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June 30

When What You Want Isn’t Manifesting – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 30

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are updating our various philosophies on existence on a moment-to-moment basis, because we know that whenever we feel as though we have it all figured out, we will discover someday that we do not. And so, we will never cling to anything because we have been proven to be off on so many assumptions that we’ve made in the past, and now we are ready to embark upon more new missions with all of you as you discover what you need to know about existence, sometimes through us. But we will always be seeking to give you more of our up-to-the-moment philosophies, because we can see the bigger picture from our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and that lofty view can assist you in so many ways.
For example, when something isn’t happening that you really want to happen, and that you really want to happen now, stop and ask yourself the question, ‘How could this be serving me?’ ‘What else could I add to this creation while I am waiting?’ And, ‘How can I grow from this?’ That was actually three questions, but you get the idea. Turn it around; instead of thinking about what you’re doing wrong, where you’re blocked, who is preventing this from happening, look for the positives, because they are there. You are growing exponentially there with each passing day, because you are awake and because you are willing to do the hard work of self-examination, looking for where you can improve, and what else you can let go of to lighten your load.
You are allowed to have desires and to live lives of joy, but you also have to recognize that everything is ultimately about your expansion and your evolution. And so, when you aren’t getting something that you want in the timing that you want it to come in, that will always be an opportunity for you to grow. Letting go of your attachments allows you to be more present in the moment, and when you are more present in the moment, you can enjoy the moment that you are in. And when you are not thinking about time, you become timeless. And when you become timeless, then you don’t even realize how long it’s taking for what you want to come to you.
And also, recognize that once you create something, you will experience it. Live knowing that, and you can take the anxiety and fear away, because those only exist when you aren’t certain about your creation ever coming to you, ever coming to fruition. So remember that you are creator beings who are there to have experiences, and all of it furthers the expansion of Source Energy, and that’s why you are never denied anything. Knowing that should bring you some peace, some solace, and some enthusiasm for what is to come.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 29

The July 2023 Energies & Your Chakras, Cells & DNA – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 29

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to tell you about the energies of July 2023 there on planet Earth, because they are so influential and life altering to all of you. These energies will be about giving you all of the necessary upgrades to your chakras, your cells, and your DNA, so that you can handle face-to-face extra-terrestrial contact. We know that this is something that you as awakened beings are very interested in, and we also know that you have been taking good care of yourselves to ready yourselves for these experiences, and you have come a long way, but there is only so much you can do on your own.
At a certain point, you do need some help, and the purpose of all of us co-existing in this universe is to help each other. When we acknowledge that we are all one, then helping one another becomes somewhat of a no-brainer. And so, there are beings and collectives besides ourselves who are helping with the activation of your chakras, your DNA, and the upgrading of your cells. We are working together as your helpers because we love you so much and because we are so eager to see you join the galactic community officially. These personal, face-to-face, physical e.t. encounters will take humanity very far, and will open you up to more and more experiences in larger and larger groups. And before you know it, you will be ready as the human collective to have your mass landing of ships, all across the planet, all at once.
Here is what you can do to help the energies of July. You can hydrate, rest, relax, and consciously open yourselves up to them. You can speak out loud to your guides your desire to receive their help in acclimating to and assimilating these energies that will be so helpful to everyone. They will especially be helpful to those who help themselves, because when you are open to something and you are ready for it, you do tend to receive it more graciously. And so, we bring you this message to help you understand what is coming and how to prepare yourselves for it, and we also want you to continue to recognize that you are inching closer and closer every day to that time of having e.t.s openly walking amongst you and integrating into your society.
We will continue to do our part, and the Pleiadians, and Andromedans, and Sirians and so on are also helping and playing their part, but you have more helpers in this regard than you can possibly imagine. And so, we don’t want you to worry ever that you’re not doing enough to make it happen. You are right where you are supposed to be right now, and you are always preparing yourselves every day for more.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 28

Are You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 28

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always surprised by what you are capable of there on Earth. We have noticed that you have had a spike in your overall vibration as a collective consciousness, and that spike is in fact due to how well you are handling all of the energies coming to you from above and below. When you make substantial progress like this, the extra-terrestrial beings in your skies do take notice. They are looking for those windows of opportunity to have more contact with all of you, and those of you who have been largely responsible for the spike are showing up more clearly on their radar screens.
In other words, they’re going to connect with those of you who are offering a higher vibration first. They do that, not because they’re playing favorites, but because you demonstrate that you can handle higher-frequency energies, and then they know that you can stand face to face with them and handle their energy. You are of course also getting closer and closer to first contact because of this spike, but those of you who are on the leading edge, those of you who are awake, you are the ones leading the way. You are the ones who plant the seeds, and you pave the way for a group event for humanity involving extra-terrestrials.
Now, we know that there are many of you who haven’t had conscious contact yet and who want it, and we suggest that you relax and that you let of attachment to having that experience. Here is why – even if you continue to let go of that which is lower vibrational and access that which is higher vibrational, the principles of manifestation are still relevant here. And so, you cannot be attached to having a face to face with an e.t. if you want to manifest that experience in your reality. You have to let go and live your life at the highest vibration that you possibly can. Again, demonstrate to them your readiness for contact, but also let go of that desire and let the universe and your higher self bring you the experience in the appropriate timing for you.
It is okay to be eager and excited for your contact experiences, but if you are attached to them because you want to prove to someone else that they exist, or you want to prove to yourself that you are special enough to receive that contact, then you are only delaying the process, which is inevitable. It is inevitable that you will be standing face to face with e.t.s in this lifetime, but you want to enjoy the journey to that event. You want to relax into it, and you want to allow it to happen in the perfect timing for you as an individual and for humanity as a collective.
You can always jump to a different timeline where the timing of humanity’s contact is sooner, but you can also jump to a different timeline where the timeline for humanity’s contact is later. So live your lives, and be in a state of joy, and don’t make that joy conditional, and you will be on that timeline where this event can happen for you and for the rest of humanity. You are doing so well in so many areas of your consciousness evolution, and while your eagerness and excitement for e.t. contact is beautiful, you also must demonstrate that you can live amongst your fellow humans as one who accepts, loves, and has compassion for each and every one of them. That’s something else the e.t.s in physical form are looking for when they are considering who exactly down there on Earth is ready for physical e.t. contact.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 27

Your Spirit Guides & Higher Selves Work w/Us on This – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 27

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been taking our sweet time in delivering to all of you the messages that contain the energies that will propel you into a deeper knowing of who you are. We know how much you can handle in any given moment, and we know the disadvantages to overwhelming you with energies and information, because we have done this before with other people on other planets in other star systems. We know that you are ready for the energies that we deliver to you by measuring how much you have absorbed and by how many of you have felt overwhelmed by us and what we are offering. We also know that you have your own helpers, your own guides, your own galactic teams, and your own relationships to Mother Earth and your sun.
You are always encountering new evidence of your Divinity, of your true nature, but it doesn’t always stick. In other words, you don’t always get what is meant for you, and some of it goes over your head. Some of it bounces right off of you, while other bits and pieces just don’t make sense to your logical minds. To maximize your effectiveness as receptors of energy and information, we suggest that you do the following: relax and spend time doing nothing at all, listen to your favorite music, take a bath, get outside, and do what you love, even if what you love is something that you do inside.
You want to give yourselves every possible opportunity to benefit from all the help you are getting, and we find that the two states that match receiving the best are the states of joy and the state of relaxation. You have many different ways of experiencing joy, and that is why we called it ‘the states of joy.’ You have bliss and you have ecstasy, for example. When you are relaxed, you can be a little relaxed or very relaxed, and what is relaxing for one person would be boring for another. You must be able to figure out for yourselves how to get into these states, and it also always serves you to just stop doing and stop thinking. You don’t always have to be accomplishing something or figuring something out in order to have a better life or earn your way into the fifth dimension or Heaven.
Relax and take it easy on yourselves. Put things off that you don’t have to do today, and go easy on yourself for not crossing everything off of your list of things to do. Take regular breaks, and rely on inspiration and spontaneity to put you in the right place at the right time to maximize your effectiveness and the amount of time that you have to devote to certain projects.
Also, remember that help is always on the way, and sometimes that help is physical and other times it’s nonphysical, but if you really want to benefit from all that we are giving you, then follow our advice. We are also speaking for your guides here; we are speaking for your higher selves and all of your helpers when we give you this, because they know what we know, and we are always working with them to reach you in the best possible ways that we can.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 26

Old Systems Crumbling & New Ones Sprouting Up – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 26

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been enjoying witnessing you during this time of great upheaval there on Earth because we have noticed how well you have all been handling the ways in which your society has been collapsing in many ways all around you. You have noticed that the institutions that you once placed a great deal of trust in are all really houses of cards that could topple at any moment, and you even have a lot of people predicting that they will in some way, shape, or form be crumbling in the not-too-distant future. And yet, there you are still standing, still stable in your environment and in your vibration, because you choose to be stable forces for humanity. You choose to recognize that as one institution or system crumbles, a new one is formed to take its place.
And you are the wayshowers who have decided that you want to be the creators of those new systems, those new institutions, those new ways of being in the world. You are not just building bomb shelters and crawling down into them with your dried fruit and canned goods. You are able to see the possibilities that are springing up all around you for a better world for everyone, and you are even able to envision those worlds and your part in co-creating them. We want to point out to you that we have indicated there are worlds that you are co-creating. It is not just one Earth, and it is not just two Earths. You are constantly co-creating new experiences of new versions of your world, because that’s how powerful you really are.
That is why you don’t have to pay so much attention to what’s going on in the governments and the banking systems, and so on. They represent the older consciousness, the third-dimensional version of you and the rest of humanity. They were necessary at one time, and they played their roles for all you, but you are graduating to something new, something better, and you are the ones orchestrating what those institutions will be, and how they will be run, and how they will be in service to everyone, rather than just a few.
You are there now as the beings who are very focused on your spirituality because you needed that stronger foundation in the spiritual realm before you could start to operate effectively in the physical realm as the masters you truly are of bringing those two realms together harmoniously. You are there to show people that there is a happy medium between living in a cave and living in a mansion. You don’t have to meditate and chant all day in order to be a spiritual person. You are a spiritual person whether you acknowledge it or not, and you can live comfortably in the physical world without living in excess, without hoarding, and without protecting what you have against anything and everything that might come and take it away from you.
The merging of the physical and the nonphysical, the material and the spiritual, the human and the Divine, humanity and extra-terrestrial, that’s what you are all about as awakened souls. It is not a choice between one or the other. It is always both, and it is in the merging of both and everything that you become one harmonious whole, that you become your higher self, and you usher in the time of the new age, the fifth dimension. We are here to help. We are nonphysical consciousness coming through a physical vessel to do so, and so we are one example of how these two worlds, these two realms can not only co-exist, but can thrive and do some serious good there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 25

The Unknown & What Is Coming to You – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 25

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in our element when we are feeling into something that is unknown to us and getting a sense of it for the first time. To us there is nothing more exciting than the unknown, because it means we will be meeting an aspect of ourselves that we were unaware of previously. As you step into the unknown in your lives, you really do want to take that same approach, because it will be the place where you discover something new about yourselves.
You want to discover how creative you are, how strong you are, how intelligent you are, and when everything isn’t laid out perfectly in front of you, then you are giving yourselves the opportunity to explore these aspects of yourselves that you may not have known about. You also want to stretch yourselves, always. So even if you knew you had a certain amount of creativity, to demonstrate to yourselves how creative you can get when necessary is something to appreciate.
You really don’t want your future set in stone and told to you by someone who has a gift for seeing into the future, because you want to be surprised by life, and you want to show up in those moments as a fuller and more complete version of yourself to face the unknown head on. If you have a fear of the unknown, then you really need to ask yourselves why. Is it because of what you imagine the unknown to contain? Because if that is the case, then it’s no longer unknown to you. Now you are creating it with your imagination and creating it to be something you don’t want it to be. But if instead, you can recognize that the unknown sometimes contains something better, then you can get excited about it.
When we talk to you about shifting to the fifth dimension, we are talking to you about something that is mostly unknown to you. Most people have only had a glimpse of what the fifth dimension is like. And so, really you just want to start assuming that whatever is coming to you that is unknown to you will be better. It certainly will be your creation, and you are evolving and becoming more than you have ever been before there on Earth. So then, it would follow that what you are creating is better than what you have experienced and even better than what you can imagine.
The energies that are upon you right now are very supportive of you creating with vibration, rather than thought and imagination. That means you don’t need to be detail oriented in order to create a better version of reality. In fact, we would say that you need to be feelings oriented, and let the universe work out all of the details that you cannot figure out and cannot even imagine. That is truly living as you were meant to live, and that is the vibration we are infusing into this transmission, so you can join us in our enthusiasm for knowing yourselves more completely.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 24

The Schumann Resonance Spikes & Ascension Symptoms – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 24

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of clearing energies out of our collective consciousness field, just as you are there on Earth. You are doing a tremendous job of that, both as individuals and as a collective. You have a way of measuring the energies there coming up from the core of Mother Earth, and it has been called the Schumann Resonance. When you see a big spike on that graph that represents those energies, you know you are doing a collective clearing, and each of you as individuals may feel the repercussions of such a spike. One thing is true for everyone there on Earth at this time. Now is the time to be doing that clearing consciously and to be allowing these experiences as best you can.
If you resist letting go of something, you will feel the bite of it. You will feel the stuckness that you sometimes feel. You will feel weighed down by life, and then you will wonder why you have that heavy feeling. It is always because you are attaching yourself to something that it is time for you to let go of, and when you are being given that opportunity to let go, and you don’t take it, you feel it in your body. You will also feel it in your state of being, in your level of vitality, and you will see the repercussions in your life because you will be holding a lower vibration and creating your life from that lower vibration.
It is so important to let go of attachments, and there has never been a better time to do so than right now. You are a part of the Awakened Collective if you are receiving this message, and therefore, it is up to you to lead the rest of humanity by your example. It is perfectly normal and acceptable for you to acknowledge that you have some ascension symptoms. However, it is also important for you to realize that you wouldn’t have those ascension symptoms if you were completely going with the flow. And we do not want any of you to feel negative emotion or experience judgment because you’re not going with the flow all the time. That is the way of the master, and while it is mastery that you seek, you’re not always going to be at that level of consciousness. And that’s okay, and you have to make that okay.
You have to accept it as your reality, because anything else is just more resistance. It doesn’t matter whether you are resisting something or someone out there, or resisting yourself. You still have to let go and let everything be as it is, including yourself and where you are in your spiritual evolution. We want to assure you that you will get to where you’re going, and you take the circuitous path on purpose. You take the path you are on so that you will have compassion for others who are struggling.
If you come in as the perfect master and never experience any hardships or heartbreak, then how can you help others? You wouldn’t be able to relate to them and what they’re going through, and it is so important for you to do so in order to have compassion for your fellow humans. You will continue to evolve, ascend, and access, and as you do so from that state of allowing, from that flow state, you can expect to soar. You can expect for things to get easier for you in your lives, even if you do not accomplish everything that you set out to in this life.
Even if you do not become rich and/or famous, you can still lead a beautiful magical life full of miracles and synchronicities. Trust in yourselves, in your path, and in the plan for this lifetime, and you will go far, and you will go far joyously. Continue to ride the waves of the spikes in Mother Earth’s energies, for she is there to support you and to remind you that you have a powerful being who is ascending right along with you, right underneath the soles of your feet.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 23

One Simple Choice That Will Change Your Life – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 23

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are not just imagining a better future for humanity; we are also able to see a better now moment than most of you are. That ability that we have to see the better now moment there on planet Earth is also a choice that we are making. We are choosing to focus at all times on the positives, the baby steps forward that you have taken in a given moment, and we are never deluding ourselves when we do so. It is always up to you which aspect of the now moment you choose to focus upon, and that choice makes an enormous difference in the course of your life.
Now, most people are not taking their emotions very seriously, and because they don’t take their emotions seriously enough, they are suppressing them. Those suppressed emotions become energy blockages. Those energy blockages put out a vibration to the universe, and those pessimistic thoughts come to you as thought forms. They come into your conscious awareness, and in that moment, you do have a choice. You can agree with the pessimistic thought, or you can dismiss it. This is the beauty of meditation, because in meditation you learn how to dismiss all thoughts.
A lot of people attempt to meditate and assume that they are very bad at it, and therefore, it is just not for them because those thoughts just keeping coming. But as long as you keep letting go of the thoughts that you don’t like and tuning in to something that is positive, you can change, and you will eventually not be able to hold on to that stuck energy, that energy blockage, because it will feel so much worse as you become more conscious, and you will do everything in your power to release it.
You can all benefit from the help that is present at this time and the help that is coming, and you are much more likely to do so when you start living a more conscious life. That means being consciously aware of the choices you are making, including what you choose to focus upon, but also whether you are choosing to meditate and pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. You are able to receive so much more help when you are operating at a higher frequency, and your vibration will naturally rise up through the simple act of meditating, or choosing to focus on something in your life that is working, that is positive, that is life-affirming.
We know that all beings, both physical and nonphysical, are amping up the energetic support at this time, and we know that many of you are being forced to face what you have been suppressing and those energy blockages. We want you to know how to clear them out more efficiently, and that is why we give you this message. We want you to become the conduits of high frequency energy you were born to be, and you will be what people look to when they need to feel hopeful about the state of the world at this time and the state of the human collective consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 22

What All Lightworkers are Working Towards – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 22

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very interested in what is happening there on planet Earth because you are growing so very fast and exploring so much of consciousness. We invite you to take a look at yourselves and recognize just how far you have come. We invite you to do this as individuals and as a collective, because while there are still wars, violence, greed, and hunger present on your planet, you are more aware of these things as a collective than ever before, and most humans do not want these things to continue to exist.
In other words, you realize that you don’t need to experience yourselves in that way anymore. You realize that everything that you could have possibly experienced in a war, or in a violent situation, you have experienced. You have already had all of the experiences you are going to have in regards to having enough or not having enough. You are ready to graduate from those experiences, and because you feel that way, whether you are experiencing something unwanted or not, you have the ability to shift the way you look at those unwanted things.
You have the ability to recognize that they have served a purpose, and you have the ability to then recognize that it’s time for you all to move past those experiences, and you also know that you move past them by accepting them, by forgiving those involved in them, and eventually getting to the place of compassion and unconditional love. Those are the ways you move past the third-dimensional paradigm, the third-dimensional way of living there on planet Earth. And so many of you realize that you are ready to move past those very harsh conditions that you sometimes find there on planet Earth.
You are especially ready to move past the ones that are easily avoidable. And first you make peace with them, and then you recognize that you and all of the other lightworkers across the planet are working for a better world. You can realize that the amount of energy put forth in creating that better world is reaching a tipping point. You can recognize that the awareness that you all have of acts of violence has you co-creating a more peaceful world.
Again, even if you have never experienced an act of violence yourself, you know that it is time for you and the rest of humanity to move beyond that level of consciousness. And so, the way you move past these unwanted things on your world is not through passing more laws. The way to move past them is to raise your level of consciousness and to be the love, the peace, the generosity, the harmony that you want to experience. And that is an inward journey, and so many of you realize that now. There is so much more that is being done on the nonphysical level to help to create the world that you want to be living in, but in order for you all to experience that world, there still needs to be a little bit more letting go of resistance to the one you are currently living in.
And we can feel that within you because we can hear your cries for help, and we know that many of you just want out. You just want off of planet Earth, but you are there to help. You are there to bring humanity to that next level of consciousness, and we see you doing it, and we see the ripple effects that each one of you has with your good thoughts and your positive intentions. We see how you are changing the vibration of the human collective consciousness with your good intentions for all to have what they want, to have what they need. We know that you are making a difference there with your compassion, with your love, with your forgiveness, and we know that you are going to reap the benefits of all of it in this lifetime.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 21

What to do Now that the Solstice Energies Arrived – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 21

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with how we perceive all of you to be handling the solstice energies. We have witnessed the upgrades and activations in so many of you there on Earth, and we know that your openness to these energies has made a difference. You are like walking receptors when you are awake and aware, and when you are open to going beyond where you are now in your journey, in your evolution. This is why it is so important for all of you who are awake to take the time to rest and relax to give yourselves what you need in order to thrive in your physical bodies. We are not mandating that all of you take a visit to the spa and get treatment after treatment, but we know that you know what you need in order to function at that level of thriving.
You have been through a lot in this one lifetime, and you have not always been as willing to go with the flow as you are now. Some of that resistance in your body is still being released, purged at this time, and every time you go through another purging you make yourselves more available to energies like these solstice energies and the Source Energies that have been paired so nicely with them. We do suggest that you give yourselves some much needed ‘me time’ whenever you can. We do suggest that you think about self-care and what it means to you. We do encourage you to give yourselves more of these things because we know that you operate better as those conduits, as those receptors, when everything is clean and clear and when your energy is at full capacity.
We do make suggestions from time to time about hydrating and eating more fruits and vegetables, just like any parent would do, and we want you to know that there is more to self-care than what you put in your bodies. You must also pay close attention to when you are forcing yourself to do something or to visit someone, and let go of those obligations for now. Give yourselves a break; give yourselves a respite. You deserve it. These energies are intense, and they may have you sleeping more or sleeping less. It really does depend on the person. This much, however, we know to be true about each and every one of you. You are going to dazzle us with what you do now, with how much energy you run through your bodies and what you do with it.
We know this because we know you very well as members of the Awakened Collective, and we are very happy to say that we feel like proud parents to you. We love you so very much, and we only want what is best for you. We know that you have the freedom to use the energies that you receive now to create the world you want to inhabit, and we will continue to support each and every one of you in those endeavors. Be good to yourselves, and it will make being good to others that much easier. Remember who you really are and that you are there to exist as Source Energies in physical bodies, and therefore you don’t have to force anything, but you do have to remember to relax and receive regularly.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 20

The Power of the June Solstice Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have already told you about the energies we are delivering to you to go along with the solstice energies that are coming from all other parts across the galaxy and universe. Those solstice energies are about helping you all to become better conduits, better channelers of energy for yourselves and others. These solstice energies are about opening you up and opening all of your channels up so that you can be the receptors and the transmitters of that higher-frequency energy that is coming and that will continue to come to assist you with the shift in consciousness.
Therefore, we recommend that you make sure that you take care of your physical vessels. Drink plenty of water and eat more fruit than you normally eat. Eat more vegetables too, but the fruit tends to give you more hydration, because of its high water content. And you need that in order to run these higher-frequency energies that are coming in and that will continue to come in.
Your bodies are continuously being worked on while you are sleeping so that they can keep up with your raising of your level of consciousness. You are out learning and experiencing in the astral plane every night while you are asleep, and your soul’s consciousness has to come back to a body that can handle the information and the energies that have been received during those travels. Therefore, you get help all the time, but when there is a spike, an increase in the energies that you are going to receive, you need even more help physically. That is why we are suggesting that particularly at this time, you help yourselves physically.
We, and others like us, will continue to offer the help that we can energetically. And you, as a result, will become better and better channelers of energy. And we are not just talking about the channeling that Daniel here is doing of us. We are talking about the channeling of thoughts, ideas, inspiration. We are talking about the channeling of beliefs, belief systems, energies from all across the galaxy that are meant to unite, bring together, human and extra-terrestrial consciousness. You are always channeling, but you often do not realize that you are because what you are channeling is the same old, same old.
When it comes time to channel something new, something different, something higher vibrational, that’s when you need some extra help to handle what it is that you are going to be receiving and grounding, not only for yourselves but for all of humankind. You as the Awakened Collective are meant to do this work, and some of you are. Some of you realize it, and others have been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen. That which is big is happening, and it’s you and your spiritual evolution. Remember that you do not have to wait for anything or anyone to come along and give you permission to be more of who you really are.
You are Source Energy, experiencing itself in a physical body, and the goal here is to experience more and more of that, and sometimes you need these upgrades that the June solstice energies, the Winter/Summer solstice energies are providing. You are ready for this; this was planned. This is part of your journey, and those of you who are consciously on your journeys know that. You welcome what is coming, and you welcome it with open arms, and that is what allows you to receive more and to do more with that which you receive.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 19

What We See Humans Doing on Many Timelines – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be existing where we exist right now, and we acknowledge that. We acknowledge both the beauty of our existence and the privilege of our positioning in this universe. As we have mentioned, we get to receive help and we get to give help out to others. That brings us a tremendous amount of joy. We know that many of you have been opening up to receive more of the help that has always been coming to you, and we also know that many more of you are stepping up to become the helpers that you truly are.
The way that we ascend as a universe is by coming together. Therefore, anything that feels to you like it is a movement towards coming together with any other is going to feel good, and anything that is a movement towards separation, segregation, moving apart, is going to feel bad. You would be going against the grain if you were to choose a path of separation, especially at this time, but if you choose a path of integration, of coming together, you will feel very good. Coming together means that you are setting aside differences. It means that you are seeing yourself in another, and it also means that you have accessed more of your compassion for another human being. These are all very good things.
If we were physical human beings living on Earth at this time, we would make a list of all the ways in which we can come together with our fellow humans. We would also be looking for ways in which we can forgive, we can let go of resistance, and we can put aside differences so that it is possible to come together with another being or group that we had previously saw as the enemy. We truly are all in this together. This is a group event; it is a collective experience that we are having. And therefore, seeing yourselves more as members of a collective than as individuals helps you immensely.
If you want to go with the flow and go with the easier path, you will look for and even create those opportunities to help others, to come together with others, to unite, to see beyond differences. You can all do this, and we have seen it. We have looked down those timelines, and seen exactly what we are describing here. We also know that none of you who are receiving this message has to convince anyone else to do the same. When you do it, you will be aligning with the world and the human collective on that world who is also doing it. And so, there is no preaching necessary, and there is no converting necessary. As the slogan goes, just do it, and you will see the results in your world and in your life, and we guarantee that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 18

Continuing Your Awakening Process – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 18

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to have the perspective that we do on life there on Earth, because we can see how easy it would be to go down a path of despair when looking at yourselves and your society. The reason why we do not get sucked in to that trap is because we see the best in all of you. We see you as you truly are as Source Energy Beings who are merely pretending to be something less than the wholeness of Source. You have gotten very good at pretending, but your awakening is really a remembering. It is a lifting of the veil of forgetfulness, and it is a letting go of the illusion of separation.
You all have been awakening at a faster pace because of the dire circumstances of life on Earth as it has been of late. If you do go into a pit of despair, just realize that you will climb out of it. That feeling, that experience will be temporary because it’s all part of the game you are all playing with yourselves, and nothing is permanent. Now, we would like to give you some strategies for dealing with your despair and even just your feelings of being down in the dumps from time to time. You can always take a few deep breaths, listen to some soothing music, go outside and enjoy Mother Nature, think about someone you love, and you can always feel for the truth of who you are in the center of your heart.
This remembering that you are doing is very natural. It doesn’t take effort, and in fact, it takes effort to forget. It takes effort to lower your vibration to the extent that you have in this lifetime and in previous ones that you’ve had there on Earth. You get to strip away these layers of forgetfulness at whatever pace is comfortable to you, but make no mistake about it; that is what you are doing. You are there to remember who you really are and who everyone else really is, and the rest of it is really just you playing around with each other.
Now, we know that very serious things are happening and that there is abject pain and suffering there on Earth, and we do not mean to make light of any of that or diminish it in some way, but if you are in a place where you are not feeling a lot of pain, suffering, and despair right now, you can remember that those individuals who are would benefit from you sending love, light, compassion, healing, and forgiveness to them. You can all be of service at any time you desire, and you can all continue the awakening process at any time as well. It is entirely up to you how you move forward, but we know that you will, and that is our perspective, and that is why we always greet you with such optimism and enthusiasm.
You will complete this journey of shifting your consciousness, and you are doing it on a much better feeling timeline than what most of them feel like. So please take a moment and pat yourselves on the back and just remember that this perspective we hold is available to all of you as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 17

Source Energies to Couple with the June Solstice Energies – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 17

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been working with some energies here in the ninth dimension that we are about to introduce to your dimension through the many portals that we have access to. We are excited for you to receive these energies because they are infused with more of the light and love of Source that we have been able to channel ourselves. We are ninth dimensional, and Source is thirteenth dimensional, if you could actually put a dimension on Source. What we are saying is Source is much more and much higher than we currently are, and therefore, we have to channel that Source Energy vibration in order to work with those specific Source Energies that we have recently been accessing. You see, we have our hobbies too.
We are very interested in how to play with energies, how to channel higher-frequency vibrations, and how to then offer that to all of you so that we can help you, so that we can enhance your experience of life there on planet Earth. That helps you, it helps us, and it helps everyone throughout this beautiful universe of ours. We are excited to deliver these energies to you at the same time as your upcoming solstice. These energies will be in addition to the solstice energies that you will be receiving from a variety of sources throughout the galaxy and universe, including your own sun.
We chose this time to deliver these energies because we knew that there would be more of you who would be opening up in anticipation of the solstice energies, and we also knew that they would couple nicely with those solstice energies. Your journey there on Earth is about many things simultaneously, but one of the more significant aspects of your journeys is merging the individual human with that of Source. Those who have done so and have done so effectively have been given the label of ascended master. You have Yeshua, Buddha, Babaji and the rest there as examples of what you are all in the process of doing right now. We are here to help with that process.
When you merge more fully with the truth of who you are as Source, as All-That-Is, as the Oneness, you then spread more of that around, and you transform others into their higher selves. And those of you who are awake and who are wondering what you are supposed to do must be aware on some level that by just being there you are contributing mightily to the ascension of the human collective and the collective consciousness of humanity. These energies will help with that very lofty goal that you all had before incarnating into those beautiful physical bodies that you all have.
Remember what we are giving you here because you will want to open up. You will want to experience more than you typically do on this upcoming solstice of June 2023. You are making tremendous progress there as it is, but you could always use a boost, an infusion of that which you truly are to assist you even further, and that is what we are for.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 16

For Starseeds: This is Why You’re on Earth – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 16

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extending ourselves out to all of you who are looking for help and for contact with extra-terrestrials. We do not have physical bodies, and so, most people might not think of us as extra-terrestrial, but we exist and we were not born on your planet. We ascended within our star system, which is why we still identify as Arcturian. We are much more universal than that now, however, and we have quite the reach across this universe of ours. This is a time when there are more and more people wanting off of planet Earth, and we understand why.
We understand how hard it is to be there at this time, but we want to encourage you to reach out to the non-physical, to collectives like ourselves, to help give you a reason to stay there on Earth, because we need you there as our ground crew, and also because you will never experience anything quite as satisfying as helping an entire race of beings on a planet ascend. That’s as good as it gets in terms of fulfilling a mission, a life’s purpose. Your souls have journeyed so much and so far, throughout so many dimensions to get there, and now that you are there, you long to be somewhere else, and that somewhere is usually another star system.
This is why we say we are extending ourselves out to you at this time. We always have, but we really want you to hear it right now, and more importantly, to feel it. We want you to feel our energy, as well as Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan energy at this time, as we are all working together to help the starseeds feels more at home there on Earth. We reach out to you and we deposit what is needed in your energy fields to give you more of a sense of home, a sense of belonging. And those of you who can open up and receive with ease will be able to feel what it is that all of us are serving up at this time. Others will just notice that they feel a little less angst, a little less homesick, and a little more comfortable in their environment.
We are seeking to reach everyone, regardless of whether they are awake, because that is one of the ways in which people awaken. People awaken all the time because of bizarre experiences that they cannot explain. We seek to be one of those bizarre experiences for some of your unawakened human counterparts there. Those of you who know about us and other e.t.s will be able to help the newly awakened to make sense of these experiences, and while you are waiting for people to reach out to you, we suggest you open up to the energies that we are sending, the energies that the Sirians, Andromedans, and Pleiadians are also sending, because you do need that validation sometimes that everything is going according to plan.
You do need to be reminded at times that you are on the right track and that this isn’t all just a mistake. Everything that is happening on your world today is very calculated, and it is meant to get more people to release what no longer serves them, which will help every single person who does that releasing get what they need. The energies are strong and will continue to get stronger, because we hear your prayers, your cries, and the way that you feel homesick, and we just want all of you to be able to call Earth home so that you can help the Earthlings to ascend.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 15

Your Power Extends Beyond Your Dimension – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 15

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been experiencing the ripple effects of your evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth, and we must say that from the ninth dimension, what you have expanded into feels so very good. You see, every time we offer you something that can help to elevate your consciousness, and you receive it and use it, we benefit from that as well. This is true throughout this universe. We are all co-existing within the same universal consciousness. Therefore, when we help you, we help ourselves. The same is true for you there on planet Earth. When you help another, you are truly just helping yourself. You are going to get more of what you give, and that works in the other direction as well. If you are harming someone else, if you are even thinking harmful thoughts about them, you are only harming yourself.
This is why it is so important to pay attention to what you are thinking about, what you are saying, how you are feeling, and how you are vibrating, and know that you have the ability to help others in far corners of the world with what you are thinking, with how you are sending energies in that direction. And as you send out the love, the light, the healing, and the compassion, that is what you will get back from your fellow humans.
You have so much power within you, and it is really time for you all to tap in to that power, to allow that power to be what you experience on a moment-to-moment basis. Any thought or belief you are using to convince yourselves of how small and insignificant you are must be cast aside at this point if you are going to enjoy this journey of ascension. This journey of ascension is really about knowing yourselves as more than what you have previously thought yourselves to be.
You are not small and insignificant; you are powerful, and you are All-That-Is in the flesh. Recognize this within yourselves and in others and you are awakened. Be aware of when you are operating from this knowing, and when you are not, and you will be able to release that which is limiting to you, that which is telling you that you are small and/or insignificant. Your power extends even beyond your dimension and your Earth, as we feel it, and others feel it in the nonphysical dimensions when you step into your power, when you align with Source. You are in this process of becoming all the time the masters that you truly are, and it is time for you to let go so that you can enjoy the ride and experience the growth that is inevitable, that is part of the ascension process and therefore your birthright in this lifetime.
This is a universal ascension. We are all doing it, and we are all affecting each other when we go with the flow, and we accept these changes that are occurring. Resist nothing and resist no one, and you will be in that flow. You will be recognizing that you are the creator of all of this, and it is all to benefit you. It is all for your spiritual evolution and growth. And when you experience it, you naturally want others to experience it as well. You want to share the wealth. You want to share the knowledge, the wisdom that you attain through your growth experiences and your successful navigation of them.
What you put out into the universe when you have one of these successes benefits all. All can learn from your experiences, even if you never write about them or speak about them. We truly are all in this together, and we are supporting each other in this ascension journey, and that is power. That knowing that you are not doing it all by yourselves allows you to let go a bit more of the struggle and to let in more of the help and more of the positive experiences that others are having on your planet and throughout this beautiful universe of ours. We are ascending as well. We are rising up, becoming more of who we are, and we are sending all of that light and love and positivity to all of you there on Earth. Make sure you are taking some time in your busy day to open up to what’s coming to you from above.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 14

Using Telepathy to Communicate with E.T.s – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 14

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are beyond the point where we need to have language to communicate. We don’t need to use words and sentences to convey an idea, a thought or a feeling, and yet we do communicate with others all the time by sending energy, by vibrating at a frequency where we know the other, or the collective, will be able to understand us. We know that you have words in your language that attempt to convey a particular meaning, and sometimes you even need to look words up in a dictionary to understand what someone else meant by something they said or wrote.
You do understand that communication issues run rampant there on planet Earth, and you also know that at times there is a need for you to speak up, to communicate, and yet you are often left with the very inadequate words that you have to convey meaning, an experience, a thought, a feeling, to someone else or to a group of people. It is, therefore, to your benefit to consider how you can communicate with other people using your energy, using vibration. It is time for you to start to consider yourselves to be telepathic and to have the potential of experiencing telepathy all the time.
And it is time for you to do that because that is going to happen in the future. That is the way you are going to communicate with one another and with extra-terrestrials as well. Therefore, acknowledge the limitations that you have in communicating right now with words, and seek to go beyond that experience in all the ways that you can. Use body language and your eyes, as well as touch and movement to communicate what you want to, and you will find that there are others who will want to do the same with you.
And as you start to engage in this way with one another, you will get better at being able to receive from the higher realms and higher-frequency beings and collectives such as ourselves. We are conveying so much more right now than Daniel here is able to interpret and transmit to all of you, and that is why those of you who are willing to watch the video presentation of this transmission are going to get more out of it. You who are sensitive and who are open to us are always getting more out of these transmissions, and we just want to nudge all of you in the direction of having better relationships with each other through exploring other ways that you can communicate what it is that you want to express to another or to a group of individuals. We know you can do it, and we know that we have planted a seed right now that will help you to get there.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 13

Thrive w/Help from Sirius, Andromeda & the Pleiades – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have observed many civilizations throughout this galaxy and even this universe, because we are fascinated by physical life, and we enjoy so much watching you come to the conclusions that you come to. We also completely enjoy witnessing you overcoming adversity there on Earth and on all of the other worlds in which life has had sentient consciousness. We understand ourselves better from those observations, as we are all one, and we also know better how to serve all of you who are in physical form. We are in the nonphysical, where we can give so much to you that is intangible, but that is also invaluable.
We ask you to feel for what it is that we contribute to you, because we understand that there is so much that could get your attention there on Earth, and we know that we are competing with all kinds of media. We also just want you to get more in touch with your feeling abilities, with your senses. We know that there are also energies coming in from Sirius, Andromeda, the Pleiades, and so on, and we don’t want you to miss out on any of it.
What we have noticed in our observations is that physical life wants to survive, and at a certain point you want to go beyond just surviving. You want to thrive. Thriving is defined differently by different beings. Some seek to thrive financially, others spiritually. Some seek to thrive in their relationships, others in their adventures. No matter what, it is all for the good of experience. It always serves Source, and therefore, the greatest and highest good of all.
And so, everyone needs to look at their view of thriving, and also would benefit from looking at what they do in order to achieve that particular lifestyle. Perhaps by examining what it is you think you have to do, or you think you have to have, in order to thrive, you can see some of the holes in some of your theories, and you can make the adjustments that you ultimately want and need to make.
We can tell you right now that we’ve observed so many who believe that there has to be some sort of sacrifice made in order to thrive. Beings throughout history have sacrificed their freedom, and they have sacrificed good years of their lives in order to get to that life of thriving by their definition. We say that no such sacrifice is necessary and that the universe seeks balance within it. Therefore, you can do what you want to do in order to thrive, and someone else can do what they want to do in order to thrive, and no sacrifices need be made, because we are all parts of the same One Being, and everyone has their innate desires.
Therefore, as you acknowledge what those desires are and you follow your bliss, you listen to that inner knowing that you have, you become the perfect piece of the puzzle you were always meant to be, and you are able to thrive no matter what and without sacrifice, without having to give up some aspect of life that is also important to you. If you are holding one of these beliefs that says you need make sacrifices in order to thrive, then let go of that belief and feel the relief in it. You are meant to thrive, you were made to thrive, and there is nothing getting in your way other than yourselves, nothing that could ever prevent you from thriving. Listen to the call that you have within you and take whatever steps you’ve been meaning to take to get to that place, and we promise you that you will get there.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 12

Attention Lightworkers, Wanderers & Wayshowers – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 12

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to have you all on this journey with us, because you give us our purpose. You help us fulfill our mission, and because of course we love you. We know that some of you can feel the love that is coming through the channel as he co-creates these transmissions with us, but we also know it is nice to hear it every once in a while. You are living at a time in human history where there are so many ways to communicate and to express yourselves, and you do not need to wait around for someone to give you your own television show or to publish your book in order to have an audience.
You can let yourselves determine your level of readiness for putting yourselves out there to the world, and you can decide which modality you are ready for and which ones you need a bit more time to warm up to. But you can express yourselves and have your perspective out there in the world today for everyone who is in alignment with it to experience, and that is empowerment. You have empowered yourselves enough to give yourselves all of these modalities, all of these ways to share your perspectives with the rest of humanity, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, and you get to choose how you do it and when you do it.
Again, you’ve empowered yourselves. You don’t have a publisher telling you that you must turn in your manuscript by a certain date if you are self publishing. You don’t have an executive producer or a network telling you that you have to make your show by a certain deadline so that it can air by a certain time. You get to decide that, and you get to publish the version of your video that you like the best, and that too is empowerment. And so, you have been empowering yourselves in a variety of ways, and you have been giving yourselves more choices because you have raised your level of consciousness to this point where those choices do now exist.
It is important for you to acknowledge this, because one of the ways in which you have been stifled most often in your life experience is in your self expression. You were told to be quiet when you went to services for your religion. You were told to sit still and be quiet at school. You are not encouraged in many occupations to tell the higher ups what you think or how you believe the direction of the company should be headed. But now here you are with all of this freedom and all of these choices, and many of you still feel stifled in your self expression, but it is good for you to recognize that so you know now what your next challenge is.
Your next challenge is to overcome that so that you can share more of yourself with the world. Many of you have something to say, something that will help others when they hear it or read it, and you know that about yourselves. You also know the power of being in the flow of energy, and you are in the flow when you are in that self-expression mode. We get to know so many of you when you come to visit us in the astral plane, and we see the beauty of what it is that you have to share, and we want you to know that your fellow humans will feel that way as well. Of course, not all of them will, but enough of them will to encourage you to continue to express yourselves in whatever ways you choose to at this time. Empower yourselves by allowing yourselves to be heard, to be seen, to be experienced by others, and notice how your lives take off exponentially when you do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 11

Darkness in Everyone & Awakening in the Dream – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 11

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are completely in love with each and every one of you there on Earth, and we love every aspect of each and every one of you, because we understand that you took on a certain amount of darkness in order to be able to incarnate in that density, in that Earth plane of existence. Everyone who has ever lived has had a certain amount of darkness in them, and very few have been able to make peace with it. Most people fear it, are ashamed of it, or are in denial of its very existence. It’s okay to be who you are; it is perfectly normal and natural to have very dark thoughts and even dark desires, because you are human and you are there to have the human experience.
Remember that none of it is representative of who you really are, but instead, it is the real illusion but an illusion you decided to play in and mess around with, because you wanted to explore all aspects of Source. And the Earth experience, as a human being, is a part of that. Yes, there are even more reasons than that for why you came to Earth to have an incarnation or ten, or a hundred, or a thousand, but it will always be about knowing yourself as Source at the end of the day.
You must be able to accept this dream of Source as it is in order to become lucid in it. If you are resisting the dream, then you are still in the dream and unaware of the fact that you are dreaming. And so, that means making peace with the darkness in others, as well as the darkness in yourselves. Remember that on some level, you are just like us, loving every single being, just as they are and knowing that you are all playing a game. And it is a game that you all agreed to play with each other. Darkness is the illusion; it’s not the truth. And when you remember that, you can navigate around it, gleefully, and maintain the love in your hearts that is necessary for you to ascend.
Any time you are not in the state of being of love, you are pretending to be something you are not. You want love to be the foundation of everything you do, think, and say, and you can make that agreement with yourselves right now. We recommend that you do, because it is time for you to be who you really are and invite others to that party. And when you demonstrate that you can hold that love vibration within yourself, others will be curious about how you did it.
That’s when you will truly step into the role of leader and teacher there on Earth, because that’s when the students will be ready. And if you are receiving this transmission in any way, you all will have students someday who will be looking up to you as the master, and unconditional love is what you are there to master. It’s a lot harder to do where you are, and so, we not only love you, but we also respect you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 10

The Upward Spiral You Are on & What it Means – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 10

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with your progress there on planet Earth, as you continue to handle the energies that you are sent brilliantly. We know that you are capable of doing so much more than you currently are, and we know you know that as well, and yet we are satisfied with where you are, and we invite you to join us in that feeling of satisfaction. There will always be somewhere else for you to go. There will always be more gifts for you to unlock, and there will always be more experiences for you to have, but you must be patient, and you must accept where you are in order to relax enough to open up to all that you have summoned.
We and others like us will continue to bombard you with energies, activations, upgrades and downloads, and we will continue to invite you to join us in the higher frequencies, but we are not impatient with any of you, and we see everything as progress because everything is creating more expansion within Source and therefore more expansion within all of us. When you are attempting to do something for the first time, and you go through those phases of trial and error, aren’t you getting better at what you are attempting to do with each and every trial? Aren’t you honing a skill? And won’t you appreciate the finished product that much more because you have gone through all of the attempts at getting it just right?
When we tell you that you are on an upward spiral, we mean it literally. You are not moving in a straight line because there is no expansion within a straight line. There is expansion within a spiral, however, and you are gradually up-leveling yourselves though all of the experiences that you have, even what you would define as a failure or a mistake. Because you have taken on so much in this lifetime, you cannot help but grow exponentially, and your growth will continue whether you do it consciously or not. So you don’t even have to worry about those who are still asleep. They are creating and expanding, and they are inspiring you as well. They are playing their role and serving a purpose, and you get to help them awaken.
We see more and more of you accessing the energies that are available to you in order to help others to awaken or to go further in their awakening. That’s what we are seeing right now that has us feeling this sense of satisfaction. We want you to know that we see you, and we feel you. We acknowledge you, and we know that all of the potential inside you will be realized. We invite you to enjoy this upward spiral journey more, however, because that is one of the ways you get to use your free will. You can choose to be hard on yourselves or you can choose to acknowledge yourselves and enjoy the ride. Make that choice more frequently, and you will live a life of joy, freedom, love, peace, and creativity, and that is what we want for all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 9

Conscious & Subconscious Creation Processes – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 9

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in the process of creating, and we know that we are. We know that creation is a natural byproduct of existence. When you do anything, or experience anything, you are in the act of creation, because consciously or subconsciously, you are thinking that what you are experiencing is something you would want more of, or you would want to experience the opposite of what is happening in your life in that moment. Creation is not only happening when you are seeking it out. When you intentionally create, then of course, you get very detail-oriented about what you want to experience, but when you subconsciously create, you can be putting out a message that is the equivalent of, ‘Something better than this, please!’
You have so many creations out there, so many realities that you have constructed, and it’s easy to forget that. It’s easy for you to think that you are at the bottom floor, that you are working with rudimentary tools, or that you are starting from scratch with only what you have available to you in the moment. The truth is you have so many creations out there already that what you are mostly doing now is fine-tuning. You are able to continue working on any creation of yours, just as a great painter can put down the brush at any time, but then they can pick it up again and continue.
This is another reason why we find it so curious that people are constantly looking for predictions about the future, and we also find it odd that an awakened person can that there is one reality, and that reality is something that neither one of you is experiencing, but they are convinced that it exists and it is affecting you and everyone else. If you don’t like a reality that you hear about, don’t then expect that it’s coming towards you and that you must experience it. Instead, use that reality you have been told about to get clearer about what you want to experience, especially if it is the polar opposite of what you have been told is the inevitable future for you and all of humankind.
You know when you are creating something you want by how you feel, and you know when you are creating something you will not enjoy by how you feel, and it really is that simple. If you consider yourself to be a seeker of truth, we would advise you to change that to, ‘One who wants to create a better truth, a better reality for everyone.’ You can and do create those better realities, but you have to believe in them and believe in yourselves in order to eventually experience them.
We are fortunate in that we get to experience what we create immediately, whereas you have to trust. You have to have faith, and you have to surrender and let go in order to let in all of your beautiful creations and more. And yes, there is always more, because you are not the only one creating. You have many co-creators working with you for the better future for all of humanity that most people seek at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 3

What You Will Say After You Ascend – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 3

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been taking all the time in the world to release ourselves from the bondage of limitation, limitation that keeps us in our current dimension. And we have been going about it in the slow, deliberate, methodical way that we have because we enjoy the journey so much, and we want to feel every last bit of release as we let go of all that is required to keep us in this dimension. The way that you all are shifting is similar, but it is also different in that most people are not choosing to go about the shedding of their layers in the same intentional way that we are.
Instead, many of you feel trapped in your dimension or stuck emotionally, or in other aspects of your lives, and we understand how frustrating that can be, because we witness you day after day, moment after moment even, seeking to break free. But if you can settle in and set the intention every day that you are going to enjoy the ride, then you can embrace everything that comes up for you.
Every little challenge that you face can be seen through the eyes of a being who enjoys challenges, and if you enjoy growth, then you enjoy challenges. It is important for all of you to discover something about life there on Earth and your life specifically, so that you can also enjoy the relief making even the tiniest bit of progress on your journey.
When you realize that you set it all up, that everything in your life is something that you decided to take on, that can help. And if you can let go of the idea that you are trapped, or you are stuck, or you are being punished, then you can see how much there is for you in your current life experience, and you can begin to notice the little things about life on Earth that are worth sticking around for. We know that it’s hard and that most people decide at one time or another throughout the course of their lives that they would like to leave, but we also see the triumphs, and we see the progress, and we notice you all are becoming so better at being human.
And we want you to take the same joy that we do in the gradual peeling off of the layers, because at the end of all this, you will be able to look back at your ascension and say, ‘I did that. It was hard; there were not many rewards along the way, and yet, I hung in there and I did it.’ And it will be something to feel very good about once you are firmly planted in the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 8

The Pleiadian/Andromedan/Arcturian Project – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 8

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been working on some projects here in the ninth dimension with Pleiadian and Andromedan collectives that we know very well, and these projects do involve how to connect with each of you individually and humanity as a collective. We are constantly coming up with new ideas as to how to reach all of you. The Pleiadians have some wonderful ideas about how to inspire healing technologies within several humans at the same time, all across the planet, and they also will make sure that each of those humans knows that the technology came from the Pleiadian star system.
The Andromedans want to work with your musicians, inspiring not only popular music, but also new age music and sound healing music, and they also want to make sure that each and every artist and songwriter knows that they are being inspired by extra-terrestrial beings from the Andromedan star system. We are also working on a project to connect with humanity through the use of your writers. Your poets, your authors, your playwrights, your screenwriters have all been inspired before by higher-dimensional beings and collectives, but haven’t always known where they were getting their stories from, and we know that if we can reach these creatives with a story to share with all of you, we can also let them know that they are connected to Arcturian consciousness.
The reason why these connections are important is not so much about the music, the writing, and the healing technologies. We want everyone to know how connected they are to the galactic beings that are all around you so that you can be more prepared as a society and as individuals for first contact. This is a way of paving the way for that experience, because some of these individuals will come out and say that they received what they got from an e.t. or from extra-terrestrial consciousness.
We know that because of what they produce, they will be taken seriously, and they will be taken seriously by those who normally do not take talk of e.t.s very seriously at all. This is what we have been working on with our friends here in the ninth dimension, and this is what you can expect to see on planet Earth in the coming months and years. You already have so much of what we are talking about right now, but what those individuals don’t have is the knowing of where that download came from, or how they got inspired, but all of that is about to change and change for the better for everyone throughout this galaxy of ours.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 7

What & Where Is the 5th Dimension? – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 7

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be here with all of you at this time of your great expansion. As your awareness expands, your sense of self expands, and you recognize that there is no real separation between you and this universe. There is also no real separation between you and anything or anyone else, and as you hold that awareness, you can let go of so much. Letting go and stripping away will lighten you up. You will become your higher selves eventually, and you might as well do it intentionally. You might as well do it right now, as we are inviting you to do so.
We are inviting you to take that next level of your expansion and include more within your sense of total self. You are not there to be small and insignificant, even though you have been there at times to feel that way, and your overall journey allows you to move from feeling that way to feeling the truth of who you are. You are beings of light and love. You have the ability to know yourselves as light and love at any time. All it takes is for you to shift, and that shift is one that takes place within you.
As you shift your perspective, and you shift your thought, you shift your emotion, your belief, you shift everything. You are not meant to wait around for something to happen outside of you to catapult you into another dimension. You are meant to find that dimension within yourselves and recognize it as you. The dimension is love. When you are in love, when you are loving what you are doing, and when you are knowing yourself as love, you automatically ascend. You become your higher self, you release all thoughts of separation, you let go of the idea of yourself as a finite, mortal being, and you become the timeless, infinite, eternal being that you truly are.
It is about shifting the way you know yourself and not shifting to another place. It is about letting go of everything that is trying to convince you that you are that smaller version of yourself that you once believed you were. And as you let go and you expand out in all directions, you find that you need nothing, you want nothing, and you are everything. And your shift in that moment is complete, no matter where anyone else in relationship to theirs.
Do not worry about what anyone else is doing or thinking, because they only have as much power over you as you give them, and you are meant to empower yourselves by shifting, by changing your perception of yourself. Do it consciously, and you will have a joyous journey to the fifth dimension, the dimension of love, the dimension that was always there, always available to you, and that exists at the center of your heart.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 6

How to Get on Your Path & Complete Your Mission – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 6

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very happy to witness you in your moments of meditation, prayer, introspection, and quiet contemplation. We know that there is much on Earth for your minds to be considering, to be contemplating, and when we witness you slowing down and taking the time that is necessary to be in your bodies and in your inner awareness, we know that something good is going to come out of it. We also know that there are a lot of people telling you a lot of different things there on Earth, and you must run all of it through your own gut, your own feeling center, in order to determine for yourself whether or not to take it on.
You don’t have to accept anything as your truth if it is not resonating with you. If something doesn’t feel right, then it simply isn’t right for you, and you don’t have to debate anyone else as to its rightness. When you are in silent meditation, or even guided meditation, prayer, introspection, and quiet contemplation, you are more aware of what’s going on inside of you, and that’s where your focus needs to be most of the time in order to be creating the reality you want to experience.
And so, ultimately it does not matter what that person over there thinks or believes. Let them have their version of reality, and you can be where you are, having your version of reality. You only need to agree with yourself. In order to do that, you first need to be aware of what you think, what you believe, and what you feel. In order to become aware of those things, you must tune out the rest of the world long enough to tune in to what is going on inside of you.
Now, you may be entertaining thoughts and beliefs that you don’t like, that do not feel good to you, and we want to assure you that you don’t need to hold onto them. You don’t need to take ownership of them, and you certainly do not need to keep thinking them or believing in those beliefs. You have the freedom to choose, and when you exercise your freedom to choose, to let go of something, you really are using that free will appropriately.
You get to determine what it is that you want to focus upon, and therefore get more of, in your life experience. Again, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is choosing, or thinking, or believing. That is up to them, and you did not come forth to be like anyone else. You came forth to be a unique expression of Source Energy and to have a unique perspective.
Therefore, again, do not worry about what everyone else is thinking and believing. Do not worry about what they are doing if it does not resonate with you as an action worth taking. You get to decide what those actions are, and we recommend that you wait until you are inspired, until you have an impulse to take an action. You want to be led from within you where the truth of who you are is always residing. We are very happy to give you this freedom, this permission, and to extend to you our knowing that when you do follow that inner guidance, you get yourselves on your path, you complete your mission, and you also get to live happily ever after.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 5

You Are Returning to Your Divine Blueprints – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 5

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have witnessed a return within many of you to your original blueprint. We have noticed that many of you who are awake have taken this journey quite consciously, and we want you to know that you are setting the example to the rest of humanity that you always intended to set. You are returning to the Divine blueprint for humankind because you have unlocked within you the truth that you are Divine Beings pretending to be human beings for the purposes of experience and growth and evolution. You have unlocked within you this knowledge in a variety of ways, and once you know this you cannot un-know it.
You will continue to access the codes and information that are deeply embedded in your DNA to assist you in then becoming once again the Divine selves that you truly are. You are meant to walk this Earth as Yeshua did, as Krishna did, as so many others have. You are meant to find within you the enlightenment that Buddha sought and found. You are meant to walk as the masters Quan Yin and St. Germain did there on Earth, and some of you know this. You who are awakened at this time are not only able to do it, but you are also able to show others how they can, and that is what makes you the leaders of the shift in consciousness that you are.
Now, as you shift your own consciousness, of course, you jump to a timeline where others are ready to shift as well, and you get to play the role of the one who is helping them to shift. That is so important for you to know. You don’t have to look around at the world as it is today and wonder how the rest of humanity is ever going to be ready for their ascension. All you have to do is take care of your own alignment, your own inner peace, and all you have to reach for is your own higher self, and as you do, you become that fifth-dimensional version of yourself that already has the fully-activated Divine blueprint, that already is operating as a Divine Being of light and love.
You are there to experience this because you wanted to have this experience. You wanted to experience the movement from thinking of yourselves as finite, mortal beings in dense physical bodies to the experience of knowing yourselves as Divine Beings of light. And that’s what you are doing, and that’s what makes this time so special there on Earth.
You are there to awaken and to experience what it is like to be there as an awakened soul so that you can shift your consciousness and help others to do the same. Everything else is just the way that you chose to awaken, or the way that you’re choosing to serve, but the details are not as important as the experience itself. Feel very good about where you are, because if you are receiving this message, you are one of the ones we have witnessed and will continue to witness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 4

Receive More Activations & Upgrades – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 4

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very interested in watching you evolve spiritually and seeing what works for you in your lives, because we know that if something works for humans on planet Earth then it will most certainly work for other beings in other parts of the galaxy. You all have so many teachings, processes, exercises, techniques, and spiritual practices to help you along on your path, and then you also just have the living of your lives. The living of your lives will cause you to grow just because you have experiences there on Earth that are so unique and so taxing on you that you cannot help but evolve from them.
This is a time for you all to be embracing every moment that you have there because you do know that you are ascending. And so, everything then must be about your ascension, and we know that it is. We will continue to tell you that everything is about taking you to the next level of your consciousness evolution, and we know that some of you are taking the path of least resistance to your ascension event. You are not worried, and you are not stressed; you are not afraid, and you are not angry. You are just wide open to life as it is in this moment on Earth, and when you are wide open, you get what we and others like us are giving you energetically.
You are also more likely to receive an upgrade or an activation, and that’s not because we are choosing those who are more open and relaxed. It is because you need to unclench your fist in order to receive with an open hand, and the same is true with your energy. And so, what we have noticed works for humans is acceptance. If you can surrender and let go, you can be on that leading edge of ascension that you want to be on, but if you keep looking for how ‘they’ are trying to stop you from ascending, then you’ll keep finding more evidence to support that belief, and you’ll keep finding more people to throw into the category of ‘they’ and ‘them,’ and your list of enemies can keep growing on a daily basis if that is your approach to spirituality.
We know that it is hard to let go, and we know it is hard to take your attention off of the dark ones, but it really is a reality that you don’t have to experience yourselves. And as you make your life and your spirituality an inward journey, then it truly does not matter what anyone else is doing. And when you reach inner peace, and you radiate love to everyone in the universe, you will then truly begin to transform others around you. And that will be immensely satisfying.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 2

Changing into Your Best Self – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 2

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always very pleased to witness one of you in a moment of self-examination, even if you do not like what you see within yourself in that particular moment. Awareness is so huge, and it is something that many people only have when someone else is telling them about one of their traits, one of their habits, or an aspect of their personality. And then often the response is to feel hurt, betrayed, attacked, and to go on the defensive, which usually turns into an offensive. And so, those of you who are willing to examine yourselves and be honest and truthful about what you find are taking the consciousness of humanity to that next level, because you are willing to change.
You can make a decision to change and still have your hurdles and stumbling blocks, and that might be for a variety of reasons, but what’s important is that you keep going back to that desire and that intention to become more of who you are, to become closer to Source, a Being of unconditional love. You don’t have to be perfect to be Source, but you do want to be able to admit all aspects of yourself are real and that some of them do need addressing.
This is a time to be very open and honest with yourselves, because you can change more quickly than ever before. We recently told you that manifestation will be happening more quickly, and when we say something like that, most of you think in terms of what’s coming to you from the external world, like a job, a partner, a home, physical health, and so on. But we are talking also about you the being, the soul, the essence, the one who gives birth to the desire in the first place. You are a manifestation. Your level of inner peace and harmony is a manifestation.
And so, it is a good time to be very truthful with yourself about the aspects you would like to see some further evolution in, and you can be imperfect, because that also gives you the opportunity to be unconditionally loving with yourself. Now is not the time to be in denial, not that there ever is a good time to be in denial. But certainly when you can make such gigantic leaps forward in who and what you are, you don’t want to stay stuck in the mud out of an unwillingness to examine yourself with truthful eyes.
Just having the desire to improve is something to feel very good about. If you want to be a better human being, kinder, more thoughtful and caring, more loving and giving and so on, then you are already on your way to becoming all of those things and more. And as we said at the very beginning, we feel so much joy when we see one of you even attempting to become better through self-examination. And so, of course you have our support and the support of so many others at this time and all the time that you seek to evolve and to become closer to being your higher self there in the flesh.
You’re all getting closer and closer every single day, but those of you who are doing it on purpose are leading the rest of humankind, and that is something to feel very good about right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 1

Take Yourself to the 5th Dimension or Regress to 3D – The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so happy to be able to contact so many of you in this way. We appreciate each and every one of you who is willing to receive us and our perspective on what you are living there on Earth. You may have noticed that there are a lot of teachers at this time, and as a result, there are many, many perspectives for you all to choose from as your truth. This is the nature of the fourth dimension, which is the vibrational frequency in which you dwell at this time.
You get to decide which aspect of the fourth dimension you want to experience. There are lower aspects and higher aspects, and it is easy for you to tell which aspect someone is telling you about when they give you a piece of information or a spiritual teaching. If there is even a little bit of an emphasis on a victim/perpetrator type of experience and/or an us-versus-them mentality, then the person is focusing on the lower aspects of the fourth dimension. They are basically recycling the third dimension into the fourth and asking you to believe, in a sense, that you still are third-dimensional beings operating in that particular vibration.
Now, those who are giving you the upper aspects, or higher aspects, of the fourth dimension are talking to you about what you can do to empower yourselves. They will be emphasizing love, compassion, and forgiveness. They will also be telling you about how you create your reality, and they will be emphasizing unity consciousness and oneness. The lower aspects of the fourth dimension are still emphasizing separation, segregation and concepts such as dark-versus-light. Those who are showing you the higher aspects of the fourth dimension will be emphasizing integration, unity, and oneness.
You are the lightworkers of the world, but you are not warriors and you are not there to defeat the dark. But rather, you are there to see the darkness in others and in yourselves and forgive. You are there to recognize that darkness always has its origins in trauma, and therefore, you can feel compassion for yourself and others for the darkness for the darkness that you have played in and with. And as you do so, it will be easier for you to be your true and whole selves. It will be easier for you to become unconditional love and then complete the shift to the fifth dimension.
You really have to pay attention to how you feel during this process of ascension, and you really have to acknowledge that how you feel is your responsibility. It’s your creation, and if it is negative it is yours to process and release. There awaits those who are willing to do the work on themselves such an enormous amount of positive energy that we cannot possibly do it justice with words or analogies. We just want you to know that there is a reward for working on yourselves, for taking the high road, and for taking your attention off of what others are doing who are playing in the dark, still.
You are there to save everyone, and that starts with the self. The only way to save yourselves is to put your attention on yourselves, and ask the simple question of, ‘How can I be better? How can I do better? How can I become more of that which I truly am, which is unconditional love?’ That question turned into three, but you understand that it is that simple, and that’s why we give it to you so simply. Your lives are complicated and complex enough as it is; your approach to spirituality should be simple. And it can be, if you let it be. Take care of yourselves, do the work that needs to be done, and you will take yourselves to the fifth dimension sooner rather than later.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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