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September 30

Access the Fifth Dimension Right Now – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited, as always, to witness you growing and expanding in the ways that you do in every moment of every day. You may not see the growth that you want to see out there in the physical universe, and you might not be able to detect as much growth in yourselves as you would like to see, but every moment of every day you are gaining more awareness, more consciousness. You are becoming more awake. You become awakened to the truth of who you really are at some point, but then you go through the experiences that make you more aware of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and even your actions, things you do on autopilot instead of from a place of inspiration.
And this is what you are growing from and growing into as you continue on there in this lifetime. This is a long and meandering journey for you. It’s not a straight shot on a bullet train where all you do is sit and look out a window. You’re there to experience it; you are there to go through those growing pains and to recognize once and for all that everything serves you. Think about everything that is in your life right now, and realize that it serves you. And then ponder everything that isn’t in your life right now, that you would like to be there, and realize that not having it serves you, and then take a deep breath, and then relax. And realize you have attained inner peace in just a few moments of your time.
From the place of peace, you can create; you can open up and receive. You can experience joy. You can look around at what is in your life and appreciate it more. You can appreciate the people in your life more. You don’t always have to be striving and climbing and struggling to get to the next step of your spiritual evolution. When you have more awareness, you then realize that awareness is the key. It’s not just that you are now aware of what you have to fix, what needs changing in your life. Just being aware is the fix; it is the change. It means you are more conscious, and you will choose more consciously the next time around, the next time you are faced with that difficult person or that difficult situation in your life.
We want you to stop and acknowledge yourselves more for the growth you are making in every single moment of every day, and if you do that, you will find yourself living in a fifth-dimensional frequency range sooner than later. You will find that you can hold that frequency for longer and longer periods, and you will not be waiting for anything to change outside of you so that you can then relax and feel good about how far you’ve come. Just do it now, and everything else will change, and it will change more quickly because you took the few little steps we outlined here in this transmission, and you will feel better about your life right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 29

New DNA Upgrades & Activations – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 29

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing all of you and have been connecting with other collectives here in the ninth dimension to see how we can be of greater service to you. We get perspectives from Sirians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, and so on, and we collaborate with them to bring forth the best possible energies that will assist you on your journeys. We know that we can’t do it for you, but we are here to support you, to guide you, and to teach you in all the ways that we can. We want you to know that the structure of your DNA is changing and the energies upon you right now are about those DNA upgrades and activations.
You are meant to know yourselves as galactic beings, as starseeds. These DNA upgrades and activations are about helping you to remember and also helping you to tune in to what it is that you have mastered in other star systems across the galaxy. Our star system is one where many individuals have incarnated to explore spirituality in all the ways it can be explored. A visit to the Arcturian star system is very much a visit within the self. We are also excited to see you activating your Sirian, Pleiadian, Lyran, Andromedan and so on DNA, because we know how much you have gleaned from your lifetimes in all of the star sysmtes in our galaxy, and our co-creators in this endeavor all agree that the timing is right for these activations and upgrades to occur for all of you, not just those of you who are asking for them.
The timing of all of this coincides with the work that humanity has done on itself to grow and expand in your love and compassion. The desire that you have to experience more of the nonphysical and the galactic also play a role in your ability to receive what is coming to you from above energetically. Some people will subconsciously resist these energies and not receive the full effect of them, but those of you who are aware that the upgrades and activations are coming can open up more to them and to the energies that support them, and you can feel for the changes within yourselves that occur as a result. This allows you to tap in to more of your abilities, more of your gifts, and more of your memories that will make it easier for you to have full and open e.t. contact in the next several years.
You do not just come from one star system, no matter what you have been told and no matter what you think. You are everything. You are this universe, and that includes all star systems in this galaxy and all galaxies, and so you do not have to pigeonhole yourself into identifying with just one star system, and you can feel into the expansiveness of the truth that you are all the starseeds combined and so much more. We are happy to assist you in coming to these realizations, as we are so much more than just The Arcturian Council and have also been all across the galaxy ourselves. We know what a beautiful galaxy it is to travel through and be a part of, and we are happy to awaken that sense within all of you as well.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 28

A First Time Experience for Humans – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 28

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We see you as you truly are, and we hold that vision of you for you, but also for ourselves. We only feel the way that we want to feel when we see you as perfect, as Love, as Source. When we see you as beings who have decided to lower your vibration enough to have the Earth experience, we feel proud of you. Therefore, when you all wonder why so much interest is taken in all of you there on Earth, remember that when you are experiencing anger, hate, frustration, loneliness, and despair, these are not reflective of who and what you really are. They are temporary experiences that feel so all encompassing that you take them on, and you assume they reflect something about you as an individual. This is also true of the actions you’ve taken that you regret, that you might call a mistake or a sin.
As much as you attempt to define yourselves by what you’ve done, whether it be good or not so good, that’s not who and what you really are, and it’s not what we’re focused upon as we gaze upon any of you. We see the spark, the Creator, the Love, the joy, the peace, and the excitement that is still inside of each and every one of you, no matter what your life circumstances are in this moment, no matter what you’ve been feeling about yourself, about others, and about your life. You still are that which you truly are, and we focus on that because we are of greatest service to you when we do, but we also want you to know that we would feel so very terrible if we were to ever agree with you that you are unworthy or a sinner. And so we choose not to, and we invite you to join us in this vibration.
It is the vibration of wellness and it is the vibration of all-encompassing love. We invite you to join us here because it serves you well to do so, and also because you are of greater service to all of your fellow humans when you drop all of the judgments, all of the fears and all of the resentments, and you be more like the master that you truly are and feel the difference in how you feel when you do. That feeling is enough to get you going back again and again to those beautiful, expansive feelings that we get to experience all the time. And yes, we know how fortunate we are to be able to exist in this state and in this dimension, and we want you all to know that there’s an aspect of you that is here with us at all times, that we also interact with, and it helps us to know the true you in doing so.
Now, please do accept our invitation to see yourselves as perfect, as Love, as Source, and to see all of your fellow humans as the same, regardless of what they are doing, saying or believing, and you will transform everything by transforming you into what you always have been. You are there to remember that and to experience it for the first time under the set of circumstances you are currently living, and that’s exciting. That’s why all of this is and all of us are, and we want to play together in peace and harmony in this entire universe, with all of its many moving parts.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 27

Powerful Tools You Can Use Right Now – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 27

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You are making your lives easier every time you decide to tune in to something that raises your vibration, whether it is inside of you or outside of you. Your lives are meant to unfold for you in beautiful ways, and they will when each of you decides that you don’t have to control everything and you don’t have to do everything to make your lives work or to make them better in some way. You need to relax and trust that your helpers are working on the things that you cannot take action on and the things that you could only take really futile actions on.
Trust, faith, optimism, hope – these are words that are sometimes seen as airy-fairy and lacking in any real substance. But you know that you employ at least one of them every day, and for some of you multiple times throughout the day. And that is because there is simply so much that you cannot know. You cannot know everything, because if you did know everything, you would no longer be participating in the simulation, in the game, in the co-creation that is life on planet Earth in the fourth dimension. Therefore, you intentionally shield yourself from bits and pieces of information so that you can continue to play, so that you can continue to grow. And while that may seem unfair to you, hopefully you will realize that you’re doing it to yourselves for a reason.
You see, you cannot imagine how good something will be that you cannot even imagine, and you need to let go in order to let in all that is unimaginable to you right now. The unknown is filled with that which you have yet to experience, whereas your mind is filled with that which you have already experienced or that someone else has experienced and you heard about or read about. Therefore, to truly open your mind to limitless possibilities, you must be willing to go beyond thought and even imagination.
Trust, faith, optimism and hope can move the needle of your overall vibration in the same way that focusing on a baby laughing can for you. You can, of course, focus on a good-feeling memory, or a good-feeling potential outcome for yourselves, for humanity, for a group of people who is currently struggling there on planet Earth. But you can also surrender to the truth that you cannot possibly know what the best outcome is, and yet you can feel hopeful and optimistic that you and the rest of humanity are moving in that direction at all times. These are valuable tools in your toolkit, even more valuable than your ability to create using thought, word and focus. It is in the surrendering and the letting go that you allow in so much more, and we want to assist you in all the ways that we can by giving you these friendly reminders.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 26

New Energies for Humanity – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 26

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You have a tremendous amount of energy around you and inside of you at all times. You are choosing which energies you activate and which energies you tune in to. You are choosing which energies you allow in, whether you know you are doing so or not. Everything and everyone is energy and that includes thought and emotion. Therefore, all of us in this universe are always working with energies, whether we know we are or not. Now that you are awakened in your human form, you can choose the energies that you want to work with more consciously, and to do so, all you have to do is believe that you have access to all of the energies that you want to have access to, and then demonstrate to yourself that you can in fact focus in such a way as to access and activate those energies.
You are beyond the time in human history where everything that you accomplished you accomplished through your ability to move physical objects around or extract them from the ground. You are still, of course, doing these things, and it is perfectly fine that you are. However, when you do the work energetically, then the movement that is required of you physically becomes less and less, and you have more time then to enjoy the creations around you, and everything around you is your creation. You are literally creating it all in the moment that you experience it.
Now, did all of these energies exist prior to your birth into your physical human body? Yes, but they weren’t known and experienced by you, and so they existed more as potential energies. You are so unique that it is necessary for your unique vibrational signature to interact with the energies that you interact with in order to form them into their current form. That’s how creative and important you are, and if you can believe us when we tell you that, then you can go further than you previously could with your mind, your actions, and your widely-held beliefs.
Now, a widely-held belief is not just one that you believe, but rather, it’s one that many people believe. And when enough people believe in something, they think of it as a truth, as a fact, rather than as the belief they are creating their experiences with and through. But when you slow down enough to take note of what energies you’ve been accessing and what energies you haven’t been accessing, you will become more aware of what you believe is possible. And when you can activate an energy that was previously lying dormant within you, then you can start to know yourself as you truly are. You are the one who is unlocking that experience for yourself and for Source, and that is a huge purpose that you all get to fulfill.
Therefore, choosing consciously which energies you interact with is enough of a purpose for any individual to have in any lifetime. And it just so happens that you all are ready to interact with more energies now than ever before in human history, and that is because of how much life has been lived and how much you benefit not only from your own other lifetimes, but also from everyone else’s who has ever taken in air there on planet Earth. These are exciting times and you can feel excited about them because you are the ones who were fortunate enough to be able to incarnate on Earth at the time of your ascension and our ascension to what is next for all of us in this universe.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 25

The Steps on the Stairway to Heaven – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are living in what you would consider to be Heaven. Our realm, our dimension, is heavenly in comparison to what you are living there on Earth. It is not THE Heaven; it is not the only Heaven, but it does have that quality and that appearance, and you would be able to do all of the things that you imagine you could do in a heavenly realm. You do experience the type of bliss that you can experience in a heavenly realm every once in a while there on Earth, and so, you must decide for yourselves what it is that puts you in that state of being where you feel that you are in fact in your version of Heaven, and put yourself there as often as possible.
And this may seem like a hedonistic or selfish act, but keep in mind the following. When you access that frequency that you need to be in so that you can feel that you are experiencing Heaven on Earth, you are literally bringing Heaven to Earth. You are making it more available to everyone else because you are grounding those higher-frequency energies in to your body, to your planet, to your grid system, and therefore, everyone can indulge. You are also setting an example to others and inviting them to join you in the heavenly experience that you are having. You are showing others what is possible, and that’s important because if people only look around and see others suffering, then they don’t know that there’s another option available to them.
And finally, when you put yourself in that heavenly dimension that you carve out for yourself, you will want to teach others how to do it. Even if it’s just one person, that’s still something. That’s still sharing the secret that you have uncovered within yourself, and it is a secret still to most, this truth that you have the opportunity to vibrate at whatever frequency you choose and then to live in that vibration. That’s still a foreign concept to many, and others would laugh at the notion of it, but if you and others like you consistently demonstrate the truth that you can offer a vibration on purpose and live the reflection of that vibration in your experience, others will start to notice and wonder what it is you are doing.
It’s important for people to realize that they have more power within them than they think they do, and you are the trailblazers. You are the ones there on the leading edge who have that capacity to show others what is possible, what is within them, and what it is you are all reaching for. Bringing Heaven to Earth is a real goal. Merging the two realms is inevitable, but you can do it on purpose and you can do it now, and you don’t have to wait for anything to happen outside of you to give yourselves this type of experience. You are doing it to a certain extent right now because we are projecting a heavenly vibration to you, and as you receive this transmission, you merge with that energy and you make it a part of your reality in the here and now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 24

The Heroes & Villains on Planet Earth – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 24

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We are watching over all of you because we want to spread our love and light to you, and because we enjoy watching you grow. It is important for you all to know that you are watched over by so many, because of the interest in the exciting times that you have upon you there on planet Earth. You are seen as the ones who are the most adventurous in the entire universe, and that is bound to get you quite a bit of attention and quite a bit of help from above. You don’t have to take anything that you are experiencing there seriously, however. Knowing that you are playing a game and that it is a simulation should help you to relax a little bit more about what’s going on in your lives and in the entire world. But if your game needs a villain, and you are determined to find out who the villains are, then yes, you will take all of this much too seriously.
Now of course you have those on planet Earth who have agreed to play the role of villain for you, but they truly are your best friends. They are the ones who are willing to take the karmic hit that is required of them to be the villain in your story. They are the ones who have agreed to experience the furthest space that they can from the knowing of who they really are as Source Energy, and that is a very unpleasant place to be in. In that sense, they are the true heroes because they have agreed to play the game with you and to go so far into the cold in order to play their part in the grand story that is the evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth. Now, all of you look up to us who have had the pleasure of playing the role of ascended master to all of you, and it is easy for you to see us as the heroes.
But we look at you who are playing the roles that you are playing, and the villains who are playing the roles that they are playing, as the true heroes in the story of humanity’s ascension. Now, you may have noticed that we didn’t say what role you are playing there, and that is because you are deciding what that role is in every moment. You can be the helper, the healer, the guide, and the experiencer, or you can see yourselves of the victims of those who have all the power. It is up to you, and sometimes you see those who have all the power as the other people who are in your lives, who are playing the roles of your family members.
And so, you do take back all of your power when you see that the game and the simulation are your creation, and you do have the ability to shift within yourselves at any time and to feel the power of who you really are welling up inside of you at any time. But in order to do so, you have got to admit that love is the answer, and you have got to be willing to explore the love that is inside of you, even if no one out there is showing a willingness to love you. And that is one of the many ways in which you all have set up a very challenging game indeed for yourselves.
And so we relish the role of the ones who got to show you the way to be love in a world that wasn’t always so receptive to us and to our teachings. We will continue to show you that the love within you is all you need, and we will do so through these messages and by projecting more of our love upon you at all times. We didn’t stop loving humanity when we ascended to the twelfth dimension, but rather, we just got more access to the love that we truly are. And you can access more of the love that you truly are when you agree that the way to do so is to rise up and to know yourselves more as you truly are, more as the infinite love, the unconditional love of the one Source from which we all were birthed.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 23

Manifesting Your Requests of the Arcturians – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of handling all of your requests, both spoken and thought. We even recommend that you write down the requests that you have for us, because you will get clearer about what it is that you want, as you are able to look at it in written form. You don’t have to earn anything, and you don’t have to be special. You don’t have to repeat the magic mantra; you just have to align with what it is you have asked for, and we are happy to be the delivery system for you, because you have chosen to focus on us instead of Yeshua, or Source, or Pleiadians. Any of a number of higher-dimensional beings can handle your requests.
We all love to help you, and we all see you as worthy of receiving what you are asking for. Now, you may not agree with the timing of the delivery of what it is you have asked for, but that is something you must start getting accustomed to if you are going to be living in peace and joy. It is important that you find a way to live your lives, to be interested and excited about what it is you can do, and when you can live your life happily ever after, even though not everything has manifested that you have requested, then you would have achieved a type of spiritual mastery. If you make you make your life about manifestation, about getting what you want, and then you place limits upon it by saying it has to come in this particular timeframe, you will continue to be on a rollercoaster where you do not feel very masterful at all.
It is when your thoughts, words, and actions reflect the higher vibration that you are in, that you are more likely to receive, and then what you receive becomes the cherry on top of the life you are living. When you make something into a necessity, something that is required in order for you to be happy, or to be fulfilled, or to feel whole, that’s when you’re pushing it away because you are attempting to manifest from an incomplete state, which is a lower-vibrational state of being. Be happy now. Be fulfilled now. Find something to get interested and excited about now, and let go of those requests once you make them. Don’t think you have to keep repeating them every day or that maybe you didn’t word it just right, and that’s why it didn’t come yet. Then you’re still focused on lack.
Focus on the fullness of your spirit, your soul, your self. Focus on how much air there is to breathe all around you and how delicious it can taste if you breathe it in consciously and with that intention of receiving all that the air has to deliver to you. And let us and your guides and your other helpers do all the heavy lifting, all the work, while you find the higher vibration that is always available to you by relaxing, opening yourselves up, and letting go of attachment to anything being other than the way it is right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 22

The Equinox Energies & Your Inner Portals – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 22

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been paying very close attention to the equinox energies that are already upon you there on planet Earth. We want you to know that the energies we have been picking up on are helping you all to access more of the internal portals that you have located inside of your seven main chakras. These portals are connecting you to other dimensions, to your guides, and to abilities and gifts that you have been summoning for yourselves. You can also access more love, more joy, more peace, more creativity, more freedom and more abundance by simply going within and feeling for the preponderance of energies that are coming in through the portals in your very own chakras that are opening wider and wider with every passing moment.
Now, these energies will do more than just work with your internal portals. However, we are giving you this piece because we see it as the most important aspect of this equinox for all of you at this time. You all need to know that everything truly does exist inside of you, and you need to know that you can access everything from going within. You being able to feel for the energies that are pouring in through your chakras is a very big part of your spiritual evolution. You are meant to feel things, to sense things, and to work with energies that are coming in from above and from below, as well as from within.
Your sun and Mother Earth are also participating in this equinox, as they always do. Your guides and your higher selves are making sure that everything is calibrated appropriately within you to give you the experiences that you do want to have. It is always a wonderful time to be awake and ascending there on planet Earth, but when you are aware of how much you have access to within you, that’s when you really get to start playing this game more consciously and with more certainty that you are always moving in the right direction.
You are always getting more of what you want and need, and you are always transforming. You are transforming yourselves, and you are transforming your bodies, and the energies that will come in through your seven main chakras will of course also be giving you DNA upgrades and activating your light bodies, which are your fifth-dimensional vehicles. Therefore, everything is always moving you closer to the completion of the shift in consciousness. And those of you who are moving to the completion of the shift more consciously are doing so much work for all of humanity, and you have our appreciation and our endless and tireless support.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 21

Is There Something Wrong with the Simulation? – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 21

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know how it is to be a human being there on Earth, and yet it has changed over time. And so, from where we sit in the twelfth dimension now as this nonphysical collective, we cannot say we know exactly what it is like to be there. We do have compassion for you, no matter what the reason is for you being in pain, anguish and suffering. We do not need to understand or to be able to relate to your experience to feel that compassion for you. We know that all pain, all suffering, all that is unwanted in your experience, does serve a purpose. And we are able to hold the compassion for you while simultaneously recognizing that what you are experiencing in that moment does in fact serve you.
Now, the reason why we point this out is because we are immediately inviting you to take the benefit of what you are experiencing when you are in your pit of despair. And we are able to do so without losing any of that compassion that we feel in the process. We know that you can do this with your fellow humans as well. You don’t have to say to yourself, ‘I will not put my attention on that, because I don’t want to create more suffering in the world.’ You can acknowledge all of the terrible things that are going on there on Earth, feel compassion for those involved, and still be aware that it serves all parties who are in fact participating.
You can do that, just like we do that, and you can embody the ascended master energy within yourself, because that is what you are meant to do. That’s the challenge you signed up for. You are not there to fix all the problems of those who are in suffering for them, and you are also not just there to live happily ever after. You are there to feel everything, to be of service, and to live happily ever after. But you don’t have to ignore that which is lower vibrational there on Earth in order to live happily ever after. You get to bridge worlds while you are there, and that is a beautiful experience. You get to bring together that which is seemingly a polar opposite from some other aspect of reality.
You get to harmonize, and you get to alchemize. You get to integrate, and you get to be of both worlds, because there is nothing wrong with the simulation as it is. It is your creation; it is your simulation. It is there for your benefit. It is there as another aspect of Source, just as you are. Your experience of it is real, and so is everyone else’s. And so, you do not diminish reality at all by calling it an illusion, but you do diminish someone else’s experience by telling them to snap out of it because it is just a simulation.
These are the challenges that you face as awakened souls, having these journeys that are very unique to you because you are awake. But you get to help everyone by being there, and that’s exciting, and everyone does benefit from you being there, especially when you are conscious of everything that we have just given you today in this message.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 20

What Humanity is About to Uncover – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 20

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
This is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth because of how much you have yet to discover about yourselves, about your world and about your history. Humanity is about to have its socks blown off. You can imagine how much more there is to uncover in regards to the human Earth experience because you know that recorded history only goes back so far. You know that there has been so much that you have discovered already about yourselves in the past fifty years and that the abilities that people are now displaying in larger and larger numbers are just the tip of the iceberg.
You are growing exponentially, and sometimes there are these growing pains that you experience individually and collectively, but as you approach life with the attitude that things are always going to get better because they must, then they will in your experience get better. If you approach life with the belief that things must get worse globally before they can get better, then that will be your experience. You have options in terms of what you focus on and in terms of what you are going to experience in the future, and that is why your attitude, your perspective, your way of framing things is so important.
You do not have to worry that what you are going to discover about yourselves, your planet and your history will be all bad. You do not have to think in terms of becoming aware of all of the cover-ups and all of the conspiracies. Instead, when we make a statement like that to you, you can assume that we are speaking of your connection to galactic beings and to the abilities that you have within you.
If you can remember always the fundamental truth that you are a Source Energy Being, then that can make the way you receive any piece of information so much different in your experience. You can always assume that what we are telling you is something positive because you have yet to realize your godhood in the physical, and everything is going to be pointing you in that direction as you move forward. So how could there ever be bad news? You are there to uncover the good in you, in others, in your planet, and throughout the galaxy. You are there to do that by shining your light and seeing the light in others, even when they are not showing it.
If you want to take a step forward in your mastery, move through your day with the promise to yourself that you will see everything through the eyes of Source, that you will be the Source Energy that is needed in every situation you are in. If you want to see and experience more love in the world, then be that love and turn up the volume in those places where you know that the volume has been turned down by others.
It is important how you respond to anything and everything that comes your way. It is as important as what you create. Remember that and you will hold the keys to happiness and the keys to everything that this beautiful universe of ours has to offer. Forget it, and you just get to have the wonderful experience of remembering again. So don’t ever be hard on yourselves, and remember that every moment is that opportunity that you have been looking for, that opportunity to know yourselves more as a Source Energy Being.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 19

Help from the Ascended Masters is Coming – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 19

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We do enjoy so very much the opportunity to speak to you in this way, because we feel so very connected to you and because we do know that you reach out and up to us frequently. We have no physical hearts, but the saying is appropriate that our hearts do go out to you. We are coming to you from the twelfth dimension, which is a nonphysical dimension, and because we are nonphysical, we are nowhere and we are everywhere at the same time. That means you do not ever have to feel that we are far away from you or that we could possibly not hear you because of any distance between you and us. There is no such thing.
You can always count on your prayers being answered, and we can always count on you to come up with more prayers. We are, of course, very grateful for the opportunity to serve, to help, to be of assistance in whatever ways that we can. Sometimes in order for you to receive our assistance, you need to experience the virtue of patience, but you are also there to experience faith and trust. Why would you want to experience those things, you might wonder? It is because you want to get to that place of knowing, that place of oneness with any and every desire that you have. Faith, trust, and patience are stepping stones to get you to where you ultimately want to go and truly always are in your truest form. Therefore, when you are feeling lack of faith, and when you are feeling impatient, it means that you just need to relax and breathe more deeply.
You need to remind yourselves that your prayers are always answered and that everything is already done that could ever be done. You are there to experience life but not to make everything happen through action, and therefore Divine Patience within you is a trait of the Divine Feminine. It is important for you to recognize when actions are appropriate and when actions are taken out of a lack of faith, because when you experience a lack of faith, you know you are moving in the wrong direction from where you ultimately want to go. You are not disappointing us, or Source, or any other aspect of you by not showing faith, but you are not as aligned as you could be with the truths that we are sharing with you here today about everything already being done and all of your prayers being answered.
Every time you experience doubt, worry, and anxiety, be grateful that you caught it, because some people spend their whole lives in those states of being. And so in the moment when you catch yourselves on one of those thought streams, just celebrate the fact that you’re about to get off of it. Celebrate that you will remember to relax and breathe more deeply sooner the next time. Now, of course, those actions that can be taken and that do have power will be so inspired that you won’t question them and nothing will get in your way when you initiate those action states. So you can relax in regards to missing the boat as well. You are not to going to miss the boat by not taking action, because your actions will be so inspired that wild horses will not be able to stop you from taking those most appropriate and aligned actions.
We want you to feel for whether what we are saying to you right now resonates, and when you get that feeling of alignment within you, then you know you can trust what you are getting. The same is true when it comes to something that happens inside of you, like an intuitive hit or an inspired thought. The resonance you feel with it is telling you that you can trust it and to move forward with it. And we want to remind you that what is coming to you from within is always coming. Sometimes you are more attentive to your inner realm than others, and therefore, we recommend time where you’re sitting quietly, whether it’s meditation or not, and just allowing that which is coming to you to flow. We also invite you to recognize that even when something is coming to you from within, it can still be initiated from here in the twelfth dimension and from the likes of us, the ascended masters.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 18

Your Assignment & Your Mission – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are a collective consciousness, just like you. You think of yourselves as individuals having your own thoughts, your own ideas, getting inspiration from within to do something or say something, or even to just think about something. But you are tapping in to the human collective consciousness more often than you think.
We have told you this before, but we will tell you again now that your thoughts do not originate within your head. You receive them, just like you receive all energies, and when you start thinking about yourself as a part of a collective, you realize two things. Firstly, you can help the collective by what it is you put into that collective consciousness, and that requires no action whatsoever on your part. All you need to do is think a thought on purpose. Secondly, you are affected by the collective consciousness of which you are a part. Therefore, realize that what is going on within you may be due to the fact that you are picking up on something that is going on within your human collective and the consciousness you all share.
Once you have these realizations and you start to live accordingly, your life will become easier and better because it will make more sense, and because you will understand that sometimes your role is just to work with the energies that are around. Now, what do we mean by ‘work with the energies’? If there is something going on with the collective consciousness, like for example, a pandemic, then you can ask yourself how you are being affected by it, by all of it, not just the part you are fixated on, and then you can ask yourself how you can help. And we are not talking about making videos and social media posts about your beliefs about the pandemic. We are talking about helping the collective consciousness, of which you are a part, to heal, to raise the level of consciousness, and to have more compassion for those who are suffering.
Because regardless of what you may or may not believe about it, there is suffering that is going on, and you, being a part of a collective, are affected by that suffering. In a way, it is you that is doing the suffering. So you have to start by helping yourself to feel more stable, more peaceful, more at ease. You have to activate the vibration you want to see outside of you, and then you can start to think more in terms of how to be of service to this collective consciousness that you all share as human beings. And you can do this for every single issue facing humanity. There’s war, there’s poverty, there’s hunger, there’s violence amongst individuals. There’s all sorts of issues there on Earth that you are dealing with, and while they may not be happening in your home, or in your neighborhood, or even in your country, they are real, and they are a part of your assignment.
What you can lend to humanity to increase the level of consciousness will always be something that you first tune in to yourself and then spread. So you can tune in to paranoia, to victimhood, to the feeling that you are being manipulated, oppressed, and all of that, or you can tune in to your power, the power that you have within you to transform yourself and to spread that energy of empowerment around to others, so that everyone in your collective can be at peace, at ease, and live lives joy, freedom, excitement and love. And when enough of you see that as your mission, then you can change so much without even leaving the room you’re sitting in right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 17

What Matters Most in This Universe – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very clear about what it is we are putting out vibrationally and energetically at all times, and we are this clear because we have practiced doing it consciously for so long. It has become second nature to us, and we also have nothing else to do. We don’t have physical bodies, so we don’t have to go to work to get money to pay the bills, the rent, the mortgage, and we don’t have to go get food and eat it, and cleanse our bodies and our homes. We don’t have to drive anywhere. These are all things that you do, and so it is quite understandable that you aren’t always paying attention to what vibration you are offering in any given moment.
Your moments are filled with activity, and because you have so much to do, you often think about the things you have to do while you are doing something else. This is the opposite of mindfulness. Now, we are not here to convince you that you should be like us and just pretend that you don’t still live in a world where things do have to get done, but we do want to attempt to convince you that what you are putting out vibrationally, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about are more important than whether you get that pile of laundry done today.
Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed, you just need to take a deep breath and say something to yourself to the effect of, ‘That could be put off a little bit longer so that I can tend to my vibration right now.’ Do it, and see how it goes for you to take that approach to life and let go of the programming that tells you that you are only as good as what you accomplish in a given a timeframe. Whether that’s an hour, a day, or a year doesn’t matter; it is still the same type of programming. Realize that you accomplish a lot while you are sleeping, and you can accomplish a lot while you offer a higher vibration, because you are shifting yourself to a different reality, one where there will be less for you to do.
But let’s say you have gotten very good at getting things done. You are very efficient; you take a lot of pride in your work, in your accomplishments, because you can point to them and say, ‘Look what I did!’ People will give you a plaque or erect a statue in your honor someday because of all of the things that you did, and that’s fine if you want to live your life in that way, but we just want to point out that there is another approach. We want to point out that you are good just because you exist. You are Source, and if you consider Source to be good, then you must be good.
You don’t have to prove to anyone, not even yourself, that you are good with your actions and your accomplishments. You can just be, and you can exude a good vibration, and while not as many people will notice you for that particular accomplishment, you will feel better all the time. The person who is on the hamster wheel has to keep it up in order to continue to feel good about themselves. And what happens when they retire from that work that they took all that pride in for all those years? It’s probably not going to go very well.
Our point is this: your vibration matters. Your vibration will materialize in the physical that which is a match to it. Make it a priority in your life today, and tomorrow when you wake up, check in to see where your vibration is before your vibration hit the floor. Usually, you can shift your vibration pretty easily when you catch it early on, before you get into your conversations and your actions of the day. Take care of what matters, and everything else in your world will reflect it to you. That’s the type of world you want to be living in, and you have to power to put yourself in it right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 16

The Sooner You Realize This, the Sooner You Can Ascend – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are eventually going to convince each and every one of you to give up the struggle, to stop seeing the world, or certain elements within the world, as acting against you. We will eventually convince you that it is all there for the purpose of your spiritual growth and evolution and that it was all put there by you. In other words, with our help, you will finally let go, surrender, and embrace the world outside of you as it is. You will eventually see it as perfect because of all of the opportunities it gives you to become more of who you are.
And by ‘the world’ we mean all the institutions, all the people, all the groups, everyone that you have been taught is bad and should be arrested and punished or wiped from the face of the Earth. You will see them as aspects of yourself that you are there to forgive, love, heal, and have compassion for, and the experience of letting go of all of that resistance within you will open you up to a sensation of unconditional love, the likes of which you have never felt before. Now, you get to practice being unconditionally loving with those you hold dearest to you, especially the little ones and the animals. But to be able to be it and hold it as a state of being within yourself, these are accomplishments that few have made there on Earth.
Now, we want you to recognize that you don’t have to do this all at once. You want to continue to take the baby steps that you’ve been taking to ascend, to become your higher selves, because that will be the most rewarding and enjoyable journey. Make a promise to yourself right now that you will take one baby step today towards that goal of surrendering and letting go of your resistance to all that is outside of you and inside of you that you have been pushing against, that you have not been able to accept just as it is.
This is the most powerful practice that you have at your fingertips all the time, and eventually, as we said, you will get tired of the practice of holding resentment, anger, fear, and hatred. You will want to let these experiences go, even though you were always supposed to have them in the first place. So you can also let go of guilt for ever believing that there’s something outside of you to fight against, that you are the victim and they are the oppressor. You are The Creator, and you are there to experience yourself as such. Nothing will be as satisfying as you becoming more of who you really are.
We know that it is fun, on some level, to have an enemy to defeat, to externalize all that is dark within the self in one person or one group. We understand that. We’ve seen your movies, and you’ve had a lot of fun playing that game, but this is a game of integration, not a game of separation, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can ascend. As we have also said before, you can start living a fifth-dimensional life as a fifth-dimensional being right now, but this is the work that you must do in order to become that and in order to be in that state of being that is fifth dimensional, and we know that you will, because we make these agreements with you at night while you are asleep, and we continue to nudge you in that direction, transmission after transmission.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 15

This is What You Really Want – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 15

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We have been awakening within you the wonderful knowing of who you really are as Source Energy Beings, and we do this for you because you have asked us to do it. You do set up certain encounters, and you do initiate the delivery of certain messages to you while you are asleep at night and traveling in the astral plane. And the request we get from most people who visit with us in the astral plane is not about abundance, and it’s not about health or romance. In that state, you are most interested in being reminded of who you really are. Now, as you move into your state of waking consciousness in the morning, all of the circumstances of your life come back into the forefront of your consciousness, and what you forget in those moments is that even they are meant to remind you of who you really are.
You see, everything in your life is meant to do that for you, because in order to remember who you really are, you must face challenges that force you to go within and find out who you really are. You need, at times, to give up on thought and action, and be meditative so that you can drop down into your heart, and feel for what rests there at your very core. When you do so, you automatically start to feel more expansive. You start to recognize that you are more than just your physical body, even though you are still grounded in your physical body while doing this exercise of dropping your consciousness down into your heart center.
When you can feel how powerful you truly are, you then don’t need to go out and manipulate the physical environment. Those who are seeking the most power through money and leadership roles in corporations and governments are the ones who feel the most powerless, and that is why they need those houses of cards to prop them up. If you want to be reminded of who you really are, spend some time meditating on a flower or a tree, watch a bumble bee at work, or sit by a body of water.
Remember that you are there to experience yourself as Source through the physical, and you are not there just to escape from the physical as quickly as you possibly can. If that were the case, ascending to the fifth dimension would take far less of your time. And then before you know it, you would be in the sixth, and the seventh, and the eighth and so on, and you would reemerge back into the same Source from which you came, and that journey would be over. And then you would start again with another journey because you crave the experience of knowing yourself as a Source Energy Being while also experiencing the limitations of the physical realm.
We will remind you, and we will keep reminding you because it’s what you most need to know, and more importantly, it is because we want to see you come to that place where you have merged the worlds of the Divine and the human, so that you can feel as masterful as you truly are in those physical bodies of yours that are your vehicles for discovering the truth of who you really are experientially. Everything is perfect as it is. Do not be in a hurry to get anywhere, but rather, be more fully where you are and experience yourself as you truly are, and we promise you everything else will take care of itself.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 14

How to Find Your Purpose, Your Life’s Mission – The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very willing to spread ourselves out as far as we can go to reach as many beings in this galaxy and in this universe as we possibly can, because we love so much to make connections. We feel that more of the pieces of ourselves snap into place when we connect with any being in this universe. We are constantly looking for new beings and collectives to connect with, and as a result, we grow exponentially. We do enjoy the experience of some more than others, just like you. We do choose where we would like to focus our energy, just like some of you.
Some of you are choosing consciously, and others are choosing out of habit, obligation, or a sense that you’re going to get something out of focusing on a person’s teachings or the information they are sharing with you. Sometimes you will go to a job that you dislike for decades because you see it as a means to an end, the end being the paycheck, of course. Your free will is important. Once you have enough experiences of your world and the people, places, and activities on it, wouldn’t it be wise then to choose consciously what you are giving your attention to and what you are putting your energy towards? Doesn’t it make sense to connect with those that give you the feeling of a piece of you snapping into place?
Many of you ask us about your mission, your purpose, there on Earth, and we say to you now that if you are not being your true, authentic self, you are never going to do what is going to give you that feeling of satisfaction and that feeling that you have accomplished something important. If you want to be of service, you have to start with yourself. There is not a line that is drawn between the concept of service to self and service to others; they are blended and braided together. If you start out by seeing where you fit in, then you’re going to have a much easier time helping others, because you will be bringing your whole self to that interaction.
We encourage you to look at your lives right now, and ask yourselves whether you are being true to yourself, or whether there is some other reason you are doing what you’re doing , putting your attention on what you are putting it on, and hanging around with the people that you associate with. You have so much variety to choose from there, and when you use your free will appropriately and choose consciously, you get much better results. We just want you to be happy, and we want you to be fulfilled. We want you to feel whole and to have a sense of purpose, and that starts with you and asking yourselves what you truly want to do and how you want to be in any given situation.
Be your authentic self, and what you gravitate towards then will be more fruitful than if you are pretending to be someone or something you are not and taking action from that state of being and that vibration. If after receiving this message, you are still uncertain about who you are, who you want to be, what you want to do, and so on, just close your eyes, quiet your mind, even if it takes a long time to do so, and wait. Something will come to you, and then you just have to trust it and follow through. You too can experience that expansiveness of you becoming more of who you are through all of your day-to-day activities and associations, and when you do, you will be that much close to us and our vibration.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 13

The Future Moment that Will Bring Humanity Together – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving ourselves plenty of opportunities to see humanity from a variety of different angles and perspectives. We know that looking at all of you through just one narrow lens is not going to serve you or us. We also know that in order to help all of you, we need to be efficient, and we need to understand exactly what it is that you need. That’s one of the reasons why so many of you meet up with us in the astral plane at night. We can speak to you about the issues that you face as an individual and the issues that you know are in front of humanity as a whole.
And also by connecting with each and every one of you, we get to see how different people experience the same thing. Everyone is having a different experience on Earth right now, because that is what’s necessary in order for Source to benefit from all of this and to expand. And remember, Source is You and You are Source, so please do not think that you are suffering on behalf of an entity that exists outside of you and that is not you, because that is not the case. You are there as Source, pretending to be human, to have human experiences, to feel human emotions, and you are adding to that which is You.
And differences and variety are what make the Earth experience so wonderful. Sameness is not wonderful, even though you do like to hang around with people who share your interests and beliefs, it is when you have some sort of difference in opinion that you have an opportunity to do what we do. You then have the opportunity to look at something through someone else’s eyes because you love that person and because you want to understand what they are experiencing. Sometimes you cannot relate to what someone else is experiencing because it is so different from your life experience and your circumstances, but you can have compassion.
You can realize that the person is suffering; the person is feeling something they don’t want to feel, and you can relate to that. And this is what you have in common with all of your fellow humans, and this is what will bring humanity together when people understand once and for all that you are connected through your hearts, through your feelings, and through your emotions. You may never agree on the level of the mind, but you can always relate to the truth that someone else feels what you feel at times, that they are having a human experience, just like you. And when you recognize that you are all one and that you are linked in so many ways, you can love each other in spite of the differences that give Source that variety.
You can learn to make peace with those differences, instead of defining yourselves by them and putting yourselves into little groups. Whenever one group demonizes an entire group that is different from them in some way, there is something very unnatural happening. And again, it’s the mind that does this, and that is why we will always be attempting to convince you to go into your hearts and feel your feelings, the feelings that connect and bind you all together as one human family. This is who you are; this is what you are, and this is what you are there to recognize within each other. You will get to the next step after that, and the next step is recognizing the Divinity in all of your fellow humans and all beings throughout the universe.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 12

The Divine Plan – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 12

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You are the ones who gave us the name of ‘The Ascended Masters’ to signify the high esteem in which you hold us, and we appreciate that of course. We love you, and we adore you, but we simply cannot possibly see ourselves as being better than you, or seeing any type of hierarchy to exist within this universe or within any universe for that matter. All parts of the universe are needed, and it is required for all parts of this universe to function as they were created to function. And therefore, when you feel like you are falling short of the goals that you have set for yourself, please recognize that those goals are very much created by you, and that they often result in you feeling like you are not measuring up.
As you begin to understand that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and that the only thing missing from the current moment you are in is self-love, then you can start to get your priorities straight. And certainly, you move further from self-love when you are in judgment or criticism, or even resistance to someone else, because they are meant to show you an aspect of yourself that you have yet to fully embrace. And so, being hard on others is also something that you do that is very mind oriented and unnecessary. You can always reframe something to soften it and to make it more digestible. So for example, when you see someone out there who is clearly operating from a lower-vibrational frequency, instead of judging them or simply thinking, ‘I do not like them anymore,’ you can realize that the person is playing the role that they are meant to play in this universe in order to complete it.
You see, everything is always changing in this universe of ours, but nothing needs to. No one needs to get better, to improve, to evolve, it just is. It’s just what’s happening and always will be happening, and when you let go, you let it happen. But when you get down on yourself for being where you are or who you are, then you are not aligning with Source Energy, and that doesn’t feel good. Recognize that if you are making a lot of mistakes, by your definition, in your life, then you are exploring what it is like to make a lot of mistakes, and that’s okay. Acknowledge that every time you slip up in one way or another, you give Source that experience through you, and therefore, you fulfill your life’s purpose.
Your purpose is to exist and to exist as you, but if you think your purpose is to do something, and you are not doing it, then you’re being unnecessarily hard on yourselves, and that’s not a part of your purpose. Self-love starts with self-acceptance. Self-acceptance begins when you bless all circumstances as they are, including you and your relationship to your gifts, or abundance, or other people.
The simple answer to every question then must be, ‘Relax. Everything is as it is supposed to be, and it will get better. ‘ But it doesn’t need you to force it to get better. It’s a natural phenomenon that we all get to experience together, and we can say that because each and every one of us has been exactly where each and every one of you are right now. And in some ways, we still are there. So relax, and take it easy, especially when it comes to yourselves and your fellow humans. All is working out according to the Divine Plan.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 11

If You Want Open Contact w/E.T.s – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are awaiting our next big assignment from our Oversoul, as our Oversoul is in direct communication with us at all times, and our Oversoul exists in the 11th dimension. So it has a bigger and better view of what is going on all throughout the universe. We enjoy getting our assignments because we like to be of service, we like to have a mission and a purpose, just like all of you. We suggest that you sit quietly with your eyes closed, and enjoy the silence, enjoy the not-doing for a while, and instead of seeing it as a chore to let go of your thoughts, see it as liberating. You get to free yourself from your very active thinking mind for a while, as you await some sort of impulse, some kind of instructions that you know are coming from your higher self because of their nature, because of the vibration they hold.
You can do this every day. You can do it twice a day, or more. You can begin open contact now with a higher-dimensional being known as your higher self. And when you practice being in open contact with a higher-dimensional being or collective, you usher in more open contact with physical e.t. beings of your dimension and of higher dimensions. You don’t have to wait till everyone is ready; you don’t have to wait until some government official discloses the truth about e.t.s and humans.
You can begin your contact experiences by starting with your very own higher self consciousness. Now, we say ‘higher self consciousness’ because you are not separate from your higher self. You are one and the same, but it’s an aspect of you that’s operating from a higher-dimensional plane, a higher level of consciousness. And the personal e.t. encounters that you will have, or that you have been having, are with beings that are other aspects of you. That’s the best place to start with e.t. contact.
You’re meeting you, no matter whom you are meeting. It’s always you; it’s always another aspect of you. And yes, there are closer relationships, there are those with whom you share an Oversoul, and there are twin souls, and there are beings that you’ve connected with over and over again, and they seem like they are more ‘you’ than some being you’ve never met before, but truly it’s all you. And so, if you want more contact with other aspects of you that come to you in the form of e.t.s, start by having more contact with you, right here and right now.
Be in contact with your self, your thoughts, your feelings, your vibration, the things you believe, and the things you know. Get in touch with your own heart, with your own love, with your vibrational signature. That’s a good place to start if you want contact with more of you. Start with you, and you’ll always get more in this universe. Looking outside of yourself without that knowing will always have you looking outside of yourself, because ultimately everything is meant to get you to look within, and when you do, you are certain to find what you are looking for, every time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 10

Where You & All Humans Are Going – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 10

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know who and what we are at all times, and that really is the only difference between what we are and what you are. There is no real difference, however we experience ourselves more as the truth of who we really are, and you fall into the deception of your own illusion more often than not. And we emphasized that it is your own delusion and illusion because we want you to recognize that no one has done this to you. You decided that you wanted to incarnate there and pretend to be a human being who would feel separate from Source, from other human beings, and who would feel disempowered by limitations that are built in to that experience that you are having there on Earth.
And you were supposed to buy in to all of those thoughts, beliefs and ideas for as long as you have because you, as a soul, wanted to have that particular experience and feel the emotions that you could only feel while harboring certain beliefs. But now you are awake, and you wake up more and more every day because you have more of us up here in the higher realms reminding you of who you really are. And we want you to know it so that you can start living it, so that you can feel the truth of it, and so that your lives may become a reflection of that truth that you are a Source Energy Being pretending to be a human being. And as you recognize that, then you really have something to teach other humans, because as you know it is one thing to say it and think it and sort of believe it, and it is something else entirely to live with the knowing of it at all times.
It is easier for us to do so way up here in the twelfth dimension because we have not created an illusory reality for ourselves to experience limitation within, but you have, and because you have, you get to experience more joy, more exuberance, more ecstasy and excitement, and most of all more of a movement from where you’ve been to where you are now and are continuing to go. You, from where you are right now, get to take a longer journey home to Source than we do, and you get to benefit from the fact that we, and others like us, have already done it.
You get the benefit of having teachers to guide you, in addition to having those wonderful emotions of yours that tell you when you’re on the right track and when you are not. So you need to remind yourselves as often as you can that you are a Source Energy Being, and you can repeat mantras to yourselves such as, ‘I am Source Energy,’ ‘We are all one,’ and ‘We are all love’ to remind yourselves of the only truth that really matters. You see, you get to decide what you believe and therefore create in your experience to a certain extent, but you will never believe yourself out of being who you really are as an eternal, infinite being of unconditional love.
You will never do anything that is so horrible that you would not still be who you really are upon your death experience. And hopefully, a person who has done horrible things could still realize while in the physical body and in the lifetime that they are a Source Energy Being. And that same person could then choose to forgive themselves and make amends for the things that they had done before they were awake. You know that these people exist in your reality, and because you know that, you must also be able to recognize that you can get from wherever you are right now to where you are going. And nothing and no one can stop you.
You can believe that others are trying to stop if you like having an adversary in all of this, but it makes a lot more sense to just accept that all of reality is your creation. And you wanted limitation, and you wanted separation, and you wanted powerlessness so that you could return home to the truth of who you really are and feel the difference. In that way, you get to really know who you really are for the first time. We enjoy knowing it all the time very much, and at the same time, we look at all of you and at times we wish we could just go to where you are and re-experience the remembering one more time. And of course, at some point, we all will.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 9

We Needed Permission to Give You This Message – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very pleased to be able to give you the following transmission. Sometimes we must get permission from the higher selves of each individual who will receive the message before we can proceed, and that was the case this time around, because we only can give you that which will serve you vibrationally, spiritually, psychologically, and in every other imaginable way. That is why we sometimes need approval before moving ahead with a transmission. This transmission is about the way you all are shifting energetically as awakened ones, as what we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective.’
You are there to shift before the rest of humanity, but to also be able to lower your vibration enough to still serve them is of paramount importance. You cannot just leave the rest of humanity behind, as some people have speculated. That’s not the type of shift you signed up for, and it’s not the one you are going to have, but you do have to serve as examples to the rest of humanity. And therefore, holding you back from showing your true selves is not working anymore. You must be allowed to operate as your fifth-dimensional selves, with a higher percentage of your light body turned on. You must be able to demonstrate the powers that you have been honing throughout the time that you’ve been awake, and that means you must have access to more of your gifts and abilities and also your fifth-dimensional abilities.
So there is a certain amount of limitation that is being lifted from the consciousness of each and every member of the awakened collective, because it is time for you to demonstrate what is possible to everyone else. That is why Yeshua walked on water; it was not to show off. It was to demonstrate what was possible. And so, you will be the miracleworkers. You will be the ones to demonstrate what is possible, so long as you’re not doing it for the sake of the ego, or to prove to people that you were right all along. It will be used sparingly for those who are ready to awaken and who need that little nudge, who need something that they can sink their teeth into so to speak, and that’s what you will give them in those moments.
But you will also be operating more as your higher selves, more with those light bodies, which will give you a different energy field. You will appear in a different way to people, and they will be inspired by you and want to know what your secret is, but this time you won’t be telling them about your diet, your skin care regimen, or the supplements you’re taking. You’ll be telling them about consciousness, about who and what they really are, and about the power of focus, the power of intention, the power of vibration. These are the lessons that people need at this time, and they need to know it so much more than they need to know about what’s going on out there in the world, behind the scenes, in the dark shadows. And so, we speak directly to the awakened collective, because we want you to know how your roles are changing, how your bodies are changing, and how your consciousness is changing, because it’s time for you to be who you really are and to not let anything or anyone stand in the way of that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 8

What Are Humans Actually Doing on Earth? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 8

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been admiring humanity for quite some time, not just because of your progress, but also because of how many challenges you took on by lowering your vibration to the extent that you have to be able to exist in that reality. It really is something that you all need to acknowledge about yourselves, because you did decide to go out there on the leading edge of creation where the vast majority of the work is being done for the entire galaxy and the entire universe. And so, you may look around and see your wars and your violence and bigotry and pollution and think that you’re not doing so well as a collective, and you might wonder why anyone would take an interest in humanity at all.
But it is because you decided to be born into a world where all of that was already going on that you are so special, and that you are so revered throughout the universe. Now, you also have the added advantage of there of having so much adversity that it causes you to have to be more creative. You constantly have problems that you need to come up with solutions for, and that does eventually lead to those solutions. You are the most creative beings in the entire universe, and that is true because of the necessity that is the mother of invention being a major part of your experience there. And all of you have done this in your own lives, even if your inventions have not gained you some sort of fame and fortune. You still have had to be creative at some point in your life to deal with an issue that you were facing.
And that creativity should not go undervalued by any of you because it helps to create new realities in this universe of ours, and that is a big part of your significance. Now, we also do want to compliment you on the progress that you’ve been making there on planet Earth because there has been more compassion generated amongst the human collective whenever there is an issue that a certain segment of the population is facing, and that compassion raises the overall level of your collective consciousness vibration. You can always look for ways to feel good, ways to be happy, to experience joy, to experience appreciation, and to experience love, and you can also access compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and whatever else you need to access when you’re running across something or someone that needs some of that.
And what people have been discovering for themselves throughout their life experiences there on Earth is that judgment does not feel so good, but acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love do feel good. Because you are living amongst all of these faster-moving energies now, the judgment feeling sticks out more like a sore thumb. And everything else that you can feel that is positive about a person, or a group of people, or a corporation or a country, when that feels good for you to focus in a positive way, then you know you are truly going with the flow.
And when you go with the flow, the flow is going to take you further, higher, deeper, wherever it is that you want to go in a much faster fashion than ever before there on Earth. And so, if you want to feel good about yourselves because you haven’t been feeling very good about yourself lately or about some aspect of your life, or about humanity, then just congratulate yourself for even staying there on planet Earth for as long as you have been able to endure all of those negative feelings, and energies, and thoughts, and experiences.
And yes, nothing is bad unless a person sees it in that way, and there’s always a way to look for a silver lining, but at the same time, you know when you experience the death of a loved one or a beloved pet, that you’re going to have that experience of a lower-vibrational emotion, and that it’s normal and natural for you to feel that at first, even if eventually you are able to get to that place where you can not only accept the circle of life but also feel good about connecting with that being that you lost in the nonphysical. But that is that typical journey that you all have to take there on Earth that is the hardest path and the most difficult and challenging place to be in the universe. And so, we commend you for being there, and we recommend that you commend yourselves as well and see yourselves as the masters that you truly are.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 7

Galactic Energies for the Lightworkers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 7

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be connecting with all of you, and we know that you open up very nicely to our energies. We appreciate that. We appreciate every single one of you who is interested in us and in the energies from our star system. We know that you are interested in that which is galactic, and we know that you do a wonderful job of opening up to galactic energies, and that is a very good thing. There are of course more galactic energies coming in to your atmosphere all the time to support you on the journey of ascension that humanity is on there on Earth. We also want you to know that when you ground those energies into your physical bodies, you are doing so for your fellow humans and animals and Mother Earth.
This is a group experience of ascension, and everyone benefits from every positive thought, every positive emotion, every good intention that is a part of each and every one of you there on Earth. And so, you can consider yourself to be a lightworker even if you don’t have a job that involves something that you would deem to be spiritual, like an energy healer or a channeler. You are still working with the light and helping others through your anchoring in of the galactic energies and the higher-frequency energies, no matter where they are coming from. And there are energies coming in from all angles at this time.
You are getting ready for another big leap forward there on planet Earth, with more mass awakenings coming, with the equinox coming, and with the extra-terrestrial contact experiences coming that many of you have sought after for a very long time. We know that it is important for those of you who are interested in e.t. contact to have your own personal experiences with e.t.s, and we know that you can have them right now, or tonight, or tomorrow, or whenever you feel ready to receive that contact.
And we promise you that you will be ready when it happens during your waking hours. Or maybe you will be someone who gets woken up by an e.t. in the middle of the night, and still you will be ready for that experience when you have it. We know that hasn’t always been the case, and we know that some of you do have some fear around e.t. contact in the middle of the night because the Zetas were rather clumsy about it in the early stages of the hybridization program. But we promise you that all e.t.s have learned and have become much better at detecting what you are ready for and when.
And those of you who are interested in receiving galactic energies from the likes of us are most certainly on the radar of all the e.t.s who want to have contact with humanity at this time. You can relax and let those energies in, as they are infused into every single one of these transmissions, and they are coming all the time from parts all across this galaxy of ours. But when you are focused on receiving a transmission of galactic energy, you do tend to open up to it and then receive more of it as a result. These are exciting times, and those of you who are receiving this message are on the leading edge. You can consider yourselves to be the ones who are greatly responsible for the coming galactic age for humanity.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 6

Are You Always Channeling & Accessing Your Gifts? – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 6

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
You all have been discovering within you many of the powers, the gifts, and the abilities that you have always sought after in this lifetime, but you don’t always identify them as such. You often receive something from a higher-dimensional plane and then dismiss it, because it’s not coming in the way that you thought it would. Therefore, it is a good idea for you to recognize from this point forward that you are always channeling. You are always in a channeling state, and sometimes you are channeling higher-vibrational energy and information, while at other times you are channeling lower-vibrational energy and information.
You don’t have to think of anything as having originated from deep down inside your own brain, and this will help you to check in more frequently with the vibration that you are offering. Because if you don’t like the energy and the information that you are receiving, then you need to change the vibration at which you are vibrating. You also have been accessing healing abilities, psychic abilities and the ability to jump timelines, to astral travel, to lucid dream and to connect with extra-terrestrials. You do need to investigate these abilities on a more regular basis in order to show yourselves just how much you’ve been able to access in recent weeks.
Everything is changing there on Earth, much more rapidly now, and the energies are speeding up. The energies coming to you are of a higher vibration, and you are ready for them, but you don’t always recognize them as such. When you question where something came from, just check in with your vibration, and ask yourself, ‘How am I feeling right now?’ Also, you want to ask yourself the question of, ‘Does this resonate?’ If it does, then you’re on the right track, and continue on that track. If it doesn’t, or if it doesn’t feel good for you to focus on it, then just let it go and recognize that you’ve got some vibrational tuning to do.
You don’t need as much information as you think you do, and you don’t even need as many gifts as you might want to have. What you do need to do always is check your vibration, and when it needs to be raised, raise it. That means engaging in more of the things that you love to do and engaging with more of the people you love to engage with. It means spending more time in nature and with animals than on devices. And as you do those things, you will tap in to those gifts and abilities, you will access those powers, and you will begin to use them in those moments where you weren’t even trying to get a piece of information.
When it comes to e.t. contact, get excited because it’s coming and it’s coming to you individually and collectively. Know that it is available to you right now, and can occur in any moment while you are asleep or awake. Again, trust that you’re only going to be contacted by benevolent e.t.s, and that will help you to relax and help you to open up and receive from these friends and family members out there in your beautiful galaxy.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 5

Act Upon These & Live Your Soul’s Purpose – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 5

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are welcome to explore any aspect of life on Earth as it is right now. You do not have to give in to the prevailing belief that you are supposed to do something or that you are meant to do something there. You have more freedom than that, and most of you have satisfied all of your pre-birth contracts and agreements to get you to this place where you are truly ready to ascend to the fifth dimension. Now, you are following your soul’s desire when you listen to those little impulses, those inspired ideas that you get from within you. Those are not coming from out of left field, as you might say. They are coming from within you, the deepest part of you, the soul aspect of you, which is a more whole and complete aspect of who you are.
And so, to be yourselves fully you must listen to those impulses and those ideas and follow through with them, instead of coming to us or some other channeled entity and asking the question, ‘What am I supposed to do? Why did I come here? What’s my mission?’ It’s written all over your life experience, because your life experience was created to nudge you in the direction that it feels most natural for you to be moving in at any given time. In this particular lifetime, it is rarely one thing. You don’t find as many people going into a trade and spending forty or fifty years doing it. But rather, you find more and more people are bouncing around from different interest, hobby, occupation, to another, and that is as it was meant to be in this lifetime to give yourselves as many experiences as possible.
So you don’t have to figure out what the one thing is that you’re supposed to be doing and then stay on that track forever and ever more. But rather, go within on a regular basis and check in and feel for what the impulses are for you in any given moment in any given day and follow through as best you can. You don’t have to wait for an invitation from the universe, but you might get signs, you might get breadcrumbs and synchronicities that are telling you, ‘Yes! You are right. Move in that direction. It’s okay. It’s safe to follow your bliss.’
Sometimes you experience doubt so that you can then choose to believe in yourselves and in the ability that you have within you to follow through with something. You see, it also doesn’t have to be something you knew that you were going to do from a very young age, because you were meant to explore this realm, and through a series of experiences, understand better what appeals to you, what makes you tick, what lights you up and brings you the most joy. And you can discover that at age seventy, and it’s okay.
There’s no one way you are all supposed to be, or one timing at which you are all supposed to discover that. You have all that you need within you to know what it is to move towards and to follow through with that knowing. If you need more confidence in yourselves, look for examples of others who have done it. Stay positive, and ask the universe to give you those examples, to give you that anecdotal evidence that you can move in the direction you seek to go at any point in your life, and you can have a wonderful experience doing it. That is our suggestion to you; this is not something we are telling you you must do, but we know that you will find a lot of satisfaction and a lot of fulfillment when you do.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 4

Is Humanity Going to Make It? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are awakening within each and every one of you pathways to new realities, new timelines, new experiences, new energies, new versions of yourselves. We help to make it possible for you all to believe in the validity these new aspects of life on Earth, these new potentials for all of you. And we do that in a variety of ways. We hold the knowing so strongly within ourselves, as we connect with you, and as we sprinkle the energies that we do into your fields, that you cannot help but pick up on that knowing. We are to you what another human being is who knows exactly what they are doing and how to handle a situation that you would find anxiety-provoking to say the least, and when you are in the presence of that person, your anxiety is automatically diminished by their certainty, by how positive they are that they can handle the situation at hand.
We know that you are going to make it as individuals, and as a collective, and we know that you have the potential to enjoy the experience more. You don’t have to see it as something you just survive, but rather, it can be a ride like none other, a joyous journey, where you are prancing through fields of tulips. You have the ability to choose, and you have the ability to vibrate in harmony with the better experiences, the better timelines, the better versions of yourselves. You do get there with help; there’s always help.
When you are born, you have people there with you, adults, usually your parents, who know what to do. They know a little bit more about this world that you have forgotten so much about, and that gives them the capacity to help you in a variety of ways, and most often they do. You benefit from the stability of their energy, the fact that they know how to get food and get it to you, how to get clothing and put it on you, and so on. Everyone has help all the time, and then when you receive help, when you become the stabilizing force for humanity, or for those close to you, then you get to transform someone with your presence, with your knowing, with that certainty that you now have that everything is going to be all right, that humanity is going to make it, and that this shift in consciousness is inevitable.
It’s the ride you signed up for, and it’s the only game in town, so you might as well play it consciously, and you might as well have fun while you’re doing it. We are sprinkling those energies into your fields right now, because we want you to see your own potential. We want you to see how good life there on Earth can be and will be if you allow it to be and if you choose it to be, and we are here for you eternally to hold that space, just as we know you are there to do the same for your fellow humans, and you have our infinite appreciation for spreading the energies around.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 3

What Helps You Ascend & What Doesn’t – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 3

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.
We are always happy to connect with those of you who are in human form there on Earth, and we are very excited to share with you our energy and whatever insights we can offer you to help you along on your journey of ascension. You can place your attention these days on just about anything. You have access to so many thoughts, so many thought forms, and so many beliefs, and it is very much time for all of you to be discerning in what you put your attention on.
Now, that is true for several reasons. One of those reasons is that you are seeing energies come back to you faster than ever before in human history, because with ascension occurring, that must be the case. The energies have to continue to come more quickly and to reflect back to you in much less of your time what you have been vibrating. Energies move faster for a variety of reasons. You are moving through a time of ascension. You are now in the photon belt, and you are opening yourselves up to higher consciousness. And in these higher realms, everything moves so quickly that it’s instantaneous from our perspective. This is why people say there is no time in the nonphysical, or on the other side.
You need to be more attentive to where you put your attention, because there are many people who only want your attention. They don’t really want to give you something that’s going to help you, inform you, or empower you, but they know how to make sure they keep getting your attention, and they are employing those tactics because as you know, the more attention someone gets there on Earth at this time, the greater the possibility for them to gain some sort of fame or fortune.
Now, you also want to be able to use your discernment, because you are about to become fifth-dimensional beings who will engage in instant manifestation yourselves. And so, you really do want to know how you are vibrating at all times, and you know how you are vibrating when you check in with your feelings, with your chakras, with your physical body. They are all reflecting back to you what you are vibrating. Now, if you want to look at it from a longer view, you can look at the people who are in your life and how they are treating you, and you can look at other life circumstances of yours, and they too will reflect to you how you’ve been vibrating.
Changes are happening all the time there on Earth, and energies are coming in to support the ascension of humankind all the time as well. What that means is, you have an opportunity to keep up with all of those changes and all of those energies, and you do so by slowing down. You do so by slowing down your thoughts, by being present in the moment and by breathing consciously. You can activate so much within yourself in a moment of appreciation, and you can allow in so much in a moment of joy. You can become so much in a moment when you are experiencing love.
So yes, do pay attention to what you are putting your attention on, because you also have all of those options, all of those opportunities, to be focusing on something that puts you naturally in a state of joy, love or appreciation. You have many examples that you can focus on as well there on Earth, because there are so many people on the planet with you, and most of them have access to the Internet. Most of them can share their success stories with you, and you can help each other in a variety of ways.
But again, you’ve got to use that discernment that you have to be able to determine who is out to help and who is out to just gain followers, subscribers, likes and so on. Now of course, you don’t have to spend any time on the Internet at all in order to be in peace, joy, love, freedom, exaltation, and to experience creativity and wonderment. You have a whole world out there just calling you to it, inviting you, asking you to come and play with all of these energies and with all of the beauty of planet Earth. Experience some of that as often as you can, and the peace and the calm that you will experience will make anything that is not peaceful and not serene stand out to you like a sore thumb, and you will set it aside. This is how you grow, evolve, and ascend consciously, and it really is just that simple.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

September 2

The Arcturian Agenda, Ground Crew & Gridworkers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very big fans of all of you there on Earth because you chose the harder path. You chose to take on more challenges, more baggage from your past life selves and your genetic line, and we know that you did so because you felt at the time you were up to the challenge. We also know that once most of you began living your lives there in this current era on Earth, you discovered that the challenges were excruciating at times, unbearable to say the least. And yet, you kept going, you kept coming to Earth, a place where no one is trapped.
No one is forced to incarnate anywhere because of karma. You incarnate where you want to incarnate, when you want to incarnate in that particular place and time, because you are sovereign beings, because you are Source, and you do get to choose whether to continue a series of lifetimes in a particular location. Those of you who have chosen a series of lifetimes there on planet Earth have done so with a great degree of courage and an enormous belief in yourselves and also in your guides and other helpers.
So the plan never was to do it all on your own, and in many ways you are not by yourselves there on Earth, even if it feels like you are at times. Everyone who is consistently receiving these messages from us is linked in a very real way. You are anchoring in Arcturian energies, and you are grounding them into Mother Earth. They are creating an Arcturian grid, and you are in psychic, telepathic communication with one another through these gridlines that you are creating.
You are our ground crew there on planet Earth, and we need you in order to deliver the help, the guidance, the wisdom that we want to impart on all of humanity. But not everyone, as you know, is ready for what we have to give, and that’s where you all come in as the Arcturian ground crew. You are the gridworkers who make these energies available to others, who would otherwise be closed off to them, who would laugh at you if you were to send them one of these messages because you think it might resonate or help them in some way. And we know that many of you have done this and received those replies from the ones you’ve been seeking to help in your lives.
But know this – you get to everyone with what you are holding in your consciousness, your awareness, your beliefs, and with the open hearts that you have. We consistently tell you that love is the answer, that compassion is the way, and that inner peace leads to getting everything that you want, and you walk around emanating all of those truths, even if you don’t speak them aloud to the person who is ringing up your groceries at the grocery store. They’re all benefitting from what you are grounding in from us, and we are so appreciative of each and every one of you there on Earth, but especially those of you who are helping to further the Arcturian agenda, which is of course to help humanity awaken and ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

September 1

Who Are the Ascended Masters Amongst You? – Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 1

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.
We are quite pleased to be here with you all, connecting with you energetically, and offering you our praise, our love, and our wisdom. We say that we are always amongst you because we are within you and we are all around you. We also do have incarnations there on planet Earth right now. Those of us that you know about and you call the ascended masters are but a few of the incarnations that have been there on Earth from this collective consciousness. Those who are incarnate now do not seek attention. They are not going to write books or go on a lecture tour, because they are there holding space for all of you, offering you healing, compassion, and putting energies into the human collective consciousness from that ground floor level.
You know how quickly people can turn on someone that they think of as better than them. Just look at how humanity treats celebrities, famous musicians and other people who they put onto a pedestal. And so, it is much better for those who are there from our collective consciousness to stay anonymous. It is better for you, and it is better for them. Now, what this means for you is that you are receiving their wisdom, their support , their compassion, and their healing every time you connect to the collective consciousness of which you are a part. You are adding to the human collective consciousness, and you are receiving from the human collective consciousness as well. And those of you who understand that can do that now with the knowing that there are some very high-vibrational contributors to that collective consciousness.
We also want you to know that the beings you have there in animal form and in plant form, and to some degree, in mineral form, are all masters in their own right. They also have their collective consciousnesses and are making their contributions. And as many of you know, just being around animals or being in nature will automatically raise your vibration. What that means is that you really do have a choice there on Earth in terms of what you put your attention on, what you tune into and what you vibrate in harmony with. There are many, many choices available to you all the time and more and more coming all the time so that you have all the freedom to choose that you could ever want.
This is the part where we tell you about how important it is for you to feel for what you resonate with and what you do not resonate with. We tell you this because we want you to know that your feelings are guiding you towards that which is best for you, but you have to listen to them. You have to pay attention to them, and you have to realize that they are there in the first place in order to do so. Get in touch with your emotions, and know that they are temporary, and they are guidance, and they are not to be feared. Certainly, they are not to be ashamed of in any way, because they are normal, natural experiences and expressions, and you need all of them to guide you appropriately to where you want to go.
You are ready to go much further in your spiritual evolution, and we sense that, and that’s why we are here, coming through this channel right now. We love you; we respect you, and we have so much compassion for all of you. When you feel into that series of statements, your hearts tell you that they are true. Listen to your hearts and use your discernment, and choose to be like the ascended masters that you have living amongst you right now.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

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