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June 30

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
I have complete faith and trust in the process of my own evolution.
Have a wonderful weekend!

June 29

We understand that it can be difficult to believe that as much growth is going on within you as we assure you there is. It might help to think of a pregnancy.
You can be pregnant and not even know! Then you learn you are pregnant and may start to have some symptoms. Over time you start to see tangible proof that you are expecting because you start to see the changes in your body. But you still aren’t sure what your child will look like or when it will arrive.
You do your best to take care of yourself and give yourself everything you need to ensure the health and wellness of both you and your new baby. You know there are wondrous processes at work that you can’t see as your baby grows inside of you. You also know no matter how carefully you plan, babies arrive when they are ready and births rarely go the way you imagine they will. All you know for sure is you are doing your best, you are expecting, and the birth will happen at some point.
Do you see? It is the same with your enlightenment process and you are pregnant with your own rebirth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 28

Your ego self, which works through the mind, is the part of you that likes to think it knows the speed at which things should be unfolding. It is also the part of you that can trick you into thinking things are somehow wrong. Your soul self, which works through your heart, is calm, centred, and confident, and can see the bigger picture. So if you find yourself in doubt and self judgement, at the very least take the time to connect and listen to your heart, too. Then decide which information is most supportive of your journey and most qualified to lead you. After all, a fair person will take the time to listen to all points of view before they can decide the truth of any situation. Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 27

Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn’t bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports all that is to come. It is the same with you. Whether you consider yourself a seedling, a bud, or in full bloom, you are divinely perfect in whatever stage of beingness you are in. We urge you to start to see that all the phases of your evolution are beautiful and necessary and show your growth and progress. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 26

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be answering the question, “Do I need to do something to activate my DNA or my lightbody in order to speed up my enlightenment process?”
Your enlightenment process is an evolutionary unfoldment. Your energetics shift to reflect your growth and your latest level of attainment. You cannot slow down the process, or speed up the process. It is an organic process that will move at the pace that is perfect for you. And you can’t rush perfection!
Gabriel has told me time and again that there is no knowledge of the enlightenment process required in order to ascend. So should you take a class to activate your DNA or light body? Gabriel’s simple answer is, if it will bring you joy. But it will not move you along any faster than you are ready for.
There is divine intelligence behind your enlightenment process. Rest easy, you aren’t missing anything, or holding it up. Making your highest choice one now moment at a time and allowing your soul to lead the way is all that is required. Evolution will take care of the rest!

June 23

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
I choose to embody my light and wisdom from this day forward. It is time and I am ready.
Have a wonderful weekend!

June 22

We spoke yesterday of the shift from initiate to actuate, from doing to being, from learning to embodying. You might think of moving into your actuate phase as allowing your own sacred heart centre to activate and lead the way. And that is exactly how you will all start to anchor the energy of heaven on earth, and the true changes will start to be seen on your planet. Never underestimate the power and purpose of your own evolution, Dear Ones, for it has a profound effect on both the individual and the collective. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 21

This solstice is designed to assist you in making the shift from the role of initiate to actuate. The initiate stage focuses on studying and learning. It is preparation for the actuate phase, which is stepping into taking that accumulated knowledge and embodying it.
What is truly remarkable is that the initiate phase can take many lifetimes before you are ready to step into being an actuate, and this solstice is energetically supporting you in graduating into that role. Being an actuate means you are shifting from doing to being, from learning to knowing, from being guided to being a guide.
It is deeply satisfying for your soul to have arrived here, for it marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new. We congratulate you for making it to this point in your evolutionary process! We encourage you to take that vast body of knowledge you have worked so hard to acquire, fully assimilate it, and allow yourself to take the quantum leap of not just knowing it, but living it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 20

As you continue to evolve beyond 3D, you will find you shift out of seeking the ego satisfaction that comes from externals into the deep satisfaction that comes from expressing yourself as your soul self. That will become a state of preference and joy, because that choice never comes with regret or second guessing yourself. It is how you experience yourself as your truest self which is where all your growth and expansion has been trying to lead you, and what the next phase of your incarnation is all about. From there it really won’t matter what people think because there is a peace and groundedness that comes from being the true embodiment of you. And that, Dear Ones, is where your freedom is found and your path begins to unfold in the most remarkable ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 16

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
I allow myself to acknowledge my growth, my progress, and the successes on my journey.
Have a wonderful weekend!

June 15

We have been asking you to acknowledge and congratulate yourselves on what a wonderful job you have been doing, participating in the shift of consciousness on your planet. It is safe to acknowledge your efforts! This is not about tooting your own horn to others or puffing yourself up with grandiosity, but rather a fair and true recognition of yourself for yourself, of your growth, your truth, and your continued contributions.
To not acknowledge the progress on your journey would be like getting in your car for a road trip and refusing to look at any of the gauges that let you know how your trip is going. It would be confusing, feel like it is never-ending, and you could very well run out of gas!
So give yourselves credit when due. The solstices are wonderful times to do just that and allow them to serve as mile markers on your evolutionary journey. It is truly remarkable that you are in the body having the full experience of the shift on your planet, so we urge you to acknowledge that every once in a while, along with your sacred role within it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 14

What most of you are not realizing is how much more adept you have become at moving with the energies, releasing and integrating, and making your decisions based on what is supported in the present moment. These are extremely important spiritual skills and the intensity of the past several years has helped you hone them. Take a moment to give yourselves credit for a job well done as you continue to participate in what we like to call the greatest show on earth – the grand shift of consciousness you are so beautifully supporting and experiencing – for it could not happen without you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 13

Today we invite you to be more gentle with yourself. Enter into an easy flow. Identify your needs and meet them lovingly. We want you to know that your sweet tender care is all that is required in this right now moment, so give yourself the gift of the pause and fill it with whatever brings you comfort. Taking the time to do this will leave you well prepared for the next action phase of your journey, so it will be time well spent. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 12

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s topic is working with the angels.
It took me a while to wrap my head around the fact that I could work with angels. I had a lot of thoughts like:
Why me?
Aren’t they busy doing more important things?
Aren’t my problems trivial to them?
What I’ve come to learn is that the angels are beautiful beings of service whose greatest joy is to help you. They will always honour your free will, though, so you must ask in order to receive their help. There is no concern that is too small for them, and there are literally legions of angels available to help you.
It is the same with archangels. It is their joy and honour to assist us. They love when we move into being in partnership with them! Developing a relationship with them is one of the most amazing things you can do and will enhance your life in countless ways.
To work with an angel never means that you are taking away from another. They are multidimensional beings which means they can be in many places at the same time. So trust that if you ask for their help it doesn’t mean they have to drop someone else like a hot potato!
So how do you work with an angel? Simply ask and pay attention to any signs you get to let you know they are responding. They love to leave feathers on your path as little love notes of encouragement. They may make their presence known by angel songs, repeating numbers, angel clouds, or a myriad of other ways that you notice that let you know they are with you and you are connected with them.
You can also ask them to come and make their presence known to you. Get into a light meditation and check in with how you are feeling in your body. Then, with your inner voice, simply call on the angel of your choice and ask for a sign they are near. Common signs are feeling wrapped up in love, heart expansion, tingles, goosebumps, or my favourite a cool minty sensation in your nose or as you breath in. It is called the breath or the kiss of an angel. When I channel Gabriel I get that cool minty feeling right in the centre of my chest. I’m actually getting it right now as I receive this message!
You can also ask for a message. Remember their messages are always loving, encouraging, and never tell you what to do because they honour your free will above all else. If you think you received a message, trust! It is not like hearing with your human ears, it is more telepathic, so it is not likely to be quite as clear as you are used to. But the more you trust, the clearer it becomes.
One of my favourite things to do with Gabriel is to ask him to help me with a job or chore I’ve putting off. It always makes it easier! And I always ask him to roadtrip with me if I’m driving any distance and the journey is always filled with unexpected magic.
Please know there is nothing special you need to do to deserve working with the angels. They are completely available to you and always have been. All you need to do is ask and start to nurture that relationship and it will grow and expand in so many wonderful ways until they are such an important part of your life you’ll wonder how you ever went without them!

June 9

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation is:
It’s more than okay to pursue my true callings because my joy is my service and my service is my joy.
Have a wonderful weekend!

June 8

Joy is a very high vibrating energy of presence and heart expansion. It is light, authentic, and transformative. Because of its purity, it has the ability to transmute lower vibrating energies. We wish to point this out to you so you can start to understand that allowing yourself to experience joy is, indeed, an act of service.
This is yet another example of how what serves the one, serves the whole when it is coming from a heart-centred space of alignment. Since your energy does have the ability to affect the whole in such a positive way, we hope you can see that holding yourself back from joy or love serves no purpose at all and will start to fully embrace feeling the higher end of the emotional spectrum. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 7

Self presence is the space that allows you to truly thrive. In its simplicity, it is comfort and nourishment for your journey. You might think of it as a rest stop for the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 6

Have you ever noticed how you feel good in the company of someone who is fully present with you? They are all there, not judging or assessing, simply enjoying being in the moment with you. It always makes you feel wonderful to be seen, and heard, and accepted. It feels like the energy of Home, like sacred space. Now we ask you, how would your life shift if you started to do that for yourself? How much more ease would you experience just being you? Is that what you’ve been yearning for all along? Is that all you need to allow yourself to move forward as the beautiful being you truly are? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

June 5

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s topic is: I would really like to start communicating with spirit. How do I know which one to work with?
First of all, if you have that desire, congratulations! You have that desire because it is something your soul planned to do, which means it is completely within your capabilities. All it takes is intention, patience, a little experimentation, conscious awareness, discernment, and practice.
Being psychic, more than anything else, starts with being self aware. You must check in with your body before you do anything to see how you are feeling. That way you can tell if there are any changes energetically that give you signs you are connecting with a being you would like to work with.
First and foremost, you want to be sure any being you are making contact with gives you signs of upper chakra activation. This can come with feeling your heart centre expand, feeling wrapped up with love, ringing in the ears, tingles on top of your head, and sometimes a minty or cool sensation from the heart centre up. If you connect and you are not getting any of those signs it is not a being you wish to work with. There is no need to be afraid, just restate your intention and try again. A lower being can never activate higher chakras so your body is an excellent tool to know if you should move ahead or not with a being that makes contact with you. Also, a higher being will never tell you what to do or give you messages of doom and gloom. They will always be positive, supportive, loving, and honour your free will.
Okay, so now that you know how to discern if you are connecting with a higher being you can begin. Get into a meditative state, check in with yourself energetically and take note of how you are feeling, and if there is a being that you feel drawn to, ask them to come and make their presence known. Pay attention to any changes that happen energetically and whether that connection feels good to you. While there will absolutely be some energetic adjustment that happens as you work with a higher being, you do want it to be an overall comfortable experience. After all, if it doesn’t feel good you won’t want to continue.
If you have an affinity for a certain guide and you feel like they don’t show up, it doesn’t mean they don’t like you! Far from it. I just means that there is another being that is perfect for you. Because they love you and want the best for you they will defer to the being that is right for you at this time. And don’t be surprised if they show up later!
You can keep calling on different beings and trying them on energetically until you find who is a really lovely energetic match for you. Simply ask them to come and make their presence known, feel into it, then ask them to step back and call on another. When I first wanted to connect with spirit I used to go into meditation all the time and I’d call on every being I could think of. I always laugh and jokingly say that since no one wanted to talk to me Gabriel took one for the team.
Once I got better at connecting with Gabriel I did try to work with other guides and angels. Some of them really didn’t sit comfortably in my body, so I narrowed it down to just a few beings that feel comfortable for me, and obviously Gabriel and I ended up being a great match and had work to do together, so he has been the predominant being that I like to work with, along with Mother Mary, Jesus, and Archangel Michael.
That being said, just when you think you know who you work with some really interesting and unexpected things can happen. The other day Merlin made a surprise appearance to me and has been giving me some really great information on alchemy and manifestation. Merlin! Never saw that one coming at all!
That’s part of the beauty of working with spirit. It will continue to unfold and guide you and surprise you and create so much magic in your life. Your efforts towards nurturing that teamwork will always be met and will expand your life experience in so many wonderful and unexpected ways. So use your wisdom and discernment, stay open, don’t be afraid to experiment, say no if it doesn’t feel right and yes if it does, and you will be well on your way.

June 2

It’s Affirmation Friday! Today’s affirmation to cap off the week of daily messages is:
Even if I don’t know where I’m going, it is safe to pick the path that will hold the most joy, because joy and authenticity go hand in hand.
Have a wonderful weekend!

June 1

Dear Ones, there is not a single person on the planet that had a truly fulfilling, joyful lifetime giving up on their own likes and preferences and choosing another path to please another. While your intentions may be noble, you will invariably become more and more uncomfortable until you won’t be able to stay in that role one moment longer. The discomfort simply exists to get you to move out of what doesn’t honour you into the discovery of what does.
To deny yourself and your truest desires and yearnings is to deny your purpose on the planet, because you came in with those wants and interests as a built in GPS of sorts to help you find your path. There is only one you on the planet that will hold your unique vibration combined with your special talents! No one else can take that place or fill that role.
We understand you may feel pressure to be a certain way to fit in, but your uniqueness blazes trails for others to follow. It also gives others the courage to follow their own paths. It might help to think of it this way. Denying your truth to please a few others is a great disservice because you are choosing to appease a few who will probably never truly understand or appreciate your sacrifice over the many you would help and inspire and serve just by being truly you. It is time to have the courage to step fully into your sacred role and purpose of being true to you and the calling of your heart because that is what the world has been waiting for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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