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July 31

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be answering the question: Do narcissists really target empaths?
This is a very delicate topic because so many tender souls have had the experience of loving someone with narcissistic tendencies. I myself had a relationship of this sort that lasted for over a decade, so I understand all too well the pain and emotional turmoil that goes with these types of relationships.
As I have grown and evolved in the years since I’ve been out of that situation, and have had Gabriel’s input on these types of situations, I have developed a somewhat different viewpoint than a lot of people have with the empath/narcissist dynamic. In no way am I trying to diminish the pain of these relationships. I am simply hoping to offer an expanded viewpoint on what is going on here so that people can feel more confident moving forward.
Are there narcissists out there? Absolutely. Is getting into a relationship with one incredibly painful and completely draining? Absolutely. But to present it as if the narcissist is some kind of boogeyman that is hiding in the bushes waiting for the poor unsuspecting empath to come along is, I think, only a way to perpetuate victim consciousness, which really doesn’t do anyone any good.
A fairer assessment would be that narcissists are over-takers, so they are naturally going to be attracted to over-givers. Empaths, by their nature, are very sensitive, loving people who have a lot to give. In fact, they often give and give without much concern for receiving for themselves. Narcissists take and take, without much concern for giving of themselves. So if you can step back and look at the overall dynamic that is occurring, you can see how both are completely out of balance, which is what is facilitating such a match.
Further, the narcissist is looking for an external to make them whole. They seek and seek for the next thing to fill them up, not realizing that the only thing that will make them whole comes from inside. Because the empath will never be able to fill them up, they will want more and more and will ultimately blame the empath for their lack of ability to fix them or make them feel better. To them, you promised to love and understand them into wellness and you broke your end of the bargain.
The empath is also looking for an external to make them feel whole. Although they are incredibly well-meaning, they feel like their love and guidance can fix the person. They give and give looking for that external result, only to be disappointed time and again by how the other person can’t appreciate their efforts or change. As a side note, that is exactly what kept me in my relationship way longer than I ever should have stayed. I kept thinking, I’ve put all this work into this and I’d hate to leave right before they get it. And I sure didn’t want someone else to get the returns I was so invested in.
Unfortunately, they tend not to ever get it. In my case, it’s been over 25 years and the person I was involved with hasn’t changed one bit. He still sees himself as a victim, and I certainly saw myself as having been victimized by him. This is exactly why I try to get people to move out of victim consciousness with these kinds of relationships because that thinking only perpetuates being a match to these kinds of relationships because both of you will consider yourselves to be victims of it.
The problem was, if I am being completely honest, that I knew that there was something really wrong and out of balance in this relationship, but I stayed anyways because I was out of balance myself. I realized that the more I gave the worse it got, but still I stayed seeking the smallest crumb of appreciation or recognition or love to make me feel like my efforts were worth it. I was dedicated to a path that was doomed to fail because it was never going to be satisfying to anyone because it was all based on seeking external results to make yourself feel whole.
So what is the purpose of these types of relationships? A very out of balance empath will often need things to reach epic proportions before they will finally accept that they also deserve to receive. If they are ready to shift, these relationships allow them to start to love themselves more, respect themselves more, find healthier boundaries, become more discerning, and finally seek a relationship that is far more satisfying to them because they will enter a flow of both loving and being loved.
If you have already had a narcissist experience and have worked on your own self love, respect, balance, and boundaries, and understand each person is responsible for their own growth, you will never ever fall back into a narcissist relationship. You will see it a mile away for what it is and will not need to repeat it because you have already had the experience and used it for your own evolution.
I hope this all helps you move beyond the old fear that if you are an empath, you have to be on the lookout for narcissists that are out to target you. If you have done your work and are prioritizing respect and empowerment for everyone involved, the narcissist will have no interest in you at all. You can still be your loving sensitive self without fear because you will have found your own balance and that is a beautiful gift.

July 28

It’s Affirmation Friday! The affirmation to wrap up this week of daily messages is:
I embrace all parts of myself with love and acceptance which allows me to step forward as a unified whole.
Have a wonderful weekend!

July 27

Dear Ones, you can’t complete a jigsaw puzzle by only using the pieces that have colours you like. Other colours and shades create contrast and depth and add to the beauty of the whole. So it is with your embodiment process. As you accept all the aspects of you you realize they all lend themselves to the unfoldment and discovery of the beauty of the whole that is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 26

You might think of the process of healing separation as starting to bring aspects that have been denied back into the fold. Do you hold love for yourself or are you perpetually rejecting yourself? Do you deny the human part of you and try to just embrace the spiritual part of you? Do you dismiss your own wisdom or inner knowing in order to please another? Do you put aside your own hopes and dreams until later because others might not agree with them?
Recognizing the ways you reject, abandon, neglect, or dismiss your truth is absolutely essential before you can move into the embodiment of your own wisdom and power. As you begin to embrace and accept all aspects of you, you create the foundation for your own empowerment, and anchoring the energy of unity consciousness and unconditional love. When you begin to experience yourself as whole, what you create becomes much more aligned to the truth of you.
So we highly recommend the next time you brush yourself aside you stop for a moment and instead decide to honour and love whatever part of you that was looking for their right to be heard and acknowledged. You just might be surprised at how profound the healing can be just by practicing inclusion for yourself. From there you will be much better able to also practice inclusion with your truest preferences and your life will shift in truly remarkable ways. As always, it all begins within and from there all else becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 25

Your evolutionary journey is taking you from separation consciousness to unity consciousness. Now is the ideal time to start to explore how you have wished to stay separate, or ways you have believed that you are separate.
The truth is you are part of the greater whole that is Source. You can never truly be separate from it. Your enlightenment journey is finding your way back to realizing you are part of God. You always have been and you always will be.
The separation you feel when you find yourself on the other side of the veil in a human body is illusion. So to begin our messages for the week, we ask you to explore all the ways you believe you are separate and all the ways you continue to keep yourself separate, and we will be discussing them in the messages to come. You are ready to begin the process of the realization and embodiment of your divine inclusion and we are excited to walk this journey with you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 24

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today I would like to talk about how to deepen your relationship with the angels through angel signs.
Angel signs are a wonderful way to experience your connection with the angels without needing any specific spiritual skills or mediumship abilities. They can show up in many ways. In fact, the angels truly enjoy coming up with creative ways to show you they are near and love to watch your reaction when you see the sign they have placed on your path!
Angel signs can show up in so many ways! They are tangible proof that the angels are listening and always there to love and serve you. Common signs associated with angels are finding feathers, the appearance of cardinals, angel songs, the word angel showing up in unexpected places, coming across artwork or statues that are angelic in nature, angel shaped clouds, and so many more.
But they can also appear in ways that are specific to you. Ask the angels for a sign they are with you and watch what shows up! They may decide that dragonflies are your special indicator, or another insect, bird, creature, or element from nature.
I have had so many wonderful signs show up in so many different ways. You can always tell an angel sign because they catch your attention and they feel special and rather otherworldly. The other day I was walking to my car, which I keep parked in the garage. When I got back from running errands, there was a large fluffy white feather right where I walk to get back in the house. It just wasn’t there when I left and the garage was closed the whole time I was gone. Of course it felt magical so I kept it!
When I was driving to move from Canada to the US, I was praying as I drove for a sign that I was doing the right thing. Not much happened for the first 7 hours of my trip, but suddenly there was the biggest, most vibrant rainbow I’d ever seen. Then a few miles down the road there was another one. And another one. And another one! There were a total of 7 rainbows that I saw, one after the other. It was completely reassuring and an absolutely amazing experience.
Another time I was on a road trip and asked the angels for a sign and a short while later an eagle showed up and flew right along side my car. Yet another time I was road tripping and asked the angels for a sign and about an hour later a car passed me with the license plate that said dr angel. I highly recommend inviting the angels to join you as you travel!
But you certainly don’t need to travel to connect with the angels. Simply ask them to make their presence known by giving you a sign and pay attention to what shows up. It is such a lovely way to see how loved and supported you really are and to make them a part of your day to day life, no special skills, rituals, or level of attainment required.
The more you realize and use the supports that have always been in place for you, the deeper your faith and trust becomes which will start to shift your life in the most marvellous ways. The angels are just waiting for you to open yourself up to acknowledge them and let them in. If you haven’t already, today would be a great day to ask for a sign and start to develop that wonderful relationship that will only grow and deepen with time.

July 21

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I trust my evolutionary journey and my guidance system explicitly. I am ready to step fully into my highest expression of self.
Have a wonderful weekend!

July 20

Many of you have trouble with the idea of stepping into your power because you have negative connotations attached to power and how it is used. To be clear, the issues you have with power is from the misuse of it which has been rampant for centuries.
3D power and authentic power are two very different things. One is unconscious and serves the one, while the other is conscious and serves the whole. But we do understand how terms can be off-putting, and power is one of the terms humans struggle with the most.
If you read a message that talks about stepping into your power and it immediately creates resistance in you, that is not the right term for you. You may try on ‘authentic power’. That may do the trick or it may still create some resistance because it still contains the word power. The key here is to find the word or words that hold the essence of you stepping into your divine truth that you can embrace.
You might try empowerment. Still too much of the word power in there? Try embodiment. Divine capability. Consciousness. Wisdom. Truth. Wholeness. Whole soul self. Keep thinking of words that might be a better match to you.
Try your potential words on for size by putting them in the sentence, “I embrace stepping fully into my….” and see which one feels most appealing to you energetically and matches the picture in your mind of how you wish to show up in the world. By finding the term that best fits you and your highest intentions, you will find it much easier to step forward into that role. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 19

Your embodiment process is the discovery of your own divine capability as the empowered creator of your life expression. As you move further and further along your evolutionary journey, you come to realize you are an individuated aspect of Source energy and as such, there is nothing stronger than you. You either give your power away or you don’t.
As you sit with this idea, we invite you to be very honest with yourself and simply explore the ways you may be in the habit of giving your power away. Why do you do that? To please others? Because you think it would be too hard to shift out of that pattern? Are you afraid of change or how others will react to it? Are you reluctant to give up the old disempowered story of you because you’ve identified with it for so long?
The fact is, while those are very common fears, none of them are valid enough to make you deny your own growth and truth. By honouring the unfoldment of your evolutionary process, you serve not only yourself, but others and the planet, as well. It is safe for you to begin to shift out of the old and embrace the new, empowered you. In fact, that is exactly what your soul has been encouraging you to do all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 18

Your embodiment process is about embracing your truth and your authentic power. If you are experiencing what you consider to be a blockage in your life, the root cause of it is likely that you have bought into the idea that you are powerless in some way.
So we invite you to explore what you have been told or what you believe about that specific theme. Is it true? If it is conditioning, did it come from someone who was fully empowered in that area of their lives, or were they passing on their personal challenges as truth?
It is time to decide your own truth about this issue. Explore it. Get curious. Try different things. How can you move into expansion with it? What can you release that has been your belief about it? What can you release that has been other people’s beliefs about it? What one small thing can you do today that will make you feel more empowered with that theme?
You might consider it cleaning out your belief closet. You can get rid of anything that feels too uncomfortable, too constraining, that was a hand me down, out of style, or taking up space that could be put to better use. Keep whatever makes you feel good, fits comfortably, and reflects who you really are and how you wish to present yourself in the world.
This next phase of your incarnation is about respecting other people’s rights to their beliefs but staying grounded in your own wisdom to honour your own beliefs and personal evolution. You are the only expert of your life expression and you are ready to trust yourself enough to follow your own instincts and what resonates with your soul and your truest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 17

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we answer the question, I think my house is haunted! What do I do?
Most of us have had the experience of lying in bed and hearing an unexplained noise, or having other strange things happen in our home. We usually try our best to find some kind of logical explanation for them. Sometimes you can solve why something happened, but other times you just can’t. When unexplainable things persist, and come with them a very noticeable energy that is not a normal energy in your home, you may come to to the realization there is something going on in your home that is paranormal.
I grew up in a haunted house, and while it did make for many terrifying experiences as a child, it did let me know from a very young age that energy is real and there are things beyond what you can see with your physical eyes. That probably served me in some way to move into the work I do now.
Before we even get started on what to do about a haunting, I want you to know that a great deal of the hauntings I have cleared have happened from people using a ouija board. Ouija boards are not toys. They amount to throwing the front door of your house open and leaving it that way and hoping whoever wanders into your house is nice and honest. Ouija boards do work as a means of spirit communication but should never, ever be used by amateurs who don’t know how to energetically protect themselves or their homes.
Okay now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how you address a haunting can vary. Is it just that a certain room or area of your house feels dense and dark? That may not be a haunting at all, but rather a lingering energy left from a previous tenant. Giving the room a good energetic cleansing can be all that is required. Ways to do that are to give it a deep cleaning (pinesol works wonders for this). Thoroughly clean every nook and cranny of the room. Get rid of any curtains that were left behind. Also make sure you empty any vacuum cleaner bags and throw anything you sweep up out of the house. You are actively removing that energy so make sure you get it all the way out.
Give it a good coat of new paint. You can also burn candles or incense after that with the intension of clearing the room. Clap your hands as you walk around the room to get any stagnant energy to move (you will hear the difference as the energy gets lighter). You could also use a bell, tuning forks, or singing bowls. Just keep circling the room with your tool of choice until you feel the energy get clearer. I’d also recommend rearranging the furniture and employing some feng shui principles like hanging a crystal in an area that has felt particularly stagnant to get that energy moving.
If you think you have an overall haunting in your home, the first step can be simply acknowledging whatever being is there and encouraging them to go Home to the other side. Let them know their family and all their loved ones are there waiting for them, and it’s safe for them to go. Call on their angels and guides to come assist them. Sometimes that’s all it takes!
Other times you may need something a little stronger. At this point I would call on Archangel Michael and any other house clearing angels that are appropriate and ask them to come and assist whoever is in your home to where they need to go.
A very effective tool that works is imagining you find a spark of Christed light in the centre of your home and imagine that it grows and grows until it domes your entire home with beautiful golden light. This will push anything lower vibrating out of your space and will keep any other energies that don’t belong from entering. It will still let everything wonderful through, though, so it is a great technique. Make sure you get your dome of light to go deep into the ground underneath, as well, because sometimes energetic disturbances can come from the land itself. This will help with that.
It is also important to do this technique for yourself and for every member of your family, by imagining a spark of light in each person’s centre and then pulling it up and out so each person is surrounded by a circle of beautiful sparkling golden light that extends arm’s length all around them including over their head and under their feet. This will minimize some of the energetic challenges of living in an active haunting.
If you have a haunting that feels threatening in any way, I highly recommend you clear it remotely. It is much safer for everyone involved and just as effective. Get into a meditation and use whatever light tools you are guided to use. You could imagine taking the roof off the house and pouring light from the heavens right through your house deep into the earth below. You could pour liquid light to saturate the whole house. Whatever you can imagine is fine so long as you are working with golden light. You can also imagine that you are throwing a golden net of light over the whole house and pulling it through it. That will pull out any energies that don’t belong. You can then hand it off to an angel or simply imagine you are throwing it up into the light. Then do the doming of the house technique to keep your space nice and clear.
If you are looking for something a little more hands on, you can also surround the perimeter of any room, or your entire house with salt after you have done a clearing. Salt always helps keep energy clear, and it can be soothing to our human selves to do something a little more tangible than just using our imaginations!
I often hear people say, we have a ghost in the house but it doesn’t bother us. I never recommend just leaving a haunting. They can actually use lightbulbs and electronics as sources of energy. They can also use you as a source of energy, which is why most people who live in haunted houses often feel drained. The right thing to do is assist whatever spirit is in your home to the next stage of their journey, which would be healing for them, for you, and your home.
If you try these methods and you are still having trouble, it would be time to call in a professional. Just as a sidebar, I don’t do this kind of work anymore and unfortunately I don’t know who to recommend, so you will have to search around on your own to find someone. And in worse case scenarios, a haunted place just can’t be cleared for a variety of reasons but it’s been my experience that that is quite rare. You tend to see this more in very old buildings that have a long history of activity. I think sometimes the continuation of the story of the place being haunted perpetuates it. But there are places that have so many layers of density or specific properties in the land it sits on that make it impossible to clear or impossible to keep clear.
If you have tried everything including calling in some professionals to do a clearing and are still having issues, you may need to move to a new home that is much more energetically supportive to you. But rest assured in the vast majority of cases, trying the methods above will be more than enough to claim your space as your own with a happy ending for everyone including your unseen visitors.

July 14

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
My human self can only see so far but my soul always knows the right direction to take. I now accept its wisdom and guidance.
Have a wonderful weekend!

July 13

Acceptance means you are willing to see where your soul wants to take you. It may mean that you have something to clear up before you can proceed in a truly satisfying way. By being curious instead of resistant, you can shift into the energy of discovery and find what you need to shift to get back into forward movement. It is never the exploration itself that is painful, it is the resistance to the redirection that creates deep discomfort. The good news is you get to decide how long you stay engaged in what isn’t working and when you wish to let go of that and try a different approach. It is all up to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 12

Resistance is always an act of futility because it is continuing to engage with the unwanted. The old energies celebrated struggle and the no pain, no gain mentality which is energetically exhausting. The new energies are about flow, ease, and embracing what is supported in each now moment. Which one feels better to you? A wise human knows when it is time to give up trying in the old and when it is time to take a new approach. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 11

Shifting from resistance to acceptance allows you to move into a different energetic approach from where you are to where you would like to be. Think of a windup toy that crosses the room and hits a wall. It keeps bumping the wall over and again until it runs out of energy. That is what resistance does. It keeps you engaging with what can’t get you where you want to go until you feel completely worn out. Acceptance is acknowledging that the wall exists and that redirection is a necessity.
So rather than resisting, turn around and head in a different direction! Keep feeling around until you find a way you can go that feels roomier and supports your expansion. If you aren’t sure which direction to take, employ the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and before you know it you will have navigated beyond your blockage and will be in forward movement again. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 10

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be answering the question, “How can I move into acceptance when I don’t agree with what is happening?”
Acceptance isn’t an endorsement of what is happening. That’s what gratitude is for. Acceptance is a more neutral energy that notices what is. More than that, because it is born from the elements of faith and trust, it allows you to understand that whatever is happening must serve you in some way, even if you do not know how right now. It could be as simple as showing you what you do not want so you redirect into what is a better match for you.
When you accept that something exists for some reason, you move out resistance to it. Resistance is actively engaging with what you do not want which perpetuates its presence in your life. Rather than staying in a tug of war with it that gets you nowhere, you drop the rope, step back, and take whatever gifts it may have for you. Acceptance allows you to then shift your focus in a new direction that is more to your liking.
If you are resistant to something and decide to simply accept that it exists, if you pay attention you will feel an energetic shift and relief in your body. Resistance always creates discomfort. Acceptance will shift you out of that into a more peaceful energy in your body.
This does not mean that you are seeing yourself as powerless towards what you are finding difficult. Far from it! Acceptance is the power move that allows you to disengage and redirect. It puts your faith and trust into action, which will put your focus to much better use, which would be flowing towards what you prefer.
It might help to think of it this way. This is an analogy Gabriel gave me a long time ago and it always helps me and makes me giggle. Resistance would be seeing a food you don’t like at a buffet and deciding to stand there protesting it, yelling at people who choose it, “For the love of God not tomatoes!” or starting a petition to get the restaurant to remove it as an option. You would be so consumed with what you don’t like you would miss all the other delicious options!
Acceptance doesn’t mean you are going to eat the food you don’t like or make it a staple of your diet. It means that you understand that it can serve a purpose for other people who enjoy it but you don’t have to put it on your plate. You can acknowledge its existence and keep moving until you find something that is much more to your liking.

July 7

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I realize all things serve me in one way or another, so I allow myself to navigate these times with curiosity and acceptance.
Have a wonderful weekend!

July 6

We spoke yesterday of how discomfort is a messenger. We understand it can be difficult to discern where the discomfort is coming from or what its message for you might be, so today we wish to break it down a little further for you.
Energetic discomfort from personal shifts, solar flares, astrological alignments, and earth changes, usually pass fairly quickly. Have you recently gone through a big personal discovery or healing? Are there events going on right now like solar flares, eclipses, or energetic spikes on the planet? Keeping a journal of how you respond to such events and what brings you relief can help you greatly in future instances. Feeling the energies is proof positive that you are truly in the throes of your evolutionary process. The discomfort you feel in these cases is asking you to move out of resistance to the shifting you are doing, listen to your inner wisdom, and give yourself what your body is asking for.
If you are energetically sensitive you may be picking up on the collective. If you feel like that may be the case ask, “How much of this is even mine?” Explore what is yours, and with your wisdom give yourself what you need. Then send love, comfort, and energetic support to the collective. That will allow you to shift into being the giver of energy rather than the catcher of energy. This will help move you out of resistance and doubt into a more empowered approach. These feelings of discomfort tend to come and go, depending on the overall conditions that may be affecting the collective.
If you are feeling discomfort due to being resistant to your own growth and evolution, it will be more persistent and tend to get more intense over time. That discomfort is going to get louder until such time as you take the time to explore it, take action if you are aware of what is required, or move into a willingness to discover where your soul is trying to lead you.
No matter what the reason for the discomfort, accepting through your faith and trust that there is a greater process of good occurring that is trying to guide you forward is key. Curiosity, love, and acceptance, whether it be for yourself, the collective, or the planetary processes that are occurring, are the magic balm you are seeking to help you navigate beyond resistance and move forward with much greater comfort, grace, and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 5

If you are finding yourself in an uncomfortable place that won’t seem to shift it can be helpful to ask, “What am I resisting?” Is your soul trying to lead you to some kind of growth or activity? Is there an issue or theme in your life that you know needs some exploration and healing that you’ve been putting off? Are you invested in things staying the same? If so, what fear is behind that? Is there something that wishes to be created by you, or are you being called to some kind of soul satisfying service?
Discomfort gets loud to get your attention. It is not trying to punish you or make you suffer, it is simply trying to make you aware of a different possibility that is a better match for you than where you are right now. If you can see it in that way, you can start to see that your discomfort is your friend, not your enemy, and it is providing you a great service. That by itself will move you out of resistance to the discomfort which will help you start to feel a shift in the energy and open the door to where your soul is trying to lead you.
Your discomfort is not you, it is a messenger. If you feel into the discomfort with curiosity, it will not get bigger or overwhelm you. It will finally be heard and have a chance to redirect you, and at that point its service will be fulfilled. It will begin to dissipate and you will be able to get back into a much more comfortable flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 3

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we answer the question, “Is pain necessary for spiritual growth?”
Well, the answer to that one is, it is until it isn’t. Let me explain.
You are in the body to grow and expand. As human beings, we can become somewhat attached to things staying the same, or get a little too cozy in our comfort zone. And sometimes we will do everything we can try to avoid healing and growth because we think it will be too hard or painful to look at what wishes to be healed.
Your soul will do everything it can to get your attention so you will begin to embrace your growth. It will do that through subtle bumps and nudges, and if that doesn’t work it will begin to get louder until you pay attention. Resisting your growth will always create discomfort, and eventually the discomfort will become so great it will become impossible to stay the same and you will give up your resistance and true growth will occur. This is also known as surrender.
Sometimes you will come into the body with a desire to master a theme, or an intention to profoundly change the direction of your life or purpose along the way, so you will experience some kind of crisis for yourself like the death of a loved one or a major illness for yourself. This will also redirect your life path in a profound way that you likely would not have found had the crisis not occurred.
Whether you get there by a long, slow pattern that leads you to deep discomfort or a sudden crisis that pulls the rug out from underneath you, the pain exists to redirect you. It causes you to question, to explore, to prioritize healing and change, and opens you up in ways that never could have happened had the crisis not occurred. So yes, pain is often the catalyst to growth.
But once you truly embrace your evolutionary journey, pain becomes less of a catalyst because you are now moving willingly into growth and expansion. You can make huge strides on your journey much more comfortably because you are no longer resistant. So pain, in general, is a redirectional tool.
This is not to say that once you are on your spiritual journey, you are never going to experience loss or challenges. Of course you are, those things are a part of life. But you will also have more skills and abilities which will help you navigate them with a much deeper level of understanding which helps you move through them without getting stuck.
To be clear, walking a spiritual path is not about having no emotions. Far from it! It is about becoming consciously aware, honouring and understanding the purpose of your human feelings and experiences while also following the urges of your soul. And it is that willingness to explore and evolve that begins to make the path easier in general because you no longer need extremes to get you to move and grow.
So yes, pain is a necessity until it isn’t. It can open you up in profound ways but it is not meant to be a constant in your life for all your days. Releasing resistance to change and working with surrender and the guidance of your soul can greatly reduce how much pain you experience because you will become adept at recognizing the subtle bumps and nudges and will embrace where they are trying to lead you long before they have to get loud to get your attention.
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