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As you already know, the dark forces use all (without exception – where more, or less) areas of human life to produce negative energy. And morality is a basic method of influencing human consciousness. But please do not consider yourself sacrifices – you choose whether to succumb to manipulation or to be happy. If you bind to another suggestion that you are an innocent victim, you are deprived of choice, ie. you decide that nothing is up to you and you choose to be an obedient (emotional) cow.
So, you should never exclude from your mind the attitude that everything that makes you suffer are programs that make you react automatically in a certain way, but you always have the choice to change your attitude. For example, jealousy, when you love someone, it is much more natural to want him to be happy, and if you are not looking for happiness elsewhere, you should only be happy. But books and movies, as well as your envy from the mass consciousness, suggest that you have to suffer, fight, anything else, just not to enjoy the man you love. Why do you get so easily on mass suggestions? Because you suffered when you were lonely (again a mass suggestion that loneliness must be discomfort) and these memories cause your fear, not to be lonely again. But note a very important point: you are blunting your jealousy, imagining that you are just prudent / reasonable; mask your fear as a reasonable argument and give it strength. But if you look at it sensibly, you will come to the conclusion that fears are very rarely justified, and you are putting a constant tension on your relationship with meaningless scandals.
Based on the belief that everything that causes us to suffer, programs have been intruded through mass consciousness, to consider moral norms as a source of discomfort. Above all, they are limitations that worry about the lack of free choice in life’s diversity – moral norms are imposed as a reasonable approach in human relations. But in life, everything is much more complicated, and the harder the constraints are, in most cases, inadequate. For example, you know that you have a close group of souls who, with every reincarnation, are your closest circle. For hundreds of years, with these souls you have accumulated a variety of strong emotions: sexual attraction as a result of alive life, parental emotions to your children, friendship and spiritual communication. As well as negative accumulations: hostility, hatred, fears, disappointments and so on. All these accumulations have not been left somewhere in the past, but they influence you, determine your relationship to people, and in most cases you even have no idea what this relationship is causing you. They are all extremes that you need to deliberately neutralize so that you do not accumulate them again and again. For example, for some reason, you’ve chosen a lot of lives like a man or a woman – it has led to the accumulation of sex-specific energies, and such a person, to neutralize these burdens, chooses incarnation in the opposite sex. But usually, the accumulation makes him feel uncomfortable in this body, which, in many cases, leads to a desire to change sex, and even more, determines homosexual relations. Therefore, I ask you very much: be tolerant of such cases and do not judge /
Another variant of sexual relations, strongly condemned by morality, therefore, are a constant source of negative, are the sexual relations between blood relatives. As I said, the loved ones are in a constant relationship in every life, and in this one, mother and son / father and daughter / brother and sister may have been many lovers in previous lives, and this accumulation / attraction is overcome hard. That is why I call again for tolerance, all the more so that such relationships only pose a problem in a generation where there may be genetic consequences.
Collective sex is also reprimanded – but since there is no violation of free will and violence, since it is desired and convergent, there is no reason to be limited. Moreover, in the dual world are natural education family couples – like two opposite poles – ensure the regular production of negative energies. In the multi-dimensional world, family relations in a three are much more harmonious because there is always a third balancing party to the two opposites. But of course, this is not the rule – everyone is looking for harmonious relationships according to their inner sensation and attraction and future family relationships will probably be very varied.
Besides sexual relations, morality should also regulate many other relationships. Sexual relationships cause very strong emotions, and therefore their limitation provides for many negative outbursts due to the conjecture of sinfulness. Although there are the ten commandments of God directly commanded: “Do not steal! Do not lie! Do not kill! “, But no such sinfulness spreads, even to say there is mass encouragement – no trade is being done without a frank lie and covert theft. But these are universal laws and no one can revoke them and always cause karmic payment / investigation. Moreover, if the payment had been planned by the soul itself years ago, and so the violations were, in most cases, hidden. But times have changed, the earth is the kingdom of God. universal laws begin to work immediately, and this can be observed already constantly: they are constantly revealed, nothing can remain secret, sooner or later, it is coming to life. And politicians, like professional liars and scammers, have no future.
All these human relationships are a wonderful example of the phrase: “there is no past and future, there is only now”. Every moment, we experience the influence of the past by choosing whether to neutralize the past accumulation or even to increase it, and thus determine our future. That is why it is so important that everyone makes a conscious choice, not the rules suggested by someone’s interests. That is why I want to recall another popular expression: “The path upward (spiritual development) is very steep and difficult, winding and thorny”, but this is forgotten by the spiritual seekers who very easily grasp the suggestion that when you do the rules and do if you are a righteous man, you are guaranteed the kingdom of God. What naivete !!! Do not forget: “The way to hell is covered with good intentions”! While you think you are doing right, how will you notice what makes you act in one way or another? That is why the spiritual path is so difficult. I really hope you understand it. I’m killing your fingers.
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