying to suggest I didn’t cry and mourn. I did. The big problem was I was making myself wrong for my feelings when I “knew better” and denying my very real human emotions that needed to be felt and processed and lovingly respected by me for me. Gabriel suggested in his kind and caring way that I must honour my human experience, too, and that was when I finally allowed myself to let the grief move through me and give myself the space I needed to process.
Gabriel also explained to me that we have energetic cords that are attached to those in our lives who are meant to play major roles for us. These are different than the cords that we try to cut after breakups and the like. These are permanent cords that are indelible and last the entirety of our incarnation. When someone we love passes, that cord dissipates, causing a profound energetic shift. We must literally learn how to live without that person’s energy being connected to our own. And that is what the mourning process does. The tears we let fall help us with that energetic shift, and come to a place of peace far faster than denying our emotions ever could.
Fast forward to 2023. I got the call that one of my dearest friends who had been a constant in my life and my daughter’s life for almost 30 years, had died suddenly. He was a wonderful soul who was quick to help out, was always there for us, had the most stabilizing, grounded energy, and a wicked sense of humour. He also gave the best hugs. The fact that I’ll never get another one of those hugs, or hear his voice, or see him again in the physical breaks my heart.
Pat’s beloved wife had passed within the past year. I am so happy to know they are reunited after just a short time apart. I’m excited Pat had what Neale Donald Walsch calls his Continuation Day and he has successfully completed all the things he came here to do. Those are things I know and feel. But I am also so, so sad and am learning how to process and live with this loss. I took some time off to take care of me this time.
I let the tears flow when they need to, and I let the happiness flow when I think of him and his wife being together. I rejoice their reunion and I mourn my separation from him. And guess what? I’ve learned I can do all of that and honour all aspects of a loss without denying any of it. Is that growth? I hope so.
So if you are faced with a loss, I hope you will remember that love doesn’t die. I hope you will remember that a loss is a profound energetic shift and that you will be tender and kind to yourself. Allowing yourself to mourn can be an expansion to your beliefs, not a denial of them. It is both a spiritual process and a human process and both are beautiful expressions of love.
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