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September 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Life among vaccinated)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start a new topic and will talk about the way you should live in the society where most people are vaccinated and, the main thing, how you should interact with them so as not to do any harm either to them or yourselves.
As a matter of fact, humanity has not realized to a full extent yet that now they are living in quite a different reality where little depends on people themselves.
Being unaware of it people let the situation arise when they were driven to submission by those who you are used to calling globalists.
Yet, even they are just executors of those who control them from behind the scene, the Dragon reptiles of the higher caste, to be exact.
The fact that the scientists in their grip have developed preparations that are not only baneful to health and life of people but also change their genetics is by far the grossest crime against humanity.
But especially cynical is that they presented them to gullible people as a salvational “vaccine” for the “disease” that the very scientists created themselves.
And though we have already talked a lot with you about whether to take or not to take such “vaccines” is a free choice of everyone, a lot of people, in fact, were not provided with such a choice, actually.
A lot of people were forced to the circumstances that they could have lost their job or closed their enterprises if they had not taken these preparations.
The deep state’s marionettes have never acted as unanimously and well organized before.
This way they were saving their own life that was in their bosses’ hands.
But let us come back to the vaccinated.
They can be divided into several groups both according to the “origin” and the reasons that made them get vaccinated.
The “origin”, as you have probably guessed, implies pure human souls and low vibration creatures souls that are embodied as humans, as well as clones and biorobots.
As for the former, we will talk about them in details in my coming messages.
While those in the latter group are the ones who became the “locomotive” for the rest.
It was them who got seized with fear for their life and they were ready to do anything just not to fall victim to the “fatal” disease.
It was them who became vaccinated during the first weeks and months of the so-called “pandemic” blindly believing the mass media, the ones that actually were performing as “dealers” for pharmaceutical companies and working off their fee diligently.
This is exactly what globalists staked at.
Featuring low vibrations thank to their subtle material structure or even lacking them at all, as far as clones and biorobots are concerned, these creatures were quite easily going through the aftereffects of the “salvational” injections, which inspired others to follow their example.
This was exactly the reason for the unforeseen large-scale participation and even craze that arose during the first months of general “vaccination”.
And many of these creatures are not experiencing any serious discomfort up till now since their vibrations do not exceed much the vibrations of the creatures whose genome was introduced into their body.
Yet, nevertheless, even their conscience is getting gradually degraded, which starts showing at the physical level more and more.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 30, 2023.

September 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Do not do others what you do not wish to yourself)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on relationships of man and woman at the threshold of the fourth dimension.
These relationships are made up of a lot of components and can be truly harmonious only when all of them are in balance.
So, for example, spiritual intimacy and compliance in terms of vibrations do not guarantee that the union of man and woman will be fortunate.
What is also necessary is sexual attraction – the very magnetism that arises between those in love or, in other words, a “spark” that later makes a “flame” of Love.
Yet, on the other hand, only sexual attraction to each other is not sufficient for a long-term and happy union either.
Sexual life should be necessarily balanced by spiritual intimacy and common interests.
And so as to find such a balance one should show a lot of patience since the nature of man and woman itself and their perception of life differ greatly.
It is of great importance to see the best things one’s beloved features and maintain them by all the means available inspiring them for “feats”.
And, on the contrary, to try to close one’s eyes to minor drawbacks to prevent them from growing into major shortcomings.
A loving heart will always prompt the right words and sensible decisions.
And it will be assisted by your developed intuition.
In the world of the fourth dimension people already get the rudiments of telepathic communication, which helps them keenly feel the desires and mood of a close person.
And in the world of the Fifth dimension everything becomes “transparent” this time as a result of which one can adjust one’s behaviour so that one’s relationships with the loved one can take a happy and harmonious turn.
Yet, already now, showing wisdom and patience you can create in your family as favourable atmosphere as possible where everyone feels nice and comfortable basking in Love and understanding for the part of a close person.
And so that it will be easier for you to reach this, revive the following expression in your memory as often as possible: “Do not do others the things you do not wish to yourself” or, in other words, “Treat people the way you would like to be treated”.
Let it become a golden rule for you not only in relationships between man and woman but also in respect of anyone you come across.
And if you learn to follow it all the time, it will be much easier for you not only to meet your “better half” but also make close friends spiritually congenial to you.
I bless you for this and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 28, 2023.

September 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Heavenly “matchmakers”)

Greetings my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about what the people who already find themselves at the threshold of the fourth dimension should be guided by while searching for the one they would like to live side by side.
Of course, in this case “searching” does not imply the artificial methods of the third dimension world, with hundreds of thousands of people finding “life’s companions” by means of different dating websites or social networking in the internet.
As a rule, such unions become as artificial as the very method of getting acquainted like this.
Why has it become popular so quickly?
The reason is the same here, too: this is the way globalists try to “digitize” even the most intimate sphere of human life.
We have talked a lot with you about the fact that all social network websites are but a trap for gullible human souls who do not think about that to put their life for show is not only unethical but also dangerous both physically and in terms of energy.
As a result, for many people the purpose of getting acquainted is either profit or entertainment.
And the rare pure souls that really dream about meeting their dear better half often get “entangled” in these tricky electronic “nets” rising to the fly of frauds, clones, reptiloids or other low vibration creatures embodied as humans.
It is only possible to really feel a person off-line during an immediate physical contact looking into each other’s eyes, not always though – so accustomed the third dimension world people have become to seem better than they actually are.
But, fortunately, those who have managed to increase their vibrations to the level of upper chakras can now scan information about other people “passing by” external manifestations and see their genuine essence.
On the one hand it can be called an advantage and from the other hand, such a profound vision of the people around brings a lot of disappointments to such people since not many human souls that find themselves next to them are similar to them in terms of both spirit and energy.
Yet, one should never lose heart.
Instead of this try to use your spiritual “tools” which are energy practices, ability to communicate with your Soul, applying for help to Safeguard Angels and your Heavenly assistants.
A lot of people forget about the fact that the Forces of Light are always happy to help you but in compliance with the Law of the Free Will they wait for you to ask for it – it can be said, for a certain “task” that they will be glad to fulfill for you.
Therefore, my dear, always try to make your application to them as clear as possible and, for your part, visualize the qualities of a man or a woman you would like to meet as vividly as possible, in the minutest details but within reasonable limits, anyway, so that your dream can be “reachable”.
And, of course, be very attentive to all the signs and clues that by all means will be sent to you by your assistants from the subtle level.
Now, when thanks to new energies time parameters on Earth have started changing, one’s desires come true very quickly, while the Law of Attraction helps people find each other according to vibrations.
That is why it is quite possible that still finding yourselves in the third dimension world you will manage to meet the one who you will be able to move to the fourth and then to the Fifth dimension with.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 27, 2023.

September 26

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Bodily purity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about your relationships with the opposite sex during the transitional period from the third dimension to the fourth one.
It mostly concerns, of course, those people who have not found their “better half” yet.
What should one be guided with in one’s search?
As a matter of fact, in recent years such people’s task has become much more challenging as now on Earth there are a great number of vaccinated people.
We have already talked quite a lot with you about what the so-called “vaccines” are, as well as about the consequences of their application pernicious for a person.
Therefore, now before making serious contacts with a man or a woman it is necessary to take into consideration this factor, too.
So, for example, a vaccinated woman will now be unable to give birth to a valid child even if it is conceived by her beloved man.
And it is not her fault but a trouble of hers, no matter what she was guided with letting introduce an unverified experimental preparation into her body, the one that changes her genome.
The same happens to a vaccinated man, too: his sperm conveys a genome alien to humans now.
And since this genome belongs to a low vibration creature, this time one will not be able to influence their level of vibrations whatever hard they try, for their conscience and body will get gradually transformed independently of them.
I understand, my dear, how much pain and sorrow can bring the awareness of this fact but this was a free choice of the people who took this “vaccine” despite the fact that there was plenty of evidence of its fateful consequences for humans and a lot of honest scientists and doctors were trying to warn people against such a decision.
You should accept these people’s choice without censure but alongside with this not let them drag you into the “slough” of low vibrations, either, which will reduce to nothing all your efforts on protecting your freedom and independence and, the most important thing, will prevent you from moving to the Fifth dimension.
That is why, my dear, whatever cruel it may sound, but the main criterion while searching for one’s better half is now becoming not only its spiritual but bodily purity as well.
And, fortunately, such people are quite numerous on Earth.
Well, what should be done by those in whose families one of spouses is already vaccinated?
As a matter of fact, it is growing into a problem nowadays and great misfortune, too since, as you already know, “vaccine” is contagious.
And in this case only a person themselves can make decision how they should behave – no one’s advice can be of any help here.
Only their Soul can provide them with a clue in such a complicated situation as it is only Soul that knows all the twists and turns of their relationships with their loved one and, maybe, not loved one.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 26, 2023.

September 25

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Not accidental children)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the attitude of the fourth and Fifth dimension people to child-bearing.
In the worlds of high vibrations there can be no children born accidentally, that is, conceived mindlessly.
But this does not mean at all that everything is strictly prearranged there since such a sacred act as conception of a new life is a creative process indeed.
And true creativity, as you know, is not subject to any regulations or scheduling – otherwise it will turn into a routine.
Therefore, conception of a child in higher worlds occurs when man and woman are at the supreme of spiritual and physical intimacy as a result of which their sexual energy achieves the maximum level of vibrations.
And it is of great importance because the higher parents’ level of vibrations at the moment of conception, the higher the level their future child’s souls can descend from.
This is how the Law of Attraction works, the one that makes no exceptions.
And even in the third dimension world you can notice the difference between a child of Love and an unwanted child especially if the latter was conceived at the moment of alcohol intoxication of one of parents.
The reason is that in the former case parents’ vibrations are high, while they are low in the latter case since an intoxicated person is under control of lower astral beings.
Of course, in high vibration worlds sexual relationships between man and woman can vary depending on various circumstances, too.
But child-bearing is treated with reverence there and they always try to create favourable romantic atmosphere and the most sublime emotional mood for such a sacred act as child conception.
And it always happens deliberately, which helps draw a Soul of a high order into this harmonious high vibration space and exactly the one that will perfectly match parents in terms of all parameters: energy, psychic and emotional.
It is really essential since even in higher worlds one and the same family can be born into by souls that have come from different dimensions to live through new experience.
Yet, unlike the third dimension world, where one family can happen to have pure Divine souls and reptiloids or other low vibration creatures that are embodied as humans, the worlds of high vibrations are inhabited by Divine Souls only.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 25, 2023.

September 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (For the sake of love)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on with the issue of relationships between man and woman and talk about how they are arranged in the worlds of higher dimensions starting with the fourth one where many of you already find themselves in terms of your conscience.
When a person’s vibrations reach this level, the astral beings of the lower order cannot reach for them anymore and, consequently, such manifestations as carnality and sexual promiscuity are excluded from such person’s life due to the energy mismatch of both with astral beings and the people under their influence.
As a result, sexual relationships between people in the fourth dimension acquire quite a distinct character – balanced and harmonious one since all their thoughts, emotions and actions are mindful now: they originate in Soul and Heart rather than Mind.
In the worlds of higher dimensions Mind is always secondary, though it cannot be depreciated either.
It is simply guided by quite different principles the main of which is the idea “To the greater good of all”.
And logical considerations are also appreciated.
So, for example, a person of the fourth or Fifth dimension who sees and feels keenly what occurs at the subtle level can deliberately let their beloved one go if they understand that they are not their genuine better half.
They begin to see all the nuances of relationships between people in a more voluminous way and to a fuller extent including their karmic ties and true spiritual unity especially if it has to do with congenial souls or twin flames.
And while in the third dimension world quite rare are the cases when a man or a woman let their loved one go to another person easily without offenses or censure being aware they will be much happier together, in higher dimensions worlds it is a common practice.
And it happens because in the absence of Ego Mind performs on the basis of quite distinct principles now, the ones that rely on logical conclusions and schemes which will do good to all the participants of this or that situation.
And, of course, one of the main principles like these is strict observance of the Law of the Free Will in respect of everyone.
Such feelings as jealousy, ownership, offense or revenge are so out of place there that even these emotions’ echoes that are typical of the third dimension world people get totally dissolved in the subconscience of higher worlds’ inhabitants.
Why can they let their beloved go so easily?
Because they know that they themselves will meet their better halves who, quite possible, at this moment let their beloved go having a presentiment of meeting those who are destined for them.
In higher worlds congenial souls find each other much faster since they can scan the information about each other at all the levels of existence and not only at the physical one, which is the case in the third dimension world.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 24, 2023.

September 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Child-bearing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on one more aspect of sexual sphere of life of modern people, perhaps, the most important one.
And at issue will be child-bearing.
Unfortunately, at this point people most often go to extremes, too: someone lets the things take their course giving birth to so many children that they are unable to support them, while some others deliberately refuse to have them finding a lot of reasons for this.
But the most horrible thing in your life is abortions that in many countries have not only gained a legal status but are also encouraged in many ways.
Some women have abortions thoughtlessly and with indifference same as have their bad tooth pulled out, while others comfort themselves with the idea that soul has not got embodied into an embryo at an early stage of pregnancy yet and, consequently, nothing wrong happens.
As a matter of fact, a Divine Soul gets embodied into an impregnated ovule of a woman right at the moment of conception.
This is when the sacred process of the origin and development of a new life is triggered, of another particle of the Creator arrayed in the physical body.
Since this moment Soul makes independent decisions that influence its current incarnation in the physical body.
And though each Soul chooses its parents and earthly path, the lessons it should learn to be exact, before its incarnation, sometimes it gets frightened with the third dimension world realities it begins to encounter still finding itself in a womb and prefers to leave this world not even having been born.
It is often the reason for miscarriages or stillborn children.
“Unforeseen” circumstances and medical mistakes – everything that happens at the physical level, as a rule, is just a consequence of the fact that this Soul preferred to leave itself having realized that it would not be able to cope with the things it had planned.
And sometimes, on the contrary, very mature and strong souls are born DESPITE ANYTHING, which is often called miracles.
Of course, nothing is as definite.
Sometimes between two souls – of mother and child – at the subtle level there is made some “contract” for living through the most challenging experience that can ever fall to Soul’s lot: the experience of losing one’s child.
Yet, anyway all the crucial decisions and scenario of developments in everyone’s life are first made at the subtle level of Soul and only then descend to the physical level.
And since few are to see this and, main thing, to understand it, on Earth the loss of one’s child is treated as the most horrible trial that can ever fall to one’s lot.
Well, what happens when a Divine Soul that has already started transforming into the human physical body is forcibly deprived of life?
At the subtle level it is considered as deliberate or indeliberate intervention into the Divine plan of the Creator and that of the Soul that has almost got embodied on Earth.
And at the physical level there occurs a murder that does not differ in anything from a murder of a grow-up since even a person that has not been born yet is already spiritualized.
And if people understood it, abortions would be made equal to a premeditated murder, which is punished even by the third dimension world laws.
But, as you see, this does not happen and, even on the contrary, in many countries of the world abortions are not only encouraged now but are also “given the rank” of some kind of progressiveness and “trend”, which is also one of the items of the criminal project of the deep state aimed at annihilation of humanity.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 23, 2023.

September 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Symbiosis of Soul and body)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the difference between the sexual life of the people whose conscience exists already in the fourth dimension world from that of most people of the third dimension world.
The main peculiarity of the fourth dimension people is mindfulness of all their actions.
And, of course, their sexual life is no exception.
These people are now unable to make sex for the sake of sex, which is, generally speaking, similar to carnality that we have already talked about.
Keenly feeling energies both in terms of themselves and other people they can make intimate contacts only with the people who coincide with them in a lot of parameters: spiritual, physical, psychic and emotional.
Their body is in complete harmony with Soul and conscience and vibrations have advanced to the level that astral beings cannot reach any more this time.
Therefore, these people can control their sexual desires and give free scope to them only when they have a truly loved person by their side.
Generally speaking, sexual energy differs little from other kinds of energies.
Its ideal condition is that of balance, as well as in case of other energies as any excessiveness results in decrease of vibrations.
Of course, in such delicate issue as sexuality there are no universal tips or recommendations since any person possesses their own temperament.
And since sexual relationships concern two people – man and woman, to find balance between them can sometimes be not easy.
But here intuition gives a hand.
People who sincerely love each other and whose relationships are based on both physical and spiritual intimacy can feel the desire of not only their own body but also that of their beloved one and, consequently, reach balance in this intimate sphere of their life, too.
Only such symbiosis of Soul and body of either of them can give them a genuine pleasure – the one that is hard to experience in the third dimension world where physical attraction to the opposite sex prevails most often.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 21, 2023.

September 20

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Natural sexual attraction)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message let us talk now about what natural sexual attraction is, the one that is initiated not by astral beings but an individual themselves this time.
Before all, unlike carnality, it can never arise under the effect of alcohol or narcotic substances when one is in an altered state of mind and, consequently, it is always deliberate.
And any deliberate desire is always natural for one – one’s own.
As a rule, one feels natural sexual attraction towards a person one really likes and not only in terms of appearance.
You have probably noticed a lot of times that sometimes an individual who does not look very attractive features unbelievable charm and natural sexuality.
Such qualities are typical of people who have their feminine or masculine principle shown vividly and who are accustomed to be referred to as embodiment of femininity or masculinity.
They literally pull up the opposite sex to themselves stirring very strong sexual desires in them.
And it is quite natural.
Even if such a person does not reciprocate their admirer, to some extent they become their teacher letting them feel how sexual desires show and what exactly should be searched for in their “better half”.
Such “teachers” for children can be their parents, too if they possess vividly expressed masculine and feminine traits.
And this is an ideal variant because a child can watch since an early age what relationships between man and woman should be like.
This is the reason why it is so important for a child to grow in a full family: in this case their sexuality will develop the natural way – without any complexes or extremes in any respect.
One should always keep in mind that growing older and creating their own family a child most often brings the style of relationships witnessed in childhood between their parents to it.
And it happens in them unconsciously.
Therefore, it is essential for them to see that there is spiritual intimacy between their parents, the one that their relationships are based on including sexual contact that for a child is expressed in gentle touch, hugs and affectionate looks.
It is of great importance for a child to see and feel since childhood the magnetism that exists between man and woman who love each other deeply and sincerely.
As a matter of fact, a child understands much more than their parents suppose.
A child is very observant and does not miss any trifle: not a single passing glance, gesture or, let alone, a word.
That is why always remember that to a large degree it depends on you whether your children’s sexual life will be full-fledged and really happy.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 20, 2023.

September 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Human sexuality during Transition)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to touch upon quite a delicate topic that many of you leave out.
And at issue will be the sexual aspect of your life during Transition.
A lot of my messages have already said more than once about the fact that the relationships between man and woman in the third dimension world are distorted to a large extent.
People often go to extremes either treating them as sinful or, on the contrary, indulging in lust and making sexual intercourse with random partners.
The former and the latter feature very low vibrations since such relations lack the most important component – Love.
As a matter of fact, sexuality or, in other words, sexual attraction towards the opposite sex is quite a natural feature of the human body.
It has nothing to do with anything shameful unless it is carnality.
Well, how does carnality differ from natural sexual attraction of humans?
Carnality is actually nothing but possession with astral beings.
They settle in the astral body of a person and constantly sustain their sexual desires.
As a result, such a person can make a sexual intercourse even with the people they hardly know – thus irresistible their sexual attraction to the opposite sex is.
Meanwhile, they are not aware of the fact that it is actually not their own desire at all.
And the proof to is the feeling of being drained that they experience after a sexual intercourse with a stranger.
Why does it happen?
The reason is, before all, that they give their sexual energy not to their loved one but to lower astral beings that are the ones to provoke them to such kind of coitus.
They are eager to get rid of their random sexual partner as a witness of their weakness and sexual promiscuity.
And it happens because this person’s Soul suffers from the sacrilege performed: that they turned a sacred act of merging of the masculine and feminine principles into merely physical coitus that is deprived of Love and tenderness that is typical of loving hearts.
Where does carnality come from?
Most often it goes arm in arm with other vices of an individual – such as satiety, alcohol abuse, unsatisfied ambitions and many others that are also sustained by the astral.
As a result, one gets into a total dependence on astral beings that eventually determine all their desires.
And especially insatiable are those of them who live thanks to human sexual energy – one of the most powerful energies in the Universe since it is this energy that creates a new life and is responsible for procreation.
And “reducing” this energy to the level of carnality one not only makes it depersonalized but also deprives it of the Divine principle.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 19, 2023.

September 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intentional and unintentional revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to explain to you in more detail the difference between intentional revival and unintentional one that was said about in my previous message.
As a matter of fact, there is a very fine distinction between them.
Well, a person who already has basic knowledge in some subject will get good results of their work much faster than the one who will grope their way – applying a trial-and-error approach.
And it is true about absolutely anything – both your professional activity and the most usual things to do around the house.
Spiritual knowledge is not an exception to this either.
And in this case of great importance is the source you draw it from.
The overwhelming majority of your planet’s inhabitants identify this knowledge with religion up till now.
But, as you already know, for centuries it was religion that had distorted genuine spiritual knowledge so as to put human conscience to submission and conceal from people the unlimited Divine potential of humans they are endowed with from birth.
And now you see the difference between fanatic believers – irrespective of religious confession they belong to – and those who simply live honestly being guided in their life by the Laws of the Universe that are internal and are not subject to distortion.
Some people follow these Laws intuitively, which is typical of very mature souls that have embodied on Earth a lot of times, while some others make efforts to monitor their thoughts and actions correlating them with the Laws of the Universe and being aware of the consequences of their violation.
An observant person who can see themselves in a sensible and impartial perspective by all means will see cause-effect chains of events in their life and will make some conclusions so as not to repeat their mistakes.
Therefore, it is possible to say that people who live in compliance with the Laws of the Universe, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, feature intentional revival.
Well, what about religious people who try to live according to “God’s commandments”?
A lot of them have it originated not in the heart, but mind – out of fear of punishment as well as of habit to obey somebody else’s will and follow all the instructions of religious spiritual teachers.
Of course, there are a lot of light people among them, too, yet, a religious dogma binds one hand and foot preventing one’s complete revelation of Divine potential – becoming aware of one being a true particle of the Creator, not a “God’s servant”.
But recently a lot of mature and pure souls have begun to move gradually away from official religions feeling their boundedness and search for an alternative to them in esoteric knowledge that is one’s breath of life now.
And it is these people who revive unintentionally since they have already “casted off from one shore” but have not managed to “pull in to another one”.
But as soon as they reach a quiet “harbour” in their Soul having acquired new life priorities that will lead their way to the road to Ascension, they can be ranked among the people who have revived intentionally.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 18, 2023.

September 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unintentional revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, as a follow-up to my previous message that said about two groups of people – those who believed the authorities unreservedly and those who could figure out the genuine message of the things in progress today we will talk about the segment of Earth’s population that cannot be ranked among either the former, nor the latter.
As a matter of fact, everything that is taking place on your planet cannot be considered from the black-and-white perspective.
A person, if it is really a human being with a Divine soul, is so many-sided and, even possible to say, of many faces that to describe all their qualities – strong and weak points – one needs a whole gamut of colours in the Universe.
Another thing is that for many centuries they have been doing their best to “decolour” people rendering them featureless grey.
This way on your planet there came into being a huge segment of population that can be called but “grey mass”.
And now an opportunity has arisen to introduce different shades – bright and lovely – even to these people.
In what way can it be done and who can manage this?
Of course, Divine energies play first fiddle here that are generously pouring down from above Heaven now.
Filling Earth and her inhabitants with themselves they are gradually dissolving the grey colour of the third dimension world energies and of people’s subtle bodies that are plunged into it conferring some colour shades on them.
And though in case of most people they are tones far from bright and saturated full-fledged high vibration energies of Ascension so far, the progress in such people’s conscience is becoming obvious this time.
They appear as if start reviving from a prolonged dormancy and looking around.
They notice little by little that the world has changed, that one by one it is left by the life priorities they got used to.
They begin to get frightened with it, which is the first impulse for them to show interest and desire to understand why it happens.
So, gradually these people start listening not only to talking heads on TV screens that they used to believe without a reserve but to other opinions, too that are expressed by their family, colleagues and friends.
They begin searching for the information alternative to the mainstream one and, to their surprise, discover such a huge amount of it that it shocks them.
Yet, first, out of curiosity and then out of self-preservation instinct they start getting deeply involved into it.
And the more they learn, the more extended their conscience gets being now ready to take in the information even most unusual for them and incredible from the point of view of common people.
This way there occurs unintentional revival, with the high vibration energies being “to blame”, the ones that are gradually forcing out from your planet the third dimension energies that have had their days and are being relegated to oblivion.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 17, 2023.

September 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Two sides of “coin”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the reason why for recent years a lot of people have had such an enormous leap of conscience towards Light.
As you already know, the Dragon reptiles and their marionettes at the helm have been nurturing the plans for total enslavement of humanity for centuries.
But in the beginning they did it slowly as if stealthily being afraid that people will be able to discern their project.
So, slow but sure they were making the idea of technological progress being inevitable clear to people, the one that will do them good, convinced Earth’s population of necessity of vaccination that will save them from a lot of diseases, were training people to use “miraculous” medicines – chemical preparations that substituted naturally occurring tried for centuries biological means of cure and modified foodstuffs…
And since all this has been made gradually, people were getting used to new life realities as gradually.
And all of a sudden – in three years – their plan’s implementation not simply began to speed up but turned into a panic haste.
It happened, first of all, because they, unlike the overwhelming majority of Earth’s population, were well aware of the fact that Earth is moving to another dimension and that to retard this process is only possible by decreasing her inhabitants’ vibrations as much as possible.
And therefore being concerned about the chances that means of human conscience and physical bodies influence they had at hand would appear not sufficient, they decided to go further.
So, out of the blue there appeared a “fatal” disease and “salvational” mass vaccination, “inevitable” quarantine and masking, which literally plunged people into shock “having pulled them out” of their usual quiet life.
Having locked people at home, they not only deprived them of freedom of actions and travel but also robbed them of the opportunity to communicate with nearest and dearest who are now scattered all around the world in case of many people.
And for many months Earth had been lost in melancholy and depression, diseases and deaths, which made your enslavers ineffably happy.
Yet, as everything in the dual world, this “coin” had two sides, too.
The suffocating atmosphere of total isolation, like litmus paper, made personal qualities of each inhabitant of Earth evident.
And they showed in an intensified – concentrated – way, which is always the case with humans in emergencies.
So, young and inexperienced souls as well as low vibration creatures embodied as humans showed their slavery psychology to a full extent.
While mature and pure human souls, on the contrary, “rose at their full height” not being afraid of the authorities’ anger and doing their best to open others’ eyes to the lies and crimes of the deep state’s marionettes.
This is the time when the flow of the true information befell people, the one about the horrible crimes of those at the helm of the planet and what their plans actually are.
Locked down at home people were readily absorbing huge amounts of this information new to them that was uploaded to the internet like from the horn of plenty.
It happened because by intuition they felt there was some trick in everything that struck them so unexpectedly and not having trust in the mainstream sources started searching for alternative information about the things in progress.
As a result, on Earth there appeared a large segment of mindful people who had managed to stem fear in themselves and embark on the path of liberation from the deep state’s power not only in terms of themselves but of the whole humanity as well.
This time they knew the enemy in the face, which promotes success to some extent.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 16, 2023.

September 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Step forward)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, let us go on talking about a new stage of developments on Earth that can be described as a step forward in comparison with the situation that arose three years ago.
Let us consider what used to happen then and what happens now from the point of view of the person who finds themselves at the threshold of Ascension.
For these years a lot of people’s conscience has undergone huge changes that in other conditions they would have to acquire for a number of their incarnations.
Of course, it has occurred not by accident.
This is the experiment thus unusual that a lot of pure human souls have incarnated for: to live through an instant in terms of the universe experience of conscience regeneration from dual into unipolar.
Far from all have passed this “exam” with an excellent “mark”.
Someone has managed this at the first try, while some others are still getting ready for it in the hope of being able to advance to the next stage of evolution of their Soul having not missed the chance so unique they are granted with.
Yet, few do this deliberately.
The overwhelming majority of Earth’s population does not know anything about Ascension and, consequently, “starting” position to live through this experience becomes much more challenging.
It is possible to say that some people are moving to their target with their eyes open, while others – in a blind-fold way.
Yet, despite this, the latter often leave the former behind.
And there are several reasons for this.
Many of those who have heard much of Ascension and are overfilled with the information about the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension start to feel being chosen and initiated not realizing that the knowledge of it itself does not guarantee their successful Transition at all.
For this to happen, it is necessary to do a lot of work having purified one’s conscience of centuries-old “foam” of the third dimension world with all its well-established stereotypes that have got eaten into human subconscience.
And to see such laborious work at oneself is not within everyone’s depth.
Most people get concentrated on external manifestations of the events in progress on Earth only extending their knowledge about them by means of different sources of information and searching for more and more evidence of the fact that Transition is inevitable and, the main thing, that there are people who make it closer.
As a result, they turn similar to the very average man, with the only distinction being that the former draw “knowledge” from TV programmes, while the latter – from alternative sources of information.
Of course, the difference in the view of the things in progress in terms of these groups is huge but the genuine knowledge about global changes on Earth does not guarantee automatic “pass” to the Fifth dimension, anyway.
And I want you to have a clear idea of it.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 15, 2023.

September 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (At the brink of precipice)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will start a new topic that has to do more with your future this time.
I know that patience in terms of many of you is running out because it seems to you that everything is happening according to globalists’ plan so far.
Externally it actually looks like this as power and mass media are still in the grip of the deep state’s marionettes.
But the deep state itself does not almost exist anymore.
And the thing here is not only in the fact that new energies are confidently forcing out the third dimension world energies and everything that has to do with it.
A huge role in elimination of the deep state’s influence on people has been played by mass disclosures of their crimes against humanity.
These disclosures are now assuming quite a different character since they occur at a lot of levels – starting from revival of common people and finishing with the government level in many countries of the world.
The reason for this is that for recent years there has accumulated an enormous amount of evidence of what stands behind the so-called “pandemic” and all the restrictions associated with it.
To conceal these facts is impossible now because too many people have encountered the aftereffects of the false pandemic and especially mass vaccination.
Millions of people have experienced horrible side effects, hundreds of thousands have become invalid and many paid their lives for the criminal experiments over people carried out by pharmaceutical companies that are in service of globalists.
At present an active struggle is in progress all over the world by honest doctors, scientists, lawyers, journalists and politicians against the deep state, their marionettes at the helm to be exact, the ones who are immediate executives of these crimes.
And though in outward appearance they repulse the blow, they are actually frightened to death with the inevitable reckoning for what they did since everything was done deliberately by them under the supervision of their “tutors” who remain behind the scenes, which does not relieve them of their personal responsibility for the crimes against humanity at all.
Yet, despite their desire they cannot stop now and not only because they are afraid of their masters but also because to confess their mistakes means to show weakness and political unsoundness for them.
That is why, despite anything they go on moving further like a train that has gained speed and cannot stop at the brink of the precipice.
And this absence of “brakes” in terms of the ruling top helps revive more and more people who do not trust their governments any longer and start searching for alternative ways of their own rescue.
Therefore, redistribution of forces in society is gaining in scale and the number of the people loyal to the authorities is getting increasingly smaller.
People eventually start thinking independently and ponder over their future in quite a distinct way – independent of the ruling top’s plans.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 14, 2023.>

September 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unique particle of Creator)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to explain to you why I pay so much attention to your spiritual work at yourselves.
We have already talked a lot about the fact that in the world of the Fifth dimension people become “transparent” to others.
It will be impossible to pass yourselves for what you are actually not there.
And so as to be ready for this, it is essential to develop such qualities as open-mindedness and naturalness in yourselves.
As a matter of fact, it does not mean at all that you should “open wide” your heart and soul to a man in the street already now.
In the third dimension world it will result in no good since there are few people around who can appreciate this to a full degree and not take advantage of your open-mindedness for their mercenary purposes.
So, the best thing you can do now is to remain neutral and reserved externally towards everything and everyone.
Yet, alongside with this you should be absolutely free from any stereotyped reactions to events and people.
If you manage to reach such a condition of Soul, then having moved to the world of the Fifth dimension you will be able to get adapted to new realities of your life easily indeed.
You will have nothing to conceal from the people around since you conscience is clear, while your inner world totally corresponds to your genuine essence – without mental or emotional surges or leaps.
But it is only possible to reach this condition if you have managed to eliminate duality in yourselves in all its manifestations.
In fact, any living creature on Earth has the right to be what they really are.
While people’s opinion about them is actually a manifestation of duality, besides, everyone adds their own shade to this opinion depending on their world perception and situation.
Therefore, one and the same person or event is perceived different by different people sometimes even with an opposite “sign”.
The same way one perceives oneself – in accordance with one’s upbringing, cultural level, life experience and most often overstating or, on the contrary, understating one’s abilities and innate qualities.
That is why the greatest wisdom and the summit of spiritual perfection is perception of oneself as a unique and inimitable particle of the Creator, the one endlessly loved by him despite all its imperfections that are inevitable in the world of the third dimension.
Do not be afraid to remain yourselves in any life situations.
Remember that the most valuable in a person is their naturalness, sincerity and benevolence.
These are the very qualities that are typical of higher worlds’ inhabitants and that you can develop in yourselves already now.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 13, 2023.

September 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Desire for spiritual ideal)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you about what a person who always remains sincere to themselves and the people around should be.
This is the ideal that should be sought and that is extremely rare to come across in the third dimension world.
The thing is that the third dimension world itself originally implies duality of every thought, emotion and deed of a person.
During all your incarnations in the third dimension world you have imbibed duality with your mother’s milk.
As a result, it has got firmly settled in your subconscience and become not only integral part of your being but also the main stimulus for progress – success and prosperity.
Therefore, so as to rearrange one’s conscience a new – unipolar – way, one has to make enormous efforts literally breaking the mentality and behaviour stereotypes one has got so used to.
I understand, my dear, how challenging the task you are to fulfill is: to seek spiritual ideal in the environment alien to you is not within everyone’s depth.
But, fortunately, spiritual work is invisible if you, of course, do not display it for people to see trying to seem better than you actually are, which renders its value considerably depleted.
The person whose conscience has already reached the level of the fourth dimension does not differ much from the rest in appearance except their calmness and serenity.
All their words and actions feature balance and reason.
They are not characterized by emotional surges or thoughtless impulses.
But the main thing – they can now be honest to themselves and, consequently, can easily trace the cause-effect relationships in terms of each their motive of action.
Therefore, they always remain themselves in each action of theirs being guided by intuition that prompts them the decision best both for them themselves and others.
Remember, we have talked a lot of times with you that any EXCESSIVE manifestation of anything always conveys low vibrations since it is not balanced and, consequently, not harmonious.
And, first of all, it concerns the inner condition of a person that gets inevitably expressed outwards later.
Now you have got everything you need to restrain your uncontrolled thoughts and emotions having directed them the harmonious way.
For this purpose invoke Divine energies as often as possible – the ones that correspond to your present-day level of vibrations.
The most versatile of them is the Energy of the Supreme Creator of the Universe.
It makes an invisible bridge between the third and fourth dimensions and facilitates your conscience smooth transition to a higher level of development.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 12, 2023.

September 14


Greetings, dear earthlings!
We have come today to support you in your hour of need.
We see that many of you have been overtaken by disappointment because of the fact that Transition has been prolonged that much.
You have such an impression because you take into consideration only external factors.
It seems to you that everything is running along the beaten track – in accordance with the plans of those who you call globalists.
But we would like to tell you that the scenario in which their plan on total enslavement of humanity could turn out successful disappeared from your time line and the fact that its “echoes” are still showing at the physical level by inertia is some kind of a “phantom trace” like the one that is left by an airplane that is flying away.
How and why has it happened?
The tide turned this summer that was the point of intersection of two time lines each of which began developing according to their own scenario.
This summer has determined your further destiny having become a symbolic “crossroads” for you at which one should make one’s most important choice.
But this time such a choice should be done by the whole humanity at the level of their collective conscience.
At this “crossroads” like on scales there were weighed all the parameters necessary for the humanity’s transition to the Fifth dimension: general level of vibrations, people’s degree of awareness, amount of souls revived and many more – subtler parameters of spiritual development of each person.
This summer humanity have passed their main examination in being ready for by far the greatest unprecedented evolution leap in their development.
It cannot be said that this “exam” was passed brilliantly, yet, humanity have managed to “move to the next class” and remain at the time line favourable for them.
And here the main assistants were your Souls that have gone through fire and water during hundreds of your incarnations in the third dimension world – like no one else they saw and understood all your troubles, ups and downs.
But the main thing, they knew about your greatest and most cherished desire to leave the dual world of the third dimension and come back home – to the world of Love and Light.
And this desire of pure and mature human souls has prevailed over all the rest and let humanity carry on moving along the time line that leads to the world of the Fifth dimension.
Now the representatives of the Forces of Dark embodied as humans will start leaving your planet faster following their scenario of developments, while those who have chosen Ascension will advance to their goal at an accelerated speed.
And we will do our best to help you from the subtle level to overcome all the obstacles on this way.
The Council of Elders of the Pleiades Constellation spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 14, 2023.

September 12

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Look into one’s Soul’s secret store)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
In my previous messages we dwelt on the two extremes of a person’s behaviour who wants to seem either better or worse than they actually are.
But, as usual, the truth is somewhere half way along.
Most often one has a lot of traits of one’s character “interweaved” and depending on the situation one can behave differently sometimes even becoming totally oneself this time.
Well, what does “remain oneself” mean?
As a matter of fact, so as to answer this question one should not be afraid to look into the inmost recesses of one’s Soul.
This is where your true desires hide away, the ones that give rise to your thoughts and actions.
But so as to figure out their gist, it is first necessary to become oneself for oneself, not for others.
And, for a start, try to track the course of your thoughts every time when you would like to initiate a conversation or offer your help to someone.
What are you guided by in this situation?
Maybe, by the desire to show your superiority or patronage?
Or maybe, it is a desire to control your close people having got deeply involved into their problems and worries?
Or, having done a favour to someone you unintentionally expect a good gesture in response?
And someone can strive to make up for their loneliness constantly offering help and support to their relatives and friends.
Such reasons can be numerous and from the point of view of the third dimension world person there is nothing wrong in this.
But if they are considered from a different level of conscience that is now close to the fourth and Fifth dimension, it appears a fraud in terms of oneself and the people you interact with.
These people cannot look into your Soul or see the genuine motives of your behaviour and, consequently, they unintentionally appear to be deceived.
But, generally speaking, deceived will be you, too since you pass the desired for reality not being able to identify what stands behind your motives of these or those actions.
So as to prevent this, one should not rush to help somebody or, on the contrary, refuse to provide help not having looked into oneself – into the things that drive one to make this or that decision.
And one should start taking actions only after one is absolutely sure of being guided by one’s Soul, not the resourceful Mind that is used to searching benefit in anything.
If you manage to listen to your Soul, you will feel it by all means: unlike Mind it always inspires one’s self-confidence and calm.
And this is exactly the condition that allows one to make the right and sensible decision for the greater good of all.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 12, 2023.

September 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Inner aggression)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about one more thing that prevents one from remaining oneself.
And this time we will consider another extreme: when a person tries to seem worse than they actually are.
Most often in this case the reasons for such behaviour date from childhood, too.
So, an unloved child tries to take revenge on everyone and anyone for their unlucky lot.
Their assumed rudeness or, on the contrary, a mask of indifference and reticence serve them as a “shell” that sometimes conceals a tender vulnerable soul which they feel shy to show to the world being afraid of mockery from the people around.
In this case another mechanism goes off – contrary to the one that was said about in my previous message.
And it is called inner aggression.
It lives in such a person irrespective of whether it shows verbally or silently.
This is where such expressions as “oppressive silence” or “ominous silence” originated from.
By intuition people always feel what they convey – what energy the “silence” like this features, the one that can sometimes be much more dangerous than vigorous emotions that are burst out.
This way a person who suffered a lot and lost trust in people expresses their attitude to the world and people around.
But no matter how such aggression is expressed: by means of rude words or oppressive silence it does not always reflect the inner essence of a person.
If such a person is surrounded with love and their feeling of total and unconditional trust is evoked, they can open like a flower having revealed their true colours – their gentle Soul.
It shows especially vividly in case of children who found themselves in kind loving hands after long suffering.
Well, adults, generally speaking, are children, too, with the only difference being the fact they are ashamed of expressing their feelings openly especially in front of the people they do not know.
And while in the third dimension world it is not easy for a person of a wounded soul to open themselves to others, in the world of the fourth and especially the Fifth dimension their “shell” will get dissolved in the beams of the Unconditional Love that reigns there and they will become themselves, which will change their life essentially having brought harmony, peace and quiet to it.
Yet, if you feel inner aggression towards people and the world in general, it is necessary to get rid of it already now, for it features too low energies that prevent one from breaking free from the metes and bounds of the third dimension world.
But it is possible to do this only when you have neutralized the prime cause of this aggression.
And next time we will talk about this in more details.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 11, 2023.

September 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Pain from childhood)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So, as a follow-up to my previous message let us talk about the things that prevent you from remaining yourselves all the time.
Most often one tries to seem better than one really is because of the desire to conceal one’s weak points.
As a rule, they are something too personal and so deep that sometimes a person cannot define clearly themselves what they are.
Most of them originate in childhood.
These are the very never-healing children’s wounds that influence all the grown-up’s life of a person in a hidden way.
So, if a child was often scolded and punished, being an adult they constantly strive for proving to others that they are good though no one is going to reproach them for anything this time.
This results from the fact that in their subconscience there got firmly fixed an idea that they are unsound in something.
Sometimes they cannot decide themselves in what exactly but since they were always scolded in childhood this has already become the “background” of their life: they are bad, invalid, not worth of being loved.
Well, lack of love is but the most horrible punishment in one’s life.
Therefore, so as to gain someone’s love one is ready for anything.
They start carrying their readiness for help too far – in an exaggerated manner – supposing that people should respond to their “kindness” with love.
And they get very surprised and offended if it does not happen.
But the reason for this is very simple: by intuition people feel their servility’s falsity – that they are not sweet but sugary.
Feel the difference between the two words’ vibrations.
True kindness is never unctuous, servile or obsequious.
True kindness is full of dignity.
But the main thing is that it originates in heart, not mind that is why it does not care about consequences or even gratitude.
A person who does good from the generosity of their soul is in essence different from the one who does “good” keeping the result in mind and expecting a response.
Not everyone is to feel this fine distinction but only those who feel energies keenly since deeds that seem similar at first sight can feature different vibrations – from the lowest to the highest.
So, in case of one person it can be a pure impulse inspired by soul, while in case of another one – expectation to get something in return, of still another one – the desire to highlight their strong points to be praised and so on and so forth.
There can be a variety of nuances depending on individual traits of a person as well as their latent deep complexes and inner shocks experienced.
That is why so as to get a true idea of oneself one sometimes has to come back to one’s past to recall one’s children and youth wounds that could influence one’s later world perception and attitude to people.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 10, 2023.

September 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To be and not to seem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about one more peculiarity that is typical of most people of the third dimension world that one had better start getting rid of already now.
And it is in that many people try to seem better than they actually are, which is hindering both for them themselves and the people around.
It is hindering for them themselves because they gradually stop taking themselves impartially having come to believe in the very image of themselves that they try to present to others.
As for the people around, they take such people not as they actually are.
And it is not hypocrisy at all that is typical of the people of a very low level of vibrations but a sincere desire to be good both in one’s own eyes and those of others.
But, generally speaking, it is fraud, too not deliberate though.
And so as to recognize it, one should be absolutely honest to oneself.
Well, how can the condition of maximum impartiality towards oneself be reached?
For this one should make a habit of stopping and asking oneself what one’s words and intentions are elicited by before saying or doing something.
Remember the proverb: “Look before you leap” that means “think before doing something”.
As a matter of fact, it is applicable absolutely to anything: not only to making some crucial decisions but even to a flying utterance.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are in the habit of flooding the people around with the first response that arises in their conscience.
It concerns both thoughts and emotions.
Besides, it does not have to be something bad but most often it is something stereotyped – the things that have got firmly settled in their subconscience.
And if you try to take yourselves impartially having analyzed your usual utterances and actions, you are likely to notice their repeatability.
And if you can go still deeper and understand what they imply, you can reveal a lot of interesting things for yourselves.
Of course, it is not easy since relationships between people are so complex and multilevel that it is quite hard to estimate them definitely.
But one should strive for this, and next time we will talk about the things that will help you remain yourselves under any circumstance – any time and any place.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 9, 2023.

September 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Keep up with the Joneses)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk about one more “attribute” of the third dimension world that has taken deep root in the conscience and subconscience of people.
And at issue will be your desire to live with the best.
As a matter of fact, it is based on the fear again but in this case this fear is the one a person is unaware of therefore it is not that easy to recognize.
Well, what does it imply?
First of all, it is one’s fear to get reputed as a failure, become an object of mockery for the part of the people around.
Well, this is what the consumerism society relies on, the one that gradually drags people into the “slough” of the luxuries they absolutely do not need.
Sometimes one does not realize oneself why one buys this or that thing, sets the goals that are absolutely alien to one, performs actions that are untypical of one.
And it is simple to explain: all the media, films, advertisements, internet videos are aimed at creating some kind of an ideal in human conscience that should be strived for.
Everything possible is done to kill individuality in a person and breed the herd feeling.
As you already know, this is the chief goal of the deep state that intends to submit people’s conscience completely.
As a result, the concept that one should have everything “with the best” becomes well set in one.
While if this does not happen, inferiority complex develops in a person that with the course of time gets even aggravated sometimes resulting in nervous breakdowns.
This is what the dual world is, the one where people divide into the rich and the poor, successful and failures.
Generally speaking, it is the desire to be with the best that is the main stimulus for the dual world person to make professional and career progress.
But in the Fifth dimension you will not need such a concept any more – on the contrary, it can just hamper the development of your individual qualities, your innate talents and abilities.
There you are to live not looking around at others but having plunged into your own inner world and following your Soul, not the things that are imposed on you from without.
You can well start developing these qualities in yourselves already now having got completely cut off from the well-established patterns of success and welfare.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 8, 2023.

September 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To new life with light luggage)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on one of the most important aspects of human life at the junction of two worlds that many of you have already come close to.
And at issue will be your readiness to refuse the attributes of life you got used to in the third dimension world.
Well, what are these attributes?
First of all, it is your habit to save some money for the future or, in other words, hoarding.
In the third dimension world there are several reasons for this.
One always wants to have guarantees that one will not be starving if one loses a job or in case of some unforeseen circumstances – such as, for example, economic or financial crisis.
Therefore, a lot of people prefer to save money “for the rainy day” instead of enjoying life when they have opportunity for that.
And even having lived through sad experiences when they lose their money as a result of the bank’s financial crisis that they were keeping their money in, these people follow the stereotypes well-settled in their conscience to save money for the future – and most often for their old age.
Yet, for many people old age may not come at all and, consequently, they are living their life in vain, the one that is deprived of enjoyment.
Why does it happen?
The reason is, before all, that most people live in fear that is artificially created by the deep state and all the social institutions in their grip.
Moreover, a huge number of people live on credit wishing to get the things that they cannot afford right now.
But it is credits that force one into the condition of a slave who works off one’s “ration” for bankers and loan sharks always living in an unceasing fear not to be able to pay the interests that are due to them in time.
So numerous are the ruined lives that lie heavy on the conscience of financial magnates who are faithful servants of the deep state!
As a result of this financial slavery, an individual cannot feel really free or happy, which is only possible when one lives at the moment of “here and now” enjoying all the gifts of life and communication with close people.
And this everlasting financial dependence perniciously influences the quality of communication between people since constant stress that is associated with the debt that is impending over them does not elicit their harmonious condition.
But even after one has thrown off the burden of responsibility of many years and paid off their lenders completely, their subconscience goes on keeping the imprint of dependence from state structures that had been instilled into their conscience for many and many of their incarnations.
That is why out of habit people continue borrowing more and more loans to purchase another fashionable luxury so as to keep up with the others, more successful colleagues and friends.
But to step into the world of the Fifth dimension will be only possible for those who have ultimately got rid of the habits of the third dimension world – this unsaturable consumerism society – and kept in their life “luggage” only the most necessary and, first of all, not material but spiritual values.
Only having little luggage with you and having “branched off” from the system with its enslaving terms in respect of people you can enter the world of Unity, Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.
And the steps essential for this should be taken already now and, before all, for getting rid of all kinds of fear of the authorities and financial institutions that in the world of the Fifth dimension will not be able to exist because of the incompatibility with the high vibrations of the new Earth.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 8, 2023.

September 7

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Neutralization of energy of chaos)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the way you can influence controlled chaos on a global scale now so as to minimize its consequences.
After you have brought your own energy space to harmony and directed your thoughts and emotions the constructive way, you can get down to a more serious work.
And this is what it can be like.
For a start, it is necessary to untangle the “ball of wool” that controlled chaos consists of.
As you have already understood from my previous messages, it is chaotic condition and unpredictability of events that are the main tool of globalists’ influence in terms of human conscience.
Therefore, so as to throw them off the track, you should figure out a logical and predictable chain of their actions.
And you have everything you need for this.
Since globalists do not conceal their plans in respect of humanity these days, you can easily trace cause-effect relationship of each action of theirs and, as a result, forecast the coming turn of events.
Unlike common people who see only the consequences of the events in progress not thinking over their underlying causes, you clearly see what, why and how is being made by the ruling top and what the final goal of their actions is.
This awareness itself is already enough to get rid of chaotic conditions in terms of your thoughts and actions.
This time you will not be blowing hot and cold in search of the solution best for you in case of an unforeseen situation since you decided for yourselves long ago that under no circumstances you will submit to the slavery condition that the deep state has prepared for humanity.
Everything is now as clear and easy to understand as ever for you so controlled chaos will leave you out.
Yet, you can go even further than that spreading your calmness and clear understanding of the things in progress to your close people, town, country and even to your planet depending on your energy potential.
To do so, as often as possible imagine yourselves as a powerful wave “generator” that emits the energies of Love, harmony and calmness across the distances as vast as possible increasing their radius of action more and more.
This way you will be able to neutralize the energies of chaos both in the space around and in the conscience of the people who find themselves in it.
And someone will even manage to transform them into high vibration harmonious energies of confidence and calmness.
Get some practice, my dear, in respect of your close people before you start working on a larger scale.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 7, 2023.

September 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy trap for chaotic thoughts)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way you can avoid the influence of controlled chaos on you both at the energy and physical level.
If you regularly purify your energy space and subtle bodies from all kinds of negative energies and alien programmes, it will be a great preventive measure against any influence on you.
But so as to make yourselves even safer, you can use the following practice that is quite possible to be done on the go.
We will call it “Energy trap for chaotic thoughts”.
And this is what is it about.
As soon as you feel that your thoughts start “rushing” chaotically from one issue to another, especially if they feature a negative character, try to visualize an energy trap that you drive them into.
In other words, instead of resisting them and getting annoyed with yourselves because you cannot tame them let the situation go and then let them finish their way in your trap.
Turn it into a game imagining as vividly as possible how all your unharmonious thoughts are attracted as if by a magnet to the opening of your trap.
You can even put some treat as a lure there and imagine the thoughts themselves as living creatures, who they actually are, since they were bred by your energy.
As soon as the door of your imagined trap closes behind the last thought that was stirred by your negative emotions, send the Flame of Universe Love to follow it so that it can purify the contents of the trap transforming them into primordial Divine energy.
After this you will feel your conscience getting amazingly relieved – your head enlightened in the direct meaning of it.
And so as to consolidate this condition, you can fill your conscience with new thoughts and affirmations of a positive – constructive – character having rendered them emotionally coloured with the Energy of Ascension.
Put all your Love and Faith into them in terms of promptest liberation of Earth and humanity from controlled chaos that was initiated by the representatives of the deep state.
The advantage of this practice is that you are not forced into certain frames but are facilitated with unlimited opportunities for fantasy and creativity.
This is independent energy work that you are quite mature for and I believe you can manage it.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 6, 2023.

September 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Physical manifestations of controlled chaos)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way controlled chaos shows at the physical level.
In the very name of “controlled chaos” there is implied the answer to the question.
So, the majority of “natural” disasters, for example, are far from being natural at present but are created so as to elicit chaos in certain places for certain purposes.
Sometimes this is the way some obstinate countries, their leaders to be exact, are punished.
And sometimes globalists burn out huge areas of land so as to use them in their mercenary interests.
In other words, most often it is not nature that is to blame for the tragic situations that arise in different places of your planet but hi-tech climatic weapon that can provoke earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, showers and storms.
And this work is carried out point-wise in accordance with clearly-set plans to introduce fear, panic and inconceivable chaos into life of millions of people.
As a result, following the preliminary treatment of human conscience at the energy level there comes real-life evidence of the numerous “threats” that are associated with the so-called “climate change”.
The same concerns foodstuffs programme, its antipode to be more precise, since globalists’ goal is to deprive people of their usual – natural – nourishment and substitute it with the one unnatural to the human body.
You already know what point of absurdity globalists have reached in their propaganda of insect consumption and creation of other artificial foodstuffs.
So as to set the stage for this programme, they ruin millions of hectares of fertile land and do their best to crush crops and wreck farmers’ businesses.
This way chaos is introduced into integral part of human life’s sphere that is in high demand – food industry, which leads to people being deprived of foodstuffs they need to stay healthy.
The same occurs in medicine and pharmaceutical industry.
Most medical chemical preparations feature such an amount of side effects that they do not heal but slowly kill people bringing inconceivable chaos into the body of the one who takes such “medicines” in.
To say the least of general “vaccination” that is but application of biological weapons that is aimed at cutting down your planet’s population as much as possible.
Therefore, controlled chaos is being instilled by globalists at all the levels: energy, psychic and physical, which turns the average men into a submissive weak-willed creature that is easy to manipulate directing their conscience and actions the way the former need.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 5, 2023.

September 5

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy of chaos)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to talk to you about how exactly controlled chaos is created.
Same as in case of any phenomenon it is based on the energy component that gets later manifested at the physical level.
But first, I would like to explain to you in what way the energy of chaos differs from the other kinds of negative energies that are in plenty in the dual world.
Unlike them, it is “manifaceted” and changeable.
As a result of this, it influences human conscience in an unpredictable way stirring up in one’s Soul emotional reactions as chaotic and sporadical.
Its “manifacetedness” is in that it simultaneously conveys a whole gamut of negative energies that entail each other.
Let us consider it in terms of the issue of “global warming” that is being widely discussed.
One has heard the intimidating forecasts for the future of inevitable natural disasters from all the TV screens recently.
And as a remedy for them people are appealed to reject everything that is dear to them: comfortable transport, favourite food, usual life style…
As a result, it seems to one that the world around is going to pieces.
And so as to maintain this unceasing fear in one’s soul, one is constantly supplied with more and more threats like a burner with fuel wood.
Being seized with the fear for their life and future people lose the ability to think clearly.
Chaos settles in their heads since their conscience does not have time to digest intimidating information that is coming in and in.
Well, this is exactly the main goal of globalists and their marionettes at the helm.
With the people feeling lost and intimidated like this it is now possible to do with them whatever one wants: seized with panic and fear they will agree to any “salvational” measures that the government will offer them.
And there is only one way to oppose this mass insanity: maintain one’s conscience energy purity driving out of it all the chaotic – alien – thoughts that they are always trying to instil into it.
As often as possible do séances and meditations on purification of your subtle bodies from all the negative energies and alien programmes.
And of course, be really selective as far as information sources are concerned checking each of them for vibrations.
If you stick to personal energy “hygiene”, any threat will keep away from you at the physical level, too.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 5, 2023.

September 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Controlled chaos)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to start a new topic and talk about the present-day situation on Earth that can be defined as “controlled chaos”.
Besides, this chaos is not only event-trigger but also psychological – moral one.
How and why has it arisen?
Everything was occurring little by little so as to drive people out of balanced condition having deprived them of their usual life landmarks.
The masterminds of this chaos as usual remain behind the screen letting its executives do the “dirty” job – their marionettes in the power institutions of most countries of the world.
We have already talked a lot with you about the fact that the main tool for human conscience control is fear in all its manifestations, which the Dragon reptiles have actually been making use of for millennia.
But now at the joint of two worlds, with the high vibration energy of the fourth and Fifth dimensions increasingly ousting out the low vibrations energies of the third dimension world, the deep state so as to survive and maintain power has to increase the “degree” of population’s intimidation all the time.
And for this they are trying to make people’s conscience dimmed to the extent that they will stop orientating themselves in the current events that interchange like in a kaleidoscope, with one being more scaring than another.
As a matter of fact, everything is thought over in details and all the events that are now in progress on Earth were planned long before being implemented.
And there is a lot of evidence of it: articles, interviews, statements and speeches of globalists that are now being uploaded to the internet in plenty by the people who are trying to get through to the other part of Earth’s population that have not revived yet.
But there have arisen new unexpected elements, too that are related to the Transition of your planet to a new level of development.
And this obstacle unsurmountable for the Dragon reptiles has resulted in the fact that they had to act at an accelerated speed having curtailed their programme up to several years.
Common people’s psyche, of the so-called average men, has turned out to be not ready to thus sharp changes in their life.
Most of them failed to collect their thoughts and take a sober view of the situation.
Instead of this they passed their destinies’ reigns of government and even of their lives themselves to the authorities supposing that elected “representatives” of the people will protect them from the danger that threated them.
And up till now the majority of people do not believe that those whom they regard as their defenders are exactly the main enemies of theirs – the “shepherds” appointed by the deep state and meant to drive their “herds” to one “sheep pen” by all means.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 4, 2023.

September 3


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the talk about a new stage of your confrontation with the Forces of Dark, I would like to draw your attention to one more important aspect that characterizes the present-day situation on Earth.
Perhaps, many of you have noticed that while globalists’ henchmen used to act cautiously – on the quiet and concealing their true intentions from people, now they are doing everything openly as if feeling their absolute impunity.
They are even talking about their monstrous plans not being afraid of people’s opinion having become assured that the latter will obey them without a murmur.
Why does this happen?
There are several reasons for this.
And the main one is that people have let them take control over themselves.
As a matter of fact, the Dragon reptiles did not expect Earth’s population to yield to all their demands that are related to the false pandemic so easily, as well as to the general vaccination and other restrictions that followed.
It was their “touchstone” that hit the target so precisely that the deep state’s marionettes being inspired with the success decided that now it is possible to put their programme on enslavement of humanity to life in the shortest time, the one that was initially designed for a decade.
Having lost fear of people and respect to them at the same time they started to act impudently and cynically treating people as their slaves who will be promised a pittance in case of their implicit obedience.
As for those who will dare disobey, they are awaited by punishment up till prison.
This is exactly the reason for censorship and tracing of personal correspondence of people to be introduced at every turn now.
Generally speaking, these are the purposes that the internet and mobile phones were meant for, the ones that have already become integral part of almost everyone’s life.
The other reason is that despite all the efforts of globalists to decrease vibrations of people and, consequently, of Earth as a whole, new energies go on arriving at Earth at an accelerated speed now.
Therefore, the energy confrontation between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Dark has reached its crucial stage here.
And in this case it is beyond the depth of the Dragon reptiles and their henchmen at the helm to change something.
These are the very objective conditions that do not depend on them.
As a result, they have decided to double their effort in the sphere of human life that they can influence physically and which will inevitably lead to the decrease in the overall vibrations of people and Earth.
So now they are working simultaneously at each point of their programme, which you can witness everywhere.
This is the reason why to a normal sensible person it seems that the world has gone mad.
Actually, it is made so by a group of the insane who are controlled from behind the scene and who have got it in their heads that they are the lords of Earth.
And now it is possible to stop this satanic dancing on people’s bones one way only: by mass opposition to globalists’ attempts to drive people to the traps they are already familiar with.
And such “traps” are set at every turn now.
Among them is an upcoming “fatal” virus with “salvational” vaccines against it and “frightening” consequences of climate change and general digitizing and many more – everything in conformity with the plan developed by globalists.
And to lead the way of mass disobedience should the very groups of like-minded people that were spoken about in my previous message.
They will be gradually jointed by those in doubt, which will create quite a powerful wave of opposition having cooled the ardour of the ruling top that have gone too far.
It is never too late to correct mistakes, my dear – the main thing is to realize them!
And I believe that it will happen to many people on your planet.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on September 3, 2023.
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