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August 29

Due to hurricane preparations and the sudden passing of one of my closest friends, there will be no daily message for the next couple of days. I just need a little time to get my bearings again.

August 28

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing weight gain and the spiritual journey.
I often hear from people who want to know how they are doing everything right and still can’t seem to drop any excess pounds they are carrying. This is what I have learned from Gabriel on this topic along the way…
Filtering energy. Sometimes enlightening human beings will carry more weight if they are using their body as energetic filters. A larger body will give more area to allow you to run energy through. If you feel you are in service to the earth and this may be what is going on with you, I highly recommend you start a daily energetic clarity practice that will allow light to do the filtering rather than running it through your own body.
A good one is to simply imagine a golden spark, in your centre, wherever you think your centre is, and imagine it growing and growing until it expands well beyond your physical body in all directions and you are now encircled with beautiful golden sparkling light. It is especially important to make sure you see the light going well into the ground under your feet. This way the light will do the filtering. By shifting into this practice, you will find it easier to lose weight if that is why you were carrying the extra pounds.
On the topic of your energetic practices, do you ground yourself regularly? If you are not in the habit of grounding, you may start to hold onto more weight as a grounding mechanism. You can simply imagine there are roots from your feet that go several feet into the ground underneath you. Feel yourself connecting to the earth and also feel the earth connecting to you. (Gabriel recommends not going deep into the earth because you are where you are on the planet for a reason. Just a few feet will do.) Or as Lauren Gorgo recommends, simply imagine your feet are magnetic and stick you onto the planet. Walking outside in your bare feet with the intention of connecting with the earth will work well, too. It doesn’t have to be a complicated process.
Self protection. You may also be carrying extra weight to act as a barrier between you and another person/people. You may wish to explore why you are continuing this relationship if you feel you need to protect yourself from another. If getting out of the situation is not possible at this time, doing the light technique outlined above will help, but this time use pearly white light. Ask the angels to put the person/people that are problematic in their own bubbles of pearly white light, as well. This can be very effective in getting people to simply stay in their own energies, making the extra weight you use as a barrier unnecessary.
Sometimes integrating new energies can cause bloating aka buddha belly. This usually passes fairly quickly.
Diet. A lot of people get drawn to trying a new diet, which works well initially and then stops working. This is because your body and its energetic needs will change with the shifting energies. The best way to honour the body is to practice inclusion rather than exclusion with your food. It’s a small shift in focus but it can be powerful. Simply ask your body what it needs in that moment and lovingly give it to it. When it knows it will get what it needs all the time, it will stop hoarding energy to use in the form of extra weight.
Movement. Now is not the time to be ignoring your body and powering through. If it needs rest, let it rest. But bodies in general like to move. What kind of movement does your body crave today? Just like your diet, listen to your body and be willing to let it take the lead.
Self love. Self love can be one of the most important things you can do to allow yourself to lose weight. As we outlined before, you will hold onto weight if you feel you need to protect yourself from someone else’s energy. If you are constantly thinking mean and judgemental thoughts toward your body and your appearance, you will hold onto weight as a form of protection from yourself! Becoming a safe and loving person for yourself is key to allow your body to shift into its perfect expression of self.
I’ve noticed myself being extra hungry lately. I’m hearing it from a lot of my friends and clients, too. I’m also noticing the same with fatigue. That tells me that the shifting we are doing is requiring a lot of energy. If you are legitimately hungry, please allow yourself to eat. It will get burned up quickly under the demands you body is currently going through.
And if you are craving a specific food, please give it to yourself. It is much like being pregnant. If you are craving something it is because your body requires some nutrient contained within that food. For example, your brain requires simple sugar to rewire. If you are denying eating it because you’ve been taught sugar is bad, you will make the process much more difficult than it needs to be.
Personally, I haven’t figured out just yet what my body is doing with it, but I will go through certain phases where my body really wants popcorn. I’ll go on a popcorn kick for a bit and then I could care less about it. (Yes, I make sure it’s non gmo.) I just trust my body knows what it is doing.
You can always tell if you are making a conscious choice because your body is truly hungry and asking for something it needs, or an unconscious choice based on unhealthy habits that are not in line with what you truly want. If you are unsure you can also get into meditation and ask your body directly what it needs from you.
Employing all of the above will allow you to create a safe and loving environment for the monumental job your body is doing as it continues to move through your embodiment process. If you are reading this you are absolutely ready to step into more mastery with your habits and your body to help guide it through this shift with much greater grace and ease.

August 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Actual picture of current events)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to summarize our talk on integral mentality.
Well, what should you do to develop it?
Before all, it is necessary to maintain your vibrations at the level of your upper chakras that are a bridge between the physical and subtle worlds.
Without this it would be impossible to reach the intuitive reality perception that is the main component of integral mentality.
The next step can become your ability to recognize and neutralize in time the influence produced on you by the secret methods of the media whose aim is to keep people in unceasing condition of fear.
For this it is essential to learn to control one’s spontaneous reactions and do not let get oneself involved into the general stream of negative energies that are evoked by unpleasant and sometimes tragic news.
This is exactly the main goal of globalists: to keep Earth’s population in fear all the time telling about the threats that lie in wait for them, which decreases human vibrations considerably.
Having heard another piece of news of a negative character do not be quick to take on trust those who present it to you.
Instead of this immediately try to redirect your attention inwards: let your Soul respond to this news.
It is quite possible that its reaction will be rather different, for from the subtle level it will be able to see not only concealed motives of an unpleasant event but its consequences as well.
Anyway, it will be able to switch over the focus of your attention from logical mentality to abstract one or to combine them in the most harmonious way.
Always remember that the main enemy of humanity is “herd-like” linear mentality that is most often controlled from without by the so-called “lords of the world” and they do it, of course, in their mercenary interests only.
After you have managed to withdraw from the general stream of negative people’s energy who rose to the fly of globalists’ henchmen, take your time to think over the information received calmly switching on your logical mentality now, too.
Check out for the current events in alternative sources of information – the ones you trust completely and that elicit your high vibration response.
It is quite possible that there you will find the information absolutely opposite to the one that the mainstream channels are trying to communicate to you.
So, having felt falsity in terms of the authorities by intuition and having made some efforts you will be able to develop the actual picture of the current events and, consequently, to find the right decision for your further actions.
I know that this is how many of you behave and it proves that you feature integral mentality already.
Therefore, now you just have to consolidate this skill making it automatic – so that it will become your well-established spontaneous reaction to any event in your life.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on August 28, 2023.

August 25

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week’s daily messages is:
I use the power of my focus wisely to give my blessing of continuation.
Have a wonderful weekend!

August 24

Dear Ones, you know as human beings that if you wish to hit the ball with a bat, you keep your eye on the ball. By doing so, the bat naturally aligns to hit the ball. If you wish to draw a straight line, you look at where you want the line to end and your mind and body cooperate to get the line there the straightest way possible. If you look at your pencil rather than where you want the line to end, the line will start to stray off course.
The same it is with your intentions. If you keep your focus on how you wish to express yourself, you will naturally align with that experience because all of your systems will activate and cooperate in order to make that happen. Your focus is such a profoundly powerful tool in so many ways, all designed to make your truest desires unfold for you. You might think of it as operating your internal gps with your eyes (the windows of your soul) and attention. Is it time to explore whether your focus and your intentions are one and the same? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 23

One of the gifts of the times you are in right now is that you are aware you are releasing and leaving the past behind, yet you have no idea where you are going. We wish for you to know what a blessing it is that you are in that space, because you cannot connect to the past which means you can’t continue to live there, and you cannot connect to future because have no idea what it holds. Thus, you only have the present moment, which is where your true power lies.
This is a wonderful example of how the current energies are serving you beautifully, even if you may not be aware that is the case. Learning to simply stay present is a very important skill to develop before you step fully into the new, and that is exactly the skill you are learning to get comfortable with. We wish for you to know there is so much more going on than you realize! You are being served right down to the tiniest detail by the state of the energies and the built-in opportunities they bring. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 22

Dear Ones, your focus is your magic wand as it directs the trajectory of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 21

It’s Metaphysical Monday. Today we answer the question: Why am I feeling so much grief lately?
After last week’s post about the intense energies we are currently in, a lot of people commented that they’ve been feeling grief. I’ve been experiencing that myself, so I thought it would be good to explore why that is happening. (This post is about the experience of grief as part of the shift we are going through, not due to the loss of a loved one.)
As we continue to evolve and grow, we process elements of our past that we weren’t ready to tackle until now. In many cases we are feeling grief for how we were treated by others, grief for how things could have been different but weren’t, and grief for the ways we allowed ourselves to accept less than what we really deserved. If you are feeling any of this, please know it is an indicator of growth and an opportunity to ultimately come to a greater place of peace with your past.
Gabriel tells me that any great change we experience in our lives will go through the stages of grief as we have one ending before we step into a new beginning. These stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It makes sense to me if we are moving through such a huge shift in consciousness that we would experience these emotions as we wrap up that first phase of our incarnation.
The trick here is to simply know this is normal, to honour the emotions as they come up, give the part of you that is grieving the love and support you needed before and didn’t get, and understand that you are part of a process that is leading you to true acceptance. That is when you know you have completed the process and are really ready to begin the next phase.
It is also important to remember that they might not come in that exact perfect order. That’s okay if they appear differently. You aren’t doing it wrong, just some elements may have already been done, or others may need more attention.
I myself was surprised at feeling anger over my childhood. As someone who is so into spirituality, anger is something I rarely experience now, but there it was. It would have been easy to just deny it, thinking it’s not spiritual to be angry. But I realized that it was actually incredibly healthy that I was finally allowing myself to feel anger. Anger can be empowering, and can lead to standing up for yourself, especially if that is something that you hadn’t been allowed to do before. It was good to feel the anger, see the growth that was apparent for finally feeling it, and to let it go.
Depression is such a common experience during the ascension process. It is a new perspective to see it as part of a greater process that is leading you somewhere, rather than judging it as some kind of deficit within ourselves.
The more you learn to love and honour yourself, and have healthier boundaries, the more you may find yourself having these emotions. Again it is a sign of growth. Just as we can’t skip stages of growth, we can’t skip the experience of having healthy emotions, in fact, having them can be exactly what finally releases us from the past.
So be kind and patient with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you if you are going through this. Emotions are healthy to have, and some of them may have been desperate to be acknowledged by you for a very long time. Honour them one at a time, see how they are indicators of your growth, thank them for their service, and let them go. By fully processing the past you release the need to ever have that experience again, and you can look forward to a future that is full of promise.

August 18

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I am the empowered leader of my life expression.
Have a wonderful weekend!

August 17

It is safe to have faith and trust that you are ready to be the empowered expert of your own unique path. If your intention is to have your highest life expression, you will make choices that align with that. If you were about to make a choice that didn’t match your intention, not only would you get very uncomfortable until you had no choice but to redirect, your higher self and your guides would step in to get your attention and make you aware, as well. It is a fail safe system when you are clear about your truest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 16

As you deepen your faith and trust in yourself and your divine capability, you start to trust your own instincts which will smooth your path considerably. It will lessen your experience of fear and doubt and help you stay anchored in your knowingness and beingness. This stabilizes not only you but also provides stabilization points for the planet. Yet again, your growth and presence is your service and assists both the one and the all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 15

You are being called to remember what you know and put your focus on what you know, deep in your centre, to be true.
It is much like graduating from university. You are stepping forward into a new stage of your life. The studying is done and it is time to step forth as the expression of your learning, wisdom, skillset, and latest level of attainment.
This is a time of deep and abiding faith and trust, not just in your guides and the entire process, but also in your own divine capability and your readiness for this next exciting chapter of your incarnation. You have prepared long and hard for these times, and it is a joy and an honour to be on the precipice of experiencing yourself as the embodiment of who you really are, and it is a joy and honour for us to be witnessing you as you do! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 14

It’s Metaphysical Monday. Today I’d like to talk about the current energies.
These energies are really freakin intense! By now most of us have developed some level of skill in moving with the energies. You pretty much have to learn how to do that if you are going to keep any semblance of sanity. But the last week has really been next level, so I thought I’d discuss what I’ve been feeling and what seems to help.
Symptoms I’ve been experiencing:
Bouts of fatigue where I just have to lie down, usually in the afternoon. Interestingly, if I listen to my body it turns out it didn’t even need a nap, just a little rest. This is not the time for powering through.
Deep, long sleeps. These deep sleeps are integral to some energetic downloads and are so sweet and luxurious feeling. (I know a lot of us have struggled with being able to sleep, but I’m not experiencing that in this latest round of energies.)
Being hungrier than usual, often hitting late evening or in the middle of the night. The energies we are integrating are requiring a lot of energy, so listen to what your body is asking for and give it what it wants. This won’t last for long.
Super loud ringing in the ears.
Vivid dreams.
Trouble meditating.
A feeling of the ground moving underneath you. It’s almost like a wave of dizziness but not quite. And it doesn’t last long. This tells me there’s a change to the magnetics happening on the planet.
My dogs aren’t themselves.
Dehydration. (Extra, extra, extra important to get adequate hydration when you add this to the heat so many of us are experiencing.)
Moments of overwhelm and feeling like what’s the point.
Moments of beauty and appreciation.
Feeling the need to organize and clean out your living space.
Having NO idea where you are going or what you are supposed to do, yet feeling something very big is about to break through.
And so much more….
There are so many swings happening it’s enough to make you think you are losing your mind. But you are not. We were born for this.
So what helps? Getting out in nature. Submersing yourself in salt water. Quiet activities that are soothing to your soul. Focusing on supporting your human self. And looking for the good in the phase you are in.
The good you ask? Physical symptoms don’t generally last long and they are proof positive that we are going through the shift. All of what we are going through is helping us develop the skills we need in order to operate in the higher energies. And Gabriel repeatedly tells me that not knowing where you are going is the most powerful place you can be, because you won’t be constraining your possibilities with expectations and will give yourself permission to simply be curious and exploratory.
And honestly the only way to navigate your life in an empowered way, no matter what the energies are doing, is to simply make your highest choice one now moment at a time, and I know that is something that we can all refocus and do. Sending you big love and lots of encouragement as we go through this together!

August 11

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to wrap up the week of daily messages is:
By practicing inclusion I expand my life experience in the most wonderful ways.
Have a wonderful weekend!

August 10

If you are wishing to have more of something in your life, start to explore whether your focus, thoughts, and actions are towards the inclusion of it. What are your beliefs about it? That it is hard to get, impossible to find, available for others but not for you? If you start to look for the presence of it in your life, however small, you shift from experiencing it as something outside of yourself and difficult to attain into something you already have. By acknowledging that and having gratitude for it, you will only grow your experience of it because now you have claimed it as already existing for you. That is the empowered change of focus from exclusion to inclusion and how all great things are created. The time is now to start to understand the incredible power of small shifts of conscious awareness and the changes of potential they create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 9

The focus shift from exclusion to inclusion, simply put, is deciding what you want to put on your plate from the buffet of life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 8

Instead of being on the lookout for what you can reject from your experience, what if you shifted your focus onto what you wish to include as part of your experience? We’ll tell you what would happen. You would feel much more satisfied with your life, you’d be paving a path forward of preference and appreciation, and because you’d be practicing inclusion, you’d be moving from separation consciousness into unity consciousness. All of these are game changers and all they take is a shift of focus. Look how powerful you truly are! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 7

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s post answers the question, “Does unconditional love mean I need to accept people’s treatment of me no matter what?”
Unconditional love can be a confusing concept. Misuse of the concept can result in denying ourselves and allowing another to walk all over us without any repercussions in order for us to deem ourselves spiritual. This has opened the door for people to stay in out of balance, co-dependent, or even abusive relationships. Unconditional love never asks that you must deny or reject yourself and your needs in order to love another.
Unconditional love without healthy boundaries can be a recipe for disaster. If you have had trouble with boundaries in the past, it might help to start to look at boundaries as not a rejection we use as a punishment or a triggered reaction, but rather a new point of connection that is consciously chosen that serves everyone involved.
Unconditional love says I love you for being part of the whole and I have love and compassion for where you are on your journey. It in no way means you have to be a doormat for another while they are in the process of figuring themselves out. That is where healthy boundaries come in. While a lot of people think healthy boundaries are about shutting people out, in reality, healthy boundaries are about finding the point of connection that is safe and empowering for everyone involved.
Allowing yourself to be abused or mistreated in any way is not practicing unconditional love for yourself. It is also not loving to support someone in continuing to show up in such a lesser version of themselves if they are not behaving respectfully to themselves or to others.
People grow from having consequences to their actions. By not making them accountable, you are keeping everyone in an abuse loop where no growth can occur. Further, allowing someone to continue to treat you badly will only erode their sense of worth and add to the healing they will eventually need to do because it will add shame and regret to the pile.
Unconditional love says I love you for where you are on your journey so for both of us to have what we need, this is our connection point. If you can’t meet me there right now, I understand. Because I love you the door will be open for you to come closer if some growth and evolution occurs and we can connect in a way that supports us all.
But for right now, this is where it is most empowering for both of us. It is empowering for me, because it keeps me safe and grounded in my truth and wisdom, and it is empowering for you because I want you to learn and grow. I allow your guides to take on that job of leading you with my full faith and trust because I don’t have the vantage point to know what you are here to learn and experience.
We can love people in whatever remembrance of self they are in. We can give them grace if they come around from a new level of understanding, just as we appreciate when people have grace for us when we make mistakes. That is also the embodiment of unconditional love.
Unconditional love is fair and consistent. It knows when to step in and when to step back. It honours the growth and sovereignty of everyone involved in the healthiest ways.
So if loving a person is hurting you, you may wish to step back and reevaluate where the best connection point is for you. But know even if it needs to be quite a distance from where you are right now, it doesn’t mean you don’t love them. It just means you love them enough to allow them to start to have the appropriate responses to their actions, and that is exactly what will facilitate growth and ultimately pave the way for them to be able to connect with you in a closer, and safer way, in the future.

August 4

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I am ready and willing to see what I couldn’t see before to serve my soul’s evolution.
Have a wonderful weekend!

August 3

We understand that so many of you are deeply dedicated to your growth and evolution. Rather than seeing recurring themes as frustrating, we wish for you to realize they are simply in place so you can never, ever miss an opportunity for growth and expansion. In a sense, you could look at it as a built-in safety net you have provided for yourself because you had the desire to explore and master that certain theme.
Your soul really doesn’t care whether you get everything there is to know about a theme in your first dance with it or your fiftieth because your soul knows that all experiences have value for you and that all movement ultimately ends up being forward movement. Whether it comes from figuring out what you don’t want first, or whether it comes from just following your preferences, there is no right or wrong because it will all eventually lead you to the same place.
So be easy on yourselves and know that you wouldn’t have chosen a theme if you didn’t have everything in place you needed to master it. It is up to you how you decide to approach it, but rest assured you are thoroughly loved and supported however that may be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 2

We spoke yesterday of how the reemergence of a theme can be a sure sign of your evolution. This might lead you to ask, “How do I know a theme is showing up again due to growth or because I’m somehow blocked and missing something?”
It is quite easy to tell the difference. If you are blocked or missing growth opportunities within a theme, you will be feeling quite triggered. Likely the theme has been a constant, as your soul has been trying to get your attention to address it. You may still be having the same thoughts you have always had about it, or be very resistant to even look at it.
If you have experienced growth within a theme, you will have had a break from it for a while. When it comes back around, you will have less emotional charge about it. You will be able to examine it with curiosity and see something new that you hadn’t been able to see before.
Generally speaking, each time a theme comes around it becomes easier and easier to look at. That is because you are gaining mastery over the theme, and are no longer feeling powerless about it. The first times you are really willing to explore it often are the most difficult but the first steps are also the most powerful because you are taking your power back. While we understand it is never fun to look at difficult topics, what is even more painful is feeling powerless in the face of them and trying to stay in a state of unconsciousness with them.
The fear of looking at your theme is often worse than actually doing it, so we encourage you to begin to take baby steps of exploration, secure in the fact that your guides, angels, and highest self will be there loving you through every step. It is work that you will be happy you did because it will lead you to greater peace every time that theme comes around until it holds no charge for you at all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

August 1

Memories of old wounds may be coming up, not as a punishment or an indicator of how much more work you need to do on yourself, but rather as an opportunity to explore them from your latest level of attainment. Often you will go through a shift that will allow you to process them more thoroughly from a new space of wisdom, greater understanding, better self love and respect, or simply to show you how far you have come. As you have certain themes you wish to gain mastery over in this life expression, this is all part of the process and never an indication there is something wrong. In fact, it is a sure sign of evolution and progress. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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