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June 30

We were recently asked how to move out of guilt and shame. We wish to address this today.
Guilt and shame are energies that come from being in profound resistance to yourself or a choice you have made. They indicate that from your current perspective you wish that you could be, or could have been better. The problem is, because guilt and shame are such low vibrating energies, they make it difficult to shift into the higher expression of self you wish to embody.
If you are feeling guilt or shame from actions or choices in the past, it indicates that you have had an experience that is not how you wish to express yourself. This is wonderful news! You have learned and wish to redefine yourself. This experience has led to your expansion, and can, if you allow it to, help you show up in in a new, improved version of self. But you cannot find that new version of self while sitting in guilt and shame. You must use it as a springboard to move you up and out of that energy into a better match to who you really are and how you wish to express yourself from your new wiser vantage point.
If you experience guilt or shame by thinking that you are not good enough due to regret over previous actions, we ask you what advice you would give another who had done a similar thing. Would you forgive them? Would you tell them what matters is that they have learned and will make different choices moving forward? Would you want to continue to punish them if they had genuine remorse? Or would you want to encourage them to move forward by forgiving themselves and being more mindful? Of course you would! We urge you to give yourself the same compassion and guidance as you would give so lovingly to another.
It can be helpful to explore what needs you had that weren’t met that led to you making the choices you did. Are those needs being met now? If not, step up as your own guide, parent, and best friend and start meeting them for yourself with your own love, support, empathy, and compassion. As you create the safe space that acknowledges and addresses those needs, you heal the aspects of yourself that were driving that behaviour. They will get the attention they were so desperately seeking from you and will not have a need to act out any longer.
If you experience guilt or shame because you feel like you should be doing more in your life, we suggest you surrender into being of your highest service, or having your highest life expression and then trust what unfolds for you and what is supported. Surrender always takes the guess work out of things.
Your essence is good. You are divine. You are perfectly imperfect. You will make mistakes but if you take the lesson and use it to mold you into a better, more satisfactory, more aligned version of self, those experiences will serve you well. You get to redefine yourself, and re-express yourself in each Now moment.
Dear Ones, you simply cannot berate yourself or punish yourself into enlightenment. You cannot thrive and be in resistance to yourself at the same time. You must find your way into acceptance by forging forward, guiding yourself with your own love, compassion, and wisdom. Give your regrets purpose by allowing them to serve your evolution and through that newfound knowingness, shine your true nature even brighter today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 29

When you choose to honour your connection to Source consistently rather than sporadically, your entire life becomes a walking meditation. You are able to show up in your highest expression of self because you are in a space that remembers your truth. Your beingness becomes an act of service because you bring that peace and alignment everywhere you go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 28

As you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journey, you will be called to deepen your faith and trust. These are essential elements for co-creation and getting more adept at staying open to the possibilities and potentials that exist just beyond what you can see. While you will continue to develop more skill and comfort in navigating with surrender, faith, and trust, there will be times when you start to doubt, particularly when something is very important to you, or feels bigger than what you normally think you can manifest.
This is why we strongly advocate journalling your successes. Write down when you have experienced the magic and wonder of being beautifully guided into potentials you couldn’t have imagined. Chronicle the signs and synchronicities that let you know you are moving with a universe that adores you.
Why this is such a powerful practice is that it is an act of love from your present, aligned self for any time that might occur where your future self is experiencing fear or doubt. Do you see? This is you assuming the role of your own guide, lovingly putting supports in place for yourself, in the event you might require them. This is you taking steps to assure your continued alignment and success, in the most empowered way possible. You could even consider it a love letter from your knowing self to offer encouragement in case your forgetting self ever needs it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 27

When you stay in the flow with faith and trust, it is much like patiently bobbing in the ocean on your surf board waiting for the right wave. Before you know it, all the elements will come together to orchestrate the perfect wave that will come up behind you and sweep you forward in the most powerful and effective way to facilitate accelerated, supported forward movement and land you on the shore of your ideal circumstances and wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 26

Dear Ones, stepping into being a co-creator is thrilling and exhilarating. It can also feel scary and stressful at times until you develop an even deeper level of faith and trust in the process of unfoldment and staying open to the energies of the unknown. Be kind and gentle with yourselves! You are developing a new skill set.
Think of when you first learned to drive. It was so exciting to think of all the ways you could expand your life and experience freedom, but it was also nerve wracking until you were able to practice and develop familiarity with the process. Before long, it became second nature and the stress ebbed away and what was left was enjoyment and appreciation for your new abilities.
The same it is as you keep developing your skills, continually expanding your vistas, and embodying new energies and levels of mastery. Before you know it, you will be far more comfortable with the entire process, the stress will dissipate, and what will be left is the joy that comes from being an experienced co-creator. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 25

Emotional healing is at the forefront of your evolution as you continue to move forward in your transformation process. Many of you are becoming more and more aware of the importance of honouring your feelings, particularly those that have not been addressed that are connected to core wounds that are seeking healing.
The first thing that must be done in order to start that healing process is to create a safe space for yourself to do so. This means stepping in as your own loving parent, best friend, and wise guide. It means not only must you move into appropriate and healthy boundaries by surrounding yourself with safe people who support your health and wellness, but also that you must immediately stop your self abuse (verbal and otherwise), self judgment, and any choices that lead to further wounding.
We urge you to create a healing space within yourself, for yourself – a nest of nurturing, if you will, that will allow the healing to occur without the fear of being abused by another or by yourself. This means shutting off your negative self talk and replacing it with love, acceptance, and encouragement. It means committing to yourself to always give yourself the same loving care you give others. It means sitting with yourself in a whole new way which will allow the parts of you that have been yearning for your love and attention to have the courage to come forward and state their needs, and feel safe enough to not only heal but to integrate into wholeness within you.
If you could imagine the safest, most wonderful, comfortable space for healing to occur, what would it look like? If you could imagine the safest guidance and love from yourself, what would that look like, both for today and for moving forward? Creating safe attachment and wholeness within yourself is the key to moving forward, without fear, into comfortable connection and thriving in your highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 24

When you are trying hard to be positive, you are not quite there. The fact that you are trying and forcing indicates you are not able to access the space you desire, that you are seeing it as outside of yourself. You move into alignment not by forcing, but by flowing.
So rather than trying, we suggest finding things you easily accept. Look around for what you are grateful for. Spend time in activities you love. Surrender into the experience of happiness and see where the flow takes you. Meditate. Watch a show that makes you laugh. Connect with friends who lift your spirits. Go outside and pay attention to the beauty that abounds in nature.
It is the choosing of activities that make it easy for you to simply be in a space of open acceptance that shifts you into a space of more comfort and appreciation which then naturally creates the experience of positivity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 23

Dear Ones, there are many different paths to enlightenment but ultimately they all bring you to the same place – acknowledging and shining the love that you are. How you get to that state of acceptance is entirely up to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 22

We were recently asked in our new Ask Gabriel feature two questions related to connecting psychically. The first was, “How do I open my third eye?” The second was, “How do I know I’m receiving a message and not talking to myself?” We would like to address these today.
One of the most effective ways of opening your third eye is to play with your imagination. Visualize. Meditate. Use your imagination as a means of connecting within meditation. What many of you don’t realize is that your imagination is the bridge to the psychic part of your mind. Many of you have wonderfully active imaginations as children but slowly begin to stop using that skill in adulthood. There’s a reason why children are so wonderfully psychic! It is because their imaginations are still honoured and active.
The imagination is a powerful stimulant for your third eye. So meditate and play with visualization and allow your imagination to take the lead. What will happen before long is something will happen that surprises you, and that is how you will know that you have entered the realm of psychic experience, for your imagination can never surprise you as you are the one who directs it.
When it comes to receiving psychic messages, paying attention to your body is essential. Your body will let you know when your are connected to a higher being. You are looking for higher chakra activation (from the heart centre up), tingling on the head, ringing in the ears, heart expansion, and feeling of being loved, a cool breeze, or a minty, mentholated scent or feeling.
In rapidly shifting energies it can be frustrating because the energetic alignment where you connected one day may not work the next. This is normal. Send your soul into the alignment to connect and receive information (your soul knows where that is). Ask who you are wishing to connect with to adjust your energy so you can better receive information. Pay attention to subtle energy. Know that true messages often come from above and slightly above your head where your own thoughts tend to be inside your head. True messages from spirit love and honour your free will and are positive and encouraging.
Having a good energetic clarity practice will also help greatly in keeping you in a space that can align and receive information in many different ways. And always remember, that you can ask for a sign from spirit and beautifully receive guidance any time you like without any special skills required. We are always here to love, guide, and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 19

Many of you experience both a fear of success and a fear of failure. Both stem from a fear of judgment.
The way to overcome both the fear of success and the fear of failure, is to anchor deeply into the energies of faith and trust. Everything that occurs serves you in some way, and the experience itself, regardless of outcome, is what your soul is seeking.
If you can understand that all of it is directing you to your next greatest match and your next grand adventure, you can settle into the deep acceptance that opens the door to peace and truly living without fear. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 21

We wish to congratulate you for arriving at this sacred day so markedly different than you were at your last solstice. Your solstices serve as energetic save points, if you will, that lock in your progress. This opens up a brand new platform for you to create, explore, and pioneer from for the second part of your year. The speeding up of your enlightenment process is clear to see when you reflect on how much has been achieved in such a short period of time.
This is a time of great celebration, for your up-levelling opens up even greater potentials and possibilities for both you and your planet moving forward. Take a moment to reflect and wonder at all you and your brothers and sisters of light have achieved by so diligently working on your own growth and expansion that also serves the whole so beautifully. You are doing a truly magnificent job. We salute you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 20

There is a great balancing occurring of both your masculine and feminine expressions of power. If you have been oppressed in one aspect of power, either in this or pastlife expressions, you will be releasing those wounds and then integrating what you need to shift into the embodiment of that masculine or feminine expression of authentic power.
If you have misused power yourself, either in this or pastlife expressions, you will be releasing the guilt, shame, and regret associated with that time, forgiving yourself, and getting clarity on what the mindful use of power is, in order to move forward and use it beautifully and appropriately.
So for many of you, you will be releasing masculine and integrating feminine. Others will be releasing feminine and integrating masculine. It is all part of moving forward as an empowered human being, beautifully embodying the divine attributes of both. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 18

As you start moving forward as the pioneers and empowered co-creators of your life expressions, we want you to understand the power of playing in the energies of expansion.
To put it in terms that are easy to understand, using the power tool of expansion involves always being one step beyond what you are creating. For example, let us suppose you wish to manifest a new place to live. As soon as you have put out that intention, you may wish to think of how you would like to decorate it. The act of considering the next step of the manifestation holds the energy that the first step is already a done deal. It is another way of anchoring it into your existence and expressing your faith and trust that it is already manifested.
If you keep creating just beyond what you can see, you are letting the energies continue to expand to serve you, and you will stay in constant forward movement while allowing the universe to do what it does so well, which is come up with the solutions that match you and your desires perfectly. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 17

We have a new feature on the Trinity Esoterics facebook page called “Ask Gabriel”. This is where you can request Gabriel’s wisdom on certain topics. (We can’t comment on your personal situations in this format, but are happy to speak on any theme you would like a greater understanding of. For Gabriel’s input on your personal issues, a private session is best.) Every Sunday we will be answering one of the questions submitted to the page. Feel free to head on over and submit your question! The very first Ask Gabriel question we will answer is:
Q: What is the best way to bring oneself into alignment with what is desirable and release self-limiting patterns of thoughts and behaviours?
A: The best way, by far, to bring yourself into alignment with what is desirable and release self-limiting patterns of thoughts and behaviours is to surrender into the flow with faith and trust with broad intention. We will explain why this is such a powerful act.
When you surrender with a broad intention, such as surrendering into your highest life expression, or your greatest service, for example, you will allow your highest self to take the lead. This will take you right up to, and if you don’t panic, above and over any challenges or blockages that may stand in your way. It will lead you to new potentials you could not be aware of from your vantage point. If you stay in surrender and flow with faith and trust, anything that needs to be healed or released will come into your awareness as you are ready to address it along with the intuition or supports required to resolve the issue.
The beauty of staying in surrender is it takes the guess work out of things. Because you are operating from a space of non-resistance, it makes you very easy to guide into the perfect right time/right place scenarios. It allows you to not only be moved into alignment with what you need, but also to be easily placed on the path of another who needs assistance resulting in you being of your highest service, acting as a willing guide on earth or the answer to a prayer.
Because the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust takes the doubt out of whether you are doing enough or not (using the combination is always all that is required – if you are surrendered and not one thing happens, you can rest assured that simply holding your vibration was your highest service that day), it allows you to become more comfortable in each Now moment.
You will naturally start to practice more gratitude and presence, which puts you in a beautiful state of alignment. You will start to see more and more signs and synchronicities, and a deeper knowingness of how loved and guided you are. The entire system moves you into a greater embodiment of acceptance and allowing, which naturally activates experiencing much more grace, ease, peace, and patience.
The divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the operating system of the enlightening human being and will serve you well in continually moving into your highest expression of self, where all your greatest potentials can be discovered and experienced. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 16

Self love is not an act of exclusion. It is an act of inclusion. It is finally treating yourself with the same love, care, and consideration you have been so mindfully giving everyone else. It is simply shifting into fairness and balance, which serves the wellness of everyone involved. If you have been feeling like there is a missing piece you must find in order to move into wholeness, it is entirely likely that what you have been looking for all along is your own love and attention. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 15

Many of you seek perfect relationships and wish to move into unconditional love. Our question is, if your partner is perfect how will you ever know your love is unconditional? The true beauty of unconditional love is the acceptance and safety it creates which supports everyone in their unique expression of self exactly as they are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


What if you considered your life expression a Grand Unfoldment? How would that shift how you perceive it? Would that help you embrace growth and experience? Would that allow you to accept your glorious beingness? Because that is exactly what it is, opening and expanding like the most beautiful flower in bloom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


It can seem daunting when you are experiencing energetic shift after energetic shift. We wish for you to understand that it is a great indicator of your success on your enlightenment journey.
You are now able to navigate rapidly shifting energies better than ever before. There are several reasons for this. You have gained skill both in the areas of release and of integration. You are accepting of the fact that good self care is required and are learning to listen to your body and allow it to take the lead. Your trust is much better developed in the process which is allowing you to stay in a space of acceptance which makes shifting with far greater grace, ease, and comfort possible.
The activation of your lightbody and the embodiment of more and more of your highest self is a complex process that is intricate and intelligent. Your body and your soul know exactly what they are doing. If you are feeling overwhelmed energetically, ask for assistance. We are here to help! Also understand that there may be times where you need to isolate yourself temporarily to allow your energetic processes to occur. These times will not last one second longer than necessary and will lead you to deeper connection in the long run.
It can be very beneficial to begin a shift journal where you track your own unique symptoms and how they correlate with astrological elements, solar activity, or other energetic events. Making notes on how your body responds and what brings your comfort and relief will be very helpful to look back on, especially since when you are in the throes of energetic adjustment you enter into a shifted space which can make it difficult to remember what worked later on.
You will be able to, with your awareness, tell exactly what is happening energetically simply by listening to your body. You will get to the point where you will be so adept at knowing what is going on based on how your body is responding that you will no longer need to rely on external sources to tell you what is occurring energetically.
It is yet another way you are moving into being a willing dance partner with the universe and embracing your own mastery and connection with the whole. The more you are able to understand your own unique responses to energies, the more you will also start to see the energetic effect you have on others and different environments, as well, because you will have developed a deeper sense of knowingness and awareness within yourself and for the ever evolving energy you hold.
So again we say do not feel daunted by the waves of energies you are experiencing right now, but rather embrace them as proof positive of the work you have done, and how ready you are for even more embodiment of divine energy as an enlightening human being of divine service on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, just as you must exercise faith and trust during an energetic lull, you must also use your faith and trust during a period of acceleration in order to fully ride the wave of forward movement. This is all part of willingly moving with the ebbs and flows of the universe. If you surrender into each phase you will be harnessing the immense gifts that are inherently part of both.
So let the universe serve you behind the scenes and also allow yourself to have the full experience of tangible accelerated movement, knowing you are completely guided and supported as you do. The more you can trust the process whatever phase you find yourself in, the more you will find the joy and wonder in it all. Not resisting or restraining either allows your life to get as big and beautiful as it is intended to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Shelley’s note: There was no daily message yesterday because I got married! My love and I decided to make it official in a simple ceremony on the canal. It was short and sweet, yet beautiful and moving and perfect in every way. Don’t ever give up on love! A few short years ago this all would have seemed impossible and a million miles away. If you yearn for love, know that it exists for you and that love will always find a way.


Saying no to behaviour that doesn’t honour you serves everyone, for it is never loving to support someone in continually showing up in such a limited version of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


We wish to explain to you how we can say things are no longer energetically supported, yet they seem to continue in your reality.
Think of an operating system on your computer. When a new updated version is released, there are those who will excitedly embrace it. There are people who will wait until others have tried it for a while before they decide to upgrade. And there are others who will resist change and carry on with the old. This will work for the short term, but over time it will start to be fraught with difficulties and become harder and harder to use. This will lead to much frustration until they are finally ready to embrace a new way of doing things.
It is exactly the same with your enlightenment process. As you continue to evolve, there will be those who excited embrace the new, others who are content to let people blaze the trail first before they embrace the new ways of doing things, and others who will wait until they are completely uncomfortable before they move forward. But you know it doesn’t really matter when everyone gets on board, they all surely will in their own perfect timing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


There seems to be some confusion on how specific you should be in terms of what you wish to create. We wish to clear this up for you today.
As a co-creator you absolutely get to have a say of what it is you wish to move into. That is how you honour your pioneering nature! But what can happen if you get too detail specific is you start to constrict the energies and choose less than what your highest self knows is the greatest potential for you. At this point of your enlightenment journey, you are wishing to move into your highest life expression and continue to expand continually from there.
This is why we advocate the use of broader intention. Surrender into the essence of what you wish to move into while staying as wide open to potentials as you possibly can. For example, you can surrender into being of your highest service. You can surrender into your greatest potentials. You can choose to move into the flow that brings you to your healing, or the highest vibrational love match that is available to you without being inflexible on how those things should show up or look like.
The magic of co-creation comes from allowing yourself to be led to the possibilities you simply cannot see from where you are. When you are micro-managing your creations you are restraining your potentials.
So if you are trying to create something new in your life and you are not seeing movement we would recommend you step back and choose a broader intention. That could very well be the only thing required to move you forward in the most wondrous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Dear Ones, every time you try to control you end up not only restricting the potential of the Now moment, you also restrict the potential of your future. We understand that you seek control to give yourself a sense of safety and security, but the way to truly move forward in the way that best supports you is through conscious creation through broader intention, surrender, and flow.
Everything you seek comes from allowing the unfoldment of surrender and flow. Love, healing, abundance, creation, growth, enlightenment, your highest purpose – all of these elements require continued flow and freedom to become as big, beautiful, and miraculous as they can be.
Understand expansion and unfoldment are necessary for your soul to comfortably move with the universe. Trust. Flow. Start to see the unfoldment as a magical path. Be loose enough to let each Now moment expand into it’s full potential. This is a new, much more empowered way of navigating your life that will get you to your fullest expression of self, over and again, if you are willing to step into a new way of being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


A good way to embrace co-creating with the universe is to consider it what you might refer to as a brainstorming session. You have one idea that you start with and the universe, from its perspective, suggests how to add to it. You give feedback or add to that new idea based on the new potentials and possibilities it holds. Before you know it, you have created something beautiful and amazing, just because you stayed open to the flow of creation. You can embrace the unfoldment just like that, Dear Ones, and that is exactly how you can add much wonder, joy, and expansion to your life expressions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


What you push against in your life is where you lose your flow. For many of you, that area is something you have struggled with, by habit or by expecting it to be a continued issue, for a very long time.
A far greater practice, rather than engaging with it, would be recognizing when you come against it and then choosing to surrender it to be resolved, and staying in that flow long enough for it to happen.
Some of you have challenges you have been grappling with for so very long. Why not allow us to help you navigate above and beyond them, once and for all, and discover the solutions that exist but you haven’t been able to find by yourself? That is what we are here for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You are exactly where you are right now because you are doing a wonderful job. You have moved through so many experiences and continue to be dedicated to your growth and expansion. Celebrate yourselves today, Dear Ones, for all that you have achieved and all you will continue to do, embracing the opportunities of the unprecedented energies of today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


You are entering a phase where many of your heartfelt manifestations are coming true. These desires have been part of your path and your energetics for a long time. They were present for so very long to help you navigate your path.
Some of you will have the same desires and experience the satisfaction of finally moving into what you, in your heart, always knew was your destiny. Others will have the opportunity to move into that old dream and decide not to because it just doesn’t match who you have evolved into, and that is perfectly fine. You get to create new dreams based on new possibilities, potentials, and preferences.
The point is that you are all starting to experience yourselves as the creators you truly are. It may be the large dreams finally coming into your awareness. You may also start to recognize how you are manifesting with greater ease more and more, with smaller things showing up for you as if by magic. This is allowing you to clearly see your ability. The lag time that occurred between desire and manifestation is diminishing due to being in much faster moving energies.
You may have a dream show up for you and have it look different than you thought it would. Please understand that it is just a starting point. You have been given a hunk of clay that you can now mold and tweak to your satisfaction.
Be aware that if something is not coming together the way you would like it to, it is usually because you need to think bigger. The key is to not fall into control or micro managing but rather to loosen up and allow the unfoldment. Hold the essence of the desire and allow it to get as big and beautiful as it wants to, and you will be amazed at what is possible that you never could have imagined.
There is great joy for us as we see you begin to truly embrace your innate ability as empowered co-creators. Our wish for you is that you will start to enjoy it as much as we do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The universe works with essence. It responds to the energy of both what you hold and what you focus upon. Your focus is your blessing of continuation, your non-verbal feedback. This is why gratitude is such a powerful tool because it both shifts your energy and focuses on what you what more of.
This doesn’t mean that you have to be in denial of what is unwanted in your life. There will be times that things come up that you don’t want and need your attention. For example, old emotions may surface looking to be acknowledged and released. You can tend to that job and then get back to what is an energetic match to you today. It is simply a matter of energetic sifting. What you do not want to do is continually engage with what is unwanted as that further solidifies and continues your connection with it.
Do you see? If you stay in surrender and flow if something needs to be addressed it will seamlessly come up into your awareness. You can do what it required and then get back to co-creation. You can very efficiently do what needs to be done while still putting the majority of your focus on what you prefer and wish to experience, continually honing your energetics and staying in forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


In rapidly changing energies it is common to find yourself in a space where you just don’t know what to do. If you find yourself in such a place, we have a very simple suggestion – just love.
Express love to another. Love yourself. Align with Source and feel that love. Express your love by petting an animal or tending the earth. Willingly surrender into the flow of love and be the love that you are.
It is the most brilliant go-to move that fits all situations and serves both you and the whole in the most wonderful ways. Just love, Dear Ones, secure in the fact that it is always your highest choice. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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