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July 31

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To meet Soul’s needs)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the economic and financial components of the new society on Earth of the fourth and Fifth dimensions.
It is this area of your existence that is crucial since it meets day-to-day needs of people.
Nevertheless, almost all brunches of economy will begin to undergo considerable changes, which will be especially apparent during the transitional period from the fourth dimension to the Fifth one.
While at present the majority of economy brunches are aimed at large corporations’ profit by pumping money out of population, in the course of time on Earth there will only remain those of them that will serve their nations.
So, little by little there will be relegated to obscurity military and oil-producing industry, pharmaceutical and partially chemical ones that were owned by the deep state’s representatives and that brought them fabulous profit.
The main brunches of industry will become the ones that provide people with necessities of life and, before all, with clothes and foodstuffs.
Alongside with this new brunches there will start developing the ones that are based on the cutting-edge technologies both already known to people but concealed from them by the ruling top and introduced to Earth by your Galaxy brothers.
These technologies will facilitate fast rates of purification of Earth from nuclear and chemical wastes, harmful electromagnetic emissions, poisonous substances that have penetrated into soil and water bodies.
Means of transport will become noiseless and eco-friendly since they will run on free energy that is available to every inhabitant of Earth.
Thanks to it your everyday life will transform, too as this energy will fill each house with light and warmth.
Now it can seem a fairy-tale to you but, as a matter of fact, such life could have been real on Earth long ago if the deep state did not hide such technologies from people or use humanity for their own purposes.
As soon as full-fledged Disclosure takes place and the management of your planet passes to new spiritually advanced leaders, events will start developing very fast especially when they are keenly joined by the representatives of the Galaxy Light Federation.
As for financial institutions, in the beginning they will still remain but will gain quite a distinct status.
While now all of them are at the grip of one boss and the deep state’s representatives dispose of them at their own discretion, in the world of the fourth dimension they will feature distributional statistic nature.
And it will show in the fact that every inhabitant of Earth will be able to have available the means they really need.
Human needs will be justifiable because they will be inspired by human Soul, not Ego that controls human conscience in the world of the third dimension.
Today I will not go into the details of developing new economic and financial structures since now I would like just to outline the landmarks of your life in the transitional period from the fourth dimension into the Fifth one.
Until your conscience is ready for drastic changes on Earth, there will be maintained structures if not of power then, at least, of management that you are accustomed of.
And it is quite reasonable since sharp changes even for the better do not always influence human psyche in a positive way and it takes time to get used to a new lifestyle and way of existence in the high vibration space of the unipolar world.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 31, 2023.

July 30

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unity of Spirit and worldview)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to tell you what management system on the Earth of the fourth and Fifth dimensions will be like.
As long as borders between states will be abolished, there will begin to form some kind of language “enclaves” or, in other words, territories that are united by one language and cultural traditions.
Such structure of society will be based on not separation as such, which is untypical of the unipolar world, but people’s need in the lifestyle usual to them as well as opportunity to communicate with each other.
It will go on like this till Earth and humanity move to the world of the Fifth dimension ultimately now where language barriers will be “swept away” by telepathic communication between people.
And, of course, for some time people’s commitment to this or that religion will be sustained.
But in the world of the fourth dimension religious confessions will start to disappear since people’s conscience will reach the level where they will begin to understand that all of them are the Creator’s particles and, consequently, to communicate with him they do not need any intermediaries as religious teachings, to say the least of priests.
So, just within one generation that will be brought up on quite different spiritual and moral values religion as such will fall into oblivion and will be taken over by the Laws of the Universe that will become some kind of “code of honour” for every inhabitant of Earth.
As for religious buildings, they will become part of your history and wonderful monuments of architecture.
This way one of the main brunches of power – religious one – will stop existing, the one that at present is still very powerful in many countries of the world.
Yet, unlike religious ones, national traditions, on the contrary, will be preserved and even developed as they feature the Spirit of each nation, its uniqueness and originality.
Music, dances, national costumes and trades – all these are elements of Creativity that in the higher dimensions worlds advances to a new level and encourages the opening of all one’s talents.
Under the conditions where people will not have to survive or struggle for a place in the sun they will be able to dedicate themselves totally to their favourite occupation and master all their skills.
As a result, the Unity of Spirit and worldview will not lead your life to uniformity but, the other way round, your existence will become much brighter, more interesting and diverse thanks to the exchange of experience and cultural heritage of all the nations and peoples who live on Earth at present.
Gradually politics will remain in the past, too, the one that is based on separation in all its manifestations.
Different political parties and state power systems will not be able to fit into the new world arrangement paradigm that will rely on Unity, Equality and Brotherhood.
On the Earth of the fourth and Fifth dimensions there will rise international coordination centers for regulation of Earth’s inhabitant’s needs irrespective of place of residence.
On your planet there will remain no “developed” or “developing” countries of the world, which is now being cultivated everywhere.
The foundation of Unity and Equality of people will be made not by national identity or geographical location of their countries but One level of vibrations since only the people whose conscience will manage to advance to the level of the sixth chakra at the minimum will be able to move to the Earth of the fourth and then the Fifth dimensions.
All the rest this way or another will leave your planet because they will not be able to exist in the energy space of thus high vibrations and, main thing, in the absence of duality that their conscience is impregnated with.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 30, 2023.

July 29

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Transitional period: from power to management)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to the talk on a new social management system today I would like to focus on one of its main aspects.
And this is what will be at issue.
After Disclosure of the ruling top’s crimes that sooner or later will take place by any means, the state power system will find itself at some kind of a dead spot that has to do with the fact that the corrupted government members will not be able to carry on with their work anymore and a new government will not be formed yet.
And at this stage it is extremely important not to make the mistake that people were making over and over again while overthrowing one regime and establishing another one.
It should be clearly understood that this time at issue is not the change of government but the change of paradigm of social arrangement on a global scale at that.
The things that were considered normal in the third dimension world will not be able to exist on the Earth of the fourth and then Fifth dimensions in the absence of the very notion of duality there.
In the world of high vibrations third dimension world concepts and, consequently, power institutions typical of it are not possible anymore.
But, nevertheless, you will not be able to do without the transitional period from one world into another since the Ascension of Earth, as you know, will not occur in no time.
This is the reason why the Transition of Earth and humanity into a higher dimension was prolonged – for human psyche and physical bodies not to suffer from a vibration surge.
Yet, excessive procrastination of the Ascension of Earth is impossible either for a number of reasons, both objective and subjective ones.
Among the objective reasons there are time parameters of your planet that have advanced to a new level of existence and there is no coming back for her now.
And the subjective reasons feature globalists’ behaviour who are in a hurry indeed to implement their insane plans on depersonalization of Earth’s population.
And the more successful their programme promotion, the fewer people will be able to take such a unique advantage – to move to a new Earth in their physical bodies.
Therefore, the period of transition from the dual world to the unipolar one that was granted to you should be used as efficiently as possible.
What should be done for this?
First of all, speeding up the Disclosure of the ruling top’s crimes at all the levels of power: from members of government till local petty officers.
Compile the proofs of their corrupt activity, make specific examples and submit them to court.
Do not think that all the courts are also corrupted and that your claims will get no response.
If there are hundreds and even thousands of such claims, it will be impossible to brush them aside.
Besides, government circles still have honest and decent people and getting the support of common people they will be able to start acting in a more decisive manner.
Believe me, my dear, it is your inertness that prevents showing of the best qualities of the people who, as it chanced, find themselves in high power institutions where they feel “white crows” among their colleagues.
These are the people who can take responsibility of their countries’ management during the transitional period on new principles now.
But it can only happen when a full-scale Disclosure of a centralized corrupted system is initiated, the one that seized the governments of all the leading countries of the world.
And these people unblemished in terms of crimes have some experience in state institutions management and can make a start of arrangement of a new society of Unity, Equality and Brotherhood at the very initial stage of it.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 29, 2023.

July 28

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Leaders of new time)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the way the management system on your planet will be changing as long as Earth and her inhabitants will get settled in the space of the fourth and then the Fifth dimensions more and more.
Gradually power system will be changed over to management system.
And between these two notions there is a huge difference.
Power itself implies submission of majority to minority, which contradicts the Laws of the Universe since free will of Earth’s population is restricted by the narrow bounds of all kinds of laws and instructions.
Try to feel the energy profile of such words as “power”, “master”, “wield power over”
It is not by accident that synonyms to these words are “command”, “commander”, “to order”.
All these notions do not imply the nation’s opinion or interests at all.
Any power is based on the enrichment of those who have laid their hands on it.
And it has been like this for centuries.
And even the modern system of states’ heads elections is just a screen for the shadow government that put their marionettes at the key post all over the world.
It is common knowledge now that almost in all the countries of the world elections are falsified on a regular basis and it means that nation’s will is totally ignored.
As a result, the “masters” of their countries, just as it has been for centuries, become those with power and money in their grip.
But to wield power does not mean to manage one’s country.
Management implies coordination of actions in all the spheres of social life with people’s interests in mind and not in pursue of one’s own benefit.
But the managers who were sincerely catering for nation’s needs have been not that many on Earth.
Moreover, if they came around, the deep state did their best to “punish” them.
All the means were involved up till unleashing wars, overthrowing of governments or even killing of states’ heads who had become “astray” from the “herd” of globalists.
This is the vicious system of esprit de corps that you are to destroy.
And it is only possible to do one way: by Disclosure of all the crimes committed by the ruling top.
This work is not easy and extremely risky since globalists and their henchmen will not give up without a fight.
Yet, recently there have appeared a lot of brave people who even at the expense of their life are conveying the truth about the deep state to people as well as about their plans on annihilation of humanity.
Doubts have already been raised in human conscience and now a lot of people start to understand it is “conspiracy theory” that the mainstream media were mocking at that reveals the genuine projects of globalists in respect of humans.
Too many facts and proofs have recently risen that are not actually disguised by their authors but, on the contrary, are presented to people as “salvation”.
What accounts for such flagrant cynicism and contempt to people?
Why are they so sure of their impunity?
The reason is behaviour of people themselves that allow themselves to be led by the most absurd and preposterous instructions.
The most glaring example of it is the so-called “pandemic” with all it entails: quarantine measures, general vaccination and face masking.
So, having thrown a touchstone and made sure that fear turns people into an obedient herd, globalists went on speeding up the promotion of their programme on total limitation of human rights and freedoms this time.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 28, 2023.

July 27

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (New management structure)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, in previous messages we have considered the current power system on Earth that in the direct meaning of the word has subjugated if not all the humanity then the major part of it.
As a result, the conscience of the majority of your planet’s population that for centuries has been “rolled smooth” by stereotyped mentality based on submission of common people to the ruling top has turned out unable to resist the latest trends of the deep state that at present have spread over most countries of the world.
Only some countries with their national and religious traditions being really strong could oppose this as well as certain individuals – pure and mature souls that have come with the mission of humanity rescue at this moment crucial for Earth and humanity.
And at present, despite the huge quantity advantage of the unrevived part of Earth’s population, not numerous group of mindful people have to start developing a new structure of management.
It is advisable to start small as it is impossible to suddenly change the monolithic system that has embraced almost the whole world.
We have already talked with you about the Islands of Light that will start gradually rising in different corners of your planet.
Yet, for this to happen as soon as possible, there must be leaders – idea inspirers who beside spiritual knowledge and true understanding of the current events possess a talent for management, too.
Without a leader like this the keenest enthusiasts of new society development are at risk to remain on the shelf.
That is why, look closely at your environment: it is quite possible that such a person lives in your neighbourhood and they just need psychological support to be able to show their talent to a full degree.
We also talked about developing communes but in practice few have managed to put their dream to life so far.
You see, my dear, it is not that easy to get rid of the third dimension mentality burden and your selfish desires.
Harmonious living and creating together is only possible for people when the vibration level of each of them has reached that of the sixth chakra at minimum.
It is this chakra that allows one take other people with no censure or comparison letting them be what they are and sincerely share each other’s success.
The activated sixth chakra is a guarantee of the very Unity that makes the foundation of a highly developed society of Equality and Brotherhood.
Therefore, before starting developing communes, it is necessary to make a careful selection of the people who want to live and work there.
All the failures in human communication result from people’s vibrations being motley, which actually leads to misunderstanding, annoyance and even aggression to each other.
And only people who vibrate at the sixth chakra reach the level of the Energy of Love that does not feature a single particle of duality typical of the third dimension world.
With every single year and even month such people’s number will get increasingly higher because Earth’s vibrations are steadily becoming higher and higher influencing the conscience of the people who are even unaware of Transition.
Therefore, in a calm and leisurely way and as often as possible imagine your Island of Light and the people you would like to see there.
Think everything over in details: the place on Earth where you would like to live, the occupation you would love to devote yourselves to, the people around, the spirit of your commune, your accommodation, the nature around you, animals and birds…
Use the energy practices for making your wishes come true.
In a word, be creative and remember that now, with the time parameters changing noticeably, everything planned comes to life really quickly.
The brighter your visualization, the purer and more sincere your intention, the quicker you will attract the desirable into your reality.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 27, 2023.

July 26


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
So as to round up with the problem of climate change created by globalists, today I would like to focus on one more aspect of it.
At issue will be the changeover of humanity to the so-called “eco-friendly” sources of energy.
As a matter of fact, what is offered instead of the present-day ones is actually pursuing the same interests: gains of a narrow segment of people at the expense of your planet’s population.
Globalists are not going to “take out of cold storage” the cutting-edge technologies at all, the ones that they have been hiding from humanity for many years and that are not only eco-friendly indeed but do not require large investments for production of energy which in this case will be impossible to sell.
This is exactly what has become a stumbling stone for them: the shadow government cannot give people such a generous gift having left behind the idea of billions of profit that they get due to sale of natural resources.
Therefore, they just prefer to change the source of income selling electricity instead of oil, with the prices for the former soaring up the very moment people do not have any other choice.
But the grossest crime of theirs is interference with natural habitat and installment of wind generations everywhere they managed to get the permission to do it.
As a result, instead of forests and fields with their rich animal and plant world one gets a sight of ugly surrealistic constructions that not only upset the natural balance but also produce low vibrations harmful to any living being.
Moreover, these constructions cannot replace the sources of energy usual to you since they are imperfect and depend on weather “whims”.
You see, everything that globalists have to do with features destruction – be it nature or humans.
Everything beautiful, pure, Divine is being substituted for ugly, immoral, satanic.
And all this is done so as to reduce humans and Earth to their level having decreased their vibrations as much as possible.
In all the spheres of your life they pervert natural essence and make the borderlines of the allowed blurred.
Thus, animals, birds and insects are driven out of their hatched places or die as a result of aggressive intrusion into their natural habitat.
While humans are deprived of not only their usual life but sometimes even sexual identity, with perverted world perception being imposed on them.
Even children are not in safety any more since globalist’s hand has reached for not only educational but also preschool programmes perverting the worldview for little ones and trying to lead their conscience the direction they need.
And now it is extremely important that people eventually understand that all this is not a fantasy of conspiracy theorists, not an exaggeration or a picture of distant future but present-day reality that has now swiftly stormed into each person’s life and to hide away from it will be impossible for anyone.
This is the very red line behind which there is the beginning of total degeneration of humanity as a species.
And it is within your depth to stop this madness having become united against a small group of criminals who have got into their heads that they are the masters of Earth.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 26, 2023.

July 24

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Groundlessness and absurdity of climatic agenda)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way you can oppose climatic weapon that causes so much pain and sorrow to Earth and people.
It may seem at first sight that you are helpless in the face of this evil since it is very hard to trace the sources of its origin.
But, as a matter of fact, now there has already accumulated a sufficient amount of evidence that the majority of the so-called “natural” disasters occurs not accidentally but implies deliberate actions.
And though it is beyond common people’s depth to influence the discontinuance of climatic weapon usage directly, they can entrust professionals with it: scientists, politicians, social figures – those who have managed to keep their reputation and honest attitude to their work.
And such people have always been and now are around.
And now it is extremely important for them to unite their efforts and communicate to the public the fact that all the “inexplicable” natural phenomena that are presented to people as climate change are actually not.
Unfortunately, information war is now being made at all the “fronts” and one of the major ones that globalists stake on in a specific way is the so-called “green agenda” that they use as one of the main tools of enslavement of humanity.
The problem of climate change that is being imposed on people by the deep state allows the latter to implement several items of their programme the main goal of which is to deprive humans of the freedom to dispose of their life in all its manifestations.
Therefore, it is only possible to oppose this programme by disclosure and evidence of each of its items being groundless.
As a matter of fact, it is not hard to do for professionals and it is already being done.
But, unfortunately, till all the mainstream media are in globalists’ grip, honest scientists, politicians and journalists are not let communicate the truth to the public since the “tribune” is only at the disposal of the deep state’s marionettes.
And now it is high time to support with all the means available to you those who can prove the groundlessness and absurdity of climatic agenda having united the efforts of all the sensible people on your planet.
As far as the application of climatic weapon is concerned, the one that you cannot oppose at the physical level yet, go on working on it in terms of energy.
And, believe me, my dear, it will be fruitful by all means.
Since the technologies for weather control are based on the employment of natural elements in one’s interests, interacting with natural elements you can also turn back the low vibration influence on them with your high vibrations having shaken off the “dormancy” that was put over these elements.
So, for example, having noticed in the sky unusual clouds that are evidently of unnatural origin, you can do a séance on harmonization of the element of air and water so as to neutralize artificial influence on them.
It will be great to use for this purpose the Flame of Universe Love and the Energy of Great Central Sun that can work miracles especially if you invoke the help of all the Higher Forces of the Universe.
Do not forget that you are Creators of your reality and no Dragon reptiles or Orions can resist your energy might: your high vibrations and your pure intention to live a free and happy life on your wonderful planet.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 24, 2023.

July 23

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Climatic weapon)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about climatic weapon that recently has been increasingly used all over the world.
What is it and how to identify it?
Such kind of weapon was created long ago but was widely adopted just during recent decades.
As it has already been mentioned in my previous message, globalists inherited this weapon from the Greys – a technocratic race of aliens who collaborated with Nazis and the deep state’s representatives last century.
The very name of it – “climatic” – says that it is designed to change climate.
Its opportunities are limitless indeed.
They include initiation of artificial tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, stormy rains with hail, droughts and forest fires.
What is the difference between natural phenomena and man-made ones?
It is, before all, in cyclicity that has been developing on Earth for millennia.
Just like seasons interchange each other, so there is interchange of dry and rainy seasons, which is determined by Earth’s needs.
Same as trees and bushes cannot bear fruits equally every year since they need to replenish potential for another harvest, so Earth needs a variety of seasonal cycles, too.
And although it causes problems for people, nature lives a life of its own adjusting its needs by the corresponding “behaviour” of natural elements.
Human interference, of course, contributes its share into this complicated process, too especially when at issue is mass deforestation or barbaric treatment of natural water bodies.
But climatic weapon, unlike reckless treatment of nature by humans, is fraught with even more danger because its consequences are unpredictable and not only upset the innate cyclicity of natural phenomena but also do irreparable harm to Earth.
Self-recovery that is preset by nature in any living being, with your planet also being this, becomes impossible in case of artificial intrusion into Divine creation.
Well, this is what actually happens as a result of excessive downpours or even floods that exceed natural need of Earth for moisture manifold and destroy the upper layer of soil or of artificially triggered droughts when soil, on the contrary, is in desperate need of rain.
To say the least of hurricanes that sweep off every living thing on its way and cripple millions of bushes and trees or by far the strongest artificially triggered earthquakes that change earth’s landscape and upset the natural balance of many species of plants and animals.
In recent years they have started to use climatic weapon so often that many people have learnt to see its precursors.
And the main of them is unusual clouds, with their shape being significantly different from the naturally occurring clouds.
The same can be said about lightning discharges that are more similar to continuous firing of invisible guns.
Unnatural size and shape of hail is also the evidence of the fact that it was not made by nature at all.
As far as earthquakes are concerned, only experts in seismology can identify their man-made origin having compared the data they have at their disposal in the area where an earthquake broke out.
Moreover, the natural shakes of the earth’s crust are always foreseen by animals who began to behave in an unusual way.
Man-made earthquakes cannot be felt by them.
There are many other signs that can help tell naturally occurring phenomena from man-mane ones, yet, your task is not to learn to recognize them but to stop the crimes of globalists who tempted the holy of holies – your planet and her inhabitants.
And next time we will talk about it in more details.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 23, 2023.

July 25


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the current situation on Earth and the latest events that excite human minds.
I see that it seems to many of you that the things now in progress in many countries of the world are advancing in one and the same direction or, in other words, everything is developing in accordance with globalists’ plans, at a very high rate at that.
One by one are already about to be put or being put into life all the items of their programme.
Why does it happen?
The main reason is that in information war they almost always gain a victory.
The truth about the criminal activity of the deep state and their marionettes at the helm is hardly making its way through since with every single day the censorship in respect of alternative media is getting increasingly strict.
Your great regret is that little is changing in power-holding institutions: the same “actors” go on indulging in playing their parts that were written by their masters and pronouncing monologues prepared by the “script writers” of the deep state.
Yet, there is an end to everything anyway.
To an end will also come this prolonged “theatre of the absurd play” that they are trying to present to you as a drama with a sad end.
For the recent years all through this “play” there has been running FEAR in all its manifestations and, before all, human fear for their life and their close people’s lives.
It has become the dominant energy on Earth not accidentally since it is this energy that features the lowest vibrations of all the energies existing in the Universe.
This way the Dragon reptiles and those of their ilk are trying to keep Earth in the third dimension matrix catching at a straw of low human vibrations, the ones they themselves provoke by their actions and words.
Yet, as soon as you figure out their plan and stop “feeding” them on this energy, everything will change overnight.
Same as a patient is choking being switched off from oxygen, so will also “choke” all the low vibration creatures embodied as humans on Earth being deprived of their usual source of nourishment.
Only FEAR is retarding your advancement on the way to Ascension and the more people realize it, the sooner will collapse the power system of the third dimension world that has had its days.
You have nothing to be afraid of, my dear, because nothing and nobody can stop the process of Earth’s Ascension into the Fifth dimension.
And the things now in progress on your planet are the last agony of the Dark Forces that shows at the physical level by their chaotic and absurd actions.
Whatever in a hurry they are, this time they will not manage to implement their programme on humanity enslavement – physical or spiritual.
Too many people have managed to revive for the recent years, and their total Energy of Revival has already outweighed the scale pan of the unrevived part of Earth’s population.
Therefore, it is quite soon now that the curtains will fall for the deep state’s marionettes who have played their unenviable parts on the “stage” of the third dimension matrix and to change them there will come free people of pure intentions who will start developing not a theatrical but real life on the planet of the Fifth dimension.
And so as to speed up their arrival, as often as possible fill all the power-holding institutions on Earth with the Energy of Ascension – both of your countries and those of international communities and organizations.
Imagine the ungifted actors leaving the stage who have been catcalled by the audience and executed the will of a group of criminals that seized power on your planet and pure mature souls taking over – wonderful and noble humans that can develop a new society of Unity, Equality and Brotherhood on Earth.
Brush your despondency away, my dear, and do your best to create just this reality!
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 25, 2023.

July 22

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Right for life)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the measures that should be taken by the revived part of humanity against the farfetched and criminal “green agenda” that is being promoted by globalists everywhere now.
The first thing you should do is to consider cautiously what you eat and drink.
By no means buy dubious foodstuffs and try to feed on exclusively organic food.
It guarantees not only good health but also high vibrations that you should maintain at the moment thus crucial to you.
Why do globalists advertise nonorganic foodstuffs so persistently?
The main reason is that getting into the human body they decrease one’s vibrations considerably.
Just imagine the huge difference between fragrant organic fruit and vegetables saturated with sun energy and the ones that are sold in large supermarkets and look like plastic toys.
Getting into the human body, the former contribute natural elements’ energies into it and they always feature high vibrations, while the latter ones – dead energies of chemical compounds.
As far as insects so “trendy” are concerned, the ones that they are trying to add to foodstuffs in this or that way, beside low vibrations they feature the substances that affect digestive system of humans that is not designed for it.
And all this is done deliberately so as to provoke different diseases and decrease human vibrations as much as possible.
Yet, alongside with personal safety measures you should solve the problem that befell you on a global scale, too.
For this by all the means available you should support farmers’ and personal businesses preventing globalists from implementing the programme on their ruin.
Only having united people can oppose the food catastrophe upcoming.
Sign up petitions to protect farmers, participate in their manifestations and express your protest by all the means available to you.
Explain to those who have not realized the tragedy of the current situation to a full degree yet that at issue is your survival therefore no one should stay aside or let globalists impose their “rules of the game” on people.
Generally speaking, depriving humans of the nourishment natural to them they deprive them of the right for life, and this message should be communicated to every sensible person.
So, mass refusal in terms of harmful foodstuffs will result in ruin of the enterprises that produce them and, consequently, preserve life and health of millions of people.
This is what each of you can do to provide help not only to yourselves but the people around, too.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 22, 2023.

July 21

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Not green agenda)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to touch upon a very important issue that concerns each of you.
And it has to do with the so-called “green agenda”.
I know that many of you are well aware of the fact that it is based on the “problem” that was artificially created by globalists themselves.
And, nevertheless, now this agenda is not just being discussed at all the levels of power but also actively put to life under the pretext of a growing number of “natural” disasters all across the globe.
Where, how and why are they arranged?
First of all, for artificially created natural disasters there are chosen the spots on your planet that provide people with pure water and organic foodstuffs.
As you already know, it is initiation of artificial famine on the planet that has become the main goal of the deep state who have made up their mind to prescribe an unnatural “diet” of insects and nonorganic foodstuffs to humanity.
As a matter of fact, it has been in progress since long ago without you being aware of it since the largest food concerns are in globalists and their marionettes’ grip.
But, to their great surprise, as far as nourishment is concerned, people have turned out to be even more conservative than in the issues of gender reassignment and other sexual perversions.
The overwhelming majority of the planet’s population persistently refuses to consume inedible food despite the enormous resources that are spent by globalists on celebrities’ involvement in advertisement all across the globe.
This is the reason why they took extreme measures depleting pure water bodies, fertile land, fields, gardens and farmers’ businesses.
Just this year there has been cut and burnt down such an amount of forests and depleted so much fertile land that it is comparable to the harm that has been done to your planet for several centuries.
And all this is occurring before people’s eyes whom they are trying to persuade that these catastrophes are the result of climate change on Earth.
And in spite of the fact that these statements will not hold water and are absolutely groundless, esprit de corps among globalists’ protégés has resulted in the fact that almost all countries’ heads agreed to sign up the documents on destruction of nature on your planet and humanity in general in the wake of it.
How do they manage to arrange the so-called “natural” disasters?
The thing is that since back to the World War II the deep state have had the Greys’ technologies at hand – of the extraterrestrial civilizations who mainly specialized in annihilation of everything live on the planets hostile to them.
Well, now so as to stop the process of the Ascension of Earth that, as you already know, is dangerous to the Dragon reptiles and their ilk because of the highest vibrations and, consequently, pernicious to them, these creatures are trying to keep the planet and her inhabitants in the third dimension matrix.
And they can do this only by distortion of the Divine essence of humans and ruin of everything that is essential and holly to them.
Which is happening now at every turn.
And next time we will talk about what you have to do to stop these gross crimes of the Dragon reptiles against your wonderful planet and her inhabitants.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 21, 2023.

July 19

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Work ahead of schedule)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about the practical steps you can take for prompt abolishment of present-day power system.
As you see, globalists are really in a hurry and are trying to accomplish everything they planned for a decade during several years and some items of their programmes – even during several months.
It is both bad and good at the same time.
It is bad because many people simply do not have enough time to understand what is actually going on, with the reality around them changing so swiftly.
It is good because nothing is being concealed anymore: not only globalists’ plans but also actions aimed at their implementation are clearly visible.
They act according to a tried-and-true scheme trying to distract people’s attention by sensational events so that no one will notice their countries’ governments adopting the laws in compliance with the globalists’ agenda.
This makes your task more difficult manifold since it is much easier to prevent such laws from adoption than to speak for the abolishment of those that have been already passed.
This is exactly the reason why now as ever before there is the necessity of professional lawyers’ support who can prove the illegitimacy of such actions for the part of the governments that are completely changing the usual course of life of millions of people.
It is extremely important to prevent humanity enslavement by artificial intelligence that stopped being something fantastic long ago and is swiftly coming into your reality.
You should not believe the nice words that it can change your life for the better listening to the “experts” and propagandists of the “cutting-edge” technologies.
As a matter of fact, such a substitution of humans for robots not only distorts your reality but also leads to total enslavement of human conscience, with people being deprived of usual life priorities.
The emasculation of universal human values is proceeding at such a rapid rate that people have no time to realize it, which is actually staked on by the deep state.
All the digital innovations are presented to you under the pretext of your safety and caring for you.
While everything is actually done to deprive you of freedom in all its manifestations.
And it should not be let happen by any means.
Why do so many people agree to such offers so readily?
Before all, because they do not understand their point and completely trust their government that they treat as caring “parents” from force of habit.
It is within the depth of few to penetrate through the veil of nice words, while biorobots and clones for whom such “software” is quite a usual thing do not strive for this at all.
It is them, as it was initially contrived, that are the “locomotive” for promotion of crazy plans of globalists on humanity enslavement.
Therefore, my dear, be especially cautious about everything that concerns the so-called “cutting-edge” technologies.
Try to see and understand what hides behind them and what consequences it can lead to.
Tell people around you about the “pitfalls” such innovations are fraught with.
Make specific examples of their application.
But the main thing, look for legal grounds to refuse biometrics, digital currency, chipping, vaccination and other “comforts” of civilization that globalist’s henchmen promise you.
Legal documents to protect human rights already exist and everyone who wants to protect themselves from danger can find them – where there is a will there is a way.
And now it should become your top priority.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 19, 2023.

July 18

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To break vicious circle)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to talk to you about the way you can oppose the criminal power system of today.
Before all, it is necessary to find the people in high echelons of power who are aware of the actual state of things and do your best to support them in their desire to confront governmental laws that are counter to common people’s interests.
Well, these are exactly the laws that are being adopted everywhere.
What can you do in practice?
You can promote as candidates for elections in power-holding structures the people who offer programmes on improvement of living conditions of population.
And, first of all, there should be supported those who make antiglobalistic policy and struggle against digitizing, chipping and vaccination of population that lead to total enslavement of human conscience.
Such people can already be found in the power-holding structures of many countries of the world but globalists’ protégés do not give free scope to them because of esprit de corps reigning there.
Such “white crows” pose great threat to them since being inside the system they witness its crimes against humanity.
Therefore, these honest people are in desperate need of nation’s support that will not only consolidate their position at the helm but will free their hands for the struggle against the deep state’s marionettes.
Remember that the constitutions of all the countries of the world say that the main task of the government is caring for nation’s interest.
While in practice long ago nation turned into the staff catering for a small group of state officials who in their turn “cater for” their masters – shadow world government.
It is time to put an end to this vicious system and restore the rights that are stated by constitutions.
But it is essential to do it not by a revolution, which will just breed aggression and confrontation but in a peaceful way involving experienced and honest lawyers who will be able to ground the illegitimacy of governmental decisions that are made without nation’s approval clearly, comprehensibly and, main thing, competently.
A group of such lawyers of an international class has already been around and working in this direction for a long time.
Another thing is that few know about it so far since it does not comply with globalists interests to announce such information, besides, all the mainstream media are still in their grip.
But Disclosure is coming already and as soon as it starts making its way through the “tangle” of venal media, it is of great importance that these people’s activity is supported by Earth’s population as much as possible.
It can be implemented in a variety of ways: by signing public petitions, arranging street manifestations, mass refusal to obey the laws counter to people’s interests.
The main idea is for the government to feel the powerful opposition of the nation in respect of their criminal activity.
Yet, for this to happen, earnest explanatory work is required among population because the majority of people live by their everyday household problems and do not see what goes on behind their back.
And it is necessary to do this work in the way not to scare people but guide their thoughts the constructive way, that is, to show them the way to change the situation in the promptest time.
And for this you now possess all the theoretic knowledge you need and it is time to put it to life, that is, transform it into practical activity.
And I bless you for this!
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 18, 2023.

July 17

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Till glorious end)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, after we have considered the main components of present-day power-holding structure that are almost identical in all the countries of the world, let us talk about the way you can oppose the global conspiracy against humanity.
As you see, this structure is based on the fact that all the brunches of power are closely “interweaved” since they have one and the same “master” – the deep state that make their policy through the field employees.
Yet, these “fields” are not only key state posts but also hundreds of thousands of minor positions that are scattered across the most significant brunches of politics, economy, finance, military and entertainment industry.
Generally speaking, all power-holding structures of the overwhelming majority of the countries all around the globe have found themselves under globalists’ control.
Sometimes, seemingly unimportant post in this or that sector can turn the tide, which has always been staked on by the deep state.
So, for example, during the hysteria globalists unleashed in terms of the non-existing pandemic a huge impact was produced on people by their doctors.
Therefore, the bribery of medical staff all around the world acquired monstrous scale indeed.
A lot of doctors literally sold their souls to devil making a fortune on suffering of gullible people.
As you already know, “treatment” of those ill with “coronavirus” was arranged the way to make as many people leave the physical level as possible.
And the main tool in this respect became general vaccination and compulsory artificial pulmonary ventilation.
Just imagine how much medical staff was involved into these crimes.
And the majority of them were quite aware of what and why they did.
As a result of long and laborious work on all power tools seizure by NONhumans, local corruption and bribery led to the fact that honest and decent people were gradually removed from all crucial sectors of human activity and their positions were taken by globalists’ protégés who obediently worked off their fees.
And this cheerless picture is the evidence of the necessity to destroy criminal power-holding structures not by parts but as a whole – there is simply no other way out.
And since to cope with such an enormous task does not seem possible for common people, you will be provided with the support from above – from the subtle level that has been waiting in the wings for a lot of years now.
But it will be on when you find yourselves on the very brink of the precipice: when all opportunities of yours are totally exhausted.
Yet, you have to try all the means of struggle against your planet’s conquerors so as to feel co-participants of the great changes on Earth and destiny of humanity in general.
And believe me, my dear, it is not cruelty for the part of the Forces of Light by the desire to let you feel the taste of Victory yourselves, the one gained by Divine creatures – creators of their own reality, just who you actually are.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 17, 2023.

July 16

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Spiritual health)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about one more aspect of modern world that few pay attention to, nevertheless, it is of great significance to understand the current situation on Earth.
And at issue will be your attitude to your health but not in terms it is meant by people who relate it to medicine, sport, healthy diet and other attributes of a healthy lifestyle.
We will talk about spiritual health that is much more important for a human being than external signs of taking care of oneself.
What do I mean saying “spiritual health”?
It is, before all, innate essence of a human being and purity of their Soul that are not distorted by modern society trends that were artificially introduced into it.
Well, this is exactly what has always been attempted and is still attempted by those for whom true Divine essence of humans poses the greatest threat.
This way, femininity and masculinity with all the traits typical of them have been gradually eliminated.
To a great extent it has also been encouraged by the fact that people were deprived of the lifestyle usual to them – on land in harmony with nature where in the most natural way men did man’s work and women did woman’s work.
Big cities like monsters gobbled human souls who found themselves locked down in concrete cages and encouraged unification of sexes making vividly expressed signs of men and women blurred.
As a result of this, into the picture there began to come not innate features of people but those brought from without, cast by the patterns and stereotypes that were thoroughly instilled into human conscience.
People did not even take notice of the fact they became spiritually ill.
The ability to survive in large cities did not depend on them themselves any longer as it used to be when people lived in their own houses on land.
They were totally subdued by city infrastructure and turned into cogs in a giant mechanism of megalopolises.
In large cities “the strongest” survived but most often not due to the power of Spirit but quite different qualities that sometimes had nothing to do with spirituality.
Careerism, servility, scheming, false pride, cunning and resourcefulness are the “tools” that helped people become successful.
And in this case woman’s gentleness was not in favour but was treated as weakness.
While man’s strength often showed in the fact that men went over people’s heads neutralizing rivals through meanness and fraud.
So, gradually life in modern society has led to people being guided in all their actions, first of all, by Mind and merely selfish considerations leaving Soul’s needs ignored.
And it is mostly because of people’s loss of their spiritual health that let the Dragon reptiles implement their plans on humanity enslavement so easily.
Innate essence and purity of Soul have become a real rarity in the modern world, while it is them that guarantee one’s physical health as well.
Numerous diseases and psychic disorders are just the consequences of spiritual health depletion in people, which is totally ignored by modern medicine that treats not the causes of a disease but its effects.
Therefore now, at the threshold of Transition, you should pay special attention to your spiritual condition and identify everything that does not correspond to your Divine innate essence.
Yet, it should be done as impartially as possible making no allowance for circumstances or troubles of life.
This is the only way you can return to true yourselves and cross the threshold that separates the artificial world of the third dimension from the new one – upcoming world of the fourth and Fifth dimensions where true essence of every person is revealed.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 16, 2023.

July 15

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sodom and Gomorrah on a global scale)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the social and cultural component of modern society.
This sphere of human life is the most significant for people since it is this sphere that encourages their spiritual development or, on the contrary, retards it.
Unfortunately, almost everywhere the latter option has prevailed recently.
While the older generation of present-day Earth’s population was still growing on traditional human values and wonderful works of art, the young of today are almost deprived of it.
At present not genuine art but its surrogate is being imposed everywhere.
As a result of this, social and cultural activity of the overwhelming majority of the countries is limited not to preservation but ruining of everything wonderful that has been created by humanity for centuries.
And it concerns literature, theatre, cinema, music, visual arts and even fashion.
I know that it seems to many of you that the world has gone mad.
As a matter of fact, it was made like this by NONhumans that are behind the power scenes and their field marionettes who gained the upper hand in an entertainment industry and, first of all, cinema and television.
Entertaining mass-produced items have forced out everything beautiful – the things that were humanity heritage just not long ago.
Thus now so as to keep this heritage and pass it on to children, concerned people have to make a lot of efforts to keep national traditions and cultural values of their countries, and parents in order to protect their children from vulgarity, have to watch every step of theirs not to let them fall victims to globalists’ plans on depersonalization of humans in the direct and indirect meaning.
All this happens because this sphere was also taken over by the Dragon reptiles who realized the great importance of the spiritual component of humans.
It has resulted in the fact that lack of spirituality is not just being imposed at every turn but is also rendered fashionable, which you can get the evidence of everywhere.
But in recent years globalists went even further than that and started to propagandize transhumanism and Satanism.
There is also gaining in scale transgender trend and in some countries they are trying to legalize pedophilia and even zoophilia.
The things now in progress in many countries of the world are exactly the Sodom and Gomorrah that marked the history of humanity as a symbol of moral lapse of society.
But now it has acquired global character, which leads to the collapse of your civilization.
Why have humanity let themselves be led by a small group of NONhumans so easily?
The cause is the same: it is in their hands that all the power tools and world finance are concentrated.
Remember the expression: “He who pays the piper calls the tune”.
This is exactly what is in progress on your planet.
The Dragon reptiles “call the tune” of spiritual impoverishment: vulgarity, lust, perversions and scoffing at human dignity.
If one does not see anything else from an early childhood, one starts treating it as a norm.
Being aware of it, the marionettes at the helm are doing their best to make social and “cultural” life in their countries develop just this way.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 15, 2023.

July 14

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Life on credit)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to focus on the financial component of present-day power structure that is almost identical in all the countries.
It is based on a banking system.
Well, what is it?
As a matter of fact, it is to a large degree a modern equivalent of usury that was created by the Dragon reptiles a lot of centuries ago.
But at present it is called by a beautiful name “a credit system”.
Who, how and why created it?
Banks are the most cunning crime by the Dragon reptiles that let them concentrate in their grip all the money mass of the population of Earth that from now on they could dispose of completely at their discretion.
Banks were created little by little as long as money was increasingly put into circulation.
And under the pretext it is unsafe to keep it at home people were offered to use bank services that were flavoured with promises not only to keep it safe but also increase the capital due to the interests offered depending on the amount of the capital.
Yet, later there was created a credit system when money was borrowed at interest this time, which made bank owners incredibly rich.
Sometimes people pledged all their property so as to get the sum they needed and if they failed to pay off the loan, they lost all their possessions.
And this modern usury does not simply exist at present but is gaining in scale, too.
Why do people obediently bring their money to a bank and borrow from a bank?
The main reason is that an average person living on a fixed wages has not got the amount of money sufficient to buy sometimes even the most necessary things to say the least of such large purchases as a house or a car.
In some countries even a good education costs so much that people have to get loans to pay for their children’s education.
So, common people are working day and night not to lose their belongings, while bakers who put humanity into debtor’s prison live in clover getting huge profits.
And in a financial slavery like this there are millions of people on your planet.
What is more, from time to time the deep state that rules all the world banking system from behind the scenes arrange artificial defaults in the countries that they are striving to subdue.
As a result of this, even those who have not made any loans lose their savings, which leads to real tragedies indeed.
Well, what energies are emitted by such people?
Fear for their life and lives of their close people, pain, despair and endless suffering.
Well, this is exactly the energy most desired and popular with the Dragon reptiles.
Thus, even those with considerable amounts of savings live in constant fear of losing their money as a result of the collapse of the bank they keep their money in.
Of course, I have outlined the financial power system for you rather briefly but my purpose was to show you that this sphere of your life is also totally in hands of the deep state that make use of the global finance at their discretion and in accordance with their momentary interests.
And at present with the introduction of digitizing everywhere this system is fraught with turning into truly slaveholding one therefore by no means should you let it happen.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 14, 2023.

July 13

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Scheduled war)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about military-industrial complex that to this or that degree exists in almost any country being integral part of its economy.
You see, for centuries almost nothing has been changing: all the countries go on arming.
Yet, with the development of technologies weapons become increasingly dangerous and sophisticated.
Why don’t people learn their lessons and continue annihilating each other?
The reason is, of course, the same: because almost everywhere there are the deep state’s representatives at the helm who obediently execute all the orders of their masters that, as you already know, are not humans.
And this vicious dependence of pure human souls on soulless creatures who seized power on your planet is a centuries-old tragedy of humanity.
All the wars on Earth are unleashed by the Dragon reptiles with one and only goal: to arrange a feast for themselves and their master Archon since the most cherished and “nourishing” energy for them is the energy of fear of death and especially the one that is emitted by a person at the moment of violent death.
If people understood it, they would never allow themselves to be led by the artificially created hostility between states that is masterminded by the deep state and that is boosted in every possible way by the governments and media under their control.
They have really mastered the information war business as well as exercising control over conscience of millions of people leading it the way they need.
Why is almost all the military-industrial complex in the grip of the deep state?
First of all, the reason is that for making numerous wars all around the globe they need weapons and so as to adjust the number of the tension beds and military supply in accordance with their plans, they have established a centralized control over all kinds of weapons.
Of course, it is a secret under seven seals.
According to the official version, each country has arms necessary to protect its interests.
Yet, the fact that each country’s “interests” are determined by a small group of criminals behind the power scenes is known to few.
Thus, the Dragon reptiles not only get the low vibration energy of death, pain and suffering they need so much to exist but also make a profit out of its “production”.
Like true “scrip writers” by means of their obedient field “stage directors” they ruin military industry in some countries, develop it in others and keep in balance in still other countries depending on the political and economic goals they set at a particular period of time.
There are really no limits to their cynicism and until people realize to a full degree who rules the world and stop these madmen, human suffering will not cease.
Therefore, my dear, open people’s eyes to the causes of the tragedies that are in progress on the planet so as to contribute your share at the physical level strip of power in terms of the criminals who have gone mad of their impunity and at the subtle level you are being provided with endless Love and support for the part of all the Light Forces of the Universe.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 13, 2023.

July 11

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Money and power)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will go on talking about modern power structure and consider its economic and financial aspects that are closely interconnected.
We have already talked with you a lot of times that gradually the Dragon reptiles seized not only power on Earth but also almost all financial institutions.
Money and power is what let them totally control your planet and dispose of destinies of billions of people.
How and why has it happened?
The main reason is that it is money that helps them maintain power: bribe and assign their people to key posts who will blindly execute all their instructions neglecting the interests of common people.
Little by little their palpi have penetrated not only into governments but also economic and financial structures of the leading countries of the world.
Money and power, like rust, corroded minds and souls of those who got into this trap.
Yet, it should be noted that they were mostly not people of a pure Divine soul but reptiloids and representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans.
It is them who possessing overblown Ego and practical habit of mind like no one else craved for money and power and, therefore, agreed willingly to any deals coming to terms with their conscience that unlike in case of pure human souls has always been in embryo condition.
In the course of time so as to keep the field executors they need, the representatives of the deep state learnt to substitute the necessary people who passed away with clones giving them the originals’ conscience.
And now this process has already been industrialized.
As a result, on Earth there has appeared a small group of creatures that are deprived of a Divine soul and, consequently, a slightest feeling of Love and Sympathy to people and that have decided to go even further than this and by means of versatile tampering to depersonalize Earth’s population getting totally in charge of human conscience.
The way it shows at the physical level is already well known to you.
You can see how swiftly everything pure, light, kind and Divine is being forced out of human conscience and how traditional human values are being substituted for vulgarity, coarseness and all kinds of perversions.
And it is being put to life so quickly due to the fact that the deep state has all the tools of power in their grip, all financial institutions and all mainstream media that are totally on their payroll.
As far as economic policy of the leading countries of the world is concerned, by means of the deep state’s marionettes who are assigned key posts to it is skillfully made in the direction beneficial to the interests of the same deep state again, as well as implementation of their plans.
And only now when such an economic and financial policy has been brought to the point of absurdity, people start to revive and realize that they have been deceived all this time.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 11, 2023.

July 10

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Lodged with power)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will move on to the discussion on political structure of power that has been established in many countries of the world.
In the countries where monarchy was overthrown or its power was restricted, there started to shape a new structure of power little by little – secular one this time.
What principles was it based on?
As a matter of fact, the same ones: submission of majority to minority, that is, power hierarchy.
As you already know, even if revolutionary overturns were made by people with the best intentions, then these people in some “accidental” way disappeared and power was seized by those who did not care about nation’s interests but only their personal ones.
Of course, the fact that it happened just like this was quite predictable and logical.
The thing is that purity of Soul is not compatible with power over others and in the dual world people were not ready yet to live in the society that is based on the principles of Unity, Equality and Brotherhood.
As a result, the benefits of honest and decent people’s deeds were taken advantage of by the Dragon reptiles and reptiloids again who applied whole devilish arsenal of theirs to get to the summit of power and use people for their personal mercenary goals.
This is what their genuine nature is and many of them act instinctively obeying the programmes instilled in them sometimes even not suspecting they are not humans at all.
The fact of their origin is known only to the Dragon reptiles and some high caste reptiloids who most often remain behind the power scenes ruling the world and certain countries with their marionettes “hands” who they thoroughly choose and “keep on a short leash” by means of bribery and blackmail.
From time to time they made a mistake, with an honest and decent person suddenly getting into the picture.
But they could not stay there long due to the fact that their environment was not on the same wavelength with them and did their best to “oust out” a person out of favour who prevented them from lining their pockets at their nation’s expense.
During recent decades you have had a lot of opportunities to make sure of it watching the way suddenly one by one the heads of the countries who cared for their nations passed away.
The most recent “achievement” of the deep state is a skillfully elaborated mechanism of trick votes shuffling during elections of state heads all over the world, which almost always leads to the result they need.
And now the situation on your planet has reached its “boiling point” since almost all political power has turned out to be concentrated in the hands of the deep state.
And if this devilish “machine” for modern world control is not “switched off” as soon as possible, it will simply “explode” pulling along millions of pure human souls with itself.
So as to prevent it from happening, there has been made a decision to transfer your planet and the best part of humanity to a higher dimension having liberated them from the Dragon reptile slavery that has lasted for many centuries.
And now this process is not to be stopped.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 10, 2023.

July 9

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (With cross, fire and sword)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the reason why monarchs actually had to share their might with social and religious institutions of power.
It was occurring little by little alongside with the development of political, military, economic and financial activity of the states.
Monarchs’ counselors were not able to cope with such an amount of work anymore, while monarchs themselves rarely featured governmental habit of mind since power was inherited from generation to generation with the talents or abilities of royal offsprings not being taken into consideration.
Yet, so as to maintain their influence, they have always done their best to appoint their people heads of each department and, most often, the very Dragon reptiles or high caste reptiloids again.
Great care was devoted to choosing religious figures since it is religion that has produced the most effect of human conscience from time immemorial.
We have already talked a lot with you about how far official region is from the Creator whose particle each human Soul is.
By concealing this truth the Dragon reptiles have managed to turn religion into something like monarchy, with the head of this or that religious confession being “at the helm” and worshipped by their congregation with reverence.
Thereby, God has become Heavenly Ruler rather than Father for people and so as to get into the Kingdom of God, they have been in dutiful submission to monarchy and religious power for all their life.
And this has been by far the grossest crime by the Dragon reptiles against humanity.
The same happened to the teaching of Jeshua – priests perverted it and almost separated people from their Creator having deprived them of the knowledge of the Laws of the Universe that are the only ones to let one live in Love and Happiness.
And all this has been going on up till now.
The most successful in this has been Catholic religion and papal institution of power.
No other religion conceals as many crimes as those committed by Vatican and its deputies all over the world.
And it has happened because of the fact that this brunch of Christianity found itself under the influence of the Jesuits Order – the most merciless and cruel one that has been headed by the Dragon reptiles and high caste reptiloids for all the time it has been around.
It was them who arranged “witches” hunting persecuting and burning in fires anyone who dared to show free will and get out of Catholic priests’ control.
They also masterminded religious wars providing the lowest vibration energies to their master Archon, which cost humanity millions of ruined lives.
These creatures who know nothing of Love or Sympathy were celebrating with feasts the consumption of huge amounts of human fear, pain and suffering.
And the most valuable has always been and still is the energy emitted by a person at the moment of their violent death.
As you see, all this has been in progress up till now.
But it has already reached its climax this time since today the Dragon reptiles at the helm as well as their henchmen succeed in playing off not only different religious views people against each other but even those of the same religion, and this hostility is just gaining in scale.
So, having united, monarchy and religious power have caused even more human trouble and sorrow.
And it is only not that people are beginning to realize all the underlying reason for their troubles and the genuine essence of the religious institutions that were created on Earth slow but sure is being brought to light.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 9, 2023.

July 8

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Power on blood)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to go on talking about monarchy and how it has succeeded to hold power for many centuries.
It became possible, first of all, because the work on it has always run parallel – at the subtle and physical level that, as you already know, are closely interconnected.
At the subtle level the pyramid of monarchy power has been based on blood offerings to Archon in return to which he sent to Earth hordes of astral beings.
It was them who kept people in fear and submission filling your planet with negative energies, the ones that all infernal creatures of all kinds including royal families fed on.
At the physical level external attributes of power were relied on, the ones that showed to common people not simply superiority of royal families over them but also a huge gap in terms of lifestyle and financial resources that were to demonstrate people the untouchability of monarchy dynasties and their being chosen.
As a result, in human conscience there was instilled the idea that it had always been like this, that not only it was normal but also invariable.
It was also encouraged by folklore, too with its parables and ballads about kings and queens that were worshipped by common people and who from times immemorial were given tribute by everyone.
Yet, the truth was half-revealed but in such a disguised manner that it was hard for people to recognize it.
For example, in folk epos there is frequent mentioning of the “tribute” given to Dragon and it was often beautiful innocent young girls.
As a matter of fact, this was the gift most appreciated by Archon and his servants – the energy of purity and innocence “savoured” with the panic fear of death.
Millions of pure Divine souls were ruined in satanic rituals of the Dragon reptiles who had been thinking of themselves as masters of the world for many centuries of monarchy being around on Earth.
Of course, there were also exceptions to the rules of monarchy dynasties procreation since, living among people, it was hard for them to preserve the purity of blood and from time to time it was “diluted” with human one.
One more reason why they had to turn to mixing blood was to prevent ultimate degeneration as a result of making marriages with relatives because almost all the royal families relate to each other.
Eventually, in some monarchy families there took place dissidence and human descendants preferred losing the royal title to participating in inhuman ritual ceremonies of their family.
Yet, the very fact that monarchy has lived up till now is a proof in itself that support of the Forces of Dark in terms of royal families has never ceased, just as have never ceased human offerings made by them to their master – Archon.
Nevertheless, they had to make some concessions in respect of modern society and divide their power with political institutions thereby changing its structure, which we will talk about next time.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 8, 2023.

July 7


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to start a new topic that is as acute as ever now.
And at issue will be the way you should arrange relationships with the authorities during transition period of Earth and humanity to a new dimension.
Despite the energy stratification that is becoming more and more apparent with every single day, the present-day power will still exist for some time clinging on the old structures it has got used to.
Besides, it concerns absolutely all the countries since everywhere with a rare exception these structures were carbon copies.
Why it happened is already well known to you.
The world government or, in other words, the deep state has spared no “attention” to everyone, as a result of which almost all the states have similar power structures with political, economic, financial, social, cultural and religious components.
It has been going on like this from century to century and one of the vivid evidence of this is monarchy that is preserved up till now in some countries of the world.
And, for a start, let us talk about just this archaism: kings and queens that rule supermodern states and about their colossal privileges in comparison with their subjects.
Who are they and why has their power been so firm and indestructible for centuries?
To begin with, all of them are descendants of extraterrestrial civilizations, which they take deep pride in, though they conceal their true origin from the public.
But unlike pure human souls, whose “ancestors” are the representatives of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations, they descend from infernal creatures of the lowest order.
Therefore, for millennia everything has been turned upside down: the pure Divine Souls that came to Earth got into subordination to “savages” who took over your planet.
Why did it happen?
The main reason is that the creatures who royal families descended from were not humans.
They were real predators deprived of sympathy or moral principles whatsoever.
In a lot of my messages it has already been said about the way little by little – by means of cunning, flattery and violence – they were plunging people into the third dimension world that was untypical of them.
In the course of time they managed to control not only people’s conscience but also their physical bodies having created their own race of reptiloids.
But the Dragon reptiles themselves have always remained at supreme power and piously kept the purity of their lineage.
The best example of this is likely to be the British royal dynasty that has managed to subdue almost half of the world exactly due to their pureblooded descent.
But this “purity” cost people thousands of pure human souls that were ruined by them during their satanic rituals of sacrificial offerings that were demanded by their secret patron – an infernal creature of lower worlds – Archon who you are accustomed to call Devil or Satan.
It is him who is at the vertex of power pyramid that is embodied on Earth as royal families that are, generally speaking, his obedient slaves.
This secret is kept by them under seven seals and only now, at the joint of two worlds, this truth is coming to the surface and there appear numerous proofs of their crimes against humanity.
A nice fairy-tale about kings and queens is about to end and it is very soon now when people will see who they actually are and what their purpose of stay on Earth is.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 7, 2023.

July 6

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Pure human soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to round up with the talk on the interaction within a variety of different creatures that inhabit physical bodies of humans.
You see, there are actually not that many pure human souls on Earth that are mostly “descendants” of highly developed civilizations.
Therefore the very notion of “human being” is multifaceted and embraces “inclusions” of plenty of souls that have ever been born on your planet.
Well, what actually the expression “pure human soul” means that I mention in my messages so often?
Before all, it is a Soul that features the gene of God.
It can be a representative of several highly developed civilizations simultaneously and get incarnated on a variety of different planets for millennia.
Yet, it is Earth that plays the main part in its destiny since here it has incarnated in various roles in different periods of her history.
The majority of pure human souls are former Hyperboreans, Atlantes, Lemurians, and the Russes who have accumulated the experience of those great incarnations of theirs.
And this experience is now being revived in each person like this activating the “layers” of their deep memory and returning their conscience to the bosom of the Creator.
I know that many of you take my messages as not something new or absolutely unfamiliar to you but as the recollection of who you once were and the high level your conscience was at that time.
And it happens because your karmic memory piously keeps the experience of each incarnation of yours both on Earth and on other planets of your Universe.
And despite the fact that every individual is born here with their origin memory blocked, as well as the memory of goals their Soul set for its current incarnation, at the crucial and earthshaking moments of their life they by all means recall them.
Everybody has it their own way – depending on the vibration level they have managed to get at this particular moment.
Most often it happens as sudden enlightenments – sometimes clear and distinct and sometimes faint premonitions.
If one lends a keen ear to their intuition and learns to get the clues and prompts that are showering them in plenty from everywhere, they will recall their mission by all means and choose the right direction.
And it happens because the Forces of Light take every revived person “by the arms” and start assisting them from the subtle level in fulfilling the mission they have been born for.
And I know that many of you have already lived through this yourselves.
This way there occurs the interaction between embodied and disembodied pure souls for the sake of humanity rescue.
This is exactly the difference between pure human souls and the representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans, as well as from clones and biorobots.
Only pure human souls can interact with the representatives of the Forces of Light from higher worlds if the former manage to rise to the latter’s level in terms of their conscience.
While the creatures who lack a Divine Soul can communicate only with astral beings who live in lower worlds since their subtle material structure prevents them from rising higher.
Therefore, please, my dear, do not waste your time on those who are not to “fly up” and concentrate your attention on yourselves and the people around you who feature Divine potential and who you really can help.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 6, 2023.

July 5


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way you should arrange relationships with biorobots during this period of Transition crucial to humanity.
At first sight, biorobots are almost the same as humans and it is accounted for by the fact that they have learnt to reproduce.
They often make marriages with humans who even do not suspect that their better half is not a human being actually.
But a biorobot woman cannot give birth to a human even if her husband is a pure human soul.
It is probably possible to say that biorobots are a distinct race on Earth now.
Though lacking a Divine Soul, they feature empathy and can often be very attractive.
This is the reason why it is difficult to distinguish them from humans.
Yet, it is possible to identify them by some signs.
As a rule, they are standard in everything.
This is the “grey mass” that obediently follows all the artificially created stereotypes of mentality and behaviour.
They cannot do anything beyond the metes and bounds of behaviour standards since they do not possess a bright individuality.
And it happens because this was the purpose they were initially created for.
Their role is to be an example for the rest ones in following all the instructions of the authorities and executing all the orders of their superiors.
They perform all their duties perfectly and often even make good careers as obedience is their essence irrespective of who they have to obey.
The Dragon reptiles have always relied on biorobots in the hope that their diligence and obedience will become an example to follow for rebellious human souls that feature freedom of mentality and behaviour and whom it is untypical of to blindly execute orders that they do not agree with.
To a great extent they have managed this, for the dual world itself encourages competitiveness and rivalry.
And since biorobots are quite hard to tell from humans, do not try to see them in any suspicious person.
But your intuition will by all means prompt you who you should or should not communicate with.
If you feel the bounded or stereotyped mentality of a person and their desire to be like everybody else, it can be enough to make you understand you had better not waste your time on them: they are likely to fail to accept and understand the grandiosity of the events that await humanity and are connected with the Transition of Earth.
And it is not that important whether they are a biorobot or simply a young soul that is to roam through third dimension worlds for a long time.
The time has come now when you have to be selective indeed as far as communication with other people is concerned.
Too high is the price of you vibration fall because of those who cannot revive due to their origin or subtle material structure.
In any interaction straight away try to see a person’s essence that they often conceal behind external manifestations trying to seem better than they actually are.
Do not forget to make use of your by far the most efficient tool – chakrometer that will never let you down.
And remember that to move to the fourth dimension will be only possible for those who have managed to increase their vibrations at least to the sixth chakra.
Nowadays on Earth there are a lot of people whose vibrations fluctuate between the fifth and sixth chakras.
And it is they who can be assisted in pulling up to the sixth chakra if you feel that they themselves strive for this.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 5, 2023.

July 4

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Living dolls)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
After we have dwelt on the “patterns” of interaction with different people who own these or those souls, now I would like to talk to you about the interaction with clones and biorobots whose number is increasing on Earth now.
How can you identify clones?
First of all, by eyes.
As a rule, they are “empty” in the direct meaning of the word.
Same as it is possible to make a wonderful doll but impossible to impart a living expression to its eyes, so clones’ eyes, who lack a soul, cannot irradiate Love or Light that are typical of pure human souls.
They express their emotions, as a rule, by facial expression and gestures and, of course, by actions, too.
They cannot “speak” with eyes, which is typical of humans only.
Perhaps, many of you have noticed that some people “put on” a smile or a nice air over their face but, meanwhile, their eyes do not express almost anything.
It can certainly be characteristic of the representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans, too, yet, one can trace specific traits typical of a particular civilization.
As far as clones are concerned, they always act according to a pattern.
This is the way they are made: in accordance with certain programmes.
And the purpose of making them is to redirect human conscience a merely material way.
They are really numerous in advertising industry that is aimed exactly at “uploading” the artificial values into the human conscience that are deliberately instilled into your society by the Dragon reptiles.
They are plenty in cinema industry – in the low-quality films that provoke human energies of by far the lowest vibrations.
And even present-day fashion is meant to make an individual totally depersonalized and turn their clothes into something featureless and unisex.
And clones are just the best to fit this part indeed since true men and women despite any fashion try to highlight their masculinity or femininity even in clothing.
There are a lot of clones in the army, too where they have the programmes of merciless annihilation of people instilled into them.
And, no doubt, it is them who are used for participation in street riots and pogroms in the countries where the deep state is trying to solve their problems by creating highly explosive situations, which can be witnessed now almost everywhere.
What is the most danger that the presence of clones is fraught with in your society?
It is, before all, in that they ALWAYS provoke human outbursts of negative energy thereby not only retarding their spiritual growth but also attracting to human energy space real hordes of astral beings who feed on low vibration energy.
So as to make sure of it, try to trace what emotions are aroused in you by even the most innocent, at first sight, advertisement.
Or feel keenly your state after you have watched a horror or action film or just a low-quality “empty” film.
To say the least of the feelings experienced by the people who have found themselves in the epicenter of a vandalism debauch in the streets of their cities.
And there is an army of clones behind all this who were made according to certain programmes of influence on human psyche.
And here nothing can help: neither your words, nor persuasion or impulses of high vibration energies.
They simply cannot take them in since “living dolls” are deprived of empathy as it is.
The only right decision will be to avoid any communication with them if it is possible, though.
Here we will stop for today.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 4, 2023.

July 2

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Universal approach)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the way you should develop relationships with the person in whose body there get on two souls – a Divine one and that of low vibrations.
Of course, not everyone is to see or feel it therefore, for a start, I would like to tell you about the external signs you can identify such a person.
The main distinctive characteristic of such people is contradiction in their thoughts, emotions and actions as well as frequent changes not only in their mood but world view, too.
But sometimes even their appearance changes.
From time to time when their Divine Soul takes over, they can shine with joy and happiness irradiating Love and Sympathy towards their close people and friends.
And then as if somebody invisible “switches” them over to another wave: even their features, look, behaviour change…
This way their second – low vibration – soul comes into the picture.
It can be caused by a negative thought that flashed in their mind or unpleasant event in their own life or life of the country.
And according to the Law of Attraction negative energy is immediately pulled to the low vibration soul of a person that following its collective conscience programmes starts replenishing it even more.
This “feast” is a place to flock together for astral beings that make the negative energy loom large.
As a result of this, a Divine Soul moves far back to the background being unable to resist such a flow of the energy alien to it.
That is why, my dear, I always ask you to monitor your very first reaction to everything that takes place around you since it is this reaction that determines who you will “feed”: your dark or light side irrespective of the number of souls present in your body.
But let us come back to the people who own two souls of different vibrations.
If you have noticed such a person in your environment, you should learn to switch over their attention from negative events to positive ones.
Absolutely in any situation even tragic one, at first sight, one can find positive moments and especially what concerns present-day global events.
Be calm to explain to people who are being seized with panic and fear, hatred and aggression towards the authorities that the chaos that is holding sway over your planet is the precursor of a new life, that development of a happy and just society requires abolishment of the old control system preventing globalists from putting their plans to life.
In each particular situation find the words that will help you get the idea through to the person.
Give them hope and belief in better future.
Explain the Laws of the Universe in the words they understand.
Tell them about the energy changes that are occurring on your planet – since there is scientific evidence to it now.
In a word, always address their Divine Soul nourishing it with its native energies and leaving their low vibration soul “to starve”.
If you manage to get through to such a person, it is quite possible that you will help them get rid of the second soul that they are most likely to have no idea of but which prevents them from spiritual development and deprives them of the opportunity to make transition to the Fifth dimension with Earth.
Such an approach to interaction with people is universal irrespective of the kind of person you have come across.
In any situation look for their light side and concentrate both your attention and that of your interlocutor on it.
Do not multiply the negative that has accumulated too much on your planet.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 2, 2023.

July 1

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Accept with mind and heart)

Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today I would like to talk to you about the policy you should work out in respect of the people who own two souls especially if both of them are of low vibrations.
For a start, so far very few are those on Earth who can feel, let alone, see them.
As it has already been said in my recent message, for an average person it is hard even to realize the very fact of this being possible.
Yet, the reason why you had better know about this is that the higher Earth’s vibrations become, as well as those of yours, the better you will start seeing the subtle level.
And I would not like for such phenomena to become something shocking or scary to you.
The best thing is to put up in advance with the idea that everything is actually not the way it seems to be even in respect of one’s appearance.
I know that already now from certain perspective and under certain lighting some people start seeing reptiloid beings that hide behind human appearance.
And the higher Earth’s vibration, the harder it will be for them to remain invisible.
It is also one of the manifestations of Apocalypse or Disclosure: physical bodies will then be unable to conceal their “inhabitants”.
Of course, it will happen not immediately and not for everyone but one should be ready for the fact that for pure revived souls there will be a lot of surprises as a variety of different creatures embodied as humans showing outwards.
Well, how should you treat them?
With no fear, before all!
Everyone has the right to exist – and it should be accepted not only with Mind but with Heart, too.
But as soon as you reach the level of stable vibrations of at least the fourth dimension, these creatures will become absolutely harmless and innocuous to you.
With the best will in the world they will not be able to feed on your energy and, what is more, it will turn dangerous to them therefore they will do their best to avoid you.
In the new energy space the Laws of the Universe will start working in an accelerated mode that is why according to the Law of Attraction you will meet people who are at the same wavelength with you, while all low vibration creatures embodied as humans will even disappear gradually from your life.
But for this to happen as soon as possible, try to get rid of the feeling of censure or superiority towards these creatures being aware of the fact that all their negative thoughts, emotions and actions are determined by the programmes that are instilled in their collective consciences.
They truly know not what they do.
That is why they should be treated with understanding and indulgence as adults treat children that have just embarked on the course of development.
And in this case at issue is spiritual development that is inaccessible to them yet.
While if along with a low vibration soul a person owns a Divine Soul, too, they still have got a chance, and you can be of crucial part in their destiny having learnt to interact with them harmoniously.
And next time we will talk about this in more detail.
Loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 1, 2023.

July 3


Greetings, my dear beloved children!
I would like to address my today’s message to those of you who are at the front line of the struggle against globalists.
And they are actually a whole army of the people who are ready to sacrifice a lot including their life for the sake of justice establishment on your long-suffered planet.
Who do I rank among this category of people?
First of all, of course, those who protect not only their own country’s interests but also universal human values and people’s right to decide their own destiny themselves.
And it is of great importance to understand since right now almost all the countries of the world are in the grip of the deep state and a small group of their marionettes that promote the programme of humanity enslavement at the physical level.
Perhaps, many of you have noticed that they are in a hurry indeed making use of all the tools of power for intimidation of population and spreading of chaos, panic and fear.
All this runs hand in hand with a swift increase of Earth’s vibrations and those of pure Divine souls.
This is exactly what has become the main threat for globalists and their protégés at the helm.
And it is so, before all, because almost all of them lacking a Divine Soul cannot adapt to these new high vibration energies.
So as to prolong their existence somehow, they are trying to decrease the vibrations of Earth and people as much as possible by all the means available to them.
Disturbances now in progress in Europe are aimed exactly at this – to drag back – to the third dimension world – its inhabitants that are objects to threat and violence for the side of a crowd of biorobots and clones that have gone mad and hundreds of thousands of which have congested Europe at the instigation of the deep state.
They got a clear order: to set on fire and ruin everything on their way, lift shops and intimidate the population.
And the population has turned out not ready for such a revelry of gangsterism.
Unfortunately, the people who get information exclusively from the mainstream sources cannot even imagine the scale of their governments’ crimes that are in total submission to the deep state.
Therefore, now it is high time to intensify the struggle against globalists at the forefront of information war that has been made by them against humanity for several decades now.
This is the only way to stop the madness that is unfolding all over the world and has seized all the spheres of your life, the most dangerous of which is encroachment on health and psyche of your children.
And now you have profound arguments for those who called any statements against government actions conspiracy theory or conspirology not long ago.
As you see, life is arranging everything right and all the secret things are becoming evident for everybody now and not only for a group of the revived.
But the responsibility on you is huge since the battles on the information field turn out as dangerous as at a real battleground.
Your enemy still has all the tools of power at their disposal that is why it is only possible to gain a victory over them by a daily growing number of the revived people and solidarity of all the revived population of Earth.
Remember the well-known expression: “Knowledge is Power”.
And let the knowing of a true picture of the current events encourage all the people who are willing to live a free and happy life on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension.
I bless you and love you immensely!
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 3, 2023.
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